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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 13, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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and the world cup, who is winning? >> the best team is germany. i think they win. >> argentina or my father-in-law is going to shoot me. >> have a great sunday. good evening, everybody. the israeli military confirming just moments ago that one of a barrage of rockets fired into jerusalem from gaza made it through the so-called iron dome defense, and struck a heavily populated area. the rocket hit a home in an israeli settlement in the suburbs of jerusalem. the government will not divulge whether anywhere was hurt. sirens are ringing. earlier in the day, five hamas gunmen tried to infiltrate by sea. as you can see on your screen. they were intercepted. they were killed trying to invade from the south of gaza.
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prime minister, benjamin netanyahu receiving permission from his parliament to dispatch up to 40,000 ground troops for calling a ground invasion into gaza, quote, on the table. and public bomb shelters have been open throughout the jewish state. we'll be following this developing story throughout this hour. turning now to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, the white house efforts to politically exploit the estimated 60,000 children who have illegally crossed our border this year appear to have backfired on the administration. democrats and republicans alike blasting president obama for his planned trip to texas tomorrow. the white house saying at this hour that he will not visit the border, nor the facilities overflowing with illegal immigrant children. instead, president obama will be spending his time fund-raising in dallas and austin. here is press secretary, josh earnest, trying to spin away the president's seemingly ambivalent
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attitude about the crisis that is largely of his own making. >> the president is well aware what is happening on the border. of and what we are focused on right now are not political statements that would be made with a -- with an appearance. but rather with specific, concrete action. >> texas republicans claim the president is simply trying to avoid a negative photo op, and the media mal strom that would follow. >> if he's down there with pictures of thousands of children in jail cells designed for, say, 400 people, and you've got 2,000 there, it's not a good image. >> if it's a national emergency, which i agree it is, why is the president raising money for two days in texas and refusing to come to the border and see it for himself? >> democrats are now joining in the criticism of the president and the white house minority
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whip, steny hoyer told fox news, quote, the united states cannot be expected to give sanctuary to everyone in the world. i don't think it would hurt if he visited the border. that would send a signal that he is concerned. meanwhile, fox news today confirmed the white house will hold off in seeking legal changes that would speed up their ability to deport these unaccompanied children. joining us now is congressman bob good lion, chairman of the house judiciary committee, instrumental in laying the foundation for leadership on emimmigration reform, passing out of the judiciary committee four bills. congressman, good to have you with us. your reaction to the president's call simultaneously for expeditious passage of the supplemental, requesting $3.7 billion, and comprehensive immigration reform once again. >> well, first of all, lou, i'm
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glad that he met with governor perry. my committee was instrumental in making available to governor perry some of the ideas he shared with the president. but i also want to have your viewers step back for a minute and think about what the president asked for. $3.7 billion, and ultimately passage of the senate comprehensive immigration bill, which wouldn't solve this problem. it would cause a massive surge of our border, as people saw that 11 or 12 million people got a special pathway to citizenship, they would want to be next. so there are many things the president can do right now, and what he still doesn't get is that his actions, with doca as he referred to there, with not investigating fraudulent asylum claims, and doing other things that he could be doing right now to fix this problem, those things have sent the message to south america to cause the
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problem. so, yes, the congress should be prepared to do a targeted narrow appropriations supplemental on a temporary basis to address the legitimate concerns of solving a problem, and narrow targeted tweaks to the 2008 law. there are many things the president could do right now before any of that happened that could solve the problem that he created by his actions that he's taken to this point. >> unlike the president, you have been to the border. you led a bipartisan delegation to the border. you know what's going on there. you know about the positioning of our border patrol agents. you know that even though we have almost 21,000 border patrol agents, more than double what we had a decade ago, that they are positioned in such a way that the border remains absolutely a sieve. porous doesn't even begin to adequately describe the ease with which illegal t>vqimmigran drug smugglers, human smugglers
