tv MONEY With Melissa Francis FOX Business August 20, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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we get the best look yet at the new iphone 6. wait until you hear the one thing fans want bench they upgrade. all obama alumni ditching washington for silicon valley. one top advisor heading to uber. we'll tell you who the next domino is to fall. first let's get the minutes and peters barnes. >> hey, melissa, minutes from the july fed meeting show some fed members seeing enough progress in the economy to start raising interest rates perhaps sooner than expected. quote from the minutes, some participants viewed actual and expected progress toward the committee's goals as sufficient to call for a relatively prompt move toward reducing policy accommodation to avoid overshooting the committee's unemployment and inflation objectives over the medium term. the minutes also said that many participants noted if employment and inflation moved closer to the fed's objectives, it might be appropriate to raise interest
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rates sooner, but the minutes say, most participants, and this is important, indicated that raising rates would depend on further information on the economy. so, once again, show me the data for most fed members. the expectation is the fed will start to raise short-term interest rates sometime the middle of next year. finally the minutes said, that the fed expects continued, a continued moderate economic expansion with stronger growth in the second half, but they're watching some things out there. quote, some pointed to possible sources of downside risk including persistent weakness in the housing sector, continued slow rise in household income, or spillovers from developments in the middle east and ukraine. melissa? dierdre: peter barnes, a lot of news in there. let's get right to it. we have the all-star panel with us. james freeman from the "wall street journal." veronica daguerre, charlie gasparino, our
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own fox business correspondent. what do you think? >> we see encouraging things in terms of more bank lending to businesses, commercial loans are up. we talked about how there is a lot of money in the system. that money is being lent out to business. we'd like to see more to small business, but no reason years and years after the crisis they shouldn't start to raise now. melissa: what is the reaction if you say the fed will raise rates sooner than expected? what do you think will happen? >> i think we see pressure on the market for sure. there is still a big question surrounding jobs. melissa: right. >> yellen will address that on friday at jackson hole. speaking to that and people will want answers. are we seeing job growth we want to see? if so, what will be the future. melissa: she definitely wanted to jobs. >> for good reason. melissa: go ahead, charlie. >> i will say this. you can see it right in the market. stock traders smell this stuff out. this is status quo. nothing major is happening here. they will not raise rates
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anytime soon. here is what i worry about, open warfare on the federal reserve board. i could see the doves versus more conservative members going at it. the conservative members are sitting there we need to raise rates sooner rather than later. doves like yellen are setting up not to. we're entering two election years, 2014 and 2016. every seven years you get a economic downturn. melissa: have we had a upturn? doesn't feel like we had a upturn. >> that is the crummy, almost said something else, growth. melissa: cable. >> i'm trying to be good you know. melissa: okay. >> but usually these upturns, modest and lousy as it is last seven years. almost over. melissa: look at that chart. the dow is losing steam. one of the things peter barnes was highlighting they will raise sooner rather than later. maybe the market is digesting that as we watch the chart. >> maybe. melissa: hertz hitting more than a speed bump. shares plunging after the rental
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car company pulled its full-year forecast. this is really interesting. talking about a record level of recalls. cars pulled out of fleet because of recalls and impact it had because they don't have the ability to send them out and rent them. do they have recourse? could they sue gm because earnings are being hurt because they don't have cars out there? >> good luck with that. if you're not seeing similar issue at all the other companies in the market -- melissa: maybe we haven't heard about it yet. >> that is the other part. they're saying we're still auditing. we can't release results yet so makes somewhat difficult to evaluate. melissa: charlie, what do you think? >> i don't know why they can't sue them. class action lawsuits happen all the time. now that i know mel weiss all the game, great litigator put all those transactions and put in jail out of the game. a lot of people are taking his place. i don't understand why this doesn't set stage for even bigger class action. melissa: veronica? >> they have a lot of problems to deal with. accounting and finance issues. they have to add staff which i
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think they are going to do. of pressures from recall and lack of equipment sales, equipment rentals when it comes to -- >> why can't hertz be, why can't helps be part of a class action? i mean sound like that is the stage. melissa: a lot of is question of math. also a question of math the billion dollar projection error at walgreen's. costing jobs of two top executives and alarming big investors according to "the wall street journal" they were off by $1.1 billion. the cfo is oops, our forecast was wrong. they're blaming, kind of blaming medicare part-d plans and reimbursements coming in where they thought. what do you think about this? you don't buy it? >> it is hard to buy it because we're talking about hertz comparing to others in the industry. we're talking about walgreens, cvs said no problem. we knew generic prices coming out. melissa: yeah. you think they failed ap math at walgreen's and need to work at on accounting?
