tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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joining us, we'll be here tomorrow night, 6 p.m., you don't want to miss a moment of "making money," it was an interesting day in the market, more interests in the world, lou dobbs ties on together. >> good evening i am ashley webster in for lou dobbs, obama administration spending up u.s. involvement in iraq sending arms to kurdish people in north to thwart issa terror threat, this move comes after president obama order u.s. air strikes again terror group, u.s. government also today signals it is time for prime minister alma leaky to go -- maliky to go. a move that is eed him as he vows to hang on to power here is president obama from his
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vacation today, reaffirming that u.s. aircraft on stapbl by stan. >> today, iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort, last month, the iraqi people named a new president, today president m massume nameda new designate. an important step forward forming a new government that can unite iraq's different communities. >> defense secretary chuck hagel still claims that u.s. troops will not return to iraq in any quote, combat mission. despite ongoing airstrikes and fact that obama administration has already flip flopped on arming the kurds, jennifer griffin is at the pentagon with our report. >> well place sources say that cia is overseeing delivery of
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u.s. weapons to the kurds. today u.s. fighter jet carried out more airstrikes dropping another round of bombs on isis targets allowing kurdish peshmerga to take back 2 towns in northern iraq. american f-16s, and unmanned predator drops had some effect, yet thousands of yazidis refugees remain trapped. >> in no way i want toing is we have contained or -- suggestion that we're contained or breaking momentum posed by isis. >> reporter: kurdish leaders warn that the group is facing genocide. >> in the end it is iraq's responsibility, we can help, we will. but, our role is limited, president has been clear, we will not the united states go back into iraq, in any combat mission like we were once in.
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>> reporter: prime minister maliki rejected a call for him to step down. after iraq's president -- >> our hope is that mr. maliki will not stir those waters, one thing that all iraqis need to know that there will be little international supportf of did kind, for anything that deviates from a legitimate constitutional process. >> reporter: as yazidis families try to make their way to kurdistan on roads controlled by isis, maliki stood firm on a televised address. >> today i will file a legal complain on federal court against the president of the republic. for sake of political goals. preferring narrow interests over the interest of the iraqi people. >> reporter: is flying 0 to 60y cay can50to 60ly50to 60 s
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every day in iraq. ashley. >> thank you jennifer. israel said a new ceasefire with hamas is holding in the gaza strip, this lull in fighting comes a day after two sides agreed too resume talks in cairo on a long-term truce. so far 2000 people have died in that war. >> head of nato today warning there is quote, high prob bill that's russia could launch an up vague of ukraine that warning, as ukraine accused russia of amassing 45,000 troops on its border, that were backed by tanks and missile systems and attack helicopters, russia president putin is as defiant as ever saying moscow is preparing to send a humanitarian aid convoy to eastern ukraine.
