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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  July 28, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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ve the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. ♪ ♪ neil: for once, i don't care, just get this done and now. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. do it and be done with it. republicans quibbling over it, believe me, i'm with you am definitely with you. i am more with getting democrats the care they need than a convenience excuse and i agree that the budget should be able to write itself with the money that you get.
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so i don't believe money is the answer, but i sure as heck can't support using money as an excuse. so before you take a break, cut our vets are great because they deserve better and bolder with a broad and sweeping powers, they will be able to weed out waste and abuse and so i think it gives him a chance by giving him a go and i know it's very bizarre for me to say that. and in scheme of all the money and this is not perfect, but it's a lot better. all of you politicians hold your nose.
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and those are just my thoughts. telling us that i'm always liable to criticism. so chuck nash says we need to reform now and that was my point. i mean, i'm not a fan, but if this is going to be the impediment of not getting vets the help that they need, let's just get it done. >> i like your lead-in on this because it explains to people including myself who believes that there is an endemic cultural problem, those are going to be a long-term fix and that should not be an excuse for applying funding to get some things rolling so that they can get the access. in the bill that's been worked out between the senate and the house, it is saying that the access will be provided in that if you live more than 40 hours away from memphis will be or you have not been seen within 30
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days of trying to get an appointment, you can go to an outside facility and get that and that's where the money can go in. but just having the money truck back up to the loading dock of the va and dump more money on top of a broken organization is not the way to go. neil: you know, one of the things about this, i do like the idea of being able to fire deadweight and also offering, you know, to offer them the
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vouchers if they can't get the care that they need. i'm very much aware and i have to say that we have to get off of our derrières and do something. >> yes, that is the excuse that could have been used. and as has been said, we have the best health care system in the world. so why not aim some of the money gone over toward the vets? >> i always say that i am all against wasting money. but these are the ideas and they deserve a break and they do better than that and so i want to bring in our all-stars.
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jonathan, what do you think of that? >> unfortunately the good money in this case enables the bad. with the senator and others are calling on is really just a request for more government and in one case, government doctors.
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>> that he doesn't give that freedom, that's bad. neil: hope springs eternal, but that's what i'm falling back on. >> a mistake on spending as part
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of this achievement. what's interesting is we need the va to get more backbone when soldiers have shown so much courage. but the issue is that the vouchers are making partial privatization. and it's already going up to see the non-va put down this situation. there will they panic and say they should stay in the va system? neil: now we are putting the report together holding them accountable. saying that you got your money, you have to do this go down, we have this view this lifetime go away. and the instant accountability that is presumably giving him the power to bang heads.
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>> we are hearing about the blue ribbon committee and accountability and i think the problem here is fundamental and that's why it's failing that's why all the government is showing that they are failing. all of them have the choice. >> that is built in to this. i'm saying not to do it. >> the biggest concern is that they get the money and then everything is fine and it's not. >> would you say, in your opinion, that the best decision that they had to make is to fire the bad individuals.
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>> yes, you have that ahead of all of the other things. and we are not there yet. thank you very much. neil: when we come back, chris christie and determining his future of a possible presidential contender. if i told you that his white house dreams are being shattered by something that got him elected in the first place? is it ironic? we w unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited.
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as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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neil: take it from me, what made chris christie a rockstar is he was famous in these town hall meetings of his early on, taking on teachers and policemen and the promises made to them. instantly he becomes a rockstar and onto turton where the bridge gate scandal.
