tv Cavuto FOX Business July 21, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. neil: starting today you pay more in tsa fees to fly. do you feel that much safer when you fly? welcome. i am neil cavuto. close to 6 bucks more to a ticket to where you are going to keep you protected from bad guys who might want to go with you. what if they are not on the plane but on the ground, a lot of folks want to know what is up with security officials in the world keeping them in the dark? it is easy with malaysia air, saying it was nuts to fly over a
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known war zone, last week at this time, many other airlines were doing the same, only thing that changed before the crash, was ukraine advising carriers to raise their flying altitude over eastern ukraine, we know in one carrier's case it was not high enough. we also know, we didn't know. travelers were in the dark, never told of the warnings, i suspect more than a few would be surprised to learn they were flying over known war zones, maybe they would not have careed but maybe they were not given the chance were they? they weren't. as far as i can see, still are not give than opportunity, are they? maybe the problem with the new tsa sudden what they are protect -- isn't what they are protecting us from on the plane but whether any of that dough goes into keeping an eye on the bad guys on the ground, aiming for that plane, i would love
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your thought. you tweet them we'll share. to aviation expert michael boyd on new worries about flying. now that we know, should we be surprised that quite a few airlines were given a heads up? >> it isn't malaysia air but 400 planes flying over not a problem, so it must be safe, quote, unquote, but problem with that altitude, with weather, winds and conditions is one thing, but to do it, if below you might get shot down that would indicate spend that extra 30 minutes go around, airlines did not see that as a threat, i think that is outrageous. outrageous. neil: it is routine for countries under regions to issue a fly high or fly low type of you know announcement to send out to carriers to do with what they will? >> i have not heard it before,
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faa told u.s. carriers be careful of crimean area they are not sure who controls that airspace. but in terms of flying over a war zone there are a lot of war zones most have this kind of sophisticateed weaponry. you can flyover somalia all day long, and not worry about getting shot down but this this case you have russian thugs have very sophisticateed weapons it is a different smoke, it may be that way in libya and gaza for all we know. neil: malaysia air face together again for all we know. to reroute itself it ig over syria. not ireland. be that as it may, i'm wondering, when passengers are allowed or given a right ton, say that airlines weigh it, say we'll fly this higher altitude, it may be a mute points with some of the missiles, should they share that with their
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passengers, sometimes state department will issue warnings about traveling in the middle east? >> you could make that argument. but airline should be most concerned it costs them a lot of money, safety -- nonsafety is very ex fenceive, but there is a limit to what you want to tell a customer, maybe bad weather or a hurricane, you might want to share with them, but i have never seen it done where they say we might fly you over someplace where we might get shot down, would you like to join us? i have never seen us. neil: do you think many inquireed to why you would like to us fly higher? >> i am sure they had t had to w there was something there, they were told, and the experience was there was no real threat with all other planes flying over, not a problem. we don't know why they aimed it at this plane if they did, but we do know those mobsters there have equipment to do it.
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this is a lesson for the future. neil: the trucks with the missiles they move last i checked. thank you michael very good seeing you again. >> good to see you, sir. neil: are you worried about flying? we went to the streets to get your thoughts. >> i wouldn't leave the country right now. >> i don't think anyone should be flying over the area where a civil war is going on. >> they shouldn't have been flying over a war zone. >> that is a risk you take when you fly. >> there was a case of soviets providing antiair missiles to morons who did not know how to use them. >> we could do a lot more work to make sure this does not go on, hundreds of lives are lost, i am still flabbergasted, it could have been my family, my child. neil: most of the passengers are from the knelte needer lands, t-
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netherlands, most peaceful, war avoiding people in the world. >> there is a convention. the mont montythe month. >> i just think this really speaks to discount, so like, between business and consumers, businesses have these agreements about value of a human life, they don't share that can a consumer, a consumer should not play russian roulette when they board a play, it is moraly wrong. neil: i am looking at this took and wondering what the global implications are. you get predictible knee-jerk nervousness about anyone flying when there is a possibility, remote as it may be, i wonder if it puts a chill on flying, period. >> i have to disagree with everyone so far, malaysia airline should have known 3
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transport plans have been shot down within the previous week, 3. neil: but, wait, call carriers, 74 other airlines in and out of the area should have known also. >> one was shot down the night before, right then and there it should have told them to raise their elevation. that boost missile system can go 72,000 feet, this carrier of at 33 thousand feet. i do disagree. i think there was a lot of intelligence that these airlines chose to ignore that is disturbing in itself. neil: i don't know that the airlines chose to ignore it gary, i know that, they all in lockstep, did fly higher. but, none seemed to question the directives, i am wondering what we could take from that. they are rerouting flights from the ukraine to some over equally dangerous areas like syria.
