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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  September 12, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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stock because it is goings-on sale next week. todd horowitz went to say highly anticipated ipo will pop and go higher before it become as great short. david: fed decision next week. liz: indeed. "willis report." have a great weekend. >> i'm gerri willis. coming up on the show, more problems on gm, issued a stop delivery order for the new corvette. other car recalls you need to know before hitting the road this weekend. cab drivers in san diego, they're up in arms. they're being told to reduce victim's odor. smell testing cabbies legal? our panel weighs in. don't say we didn't warn you, a solar storm may be interfering with your weekend plans. "willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now. we begin tonight with a big u-turn on transparency by the obama administration. you heard of,
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right? it will no longer allow to you follow the money. the move directly contradicts the obama administration's promise to be the most open and transparent in the nation's history. listen to this. >> this is the most transparent administration in history. the most transparent white house in history. we have put in place the toughest ethics laws and toughest transparency rules of any administration in history. gerri: well let's test. that. for more, "national review" editor rich lowery. welcome to the show. good to see you again. >> hey, gerry. gerri: big questions about this is the website, followed stimulus money, $800 billion in spending by u.s. government. now they're taking this down as of the end of the month. what gives? >> this is a big pitch, right? a great feature of this law can track everything and for most of us, once something is online, it never goes away. it is literally impossible to get rid of it but sop how the obama administration is getting rid of it. gerri: making magic here.
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got to tell you. usually can't get rid of anything online. the problem is, seriously, it was we're going to be open. we'll tell you where the money is going. you will always be able to track it. not just, my friend. s us, i'm sorry. this is also going dark. also not showing us where the money is going and what is being spent. you dig into this. lots of contracts missing from this website too. why? >> this is about a trillion dollars worth of federal spending supposed to be tracked on this website and 619 billion of it is missing because it isn't getting reported. it is a little difficult, gerri. the line is always blurry between just sheer incompetence on part of federal government. that may be a big element of it here. but watchdog groups that have monitored the obama administration, the press, they all think that obama has failed on his promise of the most transparent administration ever, which is really throwaway line
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it turns out. gerri: i guess so, even though he said it over and over and over again. apparently as accurate or complete information for 2 to% of all contracts. not a winner. lots of folks are complain about it. clearly journalists complain about it all the time but there are igs from every part of the government saying this isn't right. you promised this was going to happen. actually they say serious limitations on access to records. of the 47 igs accusing government of doing the wrong thing. how can it be, even the government is calling out the president here? >> yeah. that is how bad it is. i would say if there is one key word that really undergirds american's disappointment with government and with a lot of our big institutions, that word is accountability. they just feel it is not there. no one is ever taking responsibility. and this is a huge hulking, entity, the federal government, that has a lot of power and take as lost our money. the least you can ask, is an
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honest accounting of what is getting spent where and it abiding by its own rules, which is very often not doing in this these cases. gerri: dig into the details for a second, reason we're not getting data, why the government website, is being shut down. there is end to contract with information supplier, of private information supplier. it made me think they must have cut the worst deal ever with dunne and brad street. what do you say? >> there is money involved. i would think it is worth it to keep it up and running there is no way even, if you can't continue with them to find anyone else in this huge big country of ours. huge big world of ours that can perform this function and keep it alive. hard to believe. gerri: strains credibility i think is phrase i searching for. rich, happy friday. >> same to you, gerri. gerri: one company is working on their transparency and that's general motors. now the automaker slamming the brakes on its 2015 chevrolet
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corvette. gm issuing a stop delivery of the hot-selling car because of potential problems with its airbag and parking brake. with more on this, carl brower, senior analyst for kelley blue book. carl, i have to say. this one is a shocker. this is a very popular car. what's going on here? i just read the reasons why it is being recalled but i have to tell you, at the end of the day i can't believe we have got more problems with a gm car? >> well, it is, depends on how you want to look at it. the good side they have got problems and they're making sure people know about it. if they had these problems and didn't go through everything necessary to solve them, so that there was no danger to any end-users, then, they would be in trouble for that. so, ideally they get away from having problems at all. i think that is what they want. but, it is also, still a relatively new car to market. it is an all-new car been out just about a year now. often times you have these kind of things happen. it is a relatively small number