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>> a lot of questions at that company when you consider, at the same time we're not doing the inversion, which made obvious economic sense. >> real thing is this, is this a worldcom situation where guys made up the books for a number of quarters? remember worldcom in 2002 or 2003 or is this legitimate mistake? by the way companies make legitimate mistakes all the time. bank of america -- melissa: they were off by 1.1 billion. >> how much was bank of america off on capital projections? remember the recent controversy because they failed the stress test and didn't give right numbers to the fed? this happens when you have massive government regulations, people screw up. i'm not saying the guy shouldn't be fired, but -- melissa: big mess. >> big mess and i think medicare is probably difficult to projection he especially costs of drugs keep changing. this is hard for these guys to projects costs, i can't imagine how difficult for small
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pharmacist and small business owner to projects costs. their margins must be getting squeezed. melissa: deja vu all over again. airlines on high alert as iceland's largest volcano threatening to erupt that this may be fear of 2010 ash crisis which shut down european airspace for days and cost airlines estimated $1.7 billion. you remember that? you could see it from space. it disrupted airspace all over europe and is back again. unbelievable. >> 10 million travelers were affected. this is not what europe needs right now. their economy does not need sort of upset like this to hurt air travel. melissa: charlie, you look worried? are you worried about the volcano in iceland. >>i was actually worried about the my next story. melissa: let's move right on to that. you have very unsettling news. this is the real story of day. >> breaking news. here is what the fox business network learned based on our
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sources at trading desks like goldman sachs and other places credit suisse who deal with the big money management firm pimco here in new york city. pimco has had a major infestation in one of its new york city buildings of bedbugs. melissa: bedbugs? >> so major they are evacuating hundreds of people from one of its new york city locations. one is right around the corner types square. melissa: don't let them in the building. >> they are relocating these folks and portfolio managers, traders to undisclosed up state location. i will say this i don't know much about bedbugs until today. melissa: sure you do. >> here is economic story. i had my producer julie call up the national bedbug association and -- melissa: really? >> there is one. and. melissa: you didn't want to make the call yourself? >> that is why i hired, why i hired a kid from college. melissa: okay. >> she gets the call at bedbug association, this is significant economic problem. this happens a lot in new york city. melissa: not in my house it
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doesn't. >> we should point out it happened at fox news in 2011. melissa: what? >> a bedbug infestation. it happened at bloomberg back in, maybe 2010 or 2011, again, major infestation where they went in there and -- melissa: my skin is crawling. >> had to go in with dogs and spray everything down. this thing at pimco, from what i understand is fairly significant. so significant we're not talking about like three people getting dislocated or relocated, we're talking hundreds. i should point out the traders i talked to -- melissa: you heard it from people at goldman sachs. you will really out them like that. >> they deserve it. from what i understand, i want to say it is legitimate people who are dealing with, i don't want people to think i'm making this up. this is actually happening. melissa: why would we think that? >> how could you make this up? of all the stories i could make up why this? what they're saying basically business as usual dealing with the portfolio managers. pimco is largest money
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management, second largest after blackrock. business as usual and executives and people are freaked out. think of this way. if you go to the office and you pick up a bedbug, right? bring it home often. that is what happens. melissa: oh. i don't want to discuss this at all. >> brought it back from a business trip in hotel. melissa: is this a friend of yours or this happened to you? [laughter] >> his name is john. melissa: oh. >> telling truth. and he looked under his mattress and that is when you see them. melissa: that is worse nightmare. >> by the way, listen -- they're blood suckers. melissa: oh. >> that is what has, bill gross had nothing more to worry about. melissa: just ran out of time. thank you all for being here. taking aim at bloomberg. first he was after our giant soda, do you remember that? he wants the american heartland to ditch their guns. see how the nra is responding to this one.
