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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 14, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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our web page right now, fox"the independent" good night. your screen, that is simply not the case as a legal immigrant children are continuing to pour across our border with mexico. tonight there are new reports of just how deadly this crisis can be. fox reporting bodies of several dead children have washed up along the river of the rio grande in texas. that's that the obama administration has not only failed to acknowledge, but eric holder actually tried to
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downplay the obama administration's responsibility for this crisis. >> yes, the immigration laws are being enforced and we are faced with an extraordinary situation with thousands of young people fleeing central america for economic reasons to get away from epidemic violence in their countries. the president has put together a proposal, asking for $4 billion and we are working to process all of these people. lou: border patrol agents think they are being moved away from our border. here is hector gaza telling fox news have your prominence ration is leaving the border even more portable by signing agents to deal the tens of thousands of illegal children already on american soil. >> 70% has been reassigned to
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administrative duties and that includes processing, transporting aliens, and yes, it's leaving a porous border on our country. lou: the campaign of disinformation by our government is run list red democrats still insisting that the border with mexico is secure despite overwhelming video and eyewitness evidence to the contrary. congressman lisa terris said the border is secure, the fact is that the children are handing themselves over to the border patrol agents. our cameras were at the border this weekend we're fox news was able to view group after group of illegal immigrants crossing our border into also video the cramped quarters in which the immigrants are being housed and processed. senior national correspondent
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john roberts is live in texas tonight with our reporter. >> good evening to you. when you talk about a secure border, if it's catching most people that come across, yes, the order is here. but if it's preventing people from crossing in the first place, there's a problem because so many are getting in. one good piece of news is the number of people being apprehended on daily basis is down from what it was a week ago. the peak was about 1200 people per day and now it's down to about six or 700 people per day. but no one is willing to declare victory or even a trend at this point. yesterday, fox news cameras were allowed was of access into the facility here in mcallen, texas. we found about 460 people inside that facility down from 1600. very crowded there and what is behind the reduction in numbers? it could be a seasonal drop.
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fewer people crossing the border could also be that the media coverage and messaging is beginning to have an effect but it's a little too early to make that analysis. still a huge problem, by the way. over the weekend we took a tour of the border exclusively with congressman louie gohmert who is a fierce opponent of the president's request for $3.7 billion per he said what the president should be doing is sending a message to people in central america that the american border is close to illegal immigration and that the people who cross over will immediately be sent back. >> until we do that, they are going to keep flooding in and as soon as we sent him back and they realize well, we spent $5000 and we got nothing in return, the flood begins to sob. >> border patrol officials say they are making progress and finally getting their heads
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above water and getting to speed up the process of illegal migrants. and according to the regional chief down here, the department of homeland security is giving him pretty much everything he is asking for. but on the bigger picture, the border patrol union believes that this is going to be a long-lasting problem for the american taxpayer. interdicting, holding migrants, giving them potentially education for people who say the country for a long time and maybe even folks that end up taking american jobs of a state or long enough. >> i don't think the american taxpayer quite grasp what is going on and how much of the tax dollars are being wasted with this problem. >> there is also a lot of criminal enterprise associated with this. people who are linked if not members of ms 13, making their way across the border and border
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patrol doing their best to screen them out before they're sent further into the country. that said had the border just 100 yards away in mexico, territory is controlled by the drug cartels, making so much money of the people that come up off those who come up, each person that comes up from those countries. lou: i have to say, what are the issues that we are hearing no discussion on? why is it not working in tandem, jointly with the government of mexico, as he pointed out to the other side of the border where this could he stopped by the mexican forces with on their side and the united states is keenly aware of that reality. why is there no discussion of that? >> there has been some discussion in cooperation with
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mexico. the president did say last week that he was going to implement a new border security program between mexico and guatemala. and part of the provisions were to make sure that the border control areas are properly administered, which it seems to be that is what you're supposed to be doing. lou: one would think. john roberts, thank you so much. we will be talking with the congressman jim brighton sign in moments. and also greg abbott, the attorney general of the great state of texas and we have that coming up. the marine sergeant charged with gun possession and no signs as residents flee gaza.
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the escalation of the
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lou: my next guest heard the health and human services facility housing has 1200 unaccompanied children in oklahoma over the weekend. he says the current situation is tied directly to this administration's failed policies and joining us now, a member of the armed services committee former combat pilot. and he was rebuffed in his initial desire to go through this. so having now succeeded, what is your impression?