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of people impacted. gerri: sound like you're making a lot of excuses but this is company recalled millions and millions of cars. i misstated before. i said the car is recalled that is not true. it is a stop delivery order. just how rare is that? how often does that happen? >> well it has happened more often with gm. again i think because they have decided if they have any issue fixing the problem quickly they stop selling the car. they did it to the cruz recently which was also kind of rare. so, you know, recalls have become less rare in the last couple of years. and i'm thinking stop sell orders might become less, less rare. gerri: maybe in the future. >> because -- gerri: maybe down the road. recalls in the past year were not rare. in fact they were off the charts. >> but, i mean is recalls have become more common and i think stop sale orders might become more common. because the flip side the companies get in big trouble
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when they don't do what they should. gerri: you say might be abundance of caution is that your point of view. >> exactly it is. the bigger thing to me scary, these takata airbag issues we're hearing some of these things. i think that is a much bigger issue could end up being on the order of, you know, could end up being a decade plus that we've had problems that nobody addressed properly with all these airbags from at that caughtta. that is more scary to me. gerri: is that 14 million cars and 11 automakers. basically the fear factor is if you're in the right climate conditions, it is very humid, that airbag if it deploys may throw little pieces of metal all over inside of your car and on to you. big concerns there. >> right. gerri: just how worrisome is this? let me tell you, a lot of automakers, not just one, out there with recalls. >> yeah. that is really frightening to me. that is a much bigger deal. looks like ongoing thing. looks like millions and millions
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of cars have been impacted. they still don't really know have a handle how on and how serious and exactly what is causing it yet. to me, i have never been a huge fan of at least not way they were implemented. i thought they had too much force. now we've got these things that are essentially explosions pointed at people in their cars. now they might have shrapnel in them too. i find that very carry. gerri: that is very interesting that you weren't a big fan. my final question here, we don't have a ton of time. where is nhtsa in all of this? shouldn't they be protecting us? >> they should. of course you know, they're quick to say, well automakers didn't tell us everything they should have. automakers said we told you everything they ask for. lie of omission. i didn't say everything was fine. i just didn't tell you everything wasn't fine. gerri: wow. >> it is a mess. gerri: that is embarassment. nhtsa, national highway traffic safety administration, regulators on the beat. karl, thanks for being with us. have a great weekend. >> you too. take care.
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gerri: before we go to break, i just wanted to give you a head's up on a great new free app. now if you don't want to tote your "consumer reports" magazine to the mall and want to go shopping and know what their recommendations are, get the app for free and just take it right to the store with you. you can download the app which is free. expert advice at tips of your fingers. still a lot more to come this hour including your voice. your voice is important to us of the that's why during the show, we want to you facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. send me an email, by going to the website, at the bottom of the hour i will read tweets and emails. first, everyone still seems to be talking about apple's new products announced this week. with more companies signing on to apple pay, how safe is this thing really? we'll get into the details coming up. ♪ man when i got shingles it was something awful.
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it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox, that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
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whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. gerri: as we told you apple trying to make plastic in your wallet obsolete. tim cook talked about apple pay,
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easy, secure and private. will hackers find their way into the new iphones and your wallet? let's ask former chief information officer for the white house unpresident george w. bush. she is a ceo of fortilis solutions. welcome back to the show, theresa. great to have you here. first start how apple pay would work. it will be be pretty amazing if it does work. what is the technology behind it? >> so the technology is similar to those, for anybody who is using google wallet, or using square today, it will work sort of similar. so your phone or apple watch or new iphone, will basically be the point of sale that you use. so you don't have to get your credit card out anymore. now where apple says they're different, is they are not boeing to actually transmit your credit card or debit card data at that point of sale terminal. so that is going to be stored on a secure chip and they believe, that that is going to bypass the current cyber criminal tactics at that point of sale terminal.
