tv The Willis Report FOX Business August 20, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
flyers overcharged on international fares because of failures for the tsa we'll tell you how agency bypassed warnings. coming today on the show, corona beer, there is surprise inside. the bottles may contain shards of glass. there is no more accurate way to check on car recalls. is your car on the list. new report on teen pregnancy. rates falling dramatically. we'll investigate the reasons why. "the willis report," where consumers is our business starts right now. gerri: we begin tonight with the ongoing violent protests taking place in ferguson, missouri. angry demonstrators have resorted to vandalism and looting and it is certainly taking a toll on businesses, not only in ferguson but neighboring towns as well. my next guest had his shop recently ransacked and burned by looters. it was all caught on camera. joining me now from ferguson is yen. thanks for being with us
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>> i at one point i thought i was watching a move because i didn't think that would be possible in ferguson or dell wood, missouri. i can't really put it into words but i want to say what went through my mind, i was shocked and angry and very heartbroken and kind of, it was an out of victim's experience because i didn't really know that could go on in real life. gerri: are you angry? >> very much. i mean, it is kind of as days go by i'm trying to stay more and more positive because there is no, it is not going to come anything good out of coming to work and being angry every day, but i was definitely upset that sunday night. >> now, this store is family operation. your dad has been involved. how many years have you had this store? how important it is to sustaining the family? we're seeing picture of it right now. it says open but all boarded up.
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>> yeah. i mean we are open. we're trying to stay open for business. my dad has been there for over two decades now. this is how he has been able to feed the family and, going to work every day, working 12 to 16, 18 hour days. this is his life. still is. we're trying to do everything we can to, keep open for the community, for all the people that are in the community that needs the store and needs to come up there and get their milk and their daily groceries. >> now, do you have any idea how much you have lost here, what this damage is going to cost you? >> i mean damage to the building and all the merchandise we had to throw out because of fire whatever they took, we're about approximately $50,000. >> so, explain the damage. so they took in the windows. looks like they broke in the side of the building. what actually was damaged? >> eight or nine windows in the
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front. the, some wooden stuff on the side of the building. we had fires set, they set a fire where a couple of the racks burned up and spread toward the floor. they, i think they sprayed out some kind of a i don't know if it was gasoline or some kind of a fluid to try to put that on fire too. then on top of that all that smoke, it kind of filled up the whole store. so we had to throw out a lot of, groceries, that wasn't, we weren't able to sell anymore because you can't sell bad stuff like that. gerri: so you have to throw it out. tell me the state of the store now? have you managed to get it cleaned up already? are you still working on that? do you have insurance? >> we are still in the process of cleaning up. we got, every day we have about four to eight people just volunteering. we got our own workers coming in, in overtime hours to kind of
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just help outg down everything. cleaning everything out. going over and over with just sweeping mopping the floor. and i mean we are, we're trying to keep it open. so right now we're staying open until about 8:00 at nighttime. we're usually we would be open until 1:30 a.m. so. gerri: we appreciate your coming on and telling us your story. thanks for that. we wish all the luck in the world. our prayers are with you. thank you. >> thank you guys. thank you so much. >> wow what a story. well also today, new warnings, computer problems might be responsible, listen to this, for overcharging hundreds of thousands of american flyers. and all of this is because of the tsa's refusal to slow down on raising fees on consumers. here to explain it all travel expert mark murphy. so mark, this story, i mean, come on!
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i have a lot of complaints about the tsa but they're ramroding this new tax through is creating all kind of problems for customers. tell me what is going on. >> little bit like the obamacare website launch perhaps? we have government trying to deal with technology. there are challenges. say per travel network which is responsible for issuing 150,000 of those tickets per month said there was potential issue. they and other trade groups tried to get them to push it back 90 days. not as simple, we'll check off a box and charge a little bit more money. there is programming that goes in. there is testing that goes into it. and obviously didn't have the time to get it all together. gerri: i don't think the government understands that, mark. that is the issue. they don't know from programing. here are the taxes we're talking about. one-way trip jumped, the tax 2.50 to 5.60, i believe, correct? >> yeah, correct. gerri: this is kind of complicated because each leg incurs more fees. that was also controversial too.
