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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  September 9, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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cheryl: and, you know, it's interesting, nicole, again as we move into the close and after it looks like apple and had taken a little bit of a hit, down 1%. a little bit of a comeback, like i said. david: little wit although we note that it is significantly further down percentage wise than the dow jones industrial average. dow jones looks like it might stay in double digits, although it could settle above that just down about 96 points. nasdaq down a full 40 points. that's almost a full percentage point. look at the small and mid-sized caps represented by russell 2000, down well over a percentage point, down about 1.17%. so it is not a good day but a lot of interest in specific stocks. what is happening at home depot and, of course, what is happening with apple. we have answers coming up. "after the bell" starts right now. ♪
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david: let us goat right the toed's action. paul dietrich is ceo, chief investment office of fairfax. expecting a market correction. he'll tell us where and when to invest your money. mark temper, strategic wealth partners founder and president couldn't disagree more. he's going to tell you how to position your portfolio before interest rates increase. and larry shover joining us from the cme. larry, i want to start with you and talk about the effect of apple. i know we talked about home depot pulling down the dow, but kind of a disappointment because of apple. might that affect overall indexes? >> you know, it could have, but let's keep in mind that usually apple goes down in price after some big announcement. the consensus was so wide and broad and except for that iwatch which we know the availability isn't until after the holiday, that was a real bummer to the market. best close here, we're very quiet. and when that news came out, that surely didn't help a whole
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lot because right now traders are, basically, very anxious waiting for next wednesday's fomc. with that in mind, any kind of news -- especially something so big as apple -- could really affect the market. so i think you're spot on with apple and the effect to the market right now. cheryl: paul, today's market action in particular within the last half hour, you had a lot of volatility in really the dow and the nasdaq pushing session lows. we somewhat came back. you're looking for a big correction. did something happen today that kind of reinforces your belief that we're going to lose more points? >> well, i don't think two days makes a correction, but i do believe we will see a correction in the next eight weeks, and here's why. i mean, we're value investors at fairfax global markets, and we can't find any value stocks that meet our screen. so there are just no undervalued stocks in this market. the second thing is september and october have historically been the worst months for performance in the history of
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the stock market. and lastly, earnings drive markets. and we have to to remember that 52, 53% of the s&p 500 companies and the dow companies, their profits come from overseas earnings. and even though the u.s. looks good, overseas doesn't look so great. russia's in recession, europe is flatlining, maybe going into recession. the two biggest other economies in the world, china and japan, they're slowing down. that's going to slow earnings from those overseas sales, and that's going to affect the stock market here. and then you've got all the geopolitical risk. i mean, president obama is now taking his war with isis to syria, you know, what could go wrong with that? nobody believes that the ukraine/russian ceasefire is going to hold. and be next week we're going to see scotland vote for independence. nobody really thought that scotland would vote for independence, but now the polls are showing that they're going
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to win. and if that happens, you're going to see one hell of a party in eden borrow. but the next day you're going to see a massive hangover -- david: okay. well, paul, i've got to jump in because some people here are opening windows, i'm worried they're about to jump out. [laughter] before that happens, i want to get mark in the picture because he's a lot more bullish. and just to support your position, mark, for a second, you look at those jobs numbers, and you look at some of the depressing news that paul was talking about, and that gives weight to the doves in the fed. the september 17th meeting is going to be the battle, again, between the doves and the hawks. the doves want to put off interest rate hike until the last possible minute, and they are supported by all this bad news, are they not? >> they are. you know, as long as, as long as we're looking at a goldilocks kind of economy where economic day's not too hot, not too cold, monetary policy's going to remain easy, and that's going to
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support equity prices. there's a lot of concern that as soon as the fed is done with its tapering process and it begins to raise interest rates, there's going to be some huge market correction, and that's just simply not the case. since 1961 when you look at average rates of return given our current fed funds rate cycle which is where money is easy and the fed is still easing, we'll look at annualized returns in this cycle of 23% a year. next may or june when the fed does decide to potentially raise interest rates, we're going to move into that next cycle which is where monetary policy's still easy, but the fed begins to tighten, and mean annual rised returns in that next phase are still a positive 10% per year. so, yeah, a lot of the big gains are behind us. but there's still money to be made -- cheryl: well, i don't know though. you know what, larry shover, if that's so true, then why do you have a lot of money managers and, frankly, commentary saying that they're looking overseas
