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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 18, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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this. great gates guy, a lot of tweets. you guys really love the gun-control stuff and that's great. he will be back tomorrow, i will be back tomorrow as well. in the meantime, the ever capable hands of the master himself, lou dobbs of fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. residents of ferguson, missouri, bracing for what may be another night of chaos after a week of violent clashes between police and protesters over the death of michael brown. shot to death last week. hours after deploying the national guard to protect him in ferguson, jay nixon today lifting the midnight curfew that he imposed over the weekend. nixon calling in the national guard and he did not first notify the white house even though the obama administration is trying to insert itself into the community crisis.
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those racial tensions have racked the town of 21,000 people and most of them are black. a town where nearly half of african-american men are without jobs. the median income is under $27,000. president obama is in washington dc today on what is a two-day hiatus from his vacation in martha's vineyard. a president met today with attorney general eric holder and he then held a news conference in which he called for calm. >> to the community that is rightly hurting and looking for answers, let me talk to you about this rather than simply holler at each other, seek to heal rather than to each other. as americans we have to use this moment to seek out our shared humanity that has been laid bare by this moment the on the
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president in the minds of some seem to prejudge the use of excessive force. >> let me also be clear that her constitutional rights the clearly and to assemble into reported in the press must be digitally safeguarded especially in moments like these. there is no excuse excessive force by police or any action that denies people the right to protest peacefully. lou: president also announcing that eric holder will travel to ferguson on wednesday to meet with federal agents who are conducting an independent investigation into the death of michael brown. the justice department is also conducting what will be a third autopsy on brown's body in addition to a private autopsy requested by the brown family and one performed by the st. louis county medical examiner. meanwhile, reverend al sharpton gave what some would call a
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speech in st. louis yesterday morning. >> and all of my life, i've never seen anything more despicable than this mother and his father and their family, they haven't even had the time to bury their son. [cheers] [applause] >> the police would release the tape, disparage his name. how can the young folks of the city believe in a system that would spit on the name of a young man who hasn't even been buried? we are not looters, we are liberators. we are not challengers, we are pilgrims. >> tonight we will take up
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whether i'll sharpton and others are liberators. we will be taking up that issue as well with the lieutenant governor of missouri here on the broadcast in moments. but first, mike tobin is in ferguson tonight has the latest on what really happened between brown and the police officer who shot him. >> at least six shots were not mike brown was shot at least six times with bullets entering and exiting his body. a shot that hit him on the head were definitely killed him and that is coming from a noted forensic pathologist who conducted an independent autopsy on michael brown at the request of his family. all of the bullets entered from the front, one entering his arm, consistent with an alleged witness account that he was pacing the officers with his hands up. >> by him trying to surrender, he supported what the witnesses said. reporter: but they do not rule out what is circulating on the
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internet, that brown was rushing at the officer when he was shot. also what was said by a woman claiming to be an attorney friend, who heard his version and related to the radio show. >> he said all of a seven he came at him full speed and he started shooting and he kept coming. >> and if he was shot going forward, he would collapse right away. and there are a number of different possibilities. reporter: the results kickstarting no motion in a crowd that melted into violence every single night. last night was no exception. with hours to go, police again moved in with heavy equipment. the commander says it was in response to gunfire and molotov cocktails, vandalism, and looting and he had no choice but
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to re-create the scene. >> there was preplanning, aggression in many cases for maximizing national guard is in roots try to achieve the peace that police and community leaders have not achieved on their own. >> i think the national guard is just antagonizing the adulation. reporter: initially the authority intended to limit to protect just the command center and demonstrators attempted to march on it last night and their presence prompted another march, this time consistent with the pattern, every time to restore the peace result in more anger and people on the street. lou: thank you very much. mike tobin reporting from ferguson. we will have more on the unrest and we will be talking with lieutenant governor peter kidder. and during the crisis in iraq,
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their three-month effort to push back terrorist. senior foreign affairs correspondent is in iraq and has the latest for us in the fight for iraq's largest. >> it appears that an iraqi special forces have won back much of the control of the strategic dam from isys militants. isis for its part use of the claim propaganda. in and of itself it is booby-trapped and has catastrophic destruction that had been feared. still the campaign that liberated several towns has been impressive. and it was helped by a coordinated u.s. air campaign is includes armor vehicles, checkpoints and 50 airstrikes alone today. they are said to be ongoing. the deputy minister is grateful.