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>> i can tell you that initially when we went, we got rejected and that you can come back and they gave us a date area they said you can't ask questions on top of the medical professionals or the children. when we told them that we would treat their restrictions the way the president treats the law, as a suggestion. we showed up and we started asking questions area and i have to tell you that they were very accommodating after the issue that we made this last time. so i can tell you is that all of my worst fears were basically confirmed. that there are children there who have been through massive amounts of suffering because of the trek to the northern amount of mexico. a lot of these kids, you know, they might have parents or friends in the united states of america. those who are making money, many of their parents or friends in the united states are here illegally. but they want their kids to come
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here to the united states. so they will pay coyotes in mexico to traffic their children into the united states and then the coyotes have to pay transnational criminal organizations. if anything breaks down along that route, that is where the suffering occurs. you have those who are not able to pay at times. >> everyone watching and listening to understand. we understand that the government of mexico has within its capacity and power the ability to shut that down. to stop these transport and its 1800 miles. from honduras and guatemala to that southern border. and so if anyone thinks of that is happening without the cooperation and the complicity of the mexican government, along with the drug cartels and human strugglers smugglers, they are mad. this is not a policy issue of
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u.s. but a rampant example of corruption and indifference to human life on the part of the mexican government. and this government is not dealing with them firmly to tell them that it is time to act like a civilized government. >> you are correct on all of that. but when you look at the estimates of the 70,000 to 100,000 dead bodies in northern mexico as a direct result on the south side of the united states, when you talk about the fact that we do not control the southern border, but on the south side of our border, organized crime controls the border. and those are the people that are being paid to traffic this and those are the people that come in many cases, they are forcing children into slave labor and forcing them into other things as well. lou: i have heard more lip service from washington to the and more relentless propaganda out of this administration and
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the american people can be fooled, but not for this long and not in such great number. the united states is acting like a lunch darned fools. >> it is also true that the united states hasn't done what it should do. and 100% operational control is what is required by law. we only have 44%. this administration seems interested in keeping the southern border open and asking members for $3.7 billion to expand the very policies that have resulted in this. lou: is the republican leadership going to give them a dime for what it has created? >> there are a number of groups trying to come up with a counter proposal that will actually solve this crisis and what the president proposed will not
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solve it. what we have to do is the serious business of the american people to solve the problem. we need to make sure that people know that if they come they are not going to get in and if they do, they're not going to stay. lou: congressman, thank you so much. we will have more later in this broadcast and i will be talking with greg abbott, the texas attorney general. in the interest of getting information out that is being resisted by this administration and many in the national liberal media, we want to share with you a quote from the congresswoman senator from california. this is what she says about the 2008 law, all of the nonsense that is being spewed on capitol hill about having to change all of the 2008 legislation and all of the nonsense coming from the
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administration. she says is the author of the law that that law already provides flexibility to accelerate the judicial process in times of crisis. the administration should use that flexibility to speed up the system while still treating these children humanely with compassion and respect. so just a reminder that when you hear all of the nonsense around the 2008 law, but congress must change in order for this administration to actually enforce the law, it is not right. egypt tonight has proposed a cease-fire between israel and hamas that would be effective tomorrow morning, followed by negotiations between the two sides within 48 hours, those negotiations taking place in cairo, egypt. coming hours after israeli
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forces shut down a hamas drone, more than 1000 hamas rockets have been fired at israel during the past week and nearly 1500 hamas sites have been targeted by israeli forces. joining us tonight is general jack keane and fox news military analyst. it's so good to have you with us. >> it is good to be here. lou: i have to say at the outset that constraint shown by israel in the face of this barrage of rockets past, to me, it it is utterly astounding and to be frank, incomprehensible that they have not complied with all of the forces at their disposal. >> oh, yes, absolutely. here we have the face of terrorism post-9/11 or you have hamas and hezbollah both desiring to destroy the state of israel using conventional military equipment and
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technology, quite advanced technology to do so, and the fact of the matter is that they intend to kill israeli civilians and that is their purpose and randomly firing those rockettes, 133 per day toward the israeli cities. netanyahu and his commanders do everything they can to avoid civilian casualties and responding with about 80 per day to attack hamas and their conventional military infrastructure some that are hidden in and among the population which is well documented. >> is it in your judgment that we are going to see an escalation of conflict as hamas has thousands upon thousands of these rockets and what are your
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thoughts? >> the israelis do have time and space here and by that i mean that they haven't been taking casualties because of the errant nature of some of these missiles and rockets. andy iron dome has really shot them out of the sky. so the pressure on the regime, i'm talking about the israeli regime, it would be rather dramatic as they were taking serious casualties and that would probably force netanyahu's hand to re-occupied gaza and try to clean out this conventional military tech knowledge about hamas has. but that being said, i don't think he wants to go in there. he knows it will increase civilian casualties and the fact of the matter is he wants it these fire and if he can get hamas to stop shooting those rockets. the egyptians have intervened as much as they did in 2012 and we will see if something comes of it. but of the first response of hamas, it looks pretty negative, but it is their first response which is no cease-fire until you
