tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 8, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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you can go to our web page right now. / "the independents". we will be there. for matt welch and kmele foster, kennedy. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody president obama has decided to delay his amnesty executive order granting millions of illegal immigrants legal status until after the midterm elections. the obama white house plans it has nothing to do with politics. the president flatly denied that the move has anything to do with preserving a democratic majority in the senate despite polls that increasingly show a republican takeover of the senate after november's elections. here is the president trying to spend at his decision. >> and what are want to do is what i take executive action i want to make sure
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that it is sustainable. >> behind you. >> a little bit. >> concerned the public would not support -- >> what i am saying is that i am going to act because it is the right thing for the country. lou: the president's decision roundly criticized by both republicans who call it election-year politics and democrats who are pushing for outright a the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell put it this way saying what is so cynical about today's immigration announcement is that the president is not saying he will follow the law. he is just saying he will go around the law once it is too late for americans to hold his party accountable in the november elections. also tonight president obama to address the nation tomorrow about the -- rather wednesday about his new strategy to destroy the islamic state terrorists. the president will outline the plan to house and senate leaders to more before making his case to the
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american public the next day. senior white house officials tell fox is president obama will outline a three phase strategy. >> we will take all of this up with former arkansas governor right here in just moments. and how -- the woman who is now nfl star ray wise is wife end up on the floor of the casino scene and your screen? we will show you the newly released video that answers the question and take up the nfl about face coming out. we begin tonight with the president's evolving strategy in dealing with the islamic state. first he had no strategy, but now the commander in chief says he is ready to start going on offense.
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fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report. >> president obama's aides are being taken up almost every detail of this big wednesday speech about a strategy to defeat isis including the logistics' of whether it will be a prime-time address. as for the substance, all they will reveal directly is what the president will not say. >> the president has been pretty clear about what he is not contemplating. he is not contemplating the deployment of combat boots on the ground into syria to deal with the situation. >> that leaves the door open to what officials describe as a three part strategy, continued u.s. air strikes, trying to stand up the iraqi government and then expanding the air strikes into syria. part of a broader campaign that officials now say could take up to three years to defeat an enemy that the president dismissed in january. >> he ran for office under the notion that our national interest in the middle east was to disengage as quickly
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as possible to possible. whether it is saying that i s. il was that chafee, steadying red lines that were not enforced. >> in an interview with nbc news the president insisted. january interview with the new yorker. >> i was not specifically referring. >> a similar report true for pinocchio's by the washington post. declared that after consulting with the new yorker the president was referring at january 7th to the fact that the islamic state had taken over the iraqi city on january 3rd. >> why do you and the president continue to say something that has been proven to be false? >> it has not been proven to be false. the president was describing the wide variety of extremist groups that help spread of. some of them have greater capabilities and others. some of them to not pose a threat to the homeland. >> former homeland security
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secretary said, while isis was not the dominant source of concern the white house knew about the threat before she left office in september september 2013. >> yes, they were on everybody's radar screen. >> raising questions about why the president did not give this big speech and lay out strategy sooner. he will host the top four congressional leaders of both parties on tuesday. officials are being vega whether he will seek an actual vote to authorize new military force saying only he wants a debate and by and from congress. lou: thank you. ed henry. the obama administration today renewed its plea for congress to provide additional money to deal with the unaccompanied illegal children who have made it to our southern border. homeland security secretary j johnson said there are now $1 billion in additional funding. he will be forced to take money from other accounts. the notes only 30141
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unaccompanied minors across the border illegally in the month of august compared with a high of 10,622 in june. much of that decline attributed to the summer months. joining us now, former arkansas governor, host of huckabee on the fox news channel, mike huckabee. great to have you with this. let's start out. i love mitch mcconnell statement. accountability at the polls to defer his feet out granting amnesty. what do you think? >> well, that is exactly what it is. many of these democrats who are up for reelection know that they are going to be cut in barack obama's hot water if he throws this pre-election immigration at them. and now they cannot survive that. the american people are watching people roll across the border. no one has a clue where they are. homeland security secretary says, by the way, we need another $1 billion.
