tv After the Bell FOX Business July 28, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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[closing bell ringing]. pending home sales slipping for those names the dow could not stay above 1,000 although there at parts of the session -- 17,000. zap you could call that flat even though there is tiny bit of green. russell 2000 down half a percent. we have earnings coming. herbalife. how excite something that. push and pull with a billionaire activist. "after the bell" starts right now. liz: ashley with me for david asman. ashley: good to be here. liz: mark tepper expects the bull market to continue two more
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years. rube reiner, here with the two picks to add to your investment portfolio he believes n lincoln ellis, green square management portfolio director join us from the cme. a pretty flat market. >> a pretty flat market. we have a raft of economic data, even boost m&a normally giving markets over the last six weeks. we'll wait until gdp. we have jobless. we've got manufacturing. all behind that some consumer confidence numbers. we'll look for wage gains and employment number on that will really set the tone for balance of this summer market. ashley: ron, let me ask you, you like, you think the best way for investors to play this market right now through the large cap multinational stocks. why is that? >> well, it is simple. the u.s. is not, not as cheap as europe and europe is not as cheap as emerging markets. u.s. is just more stable. if you're buying apple, you're buying an emerging market play.
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if you're buying proctor & gamble, you're buying emerging market play. if you're buying ford, you're buying emerging market play. it is safer and less volatile. half our clients are already retired. they need growth but we don't need to roll the dice given some geopolitical economic upheaval so it is safe. ceos of america, they have done a great job of man r managing their growth. we think that is a safer play but more importantly it's a smart play. liz: mark, your premise, built on what ron's promise is, it is a good time at least for certain stocks. you say the bull market lasts another two years. what will keep us going and not going into corrections? we read about headlines, oh, this guy called all these corrections in the past. now calling for 20% correction. that is on market watch.cop. how do we avoid something like that. >> first things first. we are expecting probably another at least two years or so of the bull market due to really three different reasons. there is lack of investment
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alternatives. there is nowhere else investors are able to achieve any sort of yield whatsoever. they have to continue to climb up the risk ladder. they're moving into dividend-paying stocks and things of that sort. number divorce the economy seems to be strengthening. payroll numbers looked very, very good over the course of past several months. so we do think the economy is strengthening. we're looking reliably easy money policy. we think fed lift off is june next year and will take another year to hit equalibrium rate where we're not longer looking at easy money. ashley: there are those out there that continually beat the drum that we're in highly advanced equity bubble but not as obvious as the dot-com bubble was back in 2000, because it spread over all the sectors. never bubble waiting to burst. what would you say to those people? >> i would say they simply need to look at our good friend buy i
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don't know wean's dividend discount model well in play over 25, 30 years. we're both in the economic earnings cycle as well as recovery relative to where 10-year treasury rates and fed funds rates are. that is why it has become so important. remember as we go into the fed meeting, over the course of next couple days and we think about why it is that the federal reserve would increase rates, it woo be because we're actually seeing some growth in the economy. so, when you have a low level base that you're coming off of, these are again, more tailwinds signs to investors that again, because of, what you're other guests said, lack of alternatives plus positive gdp growth, equals, higher stock market multiple. liz: okay. higher multiples. let me bring in ron again, sorry. what were you saying, ron? >> this is real love-fest. we're all agreeing with one another. this is great into i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i love to disagree. liz: always contrarian voice in there.