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>> i think that answer is, same answer as to prep views question, do you think that behavior will change, business as normal is very difficult to change, i think that airlines will be very reluctance to change, they look at their better or worse, bottom line, i think that consumer will, i think you mentioned word knee-jerk, we will have a knee knee-jerk reaction, some will be rebuck tanreluctance to fly, ana month or two it will mostly be forgotten. neil: i think you are right about that. this saturday we get the higher homeland security fees, do you know whether they go into policeing bad guyss on the ground as we do those who try to get on the plane? >> no, i don't think that is included. but, you know, to be honest, we should step back and look at odds, your odds of dying in a
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plane crash are 1 in 11 million versus 1 in 5,000 in a car crash. >> are right, but it can be goofy the way it is represented, once you are in a plane you are flying among that existing crowds then odds get narrower. what i am saying, is that, it is calling into question the folks who are not informing us. isn't it? about whether or not you find it find to flyover a war zone, 7 country now in civil war or close, that is a good chunk of the world. you could argue a very dangerous region over which to flying right? >> i believe that all commercial carriers will take heed, i don't think it will be business as usual for them, let's go the fees of tsa, $16.9 billion they use that will go to treasury front, that tsa reported this, it is not even to be used to
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help protect us from bad guys, that is being used to lower the debt, i find that outrageous on backs of travelers. neil: to lower tsa debt for federal government. >> no, the national debt, they need to be held accountable. neil: i had not heard that. i would not imagine how that would pass with that pro spraoeuzo, but iproviso.but it . have you heard that? >> the first i heard. but, it wouldn't be first i heard somehow the right gets blamed for this cotal oal catast is fine of a stretch. >> i'm not blaming the right. >> tsa reported, i read it today, $16.9 billion will be raised out of these funds to reduce fed debt, and going into
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general treasury fund. neil: that can't be true, i love you, but, to sell it as that, when it was sold to keep you safer in the sky, take that off -- it might be a mereer mer-- uo pay down debt. >> it has not been a big issue until now. now. the question of flying over a war zone, but i think going forward now we have a high profile accident, you know on the heels of another. neil: i agree with gary that we'll soon forget it, i do. in the heat of the moment we think about it, and afterwards we move on. >> second plane for malaysia, i don't think they will forget. neil: maybe with malaysia air, they were all doing it over that region. with excep exception of britishr and a couple others. >> all right. >> "new york times," "new york
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times," is saying, his schedule shows he doesn't get it wow. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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772. kristine: does president risk look like he can't getting any done any of the time? as soon as he pivots bad guys launch rockets that does not mean that president obama to blame for plane crash but to hear financial watcher craig smith tell it, he is to blame for providing environment that allows rebels to create a vacuum and create the crisis. explain that. bad things happen? >> it sure does. look this president, is either disinterested, distracted, just his statement friday had no passion to it. he said we may have a terrible tragedy. we may have had a terrible tragedy. are you serious? it was a strategy. 295 people lost their lives. and to see that headline at "new york times" where it says maybe
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at risk of looking bad? jennifer palmeri, white house communication director said he don't' to unduly alarm the american people and give them a sense there is a crisis. i hate to break it to skwhrepb jennifer but there is a crisis. neil: when leaders of any strive, fear of creating a bigger crisis, they have one, a plane it shot down, even when people are not sure. there is nothing to be gained from just sort of being dismissive of it. and the same could a fly t a fln escalating immigration crises that president knew was getting out of hand more than a year ago. i could go on and on with troubles at the v.a. and et cetera. but this is a pattern of distance, hands-off aloof
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behavior that concerns me. >> i think, in fairness to president, he does not have executive experiencing, executives know how to hand moral than one issue at a -- more than one issue at a time, i am a big pr proponent of governs are coming presidents, they have been in the trenches. neil: well, i love you but jimmy carter was a governor. >> well i didn't say all, but here is the points, this president, clearly, is disengaged. i mean let's go in history unite after the benghazi attack, an ambassador was murdered, 3 americans were murdered. he was on a plane to a fundraiser, in vegas. and fox news did a great piece on this they showed how many fundraisers he has been at in 6 years compareed to 8 in bush administration, here is my points on that. he likes doing that.