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frankly, i don't think -- let him get it from the countries where these people are coming from. take it from that. if not, but the government can cut 1 billion we will make it just fine. no new money. that is what we ought to make clear. lou: the president saying that he should have anticipated the optics on meet the press talking about the beheading of an american citizen and then within minutes going to the golf course. he should have anticipated. >> i was embarrassed for him lou: yes. >> when he said that i was embarrassed. he said it's about the optics. this is not the theater of the presidency. this is about judgment and priorities. he exercised very, very poor judgment when it came to the getting off the phone with his family, rushing in, putting on his sports jacket long enough to say this is terrible and ten minutes
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later he's on the golf course yucking it up. and it shows a lack of priorities. a priority should have been to spend that afternoon instead of on the golf course talking with the military and intelligence people and deciding exactly how many different ways we could bomb the ever loving stuffings out of isis that afternoon. lou: sensitivity. some feeling, honest emotion about the loss of the man's life, an american citizen. can both be true? ninety-five on the golf course and sincere condolences to the family of that young man? it seems to me to be horrible manners. horrible and sensitivity as much as judgment or optic. >> well, that is why i said i don't think it's about optics. really do believe it shows that he just was so tune in
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to his vacation and tune out from the job. vacations are wonderful. we all need one from time to time, but there are some jobs for which you don't get to take a vacation. you are called into duty. it does not matter whether you are a neurosurgeon. somebody has a brain injury. they will call you when. if you are on the golf course your game is over. if you're the president of the united states and you have an american who is beheaded i'm sorry, but your calls after and will have to be put on the back burner. you have to get to the top of the game. it is not called but the president. he failed at that task. lou: the islamic state, we will find out this week. we are told it is a three stage strategy. the first stage of which is apparently under way, that is air strikes against the islamic state. do you think you will ask congress will -- for their approval to proceed against
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the islamic state? >> i think he might. it's not because he has any respect whatsoever for congress. it is always talking about how he will go it alone. if they're is a decision that he knows is going to make the people, his paws on the left of set, and he says i will go to congress. this is why i find it so disingenuous to pretend that he will go to congress because he really values there and put. there has not been one indication in six years that he has any respect for the people's elected representatives, and he constantly tells us how he would rather go it alone. so i don't think he is going to congress because that is what he wants to do. he is looking for an ounce of that he won't be able -- one of two things. he won't go into take isis because congress has no, or
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they will say yes and he will tell his liberal pols i don't have a choice. either way he is playing the game. lou: minimally facetious commit to you think he should ask congress for their approval to continue to ignore the iranian role in the sponsorship of terrorism, being responsible for one-third of our casualties in iraq? its alliance and continued aggression against the state of israel? >> absolutely. here is the sad thing. we loosen the screws on iran since that time the situation in the world has gotten worse. where is the funding for hezbollah and isis largely come from? iran. iran is the mother ship. what they don't supply the muslim brotherhood does. and so very important that we have a commander in chief
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who understands the nature of the problem. rather than try to make a deal with iran start treating our allies with respect. let them know that there not going to have a nuclear weapon and they're not going to have any loosening of the sanctions until they dismantle all of their nuclear building capacities and the ability to weapon nuys. lou: as always, great to have you with us. be sure to tune in. the fox news channel saturday and sunday nights. we are coming right back. president obama did not have a strategy. still he does not. tomorrow he apparently well. former u.s. spokesman to the united nations on what the obama battle plan may look like. next.
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only from xfinity. lou: ukrainian president today made a surprise visit to the embattled coastal city in eastern ukraine. in a fiery speech he stated that the city was, is, and will be ukrainian. his visit comes as a tenuous cease-fire appears to be holding between ukrainian troops, russian back separatists. the pentagon today announced that nearly all of the additional 350 troops have arrived there. there are now nearly 1200 soldiers. they have conducted 143 airstrikes against the islamic state. says a seven and a half million dollars a day.
