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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 23, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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to change congress. senator mitch mcconnell saying we need the president here to act on legislation and work with congress. he's out fund-raising. maria: have a great day. thank you for being with us, see you tomorrow. stuart: can use a fraud on not mass scale with obamacare? good morning, everyone. undercover investigators lie to get obamacare subsidies, 11 times they get their money. the government didn't check. obamacare is an invitation to cheat. if that doesn't produce chaos, court rulings will. our the subsidies legal or not? chaos for obamacare until we find out where is the president this morning? san francisco raising money. yesterday seattle raising money. to the markets, a pros and cons of microsoft and apple's finances, apple up, microsoft
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down, the dow still very close to record highs. no summer doldrums here. and we will start with the obamacare bomb shell, an undercover investigation by the government accountability office found the obamacare system is extremely vulnerable to fraud. investigators were able to sign a 11 out of 12 applicants of subsidize coverage using fraudulent information. as we said they lied about income, use fake ids, fake documents the government did not check. lying worked. washington, allison barber joins us now. when we put this information out there and this is the gao study, general accounting office study, doesn't it encourage more fraud,
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more lying because people realize how easy it is under the government can't check? >> not sure, that is not the intention behind it but it raises questions from republican lawmakers when you look at this study, 11 out of 12. that amounts to $30,000 worth of subsidies every year that could be potentially given away. maybe 12 people, that is a small group but when you look at the fact that it is 11 of 12 that is a massive percentage, there is a serious problem here and the h h s says we recognize there's a little bit of an issue here on this end we will work with the g a o but your average american is worried about where your tax money is going is difficult to hear that and not think are people going to do what you are thinking or how much money in my getting out of the taxpayer? should be going somewhere. stuart: all you got to do is roll up to the office and say i earn 10,000 year.
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you don't, you make $70,000 or $80,000 a year. i say $10,000 a year. you have just stolen, cheated the taxpayer out of their money. this reminds me of the liars loans, with mortgages eight or ten years ago, you walked into the bank and set i make $10,000, you make $70,000, you got the money. you live. it seems like it is all over again. you deal with the government and fraud is so easy. >> pretty shocking that someone can put in an incorrect social security number which is part of what the study found and the federal government will improve their loan. one argument senator orrin hatch has made, one thing that does show up is when the administration has been saying the discussion on obamacare is over because we met enrollment numbers clearly is not, there are a lot of problems and a lot
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of issues, premature to say is working well and premature to say it has been an absolute failure but there is a serious problem and serious concern we are seeing. stuart: i want your judgment. you have the gao study, obvious fraud, the contradictory court rulings which one of those rulings seems to bet obamacare, looked down road. do you think obamacare couple years from now will be full-fledged in working order, in place, running? >> looking at how is today, i would not want to bet my money on being full-fledged and working significantly well because we have seen not just one problem but a trickle of various problems, people thinking they could keep their insurance and not being able to or having a question whether the federal subsidies are legal. this is a large bill. a lot of questions and what you have to look at which the administration is if you by their argument that this was a drafting error you still have to
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say you were incompetent when you wrote that bill or you were reckless in quickly shoving it through the budget reconciliation process that unit what mistakes wide through. there are problems and because it is a bad bill when you see a few here and there there will likely be more. stuart: mary kissel, your comment? >> they didn't gust obamacare, they upheld the text of obamacare. to be clear they said the text does not allow subsidies. stuart: if those subsidies ultimately are ruled illegal and the d.c. court said they were illegal according to the wording of the law, that gets obamacare, it is gone. >> one point, call it the year in income tax credit which has been around for decades has in billion dollars of fraud every single year. imagine if a private company had the record of fraud that has much less one obamacare looks to be going through in terms of the
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fraud we are identifying. stuart: last word to you, ellison. >> mary said it well. there are a lot of from lausanne no one likes to hear fraud is happening, this is a preliminary report so they have us put out a lot of details i would imagine the republicans on the ways and means subcommittee are not going to be happy with the fact they say they won't have the information into next year and i expect to see some push for more details sooner rather than see what states have the most instances in fraud. stuart: i am sick and tired of having my tax money messed around with by fraudulent government. it really gets to me and it gets to our viewers too. thank you very much for being with us. much appreciated. to the stock market, pretty much dead flat. the market is just oil lower. 17,106, the all-time closing high is just 32 points away. the s&p 500 is up four points,
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closing in again on the 2,000 level. gold up $0.50, virtually no change. the yield on a ten year treasury, we bring in every day at this time going down again. what does that mean about the flight to safety and all the future of the economy? strong profits at apple, it sold 35 million iphones, fewer than expected but made close to $8 billion clean profit. iphones are selling really big in china. stock is up 3%. microsoft, i own it, still near 14 year high. profit fell but the company said it sees as end to losses from its nokia division and microsoft turned around. was down earlier and now is up 1%, $45.29. strong profits at pepsi and raised its forecast. people may be moving away from soda but pepsi says they're
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selling a lot of ships, that stock is up 3%. you want to see a big move? is a pharma company announcing a successful phase 3 trials test for its breast cancer therapy, 33% improvement in disease free survival compared to placebo. that stock is skyrocketing up $165, that will be 281%. stock of the year may be. please give me a check on boeing. i think that is one of the reasons the dow is shaky today. nicole: if it were not for boeing the dow would be in positive territory. it is accounting for 20-dow points. here is the deal. that revenue is on the rise and demand for their jetliners on a rise. revenue miss the analyst's estimates for the first time in six quarters. that is where we essene the down arrow. boeing and its rival seeing
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demand for jet, commercial airlines is what did well for boeing this time a round. commercial airline business is up 5% and for aerospace, security, that dropped, the big picture is the dreamliner as quickly as they can and the commercial aircraft rise 77%, 181. stuart: i got to tell you i really want to fly a dreamliner. i fly a lot. i have not gotten on board one. i have not flown a dreamliner and i want to. i got this check out which airlines fly the dreamliner and which ones they fly and buy a ticket. >> it won't go for it. you got to go for it and you could tweet about it. don: thank you very much. stuart: president obama was in seattle fund-raising all the way down the west coast.
