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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  July 21, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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the bell. analysts expected apple microsoft to report 60 cents and revenue up $23 billion. >> very important day after the bell. yet to keep it right here and we will see you tomorrow. meanwhile "the willis report" is next. exploring wealthy women marry men of lesser means. gerri: thank you. when she is rich and he is not, what could go wrong? we will explore, also on the show the call to put more security cameras on school buses. with a planned stop the violence we have seen on these very same cameras? also, the government ran through one of the most unfriendly taxes on consumers and in some time a new airport security fee that doesn't pay for airport security. it's our users guide to saving money and we are going grocery shopping with consumer reports to find the deals right before our eyes. "the willis report" where consumers our our business starts right now.
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gerri: we begin with a story the impacts were bottom line. as summer heats up many americans are upgrading their old air-conditioners, shelling out a pretty penny for energy star appliances. a score of lawsuits against manufacturers have said the energy star steel hasn't lived up to their expectations and now there is legislation in the works that would silence these class action lawsuits altogether. we are looking out for consumers tonight with john six and i'm an advocate for the consumer watchdog. i want to start-- if you have been shopping in the last 20 years for an appliance you seen the energy star label. what does it mean? >> it means the appliance you are buying ranking from refrigerators to air-conditioners, even televisions haven't met certain energy efficiency rules and regulations and standards i should say. therefore, you will save money on electricity you pay.
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gerri: currently the epa's website says it's a voluntary purpose to help save and protect our climate. save money and protect our climate through secure your energy efficiency. and yet, we have seen lots of problems over the years. let a give you just one example here, energy star failing to save money and this is a consumer reports evaluation back in 2010. showing refrigerators in that year just didn't do what they were supposed to do. when you look at this, do you think that energy star is failing? isn't living up to its namesake? >> i think it has to definitely be improved and initially the fundamental flaw was the company self certified, so they got to say yes, we are meeting standards when quite likely they were not. gerri: not not to anymore, john. >> that's right. exactly. it now has to be tested by a third-party independent
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laboratory and that came about precisely because of the audit that sort of said wait a minute a certifies bogus things including a gas powered lock and said this is it working which should be working. so, there have been reforms, but part of the problem is that some of the real world conditions are not what our tested. for instance, there will be a situation where you have an ice cube maker and they are allowed to test that without the been turned on, so that is why consumers reports has come up with a much more accurate picture of what the actual energy is. gerri: i have to tell you when you go to the store look for the energy star label and you see right here on our screen it's on every thing. it like there is no distinction between appliances or effect very little. do you think this is a good mechanism for figured out the most energy efficient's appliances? does it make distinction between brands?
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>> i think it helps you know the students standards are being met, supposedly. that's where the class action suit comes in. if a concern-- if an organization claims something that is proved not to be true then you have the class action suit to hold the coming at hannibal, is an important thing in which this penny legislation would do away with. gerri: so, congressman peter welch, both republicans, want to eliminate class-action lawsuits as a way of complaining about this. let me tell you, i think what should happen is possibly an overhaul of energy star for spending 50 million on this thing and that is what the budget was reported 13. lawsuits, whatever, i think it needs to live up to the standards to give consumers
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the information we want. this is a government program and maybe we are better off with consumer reports labeling. >> it certainly is true the consumer reports have held the appliance very fractures to a higher standard than energy star has been able to do, but i think a government program is important and one that works well. this has been greatly improved over the years and i think that this doing away with the class action suits would seriously undermine the teeth it does now have. i would oppose that, but i would agree with you that the program could be made better and clearer in terms of the amounts of energy that are actually used. gerri: i tell you the company uses it as a marketing gimmick. it's in all of their advertising when the advertise products they tell you they have this designation. john, thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. gerri: another hit to your wallet, airfare just got pricier . effective today the transportation security ministration increased its
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security fees at the height of the thomas-- summer travel season. george, let's talk about this increase. how much my looking at? >> jerry, the standard is a one-way fee was $2.50 and now it's a dollar 60 cents. gerri: that doesn't sound like a lot and people will be like well, it's only less than $6 why are you complaining? it is sort of the idea of the thing that they would go out and more than double this fee. it's really congress that did it. on top of that, what they are saying is we are not using it for security. what are they using for? >> basically to pay down the federal deficit. it gets worse because if you are doing a multi- city trip where you go from like new york to chicago or chicago
