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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 1, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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thank you so much for being with us on this labor day holiday. make sure you check us through the week. have a great weekend. ♪ stuart: a happy labor day everyone. what a summer it has been. on so many levels, it has not been good. we invite you to look back with us at some of our favorite moments with the best guess. they will even bring back the world cup. welcome to one varney summer. it starts now. ♪ stuart: you remember weird al yankelovich. i think he is a fear on parody
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business. mandatory fund was his number one album. >> mtv is not really music television anymore. the best way to advertise my new album is every day of release week to have a new video. >> who pays you for this? >> they do not pay me for it. i am partnered up with college humor and yahoo!. they are looking for content. it is kind of a win-win situation. stuart: how did you get the money? >> well, the partners do. hopefully, people will buy the
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album. stuart: they are paying you. >> essentially, they are giving me a free video. >> why do i argue with you? [laughter] when did you start this? >> it was monday. we have one about the many uses of aluminum foil. [laughter] stuart: i remember you from mtv days. you are using cable television as your outlet. that is how you got out there. times have changed.
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time warner is a takeover target. am i breaking news to you? >> i am not mocking you. >> you want to be in a video, but you don't want to provide a dance move. speak to what you are doing is putting out content on the internet. that is like time warner is so valuable. they are king of content. >> i thought i was king of content.
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stuart: what are you going to do next? >> i am looking at promoting the album. after that, you know, i have been under contract since 1982. this is album number 14. after this, i think that i will just be doing singles. chances are, a lot of them will not be timely. stuart: you put singles out on the internet. >> exactly. you could just pick whatever tracks you like. you can pick your own singles these days. >> i want to be on the bleeding edge of technology. [laughter] stuart: they are telling me i have to wrap.
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weird al yankovic to everybody. it was a pleasure to have you on the show. it really was. varney and company is not about leeching onto someone else's success. discovery channels annual shark week. it is a seven day extravaganza. we brought in and he casagrande. he is one of the cameramen that got into the water with the sharks. why are people so drawn with sharp videos? >> they are just amazing predators. first time i saw them was on television. they do look like he's weird sea monsters that could potentially eat you if they wanted to. they are not really malicious.
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stuart: you know what the audience wants. they want to see you get bit. hopefully not my blood in the water. my friends got bit. you know, if there is no blood, no foul. >> if that was me, i don't swim very well in the first place, i would be absolutely terrified. that moment of sheer terror and panic. >> i think that it is really critical. i never want to break this rule that if you act like prey, they will treat you like prey. stuart: you work all the way around the world. where is the best location for filming the worst of these
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beast? >> south africa is where you get that amazing breach attack with most frequency and intensity. stuart: you owe your living to steven spielberg's jaws 1976 or whatever it was. >> i was born in 77. yes. jaws just change the whole conception of what people had of sharks. there is a lot of fear factor in their. i think that there is also a lot of fascination. >> you are fantastic. stuart: the father daughter team of the hit show deadliest catch. they are out there on a small
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boat fishing for giant crabs. you can get seasick watching that bo go up and down. it is a huge profitable show. how and why did the young man beat get into a business like that? >> it is a vessel. it is a fishing vessel. stuart: okay. what do you do? >> i am the bait girl. >> honestly, are you frightened? the show is called the deadliest catch. are you frightened? genuinely frightened? >> not as much as i thought i would be. when i realized how bad it was was when i saw another boat that we met up with eventually. it was just a ghost bo.
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you are obviously out there on your own. stuart: i do not know how you do it. >> it is the real deal. this kid has been bugging me to go up there for years. we have a salmon charter that we do. it is nice weather so that is fine, for a girl. >> you are talking about a winter fishery here. what can you make. >> if you have very decent quota in the prices vary, the boat can finish anywhere from two-
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$4 million. it just depends on your typical price i can fish multiple photos. stuart: one-vote one season. stuart: what is your liability insurance? you can still take away $1 million clean from a good season? >> our bo -- we have a $2 million loan right there. stuart: do you make more money fishing for crab or the tv show? >> i have to be careful about the tv thing. put it this way, there is a lot of overhead on a fishing boat. we have had our ups and downs.
