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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  July 27, 2014 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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year. >> and didn't they sing something like "maneater." >> and jonah is the only guy who admits to listening to hall and oates. >> i am embarrassed for him. >> and a national audience. >> neil, take it away. lawmakers are ready to check out while the veterans are waiting for a simple checkup. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto, and with congress packing the bags for the break, the fixes for v.a. have to wait until they come back from the bre break. that is true whether it is delayed care or no care, nobody in washington seems to care. and so now our panel joining us, and charlie gaspirino will be back next week. >> well, whatever it is, five-week recess and nothing resolved and bunch of ideas out there, and hey, let's throw more money at it, $18 million, $30
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billion, and more horror stories everyday and over 100 investigation, and it is an absolute nightmare and i don't know how we can do this diss disservice to the vets. >> but we do. and dagan, and now quibbling over $37 billion or $14 billion and for an agency that gets $148 bi billion a year. so we are arguing past each other here, aren't we? >> yes. i argued against rushing to throw money at it because we have seen what has happened in the past, and even with the bank bailout and the sky is falling and you base decisions based on that urgency, but however, this does seem to be at least pure somewhat partisan bicker iing between the house republicans and the senate democrats, and that is what is most disgusting about it is that they can't come together for a mutual good cause to fix a very serious problem, and they are just -- and they are just fighting with each other. you read the articles and i can't figure out what they are fighting over. i mean, there is some money
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differences in the two bills in the house and the senate, but for the most part, they look the same. >> and that is basically it. the senate provision that would make temporary the this capacity to fire the federal union workers, but really, that is basically it. ben stein, a lot of these things are not money issues as much adds conduct issues and allowing, you know, the new v.a. leader when he gets in there and i assume he will, to go ahead to fire people or shut down homts that are underperforming or not meeting demands. so why this demand of a few extra billion? >> well, since i have been a civil servant for the most part of my life, they can't get you out of there unless you have committed murder at the desk. it is a bad situation in terms of medical practice in particular, because in the private sector if you don't like your doctor, you go get another
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one, but in this case, you are chained to the v.a., and i think that the congress should be getting the academy awards, because they put on the incredibly serious faces and look seriously concerned and frown and point the fingers at each other and go to the door to worship the rich people in the district districts to raise money for the next campaign, and there is no serious attention paid to the veterans in terms of the heart and soul of the lawmakers and it is a real problem. and there is no serious attention paid to routing out the deadword in the bureaucracy with which has to happen throughout the government >> and that is not going to cost right up front, and the money issue, and why we are fixated on, again, whether it is $17 billion extra or $30-some is-odd extra billion. and some of these voucher programs which i have been told by some hospital chiefs which is in place, and if you have the wait for care at a v.a. facility, go to another one and get the care pronto. the ability to fire people right away is not something that you
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need cash to do, but nevertheless, it is the fallback and it worries me, because, you know, these guys, these guys are hurt i hurting. >> so i think that this is a terrible mess like dagan and i don't care which way you are on this, but i do believe that we should throw more money at the situation as well as all of the things that you mentioned, neil, because we should do what we can for the veterans, but i want to make the ob is servation on this program and many others the thought over the years, gee, when congress can't get anything done, that is a good thing for the country, because gridlock is good, because they are so bad, but i disagreed with that then and now. >> and don't make a general statement in reverse here, and charles, you can help me with this, because these are our heroes and what we are doing here, is sending the signal that if this is how we treat the bravest and if that is not coming attractions for obama
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care, i don't know what does. >> that is right, adam, you can't have a broad stroke. that is disingenuous. >> and you want them to act on the veterans? h. >> yes, absolutely, and do something smart. >> complete agreement, i get it. >> no, adam, i don't want them to do anything that you say, but this is what i want them to do. >> charles. >> here is the thing. you know, listen, you can throw the money at it, and it is a mistake to say that money is the magic elixir, because it has not been. and this budget has outpaced inflation by 40%. we are throwing gobs of money at it already. if we don't fix it structurally, it is going to be the same exact problems, but with more money. we don't know where the money went or where it goes now. >> go ahead, neil. >> go ahead. >> this initial independent report and we will get a bigger report at the v.a. in august, but it found a corrosive culture. bureaucracy systemic problems