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to savor the scope and then separate cisco to miami and miami back to new york and you stay over more than four hours each delay will be $5.60. before it was capped at $10 for a round-trip. gerri: this comes on top of increase fees for checking bags, the fees for wi-fi, you name it. everything going up and now this. whose grand idea was this? >> basically congress, but we will also see the passenger facility charge come up every time you take off and landed there is a passenger facility charges. gerri: what is a passenger facility charge? >> it's on your ticket most people don't even know the price of airfare is a largely the rice has been due to taxes, not just in this country, but when you go to the youth-- uk you pay $133 just to land. that's in economy and business class. gerri: this tsa fee, the thing that is so annoying is there is no and they can
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take it where they want to and i have a feeling they will. is there anything i could do to bring that down? >> other than staying home were driving, no. gerri: george, thank you coming on tonight. yet another be from the government and they are using the money for something different than what they are saying. >> yes, for reduction of the deficit. gerri: so, white air travelers should pay for the other than anyone else i have no idea. >> because we are a captive audience, literally on the ground and in the tin cans they call planes. the policymakers use travelers as you bank or atm or whatever analogy you want to use. gerri: i still feel that way. thank you, george. >> i'm sorry for the bad news. gerri: still to come a lot more this hour including your voice. during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn and later in the show i will read your tweets and e-mails. dynamics in the household, the money dynamics are switching around, women are marrying men of lesser means. next, what you need to know to keep the peace in your marriage and your finances. ♪
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♪ gerri: that was the perfect
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song, she is rich, he is not , the trend of wealthier women marrying men of lesser means is presenting interesting challenges. chronic a dagger is here from the wall street journal and she is covering the story. that was a great story the wall street journal today. so, you hear about this a lot and is it happening that much more often? >> yes, there was a recent us study that showed three in 10 minute-- women who remarry tend to have more assets than men they are remarrying, so you're getting these women with of these great job than men any not so great. gerri: you read all the time about more women finishing their college career that better educations and stay in school longer, so it's no surprise at the end of the day women end up with a better job. what kind of problems does
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this create? >> first of all their can be a communication problem. gerri: is that what we are calling it? >> well, there is transparency is another one. first of all-- gerri: sharing. >> each spouse me not feel forthcoming with what they
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make and what their credit history is, what their debts and liabilities and assets are. gerri: you a great example in your story of someone who woke up like two years after working on i'll to find what? >> they-- that there is now seven 30,000 dollars with of debt. there white did not know about and she ended up bailing him out and making a loan to him of sorts instead of just writing him a check, but that still causing a lot of friction and resentment within the marriage. gerri: that makes conversation over the serial--
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>> zero so nice, but if you check each other's credit report ahead of time and talk about finance and show
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each other your balance sheet you can avoid those issues. gerri: i know everyone and their mother thinks they should get prenups and i am not a big they and a prenuptial agreements, i'm sorry. so, do you have a theory about prenups and when you get when when you should have one? >> a lot of advisers say especially when it's a second marriage to get a prenup. if you didn't do a prbecause if you remarry your odds of getting divorced are that much higher. also, you have children from a prior marriage then you t protect those kids as well even if they are adult kids and make sure they get an inheritance that you're hoping to give them. gerri: okay, so you also have to worry about their
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e idea was that you know what-- you think you may know what you're getting into, but the spouse you may be marrying may not be the person-- gerri: sometimes people are not as truthful as you would like a. >> especially when it comes to money. gerri: frolic, thank you. night's show. later in the show we have a list of the best car deals for you and you gerri: boston has become the
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latest city to install security cameras and school buses. the city says it will cut down on sites that have become all too common on school buses across the country. for that have about kids k-12 take the bus to school each intraday. for more on this nypd detective and fox news contributor. before i come to your went to show what happens on some of these buses. here is what our kids are facing every single day. look at what is going on in kent, washington. so, as you can see there is lots of violence, school bus drivers don't know what to do. kids are getting beaten up and the idea here, i think, in boston is a deterrent would be to have cameras like this on the school bus, but we are looking at footage from one of these cameras. it doesn't appear to help. is that the answer? >> well, you know when you have something like this you have to know what the cost factors are. some of these things cost millions of dollars to implement, so you look at the budget you have.