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and potentially terrorists could enter this country. correct? >> that's absolutely correct. and there are measures that the president could take and tweaks that the congress could pass to make sure that national wildlife refugees and other things along the border like that, government land, wouldn't be off limits to our border patrol agents who, by the way, are doing a very good job when they are able to spend their time on the border and not babysitting these children. so the fact of the matter is that the president should go to the border and see firsthand, and not just send other people to be there. and the president should go to mexico and to central america to impress upon those governments how much they need to participate in stopping these children from ever getting to our border in the first place. >> where is the president getting some of these information? he said the only place where these children are showing up is
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the rio grand valley sector in texas. i would like to just put up quickly a map, if we may, to show our audience the surge in young, illegal immigrants entering this country, flooding the united states border. in texas, rio grand up by the largest amount, 178%, laredo, 13%, big bend, also in texas, as is el paso, 59% higher. el paso, 33. and arizona, the yuma sector, up 39%. in california, the san diego and del centro areas are also up by a startling percentages, 59% and 41%. he said one sector. who in the world told him that? >> well, there is no doubt that one sector is getting the greatest pressure. but this is a problem that is occurring all across our border, because of the fact that the word has gotten out that this president is not enforcing our
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immigration laws with regard to children, and not just children. with families that are also showing up the border in almost as large a number as the unaccompanied minors. and so they're going to keep on coming. the border patrol agents are the best people to ask how to stop this. he should go there and ask the guys on the line, and what they'll tell him is that deterrent is the only way to stop this from happening. they need to make sure that the children don't get there. they need to make sure that when families do come, that asylum claims are investigated for fraud. studies show that 70% of political asylum claims are -- have suspicion of fraud involved. but they rubber stamp the overwhelming majority of the cases. could be done right now without the president violating his oath of office. he is the chief executive of the united states. he has laws under his guidance right now that he could enforce, and yes, we could do tweaks in
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the congress, and we should. but that should not be used as an excuse not to do what he's supposed to be doing right now. >> many of the people who are acting as custodians in this are claiming there is not adequate resources in all of immigration and customs enforcement the. to actually check out who these people are, where they're being domici domiciled, what the resks are of the family environment or the environment in which these young children are now living. it is a first-class mess, and it is a government that has simply broken down under this administration, in my opinion. do you disagree? >> i agree with you. and i think that we are reaping a tsunami at our border because of the president's policies. it is an administration-made disaster. the president needs to step up and lead in the solution to this problem. and, yes, congress does need to targeted funds where
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they're going to be used to stop the problem and create the deterrents, and congress does need to make tweaks to the law to make sure that the border patrol and i.c.e. can fully do the deterrents. but there is much he can do right now that he's not doing. >> mr. chairman, we thank you for being with us, as always. congressman bob good lott. israel is hitting back. a ground offensive in gaza. former israeli ambassador to the united states, daniel ialone, united states, daniel ialone, joins us
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hamas-run territory struck deep within israel. hamas warns all israelis are, quote, legitimate targets, as more than 300 rockets have been fired from gaza over the past 48 hours. 200 of those rockets have slammed into israel. for more on the situation, we're joined now by former israeli ambassador to the united states, daniel ayalon, live tonight from tel aviv. mr. ambassador, it is good to see you. this is -- >> thank you. >> stunning, the intensity of the exchange between -- between the rocket barrage from gaza and the israeli strikes. how -- this seems utterly different than the most recent history of conflicts between hamas and israel. >> absolutely, lou. i think all of us were surprised by the arsenal that the hamas has been able to amass and to
