tv The Willis Report FOX Business August 19, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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federal reserve fomc minutes from the july meeting much investors always examine every single word looking for any clues when the fed will raise interest rates. david: jackson hole on thursday. friday we hear from janet yellen herself. meanwhile, "willis report is next. gerry, you look at what could be the end of another iconic product. gerri: that's right, liz and dave, thanks for that. one of most iconic parts of breakfast in america, oj under siege. we'll have a florida farmer tell you why. a smartphone price war is here today. consumers benefiting for the fight for your dollars. nothing is stronger than the love between a parent and child right? raising that kid could bankrupt you. solar panels are setting birds on fire so why is the white house keep pushing them? "the willis report" where consumers is our business starts right now. big news for consumers tonight, sprint firing another salvo in
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the wireless industry price war. the third largest carrier, undercuts the competition by making data cheaper. with more on this, ryan canute son, reporter for "the wall street journal." ryan, great to have you here. what is sprint offering? >> they're offering a promotion right now which is $100 for up to 40 gigabytes of data if you have 10 lines. it starts at 20 big guys of data for four lines which is undercutting at&t and verizon by 60 bucks. more data than when what you get on it. mobile. gerri: look at comparisons. we have great numbers. sprint coming in at 160. verizon is at 310. at&t, 310. t-mobile, 180 undercutting everybody. will they give me something extra if i leave my carrier? >> right. they're also going to pay up to $350 for you to switch, if you're coming from another carrier. they're trying to sort of bring themselves more in line with the price points of their carriers.
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they were more expensive. sort of key four-line competition point which is most common sort of family plan. but they're giving more data. that is trying to, that is how they're trying to differentiate themselves. gerri: if you skip out on your carrier they give you additional data? not just 350 bucks but two gigabytes of data for each line? >> up to 10 lines. you could get as much as 40 gigabytes of data. >> they're out there with their deal. i have to ask, ryan what happens tomorrow? does somebody else come out with another deal, another plan that is even cheaper? >> tomorrow sprint says it will make another announcement. they're probably going to do something relating to their individual plans. this is what they announced yes, had to do with the family plans. hard to say whether t-mobile or verizon or at&t will lower their prices because spin hasn't really been that competitive in prices. they have been more expensive than at&t and verizon in the past. so, if everybody starts to switch to sprint, they have been
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giving up customers for a very long time. then, maybe they will do some reactionary moves from other carriers. gerri: we can only hope so. good for consumers, right, if prices grow down. here's my question, all the deals on date but what about unlimited data? is that never coming back? >> that was the hallmark of sprint's competitive offering before. it is possible they may continue unlimited data for some of their plans going forward but it is hard to tell. 20 gigabytes of data for four lines is a lot of data. you're not likely to go over that amount. who knows if there will be some other application. >> need it. if you want to watch tv or movie whatever you're doing on the phone, you need all the data make it happen. i want to ask you about root metrics research that says, sprint, doesn't really rate when you compare offerings in terms of how good the service is. in fact they're dead last. so does it make sense to pay for this new plan, to jump from a provider to sprint and then find
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out, you know, you can't get the movie up or the tv show? >> they have been undergoing major network overhaul for the past several years. they're finally feel like getting to end of it. this report out doesn't give a lot of confidence in the network although it's, it is just the beginning. sprint said they wanted to compete more on price as soon as they started to see network improvements. so they're finally hitting that now. root metrics report looked at the last six months. it may not start to show gains sprint made. gerri: this price war goes back to september 5th, 2012, when t-mobile started selling unlimited data plan again. this has been going on for a while. how did consumers make sense of changes? face it, some of it is a good deal, some of it may be not. >> it is extremely confusing. carriers want that. they don't want to make it clear. "wall street journal" we have wireless calculator on the website tries to cut through
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some of the stuff. you have to study the plans to find out what is best value for size of family that you have and amount of date that that you think that you want. gerri: tell you ryan, you did a great job breaking it down. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks. gerri: last night we told you how proctor & gamble was set to get rid of over 100 brand, products you're familiar with, ike ivy soaps. today another staple, this from your breakle, orange juice. it is going away. mention drinking less than that. sales fell to lowest level on record. the reason? florida has been devastated by citrus greening. that is bacteria killing orange trees. it is spread by infected insect experts say came here from china. it is widespread in many citrus-producing states from the south and west, all over the west. another reason for the sale falloff in oj sales, consumers have more choice. i caught up with david steele the florida florida department s
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and in middle after brand new marketing campaign to try to get americans to drink orange juice again. so lucky you're here in new york city. you have a big crowd trying to drink orange juice. why did you come to new york? >> new york is magical market not just here in the united states but globally. this is wonderful to bring a little bit of florida sunshine and goodness of florida orange juice to consumers who here in new york. gerri: why are consumers drinking less orange juice. >> they're drinking less florida orange juice because there are less florida orange juice to drink. they're consuming every drop we produce. they have lot more options but right now our biggest issue is supply. >> the amount of orange juice being produced the least in 29 years in florida. this is sort of unprecedented for the state. what kind of impact is it having on industry and employment in the industry? >> well it is definitely had a devastating impact. on the other hand the history of the florida citrus business is one of resilience.
