tv Cavuto FOX Business July 10, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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. neil: good evening, everyone, and welcome, i'm neil cavuto. here's why the president believes it's no big deal not visiting the border. who in the media is going to call him on it? here is what i discovered, this illegal immigration crisis is not even a crisis. it's not inhumane. the way we are treating these tens of thousands of illegals dumped on us is what's inhumane. not illegal, inhumane. for the mainstream media it's not about illegals at all. they won't use the term illegal. more on that in a second. i want you to concentrate how
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they're covering this story. not what they are including, what they are omitting. the way they frame this argument. the way they discuss this issue by never using the word illegal. well, they rid themselves of the nuisance of having to explain all of these thousands of people who are breaking the law, our laws, our country. they're not the problem. we are! republicans are worse, they're not patriots, they're bigots. they're not against illegal immigration, they're against all immigration. it's morphed into that. get ready, what i'm about to show you proves it. these are uneded, undoctored, headlines, samplings of news items on the ongoing illegal immigration mess that never use the word illegal once. not once. the "washington post" june 30th. it's okay that congress won't act on immigration. the l.a. times july 5th. a mounting backlog of immigration courts. business week this week, with
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immigration reform dead on capitol hill president obama will use executive authority to make changes to the law himself. nbc's matt lauer urging voters to share thoughts on twitter, by calling on immigrants by hashtag refugee riders and never to be called illegal. nbc using undocumented. ditto cbs. the "l.a. times" and the associated press have announced a ban on the term illegal immigrants. that makes things easy, doesn't it? like dispensing with the term global warming and ta da! it's climate change. who can argue with that. by saying we have immigration crisis, anyone against waves of illegals are anti-human being, they're not for illegal
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immigration reform, they're against immigration reform. leave out illegal part and you might forget the billions spending processing the tens of thousands of illegal kids dumped into the country and tonging they are citizens into country, they're not. and those opposed to keeping them here are racist, they're not. when you leave out words you don't like can you kind of say anything you do like. let me tell you something, i can call myselficalorcally challenged instead of fat to make myself feel good, it will make me any less fat. those are my thoughts. i'd like to hear yours, to accuracy and media editor roger. this started as a curious project just seeing what i could get hearing and reading media stories, it's true, illegal doesn't happen. it's a word you can't find. what happened? >> you're exactly right, neil. great to be with you today, and a great setup.
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yes, for instance, associated press took out of their style book so that you can no longer say illegal aliens, because it's too judgmental, and might hurt someone's feelings. so they've just removed it from the lexicon. it's only used to describe actions and not people. neil: they will freely write stories of those at the border, they can still be called bigots, obstructionists or god knows what. illegal is a bad connotation, who are we afraid of offending against? >> that's right. what's going on, i believe, is there's an agenda. they're pushing for the so-called comprehensive immigration reform, also known as amnesty, and they also want to protect president obama, they have a lot invested in him. so this is what they're doing.
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we're looking at this 50,000 children that have come over, but there's really a much larger story. a piece in the "new york times" last week, this is the "new york times" that acknowledged that since april alone there have been 240,000 adult migrants that have come across as well, most are just released to go where they want to. neil: and back and forth, and back and forth, the recidivism is beyond the pale. >> that's right. neil: when you ignore the obvious and you have written about this brilliantly, you don't do what should be obvious. when you talk about the rights of the legals or legals have to be given a license to drive, and illegals have to be given the right to vote. in new york city they're debating that as we speak. and i'm thinking to my self, what part of illegal do may not understand? what part of noncitizen do they not understand?
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what part of stealing their way across the board door they not understand. and the well-intended immigrants who are coming here and going through the process, who also write me and say what the heck? >> you're absolutely right. i mean, this is the worst -- it's for the legal aliens, the people who do the right thing and get in line and come here and this flood of illegal immigrants has created massive headaches for them, and for many of us who are really pro immigrant but anti-illegal immigrant, this is a disaster, and it's really a manufactured crisis. you look back at a couple of things. obama trying to blame this back on the 2008 law. really, there was the 2012 daca, deferred action for childhood admissions, and the other thing is that we know there was a contract put out in
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january of this year that specified 65,000 children coming here calling for escorts to bring them here. they've known this exactly. this is really a manufactured crisis, and now even this week we've seen this other kind of maneuver where first they put out it was going to be 1.8 billion, and then all of a sudden, no, 3.7 billion. neil: it will go steadily higher than that, roger, points are all well taken as usual. thank you very much. i was thinking of nancy pelosi changing the fact it's not a border issue. this is an americas issue, north america, central america, south america. who knew? alan west who has seen and heard enough. what do you think of this, illegal, no more, don't use it? >> neil, you hit the nail on the head when you look at how liberal progressives changed the lexicon.
