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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 4, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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we will be taking some of your twitter queries. believe the meat. thank you so much for watching. i'm kennedy. we will see you tomorrow night. good night. ♪ puts it together for you. lou: good evening, breaking news we received word that egyptian government has successfully negotiated a 72-hour ceasefire 20 israel and hamas. that cease fear, is set to go into effect at 1:00 a.m. eastern time, 10 pacific tonight, sources in jerusalem reporting that the prime minister netanyahu, is also considering whether to uniletalry withdraw the israeli defense forces from gaza, a senior israeli official telling fox news that netanyahu security cabinet has voted with withdraw idf troops but only after the last of hamas tunnels
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that run into israel are destroyed. these developments not enough to save a highly visserible -- visible relationship between obama administration. -- and government of israel. just moments after he claimed that president's relationship with israel is quote, strong and unchanged. ernest said this. >> that suspicion that hamas fighters are operating in the vicinity of innocent civilians does not justify taking strikes that put the lives of those innocent civilians at risk. lou: white house condemnation after state department spoke person used language with which
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to criticize the government of israel over the weekend. saying that the obama administration is quote, appalled at what she called a disgraceful idea of shelling outside of a u.n. school in gaza, saki could not come up with a ponce to questions that -- responses to questions that respect that netanyahu warned john kerry, to never second guess me again, after hamas violated against a humanitarian cease fear agreement on saturday, we'll have more on israel's battle to irk ra irk r, threat. we'll talk with retired four-star general jack keane tonight. >> automatic death toll in africa's worse ever ebola outbreak, rising to a thousand, what is believed to be first
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american infectioned on disease now on american soil, and a second american victim to arrive tomorrow. we'll take you live to atlanta for a report on prognosis for those victims. >> we'll talk with leading stkaoegz disease expert dr. mark seeing old risk involved in bringing ebola victims back to this country for treatment. >> and marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi in court for a third time, after spending 127 days in a mexican statement without so much as a public statement by the president. we take this up by judge andrew napolitano in moments, and by the way, mr. president, happy birthday. his number, is 53. we begin tonight with israel. my first guest said that our relationship with israel has been strained, because of the obama administration's
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desperation to bin win a ceaser regardless of the consequences, joining us now, retireed four-star army general, jack keane, and also fox news military analyst, general, good to have you here, a 72 hour ceasefire, in place, to go into effect this a matter of hours your thoughts? >> first of all good news, secondly, it appear to be same proposal that egyptians made 3 weeks ago that israel accepted and hamas rejected. if that is true, the absolutely hamas is evil. given the tragic loss taken place over these ensuing 3 weeks, and suffering that associated with those deaths, and families involved, and also what has taken in israel, to think that could have been avoiding this cynicism is despicable how they use civilian
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casualties to accomplish their political objective. lou: netanyahu considering a unilateral withdrawal. with support of council to do that. but at the same time, you wonder ifb the strategic assessment, is it too early? is it premature for israel to withdraw from gaza. is it bowing too much to popular world opinion? >> i don't think so, i believe they had a very limited military objective, lou, that was to destroy all of those tunnels they knew of and those they discovered after they got into gaza. the toll is about 40, as i understand it. and they will -- they are in the ending stages of destroying those tunnels, that is only
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reason they would pull out, they have accomplished that military objective. they also believe they have destroyed somewhat of 70 percent of the rockets and their infrastructure that supports them in gaza. that has nothing to do with the troops on the ground, in gaza. this was all about the tunnels. so we'll see what happens, if ceasefire gets broken, as i suspect it will, after all hamas has broken every ceasefire to date. then i believe that netanyahu will have no choice but to return with airstrikes and ar till rarary strikes. lou: sort out the peculiar language from white house saying that relationship with israel is just as strong as ever, and president has not in any way fractured ta relationship, and at same time listening to one of the president's spokespersoning
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basically chide israel, and condescend to prime minister netanyahu critically. >> take that statement that press secretary made, said that israel should not be targeting any area where there may be suspected civilian present, gaza, 1.8 million, urban center, people liveing on top of one another, there are no hamas forths and military bases in gaza, they are all on the people's homes, and hospitals, and they are on the mosques, they are hidden in the population infrastructure. i would suggestion that israel never fire a single round in this entire episode in last 4 weeks, without some civilians somewhere in the area present, we know that hams put them on the roofs and asked them to operate, as shields to protect them. knowing that wow ul be casualties, that is an exxon
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yaran ex --extra ordtary named e by a white house official given all knowledge they should have about what has taken place 92 there have been so plane extraordinary statements made by this white house directed toward our allie, a nation we support as we have been from the inception. give us your best judgment, as to hows relationship will look after this season fire takes hole, and hopefully we see peace at least, silenceed to quote prime minister netanyahu, return to gaza and to israel? >> well, this relationship certainly between netanyahu and obama has been very episodic with its ups and downs, it has never been good, it will just continue on that line, lou. it is not going to get better, not worse. and publicly, you know they will
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hug each other, but privately, they certainly put the gloves on. lou: turning if we may to iraq. the isla islamic state of iraq d the l lastthe -- taking over cof the oil fields and taking over throw more towns battles for control of those towns with kurdish forces does this represent a new stage in the conflict in iraq? >> for isis it is part of their straeplic bstrategic to take cof nortnorthern tigs tigris river , they have to push back the kurds that came out of kurdistan, and occupy towns as a buffer, what is surpriseing it the ease with which they did that.