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melissa: okay, i want to give you a look at the markets after those fomc minutes of the s&p briefly turning negative. it is down a point, basically unchanged. the dow dipping from session highs. right now only up about nine points before they came out and gave minutes. it was up almost 40, 3. five-year treasury yields hitting one-week high after the fed minutes. we'll show that in one second. meantime big news for apple as the clock ticks down on rumors of its launch of new iphone 6. the stock soaring, hitting an all-time high. the success may depend on unbreakable all sapphire phone. we have jonathan hoenig from capitalist big and both fox news
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contributors. we recognize charlie gasparino. we didn't let him go after the bedbug segment. >> for some reason i'm itchy. melissa: scott martin, what do you think about the estimate, 10 million iphone 6? that is pretty amazing. >> it is insane. and i think insanity, melissa is really what you're seeing in the stock price here too. i would caution you at home, this stock price, is priced for perfection as they call it. the only worry i have it falls short. remember, apple is going with still, this high-end, high-priced phone while other competitors are going for cheaper phones. the iphone 6 is going to be a bigger model. i tend to like smaller phones. i think size does matter and small is better here. i would worry the price of the stock reflects things to be absolutely perfect. we owned tech and apple. but i wouldn't buy it here. melissa: jonathan, 45% of people surveyed the scratch resistant screen is top component they want. is that most important to you as well? >> apple just doesn't create
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phones, melissa, they created a religion. this product has built-in market of millions and millions of people. the fact that the stock is at an all-time high i think reflects accurate estimation of the prospects for iphone 6. the secret of trading i think buy the rumor, sell the fact. once the product cops out, that is who you want to sell the stock, not before. melissa: charlie gasparino. >> i can't believe the size does matter and small is better got by you. melissa: come on, keep it clean. >> i thought, you know, listen this is big test for tim cook i think. you know, listen, jobs is hard act to follow. this is one of those tests he is going through. he is winning this one. he does have doubters on the board. this thing sells and meets expectations it will be one more sort of feather in his cap to keep him in there for a while longer because there are questions on the board. but i think this, if this hits expectations -- melissa: yeah. >> you can't argue with success. melissa: there you go.
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much one of my favorite stories of the day. atlantic city can't catch a break. revel casino is finding new ways to lose cash ahead of its closing next month. a armored car driver left 20,000 bucks on the roof of the truck as he drove away. shockingly, the money is now missing. so it is like, you know when you leave your coffee on top of the car drive off, leave your purse on top of the car to drive off. i personally haven't done that. i hear people do that. would you leave $20,000 on top of a car and not notice? what do you think, jonathan hoenig? >> it is less shocking to me that they lost 20,000, that the governor lost 200 million in tax incentives in all this atlantic city casino. that is real tragedy. 20,000 is nothing. melissa: i can't believe you will take a serious bent. >> by saying, one of the problems with the new jersey economy is atlantic city. atlantic city is a mess. it is poor. casinos are not well. melissa: okay. >> here's the thing, sometimes
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you tell bigger stories through little stories. melissa: i know. i like idea, apparently there is video of bag on top of the car. this is like my dog ate my homework story. nra is going after michael bloomberg, guns blazing. new add campaign efforts to pressure grocery store kroger to end open carry policy. charlie fast, what do you think of this one? >> as private citizen i had problem with mayor bloomberg doing this we had issues in new york city. melissa: now doing it as rich guy. >> rich guy and private citizen he has every right to do this and every right to come back at him. it does speak to the cultural divide of this country. i'm a native new yorker. i went to school at university of missouri. it is different. this country is not all new york. i think a lost new yorkers have to realize, there is a very diverse country, not just racially but culturally.