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there is no cap on these fees. >> right. gerri: so these numbers are pretty complicated. you have to build that into the program. private sector said, you know what in we can't do that this fast. what did the government say, oh, we'll refund money to consumers. how do you know if people overcharged? >> first of all, if you look at your airline ticket you have no idea what the fees are. you see fees. they don't break it down. calling the airline to get them to break it down, they don't. you don't know whether you are being overcharged or not. i just flew in from hawaii this day today, i should check hawaii, alaska, other foreign destinations are being impacted by it. one the reasons they tend to have those connections. the key with the connections it has to be more than four hours in order to get charged as an additional segment. so less than four hours you don't get hit with that. that is where it gets a little complicated. that is are with the programing comes in. i wish they slowed it down. i wish they hadn't raised the
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fee to start with that. came from congress. not going to more airline security. going to the general fund and using it as quote, way to reduce deficit. how about on earlier shows, just spend less? what a concept. gerri: that is another thing i don't think the government understands. why travelers should have to pay to get rid of budget deficit over and above of any other class of american citizens i have no idea. >> you know what? gerri: to get back to this tax for just a second. you've been just to hawaii. i just got back from italy. this is affecting people who leave the country and go to alaska and hawaii. how do you know? how do you know if you've been properly charged? you. >> don't. gerri: can you call the airline? i want to get my money back. how do i do it? >> okay, i called delta and us air today, number one they had no idea what i was talking about. went to two different supervisors at both airlines. completely oblivious what is going on. the food news according to sabre travel network, i trust those guys, they issue tons of airline
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tickets every day and do it through other online sites, comparison sites, they say it will affect 1% of all tickets. chances you will be overcharged, slim to none. because of high air fares today a few dollars on round-trip ticket for $1500 to italy. that is for coach. so you're probably not going to notice it. gerri: they're counting on that. they're counting on that. >> exactly. gerri: it is not amount of money. it is principle of the thing. >> couldn't agree more. gerri: that is not what the law allows them to do. they're not supposed to do that. i mean -- it is so frustrating. >> you're supposed to be relaxed after coming back from vacation, miss willis. i mean, what is going on here? so. yeah it is interesting. hey, just a call out to my friends from hawaii. hawaii tours is coming together. seen the ice bucket challenge on tv? gerri: are you promoting something you're behind here, mark, on my show? >> no, i dump ad bucket of ice water on my head in hawaii.
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i donated money to als. give a callout to the folks in hawaii. they're pulling money together for als i was happy to be part of that. gerri: if you fly there watch your ticket because you get extra fees from the tsa mark, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. gerri: good to see you. >> you too. gerri: still a lot more to come this hour including your voice. your voice is important to us. that's why during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn or send us an email at the bottom of the hour i will read your tweets and evident mails. warning for your barbecue. the beer you may be drinking may have shards of glass inside. latest details on the recall.
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gerri: well you may have more than a line added to your bottle of corona extra. it may contain dragments of glass. fox business's adam shapiro has details. adam, glass in the beer bottles? >> it was a production run. only some of the beer. now pass one of these over. gerri: so i can't find the number. >> give me the, actually give me the six-pack. you can call this number, i called it today, 1-866-204-9407.
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they will give you a full refund. i need the six-pack. i will take it after we're done. that is good way to get it. there should be a code. there it is. i'm going to take out all of bottles? gerri: supposed to be on the neck of the bottle. >> supposed to be on neck of the bottle. ail you have to do is give them code that corresponds with the packaging and with the production run of the bottle and they send awe refund. they will ask for name, address, your age, all of that. and, they walk you through where this is apparently. i thought it was on the -- gerri: how did this happen? >> they didn't explain that. that they haven't said yet but bits of glass apparently got into or may have got eninto some of the 12-ounce clear glass bottles in the six-pack, 12-pack, 18-pack. only on specific days of production. they haven't gotten exactly where the breakdown are. these are chilled. i need to get on your show. gerri: no reported injuries? >> no reported injuries. voluntary recall on their part.
