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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 25, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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all the major averages are higher. look at the nasdaq. it is at a 14 year high. all 30 dow stocks in the rain. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. good morning, everyone. president obama says you are unpatriotic. will he say that now that burger king is fleeing to canada? run to the north for lower taxes. who would have thought. it is happening more and more. stay inside and pay up. that is how we start the week. burger king flame to low tax
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canada. this is what we've come to? ♪ stuart: first thing to do with news like that is checked the stock price. tim horton also on the upside of the tune of 12 points. charles payne is here this morning. the unpatriotic burger king's of this world. charles: this is not just taxes. the president is pushing higher minimum wage. all of the companies, they cannot grow in this company. you cannot grow in this company. spent 33% on food, 30% on
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payroll and etc. now you have to build outside. you are making money all over the world. you cannot bring it back home. you will get taxpayer and two. how about you build your headquarters in canada. stuart: that is a great way to start a monday morning in august. charles: it is nuts. to the treasurer wants to stop this. stop these companies leaving for tax purposes. here is rich edson. ten the treasury do this? can they make a new rule cup not legislation a rule,
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retroactively apply it. >> they very well could, stuart. they would be challenged in court if they decided to do that. congress is not going to do anything to deal with this. this will fall on treasury. it is up to us to figure out how this plays out. an american company buying a foreign company. this is the most visible one of these deals that we have had during the obama administration. stuart: you are right. one of the most visible deals with a big name. burger king. the president has said it is unpatriotic. i just want to see if they can get away with retroactive
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rulemaking. rich, thank you very much indeed. check the big board. this is extremely low volume they morning in august, but it is a very nice rally. that is where the scorecard is. the s&p 500. they crossed 2000 for the first time ever. where is called on a day like this? not doing much. let's get back to individual stocks in the news. make donald. millennial's not eating there is much that they used to. they prefer healthier options despite the extra expense. we will talk to a millennial panel. we have them on the panel. are they deserting mcdonald's and if so, why? , personally, did not like the
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answers that they gave. we have a drugmaker buying and american drugmaker. stock is straight up. 35% higher. charles payne, this is one of your pics. this deal is all about that new drug in getting approval for that new drug. charles: i love it. i am making people so much money. people do not like money. are they nuts? i am feeling it. every august i do my report card. i have all winners. one loser. we are up 60%. making money with charles payne. 60% in a month or less. what is it?
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6:00 p.m. making money with charles payne. making money with charles payne. i love when you say hang in there and they do. stuart: an earthquake in california. the largest quake to hit northern california in 25 years. negative six-point oh. so far, a billion dollars worth of damages. a half hour from now, we will talk to a winery owner. does this make the 2014 vintage more powerful? then, next door, we ask the u.s. geological survey about a warning system. of course, what are the odds of the big ones coming.
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that is next hour. they believe they have identified the terrorist that beheaded james foley. a 23-year-old london rapper. he allegedly traveled to syria to fight with isis. mike rogers says the isis said israel to us. >> they are one plane ticket away from u.s. shores. that is why we are so concerned about it. stuart: they had the says. they have passports. k.t. mcfarland is with us now. >> at the end of last week, and unprecedented press conference.
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i thought they were really sounding the alarm bells. somehow over the weekend-- stuart: when they held that joint press conference, i dow that they would bomb. that has been reversed. that implies that the president is not going that far. back off. >> something has happened. they were an imminent threat 48 hours ago. we do not think that their intention is to present a threat to the united states homeland. what you care about is capability, opportunity and the ability to do something. we know they have the capability to do something.
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we know that they are well-funded. they are probably getting two-$3 million a day in revenue. we know that this ultimately leads to the united states. they have the ability. stuart: political jeopardy. if there is an attack on america and he has done nothing to kill them over there that is great political jeopardy for the president of the united states. >> one plane ticket away. we are just two weeks away from something that could be catastrophic. stuart: more british then there are moslems.
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>> belgian estimates there are far more than 1000 fighting in syria and iraq. they know how to recruit. they know how to fight. they are literally one plane ticket away. if you have an american passport, you come back to the united states. do we have the ability to stop those people at the door? we are not. stuart: this brings up the whole question of the nsa. i do not mind that they are spying. i do not care. does the left
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we need to focus on them and not focus on granny. stuart: an american journalist was freed in syria. he was let go by and al qaeda freed group. since when has al qaeda been on our side? >> if you are the top g hardy group, you are getting money, you are getting troops. they said that they are too violent. they are really killing their own. there is a leadership struggle. stuart: they will reacquire leadership by letting go of an
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american hostage. >> we will just take a step back here. stuart: his name was peter curtis. >> yes. what they are not talking about is there are 20 journalists that have been gone missing in the last two years. at least two more americans. >> i do not mean to downgrade it. thank you very much. appreciate it. a big shakeup in paris. dissolving government after being accused of moving too far to the right. a french socialist being accused of not being socialist enough. monday morning. here we go. ♪
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it can bring out the worst in people. but the m-class scans for danger, corrects for lane drifting, and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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stuart: they are backing off. we have a triple digit rally.
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this is an exceptionally low trading day. look at that. the yield on the 10 year treasury still right at 2.4%. biotech stocks. a nice pop from the deal. which stocks are up and how much? nicole: let's take a look. you can see all up arrows across the board. this is a you really have to have a strong sentiment. in this case today, the people that are investing are pretty happy about it. they are all at new highs today. a great day on wall street.
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checking in on interview. a big move here. it is up a half of a percent. interviewed flying high. 7298. the deal was $72 a share. very interesting story as well. back to you. stuart: thank you, nicole. time is money. maureen dowd, the latest to abandon president obama. writing a piece in the "new york times" calling out the president for his addiction to golf. the new proposed climate relations do not go far enough.
