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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  September 9, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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. neil: forget about this week being the president's isis moment. when it comes to illegal immigration, does the president risk another katrina moment? that is a democratic congressman worrying about that just as july when texas's henry cuellar think the president is missing the border crisis. >> congressman, you mean he should be seeing the border? . >> i hope it doesn't become president obama's katrina moment. i'm sure that president bush thought the same thing, he could look at everything from up in the sky, and that he
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owned it for a long time, so i hope this doesn't become the katrina moment for president obama. neil: well, that was then, henry cuellar back with us. congressman, are you still worried? >> of course, i looked at the numbers for this last month, just in the 200 mile border, about 25,000 people that got detained just in the lower rio grande. out of that, 4,000 unaccompanied kids and 4,000 kids that came in with parents, so therefore, if people think 25,000 people per month is not a problem, i think it is, in my opinion. neil: as you know, congressman, the president has put off a decision on potentially waiving off deportations for potentially millions of illegals until after the midterm elections. he didn't say he wasn't going to do it but he would consider it in the midterm election. did he delay? is it going to happen anyway?
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what? >> if he talks about executive action, i kind of expected it to be delayed until after the election, but what was surprising is he would do it at the end of the summer, and then the day, 24 hours before he actually, before actually did put the delay, he was in europe and said i'm going to do this very soon. 24 hours he switches over to we're going to wait until after the election. i expected the delay. i didn't expect him to lead this group, that he was going to be doing this right away. neil: someone could say it's bad politics or compromise seats in the house and maybe give republicans the senate. do you think that entered into this? >> without a doubt. he said in a statement that politics and the political season had something to do with that. and again, i expected the delay, i just didn't expect them to say i'm going to keep doing it and do it. and especially 24 hours before he makes that decision of delay that after 24 hours, he says
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i'm going to do this very soon. something happened within the 24-hours. >> how do you feel about the fact he will do this? and that is, grant executive order, that grant amnesty to potentially millions of illegals. do it later than thought? >> i'm a believer in sensible immigration reform. i wish congress would do the immigration reform just like ronald reagan and the democrats did in 1986. the president has the right to use executive power, but it depends what the contours are. i don't know how far he's going to go on that. and wait and see what he does within the contours. >> do you believe it will involve better border enforcement or a way to compensate texans for the money they're doling out for 3,000 national guardsmen at their border. >> certainly, i want to make sure there is reimbursement for the state of texas and the border community.
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especially for the border communities who are very poor communities, actually in the legislation, we did pass about a month ago, i did add a provision to do the reimbursement. i'm hoping that on the cr, we can add the reimbursement at that time. neil: where do you think the president stands with latinos right now? this has been a very galvanizing issue. depending who you talk, to angered some and angered republicans or now this delay angers the president. where do you think it stands? >> certainly at this moment, they're all out of -- latino hispanic groups are not happy with him. he led them on that he was going to do something immediately or at the end of the summer. when you lead somebody that you're going to do something at a particular time and you don't, without giving advanced notice. to the hispanic congressional caucus, there was no advance notice. we had to hear from the press, so i know at this moment
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there's a lot of immigrant groups that are not happy with the president. neil: how do you feel? >> well, you know, i personally feel he should not have led anybody on. he's going to do something. if you are not going to do it, just be honest with folks and say i'm not going to do it. >> you're making way too much sense, congressman. always good seeing you. thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: one thing to go slow on immigration, democrats are hoping the president does not go slow on isis. 9:00 p.m. tomorrow, when he addresses the nation from the white house, i'll be hosting our special coverage after a live version of this show at 8:00 p.m. two hours where we take you through what could be the most important foreign policy crisis to face this country since 9/11. meanwhile, how do you stop well-funded terrorists like isis? maybe hit them in the wallet