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the united states spokesman to the united nations advising for it u.s. ambassador's. let's start with the president. not the plan. not the equivalent. what to you taken to mean? >> i'm not sure what it means. he has been scrambling for quite a long time to try to come up with some sort of a plan. i mean, he has been little bit from the campaign, if you remember in 2008. on the run and then he was scrambling. so we have really seen this strategy not just from 2008, but if you'd go even back from the beginning of the campaign when he was elected , you know, this is a strategy that hillary clinton called my eve. hillary clinton was talking about barack obama's foreign-policy when she said this is an ideal strategy. we have seen it played out.
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lou: we should point out that she was speaking as a candid at that time. it does not validate her charge, but it is important, i think. uruguay foreign ministers meeting in agreeing to take measures. this seems to be a profound development. >> i think it is a little bit too late. our arab allies have wanted to do something for a while. we have seen the saudis, jordanians, lebanese, a lot of arab allies have been clamoring for some sort of plan. we are now starting with the plan, but it is really too late. we have seen isis growing. they have grown outside of syria and are already in to iraq. this is a situation that is at the forefront of american security. i don't understand why the president keeps saying this is a regional issue. they have already taken
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american lives. they're planning on doing more. we have to eric -- the lesson of september 11th was to get the terrorists before their inside the plane. lou: and the idea that is being put forward by the obama administration is that his strategy will have a horizon that goes well beyond the end of his presidency. he think that this country has been at all chastened by the long war concept? is it about time commanders in chief talk about victory, destroying the enemy rather at deliversfully calculated very little in the end? >> you know, it is the doctrine. if you're going to see -- going to decide to use force he should go in with overwhelming force. that is one of the things we have seen. the obama doctrine is war or ignore. a lot of these crises for a very long time. i would counsel the president that he should
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pick up that doctrine and use it more. lou: as we wish and number of presidents had. great to see you. vicki for being here. well, the baltimore ravens today terminated the contract of running back rick rice just hours after the release of surveillance video that appears to show him striking his fiancee in the face interview airing. the nfl plans it had not seen that is serving video when it made the decision in july to suspend rice for two games, a punishment that was widely criticized as inadequate and insensitive. the nfl has now suspended rice and definitely. the atlanta hawks controlling owner to sell his stake in the team following his racially insensitive e-mail that he sent two years ago. he self reporters his e-mail to the nba in july, the
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league was in mitigation of the now completed $2 billion sale of the l.a. clippers over donald sterling's racist remarks. the atlanta hawks have an estimated value of 425 million, more than double the 208 million. we are not suggesting there is any correlation. be sure to vote in our online poll. tonight, do you believe there should be as zero tolerance policy for domestic abuse and other violent crimes? cast your vote and friday's poll results. whether you believe a 28 nation organization should be able to muster more than ten of its members were coalition? 90 percent said yes. home depot confirming its payments systems were hacked and a security breach that may have stretched all the way back to april. the software used in the
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♪ lou: coming up here in moments, the president making an announcement on illegal immigration while claiming he is not playing politics. we should believe him. former director calls the -- joins us. the death toll in the ebola outbreak topping 2000. a new virus hits the united states precentors for disease control director joins us. and first, a few comments on the hardships of being the leader of the free world, a difficult job by any standard. hardships that then senator barack obama had anticipated he was well aware of them back in 2008 when the future president said this. >> you give me this office and in turn my fears, and
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securities, need for sleep, family, life faugh no, vacation, leisure is gone. giving myself -- and the american people should have no patience for whatever is going through your head because you have a job. lou: six years later the president is a magician because all of that has reappeared. we now have president obama who is offering no apologies for going to play golf last month eight minutes after he delivered a statement condemning terrorist for be having american journalist james foley. here is the president yesterday on meet the press addressing the incident for which he was roundly criticized.