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melissa: jonathan, do you think people in the midwest wonder why their grocery business is michael bloomberg's brings if. >> certainly not their grocery business, to charlie's point, marketplace of ideas. if bloomberg or anyone else as private citizen wants to make ideas they should. the difference charlie pointed out, when bloomberg is mayor, he is force, to impose his ideas because he is master in chief is inappropriate. speech is good. force is not. >> absolutely. melissa: thanks, guys. we are still keeping eyes firmly on the ebola outbreak. fears resurfaced here in the united states as it was revealed a patient is being tested for it in california. reports suggest that the patient came in close contact with a deadly virus although no other details have been released. there have now been 70 reports of suspected infections across nearly 30 states. the ebola death toll worldwide now is well over 1200. wow. one head of a state already
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shortened his vacation. growing unrest in iraq may force president obama to follow suit. tech companies scouring the campaign trail for talent. how silicon valley luring poe lit dose away from the -- politicos away from the washington. smart money coming up. ♪ it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine.
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stuart! stuart! ♪ check it out. this my account thing. we can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. or we can select a time for them to call us back. the future, right? ♪ this doesn't do it for you? [ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, that's what blows your mind -- the advanced technology of a doorbell.. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. introducing the xfinity my account app. melissa: so really horrific news today after terrorist group isis release as video of the beheading of an american journalist, james foley. foley was a former teacher turned reporter, covering middle eastern conflicts from war-torn countries including afghanistan and syria. he was first abducted in libya back in 2011.
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after his release and a short return back to the states, foley was back in the combat zone, this time returning to syria. he was later abducted in that country the following year. isis claims the horrendous killing in retaliation against us air strikes in iraq and pledges to kill another captured american journalist if the u.s. does not stop airstrikes in the region. just a short while ago the president addressing the death of american photo journalist james foley. listen in. >> today the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of jim foley by the terrorist group isil. the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. we will be vigilant and we will be relentless. when people harm americans anywhere, we do what is necessary to see that justice is done. melissa: all right. so the white house announcing today that the president will not be returning from vacation in martha's vineyard until sunday. on the other side of the pond
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however british prime minister david cameron cut his vacation early. fox news digital politics editor chris stirewalt joins me now. james freeman is here along will. chris, let me start with you, now everyone is watching the president to see what his reaction is. is staying on vacation sending the right message? i mean, perhaps it is. maybe it is saying you're not going to change what we're doing. i don't know, how does that work in your mind? >> well the president clearly is not in worried about optics phase or perhaps that very optic he is unperturbed by the circumstance he is trying to create having gone directly to play golf from giving those remarks but look, the issue here has less to do with the optics. we talk about the optics a lot. we slice and dice the baloney pretty thin as we talk about what presidents do and don't do. this however, i would submit this is not a question of about optics. this is a question about choices. the president is faced essentially with binary choice,
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essentially will he act to destroy isis, or, will he act to continue to protect u.s. interests where he sees them? he gave his answer today and look like not in keeping what the american people are looking for. melissa: james, what is your take? >> if he wants to be relentless bringing justice for to people who did this the key is airstrikes. he has a window where isis is wearing black uniforms, flying the flag, presenting a target. with advisors on the ground that we have there helping to target airstrikes, now is the time, when you could hit them and do a lot of damage more so than eventually they are going to adapt. they will get rid of that uniform and blend into more of a traditional counterinsurgency. if he wants to be relentless, whether in martha's vineyard or wherever he is, he has to give the order for relentless airstrikes to take out these people who did this awful murder. melissa: absolutely. thanks to both of you now. let's turn back to the market. following the fomc minutes, all
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three major indices losing a little bit of steam. nicole pet on floor of watching shares of shutterfly about a possible buyout. >> shutterfly has been a stellar performer. up 30% for the year. you see the spike early on in the day, reports of silver lake partners as well as bain capital may be considering a possible buyout offer. nothing is firm at the moment but some of the people who are these sources saying that they could be borrowing more than seven times shutterfly's earnings ebidta, right? this is before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization, in a leveraged buyout. no one is available for comment, not shutterfly and these two in particular, silver lake and bain capital. we'll see whether or not they make the price compactionings when it happens. melissa: thank you, nicole.
