tv Cavuto FOX Business July 9, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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. >> nobody is looking out for the working class of americans, including good, hard working, wonderful legal immigrants. impeachment is a message that we're not going to put up with the lawlessness. neil: four decades ago this summer, richard nixon left the white house a little earlier than planned. why is sarah palin giving voice to a growing movement suggesting barack obama do the same? welcome, everybody, glad to have you, i'm neil cavuto. i don't know if it's just the heat or the summer or the meltdown at mexican border,
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leave it to sarah palin to say it and others to quickly pounce on it. republicans to follow it. three words, impeach barack obama. she's had it. and in her strongest language yet she's letting americans know it. before you dismiss her reasons, understand her reasoning. you don't have to buy it. i don't buy it and don't think most republicans buy it. but while they're not open to impeaching him, a good many republicans are open to suing him. i'm no lawyer, either way it's a mess, but that got me and michele bachmann going at each other. she thinks after all the executive orders and appointments it is finally time. i think gamesmanship wastes time. i said to her as i say to governor palin, i understand the rage. i understand the frustration, just put it to better use, because you're not the only ones exasperated. democrats are, too.
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i remember the president has his own katrina moment by appearing oblivious to a battle at the border. remember all the democratic candidates urging the president to fix a health care law flat lining re-election chances as we speak. and all of those who don't want him within a time zone of frantic re-election campaigns, they're nervous about busloads of illegals that go nowhere. they're nervous about a veteran's agency that is killing our veterans! an irs that is losing e-mails. and epa that is making its own rules. unchecked, unbalanced, no wonder so many want, in go ahead and call the ideas crazy, maybe sarah palin crazy. go ahead and dismiss her doom and gloom, that later proves, you know that they're not too far off the mark. i'm not for legal side shows but understand the political
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shows, well, that trigger them. a president who ignores crises at his own perland the country's peril. we don't have time for the nonsense, but nonsense we have, and a chain reaction of events we can't control. 41 years ago this summer, the notion of impeaching richard nixon still seemed absurd. 40 years ago this day, we were only a month away from it becoming reality. that's the thing about untapped brakes, left unaddressed it rages all the more, oddly around a president who shows no drama but sure seems to be creating plenty of it himself. there is too much else we should be doing, maybe demand special prosecutors, demand action on your own immigration plan, but here's what i'm saying. don't legalese, leap. if have you anything nasty to say, hashtag o'reilly, hashtag
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o'reilly. anyway. but first i want you to hear someone from whom i've had great respect for decades, tour de force now, i want you to hear pat buchanan, historian, richard nixon confidant, richard nixon aide. accepting the blemishes them all, richard nixon expert. you see pat knew him well, advised him closely and said republicans are wasting time making history repeat itself. pat says all this impeachment talk, this is the point and robs republicans are making far more valuable points. what's more, pat says instead of looking back to the end of nixon's presidency, republicans would be wise to remember how that presidency began, against all odds. and even against all reason. pat spells it out brilliantly in the greatest comeback, how richard nixon rose from defeat to create the new majority. so pat, great book, i want to get into it. >> thank you very much.
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neil: i don't want to talk about the resignation as much as i want to talk about republicans wanting to revisit it on on this president, and forcing impeachment. what do you think? >> mistake. for this reason. i agree with the passion, energy and fire of sarah palin. what you listed all the things obama has done or failed to do, down that border, that's a dereliction of duty. look at the va scandal how it's mishandled. benghazi he was out of the loop. not only the republicans and the conservatives, but now many of the mainstream media, democrats are saying, look, the guy is either incompetent, not on top of the job, something is wrong with him. we've got an election in four months, and i think, neil, the idea of going down the impeachment road, is to go down a rabbit hole to take us away from the main game, win the election, win the united states senate and have all the other arguments. we've got a winning hand now. neil: are you saying if they
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take the senate, go ahead with all that. >> no! win the senate, and like you're sitting there with a full house, and you don't want to throw away a couple of cards. win the pot in november. neil: i almost feel, pat, that the de sucking them in, in disguise. >> some of my old friends on msnbc, they're going to impeach him, get together and fight and save him. neil: you had friends there? >> a lot of friends there. they are talking, and you don't want to energize obama's base, the president's base. neil: i don't agree with the approach, i think it's theatrical, it wastes time. i can well understand the frustration of the executive orders. i think this president's overstepped the bounds. be that as it may, i think it wastes valuable time. how can they press their case if they can't even get the senate to take their case. >> you mean the impeachment folks? neil: no, the republicans that
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feel they're going nowhere because the president looks right past them. >> they failed to do, it obamacare would not be the laugh the land if the congress of the united states, the house, had not voted to fund obamacare. they tried, they walked up the hill and got beat and failed and backed down, and they quit. neil: they were outnumbered. >> you don't think they're going to be outnumbered? neil: you think it's a waste of time. let's go back to -- rather than focus on what happens four decades ago, you think they should go back in time further to maybe 44, 45 years ago, the making of the greatest comeback in political history that we lose sight of. >> lose sight of, and we lost two straight elections in 60 and 64, wiped out in 64. nixon himself got beaten in 60. beat in 62. neil: he was not a lovable warm and fuzzy character. >> you're not going to have nixon to kick around, this is my last press conference.