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and so, for decades they have face things like hurricanes and freezes and blight and they have always found a way to come back. they will come back from this as well. right now they are spending a lot of money maintaining crops and finding a way to be productive in the face of greening. we received $125 million from the federal government for research. that for many of us in many respects is a light at the end of the tunnel. gerri: is this bacteria ruining groves that have to be replanted? >> at present some groves are completely decimated. what is more common it will make trees less productive. so farmers have been going to great lengths to keep those trees alive and increase their yield. gerri: is there a solution to this? >> there will be. i can't tell you what it will be yet. there will be. innovation made impact in agriculture, not just in florida but across the country. gerri: so we don't have a solution to this bacteria from which my understanding it came over from china somehow?
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>> we don't the ultimate solution yet. they're seeing some treatment efforts really show some promise. that is one of the reasons that some of our growers will have their crop go up this year. gerri: a lot of people out there say folks are not drinking orange screws because there are so many options out there right now. a lot of competition in the grocery store and they don't like sugar. there is much sugar. how do you respond. >> we like to emphasize the fact that there is no sugar added in 100% florida orange juice. there are myths out there what might get added through production. there is zero sugar added to 100% orange juice. it is is dell likelous tasting. it has over 100% of recommended vitamin c. nothing like it. often imitated, never duplicated. >> thanks to david for information on orange juice. here with more on the personal impact of record low sales of orange juice is david roth of bob roth's new river groves. he joins from us davie, florida. great to see you. i understand we had to bring you
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in from the grove because it was so hot outside. is that right. >> that's right. welcome to sunny south florida. we have plenty of florida oranges down here ready to go. gerri: i'm hoping you heard david steele's interview. i wonder if you agree with him that these groves can be saved? that they will actually find a solution to this pest that is eating up all of these oranges? >> you know, i really do believe we'll find a solution to this problem. this is the not first problem florida citrus faced and come out on top but probably won't be the last but i do know when we do come out we'll be on top. florida produces some of the best florida orange juice anywhere in the world. gerri: certainly popular florida orange juice but i have to ask you a broader question here. a lot of people are talking about this. >> sure. gerri: is orange juice something people don't want to drink anymore? it used to be a staple of the american breakfast table but people are drinking other things? do you think you have to sell
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this product all over again? >> well, you know, we don't really need to sell the product all over again. we need to remind everybody on how nutritious florida orange juice is. florida orange juice has all the vitamin c you will possibly need. i have to agree with my counterpart david, it does, it is all natural. it is a fresh product that mother nature developed just for us. for us here in florida we enjoy our florida orange juice. nothing like a glass of fresh florida orange juice. gerri: i have another question before you guzzle down too much orange juice. >> sure. gerri: tell me about your personal story. i know you had the groves and previous infestation. you lost some of them. you're losing more now. what is the state of your business? have you had to lay people off? i hear you're doing even more things now? you're introducing new lines. tell me what is going on with your business. >> we're very fortunate down here in south florida a lot of citrus always came in early. we're able to experiment with different things like homemade
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key lime pies. we make one of the best key lime pies in the country. it was my mother's recipe. we've been selling the key lime pie for 35 years. i'm a third generation farmer in davie. we're a little different in south florida than our counterparts in port st. lucie and indian river where we get some of our florida's fine citrus. we have to keep things going year-round. between the fresh squeezed florida orange juice and coconut water comes right from our coconuts we're able to stay here in davie and survive and thrive and hopefully my children will be able to take this over from us as well. gerri: you've been smart. you've diversified a mill different ways. key lime pie sound pretty darn good. david, thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> it is the best. gerri: absolute pleasure having you here, thanks. >> thank you. enjoy your florida orange juice. gerri: yes, sir. i certainly will. now we want to know what you think, here is our question tonight. do you drink orange juice in the morning? are you still on it? log on to
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vote on the right-hand side of the screen. i will show results at end of tonight's show. we have more, more to come this hour including your voice. your voice is important to us. that's why during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. or send me an email at at the bottom of the hour i will read your tweets and your emails. first $100 in new york city. a different thing than in mississippi. we look where in the country where $100 bill stretches the most and the least. you are going to want to hear this. stay with us. ♪
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shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. as a pilot that meant i was grounded. go!