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they call for immediate action to stop global warming. there is a new player. the airbnb of storage. store your stuff and someone else's barrage. we have the ceo on the show next hour. france president. at the far left. they clashed with him on deficit reduction. here is steve moore. chief economist with the heritage foundation. >> he looks almost like a conservative. what is going on here? he is not funny. here is president aland. they are criticizing him from the left. he dissolves the government.
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>> let's remember, when he was elected cup remember his platform? he was going to raise taxes on the rich. now, here we are a couple of years later. he said maybe we need to be a little bit more pro-business. officially, it is 10%. they had virtually no job growth over the last year. now he is saying maybe we better be a little pro business. half of the people are resigning saying you are to business. stuart: is it possible he will replace those people? is it possible that we are now looking at a really big shift in
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france? >> i dow it. i dow it, stuart. they all liked it him by a pretty wide margin. they are very alert to this idea i am not so sure. what happened this last week or two, i think it is an indication that the friends french, just do not get it. stuart: we have many people on the left. there is a similar move to reality. you are saying, no, that is not the case. >> i think the american people to get it. you see it in the fox news polls. half of americans still think we
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are in a recession. we need some change. we need change in policies that are more pro-business. i am not sure that the french get that. we have been through pro-business. this is almost a cultural difference between the united states and countries like france. stuart: i say we will not get tax rate at those levels. it will be at least 27 gene. >> did you see the story today about burger king? they are now a major corporation. it may eventually give up its citizenship. how many iconic american companies have to leave the united states before these politicians get it.
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>> i think we can play to the advantage of the left. typical. >> why are these companies leaving? maybe tax rates really do matter? if they do not, why are all of these counties leaving? they do not have a response to that. stuart: thank you very much indeed, sir. sony is having some hacking headaches. wireless executives forced off a plane off of a phony bomb threat. we will do with that in a minute. ♪
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shine every day of the week.
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press your tonguenture, against it like this. it moves unlike natural teeth. do you feel it? it can happen with every denture. introducing new fixodent plus true feel. it helps keep dentures firmly in place. with a smooth formula, free of flavors and colorants. so you get a closer feeling to natural teeth. new fixodent plus true feel. fixodent. and forget it.
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>> the past industry association is all about checking your logos at the door. we are all looking at young players. we are looking at developing the players that are playing frequently. stuart: white tennis is more popular with young people than golf. here is some of your thoughts. tennis can be played for free. it does not take four hours to
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finish. tennis players are more physically fit. the action is faster and tv coverage is less. a political approach to why tennis is succeeding. a live report from the u.s. open. tennis legend will join us a long with cheryl casone. the u.s. open does start today. they are equipped with biometric senses. a full line of smart clothes stopped in 2015. sony playstation network hacked.
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it was down for hours. the same hackers set out a tweet. the hackers tweeted at american airlines it said we have been receiving that the plane has explosives on a board. please look into this and they did. jo ling kent joins us now. that was not any old tweet. >> no. it goes radically to american airlines. you know that they are constantly maturing their social media. this clearly was something that american airlines decided to flap. he was tweeting out his frustrations that his plane was being grounded.
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stuart: what is this about isis using twitter in a particular way that everyone sees what they are putting out. >> they are able to really participate in what jack dorothy has always called the global public square. unfortunately, sometimes this can lead to difficult events. it is very difficult for twitter to be able to grapple with it. twitter is already dealing with very gruesome images. there is all kinds of different nuance that twitter must deal with in order to continue growing. stuart: twitter can be manipulated. they can get the message out before it even knowing what they are doing. >> anyone can participate and
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put their stuff out there. they do, twitter has the right to suspend accounts. it is a very public space. you see an individual or a group of people being able to take down an entire plane. thankfully, it was grounding it. you should note that sony has the fbi investigating. stuart: the napa earthquake. that is $13 billion industry. we will talk with an owner of the vineyard. new numbers showed young people are giving up on mcdonald's. we have a millennial panel for you next hour. they will tell us why and where they are eating.
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a breeding ground for any quality. we have howard kurtz on the liberal media's love affair with president obama. is it now over or is there new criticism? back in a moment. ♪
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stuart: of the 30 stocks in the dow. every single one of them in the green. yes, it is a rally. burger king buying canada's tim horton. it is for tax reasons. burger king, portend stock, both of them hitting brand new highs. the navy reserve turns 100 years old later next year. congratulations. is it the correct form of address? >> yes, it is correct.
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stuart: we need you more than ever. it is being cut to the lowest force levels since world war i. >> absolutely, stuart. i am very glad to be with you. >> congratulations on ring the bell. i repeat. we need you. we need you more than ever. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. the british embassy in washington, d.c. is being forced to apologize a tweet. look at it. stop laughing, charles. there is the cake. the problem is the caption.
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commemorating the anniversary of burning the white house. is that offensive? >> the british embassy is being forced to apologize. charles: they are still a little upset about this, i get. >> they are not upset. i am upset at this fake outrage. get real. charles: there are a few other things that are slightly more important. stuart: let's move on. the loss is estimated in the millions. welcome to the program.
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good to have you with us. we are sorry to see the damage there. with so many of the graves and colored vintage destroyed and napa, does that mean it will be more expensive? >> we are looking at the 2013th and 2012. those are the ones we are putting in. what you see in the pictures is from prior vintages. we just started harvesting grapes. those rates really, that wine has not even been affected yet. >> we store all of ours are at the winery. we are still assessing the damage. it was a very significant loss.
