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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  August 4, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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neil: well who says that americans are still in a fit over mitt, they and we are so over mitt romney's, remember that 47% thing, if voters had a chance to do it again, 53% would vote for for 47%. and now republican candidate are calling on romney to help them out, democrats urge the guy who beat him to stay the heck away. i am neil cavuto. in the heat of last presidential campaign it was mitt romney's undoing that damning video showing the republican nominee
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bemoans 47% of americans who likely would never vote for me, because i pay no income tax or get stuff from the government or both, rom no later intermitted his remarks were perhaps inelegant, but his overall numbers were right, close to last don't pay any income tax, some for a good reasons, they are retired or mill air, but military could, but let's focus on his bigger points, one in 7 americans are on food stamps over a third of all americans get some form of government food help, some deserve it, and americans are happy to pay for, that but that many, getting such aid, that is more like mo zach beam, saying that -- mozambique. and maine governor, said that he is tired of food assistance costs that are eating his state's budget alive, he has
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reason to worry, state spends more than $330 million on such asis san francisco, thaassistan. so the republican governor proposeed tougher love, requiring those 18 to 49 years old to work for those food benefits, and actually he is trying to enforce federal rules, but would almost think that from reading media reaction, that his plans, thas governor is all by t aamount -- captain bligh, he is joining us on the phone now, governor of maine, paula page, good have to you, did you expect the fallout you got. >> no. to me, i think that is most compassionate thing we can do.
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if you go back to july 2, 1964, lbj signed a bill, a war on poverty, i look at july 2, 2014. and in 1964, we had 30 million people. needing assistance. in 20 friend there ar 2014 ther, happening out food stamps with no education on how to develop work skills, certainly has not helped, i want to see everyone, live and to shape out their piece of the american dream, i have done it i think others can do it, if they can't do it on their own, i want to help them. neil: you would like to give them back their dignity while they get their food, this follows on what already straebed established federal ge guidelin, when bill clinton proposed work for welfare with newt gingrich,
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not nearly the outcry you are getting, what do you think difference is now? >> i think what happened now, is that so en grained, generational poverty isy en grained, that the liberals, would rather turn their back and throw money at it, they don't top roll up their sleeves and help them work that is the difference. i'm willing to roll up my sleeves and work with them, and help them get this skill they need to be productive in society. other people would rather just throw the money at them. do whatever else they do. neil: your critics say he is putting then through hoops to get simple food for their kids, you say? >> i say you can give help a meal, they will consume it or you can teach them how to gate a meal, they can provide for their
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families, there is only difference between the liberals and myself. neil: is your goal, governor to, evenly wipe odd food assistance or give it those who truly need it? >> my goal is to help our children, help our elderly, and i can do neither right now because i spend too much money on people between the ages of 18 and 49. that are able bodied body, 61% of the 12,000 people we talk about are male, 39% of female, with no children, and there is nothing physically wrong with them, so, it is a matter of working with them, and showing them, the way to be more productive, and i tell you, they will gain self sufficiency, and self respect they will be contributors. neil: you appear to be one of the few tough governors with benefits who walks the talk, you talk tough, and tries to be
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tough on these issues but with a heart, others ge more national attention, lately you created a bit of an uproar beyond main, mainstream press, what do you think about that and other governors of all partys who talk about you know, scaleing back benefits or testing those benefits tougher about vi vigile with those benefit bus they run into least on heat they back away. >> i look at, talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words, i feel strongly how i do about food stamps and making people productive is, i am a -- i was born into generational poverty, i have been able to escape it, and live the american dream, i believe that every american should be able to live that american dream, it is about helping them get more productive, 1 they are off, and they are off food stamps and off
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benefits, and they are earnings their own way in wel life, whatr is left over, we can help elderly, and disabled and mentally ill. we in in state, have gotten in a habit of taking anyone woo hen talilness we -- anyone who has mental illness, and throw them in jail, that not the right answer. get them back on treatment, and get home to a productive life style. neil: you are creating a blog, plane arplane are urgeing you tr president, what do you think? >> in small doses, i hope that the next president is a governor, and that first thing i will ask him, i want to save the country some money, so, if the summer, i want be to the ambassador candidate. and winner ambassador to jay jamaica. neil: thank you so much, paul
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lepage, creating waves in beautiful state of maine. >> well maybe problem is not food but water, in toledo it is scarce, remember that gas crises in 70s, try something scarier this last weekend. ñ@ç@çpçpçp
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>> within these systems this city at this moment in time, we have -- we're lifting in conjunction with ohio eparkansas nepaa nodrink advisory. neil: for now the ban is off, the toxic algae scare had a half million residents out of drink able water for a few days, they are warning that the same algae is a problem in all 50 states, is there more to come? michael to you, how big do you think this is? is ohio just anomaly or more worrisome.