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ecb ford in money, big-time donor bruce bloom and joined jim senegal, $25,000 a plate for that event. he is going to san francisco and on to los angeles, three more fund-raising events, he will bring in $6 million. jimenez in all the criticism he is getting for his administration's response to the nsa and va a scandal saying he doesn't watch the news because he knows it already. oil on the second. here is the quote. whatever they are reporting about, usually i know. come on. previously he said he would find about those scandals because you watch the news. i know you have been booking more closely at what the president had to say. he mentioned the new world order and america's place in it. >> two points. the first quote on the screen, this is a man with a supreme
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self regard. what valerie jarrett said about him, the president has been, quote, board to death his whole life because he knows everything already but the second comment on global disorder the president effectively said in that speech, look it up, he says the old order isn't holding, we are still waiting for this new world order to come out and we of this new world order has would be called a, quote, common humanity. this is a comment and academic in some i the tower might make but this is the most powerful man in the world and the message he is sending to men like vladimir putin is the u.s. isn't going to beat anymore and that is okay by me. stuart: they are cleansing christians out of mobile, and children with rockets, looking for new world order which has
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humanitarianism. >> of the united states doesn't lead to is gointo? this is the question never answers. stuart: i have one more for you. the president is taking a lot of heat for the crises. who does she blame for the criticism? this is what he said, quoting again. the problem isn't republican party per se, the problem is this particular group right now that has kind of gone off the rails. when i first heard that, he has got to be talking about fox news. >> fox news and the tea party. it could be both, could be the wall street journal editorial page for all i know. the reality is the president doesn't have a decent record to run on so he has referred to form, has resulted denigrating his enemies. that is what he did to mitt romney in the 2012 election because he couldn't run on the economic record. now we have a new global disorder so we have to point the finger somewhere else. i expect a lot more of this
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rhetoric in the run-up to november's midterms. stuart: can't wait. up next, tepid tap the early reviews for amazon's new phone. we are calling at amazon's own pocket cash register because it locks you into we have analysis and those reviews. another round of irs hearings on capitol hill under way. now is revealed lois lerner's hard drive were dispatched. maybe we will get those e-mails. before that, there is this. cafe and ireland posting a big sign on the windows that reads no coach or allow americans. the liberal businessmen not happy with that, this doesn't represent their attitude toward american tourists, 1 million of us visited last year. i was there two weeks ago but i kept my voice down. i was not loud. we will be back.
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charge all your devices at once to save you time... a $30 value, free! call the number on your screen or go to try the most comprehensive identity theft protection available risk free for 60 days plus get a $30 multi-device charger, free. enrollment takes just minutes. your protection starts immediately. call the number on your screen or go to ♪ stuart: it dead flat market and we're 35 points from an all-time closing high. the price of gold this wednesday
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morning, 1307, virtually unchanged. the price of oil and 10325. let's get the latest on the irs. house investigators say in lois lerner's hard drive was only scratched. wasn't destroyed as we had been led to believe but it happened right now, house oversight hearing on those e-mails reveals that in-house people at the irs wanted outside assistance to get the data back. they were denied. iras that you can't do that. >> the story gets worse and worse. this is why these court cases are making their way through the judiciary, judges of ordered foreign investigators to go in and find out what happened under subpoena. eventually we will get to the truth here. we have from all accounts a politicized bureaucracy. we know they were targeting conservative groups, they
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communicated with the fbi, federal election commission, and senate staffers. this story is only really beginning. stuart: i am speculating but what could be in those e-mails they desperately want to suppress between lois lerner and the white house, isn't it? or at least a campaign? >> actual strong evidence -- is bad either way but if the orders came from a white house then you have watergate times 1,000. of the orders did not come from the white house and you simply have a corrupt politicized bureaucracy that is reading the tea leaves of what senate democrats and the president wanted, to my mind that is worse. stuart: if they tried to destroy damaged or hard drive that is a criminal act. i we in agreement? maria: absolutely. stuart: amazon's new fire phone. that is what it is called. coming out friday it is already getting what i will call tepid
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reviews. listen to what the wall street journal is writing. i will read it to you. the fire is the grown-up equivalent of a 9-year-old riding a bike with his hands in the air. look, no hand! and neat gimmick but won't get you very far. the ceo of marketings and is here with more. you know about this phone. you have seen it, you felt it, you have gone all the way through it. it got pretty bad reviews. >> wait till amazon comes out with their second version of this phone. look at a phone and what do you really want? you want good battery life, good basics, you wanted to be functional. amazon phone doesn't have the basics. it has some nifty things, the 3d eye movement. stuart: has the 3d i movement. >> you have to focus hard and when you figure out how to do it you miss the call.