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stuart: i have a son in the wine business. it is the worst possible timing. >> that is true. in our facility, we need all the space. they are rushing feverishly to get it picked up and out of the way. >> we do not. it is not common security insurance in the wine industry.
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now that has been pictured a state of emergency. we are hoping to find situations. stuart: can you put a dollar number on the loss you expect from your vineyard? >> it will probably take another few weeks. stuart: do you think you could bring in the harvest? >> unfortunately, we were hit hard. a dear friend that was very close knit. stuart: thank you so much for being with us this morning. we hope the family winery can come back to life again. >> thank you. a new report finds just about any government can acquire the
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technology to dupont anyone's smart phone. how do you feel about that? ♪
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you know what i love america? fine barbecue, good times and zero heart burn. and that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heart burn because it gives me zero heart burn. prilosec otc the number one dr. recomended frequent heart burn medicine for nine straight years. you can beat zero herat burn prilosec otc one pill each morning 24hrs, zero heart burn ♪ nicole: i am nicole petallides with your fox business brief.
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look at the s&p 500. this is the first time ever on the s&p 500. take a look at the highs. you can see up arrows with all of those names. sony. back online. there were concerns about a cyber attack. a plane that had a bomb scare. right back on track. the stock is up about 1%. grub hub was halted earlier today. they are issuing more shares. much more coming up on "varney & company." ♪
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stuart: the next intermune. you recommended it. the same doubling and tripling. charles: their oil equivalent went up last year. that gas is down.
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oil is down. i just think this is one of those undervalued oil plays in the country. stuart: you will not say that. no. no. you do not jump in and out. very readily and easily available to very low tech companies. you can find out where every cell phone owner is and where they have been. i want to ring in guy benson for this. as i understand it, technology is available.
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>> a significant surveillance apparatus. the washington post is about the proliferation about this information geared not just major companies can purchase this information or track this information. they can pay surveillance companies to track any cell phone in the world. that can include possible regimes, unfriendly governments and nongovernmental organizations. that does not make me sleep better at night. stuart: i guess i am not surprised at this.
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it comes to the internet and digital communications. we all know that. i am not surprised by this. >> before you get all outraged, how can they be selling this information, well, what efforts you use on your smart phone, if you are looking to, maybe google maps or yelp, they all locate where you are. they could tell you what restaurants are right around you. there is a lot of practical inconvenience to this technology. you do not even think twice about it. the question is, when could that information be used against you? stuart: private eye, for
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example. what is to stop a spouse who thinks their spouse is cheating. it is wide open. >> this stage, my understanding, there is probably some sort of financial threshold. if you are a very wealthy corporation, even a second or third rate government, you have the money to do this. they can plug in your information. the information company will sell them your information. they will be able to tell where you are in the world. it is so interesting. we are having this here in the u.s. about the nsa and how far
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it is far and what can they do to track us. they have all of these other people that are buying this information. >> everyone is the nsa these days. stuart: i think that this is a very big and developing story. food stamp recipients have been selling and trading. everything from expensive part to housing. there is nothing they can do about it. more of this after the break. ♪ my mother made the best toffee in the world.
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stuart: i want an explanation. historically, very, very low for weeks now. i want an explanation from larry levin. why is this happening? street cleaning rules we have
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had this conversation a couple times in the last few weeks. obviously, this has not happened. you have to blame it on the fed. really, nothing is different. with janet yellen last week, it really is the same old story. stuart: it has nothing to do with a weak outlook for the u.s. economy? that is it? >> i think that there may be some flight to safety. it is really a discussion on what parts of the economy are weak and what are not. you would have thought that the feds would have had higher interest rates. we certainly are not seeing that. stuart: i get a shock every morning when i see 239 or 237.
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i just cannot believe it. food stamp fraud has gone rampant. they are being caught selling, bartering their benefits online. how can you barred food stamps? speak about that. charles: you can get 200 dirty dollars worth of food stamps. give me $100. this stuff has been going on for a long time. now it is easier to market them. i do not believe their numbers. i think it is a lot more than that. stuart: it is that easy, though.
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stuart: there is an improvement. [laughter] thank you, charles, very much indeed. maureen dowd in the "new york times" blasted the president golf habit this weekend. the latest on that napa valley earthquake. i will have a live report from california. a warning system. where is it? the second hour is coming up. ♪ ♪ [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly,
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they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers press your tonguenture, against it like this. it moves unlike natural teeth. do you feel it? it can happen with every denture. introducing new fixodent plus true feel.
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it helps keep dentures firmly in place. with a smooth formula, free of flavors and colorants. so you get a closer feeling to natural teeth. new fixodent plus true feel. fixodent. and forget it. stuart: media coverage of president obama seemed to have shifted. former cheerleaders have become critics. i think it is temporary. the establishment has not abandoned the president's policies. in critical of style. look at presidency. that is purely a temporary
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thing. maureen dowd, president's obsession with gulf and dana milbank about the optics, and we have a smiling president in a golf course with james foley's grieving parents. wouldn't to much to change presidential optics. forceful speech as commander and chief with american flags in the backdrop. that would be a quick optics makeover. with election 10 weeks away odds that will happen. what you will not see is a change in policy. won't see media demanding change in policy either. the criticisms you're seeing now simply show their concern, hey, we might lose this election. this media shift is all about votes in november. the left is pleading with president. change the optics now, rather than change policy later. well the president is back in the white house after his disasterous vacation and here's the question, is he listening to his former cheerleaders?
