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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  August 21, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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♪ ♪ >> all eyes are on isis and the taliban is making a comeback. welcome, i am david asman in for neil cavuto. and on top of more terror threat popping up as u.s. troops are pulling out. taliban fighters are all in. taking over government and killing law enforcement workers. at the same time we are hearing that isis has over 50,000 fighters in syria and is recruiting more by the day. lieutenant bill callan, good to
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see you. the president talked yesterday about building a coalition against isis. is there any evidence that he has done any work in doing that he meant. >> a great question. there is no evidence whatsoever. it's not only our middle eastern allies, but it's also all of europe and there are plenty of people here are threatened by isis and plenty of people that are carrying passports from these various countries that are threatened and yet the president is on the golf course. he hasn't done one thing to try to start building a coalition of countries. >> some. david: sometimes they have various fraternities that go beyond this.
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the intel agencies working together against them. >> very loosely right now because they have not been in power by their leadership to do it and so the al qaeda threat, and no other purpose is isys, the size besides the growth and the composition and its objection and who its members are and things like that. and we don't see by any means and we don't see any of the overall 100% dedicated effort against this thing that threatens us all. >> everyone has heard about the potential of taking over the oil fields, but they are getting funding. marc ginsberg was talking about them and other people have been talking about how they in
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particular have been funding and what should we be reporting about our country? >> no rebuttals about that and and a lot of money coming out, and you can see that the reality is that there should be a high-profile rape and to block the movement of money that is coming from these individuals. so none of these things which are really simple are happening at least publicly and probably not privately. david: the administration came out the news that they did have a failed attempt to capture some of the terrorists and take back some of the hostages. let's play that and get your reaction.
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>> this is exactly the sort of thing that should remain completely confidential or 50 years. it tells people what we try to do a number to it is an admission of failure. the united states tried again and couldn't do it. number three, whoever it was that we relied upon who gave us this tip is now in jeopardy from the islamic state and this is just not something that you do. >> the ambassador is right on and as you know this white house has a bad his are you really in information that should be highly classified and that bin laden has 32 more years in pakistan because of the white house and they released a lot of details and they talked about an operation to undermine the iranian software programs and the nuclear program and this whole white house has a very convenient way of releasing highly classified information
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when it suits their political objectives. david: james foley's former employer who's been a lot of time and millions of dollars trying to get james back home, good to see you. let's talk if we can focus on the communication that you had with them. it is a chilling thought to think of communicating with these people and you actually had to do it to bring things back. can you tell us about how that communication change began? >> it began on november 26 of 2013 and it was a very simple e-mail from an untraceable address that said that they were holding james and they wanted to negotiate for his release and they wanted money fast. david: today announced that they were part of isis at the time?
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>> no, they did not. at no time during this process, did they talk about this. he became increasingly clear as the investigation progressed in particular as we move into early 2014 that it could only be the islamic state. but at the time that that first e-mail was received by me and the foley family, there is no indication who they were and they stated that demand and we began to respond to them. >> was the demand completely monetary? >> this initial e-mail stated no monetary demand other than they wanted money fast and subsequent e-mail did make a demand for 100 million euros for the release of muslim prisoners but
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none were named and the feeling was that the demand was so exorbitantly high that couldn't be taken seriously. but another thing for the viewers to realize is that there was no real negotiation in the sense that i think you and i would understand. we never stated back to them if you would accept 20 million euros but that would be something that we can do. nor did they ever negotiate a price reduction. by mid-december 2013 they stopped mutating altogether. david: did they ever mention any of the other hostages? >> they did not. but because we have a wide range of communications with other families and other governments, we were aware that other e-mails
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of a similar nature were sent to other hostage families. david: did it become clear that the situation is looking more hopeless for james? >> i never gave up hope and i know that the mother and father never gave up hope. that last medication last wednesday night -- it was full of vitriol for the united states and for the bombing of iraq ended ended by saying that they would execute jim. but they never made a demand and they were merely making a statement at what had transpired. >> i just want to say that we
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did not give up hope even at that moment and we immediatck te appeal to them for mercy and said again that jim was an innocent reporter and cared deeply for the people and we asked them to show mercy. but unfortunately they showed none. david: clearly it fell on deaf ears. just remembering james through your memory if you can do it. the bravery that he showed, everyone's talking about their parents and they are very brave. but the bravery, he knew that he was going to be killed or at least he had a very strong suspicion and clearly they had reversed part of it. he had been released before, described his courage for us. >> he was an incredibly brave young man and he was so devoted
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to his job of being a contract reporter and when he came back to boston and we hugged and we encouraged him to stay and work with us full-time before going back in the field and he was like a caged animal wanting to get out into libya and to tell those stories. but i want to say to you that the image that will always stay in my mind is the very end of that horrific video and i urge her viewers not to watch it. at the end jim showed not one flicker of fear.