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stuart: from amazon's point of view it is a terrific thing because you are locked in. you get one of those phones you are locked into easy as that. >> amazon has 2 million prime numbers. if they get 10% to sign up for this phone is a win for them. from amazon's perspective it is smart. from a consumer perspective should i get this phone or not? my advice would be wait. stuart: fill me in. 2 million prime subscribers, x amount of dollars 3-year. >> $99 per year. stuart: if they get one of these phones, the fire phone, what is the advantage? >> it is easier for them to order because it has all the information, it is more seamless for them because if you order amazon ala and you are sort of an amazon die hard fan and you use prime and you have streaming and the kindle it makes easier but you won't get maps, you won't get youtube.
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a lot of android apps you might be used to on the android machine you are not going to get on the amazon -- they have their own equivalent but it is not the same. and when you are working on a version zero mack. wait a second. you got to go easy on me. we are going to talk about microsoft. i own stock. it has gone up to $45 a share. >> it will continue to go up in coming years. stuart: glad we had you on the show. >> happy to give you good news. stuart: what they doing that is so good? >> focusing on cloud computing. if you look at the pc where microsoft started they put that aside. we don't talk about peace ins anymore. they talk about cloud computing, mobile, online, enterprise. the more they are shifting toward that the more positive they're going to be and you have a smart ceo at the helm. stuart: what about nokia? >> the won't kill it but they will minimize the damage. nokia has been dragging them down but in coming years they
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have done these layoffs and cut jobs, they will make sure nokia is a smaller piece. stuart: they are not killing it but just compressing it. >> minimizing it. stuart: did you ever get what they call it aluminum phone? i am told it had the best camera of anybody. >> that is why you buy a phone. to make calls. that is not true anymore. stuart: nobody buys an iphone or any phone to make a call. >> maybe we will stop calling. definitely getting calls. i need my battery life. >> is that your face? stuart: yes it is. you, text on one of these. i use it to text. i never make phone calls on it. nobody makes phone calls these days. >> everybody makes phone calls. stuart: we are out of time.
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i got your first name wrong. zen marketing. appreciate it. totally right. yale professor says ivy league schools are not worth it. we are going to get harvard alum mary kissel to weigh in on this one after the break. you used to sleep like a champ - then boom...
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what happened? life happened. stress. fun. bad habits. kids. kids. kids. now what? not milk. not sheep. not that. let's think smarter. let's get some science in here. let's build a bed. another bed? no, a smarter bed a entirely new sleep number bed that tracks your movement, your heartbeat, your breathing - sensors working directly with the dual air chambers - yeah you need the air chambers. introducing the sleep number bed now with sleepiq technology. it tracks your sleep patterns and tells you how to adjust for... a good night's sleep, a better night, and an awesome night. so what sleep number adjustments make the difference? try cranking it up? adjust it down? a little bubbly? or nix the late night flicks? wait, you'll know what works, cuz sleepiq™ technology tells you. and all you have to do is sleep. which is easy. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98 because everyone deserves a great night's sleep.
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know better sleep with sleep number. stuart: a former u professor says if you go to the ivy league schools, you end up being a robot. and elitist that cannot think for oneself. a robot. i believe he said a perceived rollbar. >> this guy could take a hike. how completely sad. i think this guy is upset because he does not think a lot of students are succeeding in a lot of obama's america.
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that faces everybody. stuart: we are having a discussion about this. half of them say go to harvard. it is an advantage. the other say it is not. >> and lots of people try to get into this school for the networks. increasingly, employers do not see great growth prospects. they will look at other skills other than just that label. especially with the inflation that is going on in some of these ivy league schools.
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you need to be looking at everything. you need to be looking at vendor but out in california. you need to be looking at small private colleges. i think again, if we have 2% growth and lousy employment prospects, you won't want to look at everything. stuart: uvb growth of four, five, 6%, it is truly worth it. >> not much going on today. stuart: a new ad going on in colorado. fracking. it is, is it poking too much fun at fracking's critics? we will talk to the creator of
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the ad after the break. >> if i saw a movie about fracking, i would seriously gain weight. >> i know fracking has something to do with it. to do with it. ♪ she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction -
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that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial.
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stuart: i want to for you and dave on what is going on in israel. john kerry continues to push for a cease-fire. the paper says a preemptive cease-fire would only strengthen hamas. >> john kerry and barack obama say that they want peace. if israel does not go in and finish what they started -- they need to finish the job. stuart: they said that they were precisely going to do that. >> i think that secretary kerry may be putting himself in a precise situation.
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stuart: there is not much movement in stocks. down just a fraction. i should point out that the record close, 17,138. we are not far from that. it is, biotech. a successful trial for its price cancer therapy. we have a new ad. it pokes fun at that and i fracking camp. roll it. >> researching fracking. it is about energy development. >> i saw a movie about fracking. i pretty much started gaining weight. >> that settles it. fracking causes significant weight gain.
