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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  September 5, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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billion. [closing bell ringing] david: before the bell, gopro is up 6%. shorts getting squeezed on that move coming up in this hour. liz: here come bells on wall street and it is a closing record for the s&p 500, the 33rd of the year. let's see how stocks finish up. a lot of green on the screen which is a little counterintuitive considering we got a very weak august jobs numbers. conventional wisdom we might see revision to the upside but we won't know for quite some time. nasdaq jumping 20 points. russell 2000 up three. as we said the s&p seeing gain of nearly 10 full points. the dow not doing too badly up 64 at 17,134 points. a pretty good friday on wall street for the bulls at least. "after the bell" starts right now.
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david: we've got a lot to cover for the day and for the whole week. get to it with brent will with three picks to add to your portfolio. jeff lehman, bkg wealth advisors chief investment officers with his stock strategy. bill baruch from the cme where there was a lot of action no doubt today. bill, this jobs number was so lousy so many ways. go through details in a bit, yet the market went up. i am assuming the market thinks the fed might become a little more easing than it has been. am i right? >> investors feel a little more comfortable with the fed maybe pushing back, raising rates but what really reality is, take a look back in june. in june when the ecb first lowered rates this was the start of secondary rally in the equity market this year. the ecb yesterday did more than expected and announced they would start purchasing bond and asset backed securities to
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unspecified amount in october. that is what investors are really taking out of this. they're taking the non-farm payroll data with a grain of salt. liz: we have more breaking news. this just happened in the last hour, that alibaba pretty much let the news out that it will price about september 18th and then go public september 19th in range of $60 to $66 a share. more news now. they see 2.47 billion shares immediately available after the initial public offering plus yahoo!, which already has a 23% stake, you should have seen yahoo!'s stock definitely moving to the upside as soon as this news came out, yahoo! is expected to cut its stake to 16.3%, from current 22.4%. let's not call it 23%. it has a 22.4% stake. it obviously, david, wants to capitalize on what is expected to be one megaipo for alibaba. david: very interesting to see what happens to yahoo!. it hooked its wagon to this
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rising star. now that it is unhooking it a little bit, perhaps it will go down. it will go down a tick after-hours. hard to say with will happen until we see shares trading on monday. brent, let me ask you, brent, how long can the ipo rally con in? it is based on extraordinary prices in the stock market. can the ipo market continue to grow as it has been the past year? >> that one thing that would concern me about the ipo market. alibaba is a hot issue. there is too excitement about the stuff. that is when you get into problems where everybody is worried about the market. i think that one area is too expensive and they're coming in high. you have to look at the rest of the market where there is good value. i don't think it is good for the ipo market at all. liz: jeff is ready to tell you about value.
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you have to dig for treasure more deeply because valuations are high. how do you go about finding those real gems? >> i do feel that is the type of market we're in. s&p 500 tripling off lows of 2009, now that has been warranted in the sense earnings are up significantly. obviously the fed and other central banks have been extremely accommodative. now we have market fairly to fully valued in our view and yeah, you do. you have to dig a little bit to find companies that represent value which we believe is a good leading indicator of future return potential. so if we're in the passive end of the spectrum, we prefer to own fundamentally weighted indices, versus market cap weighted at this juncture on individual equity side of things to buy companies that trade below market valuations. for our clients, higher than average dividend yield help as bunch too. we find that in some large cap technology names and and other parts of the market, some energy
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companies as well. david: brent, every time i hear somebody say correction i reap for my wallet. we don't see the correction the we see a pullback, a comeback. a pull back and a comeback. you don't see any correction at all coming rest of the year, is that right? by correction i mean a big thing, five or 10%? >> right, i don't. ipo markets like high-flyers like michael kors they will come down. overall the market has some good things boeing on. i'm looking unfulfilled orders coming in. you have shipments, not keeping pace. you have inventories at very good levels. you have a very, very strong economy. i said back in february we would have a good half. i think this last quarter will be very strong. i saw that china, a record deficit with them, so many orders coming through for the holiday season. i may be first to talk about that. retailers are down, maybe good value, get into good value retailers, i think they will
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have very good holiday season. liz: that is optimistic. that brings me to bill barack. what are you seeing? super smart guy like andy brenner, didn't say things like bulk dry weighted index that is wonky. shipping there is backlogged because so many things need to be shipped. what are you looking for on the floor of the cme there? >> well, manufacturing data, ism has been positive. a lot of indicators we watch, ism as well as beige book and other things said you have to pay attention to, just to show that the economy is continually moving. they're all pointed to better non-farm payroll number than we did see today. so we were surprised. we were surprised we got such a poor number however we are taking it with a grain of salt. that's why we're looking forward. we expect this number be to revised next month as well. david: although we should mention, today's figures they revised prior two months down.