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>> for more on all this foreign policy, and challenge its poses for obama administration, i am joined by retired four-star army general, general jack keane, thank you for joining us, also we should mention our fox news military analyst, well verseed on all of these challengeed. we begin with the situation in iraq, what impact do you think that arming the kurds will have? >> quite significant, first of all, they out number isis rather dramatically. but they are out gunned by isis this is the issue they need. you know iraqi army collapseed because of a lack of will, peshmerga have a lot of fight in them, all we have given them so far, is ammunition, what they need is they need weapons that can penetrate armor that isis has, they need antitank weapons,
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rpgs and missiles and moreer tos and heavy machine guns, ak-47s and light machine guns are useless again this armor, they are good against opposeing forces in terms of troops but not armor, that is what they need, and weekly as they can get -- and as quickly as they can get it i would assume that would take weeks to get it in their hand. >> we heard in jennifer's report, chuck hagel, defense sert sayin secretary saying it s iraq's responsibility, but do you think that iraq has the capability to stop isis, this is a militant group that seems to be growing in numbers, we know they are joined by frankly people from all over the world, it appears, malcontempts who want to take a swing at west, is iraq prepared to handle it by itself? >> absolutely not. they cannot do this. more can the peshmerga, even if
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we coordinated the iraqi army, and peshmerga and sunni trains tribes they cannot do its mission we have to protect erbil. and the mount, evenly, i am convinceed it will happen, this president moves in increments just as sanctions, he will do combat powers, not the way to go to war, but it is the way he does it they will change it to a offensive mission that will give air power, full range, i mean they will attack command, control, and forces and logistic units, and simultaneouslly where ever isis is in iraq, that will stand isis. but if you top -- that will stop isis but if you top defeat isis, that will take ground forces to
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drive ground forces out, supported by air power, that will be third phase of what has to take place, and certainly in in no one they know of, in washington d.c. or any place in america is advocates a return of conventional combat troops, i don't know why the administration keeps bringing it up. >> do you think that as you say, that to gettis is pushed back, out of this -- isis pushed back will take boots on the ground? >> the boots on the ground will be person mesh rah -- peshmergam recon staouted an staouted, ande may put some special operation forces, on the ground to take down the high-value targets, the leadership of this organization, we know where they are, they have the means to do, that that will be a small force to be sure. and not conventional combat
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forces but they are combat forces. >> general, what does this scenario, the fact that prime minister maliki saying, look, i am not getting out of office, you have to -- this will get ugly, how much does that complicate it? >> well, it does in terms of itself potential, but, listen, let's look at maliki where he is politically, his open party, the dowa party, has supported somebody else, state of alliance was, a collusion formed among shias supported the alternative candidate, the cleric who everyone adheres to in iraq and iran, has moved away from maliki and wants a new government, and listen to, thats iranians support sistani. so maliki has no support, if he threatens force like he is
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doing, the fax is that -- fact of matter circumstanc is, if sis not' them to more they will not move. >> your reaction to head of nato saying that there is a my probability that russia could launch a invasion of ukraine. do you agree? >> well, i don't think that putin has given up on what he wants that is eastern ukraine. if wifif he can't get it througt this time doing, ukraine -- intimidation. if he still condition accomplish it, i would not be surprised he would put his forces in directly, he has used ar till ari, he has not given up. >> general jack keane, terrific stuff thank you. >> good talk you to you ashley. >> up next, judge, congressman john carter on america's border crises and broken international laws. >> but first, breaking news,
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robin williams died at the age of 63, sending a press release moments ago claims cause of death to be as fixia -- asphyxia with suicide suspected, he had just been released from relab days ago -- rehab days ago, he admitted himself to maintain his ssosobriety, robin responsibles williams dead at the age of 63. ou purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind...
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62,000 krill cases file -- criminal cases filed last year, 40% were fileed in arizona, new mexico, southern california or western or southern texas. about 39 percent of all federal cases last year involved immigration. >> our next guest said it is time to correct the president's amnesty message, and let the world know, if you break u.s. laws, there will be consequences, not rewards, joining us congressman john carter. chair of subcommittee on homeland security also a former texas district court judge. thank you congressman for joining us, i would imagine you are not surprised at number of cases filed that relate to the border, would anyone want to be a border patrol age right now. >> this is a lawless area, it is really sad, the southern federal district in texas is one of the most overwhelmed in america because of lawlessness.
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also, western district of texas, with all lawlessness in el paso, you know i it is a lawless area, and lawlessness breeds lawless ashley: what is so frustrating, the shooting death of javier vega jr., an off-duty border patrol agent from texas killed by two illegal immigrants who have been arrested 4 times, caught, and released and comeback across border numerous times this is just one of those cases that highlights what we face with the tactics that are used, bottom line they are not working. >> absolutely, the death of that young man, while on a fishing trip, is pure tragedy. that was prevent iniible if we d enforce our immigration laws, as they read on the books.
