tv Cavuto on Business FOX Business August 17, 2014 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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happen at whole food. so their stock is up 20% over the year. >> and from one guy who cursed.? >> i am tired of eating the nuts like jonas. i'm a bear. eat beef. >> lining up to get the to scho school even though they are not supposed to be in our schools, or are they? welcome to neil cavuto, and when did illegal mean entitled? you have to wonder, because maybe when this department of education fired this off, you have, and i will quote, all of the children in the united states are equal to access of public elementary and secondary education regardless of the parents' perceived or actual status which includes recently arrived unak xaccompanied child.
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50,000 of them. and all of them must be registered in the days and the week weeks all op our dime. to bep stei-- ben stein and ada la lashensky and charles payne? >> well, this is just not -- you talk about building the fences and border security, well, stop giving out the sbitentitlements. if i break into your house and you kill me, i you don't have to take care of my kids. we care for people and love people, and this is another instance when the care and loving is upside down. >> and maybe, dagan, i did not know that this is es shally the
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law of the land, and so the department of education put this out to remind anyone of any doubts that this is what we do. >> yes, we are legally and morally obligated to educate the children at what costs, particularly with these children who have very little in english skill skills. many of them have suffered e emotional abuse, and traumatized and so that the cost of educating these particular children is even a great deal higher than other illegal immigrants in the kun tcountry. it raises a question of the they are here, i don't have a problem educating them, but you have to stop them from coming across the borders particularly in the number bes. where is the money go g ing to e from to educate them? >> well, that is exactly the point. i mean, there are laws that say that they have to go back and this is complicated and this is what we are fighting about and not suggest ing thing that is e >> well, where was the relief of that particular law? i mean, that i have -- they have
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to go back? i saw this one, but not the other one that you referred to? >> well, to be fair to the department of education, it is not their department of education's problem. >> the department of anyone. could they come up with somethin something? >> well, we know about the white house and the immigration authorities are very involved in this messy subject, but the issue to where charles started with this is that the great news here, charles, we are a great wealthy compassionate, moral country, and while these children -- >> have you taken a look at the debt? >> i hear it all of the time, adam, the same people say that we don't have enough kids, and american-born kids don't have computers and don't have white boards and the right tools to get and a education, and we have millions of kids in america born in this country who are not getting the proper tools to be able to compete in a job market, and you tell me how rich we are and we should take on other kids? >> i understand that, and i think that respectfully, you are changing the subject. we should do what we can and
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should do more. by the i wash, -- by the way, what you have pointed out before are not functions of money. we have all sorts of problems in the education system and it is not merely a lack of money, and oftentimes too much money and talk about the unions and the teachers and whatever. >> ben stein, i did not realize that this is the law and what we have to do, but boy, if that is the case, it is em boldellding big effort to get the kids here. >> well, it is not the law. they made it up. it reminds me of the instance i used to have when i wrote for "the new york times" and i would call up on the white house and say, what is the legal basis that you have done it, and they said we don't need it. >> and legal basis? we don't need that. >> i don't know that we have to educate every child. and -- >> what about the timing? >> well, they want the votes from the hispanic community, and
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it is dangerous the let people in illegally number one, and two, to make up the fact that there is a legal obligation, when, in fact, there is none written by the congress as a law, and three, we are not a wealthy country anymore and we are a broke kcountry in many ways. >> we are not a broke country, and you know that. >> and you know -- >> well, we are broke, a ynd yo know that. >> i don't. >> i think that we should to do it, butt not on the basis of the phony and made-up law that does not exist. but do it on the basis of the compassionate people, but it is a totally phony made up law, and i hate like hell for you the call me a liar. this country is broke. this country is broke. actuarially broke. >> and so, now to point out whether it is a law or not, i will get back to you on that, and i will defer to ben who is an absolute lawyer here sh, and
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look, the education department put this out to be a reminder to all of you communities balking and complaining that this is going to happen and you have to make it happen with the understanding that down the road, i guess, they will be compensated for this, or funded for this, and if that funding is ever approved. what do you make off that? what this leads to, because once, you know, in the schools, and maybe we are doing the compassionate or the right thing to adam's point, wouldn't we be encouraging more of this? >> yes, they get an education when they come here. we are broke, and broke as a nation, and the school system is already proeke broken, so can y imagine the burden that the children will put on the school districts like new york city, and small in towns line nebraska for example. >> the government says to spread them out. >> right. >> when i talked to oklahoma's governor, she said she had no idea that 2,000 of them were come t coming to her state.