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>> they came at the right moment. and then they helped a lot. reporter: still, there are many battlelines here. you're looking at the eastern front of the war on isis. all across the countryside. beyond then, a no man's land in the village, 2 miles away, no townspeople, just a lot of terrorists. >> beyond the village, their residents are now refugees as well. u.s. airstrikes hit this region two days ago, dispersing many of the main isis units. the militants to remain a threat, as we found out when we toured the area with an official. reporter: while the fighters are numerous, they're like fleeing
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iraqi troops. which is why they are seeking new weapons from the u.s. and other countries. no need to supply their fighting spirit, they are in the fight against militants that must be one. >> we have no other chances, we have to do the best that we can. reporter: certainly they would agree that something needs to be done. over a thousand women remain imprisoned in their state unknown. going on to say that that kind of terror left unchecked spread beyond iraq's borders. the reason for the world to take notice. lou: thank you so much, greg. much more on the crisis in iraq and we will be talking with general jack keane during the broadcast. and good news tonight. the egyptian government announcing a 24 hour extension of the entire top between israel and hamas. the announcement comes less than
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an hour before the war was set to expire. israel also announcing a large-scale plot by hamas in the west bank to carry out terrorist attacks in israel in an effort to topple the western backed palestinian authority. israel security agency arrested 93 hamas operatives in that attempted coup. efforts for a cease-fire in the ukraine coming up short. a second round of talks in berlin yielding no progress on stopping the heavy fighting between government and rebel forces in the eastern ukraine area. both sides trading blame over the shelling of a convoy of buses carrying refugees in the ukrainian government says dozens of civilians were killed in the attack, which it claims was carried out by the pro-russian separatists. rebel leaders denied that there was any attack at all. russia's foreign minister did say that the government has
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reached an agreement with ukraine on humanitarian aid to the region. a russian aid convoy of 280 trucks has been parked on the border for the past four days amid concerns by the ukraine that could be a ruse to move weapons into the hands of the rebels. here in the united states, a triple digit rally on wall street today. diminished tensions in the ukraine and the dow jones gaining 176 points, the s&p up as well and the nasdaq up only three points, closing at a 14 year high, boeing on the big board 2.6 billion shares. industrials, the best performing sector today and utilities is the worst. crude oil down settling about $96 per barrel. be sure to listen to my words
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coast-to-coast on the salem radio network for all of the business news. we're coming right back and we don't want to miss a thing. >> video released showing michael brown strong-arming a store owner. lieutenant governor of missouri, peter kinder, joins us next. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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lou: missouri's governor ordered national guard troops. he blasted the ferguson police department for releasing the surveillance video that showed michael brown stilling cigars before he was shot to death.
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>> to attempt to disparage the character of this victim in the middle of the process like this is not right. and secondarily it did put a community and region in the nation on alert again. lou: our next guest has questioned whether governor nixon's actions have allowed the situation to improve or escalate joining us now is the lieutenant governor of this native missouri, peter kinder. it's good to have you with us. you have made no bones about it. you say that the governor has appeared hesitant and weak because he was decrying the release of a video that disparages the character of the victim in the shooting.
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>> my remarks about the governors tentativeness includes his late and reactive response instead of a proactive response not really pertain to that comment yesterday on "meet the press." whatever you think of what he said there yesterday, what i've been focusing on is the uncertain signals being sent to the people of missouri and the law-abiding taxpayers about whether we are going to maintain public order in the city or not and so why did it take eight days until two days ago, saturday, or the governor to announce it at three in the afternoon that he was imposing the curfew that should've been on for five days earlier. and when he announced the curfew, the announcement came
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that it would begin at midnight and lasted until 5:00 a.m. and i really thought that wooden egg tested on curfew be better following writing and they've been sent to national guard and at the first sign of rioting and declared a desk to -- dusk to dawn curfew. we are now heading into day 10 of this unrest and we have had one piece will night last thursday and then reverted to the worst hooligans on the street smashing windows and tossing molotov cocktails. lou: how many businesses? >> i have a list or. lou: how many have been burned? >> i have a list of 20.
