tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business July 17, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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guests -- special guests. lwe'll leave you in the ever capable hands of lou dobbs, he is covering a lot. lou: breaking news. ukrainian government reports that 23 americans were aboard that malaysia airline flight, that was shot down over eastern ukraine today. near the russian border. and the israeli defense forces confirming to fox news, that an israeli ground offensive into hamas targets in gaza, has begun. we begin with malaysia flight mh17 disaster, news agency report that bodies and plane wreckage are straoup strewn acr9
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mile radius, aircraft was brought down by a russian-made surface-to-air missile, fired from an area near the russian border, which side of the border is very much in question, associated press, claim to have witnessed a missile launcher moving into a rebel-held town in the day. and ukraineian rebel leader, igor gerken, boasting on russian social media site just 30 minutes after the aircraft was shot down, we just downed a plane. we have issued warnings not to fly into our airspace, we have video confirming the bird fell on a waste heap. the an-26, is a ukrainian military transport plane, similar to one shot down earlier
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this week. the post on social media was removed minutes after it was revealed that the plane was instead th malaysian civilian thaerpblpassenger jetliner. general -- confirms that putin has been supplying ukrainian rebels with training. and expectsedly the ukrainian government and russian backed rebels blame one another. with president putin claiming ignoreance. the state department said they are working to confirm or to deny a ukrainian government report that 23 americans were on that flight. >> we have seen the same reports you have. at-this-point we do not have any confirmed information about casualties. the cause or additional details, our thoughts and prayers go out to those onboard.
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we're monitoring the situation. this secretary is aware of the reports. and we're seeking additional information. lou: as that information becomes available we'll bring it to you, you are now looking at fighting in gaza. prime minister netanyahu has begun a full-scale ground offensive against hamas targets in gaza after a week of warning to the residents, a 5 hour humanitarian truce. that was requested by united nations, was broken by more hamas rocket fire earlier in the day, as you now see, on your screen, prime minister netanyahu has had enough. the prime minister releases statement -- this order to act was approved by israeli cabinet after i israel accepted the egyptian cease-fire proposal and
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hamas rejected it and continued to fire rockets on israel, operation defensive edge will continue until its goal is rea reach. while hurting and dismantleing hamas infrastructure. lou: joining us now to assess the missile strike against malaysia flight 17. the israeli groin operation -- ground operation in gaza, retireed major general robert scales, fox news military analyst. first, let's go to the missile strike. surface-to-air missile that hit the phraeul phraeu malaysia flir reaction to claims that both sides that the other is responsible. is it likely that ukrainian forces would have a surface-to-air missile manufactureed by russia? >> well, yes, they do. but this missile was not fired by the ukrainians it was either
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powered bicep rahtivities -- by the separatists or the russians. it would have been launched from a s-a 20 launcher, if the ukrainian separatists fired it, it would have been fired from a sa 17, an older, less capable rocket launcher but still reaching above 30,000 feet. all indications are, that it was a cosmic mistake, separatists have already shot down two uian cranurquidez craneian aircraft - ukrainian aircraft. they probably saw a blip on the screen, they fired the missile, and found out later they shot down a airliner. that is where twitter feed shut down, and immediately russia
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went into damage control in 1983, russia shot down a korean air flight, and they denyed that efficient 12 years. -- denied that for 12 years, it is probably going to happen that russia will do anything they can to use propaganda and global media to deny they did it. in this instance, all of the roads points to moscow. and to putin. lou: to moscow, and putin for having supplied the missiles to russian separatists, it appears at this hour, unconfirmed, unsubstantiated but alludes to social media they are ones responsible. and raises a question, why in the world given the lack of control and military training and discipline, by the separatists, would russia, would
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president putin, put in their hands this highly sophisticateed and highly effective surface-to-air missile air, that brought this aircraft down? >> he has been doing it for months, he realizes that several -- separatists are losing its fight, the ukrainian army has its act together. he has ordered them to push into the enclave. and to hold back the advance of the ukrainians. one was a missile, and a group of thugs who do not know much about missile fires married a horrific -- made a horrific mistake. lou: turning to israel, and prime minister netanyahu ordering the attacks on hamas positions in gaza. he waited just about as long as anyone could have imagineed, didn't he? >> absolutely, but it is important to understand now that
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moving into gaza with land force is a very complex operation that requires planning, war games and intelligence gathering, requires amassing of sophisticateed systems from the west, naval gunfire from east. and uav's overhead, and apache gunships and incurring by armored forces into north, this is something that would take 7 or 9 days to put together. in order to be done promotion alley with a minimum la loss of casualtys on biks on both sides. lou: that that been the effort, minimalizeing the casualties.