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no idea, nobody gave her a head's up and that is quite a surprise. >> it is going to be a surprise in the school system, because they speak little to no english and they need counseling and tutoring and the meals and the e resources they will take from the children here legally are going to be vast. the price tag, we have no idea. >> and you know, chuck, let's, you know, it is the right thick to do to be absolutely, because we are a generous and giving country whether it is legal or not, and then you have to start asking, if i'm any distressed country on earth and that is the policy, legal or not, and you come here illegal, and the kid, we will educate them and enroll them, and feed and take care of them and that is a green light right there? >> well a green light and if red carpet. you get to the chicken and the egg argument almost to this point. this would be a moot point and we would not be arguing this if we told the rest of the world, we won't give you food stamps or welfare or any benefits and we
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won't educate your kids and we will have one border guard, but we have rolled out the red carpet and now we have a crisis in the country. >> and if we have a policy question, the goal is to stop illegal immigration and we are all agreed to do something to stop the poor children and when i say poor, i mean, unfortunate and terrible situations, and trying to stop them from coming here, and the issue is what to do wups they are here. i don't think that telling the rest of the world that this is how we behave to the people in our country is not a bad message. don't come. >> and deportation is a pooszability, but the politicians when you get close to the election, and you are in the election season, they don't want to get behind that, because they see it as a vote-loser. >> and adam in a distressed country and you see what we are doing for the tens of the thousands of the illegal young people, you can't tell me that even a little bit that you are going to be saying, well, that is a hell of a country, and that is where i want my kid to go. >> well, i get that --
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>> i think that you get that very well. >> which is why on the one hand we have to build up the defenses and enforce the laws et cetera to stop illegal immigration. >> but what you are i saying is that they are here. they are here, and now we have to educate them, right? >> yes, and i can't help but stop thinking that at the end of the day, as messy as it is, it is a net win for the united states. we are every one of us on the program descendents of immigrants, and makes this country great. >> well, not illegal immigrants. not illegal immigrants, and that is a big difference. we are descendents of the legal immigrant immigrants. >> and the media portrayal and ben touched on the point that if you were to read the media since the brouhaha, there is no distinction between immigration and illegal immigration, and it is now brushed with the same, and that is a little weird. >> i understand it. i don't discredit that.
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>> i don't think that you do. i don't. >> and also, he has a serious problem of the government making up what the law is. i mean, they can't just make up what the law is. >> but if that they are saying it is coming out of somewhere and as i mentioned to dagan, some of the communities are balking at it, but it is like a tony soprano reminder that you guys better do what you have to do here. so the timing is interesting, but you are saying no legal basis for it? >> i would like to see the legal basis for it. i don't believe it exists, and they just made it up. >> we will have a lot more here, because i am not a u laier even though i have watched a lot of the law shows, i think that i'm an expert, and i will pass on this. but meanwhile, what do amtrak and the taxpayer dollars have in common? the forbes magazine is going to put it together with the runaway spending. and now some a-listers are shelling out big bucks to keep harry in charge.
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i wonder if ben stein is on that li chloe is 9 months old. she is the greatest thing ever. one little smile. one little laugh. honey bunny... (laughter) we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. (baby noise...laughter) we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side.