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>> let's ban it. stuart: okay. anastacia. okay. i am all in favor of fracking. i want energy independence. that ad, i've got to say, to a large degree, it trivializes the degree. it is to some agree insulting. >> what we are trying to do is not imply that everyone that imposes fracking is idiotic. the anti-fracking activists are peddling science to square the public. the fact is that everyone from
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the environmental protection agencies to top officials in the obama administration have all said that fracking is safe. they have all found science to scare people for no reason. stuart: i believe on banning fracking on a local basis. >> yes. they are still in the signature gathering phase. stuart: you are making a big bet with that ad. that that approach to fracking works. how do the polls stand at the moment? >> there are a lot of pools out there. we are trying to let people know that fracking is safe.
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>> is there an argument to be made here that you are fighting fire with fire? if you do not believe in the green ideas, you are crazy. isn't this just fair game? >> they are always trying to scare people. it is a narrative that will give the most attention. we have a website that we have launched showing to all of these people are. they have their own radical agenda. they are not necessarily people that are living in colorado. stuart: the consisting criticism of fracking is that it contaminates or could contaminate the groundwater. would you flat out say that that is not true?
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>> i would not say that anything is not true. i do not know what everyone is saying on it. they have examined these cases and they have concluded that fracking is safe and can be done safely. stuart: i am out of time. come on back. we would love to have you back. stuart: coming up next. the latest star of million dollar listing. we will talk to her after the break. >> and incredible level of marketing. they do not feel like it is worth a $9 million listing
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price. i would like to entertain a price reduction. ♪ you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing,
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upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. ♪ >> sweeping golf sales having an impact on dicks sporting's goods. they are also planning to take floorspace away from golf merchandise. sales for the quarter mix the
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company's estimates. residents are reportedly using their ebt cards to withdraw money from atms located inside marijuana dispensaries. these people have taken out nearly $23,000 so far. the latest start of the hit reality show "million dollar listing" joins us here on set. ♪ [ male announcer ] what if a small company
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became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim.
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from td ameritrade. stuart: chrysler is recalling older jeep suvs. lauren diamond ready, it is never ending, is it? >> we are talking chrysler vehicles now affect did by the switch issues. in this chrysler case, regarding the older model, one accident. no injuries. no deaths. this is obviously a serious problem for the automakers. different in both instances. stuart: i have a couple of comments about this.
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of all the cars that are recalled, i think a very small proportion of them actually go back to get fixed. often times, the dealer will sell you something on top of it. it is an excuse to get you back to the dealer. >> i have to agree with you. she has not even bothered to take it into the dealership. stuart: that is all that dirt in there. i have a down day for the market. this winter is a charles payne check. nicole: take a look at the stock. of $54. they came out with their numbers. they basically have surgical robots.
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it goes for about one and a half million each. it turns out quarter over quarter they stalled growth. ninety-six of those verses 87 in the previous quarter. they say that some of the hospitals have been constrained to a certain extent. selling these costly surgical robots is good news for the company. they raised the low end of the forecast. >> some of those charles payne pics are really pretty good. this lady is a good friend of the show. i want you to tell us about the reality show. it is called "million dollar listing." that is you. >> i am guessing you are not
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watching it yet. stuart: you got your start on "varney & company." now you are a megastar. i want my commission check. >> i am not going to disagree with you. obviously they saw my weight and sarcasm and fell in love. stuart: is that what they said? we ran a clip where you were telling the guy that the time has come for price reduction. he did not want to hear this. >> i really do pride myself on being honest and being a straight shooter. stuart: expensive homes. you work in miami. >> miami and fort lauderdale.
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>> it seems to me that miami is now the capital. attracting russian and other fires. it does not matter. they dominate miami real estate. am i right? >> it is ridiculous. more and more people are moving their money to south florida. they are seeing how miami is just booming. booming. just about 30,000 units about to hit the market. >> 33,000. >> it is a little scary. we already had people ready to go. let's take that reservation. let's ride them.
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stuart: it is a foreigners bobble. >> a beautiful place to live. it is warm. a great public education system. my question is, when will this pool move north? >> fort lauderdale is a great place. we are running out of options. >> not as far north as west palm beach. palm beach -- stuart: that is just a reality. what is your commission? >> it depends. it depends on who we are talking about. it is 6%. stuart: you sell a million dollar home for $60,000. >> it depends.
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are you going to get a new job now? stuart: you are not going to answer the question, are you? >> i am the first female. the first pass her own company. i have to show the boys how it is done. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. stuart: president obama's approval remains at an all-time low. the majority of the company thinks they are more divided than ever. we will break down the polls for you after the break. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us.
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stuart: take a look at this. president obama's approval rating. 42%. it is a cnn poll. now we have the rasmussen poll. america is a more divided nation
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now than it was five years ago. i am not so much concerned about an approval rating. 62% think that we are divided. that i think is important. >> i think that a lot of claim rests on the administration. he is going to be the great uniter. he will be a united god. we talked about class warfare. the 1%. a large portion of the american public that talks about race and then implies that republicans are out to get minorities. i do put a lot of the blame on the president. this is not what he told the american public.