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gerri: have you looked at your paycheck recently? the amount of money uncle sam deduction can feel like a kick to the stomach. we're taking a tour of the country to see where you get the most bang for your buck. we have alan coal, economist from the tax foundation. alan, good to see you. i want to show a map. you put together these numbers and they're great. how far 100 bucks goes in each of these states. you get a relative sense of
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this. alan, how did you put the numbers together and what did you take into consideration? >> sure. bea divisiondivision of the government compiles this data. they started it recently and what they do, is they take the sorts of goose that every american would buy, some food, some housing, some clothing, even a little bit of booze, and they look at the prices of those goods and in different local at thises, and the results are that prices are much higher someplace than others. so your dollar will go farther in some states than others. gerri: look at the bad performers. this is where your money goes the least far, it is worst the least and let me see people the least. d.c., hawaii, new york of course, we're always there, new jersey and california. alan, what is going on there? >> the major factor is
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urbanization. people and businesses coalesce in a large cities, there is coalescing in dense land. new jersey is most densely populated state. land is also scarce in california and surprisingly hawaii. gerri: let me ask you this, my friend. i'm looking at these place, and i see these are places where taxes are high. isn't that part of the story? >> that could be part of the story. there are also a lot of geographical factors that explain why the map might look this way. so, taxes could be a factor but it is a little bit hard to determine. gerri: hmmm. let's look where $100 was worth the most. tell us the states where your money goes far? >> there you're looking at states like arkansas, missouri, mississippi, and what those states have in common is a lot of land, a lost land to spare.
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and they're also in places that it is convenient to ship to. they're on the gulf coast near the mississippi river. gerri: convenient to ship to, therefore shipping costs are low. that's interesting. >> right. gerri: one of the things i found out is so interesting the comparison of kansas. explain the comparison of new york and kansas if you were a completely rational economic being where you would live. >> so an interesting result of adjusting for purchasing power parody, is that kansas ends up a little bit richer than new york and this would come as a surprise to a lot of people. people who associate new york with its high incomes, with wall street. but, kansas is also very productive states. their incomes are high in general. even beyond that they have a lot of land. so, it is much easier to go out and live the old school american dream in a place like lenxa or
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lee wood than to live in place like scarsdale where the houses cost a lot more. as for where you should live, that is really up to you because sometimes places like new york offer opportunities that kansas can't and vice versa. gerri: there are opportunities in kansas that aren't offered in new york too, i would have to say that. alan, thanks for coming on. good to see you. fascinating numbers. >> thank you. >> later in the show we'll show you how you can live in a multimillion-dollar home without paying for it but you have to shell out the dough to pay for your children as new report says the cost of raising just one kid for 18 years is close to a quarter of a million dollars. so what can you cut? how do you reduce those costs? answers are coming after the break. ♪ she's still the one for you.
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gerri: you have heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child, right? now you might want to change that it take as bank to raise a child. that is because according to the department of agriculture, it will cost an average middle class family nearly a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child. and that is not even factoring in college costs. are ways you can cut here with how you do that, lynnette fox, ceo of the money good to see you. been a long time. >> great to be back. gerri: yeah. here is real number. we said quarter of a million dollars. $245,340. this is ton of dough.
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people don't save this much for retirement. how come do they come up with this money. >> they really can't in a lot of cases. you have to look at national norms. we give a average for typical middle class family. in northeast, believe it or not, middle income or upper income families the numbers are a lot higher, 400,000 plus from raising a kid from birth. gerri: there are morals to this story. get the heck out of northeast. >> regional differences make a big impact. out in the midwest, southwest, et cetera, as little as $155,000 or so. i think it boils down to three main areas. housing, child care and education, sort of grouped together and then food costs. those are the big three at that came out of this study. gerri: i was breaking that down. we looked at some really -- >> there we go. gerri: housing is 30% of the cost. food is 16% of the costs. goes on and on. health care 8%, clothing 6%. i know a lot of young ladies spend a lot more.