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i'm kelly wright. and now back to cavuto on business. well, hollywood is hoping for a november blockbuster, and you have probably heard of this, but the details are interesting. the midterms are approaching, and the a-listers are stepping up to send big bucks to the democrats. ben stein, it is a who's who list, and barbra streisand with better than $24,000 donated to
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help the democrats keep control of the senate. are you on that particular list? >> no, i am contributing to the national republican senatorial campaign committee, and so i am not on that list, but hollywood likes to show how rich it is, and throw the weight around and think it is the most important place in the world. if they can buy the election or help the democrats win and have important people like mr. obama come visit them, good for them. it is pennies to them. these are terribly rich people and not starving journalists and economists like me. >> and me. >> these are incredibly rich people where this is not even notice to people like barbra streisand. >> and nick cage, does he have any money left? he has money to throw around. >> and he borrowed the $2,500. >> i found out that the affleck man is a democrat. he is going to give money, and so now i can't watch "batman."
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>> that is a shocker. >> it is not moving the needle, right? >> well, if i -- the one candidate that more than any that they are contributing to is allison grimes running against mitch mcconnell in kentucky. if i'm in kentucky can i care, because i want my candidate focused on my state, and why is this woman spend sing so much te hobnobbing with the celebrities even though they have a lot of money. >> well, they are focusing on the races where they believe they can tip it. mcconnell is in a fascinating race in kentucky. i have never seen hollywood change the outcome. they could add to the momentum. >> only to the extent that money changes the outcome. >> and maybe john kennedy? >> well, once. i think that they did once in a really gigantic way by making ford out to be a buffoon out against carter, and they cost him the election. i do. >> and frank sinatra handed john kennedy the white house, but i could be wrong.
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>> in many ways. >> it was richard daley. >> well, i agree with everything that everybody says. >> you agree with them more or me? >> well, you, ben. >> and there is never any outrage when this goes on, and it is never, and we talk about it, but if it were the exact opposite way around, and listen, i understand, and i -- >> they are free to do with their money of what they want. >> well, it is a big red flag and hollywood speaking of the influence has lost a lot of the influence. silicon valley is stepping up, and that i feel pressure out there to say, hey, we want it our way and we are not necessarily getting pit way we used to. >> and so, it is -- it is funny that first of all the rich people's prerogative to spend the money almost endlessly on politics, and we should change that but the way. >> and by the way, applying that same litmus test to the koch o
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brothers? >> well, i'm not outraged by it, but it is the exact counter example, the koch brothers who spend willy-nilly and every rich person in the country should spend on what they believe in. i read in lauren bacall's obituary that she went to protest red baiting. and they should stand up at the end of the day like the koch o brothers. >> i don't care what she cleanses her colin on, just shut up and go away. >> i will contribute to al franken, because he is funny. >> he is funny. >> i have nothing to add. >> and you think that the airfares are high now? well, there is new
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only rich people can drive a car. but it's the same logic of like we want to make air travel so expensive that only the rich can do it. >> let's assume that we're okay. how do we know it's going to go to the desired intent? how do we know that lock box exists? >> i think the short version is we don't. >> it's another waste. it's the social security trust fund in the air. >> judging from my recent flights, airplane travel has actually become ridiculously inexpensive just judging by how crowded the airplanes are. everybody flies everywhere. everyone can afford to fly. david and i have been advocating
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a gasoline tax for a long time. that is just because that will help bring down pollution. same thing with airplanes. >> be careful. they are saying we want fewer people flying. we think this will lead to fewer planes flying. through attacks, which this is, they hope to cut down the number of people flying. i mean, that's a little warped. warped. >> modulated. make sure to funnel some of that money into the right projects that will help. it's doable. >> it's not doable. it's dumb and exploiting poorer people. it's dumb. it's ridiculous. >> what's next? charging? charging? meals? citations? >> god, the inhumanity. up next it looks like people are still not stocking up on stocks.
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>> here's the thing. they are fast. they are much faster. >> then let me just say if you can get warren buffet -- >> okay. >> plan to keep our troops out or iraq for good. give all iraqis a share of their country's huge oil reserves in profits. something the terrorists want to get their hands on. welcome to forbes on fox. here's a question. if all of these iraqis had a personal stake in this fight, would they step up and fight so that they wouldn't have to? let's go in and focus with steve forbes. is this a good idea? >> you might call it the alaska solution. they have a permanent fund in alaska. each year every living person who is inla
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