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comes to and practices law. neil: did he tell you after the 62 that he was plotting his comeback, when did it click after the goldwater debacle? >> it clicked with me and i'm sure it clicked with him. in 1965, december, i introduced myself to him at a cocktail party. neil: what were you, 11? >> 11-year-old editorial writer. i went up to him and said if you run in 1968, sir, i'd like to get aboard early. he questioned don hessi, the cartoonist and said this is 1965. he was thinking of it then, let me tell you, the nomination of 68 isn't going to be worth a hoot unless we win big in '66. neil: all the big guns, he was not among the big guns considered. mitt romney from michigan. he was in there, ronald reagan was in there. nelson rockefeller, nixon was
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not in the initial tier. >> no, romney was running 8 points ahead of johnson. neil: how did nixon do it. >> i said sir you're taking a moratorium for six months on politics. romney is ahead of us. johnson. pat, let him chew on him for a little while. what he meant is the press corps would be working over nixon. let them go after the front-runner and he pulls back, and then when romney falls and crashes, he goes into new hampshire and had the goldwater people he lined up behind him and we lined up behind him and the nixon people, no way a left wing republican. neil: you think he got lucky. luck comes to those who work at it? >> if it hadn't been for the disaster in 1968, the tet offensive, bobby kennedy getting in, robert kennedy shot. neil: you argue had he not been killed he would not have gotten the democratic vote.
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>> humphrey would have gotten the nomination. neil: humphrey was way ahead in delegates. >> i don't think kennedy could have beaten richard nixon. he was too far to the left. neil: you honed in on the book, i'm not blowing you smoke, nixon got the great silent majority, attach that to spiro agnew, i attach it to you, the idea we hear all the commotion on tv, but we forget the people sitting watching the tv, and they're the ones befuddled by all this. >> that phrase came in 1969 after the mass demonstrations, 500,000. buses surrounding the white house. they're going to break your presidency like johnson's and you got to go on national television and he did and used a phrase that had come out of one of my speeches. but he went on national television and said, look, i've got demonstrators, i want peace for vietnam. don't let the north vietnamese beat us in the streets. stand with me.
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63% of the country was pro-nixon. neil: he was winning primaries and all of that, he was winning by big, big margins. >> we drove romney out of race. he was not only winning by huge margins, breaking previous records for turnout. neil: he was the first coalition guy. we credit reagan. >> put together goldwater, nixon. neil: who's that guy today, pat, among republicans? >> you know, there is no one that's got nixon. nixon was a legendary figure when i went to work for him. 20 years he was known to the world. neil: didn't he have you chasing around looking for a pen cap? and kicked another guy off the plane. >> i said throw him off the plane, i said i don't know what wild animals are going to get that. neil: he was eccentric. >> explosive, when he was, he made a number of recommendations which we
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shouldn't have followed. brace harlow said he did exactly what nixon told him to do. [ laughter ] >> no doubt he was explosive. neil: every president is. >> lyndon johnson and jack kennedy, but what a decade it was. neil: it's really brought out. i had not thought about the way you did that. we look at the end of the nixon presidency, republicans could learn a lot. how to coalesce the beginning of it. the oddest of comebacks. i'll leave with you this, my producer is going crazy. could mitt romney do a hat trick, come back again? >> he's the closest to what nixon was, i would be campaigning in every congressional district. neil: he is. >> i don't care whether they are liberals or tea parties, we all got to get together, if we're not united, we cannot win. and getting a united party is only the beginning. neil: greatest comeback, richard nixon rose from defeat.