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gerri: so interesting. they're using old-fashioned technology, radio waves, to do this. now we're seeing more and more major credit card operators signing on. discover just announced it is in talk with apple to do the same thing. sound like everybody is getting on board. teresa, answer this question for me. they make it sound so good, right? i take the phone in, bam. here are the retail partners that apple pay has. but there has got to be a hitch. you know, hackers will try to get inside of this thing. what are the vulnerabilities in your mind? >> gerri, you bring up a great point. the first thing what i like about this, it is newer technology, which means sigher criminals who have old tactics will have to change their ways. you're right. there is the radio piece that near field communication technology. that has been hackable in the past but apple assures us they have got sort of new encryption methods that they're using that will help with this. but as a consumer there is a
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couple of watch points that i want to point out. the first one is, when you think about the celebrity hacking, you stealing of their photos, that happened on the icloud through social engineering. social engineering will be alive and well in a big way that the cyber criminals will use to get into your data. so, to protect yourself, you're going to have to think differently how set up these accounts. new email address that you never used before. use a code name. call yourself, superman or wonder woman. don't use a name that-eyed face back to you. gerri: some great advice there. apple seems to be riding high on this. let me tell you this announcement couldn't have come at better time. just had home depot announce it had problems with hacking. jpmorgan chase is announced that they have had problems with hacking. they are in the sweet spot of the curve if this can really work. do you think they will be able to take advantage of it? >> i do think they're going to be able to take advantage of it.
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you've got a group of people who really love to adopt new technology. you've got over in europe, people have been using their mobile phones to make payments for a while. so there is going to be a segment of u.s. consumers that are going to be very excited and in adopting this. however, there is a segment of consumers look things like the i cloud hack, the fact that this particular account will be tied to itunes and there has been previous social engineering of itunes where account takeovers have happened. you will have segment of consumers will watch and wait before they adopt this technology. gerri: well, we can always see if it proves itself, that's for sure. in the meantime use cash. it is still available last time i checked. teresa, have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> now we want to know what you think. here's our question tonight. would you rather pay with cash, credit cards or smartphone? log on to vote on right-hand side of the screen. show results at end of tonight's
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show. people looking to buy the new iphone 6 and 6 plus will have to wait a almost longer than expected. online preorders started yesterday, the demand was so high, the apple website crashed. now the iphone 6 plucks may already be sold out. at&t customers the wait time could be up to six weeks. verizon said it will have the new phone in about four weeks. as apple was announcing apple pay the new iphone and smart watch what it didn't say, guess what, this is bad news, my friend, steel yourself, ipod classic is going away. ipod classic passed away just shy of its 13th birthday this week. no announcement. apple simply removed the product from their website. rip ipod classic. even though the ipod classic is gone. ipod nano and shuffle are still there and for sale at least for now. while apple is powerhouse company such as lift and airbnb are breaking away from
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traditional business model and towards sharing of goods and services of the on tonight's the show, "the independents" the show will take a special look at sharing economy. to get a first-hand look, kennedy spent the day as a lyft driver. >> we got another one of the just like fishing. ♪. hello? >> you're cory. >> cory. >> and you're? alex. >> alex and cory. fantastic, where are we going? >> you know they're pretty friendly. they're pretty much your friend. they are very talkative. when it comes to a taxi, really awkward. gerri: kennedy joins me now. so, i have to ask you, did you always want to be a taxi driver, kennedy? what is up with you on this story? >> i didn't know that did. then after i went through the entire process of becoming a
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lyft driver, there is a lot of vetting. they have to inspect your car. you have to go to a couple of seminars. you have to have proof of insurance. i came home and told my husband, that i wouldn't mind doing this on my days off. when the girls are in school. how fun go out and meet people that. worried him. gerri: that worried him a lot i'm sure. he worries but getting out there with old cory and alex i'm sure. >> cory and alex been doing a bit after tipple before that. they were bombed. why lyft is good option for younger people who can't afford private car service. taxis are so expensive in many places. that is why the sharing economy is so great, because it puts people in the driver's seat, consumers an people who want to make a little bit of money creatively. gerri: kennedy, was that a moustache on front of the car. >> that is how you identify a live car driver. they bought all the pink moustaches the company could