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ron, you have been a contrarian in the past but right now you're obviously bullish which gives your point of view a little more heft. talk about the names you like right now. two of them are very much these popular, what might be considered slightly safer names. jpmorgan and apple. but you also like mark west energy. you have got a lot in your portfolio of master limited partnerships correct? explain to people what those are and why you like them right now. >> sure. the mlp space was created about 18 years ago by congress to drive money into the distribution of oil and gas to the processing plants via pipelines and other ways, mostly pipelines. so this has become a very big area. obviously with the marcellus, with north dakota, with what is going on. these companies are really to keepers. they process, they store but mostly ship the oil and gas that they're finding all over the united states to the processing plants in cushing and louisiana, and such. so the distributions which are
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very high, are averaging in the 5% range. they really tax efficient. if you sell them and end up dying with them you end up never paying income taxes on distribution. great for investors and everybody because it's a growth industry. so we like these a lot. ashley: mark, i was bringing in for your picks. looking through these, you like chevron, big oral company. southern company, a utility and you have baxter which is a medical equipment-maker. why do you like these three in particular? >> yeah, typically, you know, at onset of policy reform mallization, it makes sense historically to shift to more of a barbell portfolio structure. that is what we're doing right now. we're becoming more selective with cyclical sectors and stocks we like. we like technology and energy sectors but avoiding materials and industrials because they appear to be overvalued. we're beginning to move into the defensive plays like utilities as well. so, as far as chevron goes, really all three of these
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stocks, you know, two of the things they have in common, number one they're undervalued. u number two, they're paying above average dividend yields which is important for our clients. but chevron in particular, it is really been unloved stock for last several years due to the fact they have had heavy capital expenditures. but management team recently confirmed that 2013 was a peak year. and that capital expenditures should decrease through the end of 2016. so we think there some potential there. baxter, great way for us to play the medical equipment market. it is kind of a mixture between safety and growth for us. you know, right now consumer spending inside of hospitals is far outpacing overall consumer spending. so, we think that should give hospitals the confidence to further their expansion plans. liz: hey, great to see both of you, ron weiner and mark tepper. lincoln ellis we like you so much you're coming back in a few minutes. when the s&p futures close. >> thanks for having me.
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ashley: all right, we are settings up as liz mentioned at top of the show what could be the busiest week for ipos since 2000. 25 companies are on deck. the question is, which ones are worth investing in and which ones should you steer clear of? liz: a new slew of startup airlines taking off. not so easy to start up an airline. does that logo look familiar from years gone by? people express. guess what? they're back. can they defy the odds in crowded industry that suffered 77 bankruptcies in just the past 20 years? we're talking to ceo of one of the new airlines. the old people express is brand new again. ashley: companies making foreign acquisitions and waving good-bye to the u.s. in an effort to lower their taxes. is the white house about to take matters into their own hands to put a stop to this trend. liz: we want to hear from you, the ipo market is it a bubble about to burst or a sign of healthy demand from investors. polo loco on friday, continuing
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today with gopro. tweet us @fbnatb. your answers coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] once, there was a man who found a magic seashell. it told him what was happening on the trading floor in real time. ♪ the shell brought him great fame. ♪ but then, one day, he noticed that everybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistinct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in their trading platform. ♪
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ashley: shares of monster beverage taking a monster hit following ubs downgrade. liz: let's head back to nicole petallides on floor of new york stock exchange to get more on this nicole. >> liz, ashley, we saw monster beverage stock hovering around three-month lows. ubs put a cautionary tone. the stock dropped 3%. they downgraded the stock to neutral from a buy and that is because they have concern over the recent revenue trend and they're looking at that and they believe that they're going to be forecasting some slower growth for monster. they think that the energy drink business is maturing and so with that, they have taken the risk of pulling this downgrade. they said there is a possible beat in their next report, it is possible but however they are being a little more cautious. what is interesting on this one, is last week we saw jeffries, also cutting the stock. they put an $80 target down from 82. i read some analyst reports recently, also just about channel checks where they go to stores. they look at the registers and
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look at the ring-ups and they try to get a gauge what they're seeing and i remember reading something last week in the middle of last week, saying there were concerns that there may be slower growth for monster. so ubs may be also finding that as well. so we'll see. tell you what monster has to say. but meantime the stock took a hit on this call. back to you. ashley: certainly did. nicole, thank you very much. liz: app futures are closing right now. let's head back too lincoln ellis in the pits of the cme we really couldn't get traction by the end of the session today. what about tomorrow. >> guys behind me and investors around the block could use the monster drink themselves. monster week in terms of economic data. we mentioned earlier the fed meeting and jobs later on in the week. tomorrow we get more housing information with the case-shiller and consumer confidence numbers. but all this really, back, liz, as you well know on wage gains. we haven't seen any real wage gains since 1999. this recovery has been absolutely a dearth of wage
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gains. if we continue to pick up 250,000 jobs plus, that helps. until we see real jump in income we'll not see the follow through in the economy and guys behind me would like to see to drive this number closer to 2030. liz: can't have everything, my goodness. >> i know. liz: biggest houses including like goldman sachs, 2050, year-end zap target. we'll see. >> take care. ashley: on heels of that hot ipo, el pollo loco on friday, we're gearing up for what could be the busiest ipo week since august of 2000. liz: 25 companies looking to go public this week with the offerings looking to go $70 billion. with a full plate for investors to choose from? which names are a good bet? which one should investors be aware of? because they don't all succeed? david menlow, this is reminiscent of the year two thousand. >> it is. we know it well, don't we. liz: does it end as poorly as
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that did. >> no, it doesn't. there is sachs utley no parallel what happened in 2000 with what everybody is saying in the marketplace. ashley: why? >> why? because everybody is look at same inflated bubble or ball loon i would say, has expanded but we don't have the valuation issues. we don't have companies in such poor shape. everybody is expecting it because we had -- ashley: market little later. more time to develop. >> absolutely. that is the key thing. investors have a chance to look and dissect the business plans and decide whether or not this is something that has growth prospects. liz: it's a huge week. as we mentioned 25 ipos and you can't look at all of them and shouldn't look at all of them. >> right. liz: which ones have you distilled as real winners? >> we have about half the ipos coming out this week involving the pharmaceutical sector. and this is like really almost beating a dead horse. we're watched this sector go and go, everybody says they have got these tremendous growth prospects for the drugs coming out. ashley: yeah. >> in actuality, investors are just getting tired of it.