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investigation have been this tension issue and it's coming back to bite him that could collapse his own presidential dream. am i right or wrong? >> chris christie gain not only popularity in new jersey but nationwide. so now we find out about an $800 million gap in the punch and fun and on top of that the economic growth in new jersey is still white weak and lethargic and the whole chris christie thing, forget about bridge the. he didn't deliver on what he promised as a politician. >> those are not running riot as governors want to go back. >> i think it's hard to argue
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the situation in new jersey is better than it was. you have to look at where he was when he first came into office. we had a republican elected governor in new jersey and how did that happen and so he came in at a very difficult time and so the economy and everything is in better shape now than when he came to office. neil: the question is if he gets the credit. but i know what you are saying with the overall economic activity and your quite right. but the argument has always been in his favor that he is very serious and of course he was doing the same thing that he blasted his predecessors were doing. >> in other words of taking it head on, with we really haven't
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seen the overall plans are chris christie and how he will fix that pension gap. so we know new jersey, california, illinois, how is he going to do it? >> what he could do, he said they should start folding and merging cities in new jersey with each other and paring back the government workforce and that is what detroit should have done. they should merge with a healthier city. >> political fodder for him on this story will be gone at some point. >> unfortunately this is a story that will persist. >> there was a lot of hope that he could really turn new jersey into a thriving economic hub and
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that hasn't happened and i think bridge gate only reinforces that perception. >> new jersey has a more powerful union presidents. >> he was going to be the reform of this and now he came and criticized at. >> he still talked about this being politically risky and it was a long and drawnout that are in the lobby battle. and now he's facing this. neil: forget about making a clown out of us. letter pruden is just taking on clowns altogether. ♪
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neil: all of this time we thought the fast food industry had to worry about michele obama and it turns out that vladimir putin is now setting his sights on one mcdonald's. so just as we are considering sanctions against russia, along comes letter pruden saying they were not quite sure that donald is really that good te that. so go figure. so what kind of case can he make your? so explain how you would defend?
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>> if you are going to put calorie counts out and food outcome of his organization is just like the fda and they are there to regulate and ensure the health and safety of everyone. >> by going after a major u.s. company, maybe they hadn't gotten to them yet. >> i am just glad that that is not one of the things that they are trying to do because that would really make you mad. i mean, this is totally political. it isn't about health or calorie content and it's no coincidence that they are trying to take this action now when the u.s. is ramping up the sanctions against russia at the time when the tensions are still high between the two countries. mcdonald's has been there since 1990 and they have not changed their menu since i was born area so why are they deciding to do
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this now. >> with that aside, maybe there is a method to this and a great way to talk about this thing that we have always been concerned about american companies. >> maybe we haven't gotten around to reviewing mcdonald's held in the calorie contents, but maybe they started using this in that way. but if it was really, if it was about the health and calorie content, why not give them a warning and they fix this him a remedy this, give them a
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citation. >> they claimed that they were trying to warn donald that they were another is going to be hectic day. >> that is what they are saying now. but i don't buy it. not to mention the agency filing this lawsuit because they have a history of doing this and they are dovetailing the russian political agenda and the glaring example is located in 2008 with georgia where they banned the export of wine and mineral water. and solicitors call it what it is, it's a total political strategic move and they are trying to send a message to the u.s. neil: mib political profit, but pretty much. >> i think that it was a good
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argument. it's a great argument. and this probably was politically motivated but that doesn't mean that it doesn't serve a good purpose. they should be regulated for doing that. neil: i'm just saying if you're watching, let's keep going. when the younger russell is, no wonder housing works so well.
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neil: all right mortgage rates revisiting record lows, why aren't you in? katherine bass ill on why so many young people are oping out of the houses market.
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especially millennials, katherine your argument is that young have been burned or seen their banners burned or their memory of such, all they can remember is bad part of housing. >> they saw their friends, family, saw them struggle. either they went underwater or faced a forecloseure, they are not ready to take the risk on with a lot of student loan debt coming on. wages have increased. we have not followed suit,. >> a lot of demand on their income. >> so are they just sitting in their parent's basement or renting. >> one in four of in their parent's basement, according to latest pew survey, they are also renting too. they don't want the long commu commute. >> if that is the case, that is not good, you need them in
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there. >> there is something else, you still need a fica score of over 700 right now, it was 600. they can't get credit if they are motivated. neil: they are jadeed anyway. >> jadeed, you are right, the most recent memory is the collapse. when the great depression happened we have fannie mae all of a sudden. the issue is that banks are not lending to young borrowers, have you a phenomenon of wage wayne's world meets the "golden girls." >> very much created what the points, depression created a generation of depression era, and mentally investors, talk to young people, they are risk averse, they want to hole cash.