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if there is any revision you have to be careful which direction it goes. jeff, i have to ask you about high yield corporate bond because in the search for yield, a lot of people have been moving toward the high yield. you're against them right now. you're just removed some from your portfolio. why? >> you know, that is an area, that as a general comment, i think investors have taken on significantly more risk in the bond portion of their portfolios over the last several years, in that global search for yield, to call it. that and, you know, high yield debt, spreads have compressed not to all-time lows that they reached in 2007 but to pretty tight levels and, when you look at high yield now, the absolute yield and with five handle on it, doesn't represent good compensation in our view relative to the risk inherent in those types of bond. but more importantly when the stock market does come back around to some introducing on volatility those bond will tend to act a lot more like stocks
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than bond. so we feel pretty comfortable with the valuation in the stock market but high yield corporate we're not, we're not feeling too fondly of that evaluation. liz: jeff you're going for nails like microsoft, cisco, general motors. these are huge american brand certainly, boeing, chevron, not bad. you clearly like some of the dividend play on on of these names, right? >> absolutely. they offer dividend yields in the 3% greater range and valuations very reasonable. so, yeah, absolutely. to get yield from names like that, we feel much more comfortable in this environment than taking five 1/2% from high yield corporate debt priced near all-time highs. david: by the way, we are continuing to get more information on the ipo filing with the sec for this extraordinary information coming out about what is going to happen with alibaba. more of that information coming out. we will provide it to you. everybody is look for a way to get in on alibaba which could be
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one of the biggest ipos every. thanks very much, jeff wilsey, jeff lehman, bill a bach, we'll check in with you when s&p futures close for the week to get an idea what happens on monday. liz: one hot recent ipo is gopro. it has been on quite the wild ride since its ipo in june. if you want to ride the big wave without getting clunked by it, you want to win big, you definitely want to hear what our next guest has to say. that is so tubular. he will give you inside scoop on so-called short squeeze trade for gopro and other stocks. how to spot it, how to profit from it. david: today's awful jobs report was a surprise for experts. guess what not for you. not for most americans who have believed we have not yet turned corner on jobs front? what will it take to turn the jobs in this economy? we'll talk to three members of the job network. they know. ♪ [ male announcer ] once, there was a man
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[ indeep [ male announcer ] at cvs health, e took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announr ] and made the decion to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite skers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just wa to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliv can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief
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and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. usband) that's good to know. david: as you might have guessed several companiee involved in staffing an personnel services are rallying on these jobs numbers this friday. liz: isn't that interesting? typical, right? not so much because nicole petallides as been digging into this on the floor of the new york stock exchange.
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nicole? >> when you get the number we got today, an atrocious number, below the 200,000 mark easily, 14thousand jobs being -- 142,000 jobs being added, that means people are looking for work. this looks like a health care company but in fact it's a staffing company in the health care industry. others, hsii, true blue. they do same thing, business employment, staffing and the like. train something what these companies do. they are services to help personnel obviously get ahead and get jobs and the like. what we saw here today, everything gets related to those economic reports. we got in that weak jobs report. it shows a dip in jobs. that's why we saw the market come off the lows. then it is related to the fed. we're seeing these staffing services getting a pop on that david. david: nicole, have a fabulous weekend. >> thank you very much. liz: s&p futures they can't rush from that pit right now. they can start their weekend in
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a second. first we get to the close, we head back to bill baruch in the pits of cme. how does it look for monday? >> we're closing at all-time highs. we're right on the high of the session. the high of the week is, high overall, time from 2011. we're a stone's throw from that. next target is 2017. as long as market closes above 1990 bulls will have control. path of least resistance seems higher. meeting week after, is what everybody is really looking forward to especially fter a poor number. liz: bill baruch, thank you so much. have a good weekend. >> you too. david: shares of gopro shot up 20% as volume jumped from two million shares to 10 million shares with no big news. what caused such a big rally? liz: investors shorting the stock, betting against it were quickly reversing their positions because they had to. it is what is known as a short squeeze. what exact is it?
