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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  July 16, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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liz: jeff, thank you. david: let them pour that concrete. let it go now. liz: "the willis report" is next. hi, gerri. you have exclusive new info on one of those high-profile ignition switch cases? what's up? gerri: you got it, liz and dave. a texas da is asking state parole board to pardon the woman who killed her fiance. the car was a saturn ion which her airbag did not deploy. do any of them take obamacare? debt collectors costing awe bund dell. they're tying up court system with avalanche of cases. we're investigating what is going on. sneaky new way stores trick you into thinking you're getting a bargain. we're blowing a lid off the practice that could get you to pay more than you should. "the willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now.
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we begin tonight with inspirational story that people all over the country are talking about. a vietnam vet who lost both of his legs fighting for our country's trying to get help from the va. where government failed, average everyday americans succeeded. here to tell husband own story of hope found in unlikely places is veteran michael silsona you and i had a chance to catch up already. thanks for coming into the studio. >> thanks for having me. gerri: before we get started, thank you for your service. >> hey. gerri: tell me about your trip to the lows. >> right. gerri: you go to lowe's, why were you there and what happened? >> we went to lowe's, me and my wife to look for some fencing and the bolt on the rear wheel of the wheelchair snapped. gerri: it stopped? >> it snapped. it broke. this is the bolt that holds the wheel to the frame. and so one of the employees took me over to this wall of, i go
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there to lowe's all the time. gerri: so you know them. >> yeah. this wall of bolts and this guy sal, who by the way his mother has been in a wheelchair for 30 years and his father's vietnam veteran had sat me down, you know, he helped me into another chair and just assured me that, everything will be taken care of. gerri: we, we were just showing a picture of you in the store which i think your wife might have snapped. tell me more about the lowe's employees, just took care of you, is that right? >> these guys, it was like a s.w.a.t. team. i had nothing to do with it. the man who worked with the right, came with his box of too. marcus didn't say much. marcus was taking the wheelchair apart. david was in there moving, you know, testing it and moving, moving the bolts back and forth.
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and, you know they could have, if it was me, thank god i don't work for lowe's. i could have just stuck a bolt in there and patted veteran on the back. kind of like me. but they, they got the exact, the right type of bolt that should be in there. gerri: well, this is amazing. >> yeah. gerri: these guys didn't have to lift a hand. they didn't have to do a thing this comes after you asked the va for a new chair and you didn't hear anything for what two years? >> yeah. it was sort of, you know whether it's a spare, i think everybody lost track of what is going on whether it was a spare wheel or new chair. and god knows the place is like overwhelmed. gerri: it has got a lot of issues which we're going to get to but i also want to hear about, because you heard from a lot of people. >> oh, yeah. gerri: the after the story went viral, the chair breaks down in
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lowe's. the lowe's employees put it back together again, fix it, gratties. they say thank you for your service. >> i said thanks for helping me. they said, we're honored. and that is just like, you know, it wasn't like they, and i kept, nobody said you're welcome. it was, you know, we're honored. and that was it. it was time to close the store and -- gerri: who else have you heard from? >> oh, please, man. the phone hasn't stopped ringing. i've gotten calls from truckers in texas, collect money on the way. pick up a wheelchair. drop it off at the house. i just had this manufacture that wants to give me this big $7,000, like a tank wheelchair, you know. i, where -- gerri: did you hear from a little girl? >> yes. my wife got the call. they collected some money up in connecticut and this little girl that lost, a tooth fell out and did the tooth fairy thing. gerri: put it under the pillow.