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not real estate, their top asset class is gold. to the points, they are risk averse and scared. they have grown up in a time of oklahomaic and fiscal turmoil, and intervention from the government as well. neil: i love you to death, i love you, you are about my daughter's age, i think you china's lot, not you. -- you china's lot whine a lot,t you whine about a lot of stuff in the world. instution of marriage is suspect to you there is no one and nothing you like. >> you are right, we're questioning giant instutions with wall street and banks, and things like that. neil: maybe it's time to stop whineing. >> i have tried to buy a house, i will take advantage of low interest rates, i spent 6 months every weekend, to open houses,
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inventory was tight. i had to make an offer into a house, 48 hours, i had to put down earnest money, go above asking price. >> all cash. >> i did not, i got beat by an all cash offer, i cannot compete with that. neil: so, just saying, how is that experience different from others? >> well, i think, they are -- >> you were once burned you are permanently shy? >> a little bit. it is a different picture for the moment. neil: what about for you after that? experience, what do you think of owning a home. >> i am hesitant, i moved back to new york, i am renting now, i am looking again. neil: good luck right away, you thought it was pricey in washington, a condo here is just a million will do rathers.
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>> we're looking outside of the city. >> jonathan help her out. >> i think, she is experienceing as many americans are is they know is a rigged game, they want to make decisions but they know whether it since ratess young people can't get those mortgag mortgages. we know that the value of real estate is manipulateed irk specifically by the federal reserve, hard to feel confident. >> she mentioned something that i think is interesting, you said getting beat out by a cash buyer, top two alternative investments are cash, number two is real estate. that is the competition. >> and also, i want to see what is going to happen as home prices rise, in may they were up 8% year-over-year, investors may start leaving. >> are banks tough on you? >> they are, they want all of
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our -- >> are you applying to banks that put cnn on. >> no, i make sure it is fox. >> it is tough, in and wake of dodd-frank they have much streufbger lendinerstricter lent record of all pay stubs. neil: is that much different from pro meltdown? >> -- premeltdown, you know like in my day? >> we're just returning to old stonards? >> it was there was no-money down loans they were common. neil: before then. >> neil, returning to higher standards with federal accounting security board. the market is more regulateed now, and since 2000 we have sarbanes-oxley, dodd-frank, and hundreds of thousands in
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regulations and restricts on mortgage finance specifically. >> are still looking? >> very much. neil: i want to help you out, but you resist. i am kidding. she said, i am never coming back to the show. >> here is how cheap has become, family dollar, dollar tree, billions to hook up. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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neil: something is going on, they call it merger monday for a reason, dollar tree, and richard said, a time when government is making it harder for businesses to grow, no wonder businesses are combining to grow. author much building a billion
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dollar business. i was thinking of you reading the book, a lot easier to combine to get that, then comes out on your own, what do you think of that latest trend? and whether it keeps up? >> well, you know, neil, i like the concept of rolling up businesses within your industry. i think a lot of peoples 2 and 2 does make 5, there are a lot of synergies between the companies, i can understand how it creates efficiencies by merging various departments, they can pull together from a branded stand points, and markets to make sense, the thing i know is ceos get tired. over a period of time, if there is an opportunity, your exit strategy is limited. when you have another company that is big enough you can merge with that gives board, and ceo and senior management a opportunity to move on to other things, and place shows
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shareholders safely into another company it really makes sense. neil: i talk with a lot of people who are successful like you. they say, that they could not repeat that in it economic environment. as the late '70s. >> i think it st true, we're in a different time. the government is in a different place, there was a whole "shock and awe" tax takes useed on companies in the days pressure when sarbaness ocly cams oxley t get morse difficult, i don't think it will get ease year, we have a washington, we're full of regulators. i think companies are being squeezeed more and more, not