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release all of the captives that you have taken from us in 2011 and that's a pretty preposterous type of proposal and i'm sure that israelis will reject that. we will see where this goes. lou: military ailey, does it not make sense for israel to take god and to, if you will, and this threat once and for all. i cannot understand frankly the view that israel is him how compelled to take casualties before they respond, given the level of of this threat now in these attacks. >> the real problem with that is that they would have to go block by block to do that in a very dense population without a doubt, that civilians would be killed on a scale that would be disturbing to be israeli regime itself and to the world at
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large. and at the end of the day the fact of the matter is that this is a terrorist organization that can hide in and among the people and you would not illuminate it. they would reemerge and we have set a time and time again. iran is the bankroller of hamas and hezbollah. the weapons technology, they are providing it on a regular and sustained basis and they would rearm them after gaza was taken down in the weapons illuminated and we would be facing them again and certainly the military commanders, while desiring to do that, they are also cautioned by that harsh reality. >> general, it is always good to see you and talk to. >> or to talk to you. >> time for a look at our online poll results. we asked if benjamin netanyahu is justified in taking these measures to eradicate the terrorist threat to israel and 97% saying yes.
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he sure to vote in tonight's poll because we want to know whether you believe the president obama and eric holder have improved or worsened race relations in america during the obama presidency. cast your vote at up next, my commentary on the administration's return to a familiar strategy, one that excuses and rationalizes incompetence in government. ♪
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lou: coming up here tonight, no end in sight to the president's crisis at our southern border. the attorney general of texas will join us to discuss what the state is doing. attorney general eric holder once again coming up with a tiresome strategy. wall street journal editorial board writer and author joins us to assess. first, a few comments on the attorney general holder and his latest effort to avoid accountability for the obama administration's failures, scandals, and efforts to deflect
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individual responsibility for both himself and the president. holder now maintains that the two men, the first african american president, the first african-american attorney general, are targets of racial animus. this is hardly his first attempt at rationalizing public disapproval of the president's policies and its handling of nearly every major issue. during one of his first speeches upon taking office, the attorney general lee carelessly into the arena throwing around reckless generalizations and accusations seemingly doing so without any regard. >> though this nation has probably thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, and things racial we have always been and continue to beat into many ways he essentially a nation of cowards and. lou: cal words did not put eric
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holder in office. cowards did not put president obama and office. this weekend holder did not exactly stand by his early rash judgments and comment. he said only he would not walk away from them. >> i would not walk away from that speech. as think we are still a nation that is too afraid to confront racial issues. lou: too afraid, but it is the attorney general who appears afraid and often uncertain having done little to nothing to take up that debate on race relations in this country. and a president presiding over one of the most divisive and polarized there is in our country's history. now the attorney general says race is driving some of the administration's critics and political opponents. >> they're is a certain level of the immense directed at the
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president. you know, people talk about taking their country back. they're is a certain racial component for some people. i do not think it is a main driver. for some there is a racial animus. lou: not major, but obviously worthy of the attorney general's mind space and comments. but it is, it seems to me, the administration that has become an uncomfortable the attrite in throwing down the race card. time and time again using it to deflect and distract the body politic from the obama white house and competence and bald failures of governments . , it seems, to excuse, rationalize when they should be taking responsibility and even blame for the scandals and coverups that have multiplied to the point that they require numbers, not names. the national liberal media cannot abide reporting on all the scandals, all the failures,
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the accompanying cover-ups, all of the policy failures and the no overall clumsiness of this white house. but the national media that gives full truth to the obama pitch for class warfare, and when that does not take how about a month or two of boosting the president's income inequality strategy. now a comprehensive immigration reform. and now that that strategy has backfired on the obama administration they throw down their old favorites stratagem. this president who was once considered so bright has lost standing even in the complaint, compass it national media. so out again comes race. from the same president, the same white house that was so many years ago historic in making this the post racial era in america. instead, this white house seems
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to be doing its level best to divide americans rather than unite us. but we are still the united states of america. we americans are, once again, proving how strong and stubborn the american dream can be. we are also strong, and we are also stubborn even in the face of leaders who would have us be otherwise. we're coming right back. the crisis on his border. texas attorney general republican gubernatorial candidate on the wild claim that the border with mexico is the border with mexico is secure. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. the border with mexico is secure.