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they're not illegal immigrant, undocumented workers. you don't have drug dealers, unlicensed farm sifts. you don't have combat operations have you overseas contingency operations, you have man caused disasters instead of terrorist attacks. and in california we don't have husband and wife, we have spouse one and spouse two. as you change the language you make the thing that is obvious and the problem that should be dealt with completely undealable. you can't deal with it anymore. neil: that's the thing, you don't define the problem, you can't address the problem, if you don't see the problem and call it something else and equate the same rights and standards to people that you see here, the people who are here get a little annoyed and the people who want to legally get through the process becoming permanent citizens here get annoyed, too. >> they get discouraged. look at what is happening as far as the release of foes five senior members of the taliban.
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everyone calling them prisoners of war. that's not what they are, unlawful enemy combatants. they don't deserve rights. the belligerents captured on the battlefield not recognized by the geneva convention, what do we continue to do like the gentleman khatallah we brought back from libya, we get them constitutional rights and lawyered up. neil: i think we're way too politically correct, we should file impeachment charges against the president. i understand your frustration, though. i'm saying -- >> my frustration, my frustration is very narrowly defined with the president, because i see a national security threat. and that's why i see high crimes and misdemeanors. when the president of the united states of america makes a unilateral decision to release five senior members of the enemy while the enemy is engaged in combat operations against us, that's providing
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material, comfort and aid to an enemy. that's aiding and abetting. neil: i'll respectfully disagree with you, i can do so because you are remote. if you were in person, you would hit me. i feel safe right now. i pushed time now. i am overly concerned about this incredible political incorrect environment which we live and now how the media is signing onto it with one of the biggest crises we face, the border. you have complicit media saying what problem at the border? . >> you are right, and you have nancy pelosi saying this is not a crisis. changed the language. it is a humanitarian situation not a humanitarian crisis. and you do have a complicit media going along with it, that affects your ability to make the proper decisions to rectify the situation. neil, in closing, remember this, we have a president that went around the congress, and he enacted by executive order
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an immigration policy which has now caused the problem on the southern border. neil: i've seen the back and forth and blaming republicans. milliard fillmore, his shenanigans will come to light. thank you very much. political correctness stands for the calorically challenged. i'll let that stay. did you hear about this google executive? big, big tech executive, gets killed by a prostitute, we're told, allegedly. they connected on social media site. the guy who heads that site, after this.
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. . >> socalous that in gathering here things she was literally stepping over the body and stepped over the body to grab a glass of wine and finish the glass of wine. neil: this is a murder suddenly rocking the tech world. fox business reporter jolene kent on the details beginning to come out. what do we know about it? >> this was a liaison that perhaps happened several times. allegedly the woman involved
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injected heroin into a 51-year-old google executive's body. he died. and like you heard there, she had an extra sip of wine before she left. stepped over the body. she closed the shades, closed the yacht and left jo he's a big google exec, his yacht, married, complications with that. they meet on a social site. we're going to get into that in a second. was there any signs prior that either she had a record or he had reason to be concerned? >> well, reports say she's had about 200 differently aceons, and looking at him according to the santa cruz police, this was an extended type of affair. what's interesting. neil: had they had met prior to the instance? >> repeated, repeated contacts. this evidence is off of the cell phone of mr. hayes, and she's in charge of four different counts. manslaughter, administerring
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and transporting and possessing heroin, prostitution and destroying evidence. so this is a very serious case. neil: she shot the heroin into him, she should not have known, if this is true, it would have killed him. >> santa cruz police are saying that he was welcoming the drug usage. so the issue is she's possessing illegal drug. neil: and injects it into someone else allegedly, he dies, now manslaughter. now a mess. >> what's really a mess is taking a look at it from the bird's-eye view of silicon valley. google has no comment other than hearts go out to the family of mr. hayes. overall looking at the case, there's a lot of excess and a lot of wealth involved in silicon valley. this individual, mr. hayes, worked at sun, another couple of major tech companies. >> those guys get fair rap in the press. those guys, you expect that
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behavior. that's the way these things are treated. >> true the silicon valley has a different reputation especially among the wealthy. known to be more modest. looking at some of the boards, bulletin boards regarding his obituary, a lot of people looked up to him. he was one of the best bosses they had. he worked on google glass, clearly an innovator, an executive at google who set a high standard with those who say they worked with him. a very tragic case, very messy. neil: very messy in an industry we don't see a lot of. the website ceo brandon wade joins me on the phone. brandon, do you screen those who use your site? >> there is some screening that happens, obviously. we look at every single profile of members when they submit the profile to make sure they don't violate against our policy.