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just one area, it is the tax situation, from osha from you name it now affordable healthcare act, hipaa and all different regulations that are strangleing companies, sometimes the ceos say, i've had enough, i'll merge, we'll get a premium for shareholders and move on. neil: what do you think of those companys that try to use these tax rules and laws and secrets of tax code, so-called inversion lorule that allows them to buy a smaller player abroad, and take advantage of that country, taxes, president holds them out as unpatriotic examples, what do you think of that? >> i think two things from a political stand . it makes sense for those who are running for office to say this is bad, they need to pay their fair share of taxes, yada, yada, yada, but shareholders look for increase profitability and earnings, and
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anyway that company can increase return t to its shareholder, hae you a tug-of-war, political aspect, and have you the shareholders, i know personality, that shareholders put tremendous pressure on the board of a company, and senior management to continue to grow those earnings, if you can add another 10% to bottom line, that is why they are looking for alternatives, and buying a company in another country. and i do believe, that we have to do something with our tax code, to create an incentive to keep the companies at home, and hire people here, there is stphog wrong smog wrong -- something wrong, you have to be blind to see that there is a reason that the companies have to do that. they are not doing it because they want to, they are doing it because they have to. >> real quickly. the punishment you got with
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government chasing you, now a lot of companies, paying multibillion dollar fines, what do you think? >> hey, i think it makes more sense. if you can keep company in tact, continue to grow company, and pay taxes, you know we see billion dollar settlements that helps checkbook at the government's checkbook. and increases you know their situation. in terms of repaying bills, it does not make sense to gouge the company, shut is down, "shock and awe," you know spend millions chasing leadership. neil: do you wish in retrospect they had done that with you. >> they should have done it. think about it, from a financial stand . it would have helped a lot of people, a lot of people would have been employed a continued expansion of a great company. we live in a entrepreneur rally raloxifene uniry, you can --
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entrepreneuraal country. you know my book is all about motivating and inspiring young people to go out, and build companies in america, that could still be done. but yes, g the good needs to -- government needs to back off, and they need to create incentives and create jobs. we have to look at entrepreneurs here, and do what is best for them, and create the jobs, where do jobs come from? the entrepreneurs, the only place. neil: richard, great gook, building a billion dollar. he knows, from those experience whatever he speaks, meanwhile, hike it or get your own damn burger, why the protesting minimum wagers my regret that threat, payback is a bitch when you demand your boss double your
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in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at make sure kids learn how to swim. always watch them in and around water and properly fence all pools. simple steps saves lives. to learn some new ones visit they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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neil: are we setting ourselves up for a fall. they are worry we're behind the curve, and the curve is the feds who are getting behind, that will complicate things, this ease money will complicate things, back with our all-stars. what do you think? jonathan? >> neil, what is the federal reserve done. in past hundred years it has destroyed more than 90% of the value of the dollar. government can create anything. fed promoteed and created boom and bust cycle.
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fed needs to get rid of itself. then you will see real sustainable growth, as we had prior on the fed creation. neil: short of getting rid of the fed for the time being. what do you think? >> pretty money does not create value, counterfeiting would be legal. a smart economist, brian west bury said that. you know we don't see hyper inflation yet or high commodity prices or food prices just yet. we had two dozen cases in 20th century. neil: maybe it is there but we're not seeing it. >> we doubled greenback supply. alan greenspan last week warned. if the fed does not do it right we're in for a rocky patch. >> all right.