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now? they're thinking that other parts of the world are going to be the places to put money, not the u.s. th? >> i think it's all because of multiples. right now our forward multiple in the s&p 500 for 2015 is about 15.5. i don't want view that as being rich, but it's fairly valued. it's getting towards expensive. when you look at china, you're seeing sub 9% -- cheryl: yeah. >> so it's about divergence of the stock markets and picking up value. i mean, that's why when you look at china or europe being cheaper relative to the u.s. i would say there's a reason for that, and that's because we are growing and our earnings continue to grow at 8-10% a year. that's probably -- david: hey, paul, let me get you back in here for a second because you are positive about some things. let's talk about energy in particular. i was just talking to a guy who's on the board of a couple of oil companies. he was ecstatic because now the fact that the united states is
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the top producer of oil in the world, and he thinks that after the election we're going to get rid of this export ban. a lot of these companies that are producing oil domestically are going to be able to export that oil. if that happens, what happens to domestic energy producers here? >> well, it's -- the price of oil is probably going to go down at least in the short term just simply because we're at 28-year highs of producing oil here in the united states. once we're able to export it, that will help an enormous amount. and we're going to be, just like we're the biggest natural gas producer in the world right now, we're going to be the biggest oil producer at some point in the future. david: so are you buying those domestic oil producers now in anticipation of what might happen? >> no. i do think in the short run oil is going to go down because we just have too much supply, and we can't export at the moment, and there are going to be people who are going to oppose that;
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the refiners, the chemical companies. there are some big interests in the united states that are going to try to delay the lifting the export ban for a long time. cheryl: paul, good talking to you. he's talking about scotland and hangovers, i don't know, he lost me a while ago. paul dietrich, mark tapper, larry shover, we're going to see you. funny about the scotland thing. david: some people are worried about it. cheryl: i was excited about the apple watch. anyway, the technology may have impressed, but the device's price point, also the timing of the release really didn't help. apple's stock actually hit into the red right before the close. you think investors are going to punish the stock further because the watch will miss the holiday season? david: yeah, you've got another band. cheryl: this is my fitbit. i would have bought the watch. david: shares of mobile i surging following positive earnings. now, if you'd listened to our own charles payne, you would be up 26% since his call. will the stock's run continue?
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the aforementioned charles joining us next. cheryl: who you can make some money with, i've been told. plus, have you ever watched a movie and said to yourself, i want those pair of skinny jeans that they're wearing, i want that gadget? now there's an app for it. it's called shazam for movies. the company's founder is going to join us. david: and we want to hear from you. the apple watch, will it end up being a winner for the company? that's a big question. what do you think? tweet us at fbnatb. your answers coming i up. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] once, there was a man
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if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. cheryl: crispy creme reported earns just moments ago. david: nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange, it's going down a little. >> you can see the stock in the after hours is to the downside. this company actually guided lower and still after guiding lower they still have a miss here in earnings per share. earnings per share come in versus estimates of 16 cents. christy cream revenue -- krispy kreme revenue, that surpasses the analyst estimates. so a mixed bag for the latest
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quarter. they did reaffirm their full-year guy dance. obviously, as we noted, they have lowered their guidance, but they did reaffirm the lower levels. despite that, the stock is down nearly 9% this year. they do face intense competition from dunkin doughnuts and others, and store traffic has been an issue as well. many can blame the tough weather and such, but now in this latest quarter you can't even go with that. they are working to turn things around, but they do face competition and did have a mixed bag on the latest earnings. stock is lower. david: 7 percent lower. cheryl: never underestimate the power of the doughnut, nicole. >> i won't. [laughter] david: s&p futures are getting ready to go close, let's head back to larry shover in the pittss of the cme. harry, does the selloff continue? >> i don't think so, but a lot of erratic behavior here. i mean, traders have been lunging from the ecb meeting last week now looking all in at
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the meeting last week on the 17th. arguing about the language of the zero interest rate policy, what's going to happen? has the market stalled out? and funniest thing right now is we were just worried about yields dropping and falling. now they're back up 2.5%. traders are saying why are they up so high? this makes no sense. the fact is the market has stalled. the least path to resistance steams to be between 1950 and 1985. that would be great for our market given where we are right now with the economic data and the valuations of our market. so just softening up a little bit makes a lot of sense to our market. we'll see what happens tomorrow. cheryl: thank you, larry. mobile i shares hitting an all-time high. david: now, if you'd listened to fox business' charles payne, you'd be a little richer today. he talked about this stock not just once on his show, but twice. take a look. charles: by the way, in that whole space i still like the list we had up there. i have subscribe isers in