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he is comfortable out speaking, he is comfortable out, engaging with people, raising money and the democratic banner. but when it comes to dealing with day-to-day crisis, and issues where he needs to look like he is in charge, and dispatching the right people to the right places, he is not good. a perfect example. you have samantha powers in front of u.n., saying, russia, russia, russia. putting it all on russia, and president saying that russia needs to get together with separatists and we need to look at ukraine and their involvement. wishy-washy. have you john kerry on three major shows yesterday, i don't know if you watched them, i watched fox news sunday then gagged through the other two this morning. but, the bottom line is that he was all over the place, excuse after excuse after excuse. neil: something if you say something is a big concern to
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you, you have to act like it. >> right. neil: you can't go, you know to another even that seems to minimize whe what you just repod and stated. i know that presidents have to do a lot of things but in times of crises they can only focus on one thing. if people like chairman of johnson & johnson, in middle of the tylenol crisis he was consumeed with that and addressing the cap alls that was not -- call sewells that wa caps own doing. whether you hide the crisis, and avoid them avert them, you will be buried by them. >> that is -- >> we've seen this president going down that same path. >> that is a great example. you could not have pulled a better example than tylenol scare. this president went to a fundraiser, and jumped onstage, congress, hey everyone! and for
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440 seconds he addressed what a tragedy, a mass murder for pete's sake. neil: appearances mean a lot, craig, have you both, appearance and substance. swiss america trading corp ceo, craig smith thank you. >> good to see you neil. neil: you have israel border crisis, i am going to argue, it is a well the like ours. in fact it is very, very similar, eerily similar, what if i told you we got it underground.