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ashley: what does it take? a higher fence, qua quadruple agents, what will it take? >> we have to put resources on the border offenseing o. fencey on the rio grande is a very difficult issue that is a windy river in texas we have private property that borders on the border in texas. we need to put resources, human resources, out there. i am proud of our governor for sending our texas department of public safety down there and a massive amount, and also willingness to use tequila national guard -- the texas national guard saying assist an oveoverwhelmed and dedicated boarder patrol. ashley: this has been going on for so long, how could it go on for so long without something being done. >> when the administration, they
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elect to choose not to enforce certain laws, then make public announcements they will not ep force those certain law -- not eenforce those certain laws thee are consequences of actions one is that surge. it is related to the president's announcement he would not prosecute, and deport families, with children, or unaccompanyed minors, as a result, we have a huge influx overwhelming our border and resources. ashley: that influx has dropped but is that more a result of the scorching hot temperatures or are the illegal immigrants getting a message there is not amnesty, they will be sent home. >> everyone in texas knows that hottest two months in texas are august and september, the meet is overwhelming on -- heat is overwhelming it is historically
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been a time when the crossings slowdown. it is not just this year but almost of year. ashley: also very disturbing is tripes of people that -- types of people coming in the children, that en up in shelters but we also have cartel members and gang members that are mixed in with these folks they are trying to recruit some of the young children, to be part of the you know ms13 gangs, this is just problem upon problem, isn't it. >> ms13 is one of the most if not the most vicious gang operating in the u.s u.s. todayt came out of san salvador, if you look down there, like i have done, and other members of congress you see most of these kids are teenagers, between 14 and 17 years of age, many of which are wearing gang tattoos. ashley: quite frightening, so, i
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asked you what is it going to take? do you feel that administration will take necessary steps or will it take someone new. >> so for this administration has shown no interest in enforcing current laws on the book, they decide by fiat to just declare certain things to be something they are knoll dealing work -- not dialing with, when you don't do your job, and justice deputy should be ashamed, they are the chief enforcement officer, and the president of the united states is his problem took i am afraid until this administration changes as attitude or we change badgadministration there will bo true enforcement on the border. ashley: how upset for the good people in texas with the federal government. >> there is no responsible for the -- no respect for the federal government, mostly anywhere in this state,
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especially on the rio grande. ashley: thank you congressman john carter. >> thank you. ashley: coming up next, president obama comes up on the big loser in his home state of hawaii over the weekend, his former secretary of state, unloads on his foreign policy failures, political save savant, and election expert ed woul rollinss coming up knock track about it try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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ashley: coming up in moments, researchers claim a breakthrough into investigation into largest ebola outbreak ever, dr. frank gloveer will joining you to talk about that. >> another arrest in murder of border patrol agent brian terry. the murder that first put spotlight on president obama's fas"fast and furious" down operation. >> and president obama's endorsement for hawaii governor not working out. state senator david -- crushed abercrombie despite between
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outspent, hawaii is senate primary race still undecided. brian shaft has a 160 1600 voted for every that willer colleen, ho--but more than as 8 thousand residences have yet to cast ballot, voting was postponeed after tropical storm iselle hit the state last week. >> and hillary clinton blasting president obama's handling of civil war in syria and his overall foreign policy agenda. clinton said quote, great nations need organizing principles, and don't do stop stupid stuff is not one. joining me now, ed row lynn this is strong stuff, she is coming out swinging. >> she decided there is no third term for obama, this is a
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perfect time, what do you? >> they are truthful, something that she believes in firmly. i think she is -- >> what did you think of her performance as secretary of state. >> she basically was less high profile than john kerry, if i was running show i would say to john kerr ge par kerry go park , and wait for this to settle out, she followed the president's lead, there was n foreign policy with him, the points was not doing anything in syria, we made a threat, we said he would take a side. we threatens not use gas weapons and didn't do anything, we weakened our hand there are several things -- one we started to take down our military. you cutback on captains and majors, you know all out there in world, everyone knows it.