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we look at the pictures they upload and rely on members reporting each other so there's a community self-policing that goes on, and it's important to note that the alleged, i guess, the female, her profile never received a single report on the site. neil: not on the site, but there were reports prior, are you saying it's not your site's responsibility to start putting that up there as well, or what? >> what i'm saying is there are no reports, no other members reported on her account or profile. as having done something wrong. and her profile looks normal, just like any other dating profile out there. neil: are you doing anything differently now, brandon. if this turns out this woman did commit manslaughter and inject the man with heroin and died. are you going to change anything, any more of a
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screening process, is this a glaring, tragic exception or what? >> as it is, we have background check on website. neil: should it be an option? if there's the risk of something like this happening, should that now be a requirement? >> well, that's a tough thing because even if you make it a requirement, people will meet at the bar, they'll meet anywhere. what we tell people to do is just be careful. this is a case of recreational drug don't gone wrong. don't use drugs. that's the moral of the story here. neil: always a risk. i remember the craigslist murders and things that were happening. so it must be user beware. but you know, for those who hook up on sites such as yours, do you issue warnings? something you say be careful here, know what you're getting into, what? >> absolutely. we tell people how to date safely.
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there's a bunch of stuff. but this is the really weird situation, they had been seeing each other for a while. several meetings, this is not a onetime relationship. neil: are you worried people hear about your sites, that was the crazy hookup which the top executive died and it's too messy and let me go another site. >> the funny thing you should ask that. yesterday we had breaking number of day in terms of the number of sign-ups, i'm not sure why, every time there's a bad news it's good news for our website. really strange. neil: in other words, more guys than women, more women than guys, what? >> typically more women sign up than men. and, of course, with this news going out there as breaking news, we're seeing way more men signing up in the last two days. neil: amazing, brandon wade, thank you, hopefully this works out. hopefully it's a exception far from the rule.
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you heard the latest talk that citigroup is close to settling $7 billion fine with the united states government. $30 billion in bank fines? i am far from a big supporter of banks or that they are without sin. is it me or keep coming up as the only sinner? just weird, after this. if you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue.
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he's the softy: his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock: your setting is 60. that works. he's the night owl. his side's up while you're in dreamland. you're the early bird. up and at 'em. no problem, because you're in it together... keeping the love alive. and by the way - snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. crazy? only if sleeping peacefully with your soulmate is crazy. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. head in for the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale. you'll find the all-new c4 mattress at just $1499.98. ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. . neil: you know normally, we get a lot of comments or something i said or discussed on this show or fox news show, this concerns something for the fox business website, the latest bank fines, the likely $7
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million likely double that for bank of america. so i started to ask where is the punishment for the politicians? the ones who egg them on? push them into making more home loans? i worked in the mortgage industry during the fiasco. your accountability was the best description i read. the real truth is what the banks were encouraged and forced to do by our government, not widely been published. thanks to you for this honest account. it's not the banks that pay the price for -- they said damn -- that's where i leave it. financial thoughts. my family will never recover from the lost value of our home and the banks continue to suffer from the punishment they get. get your f-ing facts straight. no one else, zero? just them. who is the jerk who has to get
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his facts straight before preaching. harry e-mails, thanks neil, first article place thing the game for the 2007-2008 financial breakdown where it belongs. some of the points are rarely mentioned anymore. where do all the receipts the government received in the form of penalties go? right back to the treasury. pretty much, rick, into the same big old pot and around and around she goes to. our all-stars, jonathan, what do you make of this? >> neil, there's been a conjob perpetrated on the american public for the last five, six years and the idea that wall street caused the collapse, greedy profit seeking financiers and unregulated speculators that caused the collapse. obama made a video saying just that. in reality, all elements of the financial system that failed were regulate and the ones that failed the most were regulated