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neil: all right to border crisis, not here in gaza, more are really pileing on israel right now, saying, wait what are you doing? but just look at comparison, israel said, it is defending its borders, anaal analogous if canr mexico starred bombing us -- started bombing us, what do you make of that argument. one that israel has been expressing they are defending their borders, and u.s. and any other country would do the same if neighbors were lobbying missiles at them. >> they got it spot on, worse thing we could do is broker a ceasefire, that is wrong, secretary john kerry should have been in u.n. security count today, reading out intelligence we have on mh17, getting the russians involved. he should not try to stop a ceasefire, we have egyptians,
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and saudis and emirates supporting israeli going into gaza taking out those terror tunnels, that is p-frpbgts. important. i was there 5 1/2 years ago they stopped too soon. do not do that now. that is a big mistake. they have to clean them out. neil: you know there will be others who argue, look how israel how tough it is in policeing its borders still this happens. you say what? >> i would say, israel is only way they can get those missiles in total is to go in on the ground, clean out these terror tunnels, they have no other choice it will come back and bite them like it did 5 1/2 years ago, neil. for anyone that would say that, and put their population under the threat they are under, it i believe -- and i believe
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criminally negligent, they should ignore them. and u.s. should be leading in that charge, say, continue to do it, israel, protect your people, protect your borders. neil: do you think that administration, well, it states that it really believes that, so-called off mic comment, that secretary of state kerry made with chris wallace, to me seemed like a very intensetional comment. he was supposedly heard saying, this is more than a pinpoint operation. in other words blasting israel for a mission he later to crise, extoled. the administration is saying one thing and believing another? >> the administration is two-faced. that was not an accidental open mic, you got it spot on. fact is that american people, ought to put pressure on the administration to let the israelis continue with this
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operation, did clea and clean oe terror tunnels, we should not stop them, it is important that american public understand what iisrael is doing is protecting their borders and their population. nothing simpler could be said. >> do you think if we were to practice the same tough border strategy with more troops on the border, law enforcement on border we would send a stronger message, or to we really care? >> we don't care. if we put out a shoot to kill order on that border, you would go to zero right away. neil: there is that, general always good. >> it harsh. neil: i suspect that accurate though. thank you. next v.a. crisis, white house saw coming. i'm not saying a year ago. i'm saying 5 years ago, the warnings that fell by the way side, after this.
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neil: we had no idea. how many times s you heard a leader say that with a crisis that ex floweds in its -- explodes in its face. like v.a. crisis for example they had no idea there were issues that were killing v.a.s by the dozens. yell quite after the fact, try 5 years ago. the warnings that were going out to this effect. then on the border with busloads of young illegal immigrants making their way to this country, when it was telegraphed ed over a year ago. what happened? what is going to continue to happen?
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what do you make of this? >> every administration has to make priorities. that is what it comes down to, do we prio prioritize veterans e illegal immigrants, that is what it boils down to. they put this obamacare that gives outcomes that are not better than no health insurance. this is what obama administration is prioritizeing over things that actually matter. neil: do you think those things, they prioritize did not matter? >> well, the way he hand -- he made his priorities that were not helpful. he created fake priorities, that should not -- he kicked a hornet's nest that should never have been kicked. >> as much as i love to blame this president. and the administration, i think what you seeing here is big
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government bureaucracy, not dissimilar from big corporation bureaucracy, i work for a very large corporation, this is how bad news is deliversed, one, there is no bad news, two i have it handled. >> i have to push back a little bit on that, he would not see this gross incompetance at this level for health care. gov. and it goes, you said, 5 years this actually goes back to bush administration, this planning for system, started in 2000. hand off to obama, and it was incompetance the entire way. neil: that would be from clinton years to bush years. enough. i am asking, what is this indicate to you? >> okay, i have to jump in, i researched in and studied it for years, okay. okay? since 2008, administration was
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warned in the transition team by the bush team they are functioning their numbers with the a-- functioning their numbers this backlog alone, 53 veterans died a day, close to 20 thousand veterans died, not getting another benefits, then the fudging of the numbers with the appointment lines, under secretary sent out memo in 20 2010, told the executives to stop gaming the system, stop doing what you are doing, the executives continued to do it for bonuses. >> this is an attempt to get bonus, i'm sorry regardless of where you are working that is egregious. >> you know. this is not a defense. if you think about it. saying you don't know what in fact you were warned that not a
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defense? >> it is not for gone, guess what v.a. has second largest budget of any of the departments, second to only dod. neil: very well put, when we come back, 45 years after being first on the moon, dead last in the race for space. my god, what happened to us? in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state.