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. neil: out of money and out of options and to hear a lot of you tell billions of bucks to fix a border we're not fixing. obama, you write out the check from your personal account, not ours. peggy, might as well light a match to the money without securing the border, the problem will never end. and fedup tweets, that's a good name. how many folks go to work every day of their lives to pay for the mindless spending. that would be, all of us! andrea, neil i'm scared, i can't count to a billion and they throw that phrase around as if it's nothing. you're right about that. this guy can count and just a scare, he joins our all-stars. even if we had the 3.7 billion
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the president is committing to, this it's not going to the thing also thissed think he would commit. a permanent guardsmen at the border, might be temporary, they might be spread out. they might come and go, much of this is for processing, the busloads of people who materialize. i don't know. what do you think? >> if you're going to spend money in the government program should be good enough that it solves the problem. this doesn't solve a problem, and someone else in your twitter feed there said it best. making decisions with other people's money, those are the three most dangerous words in economics. other people's money means bad decisions. that's what we see. neil: noel, a republican rallying cry, they've had a tough time puncturing through with the message. and the americans say when you are in charge, you pull stunts like, this you say what? >> you know, as far as the bill he has proposed. obama does everything on crisis, everything is at crisis point to where there's no time
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to look through and decipher. neil: he did kind of create this crisis. >> how did they derive at figures? these figures are massive. there's large figures. how do they do this? how do they whip up this. they can't even do a budget. neil: 3.7. >> the numbers are flying. >> when history repeats it gets more costly. there's mow plan. there's no accountability for the money going in there. and we have people in detroit, tens of thousands of people water is shut off in detroit. and so why do we have 64 million for judges, for 40 judges and legal teams. 5 million going to commercials in latin america from the state department? the problem is, when you toss money like this, it builds an infrastructure cemented in place and the states are fighting over the infrastructure like they do over military installations or medicare. neil: that's a great point. >> it's hard to dial it back.
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neil: michelle, to doug's point, he raised a lot over the years, it's like the government does it on our money. my credit card is more than maxed out but i'm treating everyone at the table, all the drinks and appetizers you want. i'm going to sound generous and magnanimous and we're all washing dishes in the end? . >> we don't know where this is coming from, like liz said, there is no accountability, and it's tons of money and not just that. there is $600 million going to fight wildfires in the west. typical washington fashion, they stick something in there unrelated to the border crisis, and it's just spending our money that we don't have right now. neil: you know it's framed, doug, if you are against it, you are against solving the crisis. the president puts republicans in the corner, if you are against raising the gas tax, you are against fixing the
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roads and bridges. how do republicans play that and how do you, a good number cruncher, answer that? >> there are three important points here. all politicians hate taxes, when you spend money, what do you end up with? debt and taxes. focus on the real problem, the second thing we absolutely need to do is make sure when we spend money we offset other money, one of the things that will happen here, declare this emergency and cut the spending. they declared the u.s. census unanticipated emergency. we need to get serious about putting caps on the total amount the federal government can spend. then they'd make the trade-offs that you and i have to make. neil: final word. president walks into a bar, and this happens -- asking the most powerful man in
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personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? . >> all the marijuanaromney supp flock from mitt romney to me. neil: both sides will burn you alive. >> i got to get off the marijuana thing. >> yeah, you do. >> legalize marijuana. >> when you talk about legalizing marijuana. neil: i want you to get off of pot. you think everyone should be smoking pot, right? people are aequating with you pot, i don't think that's good for you. >> whoa! >> he's back. that's horrible, isn't it.