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mom and dade sit back and say how do i cut costs? we haven't figured out college yet. that will be a ton of dough. >> a couple things you can do. definitely watch the food costs. cut cut out stuff getting to fast-food restaurants. moms and dads are tired. nobody feels like cooking. that is more money running to the fast-food restaurants of the world. you want to watch your spending on that. another thing on the food side, be judicious going into supermarkets and the stores. maybe you want to shop in bulk but don't overdo it. don't let stuff go to waste. that is another big financial mistake. if you need help there is food banks out there, if you're really on the edge and can't kind of make ends meet. gerri: one of the big costs people discount, especially when they're deciding to have kid is child care. >> yeah. gerri: from what i read, there are big estimates how much americans are spending and it is different all over the country depending where you live but common for people to pay as much
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for housing a month for child care. >> it is very true. gerri: astonishing. >> i have had a nanny. i have three kids. i had a nanny. like paying for private school. i was easily payings, of course on the books, between 25,000 and $30,000 a year. that is what it takes. you pay the taxes all that good stuff. couple things that can help you if you have child care costs. take advantage of tax breaks. that means you have to be aboveboard and pay someone legitimately. nanny, day care provider, nanny agency. you can get $3,000 tax credit for one kid if you're paying for child care while you have to go to work. you get up to $6,000 back from what you paid for two or more children. don't forego claiming a legitimate tax credit. gerri: yeah. look, a lot of people are afraid the irs will come craw crawling after you. if you're taking legitimate deduction for it -- >> document it of course. get your receipts everything, then that is not a problem. gerri: talk about child care.
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but at the same time you've got to be saving for college too. >> yeah. gerri: so how do you do that on top of all this other stuff? >> you have to prioritize obviously. tough teach your kid and yourself as a parent, as an adult difference between needs and wants. face us, none of us has infinite amount of money. you have to cut out some luxuries. fewer trips to the hair salon. maybe the summer travel you had couple weeks vacation. maybe cut back to couple long weekends. teach your kids, listen, mommy and daddy don't have endless amount of money. electronic gadgets and parties and stuff might need to be put on backburner at least temporarily. divert some of that towards college. exactly. gerri: good points, lynnette. thanks for coming on. good to see you. >> you're welcome. gerri: time now to look at stories you're clicking on good news from the housing sector. home depot announced second quarter income jumped 14%
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thanks to rebound in spring selling season. the news sent the stock up 3%. home construction rebounded in july, rising at fastest pace in eight months. commerce department said it increased 15 1/2% to rate of more than million homes. that news sent the overall stock market higher today. inflation is kept in check as consumer prices relatively flat in july, the best reading in five months. energy prices were down a third of a percent that is, helping to offset a half percent rise in food costs. over the past year inflation is up 2%, in line with target set by federal reserve. according to sec the ceo of gamestop had surgery to remove a small cancer russ brain tumor. it was found early and prognosis is good. those are some of the hot stories on coming up evidence that
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solar pan necessary are not what the administration wants them to be. living in a multimillion-dollar house for nothing of all you have to do is decorate. we'll have latest on the new trend. you can take advantage of it ♪ (trader vo) i search. i research. i dig. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we rebuilt scottrade elite from the ground up - including a proprietary momentum indicator that makes researching sectors and industries even easier. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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gerri: luxury homes that are vacant can be hard to sell. that is why more companies are hiring more managers to care for the one and make sure that it is appealing to buyers. joining me now is one of the managers for show homes, owner and president of show homes san diego, lisa. it's great to have you here. i hope that i'm saying your name correctly. our next guest is kal penn.
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>> thank you for having me. gerri: we said, i will start with you. so why are you putting people into these homes? >> the real thing that we are trying to achieve is homeowners getting top dollar for their home. staging is critically important. bringing up an potential of a home. we are taking to the next level by putting a home manager into the property to add that element of life to the home. that we not only stage of the rooms that but we also stage the pantry and a closet and give it that lived in feeling. so we are kind of taking the abandonment out of a vacant home and even a staged home with empty closets can feel a little lonely. having that women on in the property really helps to sell the property and the whole managers leave the lights on and music on for showing and they have the home always at the right temperature in the winter or summer.