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>> pillow, got money and wanted to give it to the guy. you know. gerri: you have, little girls sending you money from the tooth fairy. >> yeah. gerri: pleasure having you on the show. say it again. thank you for your service. we're honored to have you on the show. >> thanks for having me. gerri: oh. michael is one of the countless veterans whose story shed light on the depth of the va scandal. pete hegseth, ceo of concerned veterans for america joins me with your reaction. pete, you're not on set with us, let me tell you, amazing story. what do you make of it? >> fun to watch. i will say on lighter note, if there is place i want my wheelchair it is lowe's with a bunch of guys who know how to fix it. they weren'table gated to. i go in my hometown, still water, minnesota, give 10% discount to veterans. testament to culture at lowe's, customer service based. he honored service he provided followed through in personal way
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with personal touch. what you want to see how americans feel about veterans. great to see. gerri: simply highlights what is broadly. with the va more today we had a hearing, va acting secretary sloan gibson talked about the importance of making big changes. he was very adamant in his statement. and yet, he had very different things to say, only a month ago, listen to his statements from a month ago. >> this idea that, let's fire everybody, let's pull everybody's bonus away, that is a bunch of crap. gerri: hmmm, sound like he is saying two different things. today we have to make big changes. only a month ago, don't go too far. >> yeah, when you come before congress these days you better come hat in hand if you're a va official because the news is out how poor this department has been run. he is acting va secretary. i think he's obviously on one hand make it look like he is mad
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as hell trying to fight for reform. on the other hand he is reflexively va employees fudging numbers. we heard more stories about the va backlog bit. we're not satisfied with a lot things sloan gibson is saying. he talked about the need for 17.6 billiondollars of more funding to fix the problem. if there is one thing that wield solved, looking at va it is not a funding problem. jeff miller, house va committee, rightfully slap them down you're either disingenuous or lying. money has not been a problem for a long time so what gives? gerri: talking about better stats on surveying our nation's heroes. are they buying it? do they have credibility on the numbers now? >> no. we can't have credibility on any of the numbers right now that va is giving. i regret to say that. i wish it were true. but from the backlog numbers revealed to be fudged. wait times we know are fudged, from them saying people have
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been fired who have not been fired, there is very little we can trust right now in what va is telling us. unfortunate part, breaks, sloan gibson talked about trust we've lost in the department. that trust has been lost. only way you restore trust is being honest, ripping scab off and hear are all the problems. we need your help to help fix them. we should have department that treats veterans like customers. like he was treated in wheelchair in the lowe's store. someone urgently treated for service given to the nation. right now they're treated instead like numbers. going to traditional washington solutions like more funding and that will not get it done. gerri: real americans step in where the government fails. >> that's right. thank you. gerri: thank you for coming on. with the story of va in mind it is ironic that the white house today would be call for a new era of economic patriotism but that is exactly what they're doing. treasury secretary jack lew pushing congress to pass immediate legislation blocking companies from moving their headquarters overseas to get a
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lower rate but who is really being unpatriotic? senior political editor guy benson is here with his take. guy, seems to me on the one hand you say one thing and on the other hand you do something completely different. is this ironic? is this a telling tale of the administration? >> hey, gerri. look, i'm not that old of a guy but i'm old enough to remember all the way back when dissent was supposedly the highest form of patriotism, not going along with the government's program, administration's program. that is what we should really value as height of patriotism. that era ended mysteriously circa january 20th, 2009. we have form of patriotism in form of bullying to pay higher taxes. it is not new. joe biden on campaign in 2008, paying taxes and higher taxes is
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a patriotic act. they used this language as a pretext to keep taxes high, or raise them higher on people at the polling tells them they can get away with. gerri: a little background here. what jack lew is talking about is this practice of inversion which more and more americans companies are doing. basically, they're domiciling overseas so that they can save tax dollars. why? because we have the highest corporate taxes? in the world. there are no higher corporate taxes in advanced civilized western nation than in good ol' u.s. of a. from your point of view, in washington the most effective way of combating this issue, which i think is problematic, companies leaving this country is most effective way to fight it is make it illegal or to lower taxes? >> gerri, i think you will not that surprised i think tax reform and lowering taxes is solution. trying to make it illegal or
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trying to yell at people and call them unpatriotic is sort of a low way of going about this. i don't think it is going to work. i agree with you, the point that you made is so important. most americans want our strong businesses to stay here. but the fact of the matter is, policies matter. the fact that we have that highest corporate income tax in the industrialized world, that has consequences. we ought to make sure that we tackle that high number and bring it down, which has bipartisan support. gerri: thing that really got us fired up today, is this request for more money to fix the bowling alley in the white house. so our question was, what is economic patriotism? is it pumping more money to fix the facade of the white house? or is it trying to keep american corporations in this country? who is least patriotic? who has the least economic patriotism in your room? corporate america, the boardroom or the white house? >> i don't like paying this patriotism game. i don't like it in the bush
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administration. don't like it in the obama administration. we can have differences of opinion on policy issues without calling each other unpatriotic. i will say in age where we have 17 trillion-dollar and skyrocketing debt with huge unpaid for liabilities coming down the pike very, very quickly. the administration saying there is no room to cut anywhere on anything because that is extreme and outrageous and mean-spirited by republican to then say let's fix our bowling alley in the basement of the white house, it comes back to the occasionally gob smacking, tone deafness of the administration. gerri: as americans struggle with incomes not growing, a housing market that is punk, no job growth, fixing the bowling ally, oh by the way before you go, i want to tell our viewers we don't know how much money they want to spend. they won't tell us. it is not public information. they want to spend your tax dollars and don't want to tell you how they're doing it. i guess i got fired up about that. guy, thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure, gerri.