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you see the fruits of his rhetoric. stuart: had i not come to grips with one of the problems. the future of entitlement programs comes to mind. >> i think that republicans in particular need to stand up and explain. i will improve your lot in life. the republicans need to explain why we need to have a so society in which when you work hard you succeed. this government is not there to make sure that you succeed. it makes you feel good about your self. stuart: right again, mary kissel. we have a whole extra hour coming up on "varney & company." a government employee can do it
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it is so easy. investigators were able to sign up for subsidies using fraudulent information. then there are 2-quart rulings that said obamacare into chaos. russian backed rebels shoot down to ukrainian military jets. then there is the other crisis. israel. if an early cease-fire is called, hamas wins. lois lerner's hard drive. only scratch. not destroyed. turns out we may find out what is on those e-mails after all. brand new super depth tv. could you guess the price? hundreds of thousands of dollars. all those stories next. the second hour. ♪
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stuart: headlines. new shoot downs linked to
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russian separatist. oh so easy with obamacare. the president expects to bring in $6 million from his fundraising to work. he is still on it. transporting oil from north america and canada. the hard drive. just scratch. we have a report. this moral question. should people living amongst wealthy part owners have to use a separate entrance? ♪ stuart: an undercover investigation.
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the obamacare administration is extremely vulnerable to fraud. signing up. fraudulent, fake information. mr. turner joins us now. >> totally not surprised. we had another study out just a couple weeks ago showing that these discrepancies exist. this is outright fraud. there are also so many discrepancies about whether or not somebody is actually a citizen. stuart: this is chaos. the government says that they are not going to check. i do not think that they can check. millions and millions of what may be fraudulent act locations.
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>> the obama administration decided that adaptation was okay. you just tell us how much you make. you just tell us if you are a citizen. we will believe you. if afterwards we find out that is not the case, they may have to pay back thousands of dollars in subsidies. they therefore got a bigger subsidy then they were eligible for. this new report, finding out more about actual attempts to fraudulently sign up for obamacare. virtually everybody was able to do it. stuart: was the system designed to encourage people to do this? >> the system, obviously, a system that is designed to work did not work.
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many people were not able to get signed up online. they went in to talk to and enrollment open show. sure. remember the president's agenda was to get as many people as possible. they did not care if people were eligible. they were rounding them up. stuart: i have to get your comment on these contradict three court rulings. all right. to me, it is a lot more chaos and confusion. we will not get clarity. we will not get resolution for a long, long time. chaos. >> there is a possibility that we could actually have this before the supreme court next year. i think the d.c. court of
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appeals, which is a first among equals, got it right. we live in a country with a rule of law. subsidies can only be delivered through exchanges created. the circuit court said, no, no. we know what congress that. the d.c. courts got it right. >> okay. look briefly down the road. two, three years down the road. by the year 2017, will we have obamacare fully in place? fully functioning? >> no. oh, appealed obamacare. the laws that are passed no longer exist. everywhere that they turned, it
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is like a room full of ping-pong balls and mouse traps. congress is going to have to go back to the drawing board. get this right. the american people are smarter now. it is not obamacare. we will get this right. it will take congress to get involved. stuart: as always, take you for joining us. check the big board. just past noon. we have a minor loss for the dow. all time high. closing high. not that far away. s&p 500. also on the downside. the yield on the 10 year treasury coming down a bit more. that is significant.
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2.5%. apple sold 35 million iphones. making close to $8 billion. the stock is up. microsoft beer a 14 year high. it is at that high. the company says, it will end the losses. the stock is up $0.40. i do own some of that stock. strong profits of pepsi. i will call this one the stock of the day. nicole, you want to tell us about, biotechnology? >> it is showing that compared
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to the placebo, 33% better survival rate. that is great news. here is a few patches. they will be marketing their drugs and 2015. they will be playing some loyalties out to pfizer. >> it has heavy volume. a great day. not only for biotech and pulled off. stuart: thank you. you have all of these crises all over the place. i get the impression same old same old. the stock market just wants to go up regardless. what do you say?
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>> there are three parts to the market. nobody trusted it. those that did have been rewarded very handsomely. we have some folks getting off of that bandwagon. others just now coming in. they can justify the prices at these levels. the last area, we totally believe in it. that is what we have to be worried about. the market will have a slow march higher. remember 1987. everybody thought it was going to the food. three days before the crash, we were up significantly. stuart: the voice of caution. thank you, scott.
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shot down to military planes. let's bring in judy miller. the president, the president says back off russia. he said that yesterday. he said it the day before. what is going on here? >> well, putin took this opportunity to plan more human rights organizations. that is putin's response to president obama's call to do something about the rebels that are shooting down planes. there are new books coming along
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that will show the extent to which putin has actually stolen russia's assets. posted deals with weakness the way all sons deal with weakness. stuart: the president continues to retreat. rush out will continue to make great steps elsewhere in the world. >> persuade them to do the right thing. my lord, dutch people are the largest single nationality on that plane. don: the germans need their natural gas from russia. >> so does holland. this is a european with this problem. the europeans never lead.
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they must be led. they do not have it at the moment. stuart: secretary of state john kerry is calling for a cease fire. hamas wins with a cease fire. >> with this one, i am with the journal. once israel has started, it is not enough. hamas is a terrorist organization.