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he faced death with incredible courage and i am in off of the way he conducted his life and the sacrifice that he made. david: thank you for coming on. forty years ago is next week martin luther king telling the world that he had a dream and world that he had a dream and that was th
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>> in my conversations with dozens of people yesterday, it was clear that the shooting incident has brought to the service underlying tensions that have existed for many years. there is a history to these tensions and that history centers in ferguson. david: should we expect more cities were rocked like ferguson? we have the niece of doctor martin luther king jr., we welcome all via king. >> thank you for having me. david: let me bring you back to the history.
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in 1963 in birmingham, alabama, i imagine the desire and the anger for payback against those people who did it was strong and intense. your father nevertheless talked down the hatred of getting back. how did he do it? >> he absolutely had the faith of god and no fear. our home exploded and the children, when the first small bomb went off. there were two bombs come up my father had the wisdom to say let's get out of here. so as they began to go back through our ranch home, the whole half of the front house was just destroyed. >> my dad was a praying man and he got us out. i was the oldest child and i always followed him closely and
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heat got on a car and by that time the local people were upset and they turn over police cars and they began to pick up rocks and sticks. my dad said, listen, my family and i are okay. go home and pray. if you have to strike out at someone come and strike at me, but i'd rather that you go home. later when my uncle was killed, i wanted to blame somebody and i said dad, i hate white people and he said you can't hate white people, they didn't kill your uncle, the devil that. and i have been in the midst of tear gas, guns, billy clubs, but i know that we cannot have justice until we have peace. david: that extraordinary moment that you just described your father searing demimonde i
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wanted revenge, can you explain? >> when al sharpton says or jesse jackson or says no justice , no peace, in other words, we are going to stay angry until you let us have our way. but the best answer is no peace, no justice. so calm down, let's the peace. let the justice system work and i believe that that is the answer that is going to help in this situation. david: your father hit a chord in turning the other cheek to keep the peace. i don't sense that same appeal going out in the community today. >> were not wrong. but we need to no peace and no love, instead replaced that no
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with know. so you need to know peace and know love herriot. >> that is very good. >> let's seek peace and seek it nonviolently as my dad and my uncle would say today. we seek to be nonviolent, that will be good because we have to admit that all of this rioting and looting is therefore that community and its bad for the economy and culture and it's just bad. david: i would much rather hear your message than that of al sharpton. >> i am there praying. david: doctor alvita king. wonderful to use. >> thank you. david: for one looter would have said that i just cannot get out of my mind he will believe this.
