tv Varney Company FOX Business September 12, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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worst levels of the morning. see you monday, have a great weekend and see you sunday as well on sunday morning futures on the fox news channel. if time for "varney and company," have a great show and a great weekend. charles: i look a little different but you know who i am. i watch your show on sunday. how is your big story for the day, there are a lot of things going on. women abandoning the president. latest washington post poll, 50% disapproval rating for president obama, that is the core constituency for him. crucial to his election unhappy with the results and what about this? half of americans, 50% say the economy is not better off under president obama. "varney and company," we are about to begin. ♪ charles: right to this
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washington post poll, 50% of women disapprove of president obama's job performance. two women with us on this, katie path which and wall street journal editorial board mary kissel. i am a follower of yours, your book, your commentary. you are not surprised by this. were there other women starting to see that you saw long time ago? >> this was before was cool to do so but looking at the data that is forcing women say president obama, voted for him in 2008 and gave him another chance in 2012 and he hasn't delivered on his promises that this isn't necessarily an indictment of barack obama. it has to do with these women putting their faith in government and big government and president obama promising the federal government would do things like fill up their gas tank and reduce student loans and give them free health care and expansion to health care when the reality is the government can't provide those
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things. under president obama he promised women they would receive more access to things like health care, access has unlimited due to obamacare and their policy, seeing president obama's policies are not delivering on the promises and looking for an alternative. charles: to the old idea of rejecting the notion of big government president obama has gone out of his way to say i am not the black president, he said to the hispanics, executive action on immigration, may be indirectly said that to women. maybe he hasn't fought hard enough for his constituents. >> things are important to women. charles: we are always -- that is right. women disapproval that 50% is a big number. women look after household finances and secured -- concerned about security. it is not just the domestic economy. lipitor recent wall street journal nbc news poll you saw lot higher concern over the
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middle east, particularly after the beginnings of two journalists so lot of things working against the president. charles: it is an outright rejection of big government or the notion there is such a thing -- >> i don't think the average woman in florida or kansas or utah is concerned about big government. they are looking in their pockets and saying -- of course -- of course it is. i am not sure they are making that connection. they are saying look, my husband or my wages are not going up as i thought they would. my cousin is still out of a job terrorist thing in the middle east. where did that come from? they are looking around and have a sense something is not right. charles: they could have done the same thing in the second election because all these factors were is there, real wages were going down, home
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prices were down. almost every economic measure for president going up for reelection was abysmal and by historic standards the president said women still voted for him. core constituents voted for him. is this our taste in their mouth something that will see in the midterm elections? >> 2012 election president obama and the left and the democrats were very good at using the war on women rhetoric to scare single women into voting for president obama even though everything they retelling young women wasn't true. shameless plug, i wrote a book about domestic policies and when it comes to foreign policy. and in 2012, people got president obama a second chance. didn't want to be read him from policies what happened in the first four years. people are starting -- not only 6 of the guy in the white house the things not moving forward in
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the way he promised, and people in the party promised. charles: president obama recently, you heard this, boasted that by every measure is a nation's economy and american worker are better off than when he took office but a fox news poll reveals 50% of voters claim that is a false line. this goes back to the disconnect between the numbers they're referring to. >> look at the jobs number, we can't manage to hit 200,000 jobs a month. at the stagnant wages and labor participation rate, 1970s level and no matter what the president said, the rhetoric, the reality on the ground is different. and before we were in a complete panic at the time president obama was being sworn in and the economy was built to do well and cyclical when it comes back and the american public is smart enough to know rebounding from
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the depths of where we were is not good enough. >> the buyers that landed is easy to say there has been progress. and as a result of the economy, things are getting better. long term unemployment worse than it has ever been. the unemployment number doesn't reflect the true unemployment in this country. in the d.c. beltway and the new york bubbly is easy to feel comfortable like things are getting better and the rest of the country people do not see the recovery and want things to change. charles: great point. i interviewed the labor secretary to gave me all the talking points the things you cannot escape from, wages are down. we are a part time nation. most of the jobs created are part-time jobs and the point cady brings up, 3 million people, 27 weeks or longer, we have a serious crisis. >> we do. the other problem is no prospect
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of it getting better anytime soon until somebody in the white house changes because you can't have big tax reform with this present, immigration reform, in title and reform, there have been bipartisan agreements over the past six years and the president hasn't participated. these polls, not just washington post put journal polls republican advantages in immigration reform. the american public understands what is going on. charles: we will see in a couple months. let's take a break from this. i want to get to the markets. the dow is off 19 points, a lot of anxiety in how the data is good news or bad news. the s&p 500 is off all little bit here, keep it on a channel all the long because we have been seen dramatic come backs, don't miss that. let's look at gold, still a
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mystery for me, 1229, all that money printing we told would be $2,500. oil made a nice rebound off of 95. we love cheap oil but under 90 is a red flag. up positive number, national average for the price of gas, $3.41, more than a nickel from a month ago. you can find the cheapest gas in the lower 48, and $3.14 a gallon and gas buddy will talk about how far can sees prices dropped? if anyone has the answer he does lose a few mentions. i mentioned also salons many times on this show. i had it last week, august 4th, my show making money with charles payne, you want to watch it all the time. give myself a victory lap. this will be the number one winner in the market today. >> no stock move 20% in the day.