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there have been times a reason we are done. fishing first. because of that, there was a mutual respect game. they really do respect us for fishing first. it is not about let's be on tv. over the years, it has really done a lot of great things for our industry. money cannot pay for the kind of advertising. stuart: you see people at risk. look at that. that is terrific video. you are real-life human americans. that really intrigues. they will flow into the house. are you getting a cop, mandate?
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>> that is how you treat your greenhorn. if i cut my daughters out of the business, i would be in real trouble. >> she is the one that needs to go up there. i told the crew not to go easy on her. i was a little easy on her because i am, obviously, her father. she needs to earn her keep. stuart: how many generations to you go back? >> four generations. stuart: i am almost out of time. i take it you will do this forever. >> i love what i do.
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stuart: up next, the world cup. i know you were not wildly enthusiastic. there were some interesting moments from our coverage. including the biker. you would not want to miss that, would you. ♪
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stuart: the world cup. it is the best world cup. world cup fever in full swing. the world cup seems to deliver. thanks to the world cup. proof that the world cup is the biggest sporting event of the year. when the world cup was held in america, you wanted to expand. >> maybe i was a little carried away with the world cup. even if you don't like soccer, we brought you the stories. >> let's settle something right
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now. i hear that if we tie, we both move on. you can talk to the german coach. i will talk to the american coach. what is the americans coach, do you know? >> -- >> no, the americans coach. why don't you explain a little bit about how this goes. how many points do you get for putting the ball in the net? >> this will be a steep learning curve for you. >> one goal is one point. >> it is fairly easy. that is why it is so popular. >> when the clock strikes zero, we will finally figure out who advances.
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>> it is the referee that decides how long it goes? you experience that the hard way . >> we do not know how long this will go. >> the two teams tied. stuart: there is overtime. >> if the two teams tied, they will have a huge advantage. we both advance. i actually got a lot of twitter requests. we just tie and we both advance.
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>> they will not be going easy on anybody. do not under estimate the u.s. team. they will not go easy on us either. stuart: which edson was not the only one of our regulars. i asked nba * jonathan bender. >> you say you knew nothing about basketball. let's reverse this. i know nothing about soccer. stuart: have you not been watching the world cup? >> the only world cup that i had was a couple of hot chocolate. >> yes, you can comment. i will make you comment. there is nothing wrong with soccer. i picked it all when i was
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small. it was never organized. i do not know. you got me on that one. >> you are 7 feet tall. you could be a star. [laughter] >> okay. you and me are going to play now. we are going to play one on one soccer. if there is anything called that. stuart: jonathan bender will be here in new york on friday. we are planning a soccer match. stay tuned for that. here is the guy that holds bar rescue. >> tammy, i watched you pick up raw chicken all night in your hands and then touch cooked food. do you know how bad that is? ♪
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>> john telford. i wanted to know. >> a lot of that is ego. it is very personal. people build cars that they are close to. they are not as aggressive as they should be. they run their bars in 90% of small businesses family owned. most of them fail because of a family issue. they run them like a family. not a team. i protect you when you are weak.
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you can hear about it. >> the bartender is making money on the side. >> it is a simple equation. the average cost should be 21% of price. if the drink costs five dollars, my cost is one dollar. $1.25. stuart: it is a ratio business. >> it cost 21%, food costs 30%. if it goes above that, somebody walks out with food or money. inventory per shift. you set them up. i will give them an opportunity to take money and if they do, i will know it.