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and mobile i as well. but they're in the right industry at the right time. no debt to haves up policeically from here, and i think it's going to continue. david: you get to see all the various different suits that -- cheryl: and look here! david: now he's got a brown striped suit on. wonderful pick. by way, what was it about mobile eye that caught your attention, and is it still a bargain? >> it's up 50% since i recommended it to my subscribers. i wouldn't ask anyone to chase a stock up that much in such a short period of time. david: [inaudible] >> but you wait for a pullback, and i just wouldn't ask anyone to change it. here's the thing, everyone's talking about this, you know, the collision avoidance. you hear all the cars now bragging about it. between now and 2016, 237 different car models are going to use their technology. so they are just so far ahead of the curve, it's absolutely amazing. and this is what i really love. i know we spent a lot of time today on apple and apple's fun
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and exciting, but apple's like pluto. let's call it jupiter. there is a universe out there that's being developed that i really want people to make money on. you know this morning when i got in my car, i have one of those push to start things, so i put my car keys in the cup holder, so i pulled them out and they communicated. there's a chip that makes that happen. when people lock their cars for the last 15 years, they've never asked themselves how do i make money from that. what my goal is now is the internet of things will be 50 billion devices all talking to each other. don't take it for granted, cash in on the fact that your toothbrush is going to tell your coffee machine to start making the coffee. i want you to make money off this. it's going to be -- david: that's a wonderful idea. has somebody put that idea to work for these devices to talk to each other -- >> that's happening at this very appointment moment. a lot of the ideas i've had on my shows are about these devices
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communicating with each other because before you would have an embedded technology. you might have had a toothbrush that was also a thermometer, but it couldn't talk to anything else in the house. i'm going to talk about that tonight because apple is just planet in this giant universe, and we could make a lot of money in the next four or five years, i think. cheryl: as long as we can take our data safe. i'm still waiting for my fitbit and iphone the talk. >> they can't be competitors because, you know, iphone with this new platform, they have this new -- cheryl: you're right. >> we still do this thing -- david: i hope my toothbrush doesn't have a camera on it, because i wouldn't want anybody to see what dose on in that bathroom in the morning. [laughter] >> great point. cheryl: like a war zone going on in there. [laughter] you can catch the show, "making money," weekdays 6 p.m. eastern time. of course, he'll be here tonight. david: he's also a good man, by the way. are there inform incentives for -- enough incentives for
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growth in this country? we're going to ask john paulty your ya when we come back. cheryl: apple unveiling a lot of few products including the first-ever smart watch from them. we're going to go live to the event in cupertino, california, a tech analyst who follows apple who, frankly, is pretty bullish. david: it's a cool looking design. and we've all heard of one-hour photos, but how about one-hour groceries? the grocery delivery wars are escalating, getting even worse than you might have thought. details straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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david: time for a quick speed read of e of the day's other headlines, five stories in a minute. a new study by found 53% of millennials do not have a single credit card in their wallet. this may cost them when it comes to their yes, sir scores. the ceo of uber saying the company's creating 50,000 new driver jobs each month up from 20,000 in may. arcade and restaurant chain dave and buster's has filed for a $100 million ipo. the proceeds will reportedly go towards helping the company pay off its debt. national supermarket chain whole foods partnering with grocery delivery start-up instacart to bring grocery toss your home in just one hour. the program will launch in boston and austin and spread to other cities. and trump entertainment resorts have two casinos in atlantic
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city filing for bankruptcy. and that is today's speed read. cheryl? cheryl: time to spare. apple -- bell didn't even go off. [laughter] apple's big day has finally come and gone. two new iphones, a new payment system, a smartwatch. investors, however, saw some problems amid all the hype. the stock actually ended lower by about a quarter of a percent. david: so what is next for the stock and where do consumers stand on the new products? we have lauren simonetti live at new york city's apple store on fifth avenue and gene munster, piper jaffray managing director in cupertino, california. gene, i've got to start with you, and i've got to start with the watch which is where most of the attention has gone in the last latter -- patter part of the session. why put out so much hype when it's not even available until after the holidays? >> there's a lot of value in the watch that's going to come from the developers, and they want to start to build the development