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that grabs the attention of anybody taking a look at the markets. you can see this one, it is called making money with charles payne, not losing money with charles payne. the stock is up 20%. they saw traffic in the stores, cosmetics, fragrancess, salons, the e business, online, all of that improving across the board. the female ceo actually talk about products and brands's new launches and the salon doing well in the commerce and traffic in the actual stores or whatever it is, cosmetics or fragrances, retail beauty products and really did well and share repurchases announced this well, great move which is why they call it making money. you were hesitant on the name, making money. charles: believe me, some days i won't but most days i am rocking and rolling. i salute the american women
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because when we talk about tightening your bill they tighten their belt limos, they stepped on the things they want, good to see them going and getting the things that make him happy as well. thanks a lot. middle americans make up half of the adult population. first time since the government started collecting data going back to 1976. 51% of americans are single compared to 37% in 1976. got to go back to you. is this shackup mentality? what is going on? >> you can look at all the data and reasons people are staying single in terms of economic decisions and but i think this more has to do with cultural reasons. people especially in the millennial generation have decided relationships are disposable, the commitment factor isn't there. ask anyone dating in the world they find it is not that fun. they are not making that except to get married. charles: dating is not fun? if you want to get off it in their habit, get married!
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>> getting everyone else of the tender had is the problem. charles: household formation is a cornerstone of the economy. we are not forming households. >> we are not forming households and i blame feminism here. there's a good part and a bad part. the good part women can fend for themselves economically, they don't need men to make a living any more. i won't say anything about that. the bad news is women are being told you don't need to men, you don't need to form a household, you don't need to get married and have children, men are disposable and this has bad consequences for our society. charles: you were fantastic, thanks a lot. the re right saga continues. 16 female senators are demanding that roger goodell have a zero tolerance policy on domestic violence. secretary of state john kerry won't use the w. word, war, to describe our fight with isis.
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this is truecar. charles: let's check the big board, we are going down a little, the dow up 34 points hanging above 17,000. higher revenue at the parent of olive garden. you can see we got the yield up for the ten year but here is the stock alert, their numbers are higher, the stock deal pulling back, olive garden recently sold 1,000 of those never-ending cost the passes on its web site on monday. 1 the dollars can get you seven recommitted costa, breadsticks, coca-cola , breadsticks, coca-cola products. no limitations. joe flaco through two touchdowns but this is interesting. look at this. a lot of fans, a lot of women
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fans wearing gray rice jerseys and a call to action, u.s. senators led by bob robotics they're sending a letter to commissioner roger goodell calling for a zero tolerance policy against the domestic violence. >> of course you agree with the sentiment but i hate to say it, sorry this sounds cynical but this is awfully convenient in terms of political timing. all these women senators pretty much all of them democrats except for one across as with the democrats before the midterm elections, i don't know, war on women, the democrats seem again i agree with the sentiment but there is something a little bit -- charles: interesting in the last segment, the reason women went back to the arms of president obama was successful war on women campaign. dovetails nicely to that but you can't ignore it. >> why does the war on women campaign successful?
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if you ask anyone india know what paul lee ledbetter act is? do you think they have an answer? republicans never explain why that -- charles: they did note some republican candidate somewhere said something so stupid. >> thank goodness this primary season republicans didn't pick another republican. charles: time is money, 30 seconds, three headlines. burger king unavailing of black burger in japan. is made from bamboo charcoal, black cheese and black sauce, no plans to offer it here displayed overwhelming demand. general motors with a stop delivery order to list 2014 corvette. faulty air brakes and parking brakes and t mobile blogger wi-fi texting. to the growing threat of vices.