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smuggle illegally to the gaza strip. they have long range that covers, so most of the population of israel, 8 million people are under this reign of terror and rockets. the fact also that they're trying to be more accurate and also trying some diversion tactics. they have grown into an enormous terror organization, which has actually very, very significant military capabilities with trying to infiltrate and continue with very intensive terror. if you think about the fact that since we left gaza and israel left gaza almost nine years ago, in attempt to make peace with the palestinians. since we left, more than 15,000 rockets land on israel. this is more than three times than what london received in the blitz of the germans, the nazis in world war ii so you get some perspective of what we're doing here, and what we're undergoing
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here. >> and i think the question has to be asked, to what degree can israel afford to constrain itself in response? i understand the need to be targeted and if you will, to carry out surgical strikes. but to defend israel, you're in quite a different situation. this is -- this has the appearance of something that could escalate rather rapidly. the prime minister has received from the parliament approval for 40,000 troops to be dispatched. where are we headed here? >> yes, lou. all options are on the table, although there is no appetite in israel for ground invasion. we are in that sense -- we have been reluctant warriors. but if the aerial strikes will be insufficient, and if the hamas will continue with targeting our civil populations,
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we may have no choice but to go into -- in a mop-up operation. so far, we have been doing aerial attacks, and we are very careful not to cause any collateral damage or hurt any uninvolved. for that purpose, for instance, we are degrading our ammunitions and also we are very deliberately restraining ourselves in the sense that we know some of the arsenals that hamas is hiding is specifically put in mosques or schools or in hospitals. these we are not targeting. but if we have no choice, we will have to go into a ground operation. decisions have not been made, and i think we're waiting for the next 24 hours to see where we're going. >> the psychological atmosphere in israel is somewhat -- certainly different than in previous conflicts in that we saw in president obama op-ed in
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which he effectively praised president abbas but didn't mention netanyahu. we heard from a white house official, phillip gordon, talking about in effect -- intimating that israel must seize the moment with president abbas, because he has shown himself to be a man of peace. these are strong signals emanating from a an administration, particularly in a moment of conflict like this. >> well, lou, of course we very much appreciate the united states' attempts for peace, and certainly the recent rhetoric from washington, recognizing israel's right for self defense. this is something which is very important. but it at the same time, i think it was a little bit awkward timing to publish this article of the president yesterday when most of israel is in shelters,
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and the hamas has continued to fire and target civil populations. and we have to remember, this hamas is now part of abbas government. and you cannot split their responsibility between the hamas terror and the abbas government. and i think he should be taking into task and also, i think the entire international community has to understand that we are now reaping the -- i would say the sour grapes, the fact that the welcome of hamas into the government without actually standing on the principles, the hamas first should renounce terrorism and recognize israel and abide by former agreements. nothing of this red lines were kept. hamas was welcome into the government, and i think they got the wrong signal, and we are now all bearing the consequences. and i think this is a lesson for the future. there is no difference, lou, between hamas radical terror and it's islamism or isis.
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terror is terror. and unfortunately, there is a network which targets not only israel, but the entire western world and civilization. >> ambassador daniel ayalon, good to see you. stay well. stay safe. up next, my commentary on what is really driving the thousands of illegal immigrant children across our southern border. andit not what the white house has been telling the american people.
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now a few comments on the debate about what's really driving illegal immigrant children to make what is a hazardous, dangerous journey up to 1,800 miles from el salvador, guemala and honduras to the united states. the obama administration has been blaming it on endemic poverty and rising violence that grips those countries. the president's critics say his language seems to hold promises of amnesty, that those are the statements that are to blame for all that is happening. let's consider the facts. central america is violent, there is no doubt. honduras has the highest murder rate in the world, in fact.