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>> in this sense, it is worrisome, not about terrorism or about you know people deliberately doing things, but we have an aging infrastructure in this country, but we also have, a infrastructure built to openness, out here in colorado you can see reservoirs, and power lines and bridges. they are getting older and older, and one thing that individuals can do, it is primarily a inconvenience, if people could take a few simple steps, every time you go to growr growtgrocery store could stock n bottleed weigh water or buy a wr filter. we should address the fact this infrastructure is getting older. neil: the doctor, what surprised
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me is that warnings don't even boil the water, it is still going to be bad, why? >> that is right. and water purification method that mike brown just talked about would not work in this particular case, this algae help algae-borne crisis. neil: you know better than i, where does boils compound this problem? >> well, boiling ware does not kill this particular toxin. it sterileizeed it, which is good but if there is a toxin in it, say cyanide in water, that may not solve it. one thing of living in a western society in u.s. is this assumption we have save water, but looking at california, there is a severe drought, people are told to reduce water usage by
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30%, and in west virginia, a couple of months ago there was a chemical leakage, you had 300,000 people without water, the water system is generally safe but there are holes in the system. neil: i heard warnings from environmentalists that this is why we have toughena epa rules and regulations to police, and correct this activity. in ohio this is sludge from plants and the rest. if that were the case, then, do we just need to up the epa regulations? >> no, i think, look, we generally drink very clean water, we have clean air to breathe, we're better than 99% of the hor countri the other co, our regulations are sufficient, we fail to recognize no matter how good we are at regulating and protecting there is always a risk factor, we cannot ever be
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100% safe, if we wanted to be things would be so expensive and scarce it would be impossible to have the water and air we have, we have a good balance but we need it recognize that bad things will happen some time, and they do people should be read snow i understand that. neil: i understand that but doctor, if this is possible in all 5 50 states, what would tip this algae so it is sort of viral? >> well, i i don't think that they are sure what happened because algae season comes a little bit later, but just because there are potential problem does not mean they will be actual problems. water in ohio, and elsewhere is treated multiple times in this situation they turned it quickly. quickly. i agree with brown about situation of regulations in california, some epa regulation on usage of water to protect
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endangered species thato some drought situations they do not use water wisely, so more regulation is not always the answer. neil: thank you both. hopefuly it contains and corrects itself. >> who said that house has not done anything on immigration, right before they leave for have vacation, they did and one democrat vote the yes with them, here and only here.
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neil: house ruling. -- before leaving for 5 week recess, only democrat who vote the yes on that, tequila
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, tequila , texas condition congressman, why do you vote yes? >> we needed to put resources down at border crisis, and a policy changeer, this is a policy change wrerbg ven presidenwhere even thepresidento do this policy change, and unfortunately, he changed hid mind but i thought it of the the right thing to do, that is why i voted with some of my colleagues, i wish it was more of a pwaeup vote. bipartisan vote. neil: i was thinking of you president in next day, and this weekend had bemoaned the lack of acaction out of house to deal wh this. but we did get action. he thinks he -- me thinks he
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might belaying ground work for another executive order. to deal with the latest illegals or overall immigration, would you be for that or leary of that. >> i don't know what the president will do, i do know that living at the border and working in this district for a while, we needed to add resources and a policy change. and doing nothing, and just saying, you i'm going to put a veto over this is not the right way to do the work, we need to do something, now, as you can see, home landing will -- hem land will shift money away, i knew that would happen, we were not able to pass a bipartisan fundamenting fundamental bill with a policy change. neil: do you fear, as governor rick perry in your state said, that he is paying for that your state, for the 3,000 guards. but he wants the government, federal government to pick up
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the tab, and the white house given no indication it will do that, do you think it should? >> well, you know, certainly. i think -- first of all. i'm more of those individuals that feel that national guard can serve two purposes, first of all they don't have immigration powers like border patrol. but, so many years in texas they have been there whether for humanitarian work or in border they provide support services, they work with the border patrol, they have done this for so many years, but all of a sudden a low political issue, and if it supports where they can do something of work, with bordeboarder patrol request go n feel like they are supposed to secure border then let's do that. we have somebody there on help what the nation alguard, at least pay for national guard. neil: all right congressman thank you very much. good seeing you or hearing you again.