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this has been outrageous. it is stunning to witness. let alone experience. >> yeah, the thing that tipped scales lou were the tunnels. my sources have told me that hamas has built a underground labe -- puzzle of tunnels underground. the intifada did not work, suicide bombers are not working. and next stage to dig the tunnels, come out in darkness to attack settlement villages on the border, only choice that mr. netanyahu has is to put troops to the ground to fory on the ouy onferretout these tunne. and learning that power of the
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israel air force have gone into the tunnels to hide, only way to get them out is go in, collapse them, and blow them up to keep hamas from endangering innocent israeli civilians. >> thank you. lou: president obama not the only one in administration learning go scandals through the media reports, testifying on the scandal today in internal revenue service, number 2 men, justice department attorney james cold find out about lois lerner's missing e-mails and her so-called recycleed hard drive through news reports. >> we learned in congress, on june 13, 2014, that two years' worth of lois lerner's e-mails went missing, when did the justice deputy learn about that? i think we learned it afterward.
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lou: republicans have been argue that justice department is doing a poor job of investigating irs. >> how many witnesss have been interviewed. >> i cannot tell you that. >> because you don't know or you choose not to answer. >> both. lou: at least one target, of the irs, tea party group, true the vote said it will meet with fbi investigators, soon. well over a year since the scandal first broke. >> tonight we'll talk with congressman jim jordan who chaired today's irs hearing later. >> deepening division on capitol hill. over how to address president obama's border crisis.
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in the senate, democrats working on a supplemental funding bill that cost $3.7 billion, amount of money that president requested. some republicans want legislation to reverse the president's 2012 executive order that halted deportation of so-called dreamers, illegal immigrants, who came to u.s. as children, but majority leader harry reid, insisting that the knoll happen, claiming that dreamers are quote, legitimately here. in the house, speaker john boehner raises doubts about whether the lower chamber will be able to move forward on any legislation. >> i don't have as much comments mitch -- much optimism as i would like. i don't know how congress can spend more money to border if you don't do something about the
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'08 law that is being abuseed. lou: referring to fact that the border is not recureed and president insists that 2008 sex trafficking law prevents his administration from turning around, illegal immigrant children, and returning them to their countries origin. a growing number of democrats, including house minority leader pelfrey opposeing -- nancy pelosi opposeing altering that 2008 law. and president obama himself last night, reassureing members of the congressional hispanic caucus he would not back down from his efforts to reduce the number of deportations. congressman luis gutierrez was so enthused by that meeting, he
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refered to president obama as quote, our champion, we're coming right back. >> israeli military, moves on hamas in gaza. a commercial airline downed over the ukraine border, and undocumented children flooding our southern border, congressman randy forbes on what the obama administration would call another tran quell day in the global community, next. i had no idea i had shingles.
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when i was drumming and moving my rib cage and my arms like this it hurt across here. when i went to the doctor and said what's happening to me his first question was "did you have chickenpox?" i didn't even really know what shingles was. i thought it was something that, you know, old people got. i didn't want to have clothes on. i didn't want to have clothes off. if someone asked me "let's go dancing" that would have been impossible. stuart! stuart! stuart! stuart! ♪ check it out. this my account thing. we can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. or we can select a time for them to call us back. the future, right? ♪ this doesn't do it for you?
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[ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, that's what blows your mind -- the advanced technology of a doorbell.. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. introducing the xfinity my account app. ♪ i voted for culture... ...with a 'k.' how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn't kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. ♪ xfinity presents the people's hotlist where you choose this summer's top 100 shows and movies. and all you have to do is watch with xfinity on demand. now through july 23rd. vote! lou: a troubling development one day after head of cdc testifies before congress about safety lapses involving deadly pathojens, a safety lapse
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involving handling of those deadly pathogens, turning out fore gotten viles of smallpox in 1950s were not only highly contagious virus found in storage in maryland, scientists found more than 300 viles containing dunk -- dow influenza that causes spotted fever. >> and in russia, we are joined by congressman rahn randy "forb" let's start with the surface-to-air missile that truck that airliner, near the border, between ukraine, and
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russia, your thoughts on responsibility? >> i listened to general scale's comments, he articulated it well,. seeming like from evidence, this was a mistake done bicep rahtivities -- by the separatists, you look at fact they previously shot down planes it shows a pattern of their willingness, and they tweet about it and they had the kayibility, this all comes back to recklessness of president putin and russian, the president needs to come back and put it on putin that reckless nature, is really the culprit. lou: we heard a number of our electioned officials in congress, and senate say, that putin must pay. would you be amongst those?