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and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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>> it is true, contrast is startling, we don't even have a way to launch our own astronauts to the space station, we still about 3 years of getting rid of that situation. neil: 3 years really. >> late 2017 at the best. neil: wow. those are not cheap rides we're hitching with the russians. 3 years for others to make gains, in and of themselves, china rapidly building up a presence, i hear that iran is looking to do that. why aren't we in the game? >> it all comes down to leadership, for last several administrations even back 20 years been a per shin there is no -- perception there are no votes in pursueing a more vigorous pace program, but the status kuo will get us by. it has left us with no access to
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space, a lack ofest in space, and other nations are pursueing a more vigorous space program than we are. neil: thinking back to john f. kennedy who used cold war, and not allowing russians to beat to us space, with very big dramatic goals at that time, landing a man on the moon before the decade was out. do we need something like that again? does it need to be frameed in terms of national security? in our national interest to do this? >> it is in our national interest. does not have to be a koeul colr space race but we can claim, our future in the 21st century, depends on a visio vigorous spae
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program. you have to do something more ambitious, we have that ability, technical side of getting to a nearby asteroid or getting to the moon is pretty well understood. it just takes more, maybe 10% bump up in nasa budget would be enough to restore this transportation to the station, get us on the track toward mars, it is a decision about priorities and spending. i am nen nene we -- confident wn turn this around in 5 years if you have someone with interest in leadership. neil: there are folks unmanned capsules and i satellites are doing ambitious things what needs humans to do it, you i yoy what? >> i say, if you want to solve
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difficult problems in terms of science and exploreing a, like life on mars you need to spend human exploreers to solve those problems. neil: always good to have you captain tom jones thank you. >> my pleasure. neil: here is why a lot of folks are paying attention to senator rand paul, he is getting backing, at least interest from most unlikelyest of places. guess who is the very latest? silicon valley. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer.
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but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. offers end july 31st. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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covering the markets or overly obsessing about earnings, i look at big picture trends, in this latest earnings go round, of companies that reported about 1 out of 5 have, most of them, in fact lion's share, close to 70%. have not only beaten their expectations, but they stomped on them. that kind of performance is worth noting, or is this much ado about nothing? >> i love to say that the economy is improving, and the firms have figured out a way to make more revenue, it boils down to cost-cutting. an hour before i got here, i pulled up latest headlines of companies reporting all 4, phillips, june per, general mills, they all mentions cost cost-cutting.
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neil: that is what is driving this. >> i think it is cost-cutting but i think it is restricting hiring. a lot of companies are sitting on unused cash. i think there is a disconnect between wall street and main street. so, i think it can look great on paper, but for the average american it has not really translateed. neil: it is weird, looking at markets and companies and figures piling up, you would think you are looking at an alternate universe. >> from what i read that is just finance sector reported. it is hopeful but bank of america for example they lost 43% in second quarter this year compared to last year even though they did well in first and second quarter, they had 4 billion dollars in legal expenses they only expected to pay pou 471 million.
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so there is something left to be seen in third quarter with the banking industries, 1 we see the rest of the reports i would like to see if it is still a good trend. neil: they make a headline grabbing statement, they make up headline grabbing attention. so, gary b, what do you make of that and the rest of the world, is it just built on cost-cutting? >> i think that it says that economy is in tough shape. the big 3 pil pillars,. am i.s, employment itstill highn household income budge a bit, and housing prices are relatively flat. those are 3 pillars i think mae up a good economy they are at best lackluster. that is why i think these companys have to resort to cost-cutting measures or not
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hiring to show a good bottom line. >> we also have a high corporate tax rate here, how much better could it be if we could get these trillion dollars overseas repatriateed. we could see better growth not only on wall street. neil: in other words bring our money back here. >> yes. neil: switching. tech guys giving rand a hand, rand paul, beneficiary of a big fundraising activity over the weekend. one thing we noticed over last few elects is that percentage of solicon valley-types and their money going to democrats has gotten smaller and smaller. not the run away bit it used to be. >> well, i think he is genius to tap into this market. i am a californian, all business has been driven out of