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stuart: here is just part of what maureen dowd said about the president's golf habits. speaks as president obama, quote, speaks as if she is president obama, i should get to play as much golf as i want despite all the lame jokes about how golf is turning into a real handicap for my presidency and how i have to stay the course with isis. media buzz host howard kurtz joins us now. howard, welcome to the program. good to have with us on "varney & company." >> thank you. stuart: now, i say this is temporary switch by some of the president's former cheerleaders. temporarily they will say fix the image, fix the optics. they don't want to change the president's basic policies. in other words, i don't think the president's lost his media cheerleaders over the long term. it is just a temporary thing. what say you? >> stuart, it is not temporary. this has been building for a
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year. now moving into the realm of divorce. stuart: whoa. >> this is not just about optics, this is not just about golf. interesting the golf critique was made by many conservative critics, but when president obama went off, couldn't take one day off from being on the links after making emotional statement about the beheading of james foley, a lot of people on the left threw up their hands, he really doesn't care how it looks and is really kind of disengaged. stuart: if he has lost the media are they coming at him from the left? they want him to be more to the left is that what the media wants? >> maybe a few commentators are in that camp. this is palpable disappointment because many on the left and elsewhere invested so much hope in barack obama. the feeling he is isn't getting the job done. he always seems to be behind the curve, whether it's, the va scandal, whether it's the obamacare botched rollout. whether it is deteriorating situation in iraq, i just think that they basically have written
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this guy off as a lame duck and waiting for hillary. i think it is a lot deeper than just the fact he plays a lot of come. stuart: that is important. they witch their their allegiance to hillary clinton. that's where they're investing now. i'm not being cynical, howard, i'm really not. that is reality in american politics as the shift to hillary clinton as standard-bearer for democrats. >> sure competent obama has two years to go in his presidency. it is kind of a sea change because you had a news story in times, not opinion eighttores, not columnists, reporting how strange, for lack of a better word, from his own democratic party, he doesn't court them. stuart: doesn't like schmoozing. and doesn't really have allies on capitol hill. it was something to see democratic senators like claire mccast kel and joe manchin says he has no relationship with the president. trying to be diplomatic but
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repo thsi the recordotime ave much support among his own party because he doesn't make the effort. this is always a president seems more interested in lofty rhetoric than in the hard slog of making political compromises. stuart: what do you make of this? jeff zucker, president of cnn. apparently cnn cleaning house. we'll do less and do it with less. two former cnn guys, right here, you and i, what do you make of what jeff zucker is saying about cnn. they are under a lot of pressure because of low ratings that zucker has not been able to turn around. no secret he wants to do less news and more entertainment style shows, anthony bored dane and food criticism and the like, that will result fewer bodies at cnn. this hurts cnn in particular because it is reporter-driven network. when you cut back on vast bureaus of cnn across the
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country and around the world, you're hitting main thing cnn sells. we don't do punditry but have journalistic boots on the ground. stuart: it looks like jeff zucker has failed in his taking over cnn he has really not turned things around. >> i will be diplomatic and say he hasn't succeeded yet of the he had about a year. the malaysian plane coverage which made cnn a object of mockery hurt the brand. i don't have animosity toward cnn it is good to have reporter-driven network. except when there is big huge story, big international story it is having trouble putting people in the seats. stuart: howard kurtz, great to see you again. don't be such a stranger. you're welcome on the show. >> you have my number. stuart: that we do. look at this, big board, triple-digit gain, holding 16,110. very low volume but a
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triple-digit rally. s&p 500 holding on to the 2,000 level. never been there before. why are millenials avoiding mcdonald's. we'll ask a few of those millenials about 15 minutes from now. mcdonald's stock hardly changed. not for much of the past year. look at intermine, roche buying that american drugmaker. they're betting there will be a approval for intermune's drug which treats a deadly lung disease. that stock is up 35%. homebuilders down on the home building news. gold going nowhere at 1277. 10-year treasury yield, still inexplicably to me, 2.39%. big move for burger king stock and tim horton's as well. burger king wants to buy the
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canadian coffee chain for tax reasons. new high for tim horton and burger king. the story is the inversion story where u.s. companies buy foreign companies or parts of foreign companies to get a better tax rate abroad. that is great news for burger king. they do so much business abroad and with the move to canada, if this actually goes through, this will give them a better tax rate. it also gives them exposure to coffee. you talk about mcdonald's. that has been another fast-food chain, really affecting their coffee offering this would give burger king another thing to offer. got rid of satisfries recently. this would give them a exposure to coffee. this is inversion story about a better tax rate and we'll see. don't forget congress is working hard or treasury in particular, they want to move forward with legislation that prevents inversions and also retroactive. we've seen some companies doing
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this. stuart: there is another element here too. seems to me, america has turned antibusiness. i think they are, and i think this administration is antibusiness. why not buy a foreign company, shift your tax base to that foreign company and use the money thaw earn around the world, go to that foreign company and then you can expand around the world because expanding in america is very difficult thing to do with this administration. i think that is part of the deal as well. into that's why you've seen the momentum of inversions growing exponentially since 2010. stuart: thank you very much, nicole. we'll be back with you soon. we till have a triple-digit gain for the dow. washington post on editorial page going all-in on climate change. quoting now, despite the ups and downs in the polling, a solid majority of americans favor action to curb green house emission. as with the recent national shift on gay marriage, feelings
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on climate change will move more decisively in hope in time to spare the world unnecessarily expense and suffering. now we're joined by mark murano, from climate mark, i think the post has got it wrong. i think if you present consumers with a choice, you can pay more for electricity or, get, and get lower co2 emissions, i think they will choose to do neither. i think they will abandon climate change policy. you say what? >> i think you're exactly right. "the washington post" specifically cited polling which asks people do you favor restrictions on industry? they talked about power plants. people are like, yeah, let's charge those people over there. they never want to pay it themselves. when the question is phrased as you're saying it, how much are you willing to pay, suddenly everyone scatters and the changes in belief, if you will
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in man made global warming have not changed significantly. it has been roughly split with a big sizable segment of it, undecided. there has been no shift in public opinion on it. but, it is basically gridlock with republicans being skeptical and democrats being very alarmist, if you will. and that is why we have this gridlock. that is why the washington post is frustrated. stuart: every time you get a nasty flood, or an intense storm, out they come and say, it is global warming, it is climate change, we have got to do something about it. >> yes. stuart: you're in this line of business. you're thinking about this all the time. is there a direct connection between a specific weather event and what they call long-term climate change. >> there is no, there is no connection between long-term climate change and climate change at this point. if you look at time scales of 50, 100 years, hurricanes we're at historic record lows, longest without a major hurricane strike, category 3 or larger. that is nine years now. longest since 1900.