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gerri: we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. where would you find more economic patriotism? the obama administration, corporate boardrooms or neither? log on to i will share the results at the end of tonight's show. >> too still to come, a lot more this hour including your voice. during the show we want to you facebook or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. at the bottom of the hour i will read your comments. stores try to pull a fast one over on you. we answer the question, how do you do that? how to see through stores sneaky ways to trick customers? we're watching out for your wallet coming up.
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gerri: so everybody love as good deal when we're shopping. turns out some of the things we purchase in stores or even online, they may not be the deals you think. here to explain market watch reporter katy hill. welcome back. good to have you here. >> thank you. >> what are retailers favorite tricks? >> number one, is original price of an item is a big fat lie usually. not to pick on jcpenney. this expand example of found. original price was $145 and sale price was $99.
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you thought oh, that is wonderful, great, $99. turns out at target and bunch of other retailers it was listed at $99 and also selling for $99. so that $145 price was -- gerri: fabrication. a little fabrication. another example. that is one of my favorite products frankly. i have one of these. kitchen aid artisan five quart stand mixer. >> yeah. gerri: if you want to know real price on this thing, good luck, my friend, who knows. >> coles was selling it for 449. -- coles. kitchen aid was selling it for 349 and few others. these prices are pulled out of thin air. the burden is on you to price check. the retailers change up prices all the time. more deals they offer, the more they can't sell the price at super big discount. gerri: that is forced to make up the prices so to get you into the store with discount coupon or something es. >> yep. gerri: how do i know what the price should be? >> i like the red laser app.
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pull up your smartphone. scan the barcode, the price should be it. i like that. really as consumer, because they're switching prices sometimes multiple times a day they're getting switched. use your smartphone and go online to check prices. you could be paying $100 more for something that is another price somewhere else. gerri: it is interesting that it is pricing psychology. they're really playing on consumers and shoppers. >> totally. gerri: basest instincts here. >> that's right. almost like gambling. much oh i have a bite deal. dopamine goes straight to your name. someone called it buyagra. gerri: i love that. >> buyagra. someone called it that. gerri: any other pointers seeing through the tricks? what can i do? >> come on with the smartphone. scan the barcode. sometimes you have to go to another store. check out prices on amazon, walmart, everywhere you go.
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go to pricegrabber or price like that. look for the price on there, hey, these are retail. selling for this price. retailers. here is where else i can go. gerri: shop around. look around. i think a lot of people aren't able to make the smart decisions. is it smart to have cooling-off period? sometimes what i do, if i'm in a store and seeing that is really expensive i really want, i w away as fast as i can. i get later. >> that is exactly what you should be doing. at least 24 hours. oh, my gosh, this is great deal, i'm getting 50% off. when it is really not 50% off. you want a cooling-off period. if you have buy it right there, compare the price on the smartphone right in the store. gerri: katy, come back soon. good job. >> thank you. gerri: well turning now to gm, we've been covering it a lot and their ignition gate scandal will be front and center tomorrow. gm's top lawyer goes head-to-head with senators. in prepared remarks general motors general counsel is expected to blame some of his
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own staff saying they didn't do their job and they're no longer with the company. also expected to appear tomorrow, the guy who runs the companies, that manufactured the flawed part. but tonight in my hands i have a letter that could change a life. it was written by former district attorney leslie pointer dixon. dixon prosecute ad woman who crashed her saturn ion. that crashed killed the woman's fiance. in today's letter dixon writes if she had all the evidence regarding gm's ignition switch, she would not not, not prosecuted candace rachel anderson. she had a trace amount of sedative xanax in her system. she agreed to plea deal of, prosecutor is asking texas governor rick perry to pardon miss anderson. we're joined by the car coach, lauren fix. how about that, 10 years. you think that your fiance's death is on your head.