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strategy will be outlined tomorrow. the president is expected to address the nation, and spell out how he plans to stop isis. i'll be hosting live coverage on this network before he addresses the nation, after a live version of our show, up to that moment. in the meantime, here's one way to stop isis, stop all the money flowing to isis, how the treasury department is targeting that cash flow. >> neil, targeting isis involves confronting funding. the terror organization is well financed as it controls a sizable area in iraq and syria. profiting from extortion, hostage takeings and donations and black market sales. northern syria and oil fields yielding $20-90 a barrel and estimated 1 million dollars on the black market just from that region. the treasury department is largely responsible for targeting and stopping the flow of illicit money to the terror group. tracking funds into syria
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especially from the persian gulf, they've sanctioned extremist leaders and terrorist organizations, though it's unclear how well financed isis is and how effective the u.s. measures are in cutting off funding. one analyst says the u.s. faces significant challenges in this task. a senior fellow at the foundation for defensive democracy says, quote, the biggest problem that the
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>> we know that they are, what they're doing is financing terrorism. neil: how do you seek them out? they do this in the underground market and all that. >> they do. this is why we have e, who is this oil? if it's qatar or turkey, if you continue to do this, the united states is no longer going to be your business partner. we're going to cut you out of economic picture and punish you financially. >> they need the energy, are we conditioned to say by the way,
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qatar and so forth, kuwait, we have a solution for you. the funny thing about tomorrow night, is there a plan here? do we have a plan to go after these guys? to date there is little as far as a plan recognized by the government how to do this. neil: even if you were to choke future funding, jonas, to adrianna's point, the real trouble is addressing the money they already have? >> we have enough trouble bankrupting regimes, in a bitcoin economy, it's -- >> it's not a bitcoin economy yet. >> tracking money gets harder every year. neil: you don't think we could financially cut them off. >> there is two ways of going bankrupt. cutting off someone's supply of selling opium and sellingoit and the money they earn like the soviet union. perhaps the expensive situation with other countries could bankrupt them. neil: how so? we know terror can be a cheap thing to do? >> we have to shift it to
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expensive conflict that we can afford or other countries that can afford. neil: they did a lot of damage to al qaeda for half a million dollars. >> they don't need a lot of money. he mentioned other countries. scary thought. they think about 25-50% of the isis fighters are foreign people, as far as british, europeans, want to talk about self-funding? there's money coming in all ways. rich countries. neil: effective countries so they're there. >> they're there and getting money from the respective countries. >> first of all, this is why president obama should have acted years ago, he's had intelligence for a very long time about isis, the surge and the threat. neil: back then they were the jv team, acknowledged mistakes now. it's water under the terror bridge. the point is well taken. too late for that. what to we do now is. >> got to do something, i don't want to hurt people on the ground, the innocent civilians in qatar or turkey.
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in america, our interests come first. neil: aren't they hoping that kind of response does hurt innocence and claim this is what the great western satan powers do, they kill you? >> right, political impact but what is the impact to us doing nothing. we can't allow them to make millions each year, al qaeda hit us on 9/11 with under half a million dollars. we have to cut off their funding. if we find out countries are buying this oil on the black market. if they don't put a stop to it, we could say we're not going to fly any more planes. we're cutting off terrorism. >> twitter, live leak, all these internet sites to recruit, neil. this is 21st century terrorism, where they're getting in people's heads through social media and we can't catch up. >> there are thousands more. it's like whack-a-mole. thousands more. neil: certainly much more internet savvy than we give
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them credit for, and any terrorist group prior. jonas does, he address that tomorrow night or talk in vague terms we and our allies are taking concerted action to deal with this blah, blah, blah. >> it's not going to be easy, can you see both sides, if you restrict them too much, you don't want to be the primary adversary from a recruiting point of view. neil: in other words, they were almost begging that response. >> they want us to overdo it. look, we need your help to fight this evil empire against america. neil: every time you say evil or satan, the gesture is towards me. >> you are sitting across from me. neil: we will be covering the president's address live 9:00 p.m. tomorrow, 8:00 p.m., previewing what's at stake economically with the president and get all the same stripes on the same page, we're not there
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yet. the president is saying isis is not a direct threat to america, why is isis tweeting next target in america. if you thought the protests were tough for the minimum wage, wait until you hear ralph nader on the minimum wage. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you.