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gerri: voluntary recall on their part and you open one of these things and there is glass on the bottom and you don't know it you will be in big trouble. are you trying to twist this off. >> this is chilled. this is party central. when i called up, the woman on the other send, said, what is your name, what is your address, how much essentially. she wanted code and i didn't have a six-pack at the time with the code. gerri: great stuff, adam. thanks for that. >> you're welcome. gerri: appreciate your time. we have another recall to tell you about now. a natural food company is voluntary recalling certain peanut butters and almond butters. recall by inspired natural foods because fda testing found some contaminated with salmonella. there are four reports of illnesses. some brand include private labels sold at trader joe's, whole foods, kroger and safeway. the brands have best by dates september 2014 through july 2015. complete list of the affected nut butters is available at
5:16 pm coming up next, a new government website is supposed to help you find out if your car is being recalled. will it have greater success than we'll tell you. i will be joined by the car coach who brought along another one of her favorite cars. look at this. we're showing off the bentley outside on the plaza. join us. ♪ shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. as a pilot that meant i was grounded.
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traffic safety administration, launched a new database to help you check on car recalls. a record number of cars and trucks were recalled, led of course by gm. what is different today, you can now search for your specific car and not just a broad search of makes and models. take a look. this is how the new tool works. go to the nhtsa website, and navigate from there. a simpler way to go, type in safer if the website is not working keep trying, because it was not working when we tried earlier today. once you do get it working, go to vin look uptool. nhtsa says this is one-stop shop for consumers looking for recall information on their cars. then put in your cars 17-digit car number. this makes you type caption text so they know you're real person.
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2008 ford in, there are no open recalls for this call. we found 2011 gmc arcadia. said one order and clean carfax. when we put in the vin number, two open recalls come up. one is airbag issue and other seatbelt recall. you can see any open recalls in red. any cars repairedded or ones without an open recall should not show up. database we're told has information on cars and light trucks going back 15 years. dealers can use the site to check their inventory of used cars to see if there are any currently recalled. it is great for used car shoppers two of course. this also works for motorcycles. nhtsa says ownly 57% of the cars recalled are ever brought in by owners to get repaired. according to nhtsa the new vin tool is supposed to be updated on weekly basis. information comes from automakers themselves.
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website crashing issue? nhtsa never got back to us to tell us what the problem was. from ferraris to fords the annual pebble beach concourse d'elegance, draws car fans and here to with a wind up is the car coach, lauren fix. so good to see you. >> so good to see you. >> you have great stuff you want to highlight for us. >> it was amazing event from the quail to the cores sew, to mccalls, we went to all the things including four auctions. the concourse d'elegance. it's a judge show. they are pretty cars. gerri: big price points too. >> oh, absolutely. the winner was a 54 ferrari. first time in 50 years a postwar car won. the car is beautiful. >> 1954. >> that is a coup. that is the first, '64 that won
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concourse he will la against at pebble beach. a beautiful day. all the cars won from beautiful from mercedes, more test at that rosas. more ferraris than anywhere else in h total 399 million. that was cumulative total. average price like, $535,000. so if you're thinking buying one of these expensive cars you have to have a ton of dough. >> top 10 cars that sold four key auctions total ad lot of money. like you were saying, 535,000 average. top selling car, $38.5 million. that is a record sale. gerri: talk about some. cars you want to talk about. bmwi8. >> we discussed that on air before. they made a special pebble beach version. laser headlights sold at auction for charity over $500,000. congratulations to bmw. gerri: mighty pretty. >> i have driven it, and i'm not a electric car person but that
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one i do like. gerri: what is the jaguar land rover i'm confused. >> jaguar and land rover are same company. they're owned by tata. they're competing with mercedes and audi. everyone has a motorsports edition. they have the svr and land rover come out with range rover, svr. beautiful car. 550-horsepower. very distinctive. you will see in the jaguar lineup. this is all new with performance lineup. gerri: these are expensive. >> yes. gerri: you brought me a special gift. thank you for the bentley. >> thank bentley for this. this is a continental v8. this car is basis, bentley is all about motorsports also and performance this car is based off that heritage. this is beautiful car. we can get you into this car for 330,000. gerri: i will get in the car. i will get behind the wheel. >> $336,000. >> yea. bentley. >> comes in convertible as well as hard top.