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firestone, quiktrip, kmart, t-mobile, taco bell, dollar general, family dollar, ferguson later, at&t,, and others. and businesses large and small are getting an uncertain signal from the governor. so why do you today not for you your have the national guard and for the second night and suspend the curfew is now off by the announcement of the governor. >> the people of missouri, the people all around the country are deeply upset by what is happening in the community and it doesn't seem that there is a political leader there who has the confidence of their own office and ability to be engaged with the community.
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you're talking about 21,000 people. and the airwaves are filled with pictures, law enforcement dressed up in camouflage. i mean, what in the world are redoing in this country when we put men and women in camouflage with automatic weapons supported by humvees in the streets of america. >> in an urban setting where camel doesn't get you anything. >> it doesn't buy you a thing except antagonism, fear. >> that ended on thursday, that is not our focus today. our focus today is the uncertain trumpet coming out of the governor's office. lou: we understand that you don't like the governor and you think that he's made mistakes
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and you have laid them out for us. what i'm concerned about what my audience is concerned about is what is happening. you have reverend al sharpton, jesse jackson, you will soon have attorney general eric holder they are talking about excessive force and i have to say i'd like to know what is the way forward here. and the first responsibility lies with the mayor, the city will, 21,000 people. i mean, what in the world is going on there? >> the answer is the governor has taken over through the state highway patrol and they have commanded authority including those guardsmen who have been deployed and they have been given a limited charge in their charge is limited to protecting
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the command center with some aggressive demonstrators attempting to march on last night. so the national guard has not been productive in and the broader community but rather the command center in the governor is in charge through the highway patrol. so what i thought executive leadership for in a state is leading all the rest of us out of it and not even getting the various levels of law enforcement on the same page and communicating with each other in real-time. we have seen unnecessary squabbling and we have been criticism between one level and a mother on the highway patrol to the ferguson police department. someone, as you say, some executive authorities have to pull this together and i think it's reasonable for the people and the taxpayers to expect that the governor would provide that kind of leadership, especially when he is not communicating with any of the rest of us. lou: we are talking with the
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lieutenant governor of the state and watching live pictures that we could put those up, live pictures of ferguson. folks are obviously upset. they are antagonizing further of the comments of jesse jackson talked about a state execution and talking about his -- al sharpton, his personal view about what is happening here in ferguson. so why is there not a counter voice and taking men and women in their hands against americans and we have gone too far in this country. don't you agree?
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>> i am concerned about the over militarization of the police in this instance. lou: the national guard is protecting folks that are under threat. so what are the officials and not community and county to try to bring this down to a level and there is no political exploitation at the moment where there is only a way forward here at de-escalate's tragically high tensions in the community.