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el salvador, fifth highest, guatemala, the sixth. but sadly, there is nothing new in those rankings. those countries have had the worst murder rates in the world for at least the past two decades now. and, yes, poverty levels are persistently high in those central american nations. but all three of them also have lower unemployment rates than the united states. that's right. honduras and el salvador's average unemployment rate last year, 6%. guatemala is about 4%. three years ago, u.s. border patrol agents were catching fewer than 4,000 illegal immigrant children from el salvad salvador, guatemala and hondu s honduras, but this year the number surged ten fold to 40,000 and 50,000. why the explosion in the number of children crossing our border? the principle change during that time period was the president's 2012 executive order that promised that certain illegal
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immigrant children would not be deported for a period of two years. now it's estimated that more than 200,000 children will be crossing our southern border within the next two years. and what does president obama do in response? all but nothing. he refuses to secure our border. he refuses to deport the minor illegal immigrants he and the left are exploiting in order to open up the border and to grant amnesty they sought for the past decade. today mr. obama did ask congress for another $3.7 billion to deal with the crisis of his own creation. by the way, 300 million of that $3.7 billion he wants would go to assist central-american countries so they can improve their security. $300 million, about double the $160 million in aid we already give guatemala, honduras and el salvador every year. another $300 million to repatriate some of the children to central america. of course, the white house does
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not mention how or how many. much of the remaining $3 billion-plus would go for more immigration judges, legal services for immigration proceedings, higher costs for the border patrol agents who are spending more hours, while allowing the tens of thousands of children and in many cases their families to enter our country illegally. i don't know how speaker boehner and the republican house leadership will respond to the president's request. but this president, in creating this crisis, has made a mockery out of the office he holds and the constitutional duties he refuses to honor. this time, mr. speaker, please, let the president go in the company that he so strongly prefers. let him go it alone. we're coming right back. >> the obama administration means to bring in as many illegal immigrants as it can,
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being sent to processing centers across the country without notice or community approval. a california town fights back. murrieta mayor, allen long, our guest here next. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel,
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a third group of illegal immigrants arriving in san diego earlier today, the 140 illegal immigrants flown in from texas. they were bussed to a processing center. about 100 people protesting their arrival in nearby murrieta demonstrators last week blocked buses carrying illegal immigrants to a local border patrol facility. joining us now is the mayor of murrieta, alan long. alan, great to have you with us here. what is going on? has there been any communication between the federal government and you and local officials about what is transpirg with illegal immigrants being brought
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into your community? >> no, no. very little information. in fact, that's part of the frustration. we -- any information we've gotten has either been through back channels or us reaching out to the local border patrol office, who has been wonderful. the local office has given us information as they have received it. but today we have never been part of any planning process, both in the short-term or long-term. it's very frustrating. >> now, you've had demonstrations against the busing in of these illegal immigrants. we see the crowd, we hear the noise there. what is going on right now? >> well, right now there's two sides out here, and you have a side that is pro immigration and then you have a side that is anti immigration. i'm assuming. the bottom line is, our responsibility is to make sure everyone can exercise their constitutional rights fairly and in peace. and what i'm hearing right now is just a lot of shouting back and forth. we don't have any buses arriving that we know of, however
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murrieta still remains a destination point. so therefore, by default, the nation's problem lands on our doorstep. so we've got to deal with it. >> and how do you deal with it? i mean, isn't there a requirement of some kind that the federal government, if this is going to affect the quality of life and disrupt your community that they work with you? this is -- i think it's fairly easy to say with some certainty, this is a demonstration of arrogance in government. i see a mexican flag flying there over a group. i mean, this looks like -- it really looks like quite a confrontation. and sounds like. >> yeah. it really is. and it's really evolved. and what started out to be a lot of local citizens with a lot of valid questions and a lot of unanswered questions, there was concern within the community. we started that planning process, but without information, it's hard for us to know what to expect and what to plan for. and what we have now is we have
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a lot of resources locally that have been diverted from their primary mission, from their day-to-day operations to something completely different. and operationally, we can't keep the same footprint as we had before, not to mention the financial resources to pay for everything. >> and is the federal government offering you any federal assistance whatsoever? >> absolutely not. none. >> and what would you like to see happen here? are you just simply going to continue demonstrations against the buses? will you block the buses? are -- what is -- what is your vision here? >> well, and everyone keeps asking me. the mayor of murrieta, a bedroom community of 106,000. we need to ask washington, d.c., what are you going to do? this is a federal problem. i said it since day one. it's a federal problem and needs to be addressed at the federal level. what we're going to do is continue to maintain the safety of the residents here, and those who pass through it. and that's all we can do. but i'll tell you what.
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we can only sustain this for so long. and we would like to know, what's the plan? what's the end point here? >> i think it's pretty clear, mr. mayor, and i would like to get your sense of this. but i think it's pretty clear that that border is now open, that this president is inviting more unaccompanied children to enter the country illegally and be swept into -- into our society. it looks like we're going to have more, not fewer, illegal immigrants crossing that border now. your thoughts? >> well, yeah. right now, absolutely, there is a crisis right now. they have 50,000 in texas alone right now with more coming on the way. that's the concern we have from the beginning. we didn't see any end point. we weren't getting any answers. we started to research why is this happening, what's the magnitude, and we didn't see an end point. and we cannot sustain that type of processing and long-term stay here locally.