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. neil: well, as you know, the white house pushing immigration reform until after the election. ralph nader says these angry democrats for similar punting politics over the minimum wage. there's more going back and forth. and that's what both sides in
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washington have been busy doing, pronto. ralph, not happy, why not? >> 70, 80% of the american people want to restore the minimum wage to what it was in 1968, adjusted for inflation. neil: wait, a higher minimum wage, i haven't heard them say those numbers that they want them back to the 1968 adjusted for inflation level. maybe you hang out with smarter people than i do? >> they want people to be paid less than 1968. neil: they're open to a higher minimum wage. the difference is whether it's $10 or $15+. >> the democrats have a bill, $10.10 an hour spread over three years, and the big support in the country, even mitt romney, rick santorum and others said it's time to do it, and why do i think the democrats are not serious? because if they were, they would focus on the discharge petition in the house to buy
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the obstruction of house speaker john boehner. he doesn't want it to go to the floor in the house. and that's $10.10, hr-1010. if there's 195 members of the house who have signed on, neil, all they need is 23 more to get it to the house. neil: why do you think they're doing it, ralph? a lot of people are open to a higher minimum wage, but it's not happy. and i have a crackpot theory it's a great galvanizing issue for democrats, and liberals who want it significantly higher, and this way keep the protests going, and can you keep jawboning this without making any progress on this. >> i think you may be right. they may be using it. neil: really? i just made that up. i'm glad to know i'm right. >> here's the point, mr. obama and mr. biden have spoken about it. that's what practical legislation is all about. looks like they just want to beat up on the republicans and not get it through the congress
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to alleviate the hard-pressed workers who need a better wage. and that's why we have the website, give 1010 a, you will see which members from your congressional district have signed on, and which haven't. neil: ralph, i think it's a great idea. and i tell people whether you like it or not, put it up for a vote have, at it. here's an issue that has come up on the minimum wage issue, though, and whether it's going to be the 1010 thing or whatever, it will benefit a small slice of the workers' pie, and that maybe the 2% who benefits, it won't move the needle, so what's ralph nader making such a big deal about it, you say what? >> i say 30 million workers will get a pay raise of different levels between the present federal minimum wage of 7.25 and $10.10. neil: how many do you think benefit?
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if we're told 2 million americans are paid at minimum wage and more than half are college or high school kids. how is that going to benefit millions more. automatically the wages go up? >> no, no, people are making $8, $8.50, $9. anyone between the $7.25 and $10.10 will be benefit. 84% of the people who benefit from the minimum wage increase are not teenagers, they're not teenagers. neil: well, all right, i wish i had the numbers in front of me. >> you're talking about the ones that just are getting $7.25. neil: okay, yes, i am, sorry for not being clear. >> people want more detail. go to time for a neil: i think there is some wisdom in this, whatever we do, if we go the route of increasing minimum wages. depends what the level, is once we index it to inflation, whatever the level whether it's cpi or whatever, and take it
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off the political hot potato list, we might be onto something and avoid the theatrics that we go through. what do you think of that? >> one way to stabilize it. is it good enough at base which is equal to 1968. i don't think it is. neil: you say 68, others go to 82, others go to 85, others go 96. establish a base. >> neil, you know very well, you can't live on less than 20,000 a year if you're single. for heavens sake in washington -- neil: was the goal it was going to be a permanent live only wage or that others would move up and get paid more in other jobs? >> it was designed to provide for a livelihood, it was not designed to be on the verge of pinionry. neil: you're choosing the year 68, take it to that, adjusted to inflation. whatever we do going forward,
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we can quibble over the target year, i think there is wisdom whatever you do, take to inflation, avoid the soap opera we go through on this issue all the time and take it right off the front pages, you say what? >> that's one way. another way is two-thirds of low income workers are hired by walmart, mcdonald's, big box stores whose owners are making -- neil: wait a minute, the guys running the franchises and employers are not making that per hour? >> of course that, the bosses -- the head of walmart which doesn't have franchise, last year made $11,000 an hour plus benefits. that is not the authority -- neil: do you apply the same law to workers at apple when the ceo takes north of $10 million and ships jobs overseas for the new iphones they're making at better than 100 million at
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pennies on the dollar. >>sa the chants tell you, the baseline figure is $15 an hour, that is going to come by demonstration and pressuring companies. neil: you mentioned walmart but you didn't mention apple. you didn't mention the cost disparity for apple and how much it ships overseas? >> tell me about it. i'm a lean critic of apple. they have 300,000 workers in china contracted through surf labor. neil: they're making all the iphones, i guess you're not an iphone fan. ralph, always a pleasure. >> go for it, neil. neil: ralph nader, he does speak his mind. he is consistent. one thing toe know about it, quite another to see it. next, the power of video and how this video changed everything.. >> something we saw for the first time today. all of us. and it changed things, of course. you know, it made things a little bit different. [ hoof beats ]
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. neil: you know, if there was only video of michael vick, the power of video changes the entire thing, the nfl aware of this tape, now that the public has seen the tape, ray rice is out of a job. back with fox biz all-stars, scott and jonas, and adrana, this videotape, seconds after rice is dragging his then-fiancee into the elevator and now we discover, it it's changed the whole debate. as if dragging her by the hair isn't less offensive. this is powerful. >> my heart breaks for this woman, it is totally unacceptable.