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community. essentially, they're trying to build some momentum. this is very similar to what they did when they lawned the iphone -- launched the aye phobe. i think it's simple logistics. david: you know, to follow up on that, investors didn't like it. i mean, clearly the stock suffered as a result of the announcement of when it was going to come out. >> i think they didn't like it today because everyone always wants more, and there's a lot of hype and anticipation. but i think if you fast forward a week and two weeks from thousand when investors can say what's the potential, upside potential on it, they're going to turn. and second i think, you know, beyond the watch the payments piece is something that's very big too and could fundamentally change their wiz. cheryl: you know, i was looking at a lot of the comments on the blogosphere this afternoon, and there was a lot of criticism, frankly, about apple and, you know, look, steve jobs didn't create the computer, he didn't create the phone, and that now that he is gone, that tim cook
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just can't keep up. and a lot of people were, frankly, kind of watching tim cook now more today than they were all the gadgets. how do you think he did? >> i think he did great. i think if you look back over the last year, a lot of those criticisms were valid because we really hadn't seen anything. but there's two new product categories today, that's what he's promised for almost the past year, and they delivered on it. as i said, i think that they're ultimately, both of these could be meaningful parts of their business. so i think he delivered -- everyone always has high expectations, but i think his legacy just changed gears today. david: well, lauren, what about the customers? people online, there are two kinds of customers, lauren. one are the people who are going to buy for themselves, the others are the kind of scam pers, the ones who buy it with the idea of selling it when nobody can get hold of it. the ones who want the products for themselves, were they excited or or disappointed by
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today's announcements? >> everybody was excited about apple watch. first it was all iphone 6 talk, but the surprise and the excitement therely came when the watch was unveiled. we're here outside the apple's flagship new york store, but this is a main tourist center. so i spoke to people going back and forth all day asking us why we were here. and then i tried to find someone who was not an apple fan, david, cheryl, i could not do it. i could not find someone not into apple today. woman and to keep -- and i don't mean to keep doing pr for the company, but there is excitement about a lot of things apple, especially for the watch point of i view. this is our first product category since 2010 with. 200 million potential customers signing up. cheryl: that's the thing, if you look at the survey there accenture, 25% of those surveys do want a smartwatch within the next five years. if there's that much demand out there, you've got to say apple's not coming out with this darn thing until january.
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they're going to miss the holidays. are they missing a great opportunity? >> well, they're going to miss a small window here, but if you think about wearables over the next five years, they're not going to miss anything. secondly, the product itself is substantially better than the wearables out in the market. so i think they they're taking their sweet time to get there, and ultimately, if you think about the curb over the next several years, they're going to hit the sweet spot, so i i think they're right on top of this. david: lauren, just a quick question. how many of these people that were just bursting with enthusiasm for the apple watch were actually wearing a watch? because i haven't seen millennials at all that wear a watch. >> that is an excellent point, and i did not notice anybody's wrist. probably because it's so cold out here, and everybody was bundled up. excellent point. millennials don't really wear watches. to go back to the holiday question, i personally was disappointed that we can't get this device to put under the christmas tree in time for the
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holidays. people here didn't seem to care. i think apple's missing an opportunity not having this out in time. everyone's always looking for a holiday present. but it gives us a reason to buy the iphone 6 and 6 plus and then next year. cheryl: well, it's funny too because, jeep, there was a lot of buzz -- gene, there was a lot of buzz that you upped your price target from 105 to 120. a lot of bloggers were questioning your thinking ahead of the announcement. you still feel good about that price target change for you? >> i do in part because i think what's really the focus here, i think payments -- we're talking a hot about the watch. i think payments are a big deal. that was more substantial. i think the number of partners they have is more substantial. the significance of that longer term. actual iphones and just checking them out here at the event, it's pretty clear these are going to be home runs. easy to say that, and i'll let the numbers speak for
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themselves. but i felt relieved after actually seeing the products that they're going to deliver on getting that higher price target. david: well, if gene is right, now's the time to get in on the stock, trading down at the 97 mark. gene munster, thank you very much. lauren simonetti as well. thanks very much. so you want to know what's really going on in the economy? you've got to ask somebody who's involved in everything from high-end hair products to tequila to cell phones. paul mitchell's co-founder telling us about the real economy. what is selling, who's buying and how the consumer is really feeling. cheryl: all right. and if you've ever done this, i know i have, you watch a movie and you say to yourself i want that. well, stay tuned. we're talking to the founder of a cane that listens to a movie and tells you where to buy products you see in films like x men. >> also one company has gotten so big it can actually buy ireland. or the state of alabama. we've got the details coming next. ♪