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then you find out it is not. what do you think of that? >> is a really sad situation. i mean we didn't know there was, a lot of information that was undisclosed, that gm kept under wraps. whoever is fault it was to blame, i know gm general counsel, michael millican, saying i didn't know anything. there is all kind of information that shows that in '07 they were aware. here we are, everyone, as i see the excuse de jure is, we didn't know anything until january. that is always the story we've been hearing. my concern is, how many other cases are women like this that went to prison for deaths or situations that they had no control over because of this ignition switch and non-airbag deployment. really terrible situation. the case needs to be reopened and looked at. gerri: just to clarify here, she did not go to jail for this. she pled to reduced ply. but, you know, essentially court of law saying you're guilty for this. she had no other idea.
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the guilt she must have lived with for 10 years is amazing to me. we're talking about the attorney, the head gm attorney. of course as you well know, the company was settling cases at $5 million a pop basically. >> right. gerri: and it just brings into sharp focus the idea of, if you were settling these cases and you were requiring the people you were setting with not to say anything to the media, why? if there was no issue, no problem with the car, why would you do that? >> well, michael millie kin is the person you're referencing. gm general counsel. he claims everyone below him didn't have to bring the lawsuit to his attention unless it was over $5 million. then it had to be brought to upper people in order to discuss it. so if you were to settle everything at $5 million he didn't have to go through cases and everything was sealed. if you received this money, then you don't have to, there was obviously all kinds of hush, you're not allowed to discuss it.
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can't bring it to the media. that is understood. that happens in a lot of court cases especially when there are settlements involved. my concern how many were there that have to be reopened now? we've heard of 16 deaths right now. but there are potentially is a lot more. how many we don't know. we've heard some people speculate as many as 5,000. that may be a bit high. if it is that high, it is going to be unbelievably sad. it will be a bad situation. but we'll find out tomorrow because we've also found out that two senators have brought up the harm, it is called, i for get the name of it, basically act put up, a 10-page report brought to create a law at that states if you as a manufacturer are producing a part and you find out it could potentially cause death or harm to others, you have 24 hours to disclose it to nhtsa. if you don't, potentially executives could go to prison. this is really serious.
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this is for bob, two democratic republicans i'm sorry. two democratic senators. >> i want to bring up the idea, delphi is also going to be on hand, ceo of that company. >> right. gerri: of course this is the company that made the ignition switch we're all talking about. their defense is, we didn't design it. we told gm there were problems with it. >> right. gerri: how will that go over with people in congress? do you think they will accept that? >> well how it happened that we're able to find out based on the volucuk report, they sent over a blueprint. delphi sent over the part, they sent over first article for approval and they approved. ray did i giorgio, in the report did approve it. delphi suggest ad different switch which is something that engineer would do. you know, i don't think the switch will be strong enough. you should consider this part instead. they ignored it according to delphi. looks like delphi is not in the focus of potentially being at fault here. looks like it belongs back on gm. of course we'll find out
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tomorrow when claire mccast skill starts asking questions. she is tough -- mccaskill. she is not about to take no for answers. she wants straight up answers that. will tell the truth. what we're able to see right now with information that delphi is not at fault for this problem. the fact they did suggest a different switch and gm said know, in this case it looks like it is ray di giorgio. this man got fired but there are other people involved yet. gerri: lauren, thanks for helping us out. >> thanks a lot. gerri: time now for look at stories we're clicking on time warner rejected a takeover bid by twenty-first century fox of the 76 billion offer was made last month and twenty-first century fox says the companies are currently not in any discussions. twenty-first century fox is the parent of the fox business network. the possibility of a merger between time warner and twenty-first century fox as we just said along with upbeat
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earnings reports pushed markets higher today. the dow set a now knew record at the. bmw says it is issuing recall because other automakers with similar systems reported problems. the airbags from japan's supplier, takata, may explode, shooting shrapnel all over inside of the car. hershey's raising prices of chocolate, kisses, reese es other candies by 8%. the nation's leading candy producer says the recent for price hike to combat rising food and transportation costs. those are some of the hot stories on all right. we'll go to the white house right now. president barack obama announcing new sanctions against russia. fox business senior washington correspondent peter barnes is standing bit right now in the d.c. bureau to tell us what he is expecting the to say.