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>> you know, it is always a challenge when you are supposed to be on vacation because you are followed everywhere. there is no doubt that after having talked to the families where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to them, the pins that they were going through after the statement that i made, i should have anticipated the optics. lou: anticipated the optics. and the president who you could argue hose his presidency to racing bill is electrifying speech at the 2004 democratic national convention then went on to make this plan. >> part of the job is also -- part of it is -- well, it is not something that that
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always comes naturally to me . lou: yes, that claim from the president who gave his 2008 acceptance speech on the stage that was mocked for its spectacular resemblance to a greek temple. now we are to believe president obama when he says he is uncomfortable with the theater of it all. could it be that he is uncomfortable with his role can somewhat disappointed with his unappreciative audience? we're coming right back. the commander in chief watering our troops into battle with another deadly threat. the director of the cdc joins us to tell us how our military will be fighting the ebola virus outbreak in africa. it's monday, a brand new start. with centurylink visionary cloud infrastructure, and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile.
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remnants from what was hurricane norbert. that's a different story for a different time. four to 5 inches of heavy rain setting a record for their rainiest they ever. the downpour flooded most of arizona, some parts of southern california, nevada, utah, colorado, no injuries reported. thank goodness. turning to washington. congress back to work -- well, let's not get carried away. they're back in washington. there will be in session tomorrow. this -- 56 days before the midterm elections, nine working days from the end of the fiscal year. priority number one, funding the continuing resolution before the september 30th deadline. joining us now, fox news political analyst, former reagan political director,
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republican strategist. great to have you. i have to say, the prospect of congress being back in session, the white house, all is well with the world. >> twelve working days. september 203rd. lou: we are not going have the pleasure of their company. >> not for too long. lou: was turned to a president to says it is not a political decision for him to delay the fiat that has been promising for months on illegal immigration, amnesty. >> he could not raise his right hand to take a lie-detector test. he would get better by democrats who are in tough senate races. harry reid called him on the plane when he was coming back. his chief of staff was dealing directly with the white house. basically said call this thing off. if they don't obviously several members of the senate will be in big trouble. the new york pop to of the
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night. lou: the republican party, back above 60%. do you concur with the new york times? >> there certainly picking up the trend. a very strong poll that came out called the battleground poll done by george washington university. bipartisan. they do this and have been doing for years. the intensity of the republican voters 12 points higher than that of the democrat. this is higher than it was in 2010. so my sense is every poll that i have seen, the trend has gone toward republican. making democrats feel the need to go out and defend the incumbents. could be much bigger than the majority. lou: republicans right when is it the american people don't want anything to do with amnesty or immigration reform, or are they sort of whistling by the graveyard?
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>> i think long term we need to do something about our borders and the immigration policy that we have in this country. it is not a quick fix or something that can happen overnight. ronald reagan took five or six years to get a bipartisan bill. lou: let's underline the word, bill. it was a legislative process. >> absolutely. lou: the house and the senate took three years to get those two measures through and for his signature. he also took a huge hit, lost about 1/3 of his approval rating in never really recovered until the end of his term. >> i was in the white house at the time. he thought it was mainly a california problem. 5 million illegals in the country at that point in time. 3 million from california. a onetime deal and never have to worry about it again. some of us argue that once
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you made this amnesty it will be needed later on. now sitting ten or 12 million people. a far more significant problem. the situation last several months. lou: certainly strains that after september 11th of a global war against terror, this administration and the previous did not think it was appropriate to secure the border. this is mind boggling. >> one more time in some sort of battle to take care of terrorists. the country even knows, they're very concerned about it. i don't care. adelle want to deal with the other problems, and the republican party would be smart to say thank you and that we will basically take our time. we want a majority. you will take the next couple of years to study this.