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i am 100% totally supportive of having these cameras on the buses. these kids are going to school and they are supposed to learn. they are on their way to school and all of a sudden they start fighting like this and i want to know if these kids are doing. gerri: you want to know what these kids are doing, but you see the video in their beating this not out of each other is what they're doing. how do we stop that? >> on the other side they're going to have a camera where they watch and they could help and asked us and all that kind of stuff, but how do you stop that is you let these things be seen on video and let people see these things before these things happen. gerri: but, we have been doing this for years now. >> you are talking a million dollars now. now you look at the video and we ate all see this video.
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gerri: it's so-- >> these people are trying to go to school. when i see kids getting a guy like this i want to have that video so i am able to expel them out of school. gerri: so here school bus backs corner purdue thousand school thousand school bus in the country and they transport 25 million kids each everyday. more than half of the k-12 publisher. you know a lot mom and dad out there won't let their kids on the bus and this is precisely the reason why. >> there was a kid that was sitting there, a disabled child and we put a tape recorder and a camera on him and they were slapping this get around and we were able to file a suit against the bus company. these are kids that are
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disabled and they were assaulted the kid a making fun of him. this happens all the time. i like cameras, but the problem is the cost factor. gerri: we mentioned that before. here's what craig cockburn of the apl you had to say and i want hear what you have seen her response. she says i think schools and school bus should be places where students can extras themselves without fear center. is this about free speech or not getting a black eye on the way home from school? >> this has nothing to do with free speech. it has to do with children who are on buses going for it education and others kids bullying them and assaulting them. this is ridiculous. what is that called? gerri: aclu. >> when you want to bring that in their they should realize what the kids what is a good education and look at these pictures. these kids are being bullied and assaulted. i want to know if these kids are on their i want to pick them out and you know what they do then they should expel them off that bus. gerri: here's what i want to know is here is-- where's mom and dad?
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>> i would like the parents see their son beat this poor child up like that and what they should do is expel them out of school. that is assault. look at this best punching this young child. gerri: thank you. >> we have to deal with this is the i think so also. thank you. it's the start to our users guide to saving money. we have hidden deals inside your grocery store and it's and 45 years since nasa put a man on the mood, but what is nasa doing now? will we have another ought inspiring moment in space? ♪ ♪
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gerri: well, we are kicking off our week on you. users guide to saving money. everything from cutting down your commuting costs to starting deals on the latest technology and clothing trends, but first cause are skyrocketing at the grocery store. our next guest has hidden ways of bringing up savings at your nearest supermarket. senior projects editor consumer reports. welcome back to the show . this story was amazing. some great ideas. the first one is using the loyalty card. how important is this? >> it's one of the 10
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commandments of grocery shopping. you sign up for your stores loyalty program. more and more chains want you to come back and how do they do that? by making deals available to you, their loyal customer that aren't available to the general public. if you look at the weekly flyers most of us are familiar with and you see what they call the hot specials or the cherry pick a specials, those are lost leaders. they are sold at a low cost to the work you into the store and then hopefully you will buy more probable i don't. more and more we are seen major groceries change reserve the best deals for customers who use their bonus card, loyalty card. gerri: sorry to interrupt, what am i looking at here? paper towels, toilet paper what my buying at such a great savings? >> the staples of everyday
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life. bacon, serial, eggs, orange juice, you name it. aluminum foil, have you priced that lately? all the things most of us by repeatedly that i personally buy at a warehouse club, but if people want to go to a supermarket they need to get a loyalty card. gerri: let's talk about storebrand versus name brands. some storm for ever not so great, but some are terrific. >> more and more consumers are finding the dirty little secret. not only are a lot of national brand companies manufacturing storebrand, they are selling them at upwards of 25% less than the namebrand depending upon the item. some can be 60%. you are talking about stuff that sold at a drugstore, health and beauty eight, over-the-counter remedies can be 60%, so you are talking big bucks. again, storebrand consumer reports had tested store brands for years and years and we find that the storebrand is almost always at least as good as the national brand.
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it may not taste the like, but it's a bargain most people love it and stores back it. gerri: you say go big or go home. by the big size you say is that always true? >> absolutely not. there have been investigations and we have done our own here you're after year. you have to check the unit price because remember if you want to buy orange juice is available in maybe four to seven different sizes. supermarkets run a promotion.