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>> an and you so much have a god one. neil: henry cuear . >> it angelina jolie's dad just till penelope cruz to shut up. if you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue.
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if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. we're changing the way we do . business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing
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hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at neil: the academy award winner taking on hollywood a lessers on a scathing op-ed. this and a genocide against the palestinians in a response to earlier critics trying to clarify this.
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>> my signature was slowly missed is a plea for peace. to our retired colonel allen west, are you buying that? >> no, i read that letter because i was very upset anything about the terrorist attack that occurred back in march of 2011, i believe, 2001 and 2002, it was very disconcerting to see how cannot be in unison about this. we are allowing a terrorist organization to us attack a sovereign state and now we are learning about an intricate plot. and so we have to be very forthright and understand that this is a threat not just to israel but truly a threat to the entire world.
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neil: you never notice that looking at the press. and they are responding far more than they need to one thing that i learned this from first sergeant jim, is that if you ever find yourself in a fair fight, it's because your tactics are not right. good. you are not looking for a proportionate response but to crush your enemy and drive them toward your old items. and they are accusing israel of war crimes and they're not sharing the iron dome technology. this is a terrorist organization. >> i saw that and i thought, given that technology to hamas,
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i mean, the idiots on many levels. but i do wonder if he's onto something here. >> i think that this is the easy way out for the people in hollywood is the same as that hash tag, yet we have not heard anything following that war free tibet board are for, what we understand and once again what sudan was all about was radical islamists going and you do see this sense of the situation in hollywood, but they're not really looking at it with in depth, i have to say, what anytime of competence. this is a terrorist organization just the same as al qaeda and
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isis and we need to be standing with israel to do that. neil: thank you so much, colonel. meanwhile, valerie jerry yesterday among those still criticizing israel. >> israel absolutely has the right to defend the and is also one of our staunchest allies. neil: in any wonder where you get these reports, don't ever second guess me again, because it got there. the dirty laundry is out there and all of it back and forth is out there. tora fox business all-stars, jonathan, has there been a larger divide in israel? i can't remember one. >> neither can i, as the colonel pointed out, they are defending themselves or from the terrorist organization hamas and i'm amazed how many liberties on particularly the wrong side of this issue. i mean, israel is a free modern
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country that cherishes all the ideals and many on the left choose to support like algae beachy rights and other rights. and this includes the white house, i think, unfortunately, makes liberty on the wrong side of the issue. neil: i'm wondering if relations are mean permanently chilled or whether this represents a turning point in american relations, what do you think is going on? >> all i can report to you is what my sources in the intelligence community and relations community say, that this is an increasing pressure on israel over the last double your and so that it's going over into hollywood in this way. hollywood often looks
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ideologically incoherent and simplistic when they wade into politics and jon voight really gave cannot be cruise and others a history lesson about what was going on with israel. and so we are talking about hamas trying to exterminate israel, roseanne barr saying that hamas won't stop until everyone is dead. so it's spilling over into rock 'n roll and pink lloyd is saying don't perform in israel, it's the equivalent of performing in sin city and so, you know, i don't know where this ends up. that is the issue. >> this device divides me from some conservatives, but hollywood types should just shut up and i think everyone is free to express their opinions. but they should realize that it comes at a cost and they may lose some of the more
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impressionable younger ones it may take their word as oslo. so without celebrity comes a great responsibility, whether for what they said or opposed what they said. what do you think? >> in general i try not to get any sort of international wonder monetary policy that i listen to from celebrities. you want to know the cruise is quite attractive area. [laughter] smack if we are going on that criteria, yes, absolutely. but there are times that i think in a lot of these situations we see people can send out things and do things and they have little impact because the media is so saturated. but it's a very strong statement and i think what is incredibly different and in his bed if this growing kind of anti-semitism that exists between europe and the united states and in particular in europe, it's been
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a long-standing issue that is continuing to grow and hamas is a terrorist organization and they are using this moment to gain media attention because they know that they have been leaving that battle on an international level. that's w women and children as human shields and the situation and in more, and it's incredibly upsetting to watch area and i, i agree with what they said, i worry about where this goes and how this truth continues to get played out there. neil: we will have more on this in a second. neil: is seeking more control come after turning over 200 some advisers. forget about whether the president surge is working because i'm beginning to think that the isis is having a surge that the isis is having a surge of it is working. we never thought we'd be farming wind out here.