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because this car really has such heritage, believe it or not they have a gt-3-l. this is performance edition. gerri: i love it. >> only 99 of the performance edition coming to the u.s. gerri: this is just amazing. >> neck warmer has option. gerri: what is this for. >> that is for your sunglasses, darling. would not want to leave the bentley sunglasses out. >> carbon fiber option. gerri: unbelievable. i love the red let they're. >> massaging seats. >> when you drive the seats vibrate, right? gerri: >> they have rollers inside and massage your back so you don't get tired on road trip. gerri: i think this is 700,000. >> this particular one is 300,000. gerri: it's a bargain. >> on sale. we remove some. options to break it down for you. this is a great car. their sales are up. they're building more dealers, and bentley bringing in an suv. gerri: an suv? >> i imagine they will do very well. somewhere around 225,000-mile.
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jaguar has vehicles in that range. mercedes, audi. everybody is getting into high-end luxury cars and suv. gerri: i feel like i belong in the car. >> can i drive it away? >> you can drive it away, absolutely. the key is there in center console. gerri: we'll have to take it, lauren, thanks for bringing me the car. i will have it back to you soon. >> okay. gerri: we'll be right back. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams.
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58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. gerri: here is a surprise, your teenagers are less likely to get pregnant than you were at their age, what is causing this drop, they answer that question, joining me now aaron tolbert, an
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emergency room nurse, and steve moore. a fox news contributor, erin, a sharp drop in pregnancies, down 57%, over two decade, is this when you are seeing in the mink room -- emergency room? >> it does, when i tell a teenage girl that she is pregnant the overall reaction is negative, that is not a popular decision like it once was, teenagers are aware how it affects their lives. gerri: a lot of people say this is die to fact that contra representatives are more available. >> also increase awareness of contrcontraception, we saw thish
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an example of "16 and pregnant" we saw on tv. with the increases resources on-line, teenagers can get this information anonymously. gerri: what was so interesting about that show is that it did not glamourize being pregnant. you saw how the young women struggled, pregnant, and having children. i think in many ways open sit affect that a lot of people expected. steve, i think this has broad social consequences, what do you see happening? >> this is a huge victory in terms of social and economic policy, we've known very well over the last 40 years we saw big increase in the number of teens that were becoming pregnant and having kids out of
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wedlock, that was a problem with respect to welfare cost, kids did not do very well, if there was not a father in the home, i think there are other factors in play, welfare reform, in mid 1990s we stop making payments we said to a 16 or 17 or 18-year-old girl, you will still have to work to get benefits. and also there are a lot of areas in the country that have abste nancabstinence programs td too. gerri: i have to wonder too? with the obamacare, did that play a role? >> probably, i am not an expert on that, but i am an expert we do know that one of the real
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social pathologys in 1960s, and '70s and '80s was the big rise in teenage pregnancy, these were unmarried teens that was bad for the girls and bad for the kids. gerri: i hear what you are saying, being a teenage mom is a big predik pre-- predict orer or you will be poor in the future, erin. i know someone pretty well, who is already talking about putting their 12-year-old daughter on birth control. that is shocking to me. is this becoming more common that parents put their children on birth control? >> it really is. people are having the conversation earlier because of all ofed media exposure about sex, and preg nancy, these are
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those middle school years when teens start to ask questions, this is time that parents need to open up the information at home, i don't know that 12 year olds necessarily need to be on birth control in most cases but you do need to be available to answer questions from your kids,. gerri: it since rifting there are broad social consequences, what is going on, we were talking about this, in this morning's meeting, i said, you have got to be kidding me. me? the pro portion of teens getting pregnant is going down, earlier we had a state by state break down, what do you make of the gegeography. >> we found when states limit the amount of welfare benefits.