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lou: to you think the speaker has the guts to do that? guy rounding out 144 acquiescence votes acquiescing to the idea of amnesty, comprehensive border, comprehensive immigration reform to so long as they did not have the vote. >> my sense is that he will be a different speaker or there will be a difference speaker come next january. a new majority leader. obviously. some new members of the republican party, the congress inclined to not be moderates, more inclined to be conservatives. he will have to basically do a reassessment. votes are not there. you could not pass the senate bill again. he would not have people like rubinse is a process will take a couple years. it needn't settle down and make it right. lou: of the republicans going to run against a president who says he will issue an amnesty fee out but
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just as not have the guts to do it before the election? >> i think republicans are running against a lack of leaders. this is one more issue. the president promised something that he went back on. becoming a tremendous draw down on his own party. lou: one final question. the president saying that he should have anticipated -- his great apology was he should have anticipated the optics of some his condolences to the family of james foley upon his death and then running out to be on the golf course. >> is not optics. its insensitivity. this man does not understand go back and read any book on presidential powers. ever things about your ability to communicate. his great book.
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by the american public with his presence discourages the american public. lou: and a great journalist, a great biographer. all right. nice to see you. >> a pleasure. lou: some news that may affect the supermarket. hit a record high meaning higher prices ahead for everything from up to butter and cheese. all terry, of course. corn prices falling to the lowest level. corn prices at the lowest yield in four years. expectations of a record harvest. now to the weekend box office where guardians of the galaxy continued its rate of the top earning another 10 million for disney. not much to celebrate. this, the lowest grossing weekend in 13 years. teen-age mutant ninja turtles. warner brothers if i state
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took third place. we're coming right back. the ebola contagion in africa. america with its own outbreak of a new virus beginning to spread sending an unprecedented number of children to intensive care. next up dr. mark siegel on what we now face. yo musical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? from now on, no one's taking your seat away. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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♪ lou: let's check in on wall street quickly. stocks posting lower. the s&p pulling back. the dow down 26 points. the s&p down six. the nasdaq managed to gain. volume on the big board, not bad given the last few mondays. facebook enjoying a good run with shares closing just under 78 per share. market cap 200 billion. that makes the social
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network the 27 largest company in the world. verizon behind it. toyota had of it. be sure to listen to our financial report three times a day. new warnings tonight about a mysterious respiratory virus with the across the country. more than 1,000 children taken ill. ten states now dealing with the outbreaks. officials say the unusually high number of hospitalizations reported could be just the beginning. joining us now, dr. mark siegel, a member of the fox news medical "a-team", professor of medicine, and he has written extensively about the spread of infectious diseases. great to see you. >> good to see you. lou: this is a virus that we have seen before 50 years ago and nothing like the
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number of cases. >> it has been around in california since the 1960's. you rarely see it, but the cdc was saying to me today that we have been underestimating it for years and calling it something else. lou: and not reassuring everybody. >> i will. i will get to that part. i will reassure you later. generally they are studying viruses. this is a respiratory virus. spence by droplets, as kids in schools. kids do not take proper precautions and school. lou: can i interject? we know that there were at most 100 cases years ago. we are seeing hundreds of cases in those ten states, colorado, ohio, hundreds of cases and in some cases hundreds of cases at one hospital. what is going not?
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>> we don't know where this is coming from. i asked the cdc if it could be coming from the illegal immigrant children on the border. they said, we don't know. that has not been determined it is also possible that it just takes hold because this is the way infectious diseases are. you get one case and it spreads to another. its starts to spread more and more and more. also, it's affecting kids with asthma. those are the ones getting hospitalized. the reason it is spreading in making people sick is because we don't have an immunity to this particular strain because there has not been a lot of it. lou: and hospitals, this is the other part of this disease. everyone sickened to this point that we are aware -- and are talking about over a thousand kids have all recovered. there has been no fatality. keep at the same, but the reality is hospitals are being overwhelmed because these kids are sick when
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they are brought in. >> having trouble breathing. that is the key symptom. it is an issue with reading. otherwise it's a regular cold symptom. on top of that you're getting we see. kids don't have the kind of respiratory reserve they get when they're older. in hospital, and chelation therapy, intravenous and support them, as you said. that is the reassuring part. lou: we appreciate it. it's an important part of it what should parents be looking for? what should they do? >> more than ever in the midwest, colorado, ohio, georgia, when you have a kid with cold symptoms having trouble breathing and not feeling well, isolate them. kids are always going to school sick. this is especially the time not to do that.