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that are actually -- just sends a message. president made a speech in westpoint, said, you know future officers will be diplomats, well we're the strongest military in the world, and strongest economy power in the world, you canage alike it, we don't. ashley: i mentioned before that president endorsement of the governor in hawaii did not do a lot of good. >> that governor was inept, as by the vote, what the president has to know his endorsement in his home state does not matter a lot. the senate races, where senators are in real trouble, his going in will not make a difference, he can raise a crowd, create media but not get someone across finish line. ashley: republican seat making plans they will running both houses in fall, what do you think? >> it is important to have a plan and talk about it but at same time, down take your eye
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off the ball, and don't spike it on 2 yard line, let's get there first, i think we still, i would say we have 4 seats for sure today, a couple others within our relationship of, we can get to 6 but not within the 6 we take you know -- >> di this does not mean carte blanche. >> this is still a battle, they can do some stuff but, the reality is they have to have a plan, and an agenda, they have to work together. ashley: do you think that g.o.p. still splits by the tea party. >> not in the professional rank, there are a segment this still support tea party, tea party movement is till important, but i think that leadership in congress, senate and house will
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be mainstream not tea party advocates. ashley: you know, larry summers, and op-ed, called for a one term presidency. >> it happened with jimmy carter. his premise is 6 year term, a lot of political scientists have talked about, we'll not do a a constitutional change. it is important that a president go back out, get reinforceed by the country. the failure is he had no agenda, the things he ran on, he did not try to implement. and they don't have a second term agenda, you need to have a 6 term agenda. ashley: come back to hillary clinton, what kind of candidate would she make? who would be a good person to go up against her. >> she is a much better candidate by en of campaign last time. she started off slow. she became -- much better than president obama was at the end. she has been out of practice for a while.
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i don't know, like an athlete, if you're not in practice, she has not been pushed around, whoever the republican opponent is will make challenges and not treated with kid gloves. ashley: anyone stand out for you? >> it is early, we have 5 or 6 serious governors, ra rand paul, some other governors, i think whoever emerges, this is not an easy process, will have to raise $150 million to win primaries, then you know, get on the bandwagon to raise 2 billion that will be what hillary will raise, you know,. ashley: she has a lot in coffers. >> it will be 2 billion fantastic time, i think -- next time, the critical thing this is going to be a campaign about leadership, after this presidency, nobody wants an amateur again, they want someone with experience, they tell us where they are moving the country, the country is
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disgusted with the whole political process right now. ashley: thank you, ed. >> thank you. ashley: we'll be right back. >> missionarys returning from treating ebola patients in africa, are on quarantine. dr. frank gloveer with the latest on the deadly outbreak next. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion.
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from guinea, it was contracted by members of the boy's family after he died in early december, and believed to have spread to other villages after a funeral for the boy. with me now dr. frank glover thank you for joining us. how would you describe the healthcare system in liberia. and sierra leon right now? >> well, right now, healthcare system has been greet greatly stressed, and essentially collapseed with closing of all of government hospitals, the cdc is on the ground, helping them to decontaminate the buildings and reopen the hospitals. ashley: you spent 3 to 4 months a year working in liberia, correct in. >> yes. ashley: you say expat doctors
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were already aware of limitations they had to treat this outbreak, and were forced to live the area, right? >> yes, that is right. >> would that okay what could have been done to prevent it or jump on it quicker to stop the spread? >> well, no body of particulared this ut -- expected this outbreak, the hospitals were already under resourceed with under staffs and without basic essentials and supply, when the ebola outbreak hit it quickly overwhelmed system, with high fevers and diarrhea and vomiting they were infectioning the unsuspected he'll workers, now -- health workers, now 44 nurses have died, and 9 doctors infected, two to die, one to recover, and 7 still recovering. ashley: you say most patients