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. melissa: bank of america reaching a record $17 billion settlement covers the sale of mortgage-backed securities in the run up to the 2008 financial crisis. this according to the associated press and officials say the bank will pay $10 billion in cash and provide consumer relief valued at $7 billion. shares hitting session highs on the news. look at that jump. tech and politics make for strange bedfellows in the belt
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way. david frost to use union support to get president obama elected in 2008 now switching sides, preparing to fight organized labor from his new posts at uber and uber is not the only take out the getting into this mode. avalanche facebook mixing it up with politicals. here to discuss this is jo lin kent and caroline mccarthy, through x media vice president of content and matt mccall. thanks for joining us. what do you think? >> it is not that surprising. think about these roles, they are highly senior accommodation of public relations strategy marketing, there are not a lot of people in silicon valley remotely qualified to do those things. when you think about silicon valley and d.c. they have a lot in common. they are both very competitive environment especially right now
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in silicon valley and very insular. i can see this being a very appealing pick for uber. melissa: you get someone who has been in washington along time and they come out and leverage the access they have for money. >> it has been having for decades if not centuries. it is not exactly democrat versus republican play, unions versus non unions as the that the lay of congress, a lot of congress people are coming out in support of uber. melissa: it breaks the tax unions. you expect -- >> what you were saying is it needs to be for unions and not against but you have to look at the broader sharing economy and look at how this is playing in the economy and congress and local districts. >> it is a great move, the strongest lobbyists they have right now land uber, they will
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continue to grow. you have a destructive innovation come in, the old school doesn't want to see it. the guy in the middle -- >> the most important part is he is certainly almost certainly getting a big chunk of pay out. absolutely what it is. melissa: that is what working in washington is about. in seems you leave and make a ton of money based on the access you provide. very dirty. >> keep in mind is not about the lobbying access. uber is in a very fierce fight with competitors of its own, israel had a huge competitors that tax, and some very dirty politics. melissa: uber is trying to go into new business. they are picking a fight with amazon by testing a grocery
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delivery service in the nation's capital. i love this idea. my kids are in bed. i don't have cough drops. i don't have anyone to stay in the apartment. here you do the apps you say bring me some cough drops. >> would you think of this? >> very interesting. keep it in mind that uber had a lot of, quote, experiments, popsicle delivery and skin delivery. i think it is important to keep those things to the point where it is so widely speculated about in the way google facebook is, the reality is these companies genuinely launch experiments. there are a lot of delivery start ups. one reason they take d.c. for this is new york and san francisco have so many home loan ones. >> everybody has the apps on
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their phone. melissa: the brazilian super model raking in the mega millions and even now earning her husband. tom brady will be ok with that. i don't think that will bother him. leave it to the chicago cubs. even though rain delay occurs, a little help down there. at the end of the day it is all about embarrassment. ♪ music
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start your free trial today. melissa: i am melissa frances with your fox business brief mistakes acts -- spacex denying the company is valued at $10 million, it has been in talks for a fresh round of funding which in turn gave the term and 11 figure valuation this spacex says no such funding is in the works. the empire strikes back. vladimir putin and his crew suspend operations at four mcdonald's outlets in moscow. according to them the restaurants had reached several sanitary laws. vladimir putin is nominated for the ice bucket challenge by tim tebow, he challenged the president head on but he has other things on his agenda right now. i bet.
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[ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ melissa: the down nearing session highs following the fed minutes at the top of the hour. investors' seemingly brushing off any talk of a rate hike, the did you saw when they released
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the minutes. whether it is on wall street or mean street here is who is making money, anyone with american eagle outfitters, the stock is soaring despite a humongous drop in earnings. profit came in under $6 million in the last quarter, way below the $20 million it reported this time last year. still numbers were better than expected and shares are up 10%. the long serving chairman getting a little boost in his wallet, 9 million shares meaning he has made $12 million. also making a lot of cash, brazilian -- i am in trouble -- she has been ranked, the world's highest paid super model for the 8 year straight with $47 million in just 12 months but in weigh more than the $13 million tom brady made in the same period.