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gerri: it occurs to me that it's a tight rope, they would actually have something going on. what you need to sell and you need to have some cash flow? >> is a very competitive market out there when you want your home to show the best. they don't have the upfront costs and a pleased that you do like what showing only. so that offsets the cost of the homeowners and they pay a fee which really helps to have cash flow. gerri: you've been doing this for some time. what happened.
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>> i got a consulting gig and we had to move fast and quickly but i don't want to sign a year lease. so we were looking for a rental online and came across the add and when i spoke with lisa it just worked for us at that time. gerri: how many houses have you lived in? >> we've lived in six homes in the last two years. it in has its pros and cons a little bit. suppose that you are never home. you have a lot of space. as we mentioned, the rent is almost half of what you would pay for a regular home. the consequences are a little bit about -- you have a minor inconvenience that you don't know when a person may show up without scheduling a showing. gerri: what you pay in terms of rent? it sounds like your rent is below-market. >> i mean, currently we are paying about $2500 and those homes go for over $5000 per month. so we are saving quite a bit.
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gerri: that is interesting. you've made it a lifestyle. lisa, you have seen more realtors picking up this format and this strategy. are the people calling in and asking how to do it? >> yes, show homes as a national franchise, we have 60 offices across the country and the idea has really caught on and so we are very busy and having its potential growth in its really a great concept and everybody is catching on. gerri: how much longer are you going to do this? >> we are going to. the home that we ran right now is something that we just really want to purchase and so we are in negotiations right now and we're ready to get out of the program. in a good two years. gerri: it's interesting come i can see how it would be fun to do if you're moving around a lot. lisa, calvin, thank you for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you so much.
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gerri: from luxury homes luxury cars. you don't have to pay $50,000 or more to feel like you're driving in the lap of luxury. in fact, kelley blue book has a list of models for under 30,000 dollars that are the picture of comfort. that is top five. number five is the toyota avalon, just shy of 30,000 dollars. reported buick regal, the rave reviews keep coming in for buick's new models. the regal is just under $20,000. number three is the chrysler 300, 200 and number two is the volvo f60, and the number one most comparable car is the chevy impala. they seem to have struck gold with her 2014 version and the price tag is under $27,000 or if there are other cars as well,
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honda accord and the nissan altima. coming up tomorrow, i will be joined by the car coach. we are showing it off. and when we get back, we will get your reactions. is the white house promises executive action, the president turning to big is this a good support and we are live from washington coming up. here's your consumer gauge what the numbers you need to know. take a look at the stock market up 7.21%. we will be right back 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert,
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21,022,013, and recalling nearly a quarter of a million children's water bottles because the lids can crack, cutting the child's mouth. no injuries have been reported as of yet. it features hello kitty, spongebob and other characters on their product. by now you have probably seen the ages of underage or immigrants flooding across the border. business leaders trying to cut deals for special a special class of workers. rich edson has more. what have you uncovered? >> businesses want more visas for foreign workers to come to the united states, tech companies are especially lobbying for it. the white house wants to overhaul the entire immigration system and the officials and the
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business community met earlier to discuss what the administration can do. the members include google, facebook, amazon, wal-mart and dozens more. a source in the room says that business leaders discuss ways federal agencies can streamline that process in the white house is deciding if they want to go further than that and announce action to bypass congress. one analyst says the white house could try to act alone. >> i think people have concluded that congress is not with them on this and they feel both for policy reasons and others, there is a clear need to overhaul this for those that are here and those that are part of the situation and trying to get here still.
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and so they believe that they are not going to come along it is unclear if the white house would announce any executive action before midterm elections. >> these business groups in the white house are actively working against the american worker and that tens of millions of americans on welfare, unemployment, and public assistance, yet the white house and the extended majorities are more concerned about the economic demands of large corporations, and base say that they should get the ability to work. stay on thank you for that.
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and now we want to hear from you. here's what some of your posting on my face the page about our poll question tonight. do you drink orange juice in the morning? tots as now, too much sugar and too many calories and too expensive. and another agrees, i love orange juice, i don't care how much sugar and has and matthew writes one stews and other juices every day. and another viewer says the same gerri: airlines should tell us the real costs that apply, that is one viewer says angie and from new york agrees. they should advertise it with all of the he and caroline writes the airline should advere
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gerri: the latest development on obamacare. the obama administration says it will not disclose more light on security ... or they say it could allow hackers to break in. the centers for medicaid and medicare services denied a request by the associated press for the freedom of information act for documents. so much for transparency. another white house policy with less than beneficial results. birds are literally falling out of the sky and no, this is not a scene out of his science-fiction flick. words are being incinerated in midair thanks to the solar power plant in the mojave desert. could you explain is a research fellow at the heritage foundation. i'll come back to the show, it's good to see you. >> it's good to be here. gerri: words are falling out of the air. what is going on with this reign. >> well, this is a power generating plant.