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former libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson, i don't know if he did that with or without pot, he is the president of cannabis, is that how you pronounce it, right, governor? >> cannabis setiva incorporated. neil: what is it? explain. >> i took the position because it's a chance to change the world for a better. let's start on the medical side of this. the cbd oil is shown to stop the symptoms of epilepsy among kids. have you kids and families packing up and moving to colorado because they can get this cbd oil which is derived from the cannabis plant, does not contain thc, and neil, it contains microscopic quantities of thc, in the states they're
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moving to colorado, from it's actually still a class one narcotic because that's what the federal government labels it because of the microscopic trace. neil: people like governor crist in new jersey say it's illegal to use the drug, you don't think it's paraphrasing there? >> my own experience, i have espoused legalizing marijuana since 1999. neil: yes, you have. >> when the whole medical marijuana thing came on the scene, i thought it was a ruse for people to smoke marijuana, let's stop criminalizing an activity that so many take part in. what i came to find out, there are some enormous benefits medically from the products, i'm using epilepsy as an example, parkinson's, ms, same kind of results. there needs to be research and development that goes along with the fact that it's
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actually working. neil: by the way, 60% of the people. 60% of the people are with you on, this that's a dramatic shift in opinion over the years. i'm just wondering and you believe passionately about this. if you were to run for president again. i was not blowing you smoke in the republican debates, you comported yourself very, very well and not getting the chance to be on the stage with the other two heard you, because i think the nation was denied a chance to hear you, but having said, that do you think this makes you a one-issue guy, and should you choose to one, have you 1.4 million votes, this would hurt another johnson run, if you were so inclined? >> you know, neil, i'm thinking that maybe people will point at me and go this is a smart guy. this is somebody who can see ahead, and talks about things that really need to be talked about. so maybe as a result of this, maybe people will ask, well, gee, where is johnson on the
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corporate tax rate as opposed to the republicans that wanted it 28% and the democrats that wanted it 31, johnson wants 0 corporate tax, 0 income tax. neil: they'll immediately conclude if you want a 0% rate it's the pot talking andure out of your mind. >> no, no, no, economists without question believe that the best reform we could do of our tax system would be to abolish the irs. neil: i'm with you on that one. are you going to run again? >> yeah -- well, i hope to. i hope to. neil: you get paid a dollar a year at this company, you have an equity stake, you could divorce yourself from it? >> i have an equity stake. as part of this, it's part of what i'm doing moving forward, and i hope to be able to do that. what i think i bring to the pot debate also is there are a myriad of issues going forward. the notion that this stuff
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really does work, i think it makes the world a better place. i've always maintained that smoking -- and we don't sell smoke marijuana, neil. you suck on it. neil: i don't need the details. does give you the munchies. you are a fit guy, governor, that's the last thing you want to do. that's okay. governor, it is so good seeing you. seriously, you're the real deal and consistent on this and a lot of other things. best of luck with it. >> neil, wonderful to be on, as always. thank you. neil: governor johnson. all right, some nasty agencies that make your life hell on earth. okay, you got irs, check. and nsa, check, tsa agent, any agent, check. epa, ep -- what? our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share.
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his own private property? wyoming republican senator is seeing red over the push for green. senator, it's common place, and i'm told, we're going to talk to a lawyer who's an expert that it is all perfectly legal, is it? >> well, neil, what we've seen now is that the epa, which has done incredible overreach with the issue of their effort to take over water, to take over coal-fired power plants causing the loss of thousands of jobs, now they are trying to go and be able to garnish wages, and i understand even asking your employer to withhold paying you, if you don't do what the epa says. neil: what specifically would trigger someone going to your boss and saying we're going to take money out of his or her check? >> the epa decided on july 2nd, right before the 4th of july weekend to announce their ability to do this, which i believe is not legal. they say it is.