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how can you learn to spot one? here to explain and tell investors how to profit from a short squeeze option founder mash sebastian. get to definitions first. what is a short squeeze? >> if i want to short a stock i can't go into the market to sell it. i have to find some up with that owns the stock and borrow it and go out and sell it f too many people want to go in and short a stock or shortage of peep willing to loan the stock, that creates pressure on those starting to short the stock, called hard enough to borrow. going hard enough to borrow, goldman, merrill, managing stock loan commitments calling in shorts. guess what, you close yourself out or we'll close you out. that is what create as short squeeze. david: go from there was a something else, a buy-in. people said hey, damn good product. selling like hotcakes. on top of a short squeeze there was a buy-in.
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>> the firm and traders are actually bought in. so i'm short. i get a call from goldman, they say, guess what? i'm short 100,000 shares. you're on the hook for 100,000 shares. we're buying you in. what you will see, you will come in the morning and stock like gopro is up three bucks on no news. then you look at the night before and going into the close there was a large, up tick of in volume as firms started buying in their shorts. then on the open, there's a big market on open buy which causes the stock to pop. and then all these shorts go running, right? uh-oh, i'm getting bought in. everybody goes running buying the stock. what happened? the stock is up all day. volume pops. that is how gopro volume goes from two million to 10 million. volume stays high for the next couple of days while these shorts are all covering. once pressure eases off all the shorts and no longer getting big phone calls, hey, guess what, you're on the hook for 100,000
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shares, that's when the stock will stop this, ridiculous pop that really is somewhat nonsensical. liz: or a little bit sort of forced and engineered in a certain way. now let's do a different example. gopro is one of the glitery brand and hot ipos. use a down and out name like radioshack. people have been calling demise for radioshack for years. i personally love radioshack. >> only place to get batteries. >> gold tipped cables. david: you can get them on internet half the price but anyway you like it. liz: how you spot certain short squeezes on radioshack of all stocks, rsh. >> that is one where the stock got absolutely destroyed. it is trading below a dollar and volume is starting to sink. everybody in the world is short this. if i'm long radioshack and i have 60 cents and off cents because i have loaned out all the stock and all these people that i loaned stock to have been shorting it -- liz: believing it will be killed. >> i will say, you know what?
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i'm not unloading stock anymore. i will pull my stock availability. guess what? all those shorts get a phone call. you're out. guess what happens? radioshack goes from 60 cents to buck 50 basically no change in fundamental news. no change in outlook because there is not enough stock availability for these people that want to plaster the stock to go out and sell it. david: a lot of people who play in this market, who get involved in the short squeeze one way or the other either on the buy-in or the sellout are very big players. would you advise anybody out there to get involved in this stuff? >> i think if you have got the time to sit there really watch the market. come in the morning, saying why is this stock perennially hard to borrow, perennially dogged up three bucks? you look night before see a big huge pop in volume, you know what? that could make for a great day-trader or swing trade and naturallydy, stop you there. if you're day-trader kind of person that's fine, if you're
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not, for get it? >> no, this is not anything a long-term investor should be watching. stock like go pro, it is up 10 bucks. i better get in before it pops. that is where they hook you. a big game of pigeon, typically once the squeeze is off, these companies give 50% of the gain it gained on the squeeze. just crush retail investors that hop in on the end which is really the problem. liz: so call mark sebastian first before you go crazy, right? david: we'll put up his personal cell phone number or not web. mash, have a great weekend. thanks very much. >> thank you for educating our investor viewers. the sharing economy has reached the luxury home market now. even multimillionaires are jumping in. we'll tell you how you can participate and enjoy that kind of a home just to die for. david: meanwhile president obama, trying to clear up some confusion about his policy toward the isis terrorist group. did he succeed? or did he just muddy the waters
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even more? we'll go to washington to find out. liz: we would love to hear from you, the u.k. sky news found more than 27,000 pro-jihadi twitter users still tweeting, yea, isis, go isis. we all believe in the first amendment. we're journalists but do you think twitter should be doing more to censor specifically those isis supporters? david: good question. liz: tweet us @fbnatb. your answers coming up. david: thank you, man. ♪ in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny.