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adriana lima trails in second place was just $5 million each. i don't think i am complaining. they look fine. the makers of this all chocolate sponsor, $130,000, comes in luxurious chocolate that includes a chocolate sink and a chocolate, but. it has 9 million calories. you will spend a lot of time on the treadmill after that. it is totally worth it. just call its monet ball. monet davis set to take the mound at the little league world series tonight. she is fantastic and demand for the 13-year-old is reaching a fever pitch driving jersey sales television ratings and even creating jobs. dan kaplan and veronica and james are with us as well. a lot of people excited about
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this. sheet rose 70 miles an hour, maybe one or two notches behind boys. >> it is probably just -- >> in all seriousness this is about money. the one person not making any money off of this is renee. with just a few weeks ago, a federal court decision in the collegiate images case where former college athletes are allowed to have their images. it is the next step. melissa: the jerseys with her name on it are selling out, this phenomenal player is really exciting, she is getting out of it and inspiring kids everywhere and making money off of her. >> this is a situation where parents honestly ought to say she may be forget the amateur status in the future if there's a big payday now because the
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history of this event is most of the stars in this competition do not go on to the major league stars but the league world series because this is not a real athletic competition even though espn tried to convince them that it is. the odds are she is not going to big stardom based on the history here. melissa: get low we ease box and all of that right now. >> they act like this is a great test of athletic competition. it is a test of which kids get their growth spurts first so it is not a predictor who is a great ball player long-term. melissa: and there's no place for women in baseball right now. by the time she is ready to play willett catch up? i don't know if it will. take the money and run while you can. johnny football to johnny sideline the browns announcing johnny manziel will begin the season, the heisman trophy winner beat for the starting job by brian hoyer, no word of the
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monday night middle finger had anything to do with it. the things that had anything to do with it? >> they went with the veteran. i don't think there is anyone with any depth with jenna and then sell. by the end of the season will be the starting quarterback with the cleveland browns. melissa: are you ready? >> i don't like the browns. i wish them luck. in this case -- melissa: don't wish them luck. >> what you do in the media whether it is flipping someone of what you are doing on social media which johnny manziel has a history which has to be careful because it does factor into the catalyst which seems to some extent the start of that. >> we are talking about it and everyone is talking about him. is he immature? he is getting his name out there. >> it might help him to spend the time studying the game and see the local guy, lawyer, get a
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chance. that might account for something. >> before we let you go and angry reaction from the ground crew, did you see this? having trouble getting the tarp out during some rain? the crowd lets them hear it, booing them as the crew struggles, the rain mess is 15 minutes, the ensuing delay almost four hours leading to the game being calls in the fifth inning. even the guys calling the game as sitting there mocking the these guys. look at that. was it everyone's first day on the job? maybe they need to practice. rolling out the tarp, have a few practice sessions. how much -- how weird it is this? can you believe it? >> once this year and as a fellow -- remember the famous park game in 1982 when the dolphins did not put the tarp on for the championship game, the
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field was of muddy mess and the jets lost. this had home. melissa: ok, brought back your pain. in the last hour of trading let's check with liz claman to see what she has got coming up from a big show. liz: cleveland browns fan, we are tough in cleveland. don't worry about mud or ice or snow. we are watching the markets. the reaction to the fed minutes, not so when it comes to the journalist who arguably has the best be done on what the fed is going to do. john wilson wrath paired with david robin of new edge managing, we have both of these men, but john will do the deep dive into now what happens friday when fed chief janet yellen takes to the podium and speaks at jackson hole. what is she going to say? the most important things to anticipate and why the market had a little bit of a hiccup as soon as it heard from the fed minutes that a lot of these voters feel the labor market is starting to look better.