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tornadoes, big tornadoes are down, floods, droughts. are factors no trends or declining trends. in the "washington post," what they have done is medieval witchcraft they're implying that epa regulation was have some impact on weather. even the epa hidden the numbers. there would be nothing detectable. pure symbolism. the washington post solution to gl warming do government symbolism that will no have impact whatsoever on the climate but have huge economic impacts and centrally planned energy economy from our government. stuart: "the washington post" threatens and pushing for climate change legislation every day this week. they have a full-court press on this issue. follow it. mark, thank thank you very much indeed. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: state of emergency in california. concerns about aftershocks, a billion dollars worth of damage. we're live in napa coming up. we'll talk to a seismologist whether we will ever be able to predict the big one.
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plus with college students returning to campus this weeks, we show how going to college helps create income inequality. we're talking nfl football. we're might be less than two weeks from kickoff but you're eight years away unplugging your cable if you're a football fan. we'll explain that. sharing economy expands with a company called roost. rent your neighbor's garage for storage. ♪.
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cleaning it a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend using polident. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. stuart: get this. 31 emmy nominations for netflix. not bad for a streaming company, is it. they made a new high of 485 earlier, holding at 481 for netflix right now. got another new high for apple shares post split. at 102 earlier. now 101.85. up there. update on the largest earthquake to hit northern california in 25 years. adam housley joins us from napa. what are you seeing right now, adam? >> yes, stuart, we're seeing a
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lot of businesses trying to get back into shape. a lot of assessment was done. businesses would go into downtown that pa and into their coffee shops, restaurants, and wine bars to see the situation. they are actually starting to get the cleanup process to get back things in order. behind me this building will not be back anytime soon in shape. this is vintner's place. they have four or five wineries with tasting tables inside. they're shut down for some time. as we go around the valley, we're starting to hear more and more damage. more than 200 people were injured. we focused on that today. today the bigger assessment and bigger picture is coming how much money has been lost. the wineries, some of them have been devastated. one a barrel comes down, just one barrel of wine is 25 cases. 25 cases of wine, 12 bottles per case, how many are lost per peril. bigger tanks for example, the
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winery thaw spoke to, their tanks went down. hess select winery. two 4,000-gallon tanks went down together in a rupture. they lost something like 15,000 cases of wine. silver oak, but it's a smaller wine makers, smaller wineries don't have same type of infrastructure. they are the ones that will really be damaged by this we're talking between infrastructure on buildings and problems with the wineries dealing with, this will be hundreds of millions of dollars are lost, stuart. grocery stores, restaurants, loss of business for a couple of days. this is the height of the tourist season. all the damage lost in placing glasses and grocery stores lost beer an wine to tasting rooms. it goes on and on and on. those numbers are starting to come in. there's a lot here to be cleaned up, stuart. stuart: it is harvest season as well. so they're having trouble storing grapes which have to be harvested right now. >> yeah. stuart: adam, thanks very much for joining us.
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we'll see you soon. thanks, adam. there is a new player in the sharing economy. the player is called roost. this is an app. it allows you, sorry, website. it allows you to store your things in somebody else's garage. we'll explain this. john gilliam is with us. the ceo of roost. john, let me see if i've got this right. i go on to your website. i have a garage right next to my house. i have some space in it. i can rent out that space for storage to neighbors through you, through roost. that simple? >> that's right. yeah, that simple. you can search for storage listings around your neighborhood, in your building across the street, and you can make extra income by letting neighbors store things like couches, their beds and parking too. you can rent out your garage for parking spot. stuart: i just come to an agreement through you with my neighbor on how much, for how much space. you just take a piece of it and i come to a separate agreement with my neighbor, that's it? >> that's right. you set the price.
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you determine what kind of access they can have, whether or not you give them the key or the garage code, or if they need to give you 24 to 48 hours notice in advance, they want to get their stuff. or if they, pick up and drop off the stuff and pick it up, that's it, no access. that determines the price. our transaction fee, we use that to provide insurance and background checks, and we're trying to provide, to make the storage listings as safe as possible. and we have messaging system to feel comfortable for the neighbors. stuart: how long have you been in business. >> we've been in business since january but the concept came out nine months ago. stuart: can you give me an idea, don't want to give away secrets but give me idea how much business has progressed in the six or seven months you've been open. >> we have grown a great team. we just launched last week. now we're working on developing
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the mobile app which will be out in three to four months. we're creating our expansion plan with. stuart: hold on a second john. you started off in january but you just got going, put it out, put the business out, you started the business just last week, that's it? >> that's right. we just had our launch party. stuart: okay. can i ask you, how much, what is your piece of the action? your percentage? >> we take 12% on top of the listing. but there are payment processers, but all in all 15% transaction fee. stuart: that is very honest of you, john. we normally don't get a response about the piece of action. >> this is transparency. we want you to know what is going into the listing. stuart: so far you're just in north california, right? >> that's right. san francisco bay area. stuart: you about you can scale this thing to worldwide proportions fairly easy, i
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suspect. >> we need to change the currency and language and we could be in tokyo next week. stuart: would you take 100 million shares of roost, cash, now from me? >> we can talk about that later. stuart: you're tempted, aren't you? >> i'm thinking about it, no. but i think roost can be a lot bigger and can do a lot more good for the word. stuart: john, could be. thanks for joining us. good luck with the venture. >> thanks for having me. stuart: thanks a lot. young people losing their taste for mcdonald's. up next our panel of millenials tells us why they're going elsewhere for their fast-food. ♪ stuart! stuart!