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you've got to remember, let's not forget, these are human lives. these are people. this facility is not designed for long-term housing. so there's this whole humanitarian part of this that was a very, very deep concern for the residents here, as well as the officials. >> what would you say, mr. mayor, if i told you, as i'm telling our audience right now, that there is evidence that the department of homeland security was advertising as early as january for escorts for as many as 65,000 unaccompanied children. let me read this. this is in the seeking of a contract. there will be approximately 65,000 uac in total. 25% local ground support. 25% via i.c.e. charter and 50% via commercial air. this was in january. that is the number at 65,000,
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the estimate of the number of children who have moved into this country and are expected this year that rises to 90,000 next year, 120,000. estimates rise as high as a quarter million coming into this country. your thoughts. >> it's unbelievable. and to date, like i said, we have yet to have any communication with homeland security. no master plan. no end date. it was just on a friday, let us know they were going to show up on a tuesday. and there's just someone needs to take responsibility for that. >> well, mr. mayor, i appreciate your calm leadership, and we appreciate you taking time to speak with us, and we wish you the very best as you try to contend with this crisis, as you have styled it. thank you so much. >> great. thank you. the latest polls have him trailing jack kingston by double digits in georgia. businessman and now candidate, david purdue tells us how he will close the gap and become
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the republican senate nominee. x
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my next guest launching a statewide bus tour tomorrow. the latest polls have him trailing his opponent, congressman jack kingston, by double digits. we'll talk about the campaign and what is ahead for the july 22nd runoff. we're joined tonight by georgia republican senate candidate, david purdue. david, great to have you with us. and i guess -- 50 stops tomorrow? you're a tough, energetic fella. >> well, that's over the next several days, lou. but -- thank you for having me. >> so why are you putting so much energy into the bus tour? is that what you think is obviously your best use of time right now? >> well, we did this in the primary. the last seven or eight days of the primary, we did the same thing. we went all around georgia, met with people and listened and talked to them. in this runoff, we're also
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trying to get the vote out, honestly. we're trying to get our people to come out, hear the message again, bring new people, and really listen to their concerns. and right now, we have touched a nerve, just like in the primary, lou, about what's concerning people in georgia. and it's the jobs, the economy and this debt. >> jobs, the economy and debt. as a matter of fact, across the nation, those seem to be the most -- those are the most heated topics. and one -- the subject that, of course, is greatest concern to most people is simply restoring prosperity to this country, creating jobs. and those are two issues that we're hearing very little discussion about in washington, d.c. >> well, lou, it's actually why i got in this race a year ago. with fewer than ten people in the united states senate who have any free enterprise experience, it's no wonder we've got this mess. but all the government policies i've seen in the last six years have run in the opposite direction of trying to develop our country economically.
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you mentioned the tax structure. but, you know, one of the great problems we have had here over the last 30, 40 years, we put our manufacturers at great disadvantage, uneven playing field with the rest of the world. it's why you see so many companies going to other countries. we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, only country that double taxes repatriated profits. and i think to get this economy going, that tax reform issue is one of the things we've got to face up to. >> you know, that is tough for some companies. but with a 17% effective tax rate, a lot of that is a smokescreen for these companies that are baling on the united states. frankly, i couldn't give a hoot about the countries -- those companies that are doing that. i do a give a great deal of concern to the folks who are losing their jobs in this country. no discussion about how to get men and women working again, restoring vitality and vigor and growth to our middle class, which is the heart of this country. and, of course, those who aspire to the middle class. >> no question, lou.