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it's like a magnifying glass and if a bird happens to find the way of that, just like you have a magnifying glass and you stick your finger there and i got hot, the birds get singed and credible accounts say they saw one every two minutes getting fried. so this is in a different class of almost any industrial enterprise. gerri: apparently beats birds just opened the flames. 28,000 birds per year. that is one bird every two minutes and i thought these things were said to be green. but i wouldn't define that as being green, would you? >> no, i would not. it's surprising that they're getting a pass on this. we had the top epa administrator in texas whose is the one to
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make an example like the romans dead where they were just crucify the first five people they saw in a town, i don't know about his history, but that was his wasabi, he tried to carry it out. they had to fight a legal battle that was completely unsubstantiated. we have a couple in wyoming to put in the pond and they had all the permits they thought they needed an epa was finding them $78,000 per day and they said they were messing up the subsequent tests that show that the water was cleaner. gerri: the epa has a lot of issues. i want to concentrate, if you can, on the solar panels story. there are a couple of them and windmills as well. and this is another great product that the administration has been pushing. getting all kinds of tax credits and yet nobody is prosecuted for this. i don't understand. if you and i put on our hunting
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garments, someone will would come after us. but when it's windmills, nothing happens. why is that? >> some people get special treatment and the oil companies, i think it's in north dakota, getting fined for having to duck the landed in a pond and they said that that was not a problem there. but here we have thousands and thousands being killed and they get a pass. so it's not as birds that taxpayer subsidies as well and this project is owned by companies that include bp, chevron, a trillion dollars with for the market capital and are still getting a subsidized loan and that is what people should be burned up about. still another taxpayer dollars at work in we are paying for
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that. the other thing we are paying for is when consumers install solar panels. there's a big tax break for that as well and the boom for selling solar panels. i want to ask you if it makes economic sense for individuals to buy solar panels for their house. >> it doesn't make sense for the overall a common meme. and they get a subsidy from either the power company because they have to make certain standards or from a tax break, then the rest of the text is have to make it up. if it's from the utilities, all of the other individuals have to make up for it. so i have a friend in washington dc who has a solar panel on his roof which means someone else paid for it. and the only reason they have to have the subsidies as people won't put them on without them. beyond that is right. they don't make sense and they don't make economic sense in so
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many parts of the country. nobody is getting off the grid with these things. thank you for coming on the show tonight. we will be right back with my "two cents more" and our answer to the question of the day, do you drink orange juice in the morning. and burning. i'd lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating. when i went to the doctor his first question was "did you have chickenpox?" i thought it was something that, you know, old people got.
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gerri: earlier in this hour we told you about a new report showing orange juice sales at record lows. are you drinking orange juice in the morning? 28% said yes, 72% said no. and remember that scene from the 1980s vick's movie ferris bueller's day off? when they went on a joyride? ever since, luxury car owners were probably a little bit nervous dropping off their kids and the latest version of the chevy corvette have a camera mounted on the windshield and it also captures audio in the car, engine rpms, and g4 is.
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of course we want the ability, it cost $1800. in the overall price of the car is $50,000. and benefiting consumers, sprint started a price war with its wireless competitors. the new data have a plan is as little as $100 per month and scramble pay you for $350 to switch the plan. they will unveil individual plans tomorrow and this is great news for consumers or high customer service seems to go hand-in-hand. one thing sprint needs to do is improve customer service and they currently rank last on the survey. so that is my "two cents
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more". and that is it for tonight's "willis report." have a great night and a charles payne is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ arle tightn "ming ney"don'look nw, m predtionf a scond-lf g-ti houing eoun. the ecdol evences sttingo bud upnd iill ll y wht stock divid take advntag. eeal rketovinforcis thfedel rerve.nte. threalarkemovi for is e feral serv ge y bl rdicontonht thset fed is big facr youfuture and your prosperity. ogleck i u 3esso to stocks with major breakouts. and they are all going to give
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