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so there are four companies that we did mention i guess. board up on the screen? ashley: let's go. >> okay. first one is a major drug company that is out there. you know, big is really good at this particular point. health equity you're talking about, coming in with these tax advantaged health plans and basically saying do this, do this, makes much more sense for you. ashley: right. >> the other ones -- ashley: health equity. >> healthequity is one. ashley: that is one you're talking about. mobileeye? >> that is collision avoidance. commercials on the cars at this point, optics within the cars and all censors how to keep everybody out the trouble. ashley: okay. >> lastly the best on the board, synocrit financial. this is ge spin-off. people see enough of them why would they want to get rid of this? this is consumer based private label company. the revenue curve continues to move higher and higher. once they're out of ge's
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umbrella, things work much better than. syncrhoyn. liz: gopro climbed higher and higher since the ipo couple weeks ago. el polo lock co, ashley and i have been eating there since '80s on sunset boulevard. >> you were five years old. liz: in kcbs channel 2. we don't want to remember that. looking at some gone public, i always think of container store, tcs, ticker symbol. it is hovering crows to 52-week low of $20 and change. it got as high as i understand it about 47. >> i don't think you can take the standard metrics that you would normally look at to evaluate these companies on ipos that come out. liz: great business and popular store. >> it is. people have to say, i don't want to marry these positions unless they're giving me substantial support to say yes they continue to do will. the new crop that is coming out, 2014, and more than likely 2015 when we get into it, are all
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going to be solid-based companies and i don't see, let me just say. the underwriters are ones making the distinction right now, that if there is even a pause on the part of the investors, as far as evaluation model, they these stocks down in their valuations. give them a real haircut, 35, 40, 50% to get them out of the door. ashley: a delicate balancing point for these companies to know exactly right time to go public to generate the money. >> ashley, this is art form. i'm doing this 25 years. i would never want to be on pricing side of this. these companies, as you said, it is a balancing act here. leave that to underwriters. they take all the pride. ashley: the bling. >> the bling when it goes upside down. liz: this preview leading up to alibaba in september. david, can't wait for that. >> all right. liz: david menlow. we want to hear from you. do you think we're in a ipo bubble or balloon getting more full with air? send us a message on
4:19 pm one of the pioneers in the budget airline industry is back but is the airline industry getting way too crowded with stat ups? we have ceo of new people express. ashley: also called one of the most significant innovations in the online lending business in years. lending tree's founder and ceo will tell us how his company is trying to reinvent the way borrowers shop for money. liz: and it could be a turning point in the 3d printing industry. it is new and potentially huge marketplace for 3d printed products. we'll explain what it is coming up. ♪
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we never thought we'd be farming wind out here. it's not just building jobs here, it's helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i'm like, 'this is what we do.' the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i'm so proud, like, it's just amazing.