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lou: my next guest is considering filing a lawsuit against the federal government that would reimburse the state of texas for expenditures related to the wave of children
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and families and others crossing the border illegally in the rio grande valley sector of texas. he has visited the border, met with the border patrol. it very much unlike our president. joining as is texas attorney general, and greg abbott. you have asked for 30 million. talking about a lawsuit here. i know governor perry has moved your department of public safety into action. that has to be costing huge sums of money. >> well, the department of public safety troops that we have down on the border, that will add up to more than $30 million for the remainder of this year. that number is basically the entry fee cost. the additional cost will be far greater than that and we have no idea how long it will last. also, you need to understand that by as moving our department of public safety officers to the
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border, that is inadequate boots on the ground which is why we're asking the president to deploy the national guard to our border and provide us other resources that we need to do the job he is supposed to do. lou: i listened carefully to the president as he met with governor perry. i was pretty sure that i clearly interpreted the president's remarks when he said he is going to mess with taxes and tell governor perry to go to hell. did i misinterpret his response? >> you can figure out the fact that the president spent two days in texas and took hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of dollars from taxes but could not trouble himself to go down to the border himself and see the carnage or damage going on on the border and could not come out of pocket from the federal government the resources we need to be able to respond to the crisis. it was the president himself who called this the crisis. the president himself who came
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to texas. he is not fulfilling his responsibility to either secure the border were held texas respond to this challenge. lou: in all fairness, mr. attorney general, the president said he was averse to theatrics and afraid he might be interpreted as being a theatrical. if he were to simply go to the epicenter of the crisis. >> actually, what he said, he did not want a photo op. we don't want him to have a photo op. we want him to do his job. as you know, you can document as well as anybody, this is serious , an enormous challenge that just for the people of texas but an enormous challenge for everyone in america. in addition to these children who are crossing the border we have international gang members, and as 13, criminals coming across the border. let me give you this number, just staggering. we arrest far more than 100
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criminals coming across the border every single day on average. so we have a lot of crime issues to deal with because of our open enforce border. lou: to you apply this same multiplier as the border patrol, about three to one for every one apprehended three naked through? >> well, what my numbers are based upon is the numbers that the texas law enforcement comes up with derived from those who are incarcerated crime. we are not basing our numbers on estimations. the numbers i am giving you are there real, hard numbers, people were actually arrested for committing some type of crime. lou: perhaps i was not clear. the border patrol uses a multiplier of three to one. they're real numbers you just
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shared with us would result in a number of 300 getting through. do you agree with that assessment? >> you know, what i do know is that there is a multiplier. i cannot tell you precisely what it is. there not 100 percent of the people crossing the border either apprehended or arrested. that means we know that there are far more people. people coming here, they turn themselves over. people coming here with bad intent whether it is to commit crime, perpetuate cartel activity or potentially worse, people who come here for terrorism. those are the people who do not turn themselves and, the people we have to be more concerned about. lou: my final question, john roberts reporting from mission, texas tonight that the numbers have dropped by just about half the numbers that they had been.
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do you take s simply a temporary, transitory abatement, or do you believe that we are going to see this problem -- these numbers move more permanently? >> we have seen this time and again. about once a year or so the texas department of public safety will have a search operation on the border. during that surged across the border activity reduces. and so if that reaction is occurring it corresponds with when the time is the texas department of public safety engaged in the search operation. that would be but we have always seen. this proves what we have been saying, more boots on the ground will solve this problem. the problem will be abated only so long as we continue with boots on the ground. lou: attorney general greg abbott, always good to talk with you. >> thank you. lou: a reminder to vote on our poll.
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the question is, do you believe president obama and attorney general holder have improved or worsened race relations during the term of president obama? a vote at we want to hear from you. our quota of the evening. from chicago mayor, the former white house chief of staff said, you never let a serious crisis go to waste. well, he now has a serious crisis, violence in chicago, a serious crisis of his own political future. he has been unable to stem violence, and the polls show he will lose his reelection next year because of it. we're coming right back. the attorney general says some critics a.m. and president obama not because of their policies but because of the color of their skin. jason riley author of the new book please stop helping us on
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eric holder's racial animus card next. ♪ unlimited cash back.