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over 12,000 financial advisors. so, how are things? good, good. nearly $800 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ cheryl: today may have been all about apple but social facebook's market cap topped 200 billion for the first time. to give you perspective how to
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quantify 200 billion valuation, worth more than the gdps of wyoming, montana, south dakota, north dakota combined. if that doesn't pay a picture is more than the gdp of these three countries. ireland, finland and hungary. so there you go. facebook's market cap is now bigger than some of the world's largest companies like mcdonald's, boeing, coca-cola, intel, disney. do you like it? while facebook's valuation is still impressive it is dwarfed by google's $400 billion market cap and apple's $589 billion market cap. dave? david: facebook's market cap notwithstanding, today's market action seems to reflect the economy's slowdown. the question is, are there enough incentives for growth in our economy. here is john paul dejoria, paul
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mitch chill cofounder and co-founder and owner of patron's spirits. good to see you. >> lovely out there. david: do you sense that the economy is slowing down a little? >> it is slowing down a little bit but only in certain segments of the marketplace. i could give you analysis from patron and paul mitchell and john paul. through the the recession recovery period of time, both companies have done very well, but however there are indicators to show if they're doing better or not. let me give you salons for example, in the last six months, more people are getting hair color than extra services before and that is the bulk of the population. we've been looking at take patron. patron has grown every year. we waited to launch a new high-end line and until we felt the economy would take one more step up and it is actually working. where we see something a little different over the years, real high spenders, a lot of them
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came from foreign countries, whether it is russia, china or other places. that has fallen off a little bit, however, more and more americans are starting to take up a little bit of that gap. is the economy off a little bit? yes. it is not recovering like it should but it is not going down either. if they don't mess up anymore in washington and don't mess up anymore with overtaxing an overburdening us with regulations we have a good chance of coming out of this as the months come on. david: the point they already have john paul. they raised taxes and regulations enormously, exactly opposite what you should do to get out of recession. >> that's correct. david: anti-enterprise spirit going on, even when rich folks do good things, something for david koch. he was at the metropolitan museum of art here in new york, a big museum. was giving another $100 million. the guy gives out more money than anybody i known since the
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rockefellers. >> yep. david: yet he is attacked. afl-cio attacks him. even people who tend to benefit from his largess attack him. that has to change, doesn't it? >> dave, the most ridiculous thing, and it happened during the elections of six years ago as well as couple years ago. it was almost like, shall we say the present administration was pitting one against the other. it is like, the have-nots or 99% against the 1%. well, what is really stupid is, the american dream, everybody has it, i don't care whether you have a lot of money or no money, the american dream for to you get well and more for your family. the more you do, the more you give away and more you can create more jobs. unfortunately part of the present administration doesn't get it. let's spread money everywhere. let's help people out. the more you made it, the american dream doesn't work. become like russia or like north korea. let's become like them. that doesn't work.
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communism does not work. you're not happy. you're not excited. not the american dream. so what it is a certain segment of the press, and certain segment of the politicians are telling people things at that are wrong to get elected or get headlines. not what america is all about. america is one country for all. by the way i'm part of the 99%. i worked since i was nine years old and i'm proud of it and i still work. i give away a lot. david koch is controversial i think because he is in business of supporting more republicans than democrats but that man and his family, with all due respect whatever they do, whether you agree with them in business or not, give away so much money to help those in need. david: totally. by the way, most of the overwhelming, overwhelming majority of the money they give away goes to hospitals, goes to theaters, the arts and so forth. really things that are totally non-political. i'm just wondering whether this puts people off, that is, whether it they're budding entrepeneurs, people just starting out, in their 20s,
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that are put off by this? or whether they say the heck wit or just ignore it and it is background noise and go full steam ahead regardless? >> dave, you're so right on. most are put off saying we don't have this opportunity. those that should realize they truly do should. because i started paul mitchell with $700 in 1980. inflation 12 1/2%. david: 1908? wow. i remember 1980, that was a bad time. >> unemployment 10 1/2%. interest, prime rate 17%, in line for gasoline. america still works. people just have to know that. this dividing baloney that they're doing politically and other places should not be. it is not america. they have got to realize, yes you can make it. yes, there is great opportunity in the united states today, more than ever before. and a lot of this stuff wasn't going on, these regulations, actual tack sakes. our economy would be in a heck of a lot better place. people would spend more money helping those in need do more, create more jobs. do loot more.