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we lost our manufacturing base because of bad government policies. we've decimated entire industries, apparel, footwear, electronics, even furniture. and what we need now is more focus on comprehensive tax reform, level the playing field, and i think reform our regulatory environment. this administration has formed effectively the fourth arm of our government. and it's decimating the industry as we speak. and the last s i've been waiting 40 years, lou, for a comprehensive national energy policy. and yet this administration is doing everything it can to just fritter away this god-given boom of natural resources we have right here before us. >> well, david purdue, we thank you for being with us. we're going to be watching that race very carefully. and good luck to you. >> thank you, lou. good to be here again. >> thank you. up next, the brand-new book, "the people versus barack obama" makes the argument this white house effectively killed the constitution. its author, ben shapiro, joins me here next. shapiro, joins
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me next. sta
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house speaker john boehner today announced he plans to sue the president over his illegal and abusive use of executive orders. fox news has the latest. >> of the constitution, makes it clear that a president's job is to faithfully execute the laws. in my view, the president has not. faithfully executed the laws. >> fox news legal analyst, says the lawsuit is dead on approval and in her opinion grabbed standing on the part of speaker boehner. my next guest and his new book, "the people versus barack obama: the criminal case against the obama administration,"
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joining us tonight, editor at large at, new york times best selling author ben shapiro. good oh to have you with us, ben. >> thanks. >> let's turn to boehner's lawsuit, your judgment. you suggest something in your book -- well, approximate, i would say, in a case of a private civil lawsuit. what do you think of the boehner idea? >> i think boehner's idea is mainly a cover. i don't think that the lawsuit is actually going to go anywhere from a legal perspective, because the supreme court generally refers to this a political question doctrine, tend not to get involved in disputes between the various branches of government. what congress ought to do, and the case i make in the people versus barack obama is that essentially congress should throw it to the people. they should allow us to sue members of the obama administration. they should expand the racketeer influence and corrupt organization's act of 1970 and allow us to seek liability from members of the obama administration for actions they take that damage us. we have seen this successful this week. the national organization for
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marriage successfully sued the united states government over discrimination by the irs against them. the irs had leaked confidential tax information to a gay rights group. national organization for marriage sued and won. it's private lawsuits that will be able to get somewhere. i don't think congress will get anywhere unless they were to use their impeachment power, which, of course, they won't. >> and exactly in law how would a private -- a court be able to compel this president to actually do his job with honor and with duty? >> no one is going to be able to compel president obama to do his job with honor and duty. he's incapable of that. i think what you could see is private lawsuits directed at particular members of the administration, and those people being punished for the actions they take. so, for example, president clinton was forced to go and testify in the paula jones lawsuit. you could see that happen with the president of the united states, depending on whether the courts would allow that sort of thing and whether the legislation would broaden the scope of such lawsuits. so the big question is, do we
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want the president to get dragged into court on a fairly regular basis, his officers? now that we are living in what amounts to an elected dicta dictatorsh dictatorship, i think the answer is probably yes. >> in "the people versus barack obama" you talk about the currency of this administration is bribery. what do you mean? >> well, i mean, there's no question that bribery is en democratic to the administration, the distribution of funding under the stimulus package. all of that falls under the rubric of bribery. the real case i make against this administration in large scale in the book is this is basically a mafia-like organization. this is an organization where the president of the united states can sit up top, issue vague commands, and somebody low down on the chain will pick those up and run with them. exactly what we have seen, for example, with the irs. i don't believe that every conspiracy needs a smoking gun. what you will have is the president issuing blanket kind of statements about the way the world should be and magically
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the people who work for him take up the cause and proceed to make the world conform to what he wishes it were. >> let me take you to this point very quickly, because senator sessions says basically there is -- the idea that there's -- there's impeachment and there is holding back funding. the fact is, one isn't enough, the others some would say too much. this man as you would describe him as head of a criminal enterprise, in effect, why would impeachment not be the correct course? >> impeachment would not be a terrible idea, the real reason it wouldn't do anything, you have an executive branch that has consistently grown for the last 100 years and has 3 million employees. let's say that president obama went away tomorrow and joe biden took up the reins. that wouldn't solve the problem of corruption within the irs. it wouldn't solve the general problem you have within a massive executive branch that they can do whatever they want and nobody can stop them. the only way you're going to be able to stop them is number one,
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by slicing the tremendous size and scope of the executive branch, and number two, by forcing people in the executive branch to be held responsible for their criminality. there is no safer place to be on the planet right now if you are a criminal than inside the obama administration. >> ben shapiro. the book is "the people versus barack obama." thanks for being with us, ben. good luck with the book. the brand-new thriller "act of war," the story of a newly protected president forced to turn to a cia source that may not be so helpful. not be so helpful. best-selling author, brad we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your swipe from anywhere thing, watching out for your identity, data breach or not. get lifelock protection and live life free.