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make. attach it on to a grill. that is how people know their lift is arrived. gerri: that is hysterical. we can't wait. will be a great show. thanks for coming on and telling us about it. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: be sure to tune into "the independents" 9:00 p.m. eastern time, 9:00 p.m. eastern time. again at midnight and more on the sharing economy and perhaps a tipple. we're ready for some football. they head out to the plaza for tailgating tips. fallout from the ray rice scandal as some fans stand by the sports star. fox's own pam oliver is on the show. you will want to see her. stay with us. ♪ [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people
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gerri: yet another twist in the ray rice elevator scandal, sources telling espn that a they did tell commissioner roger godell that he struck his fiance back if february. after goodell said rice was not very clear what transpired that night. here with more on this, nfl sideline reporter and fox sports senior correspondent, pam oliver. terrific to have you here. >> wonderful to be here with you. gerri: first the news tonight we're getting in, just adds to the layers of horrific stories coming out of the nfl. adrian petersen, running back for minnesota, indicted on child abuse charges. is this surprising to you? i mean, it seems like the drip, drip of bad news? gerri: it is definitely that. but i think, some point we have to put this in perspective. football players are, they are examples of, citizens in america. so, they're going to be
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instances of all sorts of things and, with many so of this i think we need to let it play out. i know this is just a breaking story right now. there is a due process in this country or should be. gerri: yeah. >> and, we're, we're right at beginning stages. but, the problem with the nfl is, sometimes they ignore due process and go straight for suspensions or fines in all of this sort of thing. gerri: pam, wouldn't you say the whole process with ray rice has been super slow? not like anybody has been jumping ahead here? in fact there were something like 56 incidents of domestic violence that have occurred while goodell has been in charge. this isn't something we're slow to react to i don't think? >> it is no the commissioner's fault. it is the individual's fault. so it has been a very, very slow process. and when second video came out that pushed it to the forefront. america is talking about it, you can't go anywhere without people
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talking about it. i think it definitely needs to speed up, standpoint what the league knew, what the commissioner knew, when he knew it. if it was a matter of, you know ray being vague. the commissioner is a very, very smart fan man if somebody is being vague with him he would know it and wouldn't accept it. so that the is strange part of that story. gerri: it is strange. we comments directly opposing each other, right? on the one hand the commissioner says that the player, ray rice was vague. that he wasn't very specific. and on other hand we have these comments, completely up front with what was going on. what should we take away from that? >> did he not see that a young lady, was dragged out of an elevator, listless and not knowing, you know, what is going on? how could you not look at that and say, well there had to be something before that. how do you come to that. how do you reach that point? it is lame, to tell you the
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truth, it is lame. gerri: i hear what you're saying. "wall street journal" todays reporting that goodell had said that he didn't want be at odds with the wife in this. if she was saying she was okay with everything, if she was saying she wanted to take responsibility for the situation, and i'm not defending this point of view, so be it. how do you respond to that? >> that is what happens at your house. this is the nfl. this is the commissioner's house. owner's house and players house. he doesn't get to, to me, determine that okay, she's accepted this or she wants to work things out. his job is to determine punishment for domestic violence. and, in this particular case with ray rice. that's what he is supposed to do. and, he suspended guys for indefinitely, for, having props with alcohol and drugs and all of that. but, how is that different. gerri: why is this different?
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>> it was a human being and she was knocked out, in front of, you know, now millions of people get to see that. and it is disturbing. it is disgusting and the commissioner has really i think messed this up. gerri: he is not gone far enough in your view? >> no. no. gerri: is that what you're saying. >> from the beginning. gerri: what should happen. >> from the beginning, when he had opportunity, two games. i had a chance to talk time about the commissioner, roger, i don't understand this. you're talking about two games and did you see that video? this was the first video, not the second video. so, i think he understood that he got it wrong. and he is, the kind of man, i think, he is a decent man. he is is a compassionate man. i think he listened and a lost types he is accused of not listening. you know, he is judge and jury. and, that is one of the things that they're at odds about with the players association.