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people have to get their priority right. but america still works. it truly does. what your democrat or republican, a liberal, an independent, i don't care what you are, america still does work. you have to believe in the country. not listen to those that divide. david: you, if you can start a successful business in 1980, the worst possible time you can start it now at 60. >> you're right, sir. david: high-end patron you talked about, the new one, how much is that a bottle. >> the roca, how much is that a bottle. >> $20 more a bottle than existing patron in all three categories. david: that is what, about 80 bucks? >> yes, sir, correct. anywhere from 70 to $80. that's correct. david: i will give it a shot. >> give it a shot. give it two shots, i will make it two. always a pleasure to see you. >> peace, love, happiness. david: thank you. >> do you want to know how to get the hottest and coolest gear in clothes and movies like well, other woman? really funny.
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just watched it a couple nights ago. there is a new app that could take product employment to entirely new level. the entrepreneur behind this breakthrough technology will be joining us. ford making a huge bet on aluminum for the groundbreaking f-150 truck series. fox business as the exclusive access to the new truck. best-selling vehicle in america last three decades. there is a reason. ♪ [ breathing deeply ]
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4:43 pm
introducing cvs health. it hurts. you doin'? this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. if you had chicken pox, the shingles virus is already inside you.
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as you get older your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. i just can't stand seeing him like this. he's in pain. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. i wish that there was something i could do to help. some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. don't wait until someone you love develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk.
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david: most of have been there, watching a movie, seeing something on the set we just have to have. one company called, the take, has a solution for people like cheryl helping to you find those either screams who literally sat home to watch the movie two anothers ago, "the other woman," of course a fox movie. they have clothing act sectionries and shoes worn by actors that we love. this is tyler cooper this is talked about for some years. clicking on a tv show or movie, being able to buy what they're wearing.
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>> talk about what did the apstore looking like when "friends was." it was completely different than it was five years ago. 10 years, ago, 15 years ago. david: software is there. products are there. how about you guys acting as sort after middleman, sort of enabler to get the product makers together with the film-makers? >> that is not something we're involved with right now. something we could have impact on later. we aggregate all the data around who is the top influencer for sunglasses? we know which actor influences dresses or shoes, whatever it is. ising we can use that date to broker a deal with studio or a brand. cheryl: you have to catalog everything yourself. >> yeah. cheryl: do you have a team of people that is its and watches, like "the other woman" and watches -- >> not as labor intensive. we work with the costume designers and film studio. we also do use, we leverage
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computer vision that we built into one of our systems that helps enable this process. this is something really robust and scalable. so, yeah, that is how we -- david: you got a couple million in investment. what are you doing with the new cash? >> hiring. we're hiring. david: who are you hiring? what kind of people? a lot of folks are thinking looking for jobs. >> we're looking for android engineers. more mobile engineers and full stack engineers. i'm always saying engineers. that's what we're looking for. david: how can people may be interested in working for you find you? >> at jobs at the david: jobs at the >> would love to respond. cheryl: do you think movie companies don't want you to be successful because they want to own this? >> no. cheryl: you can imagine fox and gap signing up agreement, we'll put the gap clothes in our movie, but we get a cut if people watch the movie come buy the clothing?
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i made that up to be clear. >> we're value add. we create instant call to action. when you're sitting there, you're watching that movie and gap clothing is in the movie. right now there is no immediate way to buy what you see. but with our app. cheryl: does my phone hear isn't. >> acr, audio content recognition. four seconds later pulls the movie on the phone and tap, touch the dress, shoes, all the gap closing there. cheryl: cameron diaz's outfits were incredible. >> she is definitely one of the top searched actresses. cheryl: there you go. david: jobs at the if you're interested now would be the time to get in. if you're the right engineer, we have a job for you. tyler cooper, thank you very much. >> thank you. cheryl: it's a four-legged robot that is nearly indestructible. it can walk through acid, fire and ice. yes we have the story. david: poor little robot. fox business's jeff flock is the first reporter ever to ride in ford's new aluminum body f-150
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truck and he is here to tell us about it. jeff? ♪ >> with the ford f-150 but there are a number of other firsts for this truck. when we come back, i will show you some of them, with the mastermind of the marketing effort behind the new f-150, stay tuned. ♪ are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact...