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just don't call it war. here is what secretary of state john kerry had to say. >> what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counterterrorism operation as it is going on for some period of time. if somebody wants to think of it as a war with isil they can do so but the fact is it is the major counterterrorism operation that will have many different moving parts. charles: makes it sound like a police action. colonel ralph peters, fox news strategic analyst. i got to tell you this is just -- why is the administration so adamant about not offending islam, not going to war? the american public thinks this is a dangerous situation. the president must think so. why have a prime time address and yet it is not a war? >> they are a bunch of twits. there is no better answer. obama and his crew thought they
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were so smart. they didn't have to do their homework. and they get'ss on the pop quizzes of reality. in nearly 60s comedian bill dana often known as jose jimenez , at what you think of the korean war? korea wasn't a war, it was a united nations police action and the interviewer asked him what do you think of the korean police action to did general says that was a war. seriously, language does matter. i am troubled, willingness to use honest language to me reflects dishonest character. important distinction between the extreme right which does want to control certain behavior is and the left which wants to control fox and language.
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i needed to you which is more dangerous. we throw the word orwellian around a lot. i don't think people think about what it means that it is using a language to control fox and the obama administration unwilling to call islamist terror islamist terror, unwillingnessthought an the obama administration unwilling to call islamist terror islamist terror, unwillingness to call war blower, as has strategic consequences with our allies are reluctant to join us. stole the saudis we want you to help us fight the we are not at war. at they are not stepping up. charles: i know turkey hasn't signed on. sort of ambivalent with other players in the middle east. this is an important topic for
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the american public. the president ride this out to the end determine what the next president handle it? >> i have been convinced since that speech and even before that obama is doing what bill clinton did with al qaeda, basically doing the minimum he can to drag it out and dump it in the next president's . obama would not mind the begin hillary clinton's if she were elected but he wants to stretch it out and i do believe obama is a sincere pacifist at heart but he didn't sell himself to the american people as a full-blown pacifist which is what he is. he distrusts our military and military operations overall. we are facing an enemy to be heads americans, whose waters the innocence of every religion and the nomination and obama wants to do absolute minimum possible to keep his reputation
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somewhat intact and get off the hook. there is no, charles, negotiations, concessions, abusive language don't help. when you are dealing with religious fanatics who want to kill you mercilessly, the only response that works is to kill from first and to kill them in large numbers. maria: have you been surprised by the polls that shows that the american people want action against isis? we are only six, seven years past the bush administration when it was a different sentiment in the country. >> an interesting phenomenon, the american people revolting against a media lie. you keep hearing the media live the american people don't want war, they support ground troops and boots on the ground, the american people aren't got less and have pretty good common sense. they weren't happy about the extravagant waste, the looting orgy in iraq and afghanistan
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with contractors and the incompetence which with things were done. when they see americans be headed in videos, as they see the atrocities committed by the likes of the islamic state, they are ready for action but the american people what they don't want, they don't want their troops's lives wasted, they don't want indecisive action, they want results. that is perfectly reasonable. i think obama is almost a decade behind american sentiment on this. before colonel ralph peters, we always enjoy you on this show but you were particularly great today. we will be running some of that sound for a long time. >> charles, it is usually women who tell me how great i am. charles: that was before the segment. if you follow tech, all the headlines have been about apple but there was one you might have missed, dell is launching a new tablet and it is getting great reviews. we have one on the set next and there is also something from
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter.
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charles: take a look at yahoo! new documents, over the request to handle customer data. for and with $250,000 a day fines if they did not comply. how far honestly, back to the nsa thing, how far should the government go with respect to keeping us save? in the name of national security? >> notice glynn greenwald and the nsa are not so much in the news now we have a terrorist threat in the middle east. to your question, charles, the government should strike a bipartisan deal at the white house. should strike a bipartisan deal with congress. it was on the table. it is something the administration did not get through. >> we have a buddy here.
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everyone's eyes have been glued to apples product launch. the influence is now on the take. russ, a little bit of a farce side comment. behind with someone driving their car. i am thinking it is a caveman with the final touch on the concrete will. >> i am sorry, it comes out in november. very sharp. it has some cool depth features.
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>> here is the thing, even apple, i'm looking. i'm looking at the last three years of apple. it looks like the tablet has peaked in general. >> first of all, i would say done for apple. there is a demand for it. i do not think that that will go away. this is a tough call for tablets. >> we have a lot of good stuff for russ. first i want you to take a look at this attack ad. roll it. well, we do not have it. >> yes, i have seen it.