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to say they can decide they're not happy with the way you're handling a ditch in the backyard or a puddle that fills up after a rainstorm. neil: do you have grounds to appeal, anything can you do to counter? the epa is granted new powers over the coal industry and other industries to do whatever it wants. >> you talk about granted. they are taking those and the administration is using heavy-handed tactics, strong arming and bullying people and that came out on july 2nd. we can levy a fine and garnish your wages. it's doing a round around the courts and going directly into your paycheck. i think it's wrong. the epa said they think it's noncontroversial, if they don't hear from anybody by august 1st. it would go into effect. they're going to hear from me, hear from people in wyoming, there have been cases like the one you talked about, the wyoming man and you went to
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county who built a stock pond, the case in idaho which went all the way to the supreme court. neil: dozens and dozens of them. >> many cases of the epa going way beyond the original intent of legislation and taking undue, unfair advantage of the american people. neil: get off my yard, right? senator, thank you very much. back to legal recourse, if there is any. an attorney says it's a clear violation of your fifth amendment rights. where does it go? >> means to the end to the epa. technically look to the statute and say we can garnish wages in nonfederal debt, that's not tax related. problem is here. neil: that's scary, i know the irs could do that stuff and even that's creepy. >> what's frightening about the epa, they can jump in without going to court and saying to administrative process, you're
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in violation. you fight, this while you're doing, that they utilize the statute to take 15% of your wages. all they have to do is send a notice to employer. it's a done deal. the wages are out immediately. neil: do you have defense to say i didn't know i couldn't build a pond on my property. i'm going cease and desist. by that time you are on the firing line. >> the money is out of the pocket, either you fight for principles that you can in fact do what you're doing or concede. neil: that's creepy big brother. >> it's a leverage point, if you have wages taken out, you need that money, what recourse do you have? suddenly what you do is say government, i'll do whatever you want me to do, please stop taking my wages. >> even if they're on shaky grounds, so intimidating, you will fold like a cheap suit. >> another tool to do what it wants. neil: when does the epa get all
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these powers? nsa snooping on us all the time, even tsa agents, whatever they want to feel they apparently go ahead and feel, but this was something, i thought they were strictly limited and spotted out for a while. they moved on. >> they've got a broad range of subjects and deal with them every day. neil: all within the purview. >> by the time you are fighting in the courts, you're broke, it's a pure victory at that point. what the senator said is absolutely correct. this is not a final rule yet. if you fax complaints regarding this particular rule, they will withdraw it and go on a much longer path for approval. you can stop this, if you send a fax to 202-565-2585. you send that fax and you sell the government and you object to this particular rule. if you want, read it. you might want to get information regarding it. you can stop it. neil: i wonder what the call would be like, if you want go around in circles, press 2.
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. neil: hey, all you businesses whining about hiking the minimum wage, just shut up, suck it up and pay up. former fdic chair says you'll actually be better for it. bank on it. really? that's a little tough love. >> well, i think they should at least be thinking about it. all of the profits don't have to go into capital distributions, and there's some long-term benefit. it's been shown with a lot of different companies, historically and currently, if you pay your employees better, they'll be more loyal, they'll produce more, less absenteeism,
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and less turnover, it provides economic benefits. neil: i think you said in writing and elsewhere that we have the sledgehammer approach to it. the gap paying higher minimum wage isn't the same as anthony pizza parlor. >> that's right. neil: should we differentiate? for a lot of the guys hurting, they can't do it? >> as i said in the column, better if they took the lead on this. neil: you made a point of saying walmart should do it. >> yeah, a lot of good analysis showing that walmart could very easily and still pay their shareholders very good dividends, could sigraise their. neil: they thought they would do that, they would krufsh the numbers and they they are right. crunch the numbers and they don't think the margins are
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there to justify. certainly high to the degree that the president wants. you say what? >> they're in charge of their own business, they can listen to me and not listen to me. others have said this, there are a lot of other companies who made this work, setting aside the moral issues, it's more of the economy and the recovery really has it. neil: the $15 push in seattle that they're fighting back on. what is it? >> i support the $10.10, calibrated based on the poverty level. i think that because we desperately need wage growth. there's a macroeconomic problem too. neil: can you force that? >> i think people like me and maybe you can talk about this, and encourage corporations and corporate boards to do the analysis. they have the knee jerk idea, we'd love to pay our top executives the most. that makes them more committed
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to the company, more productive, helps us retain them. the same analysis can fly on the pay scale as well. >> i read this before, a good point. kudos to you on that. i'll disagree on the details about what do you here. elizabeth warren is creating waves and i challenge hillary clinton for the presidential nomination. she's not saying that, her people are hinting and pushing. that what do you think what could be a big theme among democrats, this populist push, this sharp move to the left? >> well, look, i think there's a populist push on both sides, ideologically they go different directions, there is resentment towards very large financial interests and business interests, having unfair advantage and subsidies. neil: fire starter on or anything like that? >> no, i don't. i think elizabeth is the same person she's always been.
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she comes from the midwest. neil: no, i think she's changed. you have been consistent and i admire her as much as i admire you, she has changed. she has turned to the left which. is fine, but i'm saying she's changed. >> she is levelheaded, pragmatic, she goes out and gets things done. neil: her definition of pragmatic is $15 an hour, not $20. that lady got us through a very wicked crisis. gentlemen prefer stocks, why not ladies? charles payne is calling this a gender gap.