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how are you going to take care of that child, what is positive is that i think this has been a education campaign, telling girls, you know, if you get pregnant, and you are not married, you will potentially ruin your life and your future, you are not going to get a good job, and a healthy living standard, that sunk in, imnot a woman, it is hard to relate to this. gerri: but you are an economist, you are a valid person on this panel. >> i have never seen that show "16 and pregnant guest so i can'," so i can'tspeak on that . either. >> erin, you talk to these young people, are they open to your message, or does it go over their head. >> they are open to the message, unfortunately it is lost a lot
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of times in health care, we're under the gun to see more and more patients, and less time, the average conversation between doctors and teens about sex is only about 2 minutes. we need to pay attention. gerri: that is for mom and dad. >> yes. gerri: mom and dad have to weigh in. >> yes. >> you did a great job, steve thank you for weighing in on this we chose you, because -- >> it's a great story, and a economic triumph of your nation seeing people waiting a little bit longer to have kids that is good for everyone, especially the kids. >> steve and erin thank you. >> thank you. gerri: now we want to know what you think, here is our question, is your teen having sex? yes, no, you have no idea? log to, vote on the right-hand side of the screen, i will show results at
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the end of the show. >> but first, here is what you are tweeting me about our poll question, video games and the internet are the best thing, teens are no larger interes in-o longer interested in actual physical contact with the opposite sex. >> and should airlines post all end fares. >> i am not sure that airlines are targeted over other businesses. such as car dealerships, why are the airlines only bad guys, jerey from texas, it is easier knowing the whole price, with everything included, lets you
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compare. >> and here is david, from missouri, this is chicken from china. he said, i would eat chicken from china, it is a meat that has to be cooked too well down before you eat it no matter where it comes from. i'll buy it. this is wh where i would buy american, we love hearing from you, send me an e-mail, when we come back, shedding light on another wasteful government program. >> and how do parents and teachers really feel about the controversial core program? >> here is your consumer gauge with the numbers you need to know, we'll be right back. she's still the one for you.
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[ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ gerri: the confusion continues tonight in our nation's
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classroom where the government's education core standards are rocking parents to the core, a slump in common cora, proveal. after we've reported for months of the program's ability to make basic ma math concepts virtually impossible to learn. like this group of college students attempting to subtract with common core. >> 32 minus 12, 12 pluslly 3 eqs 15, 20 plus fen equals 30. 30 plus 2 equals 32. 3 plus 5 is 8 plus 10 is 18, plus 2 is 20. what do you think of that. >> that is was extra difficult arfor no reason. gerri: what?
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that is crazy, the videoy create or is back seeker with campus reform -- is back, he is with campus reform, caleb that was amazing. we've been telling people, that once people understand common core they are not going to like it. 60% say they are gain common corps, top reason is that it limits the teacher's flexibility. >> we're having parents come to us, and shocked at what they are finding, but i find how quickly this happened, a year ago, call gallup had a similar poll, very few people knew of common core, this year more people knew, more
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people disapprove, and now teachers 46% approve, disapproval has more than tripleed, because of grassroot effort, with video like that and homework assignments that have people shaking their heads. gerri: wondering how in the holy heck do they come out, i want to show you some tweets to show you who homework looks like. this is from at mom. just this. want to show you the page the kid brings moment, mom -- home, mom trying to figure out what is going on, no who can figure it out. >> i see confusion, i will read you a quick common core problem, one bridge is 412 feet long, the other is 206 pete long06 feet lh
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bridge is longer, and how do you know. a partner said this is a sill -- parent said this is a silly question, she could not help her child out, they were not looking for a mathematical reasons, they were looking for a child to use common core language and write it in a sentence,. gerri: that is -- i don't get that, what is the points? >> it is very silly. but, you know that is why we're seeing such high disapproval numbers among parents and teachers, teachers unions are outraged about this, 5 states have pulled out of common core already, or are walking in process of pulling out, 19 other states are decreasing their participation in common core because of these problems. >> i want to show another one of these tweet, from @nicole, this