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david: to our fox business all-stars now we have john layfield, veronica dagger, and what do you think? >> i'm not sure that we deserve this because that is just what normally happens. we have a real problem in our country with what the recipients
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say. the mountain keeps going because we are not breaking generational poverty or welfare, i've done a lot of different work with kids and different neighborhoods and you have to break that cycle somewhere. they don't want to deal with the situation so they throw money at it and by throwing money at it you never get to the cure, you only deal with the symptoms. >> saying that we deserve this, that i'm entitled to this whether it's health care or whatever it happens to be. doesn't that lead to problems? it's not the only cause of what is happening but isn't part of it imax. >> yes, it's definitely a dangerous precedent. saying that you raise your kids to think that they deserve things and that carries on into their lives later on. the problem is that there is not an unlimited supply of money and so eventually the money is to run out and we have all of these people out of work, the economics of that just don't
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work. david: it's not a race thing you were talking about at all. i used to work with a very successful white woman in her 20s and she was telling me that she went on welfare ones and she said because it was the available and i said what about tuna fish or other things, you can live on 79 cents a day, you don't have to do a but there's tons of entitlement that everyone seems to have. >> it's really hurting our economy and also hurting the private individual. you will be trapped at the poverty level for probably the rest of your life and president obama and democrats think that they're helping people by giving them a free ride. but what they are doing is creating a problem on economic mobility and achieving the american dream. so we have to many people receiving welfare benefits and the food stamp participation rate has skyrocketed.
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>> it used to be that food stamps were for people who were in danger of starving quite literally and nowadays it's for people like this gal that i just mentioned before that happened to be in between jobs and she thought it was available. >> the problem is the poverty level has increased the same amount of the food stamps have increased. we are dealing with symptoms here. >> don't you think it's more than there are more poor people. but there is something nationwide and after a lot of obamacare is meant to target people who are not poor. >> the problem stems of people that are in bad areas not getting what they are able to get out of those areas. but it has to do with the politicians to deal with these issues and they just throw money at the issue so they can forget about it and go off to the next election cycle.
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nothing is ever done were fixed and now we have these people that say money is there and i don't blame him for going to get it. it's government money under this free is what they think. >> it's easy to throw money when it's other people's money and thank you so much. coming up next, the latest out of the middle east and the financial fallout of it all and then vladimir putin paying us back by going after an american icon. find out which company russia is grilling coming up next unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one.
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unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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>> isis speaks for no reason. the victims are overwhelmingly muslim.
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david: ambassador, thank you for joining us on this topic. the company is on the middle east are concerned that the images that we saw of the executions and the spreading may prevent other businesses from going there. and he said that it's bound to have an impact does the image alone is killing and the one thing you want is stability. and that presents this kind of a
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threat. and so do we have a lot of civil war threats and it is oil money if and that is a place that is going to go beyond that and a lot depends upon whether or not the threat that we see is contained or whether it is seen like this. david: i believe it has gone beyond that. i was having lunch with a guy yesterday who is a business communicator who deals with a lot of businesses. >> you may not pay attention day-to-day what is going on in the region, but when you have this kind of event it is so
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stark that it immediately sends a message. it conveys a message that goes beyond the location of where to place and this is a region that looks like it is in turmoil of people and it's not going to have. david: he says that your opinion amounts for a lot. do you think that we have been too late in opposing them in a demonstrable way and that will continue to spread a mat. >> i am worried that it's taken us a long time. we were surprised when the second largest dam was taken over and now the good news is that that has been reversed and we were surprised when there was
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a threat and again that threat seems to be contained and my sense is that this can be contained and the problem is part of this. david: how can it be contained? >> doing what we are doing now. and we do need local partners and in the end the key is the sunnis are joining us and they threaten to wipe away what isil represents. and to compete with them there has to be money in there has to be a sense of security and those tribes joining with us need to know that they will be back, they will be armed and when they need help they will get it. >> one of those has to turn around, the country of cutter,
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those people that are now in the organization has to stop. they are a big investor in the united states. >> qatar has had an identification and the muslim brotherhood is not seen as being as extreme. but the truth is that they are a cult and they have aimed to do this even if it's different than the one it has been established now and i do think that qatar needs to understand that support for islamist in general is something that is ultimately at odds with their own interest and i have often said that one thing about them is it's part of this. david: they did help to broker this of the three foreign hostages and so clearly they have connections with them, even if they are closer with the muslim brotherhood.