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it shows that tenacity that isis has. and fact is that this week, they crossed to lebanon and seized a town there. they are out since but they drove lebanese military out of the town, this say dead serious organization, intent on accomplishing its objectives, it is certainty we will eventually engage this organization, we should do it now, before it doubles and triples in size, and is more difficult to deal with. lou: general jack keane, thank you. >> thank you. lou: latest on the illegal ill breaimmigration crisis, a senior white house adviser said that president will issue a executive order to resolve the crisis. >> the republicans last week took a vote to de54 thos deporte people back.
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>> it will be in september? >> at the end of the summer. lou: that vote, is actually a vote to end the president's 2012 program that stopped deportations of illegal immigrant loss came to united states as children. critics say that program caused the massive influx of illegal immigrants, many of them children, that is now, taking place on our border with mexico. >> and according to a new republic, by breitbart, it is not just folks from central america, but individuals from more than 75 different countries, including terrorist hotbeds, afghanistan, pakistan, syria, west african nations that deal with the ebola outbreak as well. as far as the thousands of so called unaccompanied children
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they have been releaseed to relativeers on sponsors, because the dodg dang said it is close - administration said they are closing 3 structures they had in texas, oklahoma could and california. again. without explanation from the administration. we're coming right back. >> crickets on capitol hill, senate ask congress, home for summer, president obama trying to take advantage ahead of midterms, and ed rollins and juan williams assess what the president meant, when he talked about the
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trillion since president obama took office. to give you a sense of how much money that is, if that can be done, new debt under president obama is more than $60,000 per household, that did not work either? that is about $10,000 more than median household income. overall, the federal debt at $17 toy $17.6 trillion. this is too much. president obama unveiled a prime minister campaign strategy during a number of his recent, speecheds, with midterm elections now mondays a-- mondays away, president is ramping up his congress on the mean congress, not mean old congress but just men congress, ask asking republicans to quote, stop hating. here to access. the a-team ed rawlins, and juan
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williams. highly knowledgeable and canny about american politics, good to have you here, we start thatw that mean congress and the quitting the hating, what are you doing? >> we're trying to save taxpayer moneys, now we owrec morwoh,we e more than the average person earns. this is a bipartisan situation, which there is no cooperation, and not going to be any cooperation. president has made no effort to make it happen. lou: juan, do you think it will get more visceral, these are gut punches thrown out, president is
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disfunctional, and incompetent, he createed this crises on the southern border, he cannot carry out a foreign policy. this is getting more basic, isn't it? >> yeah, it is awful, you know i don't know how did get around it in terms of what i can say to you. i don't see anything good coming down the road, i think if republicans win both houses in the fall, host people are now saying that odds are increased that republicans will gain control of the senate. i think you will -- in for a sign of further paralysis. that does not presage a break in the clouds, if democrats hold it, it will still be so slight, that republicans will be able to from the white house perspective, continue to obstruct, and block. you know ed said, save the american people money and all, you can't get a deal out of republican or democrat on tax reform right now. you can't get them --
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>> do you not think that there is a great sigh of relief on part of american people, 60% saying we're in the wrong direction, about 70% with no faith in this president, and his ability to manage a government, foraparalysis sounds like a good result. >> to my political base, they are not happy about how things are happening, there is no solution on immigration, they don't like what the president will do in the executive order, they will not like the spending program. my sense is that if republicans -- >> let's be clear. somebody should have enough guts, whether a republican or democratic party, president brought it to the attention to