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the nfl needs to get serious on cracking down on wife beaters and domestic violence. neil: i don't mean to be sexist, the wife responding to this, janay breaking silence in instagram post and i quote here, this is our life, what don't you all get? if your intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us all alone, take all the happiness away, you succeeded on so many levels. scott, is the media pushing this? >> i feel like she's talking to ray himself there. she's obviously not. adrianna said the nfl is trying to get tougher. it's been like a snowball in the nfl in the last six months about how they're dealing with the domestic abusers. how could the nfl not have seen this tape, expected something like this to exist. neil: they knew, the president said they refused to see it or anything? >> how is there any debate what happened in the elevator?
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and it comes out on "tmz" and the ravens have changed everything. neil: we have video of the michael vick and the dogs, he'd be gone, video or audio in this case of a certain coach or team owner, making disparaging racial comments, changed everything for him. >> right. neil: i'm wondering it does change things a lot when there is audio or video, right? >> it's nice to know we have cameras, i feel more for the millions of women who don't have husbands to take them to camera laden casinos to beat them. they don't have "tmz"'s benefit exposing the crimes. look, you have video, it helps make cases, it doesn't mean the public gets to do lynch mob stuff through the websites. now everyone is outraged. it should be dealt with through the courts not through the youtubes. neil: the company executive is caught beating his dog?
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>> right. neil: on tape. >> it's one thing to make the charge, one thing to see it, and now he's out of a job. >> i think the nfl needs to raise the bar for players. if you keep the bar low, more domestic violence, then more of the incidents. if they raise the bar, we have zero tolerance policy. if you beat up your wife or hurt her, you are banned from the league. it's high time, and i'd like to see more of that, it protects women, it ultimately protects them. >> it does. if you look at nfl and the cross-section of it and crimes in the nfl, it's better overall as far as number versus society. monastic abuse is ridiculously higher in the nfl per capita than it is in society, outside of the nfl. that's a big problem that they need to take on immediately. >> and do you think it's performance-enhancing drugs? you see more of it with sport players. neil: very aggressive,
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testosterone, the whole nine yards, i'm no expert, you see a number of incidents and they are only obnoxious when they are caught on tape. so many obnoxious things, if only there was tape, if only there are recordings to catch this. at times it's fatal only to the person involved. >> i wish the celebrities whether they are professional athlete or hollywood celebrity would take the celebrity and take personal responsibility. do they realize they are role models to millions of young, impressionable youth? they only care about themselves, but they have to realize there are a lot of young, impressionable kids who look up to them. when they beat wives and hurt them -- neil: the police beating caught on tape where, people say wait a minute, you are going too far here. it works a number of ways, right? >> sometimes there are cases where you don't see what happened before the videotape caught some of it and making a
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judgment that you don't have the whole story. i'm not saying these cases are like that. there's going to be cameras spiraling, everyone's phone did not have a video camera on it. this is the way we're going. neil: that's where your whole life. >> it's all cam. in 10, 15 years, you're not going to be unphotographed for feet. it's going to be -- i just put cameras, drop cam, you can watch it on your phone, i can see what my dogs are doing for $9 a month. >> that's great. i can take some time off, maybe. neil: there is that. >> there's the drone issue, following us. neil: they deliver pizzas. >> and videos. neil: and videos. your own videos. here's the video we just took of you. twitter is taking isis tweets now. did you hear about this? isis is looking to take twitter employees out. it's true. the terror group's scary call
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so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts?