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thank you so much, it's wonderful to see you again. we appreciate it. two it's my pleasure and thank you. david: is vladimir putin trying to out run mcdonald
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david: things have changed. celebrating the opening of the first mcdonald's in russia in 1990, lashed forward to today and that they mcdonald's is forced to close its doors thanks to the russian government. russia says it is being shut down due to sanitary violations and russian food inspectors inspecting dozens of more restaurants and some are saying this is purely political. the american icon is paying the sanctions. so it's interesting timing, isn't it?
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>> there is a political con indy a proportion with the foreign-policy debate in our sanctions are part of this. we are not doing a good job with that and this is where the fallout concerned happens. >> i happened to be there in 1990 and of course i was only 12 years old and i remember among other things when it crashed the russians so much about mcdonald's was of cleanliness and so frankly got sick by walking in and smelling the food, but mcdonald's was a queen plays. >> yes, they were a super successful company and they have operated successfully in hundreds of franchises are out russia now.
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so why would they allow their standards to drop so much? this seems to be political. david: it was a long time ago in this vein opened and the russian people were so proud of having this and it was a source of theirs. do you think the people will demand that they open up these things? the more they try to clamp down on u.s. businesses, the worse it will get. >> i can't imagine that they are happy, and just because he doesn't want is people don't want that disregarding the economy doesn't mean they don't care about this at all. david: do you think that we will see more of this? >> i was in russia a couple of years ago.
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and vladimir putin doesn't care if he would just assume get away with any ties. our trade relations are not that big on russia. david: i'm still hopeful that there's enough enterprise and russia so that there will be pushed back if things go too far, eventually the people will put a little bit of pressure on them. he does think that he had the better and i think maybe in some ways he does. >> what they need to do is find out if other fast food change chains are getting targeted. as we know, we do a lot of business with russia and they are going to go after american businesses next. and i think it is important for them to be in this market and
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grow in this market. i think they will have to find a way to play ball. david: coming up next, the latest on common core that cuts right to the core. that is next.
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david: trouble brewing in our schools. common core has 60% of people opposing it. another survey showing 27% of people think that obama deserves a failing grade for education. so i understand you are in favor of common quarter. why is there such popular pushback against it? >> i am in favor of common core
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because the business community and higher education and the states have all come together for her five years ago to say that we need to increase the rigor and expectations for k-12 education. but i think that the term has gotten polarized due to which media you listen to and the federal overreach. david: that seems to be the point. is there more one-size-fits-all from the federal government whether it's obamacare in and the public doesn't like that or no child left behind and one-size-fits-all. you are saying that that's not what common core is about imax. >> certainly not. you know, kentucky teachers have
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over 80% of our teachers very much committed to common core. it doesn't set the curriculum of what teachers have the user what they have to teach. those things are decided in kentucky by teachers. >> we have some symbols we can put up and show. even in something like map, what concerns most people as history lessons and whether there will be a common core which doesn't work. this is an example of a new way of doing math and in this one you can see that it is a lesson in fractions and the figures on the left were not shaded and if they should have been to represent this. typical stuff that comes out of washington that is half well done. the way in which the teacher has to do certain things, even simple things like map is dictated from the said, is it not? >> no.