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>> they have run into a little bit of a problem this morning with the iphone six. apple still has the cool factor. samsung does not have it yet. people get up for an apple event. >> what is the cost of this new phone? i will not care so much about the new factor if i cannot afford the phone. >> they care about the apple product. that hardware, that design. >> i am just not sure. russ, we love you. president obama said, if you
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like the healthcare, you can keep it. we are finding out that that necessarily is not the case. airbus in-flight entertainment. mounted on a chair. you get a 3d screen and it takes you where you want to go. go pro. one analyst talks about it. absolutely dominating the stock market. that is for sure. ♪ [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner,
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over 12,000 financial advisors. so, how are things? good, good. nearly $800 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ >> if you like your doctor, you would be able to keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. stuart: not so fast, mr. president. >> this is why the law ever has maturity support.
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new plants, new doctor. an issue for republicans. >> imagine when that goes away. >> a pretty good deal for them. >> take a couple of looks at stocks. >> we began advertising. investors obviously like that. tesla, hitting a 1.3 billion-dollar tax break. i think they are at all-time highs. take a look at here is what we know.
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will they actually accept that apple paid? one of the best interviews they could have and corporate interviews. the guys that plans to accept apple pay when it debuts. >> you know, we saw about i cloud controversy a week ago. a lot of people are skeptical. >> she posed the ability to walk past a cashier, wave your phone and pay. it is a great innovation for apple. we will be integrating as quickly as we can. >> i am worried about losing my phone and then my bank account.
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>> you will need your thumb print to use your apple phone to access your bank account. i think that they thought that out and there will be plenty of safeguards. >> okay. we will see. i think the wall street does like the news. >> maybe that is why they are going to thumbprints. they cannot count on celebrities to remember passwords. >> maybe it is. you guys started accepting it. you are accepting it internationally. >> in line with our 24 hours. i do not have today's numbers. the last time there was a global
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currency that was not fiat was nine team third team. the major currency that went to fiat money because you need fiat money. you would have 100 years that the world now has a global currency that you can go out and spend money and buy things. we are taking it across the globe. the first company to do so. >> what i am a fan of is to have enough for college next year. how do we get people to say, okay, i will put all of my money to things like gold.
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when there is not enough acceptance of it yet in the world. >> i do not dig so. you do not have to make a huge commitment. overstock's start taking it. it will gradually fill up options. >> they say liquidity gives liquidity. it will generate more. >> i love this liquidity story. it is not dead. a lot of people thought that it would be at this time. we will let it go a few weeks.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides with beer fox business brief. you see the dow jones industrial average down. the s&p 500 is down one third of 5%. take a look at some of the retailers. best buy of 325. this is under pressure. more money at the hands of consumers. it may affect -- it is flying off the dealer lots. aly baba, closing orders early. more coming up.
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the summer driving season is over. we are also seeing a switch from more expensive summer gasoline to cheaper winter gasoline. we are getting some downward pressure from those that there is as well as domestic group production. charles: have a great weekend. we appreciate it. new report saying ray rice told nfl commissioner roger goodell back into that he punched his then fiancée back in a casino elevator.
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diamond dallas page joins us now. >> we have been really lucky to turn things around. putting a great story in there. the article just came out in the "new york times." >> that was a six page article. from someone who was a professional athlete and somebody who was an organization i talked and our morning meeting. the stock was up big.
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for you? >> more of the jake the snake roberts. it was more teaching of the life style. it is how you treat your body. how you treat yourself. both of those guys got inducted into the hall of fame. it was an amazing story that came on the heels of the disabled veteran. charles: we have less than a minute to go.
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you are saying it is sort of a lifestyle trend. you are trying to get everyone involved in it. >> 27 operations overall. he said on the third day he called me up. he said he knew it had already been 300 days. he was able to put his pants on without leaning on the wall. >> thanks a lot. you really are an inspirational story. >> air-conditioned, 3d screen, a merz technology.
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anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. charles: you don't want to. loud conversations and hysterical babies on a plane.
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>> they filed a patent for this. you put it over your head. inside there is a video camera and earphones. all sorts of things that distract you. you do not hear people behind you, the crying babies and you do not smell the smelly people. charles: is there any virtual reality stuff here? >> i am sure they will develop. i think people would pay to have this as an add-on. this is a pretty good thing.
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spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. watch this. sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. good news -- fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate. and it's affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news -- it's friday! woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50.