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everyone, they ought to be told to go to hell. >> i agree with that. >> i'm saying that republican party should stand up and a that out loud. >> i will -- i with no role in republican party. other than just a elder, we have to fix our tax system, and make sure that companies if that i want to leave, great, they will not receive the benefits of this country. but at the end of the day, the agendas are different. they are putting burdens on our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. lou: juan, the president, he is in a mess. i heard youic ead on that issue --ic ead to tha ex ead to that e talks about now while campaigning talking about a mean congress, and blocking everything that he is doing, he is not talking about for two years the democrats were in
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control of this government, house, senate, and presidency and did nothing but screw up something called obamacare, we will be paying for that now coming skwhr-pb 1. what ijanuary 1st, what arethose democrats, who are threatened, there is not much way for them to escape a certain fate is there? h, i mean, actually polls are close. there is no indication that there is say republican way. and contrary to what you said, you know, i think that accomplishs health care was getting a mighty boulder up the hill. you had total republican refusal. but moving away from that, this is an old conversation. lou: is that the way to say you don't want to respond with facts. >> i am telling you, i have facts that it is suggestions it working at the moment, but, when you ask the american people
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right now, republican or democracy bthe congress, the congress's ratings are lower than the president's. lou: wait, half of that congress is run by. >> they are terrible people, they are saying you are worse than the do-nothing kong in truman era. lou: it is about do-nothing senate, that constitutes 50s pier of that. >> on one points, polls indicate even in voter intensity. reality is any time we're close to even we'll win, in a midterm election, president does not have his great mechanism, the african-americans and minority voters he did in off year are not turning up historically. >> >> i don't see that indication as in 20 tep fo 2010 for exampl.
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but you know ed is right, in terms of voter intend see, a slight edge to the republican, given fact that president is underwater about 43% on average of polls, that would indicate you would see some republican victories. but in terms of what lou said about, voter love piera paralys. lou: i said some do. >> people are full of vini viner and loathing for this congress. lou: juan, you are getting close to hating there, we have to stop that hating. >> i don't understand how you can make excuses for that republican house, they can't do -- they can't get their own bill done. lou: if you watch this broadcast, you will see that i do bring certain amount of intention -- attention to incompetance of republican
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leadership. >> and juan, it is the leadership that american is supposed to provide to the country, and make americans feel good, that is not happening today. we're now in a bush fatigue we were two years ago. we're only in the second term. >> not governing, no statesmanship on either side. lou: and i take it we should hold the president blameless? >> no, i didn't say that. >> where we are, already, i want to conclude if we can. quickly, what happens if the president does act by executive order and provides defacto am amnesty for 5 million illegal immigrants, juan? >> i think you see republicans issue statements of you know, outrage, and but you know, hard
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for them to i think have much impact with voters at-this-point. i think that real their base, and -- ryal their base, and coming to ed's earlier points, this could ener in skwraoeudz eenergize themfurther. >> it would be a disaster and it would be the inof this presidency, this is a congress congressional mandate that has to be done by congress. he will face a heavy burden. lou: thank you gentleman. >> you're welcome. lou: death toll from world's worse outbreak in history rising to 900 cases of ebola most of those in liberia but officials in nigeria announced a second case of ebola. we'll have a full report tonight, fox news john roberts
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on efforts to treat two americans infected with ebola. we talk with doctor mark seagal as well. >> up next, commentary on count founding statements that sometimes emanate from thi at legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it.