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>> thank you for printing the issue that way. you need to understand that the governor and lieutenant governor independent we elected and he is on the scene. he's doing interviews on the channels and i have seen bits and pieces of it. he's cutting the rest of is out. this is the way i think the issue ought to be framed. if you're a law-abiding citizen and the overwhelming number art community, this is not a ghetto community, it's been welcoming new business and if you are a resident there, you have a right to look to government to protect your property in her home and her business and her family from violent action of criminals in government in this instance has
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failed despite the fact that we have 40 fbi agents on the scene. lou: we do understand that this is a resurging community and i want to make it clear that according to the numbers i have in front of me, it has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, 22%, and unemployment rate above 14%. lou: i didn't say that they didn't have challenges. >> that's good. but yes, it's important. lou: we shouldn't dismiss the challenges of the community does face. and this includes a republican
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lieutenant governor and we can keep on going with it. lou: we want to know. do you think the obama administration is likely to temper or raise concerns in communities? cast your vote at up next, my commentary on why the national media is fixated on ferguson, while ignoring the carnage in chicago and new york. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved
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19 people wounded in shootings in chicago and new york and have risen in both cities. and the people like president obama seemed to be far more interested in attaching themselves to the tragedy rather than dealing with chicago and new york and all their problems. jackson, who as i said like in the shooting to a state forution, he was rude over the donations during a march in ferguson. al sharpton, who among others call the police showing him robbing a store in effort to smear browne. sharpton was heckled in st. louis. the residents of ferguson, population 21,135 as of 2012, are making it clear they don't
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want what are being called racial opportunist. saying that sharpton is creating a national spectacle. president obama and attorney general eric holder not worried, and we are told that valerie jarrett has been in touch with al sharpton over the past few days and today attorney general eric holder ordering a third autopsy of michael brown and adding to the tragedy and madness of it all, the attorney general plus 21,000 residents with his presence on wednesday. i am sure that they can hardly wait. we are coming right back. 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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recapture bans by and kurdish forces him a warning iraqi leaders that this doesn't represent a signal to put his foot off the gas in the fight against islamic state terrorists. joining us now in his army vice chief of staff general jack keane, fox news military analyst. it's great to have you with us. what in the world does the president do, he once declared that he had al qaeda on the run and what does he mean telling other folks not to take their foot off the gas? >> i think that this is about political reconciliation, which is finally beginning to move in the right direction with al malki. he wants to see this government in place to be informed in the
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beginning with new ministers being appointed as well and i frankly think that has always been misguided. isis is a threat. we have every right to go after that threat. lou: every right is apparently absolutely necessary at this government is going to survive it on this used to be the first real reversal this is now being reported. the first reversal for the islamic state of iraq. is this the turning point? >> i don't know. it remains to be seen. clearly what the president has done here, he's used their their prior to fenway, which is what he said as part of his attractive strategy with americans at large and to protect the refugees. and this was them attacking the dam, to retake the counteroffensive supported by
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this and i hope it is the beginning continuing use of airpower, which was was. lou: isis has become the enemy in iraq and it seems least in washington dc and iran remains the principal source of the conflict with radical islamist terrorism in the case of hamas and hezbollah, yet we don't hear their name and we hear a lot of discussion about isis and the fact is that the principal actor in the region hegemonic force, they are healthy and strong and continues to act against u.s. interests. when we doing? >> in this administration, they have never taken on this as a
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strategic enemy that they say that we are and we have been killed since 1980 using this and clearly, as you mentioned, they want regional hegemony and the state of israel and they have us about this many times before on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons and i think that only on a limited basis do we ever bring up this and it's usually in the context of negotiations and trying to accomplish nuclear weapons expulsion, which i think we don't seem to be doing everything to quite stop it. lou: some good news, apparently hamas and israel are making progress, 24 hour extension. what do you think is next? >> i think one of the things that has come out of this is that israel did destroy a lot of the military infrastructure that hamas had as much as they did with hezbollah in 2006 and i think that they are seriously
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weakened politically. so much of the people's livelihoods and quality of life experience was truly impacted by this. i'm also homes and schools and etc. they have to have faith in these leaders and look to political leadership and hopefully the palestinian authority can bring both of these groups and also together. lou: general jack keane, always good to help you here. governor rick perry of texas faces an indictment. and why not? even obama's people are calling the indictment a sham. juan williams and john fund joie me next.