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california, these millionaires in silicon valley are realizing from their college days their liberal beliefs, now their tax dollars are going out of their wallet, they are starting to recognize there has to be a better way, rand paul has talked to them for example nsa scandal, they don't want to be spyed is ed up on, and sene message this administration has done nothing for your business and policies. neil: the fact that mark zuckerberg, was smitten by chris christie. might indicate some switches going on there. yeah. gary b, you are a good man with numbers in 2008, democrats enjoyed 67% of computer industry dough, and 60% in 2010, and in 2012, now about 58%, it is sinking fast. >> it is. but notice the trend lines up
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almost precisely with how many seats left is losing in house over years and it looks like maybe the senate. neil: i didn't take that e extra homework leap, you embarrass me that you did, but finish your thought. >> a master class in lan rand pl politics and silicon valley and lobbying, i think they know which way the wind is blowing, i think that is where they will start feeding their money. >> i think they were sold a bill of goods with obama. i think a lot of people in silicon valley felt betrayed. they are young, a lot of -- millennials and hipsters, the youth vote. >> i think it would help in a
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general elect but i don't think it helps him get the nomination. it is generally a more conservative group, but you could be right, an angry group. but i think, look at what is happening to left with hillary clinton, folks coming out of woodwork to challenge her, latest, is jerry brown, governor of california. who many on left are making a convincing argument would be fit to give her some headaches, he is the latest. what do you make of this? >> i believe that rand paul is tapping into a market where a lot of people don't want to be market a filliated. they don't want to be with democrats what are their options on that side, they don't want the label. so, essentially hillary, it will not be an easy climb for her, she has a record now not proven to be successful with benghazi situation lingers over her. there is a tough hill to climb
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for her, and young millennials do not necessarily want to be associated with the g.o.p. >> and elizabeth warn ha warrens been named a potential that willer from the left. -- challengeer from the left. so i thin i think there could ba grassroots high-end news yam for someon--enthusiasm. >> the messages will be anticorporate doing it, a difficult sell in the fall. >> these -- i think so, we never knew how antibusiness, anticorporate was obama of until he got elected. i'm not sure with the same message now he could have gotten elected back in you know, when he was first elected. neil: a different party, thank you all very much. what is the deal with my being
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it's one more part of our commitment to america. neil: what is the deal with me out all last week. paul on facebook writes, i didn't realize you were gone last week, if i had, i would have missed you. okay. nice job, taking time off to shine your cheap suits welcome back neil. josh, neil, you get more time off than the federal government. they don't get as much time off, judy, i miss neil when he is off. how you feeling big guy? welcome back for twinkie. >> noticed you were out last
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week, did this have something to do with your feud on air with imus, it did. karen said, i hope you come back less angry and more funny. love me some neil. i hope you no longer write, period. >> i have an emack crush, i am not happy you are back. i am so happy neil is back, a cutey pie. take that you former security council rel. >> -- scoundrel. >> miss you big time. have you been off hanging out with elton john? yes that is what i have been doing, they put me there with him, steve writes, neil put the canolli down get back to work. i can do my work with canolli thank you. >> rumors abound you were fired, i say no way. i was fired i snuck back in.
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i have been missing the what's the deal neil, and common sense segments of they m leave me with something to think about. that is my goal, michael said, i think i saw you at an all you can eat buffet last week, was that you? sunshine, you are not as cute as some of your fill ins but we still missed you. >> i missed you, but. you say terribly nice, that is -- does not sound right. buddy writes, now it takes sense, i was wondering why i seemed much happier this past week. and i missed your sense of humor, and mind, i missed you like a fat man misses bacon, love you bro. bill o'reilly? >> kylie, neil, since you have gone, country has gone to hell.
12:00 am
we need our financial super hero. well, kylie, here i be, looking out for you. ladys that is built to scale. thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. >> tonight, 4 days after malaysia flight staepb was shot down over eastern ukraine, obama administration making it plain that vladimir putin this one is on you. >> unfortunately, continue to block the investigation. they have repeatedly prevented international investigators from gaining full access to the wreckage. investigators approached they fired their weapons into the air, sep rah teuflts are separatists are removing evidence from the crashsite. >>
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