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lou: coming up tonight, president obama is moving closer and closer, we're told to an executive order on illegal immigration. judge napolitano is joining us. >> and ebola fears hit the united states, two infected americans have returned to the country. dr. siegel addressing the threat to rift of us, but first, a few comments about the obama administration and white house. the word i've settled on is
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delllutional. if that were the case why would prime minister netanyahu warn the white house not to second guess him. our president this week tot weee economist -- friendly? if that is the case, why have the president's regulations and red tape cost businesses according to one report a half trillion dollars during his first 5 years in office? president's idea of business friendly, delaying obamacare mandate until next year, that is to cost businesses $150 billion over the next decade. why should anyone believe
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anything that the president says these days, even former congressman barney frank now calls for obama and his administration liars, said quote, he should never have said as much as he did -- they lieed, and they lieed some more to points that many americans are now asking simply, why should we believe him? why should we trust him? we're coming right back. >> marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi in court today, judge andrew napolitano to tell us whether we'll see justice us whether we'll see justice south of the borde
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lou: newly formed hurricane bertha is going northward in open atlantic ocean. forecasters now say that this. second named storm of the season, may bring with it, rough surf, threat of rip currents to the east coast, it heads north over the remainder of the week but not expected to make landfall. >> a hearing today in a tijuana court for sergeant andrew tahmooressi two mexican custom agents, two soldiers, involved in his arrest and questioning taking the stan, tahmooressi has been locked away in a mexican pris own foprison for 127 days t a single public mention from our president, joining us now, fox news analyst judge napolitano. >> nice to be here, lou.
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lou: start with mexican justice is there any? >> only when government wants there to be. on paper, a person is 9 innocent until proven guilty, but in these regimes that do not respect the rights of individuals you must prove your confidence, he has not -- your innocence, he has not been given a chance to tell a judge this was a place take mistake, a litg turn in desert that resulted in his arrest, he had guns that were hra*ufl i lawful in texas. lou: he was in san diego for treatment of post-traumatic stress, a decorateed marine, two tours of duty, and the come understander in chief -- commander in chief has not said a word. >> this is a golden opportunity
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for the tone deaf commander in chief to trade sergeant tahmooressi for some other bum that the mexicans might want, he is good at these trades it is also a golden opportunity for him to send 5 helicopters down there, sweep him up, and bring him back over the border. lou: i want him to say, to the president of mexico, let the guy go. he is one of ours, this is between you and me, mr. president do, me this favor. >> you do this favor, i will do that favor. >> i watched president in his impromptu press conference
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friday, talk to the white house press core about, don't they have questions about liz birthday, which is his birthday, which is today. this is the day tahmooressi is in court, he did not mention it but he wanted to talk about his own birthday. some way to rationalize his behavior. >> i do believe he is tone deaf, quote you read, from barney frank, the one of the most liberal democrat members of house, until he retired, saying, president knew he was lying and he lieed anyway -- lied anyway is damning to this president, he does not care, his poll numbers are down, he does not care, he has been accused of income/10 and lawlessness -- incompetence and lawlessness, he does not care. lou: the verdict is in, on this
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president, he has lied, and admitted lying, he continued to lie. it snow longer abou long -- it r about misrepresentation or deceitfulness it is lying, the question is not whether he cares, but does anyone here in this country care enough to make a difference in this -- >> in my opinion, this is where i disagree with my good friend juan williams, i think that american people will take it out on democrats, running for the house, and for the they are negative views of barack obama he cannot run again, this is only way that can send a message to him. him. lou: is teams to me that taking -- seems to me that taking it out to democrat is the appropriate response. because we have not heard, but a handful of democrats stand up and oppose this president, his
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policies, they seem to be one with this president, democratic party, and this president, if there were a divide of any kind, it might at least create a unknown result of the polls here, right now, this is one party, one president, and headed in the same direction with which that american public. >> a test, how many democrats run are for office this november want president obama to raise money for them? to be seen with them? campaign with them? or for them, that number will be in single digits, and senate is at stake for his party. lou: a round up in colorado fund-raising, senior uwil udolly one, to buyed to be -- only one rarbgs agreeed tagreed to show a fund-raiser then he canceled that evening.
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that is kind of support he has. >> that is the president, and democrats get to go through in next 5 months. >> judge andrew napolitano, good to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: now our quotation of the evening from gal lay low, i do not feel be on blixed to believe that the same god who endowed ed us with sense, reason and intellect it intended for us to forgo their use. >> 2 americans are being treated ed with a top-secret a an dote for the ebola virus, next. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well.