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he send a kid to school sick and some the ten kids get it kids don't wash their hands, i don't care how many times to tell them to. lou: that is often the toughest thing. and the parents usually have to get to work. it is tough all the way around. as always, sage counsel. how long do you think it will take to run its course? >> i think it will spread to more. over the course of this year it will die down. in the winter. respiratory viruses in the winter will die down. lou: thanks for being here. we are coming right back. we've never sold a house before.
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♪ lou: the white house announcing that the u.s. military will be sending aid to west africa to combat the deadly ebola outbreak. my next guest says the window of opportunity to deal with this is closing in closing rapidly. joining us now, the director of the centers for disease control and prevention. good to have you with this. when you said that window is closing quickly and the president announces the military will be going to west africa, urgency is becoming the watch word. how urgently is this aid needs? >> we are seeing cases and deaths skyrocket in liberia and elsewhere. time is absolutely of the essence. that is why the president's approach to the whole of government response is exactly what is needed. what we need is to a surgeon and provide the kind of
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support that country's need to combat it. what is important to understand is every one of these countries. certain things we can't do, send us the support that we need. support from the department of defense is absolutely critical. lou: how much support do you think is needed? numbers, troops, the size and nature of the material. >> at this point that is up to the department of defense in terms of what they do. they planned to send a highly specialized hospital that can treat people who have complications. that is important so that if health care workers become el, whether from the countries themselves or x patrick international volunteers, they can be treated at the top level of care without having to have an arduous medical evacuation which can be dangerous. lou: all situation is dangerous we just received
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word that they're on their way for treatment. this is beginning to look like the united states is the maintenance -- this year point, if you will, on this effort. where is the world health organization, of the nation's, why are we hearing more about them? >> a tremendous number of partners are doing a lot in this area. we have seen just in our laboratory work in west africa, the south africans, the chinese. all have laboratory work. we have seen commitment from the european union. the world bank has committed $230 million. african development bank. the african union is proposing to do quite a bit that would be enormously
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helpful. it is not the we are doing a lot but every single country needs to do a lot. this is a global threat. enormous risk, not just to west africa or africa but the world. lou: how many american doctors, nurses, care givers are going to be going out to west africa? will will be the role of the cdc? >> as of today the cdc has 100 of our top disease detectives and disease control specialists in africa working on ebola. that is actually the largest international response the cdc has ever had danielle break. lou: how long do you estimate it will be before you can say that you have contained the upper? >> i can't predict the future, but i can predict at the center research, scalable, large response the sooner we will begin to turn the tide. lou: thank you for being
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with us. thank. time for some of your comments. liberals believe conservatives of the real threat, not isil. events are clashing with their beliefs. and if i interpret that directed the president was sorry. sad that the president has lied so many times. a large number of americans will either not watch or not believe what he proposes. the border worse. the authors of tonight's comments as always. we love hearing from you. follow us on twitter. get our facebook page. links to everything. that's it for us tonight. stay tuned. coming up here tomorrow, the man who can save the republican party if only they would allow him to lead on the issue of immigration.
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house judiciary committee chairman. please join us. thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york. ♪ ♪ you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. right. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] i need help with the groceries. [ sighs ] [ garage door closing ] where was i? oh, yes. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50.
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>> william, i am david asman in for neil cavuto. president obama saying he will not take action on immigration until after the midterm election, saying that decision is not political but my next guest not so sure, gop fundraiser, noel said that vulnerible democrats have been pushing the president to punt, this is a direct response to that, joining me with the fox business all-stars
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