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and the central office since the 1990s growing from 800 employees to 11,000 employees, so in terms of really getting in there and changing the culture, i mean, this is something that is doing to take years and years to fix. it is going to take somebody who is tough and will congress let that person get tough? >> and be allowed to get tough. >> well, that is a key. if you were offered that job, ben, to take over the v.a. and you didn't have the power technically to fire people, but you went ahead in there knowing that you wanted to do that because you were impatient and had it, what would happen to you? >> i think that i would lose my mind and i would not take the job. look, you are talking about a problem that is as old as government, itself, which is once a person gets in there, the government employee and the arrogance of office as shakespeare put it so brilliantly takes hold, and they don't feel they owe anything to anybody but themselves, and i have been there and been on the inside and seen how it works. unless they get the possibility of being able to fire incompetence, nothing good is
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going to happen. >> let me make a counter point to that, neil. we shoulding a egree on something. and this is quite appropriately a political topic, and the v.a. should be run by politicians, because we are dealing with our v veterans and the people who fight our wars for us. this is an appropriate political topic for our government, for our country, and the point of this is saying that i don't doubt in the weeds, ben, if you say this is true, but it is an opportunity for leadership, and the president needs to lead, and congress needs to lead. >> adam, nobody is leading. >> that is a sign to ben's point that he knows more about the civil arena than i do, but maybe this is not the way we handle the veterans. maybe they get front row seat care. >> and maybe not the way to handle the civil service. >> right. >> and that is a problem. >> what do you do? i mean, this public system is not working. >> well, that may be a thought. >> that may be a thought and privatizing a lot of it is a
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thought. >> and so far, washington has been giving the veterans a finger, and shame on them. shame on them. >> and we don't want to privatize it, because it is a government function and we need to take care of them and not privatize them, but offload it to somebody else. >> and i think that the idea, is that even if you don't privatize it, adam, have some elements of the private sector that account for the accountability, and changes to be made. and if there are embedded changes, the right word is driftwood and if you have the system clogged up with driftwood, how do you not fix it doing the same way, because you have the change it. >> well, guys, here is how we stand right now, and maybe, ben, you can pick up on this. and right now, we have the senate and the house looking at a five-week recess the week after next. it is possible that it is the v.a. choice and it will be voted on in committee and the fingers crossed in the senate and ready to go, but he is still going to come into the job where the power powers are limited as the last ones. and so, now, we are fixed with
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the possibility of the new guy coming in, and powerless to do anything, until they reconcile the house and the senate measures which is put off until labor day and not good. >> it is very bad indeed, but again, this is how the government works. it is basically accountable to no one but itself and often not accountable to itself. and as to the points that adam made about the very sound point that adam made even though he is interrupting me, i think that it is a government function, but so is medicine and yet we will give old people like me medicare and we are allowed to spend it on the private doctors and maybe that is the solution for v.a. and treat them like the medicare people and give them the money to spend on private doctors. >> all i know is that the v.a. is not working, and not working and you can give money to something that is not working, but generally, it is not working much better. that is my thought and my opinion and my show. so, so there. relax, relax. and meanwhile, what if i told
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you that there was something that lawmakers from both parties agree on that could save taxpayers billions of dollars right now? we will have more detal ñ@ç@çp
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i'm kelly wright. and now back to cavuto on business. all right. putting the squeeze on your boss if he tries to squeeze in a last- last-minute schedule change on you, and a california congressman, and they all come from california these ideas,
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pushing new rules to require companies to give part-time workers a head's up or they have to pay up. ben, what is it about california and these pearls of wisdom? >> well, we love california, and we would like to get some water, please, for you people in the east. california will do almost anything to make it difficult to run a business here. they will do anything to have high taxes and incredibly strict regulations and anything to drive the businesses out of the state. this is another example of it. obviously, there should be some consideration givetone the worker's feelings, but to make it more expensive to hire the part-time workers in a state that is suffering, that is a big problem. >> adam? >> well, it is amazing, given how business-unfriendly we are in california how much business we do from silicon valley to hollywood. neil, nobody on the show believes it, but we are all capitalists here, including me. >> no, you are not. you are so lying right now. and you are lying on national television. >> no, i am.