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the most. community reinvestment act. free markets don't fail. we didn't have a free market and caused businesses to fail and will continue to cause fail nurse the years to come. neil: i've been around long enough that i can distinctly remember congresses and presidents and both parties saying you're not lending enough. we've got a housing boom here potentially why, don't you get with the program and start lending more. loosen standards to get more people in on the fun, this was the emergence of no doc loans, people with $50,000 incomes could buy million-dollar homes. they bear responsibility, the politicians bear responsibility. yet they're the ones handing out the punishments. i'm not saying that banks have responsibility for securitizing the stuff, selling suspicious debt on unbeknownst investors, even though they knew what they
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were buying. i'm tired of blame game and blaming them for it. >> who's regulating the regulators? no one. a lot of the guys at the consumer protection bureau had all of the regulations taken off of them with the dodds frank and acting as regulators gone wild because they don't have rules that govern. neil: fannie and freddie out of this. that's like leaving charles manson out of discussion of the sharon tate murders. my only other issue, monica, immediately congress said you lent too much, you were going crazy. a few months after, you are drawing up lending. the banks can't win for love or money? >> to your point, which politicians are holding politicians accountable, and which voters are holding politicians accountable? if you look at polls how people
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feel about congress. neil: politicians are telling me open up the spigot, the same standards they advocate for after the meltdown. >> right, and how there isn't enough talk. >> i want to see -- >> small businesses can't get lending, there is hipocrisy. neil: washington secures make the illness worse. >> you saw the same thing with dodds frank, think what a decade with sarbanes/oxley, the last big financial crisis. enron and adelphia caused a lot of small companies not to go opinion. so every time we get a crisis caused by government. you get more controls. that's why despite all the regulation put to fix the financial crisis to monica's point, we haven't seen the lending pick up and the job creation and employment pick up due to the controls in the
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financial sector. neil: bottom line, we're all human beings and make our own bed and all are realistic enough when we sign a loan. i have yet to run into a mcdonald's and the manager force feed me a quarter pounder. i did it myself! a federal judge looking for answers on the irs and all the conservatives. did we just find the one smoking gun? via an e-mail we thought was missing?
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. neil: we warned you about this judge looking into the whole e-mail mess and the targeted conservatives at the irs, but he find a smoking gun. former irs director admitting in e-mail mess she warned employees what they write in the e-mails. which messages are traceable back with all-stars, jonathan,
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monica and maddie. >> have you someone warning employees not to e-mail sensitive things in e-mail. that in and of itself. neil: that would be like me e-mailing staff, you can erase the e-mail. they don't, they save them. >> speculative in the conduct of what she's saying but seemed to get it wrong. asking about whether or not the messages are available to congress or they'll be deleted? that kind of thing. that shows there was intent there or interest in keeping whatever it was she was im'ing or e-mailing secret. that raised a question right there. and the fact we have a judge who thinks that the american public deserves an answer for that is a very important step to getting to bottom of this. neil: that was the same judge how did the e-mails go disappearing and didn't give us a heads-up how they disappear. perfectly wanting to subpoena the server they were on. >> highly unusual, you don't have e-mails disappear from six different computers. it is not uncommon to be a
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corporate policy that you should watch what you e-mail. back when e-mail was young in the 1990s. neil: this is about hiding it. >> right all in the context. if it is watch what you e-mail, that is common communication policy. >> if she's a manager, why does she have to inquire about it? five, ten years into the career. neil: when you start mentioning things in e-mail and discerning what are traceable messages and e-mails, that gets into the icky category. >> purposely deceptive. if it was a corporation, totally unacceptable and criminal. this isn't even a corporation. those aren't a company's computers, those are the people's computers. lois lerner is a high-level executive at cisco or microsoft. she's literally a gun. so in the most transparent administration in history, it's
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more than a little suspect that six hard drives with the potentially smoking gun go missing. neil: that doesn't make sense, you know? normally all e-mails should disappear when that happens. >> maybe we should be combining the nsa and the irs, maybe that's the solution. the president is trying to expand the bureaucracy we have. neil: if you hide stuff guys, you got to hide everything. anyway, here's why the president is not going to the border. >> this isn't theater. this is a problem. i'm not interested in photo-ops. neil: you're not interested in photo-ops? then i'm not interested in ponderosa buffetts.