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it's not just building jobs here, it's helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i'm like, 'this is what we do.' the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i'm so proud, like, it's just amazing.
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neil: after those 242 advisers said the other rebels, ice is moving off and could baghdad been asked? could all be gone? major general, it's always good to have you. looking at the numbers here, how could we withhold this isis search? with eight out of seven troops we now can as active in iraq, 100 other defense personnel in the face of what could be tens of thousands of insurgents now. game over. neil: the game is pretty much over. we have to let this thing lead out. everyone is continuously surprised by isis. yesterday, as you know, they took on a kurdish army in the northeast and they beat them. neil: i think of i read this
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correctly, they just dropped their guns and left? >> yes, these guys have taken this ancient city, which is essentially the gate between the province of northern iraq and pushed it back. neil: how are they doing this? that's what i don't understand. they put the fear of god into the opposition. and were they doing? >> two things. number one is they have taken terrorist fanaticism and organized a been trained in syria. what used to be al qaeda and al qaeda sonatas and small terrorist groups acting like crowds of soldiers, thanks to their experience through a darwinian process among the leaders have emerged and they have weapons they have stolen from the iraqis and they have
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money from many different places in the middle east and they have turned on the elves into cohesive fighting army members and they are no longer just a bunch of terrorists that but we are talking about real soldiers and real unit are just tearing their way through rock and syria. the honesty department isn't sure where this stance. they say that we are actively monitoring the situation in northern iraq. >> that means no one knows what to do. as i said, virtually every day there is another success by isis and they kept as everyone in the town by surprise or it we have to ship our focus away from 9/11 and al qaeda and killing osama bin laden and now we have to think about warfare against terrorist groups that do two things. number one they fight on reason number two they are experts at institutional killing and killing for political ends and they put it on youtube. they are scaring the heck out of their enemies long before they strike and when they strike they
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start ruthlessly and after they are finished, they line up all the disbelievers and they execute them and that sends a signal to the next town. it like genghis khan all over again. neil: really quickly, just a moment of time. >> who knows. for the near term i think that we are okay because isis has to create this and it is across three countries. but we all need to start paying attention because in their playbook, eventually there is a plan to come after us. neil: that's amazing. thank you, general. tough love? or top? the second american affected with a bullet is on her way to the u.s. and donald trump is wondering why. we will be back afterneil: don'i
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think the donald is called a big of an uproar. tough love or too much? he thinks that infected a worker should stay put. the u.s. cannot allow people back. people that go to faraway places that suffer the consequences. liz and jonathan and jessica. what do you guys think for that? is getting ripped? >> there's a bit of a tough love situation and certainly it can be a concern. their priority is also in terms of looking into ways that we can sort of correct this going
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forward. but there is also the risk that we have now that there have been people that are having self quarantine, in minnesota and other places. people are finally time, not just these missionaries, but folks who have been exposed for work or pleasure. and so this is fluctuating this sort of situation that we have here. neil: i can understand where he is coming from from this extent. if you have a known virus that could blow up on you. do you want even a slight risk of bringing here? >> the government's role is to protect individuals against domestic criminals and against infectious diseases. life-threatening infectious diseases. but i think in this issue i don't know if these people should be quarantined and not allowed to come back, but they should be carefully monitored
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until their symptoms can be eradicated. neil: i'm wondering if you have other cases that says attention, passengers, just avoid that kind >> it raises all sorts of issues and can turn crazy. >> you know, we do have evidence of the cdc not having a great track record does recently discovering strains of live cultures of smallpox and another viral infectious disease as well. so they don't have a great track record in certain instances and i think it's cause for concern as well. neil: so what happens when a nation clf loose on top business
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leaders? the president letting them have it in a very revealing exchange. if you look at what happened next for five years, those that don't have the right to complain or the folks at the top, saying that all the time he is just trying to stir class resentment. but feel free to keep your house in the hamptons and etc. and so jonathan, it sounds like you're a concerned. by the way when he talked about this, he gets right back in it. what did you think you meant. >> people criticize him for stirring up class warfare, but that's exactly what he does. >> his whole thing is to be the president of all americans, the upper 1%, protecting all of their rights individually. redistributing their lives in
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peace is fair. neil: i just wonder what that means when he is saying that essentially any of the ceos in general who challenge him are all hedge fund managers with a negative vision right either way, it's like saying all television anchors are idiots. [laughter] and you know what i mean. what do you think of what a? >> it's definitely the situation that the president was referring to in general. spending your money how you want to come if you want to have your luxury home or give it to charity, do what you are free to do with it and i don't think about stirring up the class warfare. if anything the record shows that the markets have actually hit huge eyes.