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stock. it happens to be a company that i like. it is uniquely positioned to do extraordinarily well. i know that they are wanting these lawsuits. to me, it is a public relations disaster. mr. leavy, yelp seems to be on the winning and so far of some of these cases with respect to hiding the anonymity, if you will, of these users. >> i do not represent yelp in the new york case. yelp takes the position that consumers who post true full
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reviews ought to be able to remain anonymous. there is a process for serving a subpoena. charles: serve, with all due respect, come on. it would allow anyone to go on there, post any kind of thing. it will destroy the credibility. >> first of all, i need to emphasize again that i am not here to speak for yelp. charles: what i said, serve, is what i would like you to talk
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about. is it a good business model? >> the law provides a process. the process is to file a defamation action. if they file a defamation action, the law also provides a process for identifying the anonymous speaker. you can show what has been said about them is false and defamatory. i look at the papers. from the face of the papers, it seems they may prevail under the standard for which we have argued in other cases. new york does not have an appellate case on this subject. the plaintiff ought to prevail.
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they said things about sparks which could have a tendency to harm its reputation. somebody like yelp or somebody like google is not in a position to know what has been said using their services. >> they are in a position to say, hey, if you want to post a negative review, post a photo of the receipt so we know you actually went. this is a desperate attempt to sabotage your competitor or. >> we rely on the process. on the other hand, there are many circumstances in which people want to say things about businesses. they are embarrassed to have
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their name connected with it. for example, a woman wants to post a review about a gynecologist that engaged in improper activities in respect to the woman, the services. came to an embarrassing circumstance that the woman does not want to reveal. if we do not, excuse me, sir -- charles: we are running out of time. i think you are comparing apples and oranges. >> anybody can go and try to destroy somebody's business. still very vulnerable under the scenario. >> we have run out of time.
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charles: okay. thanks a lot. $250,000 every single day. adam, i know you are all about elected government. it really feels like, with this particular case, you guys must feel emboldened. it proves that you can go far. is there a limit or should we put limits on how far they can go? >> we have men who died on battlefields.
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conversations that we have with our loved ones, our professional life. yahoo! is not just fearful of getting over the metadata. i think we have a real serious fourth amendment issue. it is a very dark future, potentially. >> the genie has spread from two administrations. both sides of the political aisle. how many do you exactly get back? >> first of all, i appreciate you taking up the subject on the air. secondly, everyone talks about
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bipartisanship and we need to get people working together. he is a hard left democrats. i guess i am a conservative hard right kind of guy. i believe that there will be, if you want to find bipartisanship in america, it should be the top bipartisanship in america today. >> the libertarian movement is resonating big-time. their lives are spent on the internet. i do not think that they want the world to see it. it has to take a ground swell of the general public.
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>> when history is written a few years from now, we will look back at this issue. people, young people in america look at obama and it just did not turn out the way we wanted it to. this is something that affects me and my life. i will reward those politicians. charles: i do, too. we really appreciate you taking out the time this morning. tonight on the independence. a breakdown of the sharing economy. check out the big board. the dow is now below 17,000. gathering a little bit of momentum to the downside.
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we saw the rebound. thanks a lot, nicole. >> these are some of the nfl's biggest sponsors. one of those sponsors was featured prominently. take a listen to this. >> want to be this? the long-suffering cries for help by so many women and as they said, do something about it. charles: a very powerful message, indeed. did you notice the logo right over his shoulder? >> many of them are. they are not an official nfl
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sponsor. yes, there logo was right behind mr. brown. they actually just said you need to read this. here is what they told me last night. they are now treating this with what it deserves. early that her eyes and says, well, he is a man of integrity. nike, they dropped mr. rice. that was over. you cannot drop the nfl. we are talking about millions of eyeballs. this is the most profitable
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sport in the world. it depends on how bad this gets. >> there was some sort of a cover-up. >> i think that mr. goodale would likely lose his job. i will say it will boil down to consumer reaction. now we have gotten mr. moeller. if he finds that there were inappropriate actions, watch out. sponsors are very up in arms. >> they should be.
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(agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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charles: a big-name that you know. the stock will not go away. we are paying less money at the pump, as you know. joining us from chicago, where 11. here is my problem. is there a point where we have to get nervous? >> i think that the key is they will not let that happen. they will do everything they can to prevent it.
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i do not think you have too much to worry about. charles: have a great day. we appreciate it. i want to take a look at the latest go pro add. ♪ >> the video quality is just better than the competitors. you know varney style. we got one of the competitors to respond. >> we are ready for a fight on this one. charles: why does that person
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believe that? >> they put out numbers and they say other people cannot do that. >> you get x amount of dollars. is that how we determine quality? >> you are just talking about video quality. there is an awful lot. we have presets. the key thing is ready to get the brakes. you are filming. it is really that easy. press the button.