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one week the bigger site is on sale and the next week the smaller one. the only way to know what the true bargain is is to check the unit price per ounce, cork, per pound. that's the holy grail. gerri: who is cheapest overall, every thing considered where do i go? >> well, it depends on what you're buying. walmart has a great reputation for price and you can get almost anything for less there. however, we consumer reports just did a big grocery ratings report and walmart was the nation's lowest rated grocer. if you're buying canned goods it doesn't matter, but if you are buying perishables you may want to be more selective. cosco, the warehouse club is still king. everyday low prices thing in and day out. no waiting for a sale. you may have to buy larger quantities, but you can stock up and save. gerri: talk about little secret in this you talk about these dollar stores they are really offering the best deals in the thing you
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forgot on that list the extra gallon of milk, maybe bread, why? >> again, these are items that are called high velocity items. they get you into the store. they are a lost leader. drug steve-- stores are doing it also. they put these items that you are going to buy day in and day out on discount, so you may get a gallon of milk 4399. that's great because if you go to a regular store it may cost $4.99. they may just check the x-ray she needs of the dollar stores. gerri: checked expiration, that always makes sense. todd, thank you. and if you missed part of what todd said tonight it on my website gerri it's a big anniversary, yesterday, sunday it was 45 years ago that america landed on the moon. they held a ceremony today in florida to mark anniversary. the country's next giant leap into space seems lesser today than all those years ago. for more on this bill night, the science guy. i'm so glad to have you here. i'm so disappointed. i want nasa to do something else great. are we ever going to get together? >> remember we have asked nasa to do everything. nasa is involved in all kinds of enterprises that take up a lot of cash. gerri: right now-- wait.
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nash has a budget of $17.5 billion and next year it will go down. where is the money going now? was is it they are doing and what should they be doing? >> we have the international space station, $3 billion a year. the international space station is good for international relations. it's not clear you are doing any new and exciting science there. but, it's a lot of money that goes there and it's historic. then we have the orion capsule which is being built and people are trying to think of the mission it will achieve and there is a perception that going to the moon and to mars is like coke and pepsi. one is three days and the other is three years through deep space where people are a radiated and it's not an easy thing to do. gerri: not at all and of
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course what we have seen is that this little monster toy to put down on the face of mars to explore-- >> keep in mind, the planetary science budget , which is a line item in the nasa budget is one and a half billion dollars. it's 9% of the nasa budget, which is in turn 4% of the federal budget and that is where the cool new stuff is being done. gerri: if you had this groundswell of support from the american people to do something big, wouldn't that make a difference. we don't have, do we? >> this is my business at the planetary society. we have tens of thousands of people around the world with high interest in space exploration yet don't invest that much in and when you try to cancel a program at a nasa center it's difficult. by the way, when you go to the moon and do these extreme your things that's a government program. if you have people test with
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cutting government who believe government is inherently bad, then you're not going to do these new explorations.ial trips. gerri: what you make of that? that is another way to pull this off, right? >> here's the thing, there is no economic benefit that anyone sees right now. gerri: there was hanging. >> the spinoffs are extraordinary. you would have the internet or these cameras or the lights without the space program. that is my side of it. when-- there is no economic model to go to mars. there is no profit to be made and that's what great societies do they explore. you know what they're going to find their? they don't know, that's why they explore. gerri: wait a minute. there is more reasons than just the spinoffs financially. there is something about and certainly what going to the moon differ this country was to bring us together. >> intensely optimistic
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time. gerri: there were other benefits beyond innovation and a science and beyond the financial benefits from those innovations that we could see again, but i don't see a clear mission. international space station, as you said, that's more about international relations. >> which is great for that, but that's for $3 billion. gerri: what should we do? worst we go? >> what we want to do is continue to explore mars with robots. we went to go where geysers-- there is more seawater on europa. gerri: what the heck is that? >> the moon of jupiter where there is more ocean water than earth. gerri: now you have my attention. >> there may be living things in this ocean.
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if we can get a space craft that will fly through the plume, we make find evidence of life at a reasonable price. in the meantime, keep in mind what our very best ropers do driven by ives very best rover drivers, what they do in a week, a human could do in about a minute, so if we really wanted to do this we really could do this, but when you have every congressman and senator running around petitioning for their own project and their own problems-- gerri: it's about judgment and deciding what you want to invest in. >> i feel like you changed the subject a bit, but if you really wanted to do that, keep in mind the moon and the last time i looked at this was in 2010, the apollo program, it was $151 billion, not 15, not 1.1, hundred 51. gerri: i'm going to get my you later out later. >> the highway system was 117, if you spend one and a half interstate highways thing yes, we could do
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something extraordinary. gerri: thank you, bill. not only did nasa put a man on the moon, but the agency as we could greeted many popular products tonight top five products inventions you might users of a.