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lou: the deadly ebola outbreak in africa is spreading as a second american citizen with the virus is set to arrive back in this country tomorrow, john roberts with the latest. >> reporter: two days after his arrival at emory, news about dr. brantley is encouraging his wife saying we priz praise god for te news that his condition is improving but according to the team treating him, he is not out of the woods yet. >> there is say phenomenon in africa where the patients get better than worse, they need to be watched closely. >> reporter: tomorrow the second american patient with ebola is expected at emory, nancy will make the same journey. her condition is said to be serious, but stable. the protest against transporting the ebola patients to u.s. growing louder this morning on
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fox and friends program, donald trump argueed that risk to this homeland is too great. >> our country has enough problem, sense the doctors to liberia, and west africa to take care of our people that is the right thing. >> my job is to take care of the patient in front of me. >> reporter: can it be done savory? >> i believe very safely. >> reporter: as casualties continue to tick up in west africa, now over 70 700 deaths, leaders gather in washington for a white house summit, public health officials say that with proper screening and monitoring, the risk of stred of th spread d disease it minimal. >> reporter: the dr. might have
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succumbed to ebola right now if he did not take a experimental serum last week. now the race is on to develop a vaccine, national institutes of health hopes to begin human trials this fall. on a drug that has proven doing extraordinary econom effective n monkeys. if the vaccine trials prove add economy fifth in humans it is likely that the government could fast track improvement of the drug. lou. lou: thank you john. john roberts reporting, more on the ebola out break. with disease expert dr. siegel who will join us in a moment. >> on wall street today, stocks
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rebounded dow up 76. and volume on big board 3 billion shares, energy was best performing and utility the west, crude oil rose 41 cents. and gold down 6 dollars. yield on the 10 year down to who .49% -- 2.49%, and pimco suffering 15 state month of outflows. be sure to listen to my financial report 3 times a day, coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. >> week box office, well, brought back to life by new marvel comic book, adapttation, "guardians of the galaxy," the disney action movie rakeed in ed in $94 million. that is biggest august opening of all-time. last weekend's number one,
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"lucy" down to second place. -- up next, ebola fears on the rise, second infected american on her way back to this country, dr. siegel will join me eto explain the deadly disease as threat to our population, here, next. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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lou: a patient at new york mount sinai report tonight is being -- hospital tonight is being tested for ebola after returning from africa, and admitted with
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economy -- ebola-like symptoms, joining us dr. siegel. >> good to see you. lou: now, test for a patient at mount sinai. what are the odds? >> well i say they are small, but there is a big delay, the tests that confirm this, they are conducted by the cdc, they will take a few days, the tests could be run at hospital, and be faster but the cdc has control over this, this is a syste is af test called -- simple test called a eliza test. lou: you can get a quick answer but it has to be transported to the cdc, why not an immediate test with immediate results and report it to the cdc . >> i'm all for that.
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that is not the way it is being done. to be clear, blood samples sense to atlanta, then tests are done, there is a day or two delay. that is how it is handled. i prefer it were handled on the site. chances it is small, someone in weswest africa now, they are rez these stories, and they have fever and diarrhea, and they say, maybe i have ebola, and they go to the hospital, and say, how do we know they don't have ebola. it will probably be negative. lou: the hospital in atlanta, emory hospital, now treating dr. brantley and will soon be treating the nurse, how safe do you think that is? did politics play a part in it with the african summit, we're watching something manageed by cdc .
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>> answer your second first, poly i think that approximately ticks did play a -- i think that politics did play a role, cdc report along with it, now they are making it as safe as possible, having said that, i think it is safe, cdc did not call shots on this they went with it, but they made it safe because the isolation unit they are using was origin designed fors repractic resendiz practic- respiratory viruses which are much more contagious, i don't think it will spread this way. lou: let's hope not, but there are recent record. why would the cdc of all of the organizations screw up time again handles the deadly pathogens. >> that is well taken, but
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overall their track record is good, i think they can handle this particular patient. in case to be fair, in case you talk about nobody got sick, before i run out of time, i business angle this have w z-mae antibody. they give ebola to a mouse, that mouse takes the antibodys, and they give it to the monkey, that monkey is practically cureed, he is the first human being to get this. lou: but we don't know if this is a false remission yet, as john roberts reported happens sometimes with outbreak, when will we know that. >> this is not scientific proof, you are right, this is a case study, john roberts said he showed a initial response we'll
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see, we will know in a couple of weeks. lou: all right that is a good sign, thank you dr. mark siegel, tomorrow, f [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at
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neil: well who says that americans are still in a fit over mitt, they and we are so over mitt romney's, remember that 47% thing, if voters had a chance to do it again, 53% would vote for for 47%. and now republican candidate are calling on romney to help them out, democrats urge the guy who beat him to stay the heck away. i am neil cavuto. in the heat of last presidential campaign it was mitt romney's undoing that damning video showing the republican


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