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neil: so it's like you have no reason to complain. >> yes. and you have stability that is hitting the markets and there's new regulations. >> with a wall with the president contacts, trillions of dollars worth of this will ease and nowhere do you see the president referring to and so the other thing is regulation nation and that would rank 10 just around italy and india. neil: but what you make of his
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point? you complain a lot, but look at that middle-market works. >> people have a right to complain in america and that is what america is all about, opening your mouth, expressing your individual opinion. >> their uninformed spew. neil: i know you have a thing for her. [laughter] >> i have a lot of democrats in my family. the nobel peace prize winning president has a bully pulpit. because he cannot speak and optimistic language. he is laying people in a very negative way. >> sphere on the bottom line.
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>> i would like to see a and i don't think that democrats in general are upset. and we will let go because we and we will let go because we are out of when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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neil: what is the deal with taxpayers having to pay from tens of thousands of of these new illegals showing off in a congresswoman who says she's else ashamed of our country. that is not sitting well with a bunch of you, including one who says we do more for people who shouldn't be in this country than any other country. it's incredible. and charlie and that is why is it every time you raise these russian about the cost of illegals, you are branded as a racist. i don't know, but that's a very good point and it's a very
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astute observation. every time, that is the way that the media treat the critics. and is it unfair for parents to get stuck with their daughter's college that after she dies? if they cosign for that debt, they are on the line or a herriot they are finding out the hard way. should there be an another? it is cruel, but it is the law, according to one. the obligation is just as much yours as there is dead or alive. and you make the debt, you pay the debt, you can order that, don't create it. something my mother taught me many years ago. and roger in michigan, someone needs to do more research on government-backed student loans, it's been a long standing that you need life insurance to pay it off if the student dies before paying it off. because there is no bankruptcy or forgiveness of that specific type of loan with a cosigner.
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and anita and florida, she says that's what i like about your show, you'd best issues like these and make us think through the ramifications of the law or in this case, standard contract lending law. and are you a lawyer, perchance? no, i'm not, just a guy who reads a prompter, which bothers alex every time he hears me say that. it irks me to no end that you make what appears to be a very nice living reading the words that someone else wrote off of the teleprompter that some hard-working package is part of. you should be ashamed being such a lazy and flatulent jerk. and actually, i think i read the teleprompter quite well. alina north carolina says use sound more like ron paul every year. if he ran for president, maybe you should consider him for vice president. be afraid. because if alex is right, i would be at a loss every time i
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veer off the teleprompter. then again, the president seems to have that same issue. and then one should celebrities offer their opinion? i said everyone is free to express their views so i don't really mind what hollywood says, they should just prepare themselves that some of their fans will get upset. it matters because those who are on the long and too lazy to research the facts look to their favorite celebrities for ideas and are in bold and buy whatever they say and intelligent people know not to listen to them, but that's not who their audience is. and i think people are more discerning than what you think and can separate all this out. i just get very worried when we come down like a ton of bricks on any government figure who says anything that rubs us the wrong way. it happens to tv types as well and there's a slippery slope. we live in a country and i like
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to think that we are all free to say dumb things as well. and larry disagrees great he says who cares what celebrities and sports figures say because most of them have no idea and they couldn't find palestine or israel on a map. by the way, i would extend that to the poconos. and another right that your show is not working. will you come to north carolina and cosida cable company with me. and jim says, were you wearing pink will gloster bratcher town friday? no, no i was not. and joslyn writes me, i could say something, but i know you'd rather have the cannoli.
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and finally john says why don't you run for elected office because the country is not ready for me just yet. i'm kind of briefing that. and that will do it. have a grea. kennedy: thank you or take your pick. congress getting ready to do a whole lot of nothing this fall. heading deep along the way or you can choose an actual virus. this is a tricky one. a living nightmare that brings to life our worst fears, namely death. we may be able to change the host body if we all get together and shake things up in congress. isis isn't going to run into a wall anytime soon and the only thing that they are good at the far as getting donald trump to claim certain things.


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