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they will come out a big-time winner. this will be their neighbors. israel and egypt understand the danger. i was there in may. wearing hands and gloves with the israelis. stuart: egypt and israel. >> de facto allies against. only the international community. i must say, i am glad that our secretary of state went in there. the goal must not be a cease-fire in place. significant damage to hamas.
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they cannot continue to arm and throw rockets down. they are getting more accurate by the day. >> amorality debate in new york city over what is being called a four-door. doctor ablow is here to weigh in on this moral question after this. the dow is down 21 points. ♪
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stuart: the white house is imposing new rules. he bought into them because he does not like the pipeline. transported by rail, not by pipeline. >> it is a risky play.
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you know, we know the state department is warning that there will be more deaths by oil transported by rail them by pipeline. there have been numerous studies indicating that it not only causes explosions, it causes more oil spills as well. >> build the pipeline. surely it is safer. >> one state that will be heavily impacted by this is california. there are editorials in the l.a. times. wait a second, we have two wait about it being transferred.
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stuart: do not tell me, california is now behind the pipeline. what a mess. now this. new york city's approval of a separate entrance for low income dr. keith ablow joins us now. i live in new york city. let's tell everybody what is going on here. lots of luxury units. some of the units are rented to poorer people. those poorer people have their own entrance. it is being called the four-door. what is the morality of this situation? >> to my eye and way of thinking and the way i hear it, i think it is totally appropriate. nothing wrong with it.
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different classes of service. i am not offended. i usually fly coach. i am not offended when i walked past the first class people. i choose to use my money in another way. if there are lower income units that you enter in a separate manner, i think that is reasonable. i think the other door, the luxury door, they are tipping heavily during christmas. there are all kinds of things that come from having lived there and paid up to live there. stuart: okay. it is a tough question, actually. i am generally on your side on this one. >> tough for you. not for me.
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stuart: you have to remember, i am an english major. i am opposed to what happened to me because i was not born to the upper classes. i am very sensitive to this. this is for you. a starbucks or race berets that gets an ultimatum from her employer. get rid of your tattoo or get out. i am all for this. i say it is your business. you have the right to dictate what the policy is. and you say? >> 100% agreement with you, doctor varney. if you own a business and you do not want that to folks working behind the counter, here is the thing, i do not think anyone with a tattoo, i am calling for
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a boycott right now. you should not buy coffee there. you should not buy products there. they do not want you working there, do not shop there. stuart: i really had not thought of the reverse question. you are on a roll. and iris café is being criticized for using a signed that reads thus. all right, .or. [laughter] stuart: you are an american. i do not know if you are allowed or not. >> i must be in a boycotting mood. i think that, you know, americans may want to select other ones. obviously, completely inappropriate.
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i do not think that it is a bad idea. stuart: so far in absolute agreement here. [laughter] stuart: i think we have agreed on a principle. you have the right to date kate the terms on the premises under which your business is it. >> not if it is prejudice. stuart: yes. you cannot kick me out because i am and englishmen. >> you take your victim as it comes. you would expect your windows and doors to be busted down. putting up some board that
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night. stuart: excellent, doctor keith. flat out excellent. dr. keith ablow everybody. he returns next week. thank you. christians in iraq. my take on that after the break. ♪ ♪
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and spoilers for shows you haven't seen yet. global...pandemic. ♪ stuart: the president says he doesn't watch the news because he knows what is in it already. does he know that christians are being ethnically cleansed in parts of iraq? finos why hasn't he said a word about it? here is my take. christians have been in mosul, iraq for centuries which they were there before islam began. now they are gone, terrorized into fleeing by terrorists the media like to call islamic militants. there is shocking video centuries-old churches being sledgehammer, families being stripped of everything they own, convert to islam, leave or die. surely the president knows what is going on even if he doesn't
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watch the news. team must know about this outrageous atrocities but he has said absolutely nothing about it. he has not mentioned the deliberate persecution of christians. he has urged israel to go easy on hamas, urged vladimir putin to call use -- restraint in ukraine but nothing at all about the christians in mosul. mr. obama is on a fund-raising swing through seattle, san francisco and los angeles. he is on air force one, very well equipped for public statements. the press corps is with him. he could turn to the cameras and lead the world in out rage. he could make known america's discussed. he could lead to. there has not been a single word. we are a financial program. we follow the money and that means we look closely at the performance of the president, how he is doing in all aspects of policy makes a difference to your money so when the president of the united states utterly fails to beat financially or
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morally we bring it to your attention. the persecutions of christians in the name of islam is a disgrace, so too is the president's silence. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen.
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i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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stuart: samsung put a price tag
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on that 105 inch all from high-definition curb screen tv they have been showing for couple months. you are going to tell us the price tag. >> $120,000. and the screen behind me is 103 inches, that is 105 inches. for $120,000 what do you get? some are split into four different screens so you can do web viewing on one, streaming on the other, etc. and with a pricetag of 120 they will personally send steel and engineers to your home to set it up. that would be at no-brainer. stuart: you don't have to plug the thing ensure the. what got me, i have seen those high-definition tvs, they don't want quite real because they are so free sice. that is how i looked at it. >> 11 million mega pixels or something like that and i never
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watch something from a curved screen but i hear it takes awhile to get used to and is a personal preference. some people don't like it. stuart: thanks, $120,000. next story, house investigators essaying lois lerner's hard drive was only scratch, not destroyed as we have been led to believe. happening now house oversight hearing on those last e-mails, that is not live, she is not testifying to. what is this about a scratch? liz: ways and means officials warning this could be indications of a criminal cover-up that the irs. under oath irs agents testified lois lerner's hard drive was destroyed. it was not recoverable. now ways and means has information from irs criminal division the will to los lerner's hard drive and found it may have been just scratched. the issue is the irs refused and outside experts to examine los lerner's hard drive.