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it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. . neil: this is scary, it could be hitting close to home. right here in our home. isis reportedly using twitter to target twitter employees, twitter workers. twitter is silencing isis account. a series of tweets apparently from isis encouraging lone wolfs to assassinate twitter employees. a spokesman saying and i quote -- we will see more of these threats trying to intimidate the american people and we should take them seriously. so general, no booping around
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with you, what do we do? >> well, first of all, i think twitter is doing the right thing as having their security personnel look at it. i would increase security personnel and educate those workers there on increased awareness if they have to. we as american people have to look at this very hard because these lone wolf attacks are very difficult to deter and stop as we know the people in boston two years ago in the tsarnaev brothers, still difficult to stop, neil, and we're going to have to be aware of this, these are typical tactics by radicalislami toet t ideng wyiev stt ve comradiali. serympornt tt a a the m
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ityaves atin. thatmmeammuty? wht if the americans and brits drafted and to join us and they're here, and the difference with isis, as you reminded me from prior terror groups from al qaeda, they've been over there, and we haven't addressed them over here. there could be many recruits here and doingod w here. my big fear is the gruesome activities we see on the part of isis on tape could be played out over here to really scare us. >> it is more a fear, it will become a reality. and this thursday, we're talking two days from now, neil, we may see lone wolf attacks against american cities and americans. and it's something that we have to become much more aware of. as i say, work closely with the
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muslim community to out these people and give us the ones that are radicalized. neil: i see where you're going with that. people bypass the typical muslim community members and go right to isis and set up shop and set up satellite offices and set up to do significant harm. i'm wondering how you track those types down, and whether they're cognizant of the certain 9/11 date approaching or what? >> well, you know where they travel. if they go back to the middle east. if they go back to the home country. neil: what if they're already here, we have no way of policing that? >> i believe there are family members and people that know, may not be many of them, but we've got to encourage them to stand up and be responsible and be held accountable. this is not easy. and frankly, we're going to have to embed law enforcement in some of the communities. neil: it is scary stuff,
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general. you've been on top of it and warning folks. i appreciate it. worry about it, but appreciate it. general, thank you, again. >> thanks, neil. neil: remember on this and all subjects isis, the president finally addressing the nation and what his strategy will be regarding isis 9:00 p.m. tomorrow night, live presidential address from the white house, i'll be covering it live with you and all my friends on fox business, and lou dobbs, after the address at 10:00. we've got you covered. not just a money matter it's a personal security matter, it's your life, right? meanwhile, what is scarier than getting hacked? five months finding out about it after you've been hacked. why the cyberdangers keep coming and coming, and home depot is proof that the finding out later is coming and coming, too. (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell.
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and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know.
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. neil: what if i told you you're being hacked right now or where you shop is being hacked right now, you won't know about it for months? for months. home depot, just confirming it was hacked in april, in april, when you were paying taxes. is this not taxing enough to find out about it, it's september. who knows this isn't going on and on and on, with me right now is fox business producer matt dean who did a wonderful special on the threat that poses all cybersecurity. scott, jonas and adriana with us as well. how big a deal is this? >> a very, very big deal. you can't report what you don't know. neil: i think they know. >> it's very likely that what had happened was this piece of malware that the criminals are using targeted it so surgically that they didn't know until the reports came out.