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peter. >> the president expected in briefing room any minute to announce a new round of sanctions against russia over its involvement in the ukraine amid reports that russia forces have gathered once against the border of ukraine and the u.s. about to announce, has announced already a new round of sanctions against companies in the financial services, energy, and defense sectors. they are gazprom bank, which was the, started out as the major bank for gazprom, russia, one of russia's major energy producers. another bank called evb, and russia energy companies and novotel and rosneft. they are sanctions limited to access to u.s. capital markets for longer-term debt and equity for bank financing, for example of longer than 90 days but the administration sighs that these are going to be another tough round of sanctions, but it
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doesn't want to generate any spillover effects on global economy. so, for example the sanctions are not expected to affect property of these companies here or other types of transactions such as rosneft's partnership with exxon to do oil exploration in russia and also would not affect shorter-term financing which is critical to global oil financing, oil transactions, gerri. gerri: peter, i know we've been looking at this for a long type of the country already put in place some sanctions on russia, upping the ante tonight is expected in the press conference coming up. from what i understand, you tell me what your report something telling you, the idea is not to cut off entire sections of the russian economy as so many people called for. >> right. gerri: i believe as the administration threatened to do. why do you think they're pulling up short here a little bit? >> well, because they have problems with european allies for one thing. as you know, the europeans are much more dependent on the
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russians for oil and gas and in fact, e.u. leaders are meeting tonight, the administration says that the e.u. will also announce some additional sanctions this evening, but the expectation is they are not going to be as tough in part because of the dependency on your rob for russia on -- europe on russia for energy supplies. there is dust-up between the united states and germany over eavesdropping and spying. president had a call with german president angela merkel yesterday in fact. gerri: peter we'll take a break here. we'll be right back. the president expected to speak shortly. stay with us. the blisters and the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space with the rash to move to change radio frequencies.
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i would just stop and literally freeze up. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. when my doctor told me that shingles came from the chickenpox virus i was very surprised. for two weeks i sat up in bed because i couldn't lay down. i had the scabs all throughout the side of my head and into the upper neck region. i didn't want to do anything except go to sleep and have the pain be over. as a pilot that meant i was grounded.
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♪ ny knew. gerri: well, you may have wondered which hospital provides the best possible treatment for all of your medical needs.
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well, u.s. news and world report just released their annual list of the best hospitals in the country. managing editor of health care analysis for u.s. news and world report. thank you for bringing ounces -- bringing as this list. what does it take to get on your list? how do you evaluate hospitals? >> a great question. we look at hospitals on six teen different medical specialties in a wide range of date, patient safety, how well patients survive, there's quality, how much support the doctors get from the nurses and volume. gerri: i want to work our way through this list because i know people want to hear about it. let's start with number five. the ucla medical center, why is that so special? >> ucla is number five on our
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honor roll. to get there they have to have a demonstrated prejudice and depth of excellence in an array of medical's specialties. gerri: none on and on the list goes. number four is the cleveland clinic. why did you choose that one? >> they excel in particular in cardiology and heart surgery. they have been number one for many years. they also have -- exceptional care. gerri: john hopkins in baltimore going up the list for the top-ranked institutions. why did you choose that hospital? >> again, they demonstrated a great survival. one of the things we looked at is, we study how hospitals do with the most complex and challenging cases,
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life-threatening and rare conditions in many cases. johns hopkins has great survival gerri: your nose and throat, urology, on and on it goes. the massachusetts general hospital. >> you know, they have been providing great care for over 200 years. they are ranked number one in the nation in psychiatry. they have a great rehabilitation hospital and your nose and throat care. it is a grea
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>> check out our hospital rankings. you can find a number of resources, a great starting point.
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especially for a challenging medical needs. gerri: you have been doing this for a long time. to the hospitals try to get on your list? baena when it comes to the rankings of hospitals and universities their is a lot of maneuvering. do you have to push back? >> we use data from sources that are pretty hard to gain. i will say that hospitals are constantly in doubt, aspects of care that they think are important. those are productive conversations. gerri: good stu >> my pleasure. gerri: if you want to check out the list in its entirety go to my website. maybe your hospital is on the list. we want to hear from you. here is what some of you are posting. where would you find more economic patriotism, the obama administration, corporate board rooms, or nighter? i am sure there is more
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patriotism in the board rooms. we take very little to how do the obama administration. avens' sounds off, this is the message being sent. and rick tweeted nighter which is the exact reason why companies move overseas. the government is meddling in free enterprise and companies are responding. here are some of your e-mails. chris from idaho weighs in. something is better than nothing. take it from us, there will always be something coming up that will hurt your pocket. in the lane from california rights to most workers do not fully fund their retirement plan to begin early enough to taken advantage of market growth. retirement will become a vanishing maros. i hope not. we love hearing from you.