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>> sometimes they are landmark fires. sometimes you make a statement. stuart: i think that the success of your show is your personality. it is a big success. when i show up, i am there last chance. marriages are being lost. families being ripped apart. partners. they are counting on me. i take this very seriously. i have five days to change their life. they are counting on me. hands down one of the most
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anticipated new products out there. facebook spent $2 billion for that company. >> generally, you are not like a huge tech guys. stuart: do not take a picture of this. you put it on like this. if i turned it on, you would have to practice with this. >> basically, it is a full headset. every part of your vision is covered by what is inside this piece of software. if you are scuba diving, you can see sharks, whales. i was on a roller coaster the other day above the city of
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paris. stuart: that is what you want to see? i just know that is exactly what you are looking for. stuart: exactly. number one, have they fixed the motion sickness? >> it is games. facebook did not buy them just to buy it for the games. >> everyone is at their homes. this is why they bought it. stuart: i am at my house. where ever that is. they all wear these goggles.
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i am going to call them goggles. you wear them and everyone can see each other in real-time as if we are sitting in the room to the other. >> you can put your feet up while you are having a meeting. people are working on software to do that. it is an early version. the final version is next year. stuart: could i watch a movie? >> you could pretend like you are in the theater. >> you can look behind you if you want. >> i can see what is behind me. >> you could see seats behind
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you. stuart: a gameplaying machine. buying it now for $350. what happens next year? >> essentially, this will become a bit of a relic. the final piece of hardware will come out. that will be what everyone buys or develops. it is sort of just like something you put on a mantle. >> one year from now, that is a viable product that brings wraparound to every man. >> absolutely. 100%. stuart: up next, she is not just an olympic champion, she is a varney viewer. ♪
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stuart: i will bring you an unusual athlete. a boxer that is a medical student. he stopped by the program the day after he won a fight. that is not the normal background. what to think about a guy that beats other people up for a living? >> it is working. stuart: you have already been to school. you have your masters. how does boxing feature into this? >> it is tough management.
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i know that there is life after boxing. i cannot fight forever. stuart: you are in medical student. do you ever worry about concussion? >> it is a very real risk and it is something i understand. i prepare myself very well. just the style that i utilize. so far so good. stuart: you will not take your dark glasses off? stuart: i want to see it. good lord. oh my lord. >> this is actually a lot better. stuart: you already got 100,000 for that. charles: we always promote the american dream on this network.
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a beautiful thing for me to be debt-free. that is hard to do in this country. charles: how about winning the fight. >> i am there to win the fight. >> it is hard as hell not. charles: it is all everyone -- there are 18 different else. if you cannot hurt him physically, they may see you as the perfect foil or foe.
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>> i was saying this the whole time. they picked the wrong guy. it did not work out for them. >> it was so funny. this kid has guts. we like him. stuart: he has a spinoff show of his own. from one champion to another. she and her colleague put beach volleyball on the map. she surprises us at the beginning of the interview. >> someone has to be here. i wish we were face to face. stuart: you did not tell me that.
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[laughter] stuart: i want to start with this. i remember watching you in the beijing olympics and the london olympics. what is the black cape that you have all over you? what is it? tell us. >> i am a 35-year-old professional athlete. it is a resource for me. it helps with my peace of mind. it helps with range of motion. it just depends on how you apply it. it has been a lifesaver. i am really proud to be with them. it is not a cure-all.
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>> i wanted to show a box of pictures of you with the tape. there is one with you with black tape down your leg. what does it do? >> i do not know what picture you are looking at. i do not know what kind of injuries i was trying to deal with. i assume i had a groin pull. if your body is feeling pain, your body compensates in different ways. you can work properly. your body is just trying to survive out there. stuart: you and your partner created the sport on television. you did. i never even considered watching
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beach volleyball before. suddenly there you are winning gold medals. you put the sport on the map. >> there are so many legends before us that paved the way for misty and i. we had great success. nbc got behind us. people love beach volleyball. america loves winners and fighters. i have a new partner. they he just had a baby. she retired. i am going to rio with a new partner. we are going to do our best and bring home gold. stuart: what are you doing tomorrow? we have a two hour show. [laughter] >> it was great.