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lou: joining me now is john fund, author of "obama's enforcer: eric holder." and we have our fox 5 political analyst, juan williams. he is articulate and as fluid as ever. let's test it out. eric holder, ferguson, missouri. what a great idea. >> i think it's a good idea in terms of trying to make it clear. there is no cover-up or effort to somehow make excuses for the shooting. everybody will know exactly what happened and to make sure that despite the actions by the local police department, that the matter of the criminal investigation will be first-rate and there will be nobody that
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has any complaint afterwards. lou: i don't think much of the dance government -- i mean, it's crazy what they are doing. and i certainly would not make a judgment and why in the world as the poverty wage great in ferguson, why is it just about double in the unemployment rate doubles what is around the country, why doesn't send his commerce secretary and the treasury secretary and to ferguson to explain how those obama policies are working that is predominantly black? >> the first thing is first, to make sure that we have this and in the short term i think the
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first thing is first. lou: create jobs and get this economy moving. >> we haven't done a lot of that in the last 10 to 15 years in the economy has been stagnant and in the short run, it's shows solidarity with the people here. lou: this is an interesting word. >> 57% of african-americans so far believe that mr. brown was murdered and that is a terrible number. i don't think there's proof of that and i think there's a lot that is being piled up. lou: how is a terrible in his mind? >> so many people automatically don't have any confidence in long force on and are suspicious of the system that they think a
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police officer would come someone down in cold blood having never seen them before. lou: like jesse jackson and the president of the united states. what do you think? >> i was with you when you were talking about people who i think about mayor and act as agitators and i put them in this category. when they saw that this kid was shot according to the autopsy report, they think something is very wrong here and then the police department has failed to say here is what we think happened and here is why there might have been a justifiable action by a police officer and it's that they have said nothing and that has raised this and the
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waves of paranoia have existed in the level of the community. >> the fact of the matter is we don't know what happened yet and it's been 10 days. we are watching writing and a president say they are prejudging with the police department said and what i don't understand is why the community is not so angry about double the unemployment rate and having $10,000 per year will last listening to a president. solidarity would mean creating prosperity for all americans including ferguson and eliminating whatever degree poverty creates, crime and illuminating at least that margin and what do you think? >> why are people talking sensibly about this?
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>> if it bleeds, it leads. the fact that there is violence and looting, that dominates the coverage. >> why are we covering chicago? where we covering new york? >> where we covering black on black crime. blacks are 12% of the population. >> 50% of the murder victims in this country are black. 90% are murdered by other black people and we don't give nearly as much attention to the condition of public safety in those neighborhoods that has nothing to do with the whites versus blacks sponsor segments raised. >> i don't think that we allow ourselves to address the root problems and to really care about people who are dying and have no future in this becomesrhood until something a white and black word. >> i think you invited us here
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to disagree and i just want to say amen. i lived in the black community in washington dc and i have to live in fear most of the time of young white guys with guns and i think it's terrible and i live in a nice neighborhood that they will drive by and they will do all kinds of crazy things and the school dropout rate, the economic dysfunction that you're talking about, who is going to hire a kid that didn't have a price goal, it leads a lot of people to have frustration and anger and bad behavior and criminal behavior and too often it's an excuse and there's no reason to shoot a kid like that. lou: that is quite a wind up. we thank you both for being here. thank you so much. coming up next, more than a thousand people have died as a result of the ebola pandemic. result of the ebola pandemic. the world health organization and doctor natalie azar is next.
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lou: joining us now, doctor natalie azar and nyu langone medical center. >> 1145 people dead because of ebola. who says it's out of control. every association organizations of the out of control. what we have to do? >> the issue, we were speaking a few weeks ago, one of the main reasons that there has been such an epidemic is partly because of a lack of understanding among the people of west africa and partly because of cultural issues. >> a majority of the cases were in sudan.
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and one of the reasons we have seen this is because of industrialization. there's a lot more cross contamination within these situations. >> we have anticipated these social issues and why should any health organization be surprised by the barriers to success in dealing with the pandemic? >> all very good questions. and this is hard to speak on their behalf to say how can we anticipate that. and these cases are sporadic. so there hasn't been in production. it's hard to predict when and where this will happen. >> i think it will take a lot longer. i know that sounds like a lawyer answer, a lot lower than what we anticipated. case in point is the west point
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looting. of the ebola treatment center which seeks to dramatically have the misconceptions of these people and it they can be contained. we have seen it and there have been 12 cases. lou: we are running out of time. is the vaccination a possible response? >> there are those that are doing well, one person that has received and one has died. still, i think that the most is what we call supportive care. we have to see human studies and
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we haven't had that yet. lou: thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. that is it for us. we thank you for being with us. tomorrow at klein. how about over there?
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