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send me an e-mail. go to coming up, debt collection lawsuits are tying up the courts taxpayers are paying. here is your consumer gauge for numbers that matter to you. check it out. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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gerri: are you being sued by a computer, and our law firms after you for money you do not know? one watchdog agency tells us you might. great to have you back on the show. am i being sued by a computer? is it possible that people are being sued by some nameless entities somewhere? >> believe it or not, this is possible. the whole problem originates when you have companies buying basic to leave rate-packaged data reformulated, repackaged, and reassigned bundles of debt that go out to companies. they are robo suing people and
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thousands of cases. these are literally floods of cases bursting into the court houses, and courthouses are overwhelmed by lawsuits that are often inaccurate. gerri: you packed in a lot, and i like the way you put this. the floods of cases, and the reality is that taxpayers are paying for the courts. tell me about your experience. in tyre cord swear that docket is full of nothing but these cases. are they legitimate? >> some are. but in substantial portions, a very ironic situation. when you have these cases going into courthouses, they are based on outdated files. the people getting a tax are really going -- withstanding an attack from the courthouse they are supporting with their taxpayer dollars.
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two-thirds of these cases end up in a default judgment or consent judgment. people do not even know who is suing them. typically -- gerri: i have to interrupt you. i apologize. the president now speaking. >> actions taken today in support of ukraine. before i do i want to take a few minutes to update the american people. first of all, i think secretary kerry and our outstanding military leaders in afghanistan for their success. thanks to their efforts and, of course thanks to the afghans and the courage of the two candid it's, both of whom i spoke to last week, the candidates had agreed to abide by the results of a comprehensive and internationally supervised audit that will form a unity government.
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if they keep their commitment, afghanistan will witness the first democratic transfer of power in the history of that nation. progress will honor those candidates who will put the interest of a united afghanistan first. millions of afghans who defied threats in order to vote and the service of troops and civilians who have sacrificed so much. this progress reminds us that even as our combat mission in afghanistan in is this year america's commitment to a sovereign, united command democratic afghanistan will endure a long with our determination that americans and never again threatened by terrorists inside afghanistan. second, john and updated me on negotiations with iran over its nuclear program. over the last six months iran has met its commitments. halting the progress of its nuclear program, ongoing inspections and rolling back its most dangerous stockpile of
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nuclear material. meanwhile, we are working with our partners and iran to reach a comprehensive agreement that assures us that the iranian program will be peaceful and that they will not obtain a nuclear weapon. based upon consultations with secretary kerry and my national security team it is clear to me we have made real progress and get a credit -- credible way forward. but as we approach a deadline of july 20th under the interim deal there is still significant gaps between the international community and iraq and we have more work to do. over the next few days we will continue consulting with congress and our team of continue talks whether we determine additional time is necessary to extend negotiations third, we continue to support diplomatic efforts to end the violence between israel and hamas. as i have said repeatedly israel has a right to defend itself
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against rocket attacks. there is no country on earth that can be expected to live under a daily barrage of rockets , and i am proud that the system that americans helped israel developed and find have saved many israeli lives. but over the past two weeks we have all seen the violence, especially the death and injury of so many innocent civilians, men, women, and children caught in the crossfire. that is why we have been working with our partners in the region to pursue a cease-fire, to protect civilians on both sides. yesterday israel agreed to a cease-fire. unfortunately hamas continued to fire rockets at civilians. but the israeli people and the palestinian people do not want to live like this.