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david: time for a quick speed read some of the day's other headlines, five stories in a minute of the first up, amazon teaming up with the u.s. postal service to deliver groceries on a trial base says in the san francisco area. reports say the test could lead to a broader national rollout with amazon's grocery drop off service a much wider reach. kroger is planning to hire 20,000 employees nationwide. the country's largest grocer has 375,000 employees in 34 states. new york lawmakers clearing uber and other car firms to offer luxury taxi like services in city. under the ordinance will be allowed to provide uber s but not the smaller uber x. new stores will integrate the company's digital payment mobile ordering systems to speed up service. california governor jerry brown plans to sign a law that will impose a statewide ban on
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single-use plastic bags. california would become the first state to do this that is it today's "speed read." [buzzer] liz: very well done. the guns are falling silent in southeastern ukraine after a cease-fire agreement between the ukrainian government and pro-russian rebels apparently is holding. the ukraine crisis and fight to take down isis in iraq and syria dominating the nato summit in wales. david: a lot of news from overseas. rich edson is following it all. he joins from us the white house with the very latest what president obama was saying all about this at the summit. rich? >> well, david and liz, when you look what president obama had to say about all this at great britain he said ukraine's cease-fire will take some time to implement. he took a little credit saying that the sanctions the west threatened and implemented are took credit for these cease-fire negotiations and talks that we have coming up as well. so there is a bit of a positive news when it comes to the cease-fire though the president said he is still wary of russia's intentions.
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>> went to the cease-fire -- with respect to the cease-fire agreement we're hopeeul but based on past experience skeptical that in fact the separatist it is will follow through and the russians will stop violating ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. so it has to be tested. >> when it comes to isis this is two days after the president says he seeks to make the isis problem manageable, president obama stressing multiple times that the u.s. is going to try to degrade and ultimately defeat isis. he says the next step in this would be to go after isis but he says, or fail to really acknowledge or mentioned exactly what those steps would involve. the treasury department, however, we talked to them what they're trying to do to disrupt isis's funding source. they say according to treasury official they're tracking movement of fund into and out of syria. targeting and applying sanctions against fund-raisers and extremist leaders and terrorist
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organizations. analysts we spoke say it becomes very difficult, isis with territory actually controls a source of funding within those territories and can be very difficult to get to it. so this conundrum continues for washington, d.c. and international community how exactly to deal with isis as we wait for the president to lay out the next step, going after isis waiting on those details. david: follow the money. the one thing we'll be doing here on fbn, to try to follow the money. how are they moving money around. they have to move it around. that may be a way to get them thanks, rich. liz: thank you very much, rich edson. david: a pathetic jobs report but was it an outlyer or a real reflection of the economy? we have leaders of three businesses who can tell us what they are dealing with in terms of employment and what they see around the corner. liz: attention all kmart shoppers including santa? christmas has come early, perhaps depressingly early. david: what? liz: what is that all about? what is eddie lampert doing over
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liz: number one kid are just now going back to school. summer doesn't technically end until september 22nd but kmart already is thinking about christmas. the retailer this week releasing what appears to be the first holiday ad of the season on
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youtube but it says, it is not a christmas commercial. after receiving grief about launching holiday ads too early last year. the ad's front woman hints at holiday theme but is careful not to mention christmas. listen. you decide. >> let's say you have a event in late december you need a lot of gifts for. maybe your entire family is having a birthday on the same day. now the time to go to kmart to put those gifts on layaway. liz: i saw a tree. i saw fireplace. i heard very, very anticipate story christmas music. but kmart is really not only retailer exploring relentless. >> expansion of christmas creep. almost half of marketers launched holiday campaigns before halloween last year, according to experion marketing survey. david, get ready. david: liz, it certainly wasn't christmas today. with august jobs report which was awful on several fronts. overall jobs growth was about 40% less than what was expected. the job participation rate we
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heard so much about, that is back down to 1978 levels. and as we mentioned before, the previous two months were actually revised downwards. what is going wrong? joining me three members of the job creators network, chris mcfarland, massey communications chairman and ceo jim anthony, and anthony and company founder and ceo, omar solomon, college hunks hauling junk go founder and ceo. chris, let me play a speech from president obama. this was on monday, labor day, which was kind of ironic, talking about overall economy how things were doing. take a look at this. >> the american economy american workers are better off than when i took office. [applause] we're better off by almost every measure. david: almost every measure. clearly he hadn't seen the jobs report which is not a good measure. then we have the american people