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stuart! stuart! ♪ check it out. this my account thing. we can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. or we can select a time for them to call us back. the future, right? ♪ this doesn't do it for you? [ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, that's what blows your mind -- the advanced technology of a doorbell.. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. introducing the xfinity my account app. stuart: we have another reason for charles payne to like tesla founder elan musk. takes out full-page ad improvements to tesla model s, musk says the changes will be implemented and soon. tesla's stock up another five bucks. morgan stanley that stock hit
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another new high. leading s&p 500 right now. 3% up for morgan stanley. mcdonald's stock, little changed but new data reveals they're losing ground to millenials. people in 20s and 30s would rather spend more money on burger from five guys or burrito at chip pole tease than get a fast, cheap, decent burger from mcdonald. we have young ladies from the "varney & company." unbelievable. i'm going around the block so to speak, start with you, christie. why would you not go to mcdonald's. >> first of all, i don't know what is in it. i don't know what is in that hamburger meat. i'm a little appalled you called it a decent burger in your intro. i wrote the intro, it wasn't in there of you added that, number one. number two, i am not a fan of the chicken and the burgers.
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i just, i don't know where it comes from. when i go to the grocery store. i see what it looks like. i make it myself. stuart: we get to the point. you don't know where it comes from, you don't like it. kaitlin, why don't you like mcdonald's. >> i don't like it almost the same reason as christie's. i don't see them making it. where does the patty come from? is it frozen? is the not fresh. stuart: you have to see a fast-food burger to see it before you buy isn't. >> you don't have to but when you h you have the option it makes it so much better. >> i hate to say you go on line people talk about videos and "super-size me" and patty's stuck in stomach acid. there is lot of hype out there. there is hype, that sometimes has me worried. i personally got stick from it before, along the same vein as chrissie and kaitlin. i much rather see the food, bass i know who touches it. stuart: where do you go for burger? >> i will go to five guys.
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pay 8, $9 to -- stuart: how much is burger at five guys. >> burger an fries, 11 or $12. stuart: could pay 11 or $1, you get exactly same thing -- not the same. stuart: burger and fries, at mcdonald's for four. excuse me. you pay triple the price. >> we watch them grill the burger. stuart: how much are we paying for you. >> burger and fries for drink ad mcdonald's will be 8 or $9. it is not that cheap. two extra doll you get a better deal. >> does mcdonald's burger taste good? it doesn't. stuart: it faces. >> for 3 or $4 the burger patty is thicker. i don't know what a mcdonald's burger patty. stuart: mcdonald's burger is quick and cheap and available on demand. >> probably give you cancer. stuart: get, can't say that -- got no proof of that. >> i don't have proof but i don't know what is in it. all studies, put a burger out
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for a year, doesn't mold or change, what is that? you don't have an answer for that either. stuart: you put a burger out, a mcdonald's put it out -- >> it doesn't mold or change. stuart: are you kidding me? >> no. stuart: it does. >> you know what, let's dot varney company experiment. we'll get a mcdonald's burger. buy it for stuart. and then we'll let it sit out say six months. in six months we'll bring it back, have this panel again and we'll discuss it. stuart: it will sit in my office somebody just said? >> first day. stuart: why do i feel i lost control of this entire interview, not to mention the program itself. >> mcdonald's, you have tage you can't eat it every day. if you want to have mcdonald's. stuart: people don't eat it every day. >> some people do. that is the problem. stuart: isn't it their choice? isn't their choice. >> some people say it is their choice, they don't have enough time to cook dinner for their kids and on lunch break and go through mcdonald's. >> people of our generation don't eat it. we taken the time to learn.
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we know how bad it is. if we eat the calories, we want it to taste good and look good, visually appealing. stuart: what is in the beef patty after mcdonald's burger that you don't like, kaitlin fish? >> i have no idea. >> you don't know what is in it. that's why we don't like it. stuart: they publish the ingreed united states does it look like a mcdonald's burger? >> more than just meat, why would i eat it? if there is something injected into it why would i eat it? stuart: i have a lot of children. i have grandchildren you. >> probably taken them to mcdonald's. stuart: excuse me. i do. i take them to mcdonald's frequently because they know the menu. it is easy and it faces and it is cheap. are you telling me that you would not let your daughter eat at mcdonald's. >> no. she had it before and totally cut it out. stuart: she would love it. she would love a fry. >> she loves the food i make her. stuart: she would love a trip to mcdonald's, wouldn't she. >> i'm sure she would. what kid wouldn't. get free toy and french fries. >> apples are enticing but
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doesn't cut it. stuart: i got the wrap. that means time is up. >> we're done. stuart: i can't believe you're so totally wrong. i can't believe you pay two or three times the price of a burger and ignore fast-food of mcdonald's. >> that is beauty of "varney & company." you get everyone with different opinions. stuart: that was good. very, very good. we'll take that. thanks, everybody. we'll see you in six months. and that burger will sit in my office. see what happens. >> thanks, stu. stuart: northern california residents, got a 10 second warning before this weekend's earthquake hit. isn't there a better way to predict did i assessor? disasters? don't we have a better warning system on the horizon? we'll ask a usgs expert after the break. >> bed started shaking, woke us up. i never felt anything like that before. felt like you're inside of a snow globe when they're shaking it really hard. it's monday.