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liz: time for a quick speed read of some of the day's other headlines, five stories one minute. first ups britain's lloyd's banking group agreeing to pay $370 million in libor rigging fines. the british bank is the 7th financial institution to strike a deal with u.s. and u.k. authorities over allegations of widespread attempts to manipulate interest rates. virgin america filing for an ipo to help finance future growth. sources say the airline is seeking to raise more than $300 million and is aim forge a market value of more than one billion dollars. >> >> amazon launching a 3d printing store which lets people customize their own products and print them on demand. there are currently more than 200 products for sale on the store and jewelry, electronics, toys and home decor. ford raising price of f-150 pickup trucks, the price of new
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trucks with aluminum bodies will start at $26,615. apple acquiring a startup ebook business to fight amazon. the company is called book lamp. it specializes making book recommendations. [buzzer] that is today's "speed read." ashley: complete that. liz: we're waiting on herbalife numbers. ashley: still nothing. anyway talk about tax inversions. that is where companies reincorporate overseas simply to cut their u.s. tax bills. they're all the rage. they have to run into a wall of opposition from the obama administration. so the question is, will the president take action on his own to stop the practice? liz: fox business's rich edson is live in washington with more on what has become a threat in a way from corporate america to just pick up the stakes and move town. >> it has. another week, another potential tax inversion. if completed the latest one involves u.s. based hospira, to merge with newly owe tensionally acquired european business to relocate headquarters overseas.
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that likely gives the firm lower tax rate and access to overseas capital. despite wave of inversions especially among medical companies, one major medical ceo denied to maria bartiromo that his company is considering such a strategy. >> i want to talk about this trend going on, tax inversion. you have pfizer trying to acquire astrazeneca you have a couple of medical device companies getting together. moving their headquarters out of the u.s. would that be something j&j would consider? >> no. is the short answer, maria. >> there are other u.s. executives shunning inversion wave. mark cuban, for example, tweets, quote, if i owned stock in your company, and you move offshore for tax reasons, i am selling your stock. there are enough investment choices here. this while a former obama administration treasury official has suggested the administration could reduce inversion deals through regulation without a law change from congress. treasury secretary jack lew says the administration has no such authority and says congress must
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act. democrats are making republican opposition to their inversion proposals a significant part of their midterm election campaign. back to you. ashley: thank you, rich. fighting words from mark cuban for sure but there are companies that have shareholders, look we need best return and tax rate here is 35%. why not go overseas. liz: as j&j told maria, it is one of many concerns, not the only concern. ashley: that's true. liz: speaking of inversion. coming up we give you names of companies you can buy to play the inversion boom. companies that could be potential buyers and then businesses that are the latest likely takeover targets overseas. plus -- ashley: a flock of airline startups is taking off to get a piece of the health of the airline industry. when did we thought we could say that. when will they compete in crowded sky? how about $56 fares? i love it. we'll talk to the ceo of one of those airlines, people express.
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crestor lowered bad cholesterol in it's a fact. high-risk patients more than lipitor. bad cholesterol... you're going down! yeah! lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower
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cholesterol, adding crestor can help. i'm down with crestor! crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. are you down with crestor!? ask your doctor if crestor could help you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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companies that may be looking for inversion partners and potential target. and goldman sachs at a analyst made a list of those that could be seeking inversion and those that are targets. several drugmakers, medical device makers and care fusion and striker. as well as irish pharmaceutical companies such as these. sri lanka to the u.s. airline industry. it's definitely on the rebound. if three big legacy carriers have reported it and you can't even believe it. and they are actually doing while. today, virgin america launched the same thing here and is the
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host of skies. the sky is getting crowded? to me now is the ceo of people expressed in an airline you may remember from the 80s the just relaunched last month after a 27 year hiatus. yachts get right to it. there has been a lot of consolidation in were major carriers are controlling about 82% of domestic airline business. now suddenly there are opportunities for smaller players to come in. where do you see the real opportunity and what did you gave you the impetus to say that we are bringing back people express? >> people express, first of all, 25 some years ago did a great job for a number of years and
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then got into a bad situation and we are trying to re-create the low-fare atmosphere that they started with coupled with a culture of customer service. we are trying to do it in airports that had traffic would have lost it through industry consolidation. liz: when he folded in 1987, the conventional wisdom in feeling was that you older because you expanded too quickly. how do you avoid making that mistake again and how do you manage to grab people to fill the seats that you want filled? >> this review of people express is totally different. it has a whole new management team and an experienced management team and i think what you do if you stick to your niche, our niche is to provide service into a focus of airports that previously had a history of
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service and that is our plan and we intend to stick to it and it not over expand the on hold on one second because were going to talk about low prices. cheryl casone he has more for not believe it or not, they could not make it 22 quarters in a row. herbalife has missed on the earnings-per-share and also the revenue and we were looking for a $1.57 per share coming in that $1.55. and the revenue they missed as well. a bit of a surprise, 1.3 billion and the estimate is 1.36 billion. looking at the guidance to see what they're going to say about the third fourth quarter, the stock is getting hit and the town about 67% and i do want to point out going into the earnings of where the stock is up about 1%. now it's getting really hit.