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outside experts including defense department officials said you could recover lois lerner's e-mails it is just scratched. and the back of the e-mails. may not have been recycled. there may be a chance to get to los lennar and female. stuart: a good shot we get the e-mails. and if this is damaged intentionally that is a criminal offense. and if they are destroyed you can't get them. that is perjury underwrote the. this mystery thickens. stuart: we are going to get to the bottom of this. pretty close at long last. new reports show hillary clinton has turned $12 million.
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she claims she put the money back into the clinton foundation which the clintons use as living money. and he is an editor at the weekly standard and author of clinton ink. $12 million in 16 months. is that accurate? >> it is about accurate, but pretty low. it is a low ball figure. there have been credible reports that hillary clinton got $14 million, and incredible reports that she earned over $5 million for speaking fees since leaving the state department. you add that up and there's a lot more than the report suggests. if this report, i take it to mean it is based on book fees that coming in several ceres, she is guaranteed to make more money based on the work she has done since leaving the state
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department even if she collected $12 million. stuart: is it accurate to say bill clinton, former president clinton has made $100 million since he left office? >> he made one hundred million dollars in speaking fees alone since leaving office. stuart: how much does he get? >> $750,000 for a single speech and usually is $250,000, he goes to asia, and the back room meetings, they have been paying him quite a bit. stuart: who is paying him $750,000? financial companies? >> those tends to be lower, it is a little closer, when it goes to hong kong, at those fees get driven up a little bit. stuart: that is an enormous amount of money. $15 million? >> on books alone. stuart: then they have a political problem but it hillary clinton stands for the presidency on the basis of she is for middle america, she is
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the for america and yet she is superrich that is a political problem. >> they're trying to overcome and that the same time hillary clinton is giving speeches to goldman sachs, she recently did in the last few months. stuart: she donates to the -- >> the ones she got from universities and certain universities so that amounts to $2 million. that is not much money and the foundation does a lot of travel costs. in my book i talk about how the foundation operates a little bit and some of the fees. they paid $60 million alone in travel expenses since the foundation came, but that is an enormous amount of money. they don't give out that much in charity. they do about the minimum. >> millions of dollars of like a
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big donation. it is a $500 million foundation. stuart: how much? >> 5 did million dollar foundation. stuart: 5 funded million dollars in the clinton foundation? >> the endowment, they tracked this for the nonprofit world. and it comes in, it is really intriguing. stuart: i never knew was that high. >> it doesn't do much charity work, and benefit all the charity. stuart: i'm going to read the book. appreciate it. breaking news, the faa, federal aviation administration has extended its flight ban over israeli air space for an additional 24 hours. that would apply to american carriers, for another 24 hours.
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golf instructors as few americans took the golf course. they take force base away from golf merchandise and expand powers instead. however, a big winner today, and almost 300%. positive results for the latest breast cancer treatment drugs, the drug is in phase 3 of clinical trials and plans to file for federal approval from time next year. some tests showed the drug can be used to treat certain types of lung cancer and tumor is. more reports of companies looking to move overseas for better tax rates. we tackle that next in the real halftime report.
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stuart: time for the real halftime report with nicole petallides at the exchange. liz macdonald is right hindered in new york. the dow closed record territory, i say i got the feeling it just wants to go up and use a what. >> nothing but blue skies ahead. if you look past the bubbles that are forming and there are a lot of them, to paraphrase a couple quote, deja vu all over again. this reminds me of 1997 with irrational exuberance commentary which janet yellen says is the
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valuation for a stretch. i don't disagree with that, but the market still, the mill and honey the federal reserve supplied. to paraphrase a former ceo of citigroup chuck princess long as the music is playing you keep dancing. i'm getting worried as high as we go, taking money off the table. stuart: we hear you. next up is boeing which is a drag on the dow. what is wrong with boeing? >> 20 negative points for boeing and we saw numbers from blowing a little weaker than expected in the revenue section. it continues to pop out the dreamliner, we saw quarter over quarter growth for the dreamliner. aircraft deliveries up 7% so that is good news. commercial aircraft seems to be the better area for boeing, aerospace defense and the big picture is aircraft delivery has been on the rise but revenue
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missed for the first time in six waters. stuart: profits up 52% and stock goes down. not sure about all this. thank you, strong numbers at apple. avalanche speetwo rests heavily on china. would you say that? >> china has been terrific for apple in terms of iphone sales but it is not really just about china as tim cook says. everybody doing well, it is terrific, ipad sales are a little off. it is $13.8 billion in cash, which is not something north of $165 billion. it is about the deal with ibm and a lot of things they're doing right and stock has a lot higher to go. it is basically a good base right here and i am a buyer here still. stuart: more companies thinking about tax move overseas. that statement came from a
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democrat. liz: senator ron widen saying this, 2 dozen companies, potentially moving to plant their headquarters overseas, the effect is congress is threatening to shut this loophole that is driving potentially more companies to make this tax move, the treasury secretary, economic patriotism. there's a real debate on wall street. and shareholders and bottom-line. stuart: more congress talks about reining them in and stopping them going overseas the more companies try to go overseas to beat the ban. liz: the rushed out the door. winning ten odds it goes one of 5 week recess. >> that is like what we saw in gun sales. weiner regulation was coming and we saw more selling. stuart: threatened to do something so you rush to beat the ban. have you got anything nice to