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neil: how do the reports make their way, matt? >> well, briankrebs, a very well respected security blogger broke the story last week, the way it played out through his report, he was tipped off through banks and what they had done is noticed suspicious activity on various consumer accounts, multiple banks, going back to customers that had shopped recently at home depot. so it's kind of like a cause and effect kind of thing. home depot is very possible they didn't know they had someone working on their network until these reports surfaced. neil: they wait, but be aware, after the target, so you would be more aware of this stuff? >> absolutely. every major corporation needs to be vigilant. we saw what happened to target, a massive data and security breach, the united states post office. the celebrity nude hack photos. we live in an age of hacking,
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everyone who has consumer information, they have a strong responsibility to protect it at all times and stay vigilant. neil: that's what i worry about. the ones who say we didn't know it. they didn't know and became aware of it. that worries me, too. >> they may not have known it. i don't know exactly what happened here. a company that existed, their whole technology showing a company they were hacked and say it's impossible to stop hacking because of all the employees that log in. they are going to prove you were hacked and 150 days go by before you know it. it's that difficult. you have to hire a company to tell you, you were hacked. there is also a path, a way to figure out if you were hacked, if you know where to look. neil: i always assumed that the fact this keeps happening makes me think someone is practicing for something. >> something big. >> and one day i got stuff for my house at home depot, i ate
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lunch at p.f. changs, and ended up at target. i could have been hacked three times in a day! this is part of our daily lives. i bet there you is another couple stores that are going to come out and say, by the way, somebody got in the system. neil: is there nothing we can do about it. >> to scott's point, it's kind of true. a disparity in the amount of money it costs to defend the attacks and the amount of money to create the attack. neil: we have a tough time fending off these? >> absolutely. a massive undertaking. neil: what do we do? sitting ducks and take it. >> that's the million-dollar question, a lot of collaboration needs to happen between both partners and the private and public sector. neil: well -- >> the systems have a million weak links which are us, i have the same password. maybe not me, someone like me.
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neil: he's digging, he's digging. >> if one crummy site has a lousy system, then they can try to cross a million. there's a million ways into a computer. >> you are arguing what you have to do, double passwords. >> to jonas's point, that's exactly what happened with the target breach. the criminals didn't go directly after target, they breached an hvac vendor and infiltrated the hvac system and got in through a back door into target. neil: i don't understand what you're saying, it's frightening.
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. >> it was the big feature on the 5s. neil: i use it. a big game-changer for apple's event, it wasn't the new products, it was the guy behind those products. because for tim cook, this was like appearing after muhammad ali. quiz for you, who was the heavyweight champion after muhammad ali? bet you don't know.
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[ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. neil: answer is -- this guy. tim cook, is the new larry
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holmes, you don't know who larry holmes is? the guy who came after muhammad ali. tim cook feels same, pressure, after coming after steve jobs. his debut, of new production under his watch, his watch, his baby, larger iphones, larger iwatch. that is just me. time will tell. for tim cook's debut on the world stage, as just the guy, all of these stuffs are under this guy, what do you make of it? >> a darn big watch. here is the big issue for me. tim cook promised last year they would have a new cycle product by end of 2014, by time for holiday shopping. the watch, from what i know will not be available until 2015.
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kennedy: are yo2015. 2015 you sure he was not talking about the phone? >> that is not a new cycle product. but that is not a big deal yet. neil: this is the phone, very big watch. jonas? >> they nudeed a new product -- they needed a new product success. neil: wondering phone for phone it might be equal to size. >> they need a new product line, the watch needs to be the product, but problem is. neil: apple watch or whatever they call it, first quarter next year. >> there is something weird about the watch, maybe we're all wearing the same watch is weird, unlike a phone in your pocket. neil: why not put a strap on an iphone and put it on your wrist? >> it is about the same size. >> i don't think that steve jobs
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would wear that watch, it seems too -- neil: it is too early, i am ran an apple shareholders, i should disclose. >> iphone 6, having a bigger screen makes a big difference. i want 5.5. neil: that's a tablet at that size. >> a cool thing. not talking about beat down the lines put on -- beat down that lions put on giants last night. but you can comm call credit card transactions by touching each other. >> that sounds gross. >> samsung phones. >> here is deal, you talk with
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many iphone users who use that bar code scanner, about half have used the nfc technology. neil: i don't understand. >> you can buy an hfact. neil: jonas. >> a goal watch -- gold watch, i think steve jobs, i don't know. his whole outfit cost less than the watch. neil: yo you know the visionary, no one came after lee iacocca. and no one knows who came after lincoln, it is tough to fill super star shoes. >> i think that iphone 6 will be a success, people want a bigger screen, then apple wallet. neil: it is tough to follow a star. imagine whoever follows me, really. you have to change the name of the show, you couldn't call it
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cavuto any more. president outlines the possibility with isis tomorrow night, 9 p.m., we'll be there live, follow us. kennedy: so much for the jvquad, the president will put on-line gloss, and layout well intentd plans totr and grad is theungle, presi use jol a tloff gruesome murders. sotloff's family says that president blew it and would dishonor steven's name to invoke the plan. we'll be here late tomorrow night after the president spea


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