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it is always upright. >> here is the thing. i am thinking about apple ipad. how do you get the general public? >> i think that is the general question. we have a really fantastic price. we simply reach out to all of those people. you know what, maybe this did not quite do what i wanted it to do. this is incredibly simple and easy to use.
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it is probably the most important message. this is so simple. >> you still get the professional. charles: go pro does bring awareness to the whole space. what is next for you guys? what would you do next? you need to get some sort of major sponsorship. it is a really exciting time. charles: combat. we are talking about market share.
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to test-drive the market. all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. before at the top of the show we talked about washington post poll that reveals 50% of women disapprove of president obama's jobs performance. here is what katie had to say. >> women are saying president obama, i voted for him in 2008 and gave him another chance in to douse nestle already hasn't delivered on his promises. said it is not just an indictment of barack obama. it is about women putting their faith in government and big government and president obama promising them the federal government will do things like fill up their gas tank and reduce their student loans and give them free health care and expansion to health care when the reality is the government can't provide those things. charles: president obama got 55% of the women's vote in 2012. now have of the my disapproving
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of the job he is doing. look at sales growth, a huge winner, one of the top winners today up 20%. not bad for them. we have been teasing throughout the shows that there's a helmet with lasers inside that promise to help bald people grow their hair. the creator is here with us, former nasa scientist is with us. congratulations. you got a lot of hair, you are working at nasa. how did you decide to cure baldness? >> it has been known since 1965 that lasers do grow hair but it hasn't been brought to the house hold and taking $100,000 device and making it into a portable device has been the biggest challenge. charles: you are saying it is common knowledge that it is possible to do this? >> yes. back in 1965, this was
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discovered by accident. everybody sat on it for a long time until recently. charles: does it get a few follicles to come up? is this legitimate through hell gross? >> it is fda clear and when you get an fda clearance you get safety and advocacy, that means it works. it stops telos, most people lose 80 to 100 hairs the day. you reduce that substantially and second, volume that hair, making it figure because it has more nutrients. charles: using different terms but how do you say it makes the hair grow back? >> it makes the hair grows back. here it takes four months to grow just like it takes the baby nine month gestation. it takes six months depending on underlying diseases. charles: i can't believe this
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technology has been out there. i see commercials for hair clubs and all kinds of eat the right things and do the right stuff. this is amazing. talk about the commercial success. it is relatively new, you have retail partners in this? >> started out a year ago with a crowd sourcing campaign. in our first month we had half a million dollars. in 30 days half a million dollars, then we started getting partners at the top clinics, the nation's top hair restoration management companies like hair club for men. charles: how much? >> $895. charles: i use it and where it for how long? >> twice a week and in just like exercise you do a lot to get to where you are, and after six to nine months. charles: after i got the afro,
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thanks a lot. congratulations, thank you. criminal charges for two environmentalist's who blocked a coal shipments. the d a handling that case says he did it because he agrees with their take on climate change. in makes his case next. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard.
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and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪ no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, haven't i asked you to please use the -- we don't have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50.
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lou: charles: ray rice has a case if he wants to fill his indefinite suspension. richard ross is here. welcome to the show. the first time ray rice waived the ability to appeal. the determination for the nfl. this time it seems to be open and you think it might be the smart decision on his part. >> absolutely. let's step back. it would be $10 million in salary. two bases upon which to appeal. his affection to the collective bargaining agreement between the nfl and the playe provides you can have a penalty from the team and the league. he was kicked off and the penalty for the league
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indefinitely suspended. the second reason, what he can argue, let's stay away from whether it is right or wrong bought legally what he can argue is it is like a double jeopardy, he already got a suspension, got the commissioner, told her i punster, and it may be the case, they give you a different penalty the same violation. charles: last night we saw something interesting. it was a sign of true remorse, the milwaukee pitcher after the marlins better hit him right in the face, will look at his reaction. this is a guy who was shocked that he heard someone and went over and you could feel it. that wasn't what we saw from ray rise in the elevator when he knocked out his fiancee. >> the full video if you see it
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shows him dragging her out allegedly spitting on her. it is pretty heinous what he did, pretty gruesome. i do agree the video shows color and gives you more perspectives but when ray rice met with the commissioner and told them i punched her in the face and they did have the hallway seen you can only assume that happened. charles: there was no empathy. he punched her in the face and dragged her out like a rag doll. may be the commissioner says i didn't understand the depth of what he was saying. i thought it was an accident, one human being who hurt another. before we let you go, the commissioner, a lot of people, any sort of legal standing here? >> the only way to get rid of the commission is two ways. pecan resign. he is paid $44 million a year. i am not resigning from that job if i am getting paid that. this second way is of three fourth of the owners vote him out and quite frankly he is making a lot of money. no one is putting the
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commissioner out. he will take a lot of blows. the whole thing is a disaster but it will pass. charles: we will see. if it proves there was a cover-up, that could change. thanks, appreciate it. we brought you this story, a prosecutor in massachusetts dropping criminal charges against the to environmentalist activists who blocked a cold cement in may of last year. he says he did because he agrees with climate change as a real crisis and in a statement needed to be made. that prosecutor joins us now. thanks for taking the time out with us. a lot of people were shocked when they heard the district attorney could bring his own personal opinions into the legal system and actually i guess in this particular case you were not only the d a but the judge and should these people mercy. >> let's correctable misconceptions. i didn't drop the charges, i reduced the charges.