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breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ stuart: please take a look at the all american brand, burger king. it is in talks to buy the canadian chain, coffee and doughnuts, tim horton's. what will they do? bo north straight across the border for tax reasons. here from portland, oregon, is keith fitz-gerald. i'm not surprised by this i'm not surprised burger king wants
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out of america for tax reasons and other reasons too. are you? >> not at all. they're doing exactly what the law and congress and president of the united states mandated that they do, which is engage the fiduciary responsibility to maximize shareholder returns. so this is good thing on top of the fact there has already been 50 companies done it in the last decade. stuart: more to some come i suspect no matter what the government does. >> absolutely. our tax rate in the united states is highest in the developed world and it's a competitive disadvantage. politically, as much fodder as the president can make of this, it also shows dramatically that he probably doesn't understand how the markets work and he may not understand how capitalism works. if you really wants this money home, create tax policy and lean all over congress, not bash the ceo's who are doing exactly what he said to do. stuart: well-said, keith. before we go, isis continues the march across syria. they just captured a syrian air force base. the market totally shrugging that off. isis is not a factor in this
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stock market, is it? >> not yet. that is a real testimony to the spirit of free markets and spirit of capitalism because we learned to live with this we learned stuff like that is short term event and what it suggests to me, we have resilient, clever people around the world who will do what they need to do so those guys are not material effect. stuart: keith fitz-gerald, from portland, oregon, thank you very much indeed as always. let me get back to the earthquake in california. this is the shake alert warning project. it issued a warning 10 seconds before the napa earthquake hit. it said there would be light shaking. the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.0. we have a geophysicist, who joins us from palo alto, california. brad, is there anything on the horizon which would give us much longer warning of an earthquake to come. >> the earthquake early warning systems relies on sending
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information faster than the seismic waves can travel. so in this case it was 10 seconds warning for the berkeley area. the closer you are to where the earthquake is, the less warning you have. the farther away the greater warning you have. to reduce the amount of time to generate that warning we need to speed up the technology. >> what we don't have is a warning system that says, right, next tuesday, three, four, five days, from now we expect a big one. there is nothing like that around, is there? >> no. and what we would do right now, is rely on detecting a earthquake as fast as possible, once the earthquake has started and then sending information, yes there is an earthquake and this is intensity of shaking you should expect to feel in a given number of seconds so people can take appropriate action. stuart: i'm told there is a very high probability of the big one
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that would be 6.7 or greater quake in the next 24 years. i'm told 99% of a 6.7 in 24 years. does that ripping true? >> that is for entire state of california. in the san francisco bay area it is about 66%. in the southern california, l.a., area, it is also about 66%. when you go statewide, is very high at 99%. stuart: why don't we use the richter scale any longer? i know that this was a magnitude 6 but not magnitude 6 on the ricker scale, is it? >> as technology developed we really defined what it means by magnitude. so we actually use a very scientific-based, what is called moment magnitude which is related to the size of the fault, how much slip occurred, as well as, the rigidity of the material. very scientific base we can get at it from number of analysis methods rather than the richter scale which was based on particular instrument and
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amplitude of a wave form on a piece of paper. stuart: if this was a six, suppose there were a seven, i'm told a seven is actually 30 times greater than a six. is that accurate? >> it really, magnitude seven releases 30 times the amount of energy as a magnitude six. that energy is spread out in all directions. not the amplitude, that the shaking is 30 times larger. amplitude of shake something on order of 10 times to five times larger. stuart: so it is not, it is exponential increase as the number goes up. so when you get to eight or nine then you're really in, i mean 100 times more than a six, is that accurate too. >> that's correct. and what you have to realize is, as the magnitude increases, also area affected increases. for example, a magnitude six, we had relatively strong shaking over an area that was about 10 kilometers in size, six miles. as you go to magnitude sevens,
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you will stretch that out over area that is four to five times larger. that is when you get sort of regional effect, rather than just a effect confined to a small area. stuart: fascinating stuff, brad. thank you very much indeed for joining us. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. stuart: then we have the nfl, signing a deal with apple to stream programing on apple tv, but, the cable guys have still got you. you want to watch live games, you need cable. it will be that way for a long time to come. more on this one in a moment.
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>> i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. right now the dow jones industrial average is up 82 points. triple-digit gains off the earlier highs of the day. s&p 500 crossed record all-time highs on nasdaq and 14-year high today. some winners in the s&p 500 worth noting include morgan stanley which hit a new high. new field exploration, gilead sciences among many stocks doing well and hitting highs. other names hitting new highs include in the steel sector. u.s. steel and ak steel, both which got some upgrades. credit suisse rating outperform on u.s. steel and they raised the price target to 50 bucks, saying higher steel prices are expected as wellings, as raw material cost advantages. both names with up arrows. ann taylor activist investor
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at middle bury college. there is courses studying cultural impact of lady gaga and sex and gender neutrality. students are graduating we know with a boatload of debt and we're finding that georgetown found, discovered that the degrees that make people money that make college graduates money are not degrees that offer these kind of courses. stuart: your choice of the student, isn't it? >> that is the other problem too. students are choosing more and more their own courses and not taking liberal, solid liberal arts education. stuart: we don't blame colleges then. >> we do blame colleges. stuart: we shouldn't. we should blame students f that on offer, choose to take that, knowing full well, bloody useless, it is their fault. >> watchdog group found that colleges should not be offering do it yourself college curriculums where students choose, because they choose lightweight courses that have no practical value in the real world some that is the debate. colleges get a lot of tax breaks. they have major endowments that
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hedge funds would envy. and they get state and federal aid toward the college tuition model is a broken business model. that is hotel industry model built like a non-profit. stuart: finishing schools, right. >> that is the issue. new headlines. department of dedication says six years the norm to graduate because of student loan debt. students are leaving college to start working to pay their debt. used to be four-year degree. now six-year degree. stuart: some. blame belongs with the students. >> all around. stuart: they make the choices. >> don't offer them the choice. make them do work they need to get the degree that will be practical and earn them money in the real world. stuart: okay. liz, interesting debate. not over. >> not over. stuart: a lot of people ready to cut the cable, get rid of that cable tv guy but they still want live in. fl g they will not get the live in. fl games over the interned.