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themselves, 58% of whom, think we have not turned the corner on the jobs situation, that the worst is yet to come. what do you think? >> i think we're seeing in my business significant growth and we've seen that because of the fact we're in unique expanding marketplace, the cloud services i.t. space. that being said i think many other parts of the economy are still struggling. david: well, omar, one thing we know it is a lousy recovery compared to other recoveries from recession. take the 1980 recession reagan. coming out of that we had tremendous expansion of 4.6% in '83. 7.3% the economy grew in 1984. you juxtapose what happened under obama and absolutely pathetic. why? >> well, you know i wasn't born yet for reagan but you know i think a lot of it has to do with just overall confidence. you know business owners are the
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type of people that, you know, really want to take the bull by the horns and don't want to feel like there is anything impeding them or the government is making any sort of decisions that is going to make them hold their breath or not feel confident to take the right step forward. david: jim, let me suggest something. i was born during reagan. i remember reagan and period up to it 1970s which were awful. reagan turned it around by lowering tax rates and lowering regulations. this is the first recovery in my time when a president done exactly the opposite, raise tax rates and raise number of regulations. that makes the cost of doing business more expensive, does it not. >> absolutely right. ronald reagan was committed to unleashing economic liberty in every sector of the economy. capital got freed up and jobs got created as as a result.
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deregulation and lesser regulation was critical to enabling that. we've been doing exact opposite for number of years. david: perhaps we would have lower tax rates if we had a better jobs number. >> you think that would be the case. the real frightening part in the jobs report not what was said in the government press release the fact if you look month over month, 268,000 people not go into the labor force. when you look we had net job increase of 16,000 jobs and we needed more like 200,000 jobs month over month, that is a bit frightening. in fact, janet yellen, our fed chairman also said there is serious concern that we have this many people left the work labor force not looking for a job anymore. david: frankly the longer you wait to get a job, omar, i think the less likely people like you are to hire those folks out of the job market for a while
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correct? >> absolutely. you know, getting that experience, whether it is an entry level job or job that is minimum wage or whatever it might be is huge. if you're kind of sitting around waiting not doing anything, business owners and folks hiring are probably going to be less likely to take a chance on you. david: jim, have you tried to reach out to people unemployed for a long time? >> we are hiring. fortunately we're in one of the hottest markets in the country. raleigh as you know is one of the fastest growing cities in america. david: raleigh, north carolina. why is that? what has raleigh, north carolina done to make it so attractive? >> we have a very jobs friendly environment. we've got an an administration that understands in the state of north carolina now that lowering tax rates which we have done in the last year in significant way, creates jobs. we have created a fertile
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environment for job growth by deregulating our departments that regulate formation of business. we have great universities also contributed to that. david: quality of life means a lot. chris, i'm wondering if answers are clear to people like you what needs to be done to create more jobs and businesses, why can't you get that message through to the policy makers? i'm not sure why. washington needs to help in the situation, instead of creating more costs for businesses to try to hire people. you think about impacts of the affordable care act and the proposals to raise minimum wage dramatically, some other policies, that is challenge for all businesses regardless of size. david: finally, just a quick, quick answer from both all three of you, yes or no. are you going to be hiring more in 2015? first to you, chris? >> yes. in fact i've got 80 open positions for professionals right now. david: okay. by the way, we want to put that
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up on our website. omar, quickly, 2015 going to be hiring more? >> absolutely. our franchises will be hiring, expanding and looking for all types of employees. david: jim? >> yes. we expect to do 2 to 5% job growth in our company. david: by the way, we should put links and we will, producers, put links to these guy's companies. if you're looking for a job, these may be places to go. chris, jim, omar, thank you very much, gentlemen. good to see you all. have a good weekend. liz? liz: should definitely mention that. show time for apple ceo tim cook in four days. he is expected unveil the iphone 6 as well as the smart watch. we'll tell you what leaks and rumors what we can expect. after a hack attack on celebrity icloud accounts, ceo of one of the leading security companies focusing on mobile. he will tell us excuse live how
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you can protect yourself. he announced a new acquisition that could be a real game-changer. you have to hear about this company. take care. ♪ [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs at encourage people to take their medications regularly.