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they deserve to live in peace and security free from pier. that is why we will continue to encourage diplomatic efforts to restore the cease-fire and support egypt's continued efforts to bring this about. over the next 24 hours we will
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monitors on the border. i made this clear with mr. putin, many of our european partners have made this clear with mr. putin, emphasizing our preference to resolve this issue diplomatically but that we must seek concrete action and not just words that russia, in fact, is committed to trying to end this conflict around the russia-ukraine border. so far russia has failed to take any of the steps that i mentioned. in fact, russia's support for the separatists in violation of ukrainian sovereignty has continued. on top of the sanctions already imposed we are designating selected sectors of the russian economy as eligible for sanctions. we are freezing the assets for several russian defense companies and blocking new financing of some of russia's
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most important banks and energy. these sanctions are significant and targeted, designed to have that maximum impact on russia while limiting spillover affect on american companies or those of our allies. we are taking these actions in consultation with our european allies, meeting with brussels to agree on fair next steps and what we are expecting is that the russian leaders will see, once again, that is at it -- its actions in ukraine have consequences including no weakening russian economy and increasing diplomatic desolation we will continue to stand with the ukrainian people, even in the midst of this crisis they have made remarkable progress these past few months. they elected a new president, pursuing important reforms. and the united states will continue to offer strong support to ukraine to help stabilize the
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economy and if and territorial integrity. ukraine deserves the right to forge their own best and up -- destiny. in closing i will point out the obvious. we live in a complex world and a challenging time. these land themselves and require american lead. as commander in chief i am confident that if we are patient and determined we will, in fact, meet these challenges. thank you very much. [inaudible question] gerri: that was the president describing new sanctions on russia. the president saying that the country failed to take any of the steps the u.s. asked for in connection with their face-off with the ukraine. peter barnes here to talk more about this. it was about what we expected, right? bank, energy, defense sector. tell us what you make of that?
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>> once again, this is going to hit for larger companies in russia, two of the bigger banks. and then to of the big energy companies. again, as the president said, while the call these significant , they are targeted to limit spillover effects on american allies, europeans to get a lot of their energy, gas and oil, from russia. for example, this will not affect bank financing that is under 90 days which is, i believe, the bulk of the financing that u.s. banks and credit markets provide to
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>> no doubt you know our next guest is the breakout star from bravo's show the real housewives of new york. she started several successful businesses including a shapewear line, here girdles and a jewelry line. i am so impressed with everything that you are doing, it's amazing and our viewers will be, too. you're a savvy businesswoman not just a reality tv star. tell me to you you got started as a businesswoman.
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>> it's how you're born, it's nurture versus nature. my dad taught me about business. he was an attorney by trade but he was an entrepreneur. he did so many different businesses. i had the retail bug, i wanted to be a buyer and be in clothing. i started my first business in college dorm selling underwear out of my room and men's underwear, i went to an all-girl's school. there's a picture of it. >> i did. you are not allowed to use a college's name on underwear without paying for the name. i got in trouble. >> here's the thing, i hope we explore in this interview. every time somebody tells you no, you get right back up and do something else. >> you picked up on what my parents said. jill never hears the word no. i keep rolling, i don't know no. >> why? what is it with you? >> i think i'm born that way.
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driven, driven, driven, i have a disease it's never enough, not having tons of money but the inner success. i don't have to work a day in my life because i'm married to a very successful man, but i love it. >> you can't sit home. >> no, i can't sit home. >> you have a jewelry line, how did that happen? >> i started jill's jewelry line that's going to be on gem shopping network which is a television online -- a television and online channel only for jewelry, only for precious and semiprecious stones. the truth is i have a line of jewelry that's not real, but really, you know what you're saving money, and this is how i think of jewelry. have you different buckets when you're investing money, when you have a little savings, you put some in real estate. some in stocks and bonds, some in the house for emergency. you can't wear any of that. you don't get pleasure out of any of it.
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i believe that jewelry is an investment. it really is. you don't do it so much to make money, but it is an investment and it is more liquid than real estate, and you can wear it. there's a lot of pleasure that goes along with it, but also can you pass it on. my mother just gave me this beautiful ring. >> which beautiful ring is it? >> i'm not wearing it. she gave me a beautiful ring which i should be wearing, she's going to be mad at me. >> tell me about the price point. precious? high price point? can we all afford it? >> some of us can, some of us can't. something like this is $7,000, and it is -- i can't read because i'm blind. it's a lot of carats, it's a big ring. >> it's a gorgeous ring. >> and others for $150,000. and it's a carat and a half each. >> jill, i'm going to have to wrap you, we have to get out. thank you for coming on the
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show. great to have you here. >> thank you. >> that's it for tonight's "the willis report." have a good night. "making money" with charles payne is coming up right now.. charles: tonight on "making money" -- wall street's pumped. all the news about the megamergers good for investors, and not just a byproduct of cheap money from the fed. it's business confidence indicator and a great sign for the economy. plus, what do the new four kim kardashian and janet yellen have in common? they are making money and great role models for young girls. says me anyway, wait until the pros weigh in. ongoing argument who should get paid what and when. college athletes said they should get paid for their services. buckle up, get your pens. let's go make some money.


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