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cheryl: ford kicking off a 26-city tour to introduce the brand new a aluminum body f-150 truck. david: fox business's jeff flock as the exclusive, exclusive opportunity to take a ride in the f-150. joining us live from romeo, michigan, the first city on ford's tour. jeff? >> first reporter to get a ride in this truck, this new all aluminum f-150. we're banging on it. they reflexively go up and bang on it because they want to. i will take you inside of the truck. as i show you the ride-along earlier today. we went through several paces. you know we went through a torture track. we went through a performance track. ford wants to show this truck is just as tough as any other truck out there. maybe even tougher, right eric peterson? >> that's right. we put 10 millions miles of
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testing on the truck, to validate how tough it is. that is more testing than we've done an f-150. >> we talk about it being the first all-aluminum truck. this is the first of a lot of other firsts. get tight on the screen. this is a 3 off camera. if i stat around here, this is the first truck to ever have 360 camera view. that is me in the front. there is a camera on the side that shows what is happening on the side of the vehicle. one in the very back, so you see that. i don't know if you see that there. you see complete view around this truck which is pretty cool, right. >> absolutely. we have the latest and greatest technology. a truck customer will look this just as much as any customer. in some ways more. if you're off-road and coming around a corner or rock or branch you want to avoid, 360 camera will be able to show that pretty clearly. >> leave you with one more picture. go back to pictures of us
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testing this thing out. they're bringing dealers from all around the country and they're going to visit them and have them essentially, selling them on the truck because it is very important to educate people about this. a lot of people skeptical about aluminum. having spent day here today, i'm kind of a believer. i think, you know, this thing is actually a truck that is solid as anything else that i see out there. cheryl: right. >> may have a bright future. cheryl: jeff, great stuff today. great stuff out of there. david: 360 camera is incredible. cheryl: thank you, jeff. david: so what can stand up to high winds, water and flames and is even resistance to acid? we have details on strange little star-faced shape object that could change the world when we go "off the desk." cheryl: we're in the middle of new york's fashion week. ralph lauren debuted the 2015 collection in revolutionary runway event. wait until you see what he did. there is a hint. we'll be right back. ♪.
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new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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(agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know.
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david: look at this, a four-legged robot. much more durable than the starfish is resembles. wow. it is nearly indestructible. it wan walk through acid, fire, ice. moving parents are resilient with a hammer it will continue walking as long as you don't hit the tiny electrical brain on the top. >> high fashion designer ralph lauren had multidimensional take. he claimed to put on the first 4-d fashion show. it was projected on water screen that hung high above the guests in the west side of the park. it was a runway that rose from cherry hill lakes where holograms of models and designer walked back and forth in front of iconic new york city scenes. very cool. interesting collection. david: you're going to one of these. >> tonight, yeah. david: we've been asking you on
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facebook and twitter whether you think the apple watch will end up being a big winner for the company? ian wrote into twitter saying apple watch will be a huge winner for apple but probably not until next summer. >> ray on facebook thinks not this first version. number of people willing to shell out the bucks for one will not be earth shattering. david: matt on twitter says, yes, it will be a winner. apple is and always has been an innovator. wow. we have three positives. >> i know. stay tuned tomorrow because we have innovation. special edition of "after the bell." it will be live from silicon valley from the venture capital firm greylock partners what we're calling startup nation. greylock as you know backed up big names like linked in, pan door, instagram and tumblr -- pandora. all day tomorrow. that is 10 a.m. eastern time. that is liz live from california. david: we have the "willis report."
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gerri, you're taking a look at another example of government overreach. new capital requirements for banks. gerri: that's right, david and cheryl, thanks for that. government in its wisdom thinking about forcing the mutual fund industry to make expensive changes. hey, guess who will pick up the tab for that? also coming today on the show, got more money? you will need it if you are going to buy milk. we'll explain. also the smartwatch will finally be reality. we'll tell how much you have to pay to get it. how do you know if you were a victim of the home depot hacking? we'll help you and other consumers find the answer. "the willis report" where we help consumers which is our business starts right now. well the federal government could be putting your retirement savings at risk. regulators are becoming, well, oversell us in finding threats to the financial system and looking straight at your mutual fund. in fact government overreach could lead to you losing tens of


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