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say about microsoft which is at a 14 year high? i do own the stock. >> you know i feel strongly about microsoft. i was on your show not long ago going to 50, now i think i have to move that higher. 55, possibly 60. we have been in microsoft, we loved it. it is certainly a by here and if you want to average down you are healthy doing that. is a terrific stock which made terrific changes and they have blue skies ahead of themselves is a great position to have. stuart: thank you very much indeed. a former yale professor says the ivy league is not worth it, turns students into elitist robots who can't think for themselves. >> this is a shot across the dean's desk at places like harvard and stanford. the blue chip pennant according to this professor, this is the cover story for the new republic. he is saying the ivy league --
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when you graduate from that it doesn't do you any good, doesn't let you think for yourself, you become anxious, nervous college grad and basically you are more focused on networking than doing what is good for you in terms of creative thinking. he has taken it to the ivy league sector in the college and university space. stuart: if i got in i take the place and run with it period. that is it for today's real halftime report. we thank you, everybody. great day today. weird al, one of our all-time favorite guests top the charts. first time in decades. we got details on all this, more of that dancing too after the break. ♪ y. thk you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel.
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an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. stuart: more speculation about the i watch, now we are hearing it is going to be called itime. >> a couple things. first patent was filed three years ago so lot could have changed. speculation that the watch functions without being fully connected to your phone or your tablet so you could walk around
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leaving your phone at home and do everything from your watch. the everything being talked about is the band is a smart man so watch as a smart man, it has modules or sensors so if a call continue can decline a call by going -- and reading you. the remaining question is a game change our for apple. stuart: that is the question. it is a fancy item. is a breakthrough game change. >> they are late with the smart watches but they haven't even announced it yet. this is just a clue they're coming out with a budget is supposed to launch a round $300 and it has to be different from everything else in the market and speculation is different. stuart: you made it sound good. >> it sounds cool. it is on my wrist watch, i might buy this. stuart: this is what i like, decline the call. put the camera on me. decline the call, accept the
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call. >> unlike stuart varney most people won't get this. stuart: parity singer weird al yankovic according to preliminary numbers from the web site his new album called mandatory fun topping the billboard charts. 4,000 copies sold since the all the maps release, first time it had number one in 30 years. i'm not surprise, the guy was a genius. >> he does have a number one album. the has been added since 1976. he is a genius because he keeps people listening to his lyrics. he is extremely clever. for example one of his big hits, he was basically begging not to listen to the original by billy ray cyrus and he is witty and funny, a little bit sarcastic and still has the edge. stuart: i like the one about grammar. i really liked it. we all talk about the -- how popular some of the netflix
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original programming is. a prison in michigan is changing the color of its prison uniforms from orange to black and white stripes because of the craze surrounding orange is the new black. >> pop culture resonates with people. the best part of the story is the sheriff said the black and white striped uniforms make them look like criminals. stuart: remember arrows on the uniforms? you are too young. you don't remember that. the dow is down 41 points. your take is next.
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>> i am calling for a boycott of starbucks by anyone with the test tube. i don't think -- she shouldn't buy coffee there or products because they don't want you working there, don't shop there. of the one that was our president psychologist dr. keith ablow's take on starbucks firing
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of barista because she anna small task to. here's the rest of the show and your take on it. roxy had this to say about a yale professor's comments on avoiding live believe schools. she says, quote, a college education is important but experience combined with education is the key to getting a job. employers are more inclined to hire a person with experience over and educated of this. not sure you are right about that. qaddafi had this to say about whether our country is more divided now than we were four to five years ago, quote, i pretty much severed relationships with individuals who voted for the president in the white house. how is that ford division? strong stuff. liz: strong stuff and it could be argued the bigger the government gets the more divisive the population gets. it is the tragedies that we are now split end people are capitalizing on economic -- stuart: class warfare to win elections. >> in some ways in a cynical way.
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stuart: thanks very much, you stayed silent. >> you only had ten seconds. of the one ten seconds is ten seconds. i only have five seconds left now. cheryl and adam. cheryl: thanks, stuart. adam: thanks. cheryl: i.t. cheryl casone. adam: i am adam shapiro. dierdre bolton is off today. cheryl: hamas continued its battle, airlines cancelling hundreds of flights from tel aviv's tech hub is. scramble to keep its business as usual. we will be talking about that story. meanwhile one of the nation's biggest pension funds is pushing pepsico to shake up its board and give activist investor nelson peltz a seat. also japan doing -- during the 4 the olympic games in 2020. prime minister has announced his own olympic dreams. at the center of it, adam mc


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