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die because there is nowhere to go, correct? >> well, most maribe patients de because of the virus, it has a 9tphaoeupbgts%90%case fatality e do die. these are overwhelmed, and only able to take 25 patients each. and so, there have been hundreds of cases in liberia. once they overwhelm the number of spaces for ebola patients, those patients were turned away, they found themselves going to bush doctors or witch doctors in remote areas, and treated there, where the disease continues to transmit. ashley: the next question, how much ways could this out -- how much worse could this outbreak become? >> i believe it will get worse
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before it gets better, they are trying to get a handle on it, personal equipment that would ensure that the nurses and doctors people that are handling remains of ebola victims don't themselves become infected. we had a problem with getting that there, about 75% of the existing work force there is still at home waiting for the ppi's on become avail a to go to work, in the meantime, we're having a lot of b mothers that need a c-section to deleft, the uterus ruptures, and the baby is lost, and many times the mother is also lost, people present with basic things, like malaria, and typhoid, and surgical emergencies, these patients are dying, death toll has surfaced a thousand in liberia alone, but these are not all attributed to
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ebola. ashley: how frustrating is it, there is not a vaccine readily available. >> very frustrating, folks would like to have that to protect those most at risk, it is at least a year out, we need good public health measures to cell the virus, expand number of isolation words to treat the patients, with supportive care, if the patient can receive enough uv fluids, and keep their electro lights in balance they can survive, in sierra leone, 30 pis of thei30% of their patientt present die, where in liberia it is more like 80%. ashley: what threat does it ebola pose to america. >> it does not pose an immediate
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threat to america, we have several missionary that warned with the group, they are all healthy and they will be quarantined for 21 days to make sure they have not contracted the virus, we have a great public he'll system in place -- health system in place here, and thethey will isolate patients ad immediately report any patients to put in place good public he'lpub healththese murrahs. ashley: i guess, doctor, try to find some sort of optimism from this story, will this propel those in health industry to come up with a better perhaps plan in the event of the outbreaks and indeed a vaccine? >> i think this is under scored the inherent weakness of health system in these 3 very 4 countries, this could begin a
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impetus to build a capacity, with need to train the doctors and nurses in africa to handle this, there are 4 million people in liberia, with 50 doctors on the ground, 9 of those have been infected. you can see, they have a personnel issue there. ashley: that is astounding, dr. frank glover thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you. ashley: we'll be right back. >> a vigil for an unarmed man killed by cops leads to rioting and looting in a midwest everyone town, mike tobyn with the latest. with a live report from ferguson, missouri, next. that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph,
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so this board gives me rates on progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. ashley: police and businesses and folks in missouri hoping to aviavoid a repeat of violence tt broke out last night, it happened during a vigil for a
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teen, who was killed by police, fbi is opening an investigation. attorney general eric holder claiming thaing that federal investigation will supplement, the inquiry by local authorities, mike tobyn with the latest. >> at least a dozen stores were looted and ransacked in st. louis suburb of ferguson, graffiti reflecting a mood, this after an 18-year-old blackman, michael brown, was shot and killed by a ferguson police officer. >> they did that to him for no reason. >> reporter: no reason is not consistent with police version, brown was unarmed when he was the stoped. >> allegedly pushed police
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officer back into the car, he physically assaulted the police officer. it is our understanding at-this-point in the investigation, that within the police car there was a struggle over the officer's weapon. there was at least one shot fireed within the car. >> reporter: more shots fireed outside of the car, witnesses said that brown was hit while trying to leave, the scene was campaigned within 3 35 feet. on monday, demonstrations resumed this time with promise they would remain peaceful. >> we're better than this, justice, is not swift, revenge is. we are not focused on revenge, we're focused on trust, truth, and justice. the identity of the police officer involved in the shooting is expected to be released tomorrow at some points. the parents of michael brown, made their first public statement this evening, said unlike police version. they believe their son was