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and if you are, how would we make him pay? >> well, i think when you talk about payment, biggest payment that russian have is in public opinion of the world. they don't have that unless they see some american leadership come out and points to that. if you go around the globe right now there is a vacuum of american leadership. right tonight with these crises going and israel and in ukraine. where is the president? he is attending two fundraisers, at some points in time, the president needs to com come bacd say, we'll give more support to the ukrainian, and the military there. and secondly, he just needs to say, putin is at fault, his recklessness caused this, and world needs to focus on that. lou: asking you. do you think for a moment that the president would listen to that recommendation? and most importantly, do you think if he did, that the world
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is prepared to again listen to president obama? >> lou, a great question, i think right now worst criticism i hear of this president in the world, from ambassadors, foreign leaders, whether they come into my office, that the president has made himself almost irrelevant in the world, they are not listening to him, this time we need a president who wants to be president. and this president is giving every signal he can to here at home and abroad he doesn't want to makes these decisions, he doesn't want to deal with border crisis ordeal with foreign affairs, he would much prefer being in company of individuals in the fundraisers in hollywood, set, and that is really costing us in world opinion, and world leadership, we need american leadership, we're not seeing it. lou: prime minister netanyahu ordering the ground strikes against hamas in gaza as expected, i have said here.
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forbearance of the government has been remarkable given relentless rocket attacks against israel. for that operation to begin now. what do you expect to be objectives and results? >> first of all, i think you are right, they have shown, i think great patiences in in their situation, parts of reason they dock that is because of the success of iron dome, a very important weapon system for them to develop, but second thing is because of the success of the israeli air force, i think they realize now, as we would, if we had individuals or country, that just 50 miles outside of dc or new york or chicago, sending missiles into those cities, we would not stand by any longer that this prime minister has done, only way he will stop that, since hamas rejected ceasefire is to actually put
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troops on ground, disrupt, perhaps destroy the infrastructure, lowing them to do it. lou: turning to southern border, intkphrubgs otkphrubgs -- intkpl children. are coming in droves, and treated by open arms with that administration, that is no longer trying to end this crisis, as it suggested at outset, but rather sustain it. and insisting that it continue. how is congress going to respond to this? at ma points does the american people's patience for a president who refuses to secure a border, how long that will patience last? >> i think patience is gone. we had a hearing in. >> you dish eircomitty that was telling to me -- judiciary committee that was telling to me, we had head of the border
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agencies, and top person in union, and top person of i.c.e. agent union, they said, the reason we're having this crisis is because of the president's policies, and they are failing, they are interviewing these people what they come across, they actually supported president, they are union members, they say this is a terrible policy that we're not going to change the crisis until we change the policy. and other part of that, is that these same agents, the union members were testifying before the committee that because of this crisis and because of what the ha president is doing they realize dangerous criminals, gang members back into our communities, not there to stop them, and they are pleading with administration to change the policies ui don't think that american people will put up with this longer, i don't think they want us to write blank checks until we see a president that want can lead, and is prepared
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to follow the law. lou: chris covac, secretary of state in kansas, leading legal authority on ill break law -- authority on immigration law, insists that president obama has wherewithal, to stater to authority, to override some of the language of 2008 law, and to expeditiously and quickly, turn around these illegal immigrants who are crossing the border and deport them back to their home countrys. he talked about the conferring prower for state police, if the president wanted to do so. sheriffs and sheriff deputy with power of border control if the president wanted to confer it he could declare, as it obvious, these are not victims of sex trafficking and their, not within the pervue of the 2008 law.
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your thoughts? >> well, lou, you are right. 3 things, one is that president's policy that is driving them here, he needs to change it and he needs to go by the law, if you go by the lay, this not sex trafficking, if he just follows the law he could stem a lots of this tide, but third thing is that president did not have problem coming out, and unilaterally changing healthcare law to his benefit, he could have some of that same flex bill here if he just had the will to do it. lou: speaker boehner rtion to wt congress will appropriate money requested, for the remaining fiscal year, even calendar year, are you going to give him money for a crisis that he created, and a crisis that you cannot trust him to solve? >> lou, i think that american people, would be outraged if we write a blank check, a lots of
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these dollars are not going to this crisis, they are going to other things that president wants to utilize it for, but until this t president demonstrates he is willing to comply with the law i don't think that members of congress will be willing to give him any money. lou: congres congressman thank . >> thank you, lou. lou: time to look at our on-line poll results, do you believe speaker boehner should also sue president obama for failing to sue the borders, 90% said yes. vote tonight, do you believe this federal government, must first secure the border to stop illegal immigration? up next, my commentary on one of the most ludicrous statements ever uttered by anyone. in the obama administration.