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starting off the list scratch resistant lenses. every time you drop eyeglasses and they don't break you should thank nasa. it happened when they needed a special coating to protect space equipment, particularly helmet visors. number four, memory foam. it was greeted for the nasa aircraft to lessen impact during landing. number three, cordless tools, although black and then are invented them worst power tools nasa helped refine the technology, had held back in theaters and other tools. number two, shoe insoles,
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today's athletic shoes borrowed the technology of the moon boots to help neil armstrong take his first leave on the moon. number one nasa invention you might use everyday is the adjustable smoke detector. nasa's engineers teamed up with honeywell to invent the first a double smoke detector. it is often attributed to nasa is also hang but they had no role in making the drink. , general mills invented it in 1957. coming up next 4o1k hitting record highs, but how long will this rally last? here's your consumer gauge with-- we will be right back ♪ ♪ she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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gerri: and finally, some good news for baby boomers and those nearing retirement. the surging stock market has helped push 4o1k balances to all-time highs. helen with us last? joining me now financial partners. en banc great chief financial analyst greg. gray, house or. so, we have new balance figures out from fidelity naysayer up 12.9% on average traded how meaningful is this and do you think it is changing the habits of consumers? >> i actually think-- gerri: i was asking greg. >> sorry. gerri: greg? >> for a well diversified investor it's pretty tough to lose money this year. i think this is a good thing. people feel better when they see that 4o1k balance going up. it's kind of one of those things people take the cage to see if things are going
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in the right direction. the other one is house prices and when those move up people feel better, so i think it's something that reaches beyond how they feel about their returns and overall financial security. gerri: i think that is right. i apologize, we had to greg's on the panel tonight. to you, do you agree? you may think people feel richer, but they sure don't seem like it when they look at what they are spending. >> that's what i see on the street. they are spending habits really isn't happening with the folks i talk to. in the late '90s, we had-- people were spending and the markets were going up and people felt wealthier and they were spending the money. today you just don't see the and that is why we see consumer spending is flat and we are not seeing any major increases at all. gerri: allen, you say it's time to take action. >> rebalanced. if you have a look at your portfolio to both greg's, the balance has been going
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way up and people feel a bit better about themselves, but you can't sit idly and watch. now is a great time to rebalance the portfolio and if you don't understand what it is looking up because it's an important concept and don't be fearful of underperforming such as europe. this is a good time especially if you have a longer time to invest load up on the sectors that are not doing so well because today's losers are often tomorrow's winners. gerri: there is always a turnaround in that. great, when changed the conversation to interest rates. every which way mortgage rates, we fill it in our savings, wouldn't wouldn't we expect some kind of turnaround? people have been forecasting from years literally, what is your outlook? >> we have been in this ultralow great environment for six years and counting and every year it's kind of like the refrain of the cubs
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fan, next year, next to, next year. next year will be the year that rates go up and maybe that pans out maybe it doesn't. atticus bars the consumers are concerned you should be prepared for a rise in interest rates whether that comes next year or not. paydown variable-rate debt, refinance, from an investor standpoint insulate yourself from higher rate by tilting your bonds towards inflation index bonds. be prepared for, but i wouldn't and all your hopes on the fact that rates will go up because if the economy continues to languish at least in the eyes of the fed if inflation stays could they will not be inclined to raise interest rates. gerri: we have the example of japan has low rates were ever and a punk comic for a long time , what is our teacher? >> i think anyone that thinks the rates will come up tomorrow is ignoring japan because they have a generation of baby boomers about 10 years ahead of
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hours and went to third the economy comes from sending and that generation is retiring the generation that retires tend to slow spending down, so there's another reason why we are not going to see up trend in economic spending by the-- by people. gerri: allen, i feel like i have to give you the last word to. what is the recommendation to your clients? and maybe people who have gone at the risk curb when they bought bonds, high yield bonds, junk bonds, what are you telling your clients? >> i generally tell people to stay away from long-term bonds, anything longer than seven years doesn't make sense. the reason for that is because on a long-term bond, say you put your money in a corporate bond for 10 years in the best rates you will find right now high-quality bonds is maybe 4% taxable if you are lucky. for some people it makes sense for dividend paying stocks.