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david: we're just a few days away from apple's big unveil event next tuesday. we're seeing renderings what the iwatch is going to look like, one of the most reliable apple analysts from kgi securities released his
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predictions what fans can expect. the analyst expects the iwatch to come with about eight gigabytes of storage, two display size options, 1.3-inch display and 1.5-inch. he also prediction the watch will be made of aluminum, same material as the iphone. competition for apple is heating up as its biggest competitor, samsung, reveal its latest gear watch which some are calling the most powerful smart watch yet. a big fight to come, liz. liz: everybody is waiting on that one. lines are up the street at apple store here in manhattan already. it is days away. tech giant apple announced new security measures to protect customer accounts after the recent hack attacks on icloud accounts like celebrities like jennifer lawrence and other actresses. rihanna was in there. compromising photos were expected. kate upton, supermodel. one internet security company, avg technologies, publicly trading, ticker symbol avg is
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stepping up its game by fighting cyber attacks with mobile security company location labs. joining me in fox business exclusive is the ceo, gary kovacs formerly of mozilla. great to see you. >> great to see you. liz: what is the acquisitions location labs do. >> it gives us and therefore the world technology to protect our families. so security is a much broader definition today. it is device data. we talked about that, and family, people. location labs offers services to give kids coming online kind of training wheels, a safety net. manage the plan. who can get to them. manage what is tracked. manage how they're tracked. manage who they can send emails, messages, texts too. set location parameters. if my 11-year-old goes out of a three-mile radius out of school i get alert even if the phone is powered off. liz: even if the phone is
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powered off. >> yes. liz: how does that work? the phone is already sending out signal. >> we trust the operator's private very. the operator's then, deeply integrated with the operator's network able to offer that service. liz: your software protects four things like the iphone. would it have prevented photos, some private things up there from being stolen and hacked? >> well what happened there in the, jury still out exactly the investigation -- liz: what do you think happened? >> i think what happens is, people's passwords are weak and people's passwords are unprotected. so i liken it to, we can do all the security in your home, but if you leave the door open and bypass for urugay almost for that door there is not much that anybody can do. part of this is big campaign to educate a consumer and human because we're going online what is appropriate. and safeguards we should take and some people, i can't even belief the percentages, over 50% of the people still keep the passwords in a note field. that is easy to hack. sixth grader knows a little bit
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about computer can hack that. we have to get more public education. liz: talk about things like passwords. the number one thing people should do when creating a password is? >> they should create a strong password. liz: which is? >> something not easily guessable. has uppercase, lower case symbols not letters. so the number one password in the world now is sunshine and followed by happy. so what do you think the, makes you feel good but weak. liz: come up with a weird, not really a word word, throw in some symbols as well as upper lower case. >> correct. a good friend of mine has a favorite line from one of his favorite songs from the '60s and does first letter from each one of those, throws in number. liz: still can't remember. they put it in the field in their contacts because they can't remember it. >> right. liz: talk about how jpmorgan, target and maybe home depot have been hacked. >> yeah. liz: location labs or anything you offer in all your partnerships with at&t and everything else because everyone has become so mobile and people
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work off their phones now. >> yes. liz: what can you offer them to make sure that doesn't happen? >> we have entire sweep for security. because again, security now, the broader definition is no longer just virus or malware. it is protecting your device. protecting data and you as a human. so our suite of technology can help in certain cases. hard to know what happened at home depot and target. we're getting a little more data but certainly consumers are much more protected. even when we go into some of the big retailers they're tracking us by the wi-fi signal we send. liz: before we go, what is the scariest thing out there that you wish everybody knew about? >> the scariest thing out there there is more loss from online hacking from illegal, marijuana and cocaine, heroin combined around the world. and to take security seriously. to manage your passwords. to download the appropriate software. to take the precautions with your family and take it for real. liz: avg technologies is the company working hard to protect us. gary, great to see you.