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lou: on wall street stocks closing just short of record highs. the dow up 112 points, as an volume on the big board picking out. as you can see, the dowel is comfortably above 17,000. my next guest says the obama administration's willingness to stoke racial division is playing to the fears of minorities in the hopes of scaring them to the polls in november. joining us now, "wall street journal" editorial board member jason riley, author of the new book, please stop helping us. great to have you here. >> thank you. lou: congratulations on the book talking about this administration, it is racial animus, said eric holder. as if he visits race relations
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in his public comments once every three years in and talks about everyone else. >> it is as if he wants us to forget obama was black before he was elected. that is what he is counting on. it is ridiculous that he is suggesting that there are no legitimate non-racial criticisms of barack obama. so this must be what it is all about. it could not possibly be about his policies or the state of the economy, five years into a recovery, the state of joblessness, but this is political desperation. democrats are worried that minorities will stay home and they will lose the summit. he is out there trying to scare them. lou: and scared them to the polls by being divisive, by simply distorting reality. >> lying to them. telling them that voter i.d. laws are suppressing the black
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vote. the black voter rage in 2012 exceeded the white voter rate. even in states with the toughest voter i.d. laws in the country. lou: greg abbott, other states attorneys general have used those statistics before the u.s. supreme court. people need to understand prevailing against the obama administration before the supreme court. >> the policies of this administration have failed time and again and particularly these constituencies. those groups of people. look at the unemployment rate. the poverty today is higher than it was in 1966. all this administration has to offer is scaremongering and more food stamps, perhaps. lou: to your point in the title of your book. the fact is that the idea that
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there is stubborn, high unemployment and no one is changing the approach for minorities. >> democrats to change. they have a vested interest in black dependency on government which is what we have today whether it is dependency in the form of jobs, military, post office, or handouts. it is black dependency. that is the status quo. it is how they get reelected. lou: great to have you here. thank you so much. up next, president clinton so furious over the failed rollout of hillary's book. we will tell you what he's doing a strategy to fix the clinton brand. best-selling author ed klein best-selling author ed klein next.
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lou: joining us now, author of the new york times number one best seller, ed klein. great to have you here. congratulations. and what book is it beating out? what is number two? hillary clinton's heart something or other? it is good to have you with us. i had to give you an opportunity to bask in the moment. you write that hillary clinton is planning on writing another book to fix the other book, the number to book. >> she is -- she was in london on the fourth of july weekend. bill calder and said he had an idea. stop and write another book in which you tell all about becoming a grandma, true health
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problems and our relationship with barack obama. lou: that might be interesting. >> a lot more than the book she wrote. [laughter] lou: it is doing pretty well. the idea that bill clinton, president clinton is pushing hard on strategy, approaches, and listen up, white, we need another book. >> she is already taking notes about this new book. simon and schuster is taking a $10 million bath on this book. i am not sure they will publish the next one. lou: and speaking of changes and the influence of the clinton brand, i understand from you that we are seeing a little change in direction on capitol hill as well. what is going on? >> nothing i like better than breaking news on your show.
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lou: we like it, two. >> i picked up strong signs -- i am reading from my notes because it is important. the succession in the democratic party is already shifting away from obama to the clintons. i am told that the top leaders, nancy pelosi and harry reid, are now calling the clintons rather than the white house before they make major legislative decisions on such matters as immigration and contraceptive health care reform. lou: well. that has to, to say the least, be a founder both in the white house. any sense of the reaction? >> i am short -- and i have not reported from the white house, but i will tell you in a minute about the clintons. the white house cannot be happy. the clintons have already stolen away a lot of the white house
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political operatives. i am told that when hillary relates this news to her friends about the shift in the leaders, who they call, do they get in touch with, full of laughter over house she has trumped the obama's. lou: deservedly so given what she is doing. also, president obama, as you suggested, is now moving toward elizabeth warren as his favorite a direct slap to hillary clinton what part is that playing in your judgment in the decisionmaking of the capitol hill leaders and the democratic party? >> i think both are in the more establishment wing of the party then elizabeth warren who is way over in the left.
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i do not think they are going to get behind elizabeth warren. i think they feel that hillary is really inevitable in the nomination. lou: as i am listening to your reporting and your cap of events and these new currents that are running, this sounds like a resurgent hillary clinton even in the midst of a, if you will, disappointing initial book to work. >> the doll that you knock down. there is nothing like the clintons for being the comeback kids. as think that they think they are going to come back in a big, big way. lou: all right. well, ed klein, number one right now you have got it made. congratulations. the book is a blood feud, on sale now. it is the one flying off of the
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shells. thank you. that is it for us. coming up tomorrow, democratic congressman, critical of the white house and immigration and border security
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>> neil: the word is out i am in for a neil cavuto tonight as lawmakers are debating how disband 3.$7 billion president obama is questioning gain members and terrorist using the border crisis as the free pass to set up shop in united states texas republican congressman says it should be obvious to spend money on securing the of border and chairman of that immigration reform caucus be you are wrr


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