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we thank you very much for being with us. very good luck with your new partner in rio a couple years from now. we will be watching. that is a promise. remember this, the 18 wheeler sausage world. we will show you why next. ♪
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stuart: winnebago. they are going retro. they brought us the newest rv right outside the studio. >> they worked very hard at that. the only company that is and i can't in the rv industry. nobody else in the business and pull off something like this. we worked very hard. stuart: why would you do that? why would you deliberately look like 1972? >> this is on the likes of what volkswagen did with the new beetle. >> we have a camera inside the
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winnebago. that will show you, the viewer, the inside. how much? >> about $90,000. we will have to floor plans in this particular one. >> air-conditioning. >> absolutely. >> satellite-tv. >> yes. stuart: internet. >> portable device. stuart: gas mileage. >> about eight-ten. stuart: does it take premium or regular? >> >> regular. stuart: you really think that you could sell a guy with an accent like this? and all american iconic vehicle? okay. how many of these do you sell in
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england? >> we do not sell as many in england. stuart: have you seen the roads in england? wait a second, sales over the past year of winnebago. >> the market is recovering from the recession. we believe that it is fully and process. >> there is not much of an export market. a product that is very different from the american product. >> i just gave you one extraordinary commercial. what kind of a discount will you offer me on this vehicle? >> i am sure that we could do something. stuart: congratulations. it is iconic.
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i am not sure how i would feel driving down i -- 95. >> we have a lot of different models. we have a motorhome for everybody. stuart: there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. not sure i will buy immediately, but i will listen to what discount he will offer. stuart: the big taste grill. how to pronounce it the biggest seller. >> the correct pronunciation is brought -- this is a smoked sausage. over here we have a cheddar and bacon sausage.
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one of our best sellers. we have a fresh product here. it all goes right in. stuart: this band has been driving around the country. a good cause. you are raising money for nonprofit. >> a great cause for us. a great event. we raise over $3.5 billion for charities. >> it is extremely good publicity for charity. stuart: this guy reminds me of go pro. they get all of this free advertising on youtube. >> believe me, the product has performed.
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>> we have -- stuart: that is a hamburger. bratwurst. you can probably pronounce it a little more german than we would. johnsonville sausages. >> family owned since 1945. >> i am not in the family. been in the company 26 years. stuart: did you bring this thing just for us? >> keep in mind, the fourth of july holiday is next friday.
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smell the sausage. stuart: did you bring us here to smell german bratwurst? >> i think that you are doing a great job. we wish you one of the greatest holiday seasons. our next stop is cincinnati. stuart: the most entertaining guest segment of the summer. larry the cable guy. he does a pretty good british accent. ♪
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when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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stuart: larry the cable guy. a good friend of this show. we gave him the commercial.
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that is not where the interview ended. >> stuart, that is unbelievable. it is about time you got your it just sounds different. stuart: prilosec, i am here to tell you in the audience that that product works.
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you would not advertise it if you had not tried it. >> you would not believe this, stuart, but i am a frequent heartburn sufferer. when they came to me, i said, hey, i use it. i really use it. it has been incredible. we have always had a campaign going on to promote the product. stuart: hey, larry. i have 15 seconds. that's all i've got. fifteen seconds. give it to me. >> usa will obviously win the whole thing. you cannot be zeroed out. you think if i was on with stuart varney i would get more than 15 seconds.
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[laughter] stuart: larry the cable guy, always a pleasure. thank you. >> love you, stuart. hey, i love stuart varney. [laughter] stuart: my take on the summer that was and the election season to come. that is next. ♪ thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the lecy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse.
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well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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♪ this is the best of the imus in the morning program in the fox business network. and we welcome you to our studios in new york city. we put together a best of imus music special for you this morning. we've done a number of these specials over the years, and the i-man always has some big names performing in the studio for us on a regular basis. and as we do these specials, this is probably the best one yet in terms of the names and the music that's all been put together. we start it off here in a moment with the great dolly parton who's number two on


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