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is funny. she said, kids condition learn 6 times 8 equals 48 any more, it is 6 times 8 equals 5 plus one times 8, why? why? >> i don't see any improvement, that is why, this has in a year gone from an unknown state standard initiative that was beg being pushed -- being pushed to an explosivan explosion nationa. there are not a lot of academic benefit from this, there is a political purpose, quick, campus reform reported on one of the writers, on said -- one of writers of common core, he wrote common core to device white
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decrease white priviage, that has people shaking their heads. gerri: what? >> i want to bring up one another thing that happened, a lot of governors said, they don't like this program, they don't want to go along with it jindal went against the program in court and louisiana, high just got knocked down, what is going to happen with that? we're showing governors pictures, all over, protesting this program. are they going to be able to push back? >> well, they are pushing, 1978s looking , 1 19 of the states are looking to pull out, and those who have already, that is a bipartisan list. jindal put a suspension on department of education contracts that were put in place, admitting, it was in part, he wanted to undermine common core, people are taking a
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strong stance, they are hearing from their constituents. gerri: i could go on and on with this, this is so amazing. caleb i thank you for coming on. >> thank you. gerri: still to come, a look at the highest paid models in the world. >> and obama administration insisted, insisted on using tax payers dollar to get americans back to work. so, how is that going for them? details after the break. i had no idea i had shingles. there was like an eruption on my skin and burning. i'd lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating.
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disfunction rocking the government's $3 billion work force investment act, obama expanded money to give free money to the unemployed in the job training. they are deeper in debt after attending schools with criminal track records, here to explain caroline hinrich. at university of texas, austin. welcome to the show, great to have you here. let's start with what this program was intended to do. and who was it to help? >> workforce investment act is our major federal program for helping anyone who wants to find a job, and looking for work or a better job, get training that increase their earnings or have a better future in the workforce. gerri: it got off track, right how did that happen? >> well, one of the challenges under the workforce investment act is, it changed how we
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allocate training opportunities that is, under the previous system, job training centers arrangeed the training opportunities, and they had contract with provideers, provider had performance stan standards, with job place am, when you went to get services from the center, you would be offered opportunities like that you would take your training then, you know track those out comes, under the current situation, if you get training, you get a voucher, they work great in giving people choice, that is one of the things you might like about having a voucher. but, when the problem is that make a good choice, you need to be abltobe be able to have information if i take that community college or this private training school, i need to know, if there is going
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to be a payoff. gerri: one of the problem is that schools that the folks went to were not necessarily on the up and up, to corps in core. >> and many of these stoupbs ended up with more debt than they started with, who is runing this program,? and why couldn't we make it work? >> they might not pay for all training cost, when people make choices, they need to know what is it going to cost me, and what am i going to end up with? those organizations, can tell
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them their own sta t*eufltics tasteics, make promises they can't deliver on, if we're not tracking, we don't know, we should not advise people to go this this school because of bad outcomes. if we can't follow people through. gerri: you don't know what is happening, i have time for one quick question. given what is shaped to the program -- what happened to the program, what grade would you give it. >> can we say a c for having good ideas in place, and then, a maybe not as high a grade as we like, because the follow through does not work. gerri:ic cutio execution matteru dig into one it is ugly, $3 billion taxpayer dollars out the window, caroline thank you.
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spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. gerri: a new government report showing teenaged birth rates have been on the rise. 19% say yes, 53% said no, 28% said i have no idea. and finally tonight, at 13 years of age, a right-handed pitcher fastball. look at her, mo'ne davis has already graced the cover of "sports illustrated." she propelled her team to the final rounds and became the first girl to become a first girl shut out.
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that is my "two cents more" and that is it for tonight's "willis report." have a great night and stayed tuned for "making money" with charles payne. charles: tonight on "making money", you've heard it before, but the time it looks like the death of brick-and-mortar retail is closer. and there is a new phenomenon. we are going to show you a quarter of a million dollars driven by an increase in education what does this mean for jobs of the future? and stocks to cover the cost of kids. plus, the true cost of happiness. people are flocking to places all over the world because of where
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