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will we see interest rates higher rather is an sooner rather is an later and david robin will give you the investment play, where is the trade and rise of the drones, part iii and wait till you see what we had been studio. it is that thing. that is a fixed wing lankester by precision hawk which is very into super smart drones that have artificial intelligence within them. wait until you hear the applications of what that drone can do. it is in studio, a fox business exclusive, president and co-founder with us live. melissa: i can't wait to see that. thank you so much. pay to play, the 1% staying incredibly fit and speaking of living in luxury here is a new record for the most expensive apartment in the world. can you guess where it is? you can never have too much money.
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melissa: money is flying around the world again today starting in pakistan where tens of thousands of protesters have sward parliament demanding resignation of the country's prime minister. 50,000 people cut through barricades that were hastily put up to protect the city from the angry crowds. the army has been called out to contain them. the politician says he will lead the demonstration to the prime minister's house if he doesn't resign by today. to mel bourne, australia, which is named the most well rested city on earth, they get around 7 hours a night according to a new study. based on where rebels sleet technology the most sleep deprived city is tokyo where
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folks get by with 5-1/2 hours and night. landing in monaco which is home to the world's most expensive apartment costs $400 million and is found on top of the skyscraper overlooking the mediterranean, it comes with a caterer, a driver and a multistory water place that dropped into an infinite the pool. you have to have that. time for some fun with spare change. feeling the burning your thighs and wallet, boutique fitness classes more popular than ever. my next guest offers high-intensity workouts to the business world, and the fabulous 1% from some of the world's most gorgeous beaches around the country. jimmy minardi joins me now. 100104 group class that is not even personal fitness. what is worth 110 bucks? >> i expect 110%. >> i expect 150%.
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give me 150 bucks. come on. >> when i retired from professional athletics in 98 i started in training and i have the same client base i had since then so every year they coming back. melissa: what do you do, watching the video, for 110 bucks? they are just running on the beach. >> there are all different, we are out there for an hour and 10 minutes or so and i put them through a whole battery of different exercises and one thing that makes it special others in trendy fitness is everyone is on the heart rate monitor. 48 minority athletes, and i know everyone's heart rate by heart and it is personal training. melissa: you feel you are part of the group. these fitness trends have a
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short life span. what is the life span of something like this before you mix it up and do something different? >> as far as training goes? >> you are doing, killing people on the beach for $110 an hour. how long can you make that last? >> every year it keeps getting better and i keep getting bigger clients, i have seen a couple times on the financial shows. every year i get a lot busier and people keep coming back and it is not a trend. it is heart rate training. melissa: thank you so much. market is trading up by 60 points, we have that meeting that the top of the hour. we will be right back. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny.
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be a new record. in the meantime vix trading at lowest level in a month. veronica and james are back with us as well. looking at comments of traders talking about the minutes. not terribly specific but the tone says it could be sooner rather than later. a little surprising we're climbing on that, no? >> if this is a judgment that rates may be going up, that's not necessarily bad for the economy. i think that's the right judgment. and we got to get out of this idea holding rates super low, distorting capital allocation is good for the economy. it's not. the markets go up and down, if this is a sign that people want a normal environment, that's healthy. >> i think people might be feeling calmer at the same time. we're in a very slow period in the market right now. a lot of traders on vacation. not a lot of volume. overall it's been quiet. i think we should be look ahead to friday and hearing the job numbers. comments out of yellen and the
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ecb president what he's saying about europe and happening over there. what further actions that they are taking. that is of interest to investors. >> thanks to both of you guys. huge help this hour. that's all we have for you. i hope you're making money today. "countdown" starts right now. liz: will tech darlings keep the fire alive on the red hot nasdaq, and what do the just released fed minutes tell us about janet yellen's thinking? the man who knows better than anyone else, the "wall street journal"'s jon hilsenrath tells us what people might have been missing in the last few minutes. barnes & noble with a new nook made by samsung. fox business was there for the rollouts, will it trounce apamazon's kindle or apple's ipad. fox exclusive with mike
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