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no, it was not the president. we're coming right back. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for
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lou: coming up in moments, the department of justice admits they learned of the missing e-mails through the media. oversight committee member john jordan will join us, and a few comments now on the president's continued contribution to tranquillity in the global community. his spokesperson expression, not mine. to put that in contexts let's go back to monday's white house press briefing which featured an amazing claim by the new white house press secretary, a claman remote from reality even by this administration's standards or lack of them. >> how does the white house reacted the notion that the president is a bystander to all these crises. >> at think rabin and number of situations in which you have seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way that has substantially further american interests and substantially improved the, you know, tranquillity of the global
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community . lou: substantially improve the tranquillity of the global community. that does not quite trickle off the tongue, does it? does not have a ring to it, but not one of truth. the administration is engaged in sustaining the historical wave of immigration from central america as children fled across our border. hamas has carried out a campaign of terror against israel. attacks have been launched against fox business positions in gaza. a missile struck a malaysian airline passenger plane with 295 people aboard over the ukraine- russia border today. u.s. intelligence confirms the missile was russian-made. at least they have not asserted the claim that president obama is improving the tranquillity of
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the global community. why not, you may wonder? well, he is apparently otherwise engaged doing what he does whenever there is a global crisis, it seems, attending a fund-raising events. president obama the afternoon following the september 11 terrorist attacks in benghazi, at a fund-raiser in las vegas. where was president obama as russian troops stormed crimea in february? add a dnc fund-raiser. where was president obama when radical islamist terrorist captured the second largest city in iraq last month? at a california fund-raiser. where was the president last week when he was under fire for not showing his face at our border? just 235 miles north of the border in an austin-texas -- that's right -- fund-raiser.
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where is president obama tonight? at not one but two new fund-raisers in new york. and the president is not contributing at all to what passes for tranquillity in this city in any way, i assure you. we are coming right back. attorney general eric holder forgets the obama administration was supposed to be the post racial presidency. a former department of justice attorney on the obama administration's enduring racial agenda. he is our guests next. ♪ unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking.
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missing e-mails and when they informed congress. >> is it a big deal to you and the justice department that the head of the internal revenue service waited two months to tell the united states congress, the american people, and the fbi and justice department that they have lost the males of lois lerner? >> this is a matter. obviously we would like to know. >> it is a big deal that he waited two months. >> it depends upon the circumstances. >> he knew in april. he said that when i asked these questions just last week. lou: running as now by phone, congressman jim jordan, a member of the house oversight and judiciary committees. good to have you with us. as you passed the deputy attorney general he seemed utterly on moved, completely on focused on whether or not it was a big deal. what was your reaction? >> it is a big deal. when you have important
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information that you lost, you don't tell the united states congress or the american people for two months and most importantly don't tell the justice department, that is a problem. private citizens under investigation by the fbi, they lose critical documents and not disclose that and wait two months, they are in big trouble. why isn't the commissioner of the irs in big trouble? we got the assistant attorney general to admit that they are going to investigate that fact. in essence they will investigate why he did not tell in a timely fashion. lou: that is iman the rear reassurances to come from the justice department in investigating the host of scandals now. they're is a pattern here, is there not, congressman? we are talking about the destruction, whether it was intentional or willful or criminal, i don't know.