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>> for the current quarter they are expecting $1.62 am a in which meets expectations on 1.3 billion in revenue which meets the expectations are in their putting up the full estimates here for 2014. $6.30, that is at the top of the guidance, $5.3 billion. we will be getting more and the stock is getting hit hard. >> ibis on top and bottom, but we need to dig a bit deeper. >> we will put up the headlines, but let me get back to jeffrey erickson, $56. for a certain flight. talk about what that site is and how you are able to make margins on that? >> cemented $56 on all of our flights. if i was busy on her studios, it would be $56 on people express, if i flew any other of the large carriers to get up there, it will cost me $500.
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we are able to do that because our expenses are very low and we are trying to stimulate traffic that did exist but now has dried up. liz: jeffrey, do you not offer food? no pillows? i'm not even asking about pillows. can you tell us what the experience is like for that cheap of a flight? >> well, it is a similar airplanes when everyone houseflies, a boeing 737, there are eight thousand of them flying across the world, the sea will be as comfortable and we offer snacks for free. we charge for beverages and otherwise it's going to be a similar experience with friendlier people. >> we love the entrepreneurial
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spirit and we will be watching you very close to. thank you for coming on. >> it's my pleasure. liz: when you watch the ipo, let us know because we'd love to hear from you again. eric from people express ceo. we remember him from the 80s. ashely: we certainly do. and identity theft is a big problem. a new online platform that can help protect you from hackers and make it easier for you to get loans. we will be talking to the founder and ceo. liz: and if you are a big user of tablets and computers, how the great hotels. we will have that coming up next ashely: and going down on the farm in illinois. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out.
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before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. [ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. to seal out more food particles. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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the quarter is a dollar 49 cents and that actually does miss the estimate that we were seeing. it's what we are seeing is the third-quarter guidance as the reason for the company really getting hit after hours and they are saying that sales will be strong. that is their guidance. wall street traders don't care. liz: we definitely will be. the doing the happy dance right now. it is the digital age and forget comfort and comeliness and service. what people want is to know whether their hotel has fast and reliable internet service. that's the premise behind this hotel speed test. the information is outsourced to
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run an internet test speed while staying at a particular hotel on the company then takes this data and uses it to make rankings based on internet quality. including new york and london and bangkok and amsterdam and answered information is provided about whether internet services free or low cost the guest just a fee. this may seem like an odd idea what is device guy skinner found that 50% of men and 47% of women listed wi-fi as a priority when making a hotel reservation. ashely: identity theft is on the rise of more than 34 million adults reporting one or more incidents of identity theft in their lives. the question is how can you keep a better watch of your information. >> lending tree connects
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multiple lenders that launched a new pal form that may offer just that. joining us is the founder and ceo. can you hold on one quick second? we have breaking news and cheryl is going to give it to us. >> i have one that is training up in this is garden restaurants. it looks like the chairman and ceo is heading higher by more than 4%. it is in place and when it comes to the restaurants and there is a leadership change. the chairman and ceo is going to be stepping down we have more details coming ahead. she won by the way, everyone, the ticker symbol is dri. still at 4675. let me get back to doug and my first question about this
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brand-new opportunity for people to track the safety of what they are doing. let's talk about what it does. >> okay, absolutely. what it does is a free account consumers can come in and see their credit score and get it verified mnc all of their loans and one ways and really have one click shopping for other loans. we were very well known in the mortgage space and the springs credit-based personalization across mortgage and home loans and reverse mortgages and even student loans, enabling them to save money. >> so what kind of feedback are you getting already to or not we actually launched a month ago where everyone who filled out a form through lending tree to comparison shop, they got the opportunity to get their credit score. and then we updated every month and give you a recommendation.
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>> we make money because we match a consumer with a lender and they pay us essentially an advertising needs to match up with those consumers. so we think of this as personalization and what it does is significantly increases the number of touch points that we have and so now we can save you money across everything. liz: just clarify this for me. recently i've been looking up mortgages and they said if you have more than two banks looking at your credit score, that triggers something negative in your credit score goes down. how do you make sure that whatever you're doing at lending tree isn't sort of letting somebody know that there isn't a problem but that you're just making sure.