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>> you know, in stock market. that has been a criticism of fed, they are using economic data to analyze what they do, how many bonds they buy or not buy, at same time they fuel the economy by fueling the market. neil: do you think they are behind the curve? >> i think they are. >> even when -- the fed hits its target in 2016 o16 that is still less than what rates were in quarter of 2007. but the boomerage has yet to hit itself in head. >> you say we have note seen signs of inflick, we've been talking about escalating food prices. >> i am talking hyper inflation. we see deflation right now. >> hyper inflation starts with inflation, and inflation starts with government prins money. >> we double money supply since 2007, we have yet to see hyper
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inflation. neil: we might see it on minimum wage front. workers are vowing to do whatever it takes to get $15 an hour. double our minimum wage, my fear is, whether you are for or against, that is going to lead to wage inflation? and whether it is in keeping with minimum boost? >> i don't know about wage inflation, but i think it will lead to fewer job the. many of these fast-food franchises are just, that they are franchises, they are small business owners, they get settleed with healthcare now with a potential of paying $15 an hour. you will see a lot of them. jonathan will have to find a new diet. neil: congressman was with me last week, saying a few days with minimum wage, saying they
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need to boost, maybe a little bit, but do this in a constructive way, just doubling it, not assumeing you will see more automateed restaurants or like the new jersey turnpike. everyone is automateed. i make my own burger. >> tablets or ipads to do your order. and kiosk, that is a danger for the workers, you may get what you ask for, you could see yourself out of a job, this started in washington with their $15 wage. this is a terrible state we're in, here talking about raising money on the mcjobs, that is pathetic, you could raise min midge wage but -- midge minimum wage but they are mom and pop shops they cannot do much more. neil: we lose sight of fact 2 million of workforce on the minimum wage. go ahead.
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>> if that i want to raise their wage, raise their skills, wages are not based on whim or feeling or how much you like someone, they are based on economic value produced. this is the department of labor's data from 1930s, when you raise minnesota wage you -- minimum wage you kill job and job creation, all of these people demanding higher wages, only roners make demand -- robbers make demands, if they are willing to do what it takes they should open the restaurant that pay $15. >> you raise prices, how many families live off mcdonald's? a lot. you know. >> but jonathan says these are eentry level jobs people should ascend up to the better skilled jobs. jobs. >> there is a -- all right, we shall see.
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is it me? or was ben stein around stkaourg the cividuringthe steufl steufl? -- the civil war.
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if you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue. if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. nt and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it.
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neil: what is the deal with continued foot drags on getting something done for vets. just get it done before you try to pack a bag, palmer e-mails, you are right, i say they can't go anywhere until they fix this v.a. nonsense. >> and neil what part of useless pieces of flesh. they owrec these guys. virgie arthur problem can be -- v.a. problem is be solveed by quality control.
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part of the problem, getting anyone to care, for months i have written to get an appointment. asked the person about seeing a local private doctor, she tried to persuade me from seeing a private doctor. not all that see it that way, joe, i am on medicare, and never have a problem getting an appointment with my primary doctor, 99% of time, i can either walk in or get an appointment same day. diagnosed and sent to a specialist the same day, by are all, counts, joe, your experience is a delightful ex option to a more depressing norm. i, agree with you, neil. administrateors should be able to fireworkers, not shift them
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to another department. it is almost done, fingers are crossed. and everything else, bill, neil, the highway and the v.a. already have too much money, that is the problem that is why it's wasted. too much and no direct. >> if it means i remove last imped meant to getting somebody done for vets. >> dan in san diego, convinceed, discussing v.a. this weekend, neil, started saying something presumably about ben stein's knowledge of civil service but it sounded like he stopped himself from saying civil war, is ben that much of a senior member of the group? >> yes, she that old. then -- he is that old, neil why
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can't we take all expenses from illegal immigrants out of the aid we give them to the country, hit them in the pocketbook. i have no idea. and michael said whether or not clueless white guys like me are not fit to judge, you had a interview with mike huckabee, most working folks have a hard time believing that two fat guys opoints about a -- epining about a president who works out, and, here i thought you didn't like me. it seems that people who disagree with you, do not know the concept of constructing an argument, instead of validating points they call you ugly or f fat. keep up good work, neil, someone needs to take a stand for
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america, love your program. fat or thin, you cut to the chase. that is the skino this show. always looking out, that will do it see you tomorrow. kennedy: look at president, he is elasta girl, he can overreach the limits of his job to do what is moraly, politically right and justified. signing an execive act, granding work visa to immigrants, his team of actors are looking to possibility of claiming a humanitarian crisis, main lining kids to our safe borders, and leftys blame gang problem on our failed criminal justice system. according to commie logic, we should house criminals, children's terrorizeed and their


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