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>> great to see you, thank you. liz: congratulations on the acquisition of location lab. david, to you. david: i have changed my passwords, i have to admit. how do you repair damage from a pr nightmare? kfc is trying to make amends for tainted chicken supply in asia, by offering fried chicken lovers new line of office supplies and accessories. wait until you see what afc cooked up. jeff flock live from a cattle ranch in i will knoy why -- illinois, and why beef prices are soaring. you don't want to miss jeff. he is coming up. ♪ whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts
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david: beef prices are soaring. the feed corn is actually going down and demand for the red meat is highest it has been in decade. so why aren't cattleman expanding herds to take advantage of all this? liz: jeff flock is the man to answer the question. he is live from a cattle ranch in illinois with the story. jeff. >> look at corn. it is doing great. as david pointed out you would think with corn doing that well and prices so low that the prices for beef would come down. look what they're eating? a lot of this is corn. that's what they're eating, but that is not the case mike. >> no, not at all. we've got a limited supplyp of
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cattle and both high demand on domestic side and exports. >> if we look corn prices versus beef prices last three month. corn down 20%. but the price for feeders, which is what we're looking at right now, those are feeder cattle, up 12%. the demand for beef remains high. people don't care about the price. >> well that is true. on the other hand, our export demand has gone up 4% in the last 14 months. so that meat being exported amounts to a lot too for us. >> i would say, look at prices, retail price for beef, up to now, almost $4 a pound pound for ground beef. most of the beef we see, this guy will be ground beef pretty soon, right. >>? >> right the reason the ground beef is higher, we're slaughtering less cows. we're trying tokes panned the herd. what we're doing, taking round and chuck and putting that in the grind for hamburger. >> so the hamburger is better? >> the hamburger is better and
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will cost more because we're taking more expensive cuts to make it. >> interesting. leave you with the feeder cattle chart. this is today, up again today, another two bucks. nine straight days up to yesterday. yesterday we had a little bit of profit-taking. nine straight days of run-up. there is no end in sight. beef prices i think will stay high, mike thinks year, year-and-a-half. david: wow. i saw bone in fillet mignon, steak place next door, $85. >> not -- people are paying this. david: it is a big one but you pay the price. >> there it is. david: jeff, thank you very much. fresh. liz: wait, no. >> ready to go. liz: don't remind us. david: she is not good slaughtering cattle. liz: i will eat it. don't want to know beforehand. david: thank you very much, jeff, appreciate it. liz: are you looking for luxurious getaway? we'll tell you how you can score a mansion on a beach this, for free? when we go "off the desk."
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david: friday chicken fans are taking love for kfc to a new level. we'll tell you all about that coming right up. ♪
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if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. gerri: they are using members only websites like this one called third home to broker the exchanges. users are able to vet other members an evaluate their properties to insure they meet their standards. travelers say the swaps not only save money but also give them a ticket to otherwise inaccessible mansions, villas and penthouses around the world. david: airbnb for the rich. also "off the desk," when you think of friday chicken kfc computer accessories not typically first thing to come to mind, at least not anymore.
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kfc in japan launching a collection of friday chicken theme keyboard peripherals. food safety scare led to drop in sales in asia. campaign runs till september 24th. >> liz: colonel sanders is huge in asia. david: but the scandal hurt a lot. liz: should twitter censor isis supporters. he wrote twitter should shut down and disable isis accounts because they misuse the freedom of speech. david: number two thing to watch will jobless claims set to be released:30 a.m. number of americans filing for first time unemployment benefits to fall by 2,000 to 300,000. liz: number one thing to watch next week, august retail sales data. set to be released friday 8:30
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eastern. sales expected to climb .6 of a percent after remaining flat in july. sales excluding autos are .3 of a percent but if there is tie i think apple will make a big announcement. david: gerri willis report is next. have a great weekend. >> hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. coming today on the show you may be taking the wrong prescription not even know it. this is thanks to a computer problem at walgreen's. we'll explain. beef may be what is for dinner. be prepared to pay a whole lot more for it. as a family grieves over the loss of comedienne joan rivers they're considering a lawsuit how she died. our legal panel weighs in. "the willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now. gerri: well is your wallet about to be a thing of the past? according to reports apple's new iphone 6 will allow technology with use


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