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>> over those pages we were to showing you to it seemed to be direct from washington. >> i'm sure that you picked up some curriculum that a local teacher might have chosen and that is the point. there's a lot of materials out there that are not very good materials. but not many of them are coming from washington or frankfurt, kentucky. and we all expect these factions. david: when the figures are not shaded the way they should be, that doesn't help, does it? >> again, you are probably using. and at the very bottom you can clearly see that it says common core and this is part of the curriculum that does come from
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the feds. >> there's none that comes from them. that is just an incorrect statement and there's no curriculum that comes from this. those materials probably come from some publisher that repackage some materials if they did 10 or 20 years ago. david: we will do that and get back to you and your viewers. thank you for coming on. kentucky state commissioner of education. and so bank of america paying $19 billion for giving out bad loans and what about the guys that push them to give out those bad loans. like the guys here and why banks are paying up and politicians are getting way scot free. ñ@ç@
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david: what about the politicians who see evening out loans to folks who can't afford not afford them is not fine. full body scanners are also missing guns and explosives and knives and i'm how they always catch you on disguise. >> a high-tech boondoggle. with the tsa and think you can correct this. i think that people who call the security should pay for this and i think that this could be fixed but i think the inconsistencies that we have is typical of a government or opera see. we have shoes on, shoes off, there's no system. >> why do we federalize us to begin with imax. >> i agree and the problem is we
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are very vulnerable and we are also vulnerable because president obama won't shut our border and that makes it easy for an jihads terraced walk right into our country. so if we want to get busy cracking down on us, we need to develop what it has not been screened and address the border being wide open. >> i'm surprised that anyone is surprised when the feds took over this is what would happen. >> it's probably the consumer are really pays the price for that. we are r & b strapped for cash and don't have a lot more money to travel and it's not fair. david: 4.2 million records compromised by hackers. the fbi warning companies that hackers have their site set on patient records. he warned that this would
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happen. the personal records would be part of the government bureaucrats and now looks like it's happening. >> yes, it is happening. we know how disastrous the i.t. rollout has been although has not been secured. hackers averted had been to it. so that is problem number one in problem number two is the navigators with the federal government hired and we could have evicted criminals having access to a private social security information and or medical information or more and this is even happening in the private sector and so now they caught to employees that were stealing social security numbers and selling them to criminals. >> the irony is when they won our records they can get them. when we want they are e-mails, they disappear. >> it's a funny system and cybersecurity is a big deal.
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and this is where it's going to be taught is in cyberspace. so hospitals, medium-size businesses, getting serious about cybersecurity because there's a lot of us care. >> i don't want to know what your medical records show, but there could be someone out there that does. are you concerned? >> yes, i'm concerned about cyberterrorism in general. look at what it did to the iranian nuclear facility and that was just her a computer ane are able to control as much as we can, were not going to be attacked by random terror events, cyberwise i'm ago, someone with a lot of money can do a lot of damage in the united states and that's where we need to be spending our money and that is where we are the most
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vulnerable. so issue number three, bank of america paying $17 billion. why is no one in washington pointing out that even president obamacome in the office once on people who cannot or them and for those who don't know, he is now the governor of new york and here it is the man who says he gave birth to the mortgage crisis. he pushed housing on people that couldn't afford it. president obama represented folks who wanted mortgages and only 90% continue to have their house. so they didn't deserve this either. >> there's a lot of people that have their hands dirty in august and i think part of the blame is the blame on the consumers and a lot of people took on these
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mortgages when they shouldn't have it sounded great even though they couldn't afford it. and they wanted to own a home, so they did it. >> the reason they sounded so great is because it was being pushed by both the and he had his buddies pushing him and of course barack obama before that said it was this conspiracy and i don't think that's too strong of a word between the private sector and the public sector. >> don't forget that before that they were the ones that first tried to create this securitization market. saying that they put on teams together to find people that they knew did not have the ability to pay them back and if they didn't, they don't get their branches approved or merges or acquisitions approved. and so it government has a lot
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of culpability. all they wanted was a trophy to put on the mantle, and they have gotten a few trophies. david: i just have to say that i hope that we are going to draw attention to the politicians role in all of this but i don't think anything's going to happen. >> it won't be held accountable. but they should because as you pointed out they are part of the problem and they kick started this by pushing these loans. >> other popular issues? the more the people find out how much of a part they played in all of this imax. >> you know how evil the left is and they will blame the big banks. and they'll say they contributed and exacerbated this problem. david: ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much. thank you for watching and keep
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those tweets and e-mails coming. we will see you later. ♪ ♪ david: cops firing tear gas into the crowd of protesters. >> more shootings and more violent. john: it's been more than a week but the conflict continues because of outside agitators. and it is the problem that cops now look like soldiers imax. >> police firing tear gas and when please space people that throw rocks or bottles were burning gasoline, what are they supposed to do enact. >> whenever they need to defend from these protesters. >> how do we keep the peace?


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