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make sure kids learn how to swim. always watch them in and around water and properly fence all pools. simple steps saves lives. to learn some new ones visit our quotation of the evening. this quote from economist political philosopher thomas saul. immigration laws are the only laws discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. mr. sole is often in sync and pithy and he outdid himself with that one.
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the latest thriller from my next guest explores what happens when this country is threatened with unrestricted warfare. joining us now, "new york times" best-selling author brad thor, his latest thriller "act of war" available tomorrow. great to see you, my friend. >> great to be here. >> congratulations on the book. i can't wait to read it. >> thank you. >> and the premise is obviously the war on terror. and what befalls the country. >> absolutely. my job -- i'm an entertainer. so i want people to get one of my books, go to the beach and absolutely be thrilled, cover to cover. but with every book i write, i try to outdo myself from the one before. because i'm a small business owner. i want to get better with my product. so my goal here was to put the oval office way out on a limb, and have somebody start sawing behind him. so the premise of the book is the idea this concept of unrestricted warfare, which was developed in the far east by a nation hostile, truly who is i will to the u.s. that wants to
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collapse us from within. and i thought what if the oval office came upon an attack, learning about an attack, but the only way to prevent it was to go out on that limb and commit two acts of war by the united states. two covert operations that if discovered would be acts of war. >> so in a covert manner. >> exactly. absolutely. >> as scott horvath often does. >> my recurring character and is back again, you betcha. >> and brad does what he says. he exceeds himself with each book, so it's a delight to have summer fare. >> thank you. >> and i know it will be another number-one best-seller. let's turn to that issue that you're raising. we're watching on our border, people do not recognize -- most people, i believe -- most americans don't realize, these children who are becoming the quote, humanitarian crisis, as the president put it, originate their home countries are 1,800 miles from that border. a great deal of help has to be
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provided to get those kids to that border. who is providing and why could it be political exploitation of these children? >> absolutely. i spoke with a couple of my sources today, and one of them had been on the ground in honduras after 1998 in hurricane mitch and said we didn't see any sort of mass exodus from honduras like we're seeing now. after that terrible tragedy in which it was claimed 10,000 people died in honduras. so i asked this person, i said, you know, put your analyst hat on. what are you seeing here? he said, brad, this is strategy for your viewers, developed in 1966, by two lefty sociologists, in an ivy league school that said the best way to collapse the united states is to flood the entitlement and welfare system, collapse the u.s. from within, and then replace it with something that to you and me is socialism. >> and that's why the cloward-piven template comes up
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so often, advertising for food stamps, trying to bring more people and doing so successfully into the welfare system, are creating even greater dependence on the federal government. but that's interesting you would say that that is the -- that's the template being used in foreign policy, if you will. >> absolutely. one of the things that is a true tragedy in what we're seeing at the border is i got word via another contact of mine about a pilot who wants to come out and speak about the amount of children he's moving from our side of the border to southwestern states, and the word that i got was these kids are being handed over to whomever claims to be a church organization, ad agency, without any background checks. this is a child predator's paradise going on now. >> and oddly enough, the very law that is permitting them to come into this country and not be deported immediately was designed to stop the sex trafficking of children. it's having the exact opposite effect, potentially. >> absolutely. and if you don't think terrorists are taking advantage of the chaos on the border now,
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you'll see it when we get our next 9/11. and that will be the way they got in. >> great to see you. congratulations on the book. the book is "act of war" on sale tomorrow. we recommend it >> well, if you have had it with them coming here, do you not have a heart? i am going to try to straighten us out and one thing for news organizations, they want us to stop using the term illegal. for matt lauer urging viewers to share their thoughts, and for them to say we don't even have the because apparently we don't have a


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