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did you know that my father studied milton freedman. >> you said, no, i am. >> i am telling the truth. >> okay. go ahead. >> that you lie. >> and that sometimes the c capitalism needs a a little help to treat the workers with dignity. >> okay. you are dictating to the employers if they don't give a immediate head's up to the schedule change, they have to pay up. come on. >> first of all, adam with the capitalist, and the c is in the shape of a hammer and sickle, and secondl movies are being made in hollywood, and thirdly -- >> i know he loves me. >> and thirdly, if you will take some water from the delta and the smelt, maybe you guys would be okay. now, from the end, the idea that i, as a business owner, i'm obligated to call up someone within 24 hours and say, i will have work for you and if i don't, i have to pay them more, i mean, this is a thing called
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business. >> and of course, you make money hand over fist and this is insulting to ask, but would that, and would that change whether you had that part-time worker or give that person any hours? >> it would, because it is inconvenient, and it is -- >> the argument is that it is inconvenient for them to change your schedule at the last min e minute. >> and think of me not working and maybe they are going to watch the tv show that day, and i'm not sure what we are doing to disrupt the person who is not working's schedule, but as a small business owner in particular, that is the one who is dictated by it. >> i like how they are trying to legislate it for businesses across the country and present no evidence about how widespread these problems are. how egregious this abuse of the employees is by these businesses getting called in. listen, we have all experienced that, and it is working as a journalist, working in restaurants or retail, and you will be called in. >> and restaurants. and they move in and out of
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schedules all of the time. >> the problem is to be called in for a shift and they don't have hours and send you home, and frankly not all businesses -- yeah? what do you want? >> and we do have data. >> i am sorry, but it is just that it is hard when i am not sitting next to you like charlie is to interrupt you. we do have data that a larger percentage of the workforce than ever is working in part-time situations, and so -- >> with that said, i said -- >> and so that is not a relevant conservation. >> i know, but i said how are the part timers being treated and how egregious for companies to call people in and say, oh, okay, you came in and we don't have hours for you? we don't know how badly people are being treated and by the way, i just want to say -- i want to say that this smacks of union work rules is where it is coming from and they want unionization of these companies and that is what is going on. >> and as a businessman or woman, and you are told, and i want you to raise the minimum
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wage and deal with the regulations for obama care and we want you to keep track of the number to make sure that you are keeping track of the numbers for obama care and keep track of the scheduling of the workforce for obama care and when to the point do you say, ah, the hell wit? >> and we live in a great country with a lot of benefits that come with living in a great country and prices to pay for it. >> why with the recovery that is best limping along and now you are adding the extra burdens on the businesses that can bare ly afford the ones that they have now, and how are you going to encourage more hiring with these added restrictions? >> the fact of the matter is that for the part-time workerers and you said that, charles said, well, they are not working. they might be working another job, because that is the way that the economy is going, and it is sort of some basic decency. >> and adam, part-time jobs, you want to kill that goose, too, go ahead. >> of course, i don't. no. >> okay. i think that you are lying again.
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i am kidding. >> he ist not lying but misrepresenting the facts. >> well, these guys are going to cost you more. and of these guys, i can't believe this. is that true? no, can't be. >> i love chocolate! but i can't eat it, because then i will get fat. i will get fat. but it's
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that is sweet tooth is going
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to cost you a sweet penny. candy maker mars is the latest company to hike prices. meanwhile we saw beef and bacon to sizzle to brand new highs. why is government insisting inflation isn't a problem. ben, we know about food and energy taken out when we look at, you know, corn if affiliation and all the rest but it's still a real problem for americans. >> the way the government collect statistics on prices really is amazing. it's so complicated and so convoluted and so out of touch with reality. it's amazing. the data on housing is ridiculous. anybody who goes into a walmart to goes shopping leaves in a state of shock and for the government to be telling us there's no problem with inflation is comical. they must live off of eating air. the prices are soaring. why is the government making up these stories?
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>> they rely on this model, i guess, charles, where if you see a steak that's expensive you buy a lesser cut of beef or buy chicken but in reality a lot of people have to suck up the higher price. >> you do. there's a difference between porter house and skirt, you know what i mean. let's be honest. butter is through the roof. all the things on the screen are through the roof. you ask why do they do this? to keep pushing certain policies through. you can't keep printing money and admit we have inflation. you can't keep certain fiscal policies in place -- >> you don't there's a concerted plan on those who count these numbers to deliberately keep them down? >> absolutely. >> okay, fine. >> i worry less about food inflation because -- >> because you don't eat. >> thank you. >> when celery and alfalfa goes
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up she will complain. >> you have more available supply and that will bring down pres. love you designed a segment around bacon and chocolate. way to go, neil. >> power. >> gas prices let's thaalk abou the opposite, gas prices are falling. you'll find sub $3 gasoline. >> this is creating the impression inflation is not a problem. i think interest rates as low as they are are unrealistic and we're creating a buying bubble when it explodes you won't be hungry any more. >> there's going to be inflation. but not across the board inflation right now and i don't believe there's a conspiracy theory to convince people otherwise. my thanks to you always. cash is king especially if you're a little prince or princess. four out of ten millennials
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>> sdi. they tend to do well. we like the income. >> guys thank you all very much. cost of fr now on the place for business. fox all the others are fakes. a government-run sting of obamacare showing how taxpayers are getting stunning. >> we used fictitious identity, false information and forged documents as well as instructions from the marketplace itself. we continue to receive subsidized coverage for all applications including those where we didn't request any supporting documents. >> 11 out of 12 fraudulent policies totals $2,500 a buck. this is more proof obama care is rife with frau


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