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executeed in pwhrou daylight and looking for witnesss to support that story. ashley: we're mentioned that fbi, coming in to do their own of iindependent investedgation. investedgation. >> reporter: that is the way we're getting it, they are starting to investigate, but they are careful to say, that this is an investigation that will run concurrent who what local police, are doing, they are not taking over the invest occasion. ashley: mike to bine thank you. >> nascar driver tony stewart facing an uncertain future after the death of fellow racey kevin ward jr., whom he truck and killed on the track while racing in upstate new york saturday night. kevin ward got out of his car, and walked today tony stewart, and that is when tony stewart a
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car struck ward, throwing him about fistfight, there is no evidence to support criminal intip. >> on wall street stocks higher this monday. volume on bi big board 2.8 billn shares, consumer staples best performing, utility the west. crude oil up abou up to $98 a b. yield on 10 year unchanged. 2.42%, kinder morgue know morgan shares will consolidate its oil and gas empire to a single company, and listen to lou's financial report 3 time a day, coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. >> now to the slumping weekend box office, received they much needed boost by some heroes in a half shell, teenage mutant thing
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ninja turtles battle their way to the top spot, 66 million in the first weekend in theaters, that knocked disney's "guardians of the galaxy" to second place, with 42 million. and warner brothers into the storm in third place. coming up next, 7th suspect has been charged in murder of boarder patrol age brian terry, the man shot with a gun that was smuggleed into mexico as part of our government's failed "fast and furious" program, his uncle ralph will join us here next. i'm only in my 60's.
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a 7 suspect changeed in 2010 killing of u.s. border patrol age brian terry, here it discuss if justice can be served in the murder of with a weapon from the botched "fast and furious." ralph terry, thank you so much, ralph for joining us, let me get your react to the arrest of the 7 regula7th suspect. >> we were surprised to learn there was another suspect in brian's murder, we were pleased to understand we have moved up the food chain in that mr. avelar was a recruiter of rip crew, he went out and found people to engage in the rip crew activities, they prey on other
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illegal al aliens comes across e border as well as drug mules and cacartel trains of drugs, this s a good step. we would are to give the deputy of justiceiceer, eric hold are a oholder an a onhis report card s prosecutions but we're still lagging accountability, for "fast and furious" with the department of justice and the atf employees who made a lot of mistakes during the fast fat operation. "fast and furious" operation. ashley: maybe you could fill us in on what brian terry was doing, why did he want to be a border patrol agent. >> he always wanted be in law enforcement. he was in u.s. marines for a period of time, a police officr in two suburban detroit area police forces before he joined
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border patrol, he was really proud of being a member of the boarder patrol, after becoming a boarder patrol agent, brian applied for the board tactical unit. they kind of chuckleed when he applyed he was almost 40 years old, and that is pretty old for that kind of duty, but when they saw brian, and they put him through the tests, they realized he was a great candidate. he ended up at top of his class, a platoon leader. he truly, enjoyed what he did. >> it was dangerous work, i wonder who in today's age, knowing what is going on southern border who would want to be a border patrol age these days. >> you have to love what you do. and in our border patrol agencies today they are putting their lives on the line, every day they walk out that door.
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and we should be thankful for, that our government should give them all of tools necessary to accomplish their goals. ashley: are they doing this, ralph? do you think they are getting tools they need? >> well, i know that we beefed up number of patrol agents that are out there. and i'm not sure thigh are getting all -- they are getting all help they need, i am not privy to all of those things but i know there are a lot of acres that need to be covered and a few bodies that are helping to ing to worsing tocovera ache rage. ashleycovera -- acreage. ashley: tell me about brian terry foundation in this weekend, we had a impromptu meeting because of the death of a border patrol agent in texas. and one of things we do is we help support families of agents that are killed in line of duty. and we have sent a check off to javier's widow and children. another thing we do, that is a little bit more fun, is we
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♪ neil: well, now that we are in killing you ever wonder what took us so long to figure out these guys? welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. barack obama had his chance. he could have avoided someone else filling the danger vacuum somewhere else that is hillary clinton. clearly distancing herself from reformer boss for missing the mornings and now belatedly trying to make up for lost time by conducting these air strikes now, strikes that we are told could drag on for some time. the former secretary of state is
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