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i changed them from criminal charges to civil charges. civil infractions. that would be the first part i would make and the second point i would make is almost any aspect of the district attorney's office, my views, my philosophical, political and moral views inform the policies at the office whether that is gun violence, gang violence, domestic violence, drug addiction so to me i was simply acting consistently with the way i have conducted my affairs as district attorney of the past 7 years. charles: we heard that from judges and we saw that reveals itself in the sentencing process but in terms of the actual process of justice itself isn't this an extraordinarily slippery slope, activism district attorney? >> i don't agree. every single charge brought by the police i have the prerogative to do something with that charge if i think it is
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appropriate. we have 25,000 cases a year in bristol county. i have policies that apply to every single one of those cases. in this particular instance, i was convinced that i was acting in the interests of the taxpayers of somerset who were reimbursed for the costs, i was acting in such a fashion that the law was upheld. the two individuals charged admitted their responsibility, i was also acting in a way that put my office out front in a leadership position to the extent i could on this key issue. i agree with the position of the individuals charged although i disagree with their actions. their action was unlawful and that is why the actions i took made sure they admitted responsibility. charles: with one minute left do you think that your actions could actually enable indian encourage lamas reckless behavior in the future from people who think they will get leniency from their office?
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>> not in any way. we are the same office responsible for dramatic reductions in gun violence, gang violence, increases in solving of shootings and homicides and i made it very clear while i agree with the philosophical and moral position of the activists i disagreed with their action with their action was unlawful. they admitted their responsibility and paid the money back for the town of somerset. charles: thank you, appreciate your taking the time to state your position. scotland, big vote just a week away voting for the independence from the u.k.. all polls indicating it will be very tight, going back and forth. we will discuss the implications next.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides, the dow and the nasdaq and the s&p have down arrows, 66 points sitting at 16,982, but the lowest since the 2,000 mark and the s&p up 1986, take a look at hertz getting a positive from the day where kyle icon gets two nominees to be put on the board and right now the stock where carl icahn is up 1% of $28. blackberry yesterday made an announcement in the u.k. you can have a couple of phone numbers
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(agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. charles: back to our pulse of america story, president obama says by almost every measure our economy is better off than when he took office. there's a new fox holds as
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otherwise. 50% of voters say that claim is mostly false. joining us is john layfield. what do you say? >> it could be a little bit higher. in the last three years the only income gains come with the top-10%, we had pretty much flat -- prices have gone up. and a lot more people, we have structural high unemployment in this country, 90 million-plus americans that aren't working, that is a record number. we have decades low participation rate to the job market. we have a lot of problems in this country, there are some green shoots, don't make a mistake about it but things are not as rosy as the president says. politicians spin things. charles: it is hard to spin the jobs of. people getting part-time jobs, making less money, those are the main things no matter what else improves the people will feel in
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their homes. >> this prison and is great for the 1%, exactly when he ran against. he has been wonderful for them but look at the explosion of poverty, explosion of food stamps, there's a direct 1:1 correlation. what has gone in the middle is the middle class. it is absolutely disappeared. when the housing bubble burst, all those jobs out there are still out there. we have structural unemployment, interest rates could be negative, that won't help people find jobs because there aren't any jobs and people work in d.c. and see the problems, i am surprised this numbers in higher. charles: in certain ways i am too. before we let you go we have a former co-worker of yours who joined us in the last hour. take a look at it, roll it. >> you leave the wrestling ring and get involved in yoga. >> what did you call it? it is not your mother's yoga.
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charles: you guys are no joke. w w e was like an incubator for business. you guys go on to great things. >> is. we are a business where you promote yourself, you have to be smart and listen to audience participation and react off of that. a lot of guys have done well. gdp has done an unbelievable job and has an unbelievable project, he has changed lives and did for him. he is one of the good ones. stuart: charles: so i you, talk to you again soon. next week scotland will hold a vote on independence. right now it is split even. the latest poll is out. when voters go to the polls there is a fox news contributor richard brendel joins us now. shifting back and forth everyone was shocked when it went to 52% in favor a week ago, this is going to be a nail biter, isn't it? >> it is. it is very close.