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my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. . neil: yeah, one of my next guests buying a car sight
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unseen. i'm going buy the car, without seeing, it i have a good idea what it's like, and i'm going to put in my order and hopefully they deliver to my house. would you do that? maybe new cars. you certainly want to kick the tires or read up on the car you want to buy. the president is doing the equivalent of that sight unseen, not going to the border and then at the same time arguing for $3.7 billion to address the border mess and the processing for the better than 50,000 largely kids who just made their way here. all right. so do those two connect? leaving aside the fact the president didn't want to go to the border because he's not into photo-ops, which, of course, he is. we have mark and katrina here. as the auto guy, mark, how many customers do that? >> zero. neil: right? >> zero. imagine you come into the dealership to buy a car and i
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say, neil, give me a check for $50,000 first and let you look at the car and tell you about the option, not until you give me a check for 50,000, and i deposit it. neil: you would scare me. i would do that. right? it defies? >> it's nuts he's asking for $3.7 billion from american taxpayers to handle the illegal, i say illegal immigration crisis without having any type of a plan. we went into a bank and wanted to borrow $10,000. neil: you were dealing with the auto bailouts and the effects. he didn't reason out the fallout for good dealers who are having good sales and being forced to shut down or relocate, whatever, without thinking it through. >> lot of people got hurt, families got hurt and the taxpayers are going to get hurt and the dealers suing the federal government and the federal government is ready to stop paying the dealers back. neil: think nothing of gm and
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the separate lawsuits. katrina, how does this look, the president not going to the border. the whole thing he doesn't like photo-ops was a little strange to me. what damage is done here and wouldn't it hurt his cause to get that 3.7 >> well, from my industry's perspective, which is real estate, nobody purchases a home sight unseen. neil: they did during the boom. they did during the boom. buying condos, sight unseen. >> preconstruction. but neil, many of the people did come in to do the final walk through before they closed on the property. those days are no longer. in preconstruction projects, people are seeing it sight unseen, they are doing the walk through and still are making sure they feel the actual products because there's more required down now. the days of only putting 5% down are over. in the luxury market, the 2 million dollar, 3 million
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dollar, 4 million-dollar homes. neil: what about the 3.7 billion dollar homes. anything that costs a lot, i would like to check it out. mark, to your point, accountability means seeing what you're getting into. >> i agree. i have never seen in all my years in business, someone laying out a blank check and saying trust me. don't go there. neil: so you're weary with the border issue, what? we can't trust whatever deal we get or it's going to get more expensive or a waste, what? >> since there isn't a plan, one it is going to be more expensive. the only thing we're doing is housing the women, men and children coming over the border right now. we do not have a plan to move forward. we have a plan with mexico because -- and canada as a border state. but why don't we have the same
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plan with honduras and el salvador and guatemala? why don't we have it with them and put them back to where they were. no, due process. the american taxpayers are paying for this. the 3.7 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to what it's going to be down the road. neil: katrina, if i could belabor, you are one of the best real estate people i know. i look to a lot of your types, those who are very good at this, they'll dress it up. make sure it's an inviting home. sometimes you put vanilla candles where it makes it aluring. when you go in there, i might go ahead and invest in this or look around in. this none of that done with this deal, and i think what scares me, we haven't tried to make it an inviting deal. there's the price, pay it or else? >> i think a lot of people are concerned with this particular
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bill. given obama's history with other bills, there is influx of money but hasn't been a plan of action. it costs the taxpayers and no execution plan. that's a lot of money to simply allocate to this particular bill. but you're right, neil. things need to be staged, feel it. have a plan of action before you invest a large sum of money. neil: absolutely. i know when my kids are selling houses, my wife said we have to take down the velvet elvis, just for the sale. mark, katrina, thank you very much. we want to hear their perspectives. they know a thing or two about how that would fly in their industries. it wouldn't. what if i told you someone is make double your salary without having a job? i bet they're working around you, right now. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care
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. neil: this will not be your average internship. >> looking at hunger games against a bunch of genius kids and a handful of jobs. >> your intern? shut up. he's so old. neil: should i have told my daughter to be an intern, aim higher. news that twitter interns, are you sitting down? probably are, it's been a long show, if you were standing up, you are getting tired. they make the equivalent of $81,000 a year. $81,000 a year. back with all-stars, monica, jonathan, maddie. >> tell me about evil big business, exploiting everybody. companies are guilty regardless, if they don't pay