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like an at&t for paying 5%. if you can hold a bond for 10 years or hold at&t and 5% on an at&t stock there is a reasonably decent chance that at&t 10 years from now should be worth at least more than it is today, so hopefully you'll have the purchasing power of your money higher than what you'd get from the maturity date of a bond, so generally i tell people to stay away from long-term bonds and also take a good look at bond mutual funds, which has no maturity date. you are far better off if you're going to be in bonds to accept a lower rate and get the majority rate so you know get the money back. gerri: that's a whole other segment, bond buying. we will do it someday soon.
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allen, greg and greg, thanks for coming on tonight. >> thanks for having us. >> thanks. gerri: now, we want to hear from you. here's what some of your treating me about poll question. does it make a difference in your relationship if your spouse makes more money than you do? jason tweets, you cannot talk about finances been it will make a difference, 100%. if you have, and shared responsibility it shouldn't. deborah tweets, my husband has been unavoidable five years, it has put a strain on our marriage. i'm sure it is and i know a lot of people feel the same thing. walter, posting on my facebook page i do not truly care how much she has or has not. i married for love, not money and if she has more than me than i would ask her to protect herself. however, i do not have this problem. walter, that is a sweet answer. our viewers are romantic, that's what it is. still to come, my 2 cents more and kelley blue book has the list of best car sales for this month. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us.
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gerri: well, if you're in the market for a new car this summer, apparently right now is the time to buy. that's according to kelly blue book, which recently released their top list for the new car deals of the month. matt, is here with us for kelly blue book's top consumer website. welcome to the show. why is summertime the best time to buy? >> well, the car companies are in the middle of closing at the model year, so they have cars that haven't been moving quite as quickly as they anticipated and they tended to put rebates and attractive lease deals on them. gerri: want to go e list becausk that's what people want to see. we will start with least deals if you want to lease the car not buy it outright you like the dodge dark. tell me about that. >> the dodge dart is a nice
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compact four-door sedan. the deal they have on it now is $99 a month over 24 month period. that sounds like a pretty good deal, but you have to keep in mind they also want a $2400 down payment and your affected cost is a $99 a month over the course of the loan, which still is pretty good deal. gerri: so, we have something called the 2014 see max energy. what is that? >> it's kind of a people mover. almost a mini van crossover type vehicle. it's also a hybrid and hybrids have them in selling
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as well is the manufacturer wants, especially the plug in kind. so, for it has a deal on netware it's going for to 19 a month, but over 36 months yet it back in the fact they want about a 3200-dollar down payment, so your affected monthly payment on that would probably be around $280 a month the. gerri: the last one lexus ct 200h, so manufacturer's adjusted retail up 32000. tell me about that. >> that's another highbred from lexis. it's a small hatchback, their entry-level car in the lexus brand. they have a lease deal of 290 diet dollars a month, but their term is shorter, 27 months and also their down payment is a quite as high as the other two cars, just about a thousand dollars. gerri: we are going to run through these last one. cashback deals. financing deals, which i have something to pick with you, but let's are with your first one. >> the chrysler 300 is a
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large four-door the 87 or b6 and the cost is about $32000, but right now chrysler has a rebate of about $4200, which is a fairly sizable rebate. the kelly blue book air purchase price for the cars typically around 30,000 dollars, so it brings this full-size car down to the mid- 20 range quite nicely. gerri: my knit with you is that i don't buy cars on the basis of the cash back i buy them on the basis of how much i would you spend what costs, so-- but there are other to you like for two thousand 14 fusion and chrysler's 1500 quad cab grammar. to me that i quickly, the truck. >> if there full-size truck. they typically sell for any $32000 range. have a hefty rebate of $500. another want to look at is the ford expedition-- gerri: matt, i'm going to have to go here. i apologize. i have no time. thank you for coming in. we will be right back.
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gerri: that's it for tonight on "the willis report". thank you for joining us. don't forget to record the show. making money is next. ♪ charles: tonight on "making money", in the era of takers verses makers, a story of how one person made a complete reversal to enjoying individual achievement and know how sweet it is to embrace the idea of making it yourself in the greatest nation in the world. over the years the general public has poured into the stock market. they stand to make all lot of money. hal demotions and expectations have ruined his chances for a lot of individuals to make real fortunes. considering


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