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i want live nfl games. if i want i it need to have cable tv, true. >> at the end. day you have to have a cable subscription or directv subscription. you really have to that. is pen is one of the places you could watch "monday night football" maybe on the go. tough have a cable subscription in order to operate that. stuart: that is because that is, so the way the nfl gets its money. >> right. stuart: they don't want it going out there free on the internet. >> they're making billions per year. right now no one will pay billions on internet. facebook, google, haven't stepped up to the plate and we'll put together a $27 billion package like networks have. nfl has vested interest keeping cable conglomerate together and profitable. they will not go outside of this particular model in the next couple years. stuart: $27 billion? >> yes. stuart: who pays that.
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>> to 2022, every network kicking in 2 a billion a year. stuart: $27 billion. >> split between the2 nfl clubs and league office. directv will pay $1.3 billion a year. it hasn't been signed in order to get their package. everybody as far as tv conglomerate they're kicking in about a billion dollars of year. stuart: i think it is good deal. i can pay directv 200 bucks, i can get on this, my iphone or tablet all live nfl games. 2 hupp bucks for the year. that is not bad, is it? -- 200 bucks. >> it's a great deal. if you're a nfl fan you have to have it. if you're fantasy football you need to keep up with 32 teams. if you have vested interest of your team outside the market and in minnesota and chargers fan you have to watch that because you can't get it on local tv.
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there are enough people, couple million people love to have the package and will make $200 a year. stuart: what do you make of thursday night football. >> america can not get enough football. the nfl is very weary about saturation point and talks about saturation point but they haven't seen it yet. they will keep going. i don't think they will expand and have thursday, sunday, monday, call it a day. unless another channel gives you a billion dollars for western night. you never know. stuart: kevin, good stuff. thanks very much indeed. up next, tennis, one of the fastest growing sports in the country kicks off the big show. cheryl casone is live at the u.s. open with tennis legend tracy austin up after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] chewley's finds itself in a sticky situation today
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stuart: u.s. tennis championship, the u.s. open starts today. our very own cheryl casone joins us from flushing meadows with a tennis lesson. go, cheryl. >> she turned pro in 1978. three grand slams. she will kill me saying she retired 20 years ago. tracy austin is here. you were saying it's a wide open field for the women. we're all talking serena. you're saying watch out for venus. >> that's right. i think serena is slight favorite but not much talk about venus. she has been resurgent in the
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last three months. that is so exciting, venus is 34 years old. got her weapon back with the big forehand, big serve. beat serena in montreal. first time she beat here in five years. her stamina is much better. pay attention to venus. you have azrinka is real trouble with injury and getting her feet wet and. >> get to the men. no nadal. >> no nadal. >> what does this mean for the rest of the guys. djokovic was pretty confident. >> he was. djokovic won wimbledon, beat roger federer in tough five-setter. he went off and got marid and got distracted. >> does that matter? >> that does matter. didn't practice as month. novak only won couple matches this summer on hardcourt.
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he was not playing as well as he was at wimbledon. roger federer at 33 playing most consistent and solid tennis in couple years. very solid on both sides. wide open. >> roger federer, out here two years ago, everyone counted him out. >> that's right it. >> you say don't count him out? >> never count him out. we counted him out last couple years. he loves playing tennis and absolute passion. he loves the circuit. players get burned out with travel. roger has four kids. he takes it all in stride. so relaxed. >> you know who takes things in stride, stuart varney. turns out, tracy is big security varney fan. you have asking to say. >> love you. watch you all the time. huge tennis fan. want to challenge you in tennis. definitely not in financial debate because i know you have everybody on that one. but i love watching you stuart. stuart: very kind, tracy. one last question though. what do you think about
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sharapova making a loud noise every time she hits the ball? >> i hear you don't like that, stuart. between her and asker is ring can, i'm not sure which one is louder. rinka is longer. irritates a lot of fans. difficult to change. stuart: i make no noise when i hit the ball. i'm just happy to hit the ball. simple as that. tracy, very glad you watch the show. not sure i'm going to take you up on the challenge. i'm old enough to be your grandfather. >> don't be afraid. stuart: i'm afraid. i'm very, very afraid. great to have you on the show. see us as soon as possible, please, okay, tracy? >> thank you, stuart. stuart: all good. thank you, cheryl. good stuff indeed. more vann any in just a moment. -- varney. in just a moment.
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[ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪
1:00 pm
deirdre: thank you very much. in the meantime, here are the investment head liens we're -- headlines we're following if more you. burgers and doughnuts may not go so well, but the potential burger king combo may save hundreds of millions a year. grub hub will raise more money, ten million shares will soon be up for grabs, and activist investor engine capital pressing ann taylor to sell itself. we will tell you which private equity buyers may be interested in the ladies' retail chain. well, starting with burger king and ti


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