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interns, they are exploiting underaged kids, if they are paying interns, they are catching that as well. neil: is there a happy medium, could we not be at 80,000+. i hear your point. >> the money is wonderful, the real takeaway is the self-esteem and the skills they build through the work experience. this is why everyone who wants to raise the minimum wage doesn't get it. it's not the wage that really matters it's the skills, the work experience, the work ethic, taking responsibility that's the biggest payoff. >> i'm going to leave here and get an internship at twitter after this. this is a good experience, a great -- neil: is it making kids think they don't get, that they have lousy internship, it's a waste of time. >> perhaps if they can't get a job after. they are supposed to be giving you experience and exposure that you can then use and take with you. not supposed to be handing you
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your next job, supposed to prepare you, but at the end of the day, no matter if you are working for twitter or mcdonald's. if you're not going to hustle, no one is going to hire sdwru we might build the expectation, this is what will happen for interns? >> i don't see a downside to offer a rewarding position for people who want to work and have the skill set. if we kick them in the ass and say good opportunities. neil: by the way, we don't use that kind of language. >> i said ars. neil: i was thinking about this, i would have a variety of internships, several i worked as a waiter at night. i did eat the restaurant out of business, but my point was that you devalue the experience. what i worry with somewhere kids, not all, some kids are decent, hard working, try to get ahead like we did. twitter is where i want to go, not because it's such a great company or opportunity but because you get this, and have
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a short-lived expectation and short-term view. >> yeah, neil, that's a good thing, good that the young people see if they work hard and apply themselves. neil: they are working hard on 140 characters, i'm richer than god on 140 characters. hashtag neil, good, you are back. [ laughter ] >> every time i come on the show, i have to defend my generation for the technology we're working for. this is a great opportunity for someone to get involved in a new disruptive technology, twitter. when i was graduating college, twitter didn't exist. who knows what the next thing is going to be. neil: when i graduated from college, the internet didn't exist. there's a big difference. don't rub it in my face. >> isn't it great we can sit on the tv show and talk about it. neil: no. >> isn't it great.
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>> being disruptive. see what happens. neil: historically, how do we look back at it, john? >> people said this is the bubble. i don't think it's the bubble. may be disruptive, it bore amazon. a lot of the new technology is for real and kids are blessed to have the firsthand experience. neil: okay, kids don't even appreciate how good you have it! our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me zero heartburn... annc: prilosec otc the number one doctor recommend frequent heartburn medicine for nine straight years. one pill each morning 24 hours zero heartburn. neil: what is the deal with all of these growing calls for president obama's impeachment. but not yet. republicans got a majority in the senate and then an impeachment would result in his removal from office. and one individual says you are too pragmatic. and you were just a realist who wants to get real stuff done. and bill in florida says we are
8:57 pm
enforcing laws, which is a violation of our, but nobody in congress can answer the president. or have the guts to answer him. soon it takes guts to get stuff done and wayne says, sorry, just one smoke and hot air out of oath ends of your anatomy. and it is about time and i was dismayed to hear that individual use the word ridiculous because he said there were better uses of congress this time and i think he is right. and congress is a bigger problem than outlaw president, they enable him. thousands more are being processed on our dime and we have had enough. the border crisis includes 50,000 people. $74,000 to process each person.
8:58 pm
seriously. and it's not a good one and not a cheap one, either. and tony says the abuse of citizens has been increasingly bad and will get worse. where you and others going to realize that we must split the country. and so for that reason they come in trying to keep this country together and some of them are far greater than our individual situations are in i think we could broker arms instead of walking out. and what about the key part of the presidential campaign being involved with a business around a myriad of other issues and you should be for legalizing the absence that helps them deal with the pain.
8:59 pm
and caboodle, did you see how his hair was all messed up? classic drug use. well, no, it doesn't mean that you are high as a kite, but other things fred and caboodle, you are not stoned out of your mind, but i don't know what it explains your clueless demeanor. and i really enjoyed the gary johnson interview. not just fox business channel who has been fair to him. but you should have made clear that he hasn't done drugs or had a drink for that matter for decades. and it's very good to know although i sometimes wonder myself. and you are were so high during that interview, and minute. dude, i so was not. who uses language like that.
9:00 pm
and caboodle, the last thing a guy your site should be pushing for is legalizing marijuana and you, my friend, do not need munchies or to write me. so please stop. the rest of you, have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> corrupting the sanctity of their news coverage. john: what is fair? scaremongering? >> they made it >> we do not? >> we are running out of places. >> of you say something out loud, people take it as fact. john: these peoples that my opinions were not okay. and this one now works for fox. what will he tell me tonight? and
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