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hard drives being destroyed. the stonewall the committee in every respect, with each one of the scandals. >> that's why we need a special prosecutor. the investigation, think about this, they started this criminal investigation 14 months ago. the way they learned about crucial evidence was in a news report. when lois lerner took the fifth widen the justice department did a search warrant, a court order, and go and seize every documented back in 2013 when this thing first broke? what kind of investigation are they running where no one is prosecuted. the president of the united states command the person leading the investigation, i
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which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at ♪ lou: on wall street stocks closing sharply lower. the dow down 169, nasdaq falling 63. volume on the big board, above average trading, as it has been throughout this week. over 3 billion shares, of ten sectors lower on the day. the volatility index surging. crude oil up selling above $103 per barrel, gold up $17 closing at 1375 an ounce. the yield falling. microsoft counting 14% of its work force, as many as 18,000 people will lose their jobs, the
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largest layoff in the company's history. jobless claims fell last week, the best levels since may. housing starts fell more than 9 percent last month to their lowest level since last september. be sure to listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network for all the day's biggest market in business news. seven additional alcohol, tobacco, and firearms agents are now being assigned to chicago, sent to help reduce the city's spiraling gun violence. that announcement today from u.s. attorney general eric holder two weeks after a bloody fourth of july weekend in which 82 people were shot, 16 of them killed. the total number of homicides this year in chicago now at 207. starting as, christian adams, former u.s. department of justice and attorney serving under bless president bush and obama.
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author of the book in justice. the good to have you with us. is there anyway seven atf agents can be of significant help in a city that is obviously now -- has a claim to murder capital of america? >> there is no chance it will make a difference because the problem in chicago is not that there are seven federal employees short of a full deck to stop gun violence. the problem in chicago is a complete moral breakdown, a breakdown on the value of human life being respected, on people being raised with principles that you do not go kill people. you treat people with dignity. that is the problem in chicago, not that there is not enough federal employees. lou: and as we look at this justice department and attorney general, he actually said that many of the president's critics and his have a racial animus.
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they have a racial hatred of the president and hostility because of the color of his skin and the attorney general. it seems at some point they always introduce race back into the national conversation when that conversation becomes very difficult for them. >> that is exactly right. i have been saying this for years. race dominates at this justice department. it is the single driving motivation behind so much of what eric holder does. he is obsessed with race. he called us a nation of cowards in fact, he is a coward on race, the one who uses race to deflect criticism, to attack americans to question bad policies from this justice department. that is the ultimate cowered on race. when he goes after taxes for voter i.d., refusing to protect
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all americans who are victims of hate crimes whether they be white, black, hispanic, when the implements' racial policies that force new york and ohio police departments to hire on the basis of race, he is a obsessed with race. he is the race coward. lou: i want to turn to the assignment of the department of justice personnel to replace mocking president obama had a fourth of july parade, making fun of him, the obama outhouse posing as a presidential library you remember when president bush was marked during his two terms. he was constantly, frequently being hanged in effigy. you recall there was a big, 12--foot effigy of president bush that was set on fire in city after city and no one was ever
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prosecuted or investigated. what is going on? >> someone needs to lead attorney general holder no that in america we are allowed to criticize our leaders. this is a constitutional right. holder, the community relations service. this is an important component of the department of justice that would keep people off each other's throats. what it has become is an intimidation force. he sends these department of justice people in whenever there is a racial hot spot. the community relations service organized bus convoys to set up protests. so this is the same gang involved now when people are just exercising protected constitutional criticism of the president's. lou: we appreciate you being with us. we are out of time but delighted to see you. thanks for being with us tonight >> youtube. lou: thank you.
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now, the quotation of the evening. watch your thoughts, they become words. watch your words, they become actions. watch your actions, they become habits. watch your habits, they become character. watch your character, it becomes your destiny. up next, an update on the malaysian airline and shot down over the ukraine and your comments. we're coming right back. please stay with us. ♪ the blisters and the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space with the rash to move to change radio frequencies. i would just stop and literally freeze up. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. when my doctor told me that shingles came from the chickenpox virus i was very surprised.
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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. lou: breaking news come updating now the number of passengers killed on this malaysia airlines flight 17. the casualty list has been updated they have just confirmed
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that three infants are among the dead. forty-one people have yet to be identified as we wait for confirmation number government asked whether any americans were on the plane. as of right now, no americans among those have been identified. it is time for a few of your comments. lisa said the only time the president actually has the authority to act is when his phone is instead. ambrose said that i am disgusted with the president's policies on the border board and i'm sorry that i ever voted for him. and bob in florida says that it seems like the administration is pushing an agenda and a free copy of my novel will be shipped to those with my compliments. e-mail me at, follow us at lou dobbs is, there's links everything found
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legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz,
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and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you.
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♪ ♪ >> six years after the crash, welcome, everyone, i am liz macdonald in for neil cavuto. paying fines, settlements, it doesn't seem to be enough. now bank of america and the s&p are negotiating with the justice department as of this week. and a lot of you are asking where does the money go? and it goes right to the justice department's budget. john allison says the this is extortion, plain and simple. it's
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