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. neil: apparently the sexes are different, a new study shows that rich women think the stock market is too risky. it's just the opposite of men. charles payne is here to disavout women of the notion that the markets are bad, just like he does every night on his hit show here on fox business at 6:00 p.m. charles, first of all, why do you think it is they're afraid. history would more than warrant their trepidation. >> history would warrant anyone's trepidation until you look at history. let's pull up a 100 year chart of the dangerous shark infested thing called the stock market. the dow has done from 44 on to 17,000. neil: i don't have 100 years. >> i deal with a lot of women. a lot of women subscribe to my business. >> slow down sparky. >> from an investment point of
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view. but the thing is i don't find they're more intimidated or afraid of the market. i find they go about it in a different way than men. neil: men are more into the brafato. >> men ignore the warning signs, women are more in tune with it. i don't know if you can call it a paternal thing, they want to understand what the news is. neil: who's better at absorbing the losses, female or male clients? >> the women are more prudent with respect to selling. neil: that's interesting. >> here's how it works. interesting thing is because men can be knuckleheads, sometimes it works out for them. okay x, y, z is 20% but they refuse to sell. neil: don't worry wilma, i got this covered. >> i told you! sort of like when the wife says ask for directions and an hour later you look at her like -- neil: all these roads lead somewhere. >> you didn't have confidence in me? we made it.
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should have been a five-minute trip. neil: what do you tell them? >> i think women are probably best in tune to be great investors, they have a greater pulse what's going on in society. they know what the best products are. they know what's trending. they understand everything about main street reflected in the stock market before wall street does. i help people connect that last dot because ultimately, you are the market. four years ago when women stopped using coach and started buying michael kors guess what stock is like this and that? neil: are these hand bag names. >> hand bag names. i got one for you. they did the taste survey for you, consumer reports. the worst chicken shop was kfc. neil: no? >> the worst. according to consumer reports. the best was chick-fil-a, number two was popeye's. over the last five years someone went to a popeye's and said i love this chicken, and
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told ten family members about it, i guarantee they didn't buy the stock, it's up 5 -- 550%. neil: sometimes it's word of mouth and their own experiences and putting their money where the mouth is. >> connecting the last dot. i got to tell you wall street spent 100 years making us afraid to connect the last dot. neil: charles doesn't have a prompter, he wings it all himself. kind of like me, if you keep moving up here. guys? hello? hello? impeach the president? don't you know, this lady is onto something because now everyone is saying, what's going on? after this.
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and i'm not even doing it hss. anyway, taylor says the only difference is that one longs to a halfway house. they are both nuts and their hatred blinds them. tom, in new hampshire, really? is in new hampshire or new jersey? and you say it's a waste of time trying to take legal action against this president. we seem to have no problem with this president taking liberties against us.
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a double standard? know, but just a realistic one. if you think suing the president is the answer, you better have around. so can we impeach you, send you back to where you came from and thank you between the a's come covert op from which you strong. so i do want to tell you, how about we just take a pass on this president and this shoe heel and always with the corpulent comments. and for the last time, the camera at 75 pounds and for those of you who have met me in person, please go along with the dig. and jennifer and kentucky understands the frustration.
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from mca president who let millions of people invade this country for a better life and we have no right to deny this to them. and bob says that amnesty is not reform but anarchy. and as our border crisis being caused by those in their home country? and why not make them the next stars on the flag? and mingle after the druglords and protect the borders. and if they don't send, forget them. and what about americans who get paid what they are now? happiness prevails for all.
8:59 pm
and we so know that it's very appearance that they live in this city kids bubble. they need to do some real work. and i have an idea, how about putting all of your hours. and another individual says you have an interesting panel and i had to listen to your loudmouth. you appear to be one with a sense of humor, but you're not funny, you are just loud. and you're not nice, just mean.
9:00 pm
and i zone. young people are clueless. no wonder we are going down the tubes. we will see tomorrow. ♪ ♪ no. kennedy: you have always wanted to have your name on such a list. does doesn't usher you behind the velvet ropes? glenn greenwald has posted and those people have been surveilled for various mysterious reasons and all of these big secrets. he is here and going to tell us more about the west and the latest revelations and carrie reed has his own list of men, white man come up either of them who are now the mortal enemies of ovulating women all over the country. and w
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