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i don't see why the scotts shouldn't be able to do this. you look at the financial times and these other march institutions that are trying to convince them not to do it, they don't have a reason why there shouldn't be this peel off. scotland has 5 million people. england, wales and northern ireland have 58 million so we are talking 10% of the population roughly and there is no reason. it will be a change but i haven't seen one good reason why the scotts should vote yes and secede. charles: one of the arguments is outside of oil in the north sea it is all one trick pony economy in that the people would suffer. >> you hear the defense of the no vote as it will rock some of the markets. it will change membership at the i m s.
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it will change membership that the u.n.. all that is true but i am not sure the change is all negative. it will be different and we will have different leadership, there will be different people sitting in the shares representing scotland but i still don't see a reason why they can't work through these issues. if the scotts want to do it they should do it and a large institution shouldn't try to block it. charles: i happen to agree with you. also catalonia, northern italy, anywhere people feel they want to break away they should be allowed to. what about this retribution? big banks are saying if you are going to do this we will abandon you. what do you make of that? >> there will be a bunch of new opportunities for other banks, may be mid-sized banks or smaller banks to take over and try to do some sort of different policy. all you hear from the f p and economists and some of these other publications i that it is not a good idea simply because
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it will rock the market but i don't think it change in seats is going to be a change in policy and i think it could be better representation. the big banks are clearly nervous because they like the way it goes, they like the status quo because they have all the access and did is all controlled through england. i think it will be different but certainly there will be a lot of new opportunities for the midsized. charles: the royal bank of scotland will have a hard time being headquartered anywhere but scotland. we really appreciate it. from mainland china going up for auction and we have the great pieces right here. take a look at this on the set right after the break. dentures are very different to real teeth.
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they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. [ male announcer ] cleaner, so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be...
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one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation.
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lou: president obama has a new plan to fight terrorists in iraq and syria. the nation's first director of national intelligence on the president that sudden decision to take on the islamic state and to perhaps escalate the middle east conflict. join us tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern, 4:00 pacific. charles: this segment is called
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old money. we have fine art from mainland china. ms. hammer from christie's, what have you brought for us? liz: some nice diversions from the dust of the world, as the chinese called it. this is an album by a very famous artist who lived in 1700 and he was an individualist, very creative, very innovative artists and this is a painting, a self portrait of him under a large banana plant. charles: was always in that same page? is this how it came or did you catalog it? that is well preserved. >> it has been in this form for quite a while at least the last 50 or 60 years and probably always would have been. charles: how much would that go for? to start a minimum bidding? >> that is up to the auctioneer but the estimate is 250 to 300,000 u.s.. i think it will do well.
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charles: you have been at this along time. we were talking before the show. the wealth particularly in mainland china has been astronomical over the last ten years. it had a major impact on your business. >> whenever the chinese make money if they start to buy paintings and calligraphy. it is the fine arts and the expression of wealth and sophistication and culture so yes, money is made in china, chinese paintings go up. charles: to that point, where do you think this is going to go? can we use your option next tuesday for those saying china may be running out of money or running out of gas, can we look at the results to connect the dots on a few things? >> i think only vaguely, i think it is a little bit cause and effect is too much. a small segment of society like here that buys really fine art
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but overall, as long as the mainland and the greater china economy goes up the price of paintings will go up. charles: thanks for sharing it with us. you get an extra bonus. you don't? okay. it is beautiful stuff. appreciate it. more varney next. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies.
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charles: colonel ralph peters, we always enjoy you on the show but you were particularly great today. we will be running that sound for a long time. >> usually -- charles: colonel ralph peters, i stand by what i said. colonel peters, always good for the stand -- sound bites. and happy friday. it is yours. dierdre: thank you very much.
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very glad to be here. here are alternative investing stories we are following, the dollar heading for its ninth straight week of gains. some investors wary about inflation, some say barry about deflation. we give you both cases and what it means for your money. facebook challenging google's youtube, learning content creators to monetize. yahoo! and the government are fighting over control of customer data. the case was kept under lock and key. yahoo! google, microsoft going to the court to fight the u.s. government. the special federal court unsealed legal documents from a once classified battle over the scope of national security agency's surveillance programs. documents show in 2008 government threatened to charge yahoo! $250,000 a day if it didn't
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