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>> that's a great question and a great point. when you're shopping for individual loan, any time you shop with multiple lenders for that one moment within the 30 day period of time, that will not impact your score. but they pull what is a prescreening of query so when a consumer is getting their credit report, that doesn't impact their score either. but if you apply successively to have that problem that you heard about with different lenders, over a couple of months. ashely: what is the mortgage market like? you need a high score. >> it's tight, but the mortgage market is starting to expand and what's really going on across the spectrum is you're seeing a lot of new startup companies who are all clients that i call new
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age wonders that are having automated platforms go back and that's where the credit is starting to flow back with a serving. ashely: finally a positive sign area. liz: wintry coming up with a solution to a growing problem. and an affordable handshake may be replaced by a gesture that is proving to be more than just a fad. it now has science on its side. we have the details when we take you off the desk. ashely: and the crop report could have an impact on the origins of farmers. predicting what they were fortunes might be. >> it's a growing problem, but it's not actually the growing but the price of what is growing. look at this field, i can barely see my hand in front of my face. we have the crop report from the
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speed to numbers out earlier this hour indicating a rough corn yield. liz: less head over to chat who is in illinois. knee-high by the fourth of july with seconds above your head. reporter: it is a heck of an alice sends. but i am actually at the other end of the plant because i want to look at the root systems here. if you look at the root systems, it is just amazing and very strong. that is why when we put the numbers up right now this crop just looks great. >> there's a number of things are going right. a good season with plenty of moisture and maybe a little bit too much at times, but a great thing. reporter: laster 63% of the crop was good and it was an all-time record harvest and now you have
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75 to one of the crop. we walked through this everywhere we go, we have some plans with two ears on it, fairly uncommon at times. do you see anything that we should worry about? >> this was planted early, off to a good start. the leaves are healthy as he pointed out, the root system is good. we have some places where we've had too much water, issues with root development that will hurt and mostly it's good. >> let's put up the numbers for the yields from the last several years. there are people this year predicting that the bushel per acre could be as high as 100 bushels per acre on average. >> i would be kind of spectacular. we have a lot of summer to finish and we need heat and rain. the calendar will keep ticking off in the corn. it's well along in way on its
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way. reporter: it's all pollinating, it's all beautiful. ashely: that's very impressive. liz: absolutely impressive. it is customary to shake hands. but perhaps not for much longer. a handshake alternative that could be gaining ground. ashely: and there's nothing worse than lines at the airport would seem to be getting longer and longer these days. what is being done to speed up those security lines coming up next
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and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. liz: crowd sourcing may be the best solution for credit security lines at the airport and that is why the tsa is challenging you to come up with a more efficient way to beat up a checkpoint screening process.
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if you think you can come up with something better, then do it. rewarded with cash prizes for up to $5000 and it requires a simulation model and evidence that actually works. ashely: check your manners at the door, my replays for the handshake is the more hygienic greeting. researchers compared the amount of bacteria exchanged and it turns out that the fist bump transfers is one 20th of the amount of germs that handshakes do. liz: we asked you whether we thought have a bubble that is about to burst or a healthy demand from investors. byrd says if people want to look at ipos, let them, that is what
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the free market is all about. ashely: you know what they say about risk and reward. i wouldn't put my kids college money into one. liz: care fox business we always try to go the distance for you. this coming weekend i'm going to try to go the distance for our wounded heroes. fox business and i will be competing in the new york city triathlon for building homes for and what we do is we build custom mortgage free homes for the most severely disabled homes returning from iraq and afghanistan. this week we are introducing you to some recipients. this captain was wounded in afghanistan and he lost both his legs and fingers from both hands and we made a home for him that caters to his injuries. so he has since been completed his mba and he just got hired by barclays bank.
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please help us do more for other soldiers like him. building homes for you will see the donation. anything you can give, we will be so appreciative. liz: gerri willis is next and she says the holy grail for connected consumers. gerri: that's right, congressman you come up your phone and also coming up up, one social security isn't enough. the planet some states are pushing to fill that gap and also it's your global warming update. and it's one of the coolest summers on record here in the u.s. and are you driving or drinking? we will show you how to spot the real deal when you buy wine. "the willis report" starts right now. gerri: we begin with top headlines affecting your bottom lin
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