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and their union is like, wait a second, you don't get to determine what should happen to a player. there should be due process. it should play out legally and then, you know, you can make a determination from that. it is called, personal conduct. how you conduct yourself and how it reflects upon the league. gerri: there is a lot of reflecting on the league right now. >> it is not good. gerri: on behalf of football fans that are women, 47% i know they're having big problems with it. >> they're struggling now. i think there will be a struggle with this for a while. but at the end of the day, i don't mean to be harsh, people are going go to games. they're going to tune in. they may not, you know, obviously, it, it is just one of those things to where i think, when you love the game, you love the game. gerri: yeah. >> you can compartmentalize to that degree where you put that out of, out of your mind and go with the game. gerri: not everybody will do
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that though. >> no. gerri: pam, thank you so much, for coming in. great to talk to you. >> you too. thank you. >> coming up, can your cabbie pass, believe it or not, the sniff test? is it legal for a city to regulate how drivers smell? our legal panel weighs in. also as the air gets crisp, we're heading outside to get tasty tailgating tips from one of the nation's "top chef." we'll tailgate from the plaza. take a look at this food, my friend. we'll tell you how to make it. ♪. ed program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. gerri: the meat on the grill. football season is finally here. fans around the country are gearing up. tailgating. here with delicious game day favorites, execs chef of delmonico's restaurant, one of
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the oldest fine dining establishments in the country opened way back in 1837. before we do anything at all, look at this. >> forty-two oz. that is our double delmonico. gerri: hold it in one hand. >> hold it with one hand and drink their beer with the other hand, your wind. gerri: i love that. a lot of cool stuff. we are starting with a chipotle honey glazed chicken. >> you have to have chicken wings at cell getting party. i know you have the mike. we have our chipotle. and this, it's really good. a little lime juice and there, cilantro. gerri: that is gorgeous.
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this smells like kevin. >> nice and calmly. the honey sweden's it up a little bit. a little spicy. we have those thrown over there. gerri: just before you put it on their growth? >> you want it to be easy and fun. iacocca wings the night before. in some broth. cut in here. it makes it that much easier. you don't have to worry about the growth. and then you just slowly -- by the and it looks like that. gerri: we are going to make kebabs, to. >> we have our rabbi. and we have some kebabs. gerri: a lot of good stuff. >> pineapple. i am going to do this. i will start.
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gerri: mushrooms. >> mushrooms. some delmonico steak on there. gerri: that looks great. i have to tell you. it is easy. >> and these can be done the night before. not a lot of work at a tailgate party. gerri: think about it what you are out there having fun. symphonist once? >> i have some right in front of you. and then we have -- gerri: that looks great. hang on as second. do you want some of these? all right. gerri: what else do we have here? you have done so much work. >> grilled corn. we corrected right in the husk. in its own container. just a little tabasco honey butter.
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honey, tabasco, lemon juice. parsley, a little bit of shives. i great idea. a great idea. all right. okay. you seriously think am going to do this? >> what we could do with this, you would want to have this cooked. we would slice it. two or three people down at the restaurant. gerri: have it by myself. >> you can a son by yourself. i would definitely be impressed. gerri: your favorite thing. you make sure you have something . >> chicken wings. really easy. "never is easy. you have done a bang up job with this. as we go to break we are definitely going to be feeding the audience. do you guys want some food?
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going to feed the audience. thank you. i'm sorry. all right. >> and i have some hot wings over there. i don't know how hot it is anymore. gerri: some corn. what is it like? do you like it? is it good? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, haven't i asked you to please use the -- we don't have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver®
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this is truecar. gerri: cab drivers in san diego are kicking up dust think about a local government regulation over body odor. it seems it is not enough for cabbies in this city to pass the usual safety inspection test. they have to pass the smell test. the cab driver say it is discrimination.
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fox sees legal analyst. welcome to you both. great to have you here. >> fifty-two other regulations. we live in new york. i don't like it when i get into a camp. i am rolling down my window, putting the air conditioner on. i don't like that. as a civil rights area, really, in the air shower, check and make sure you use does every morning? >> i just can't. >> the cab authority mass transit authority takes care of this and licenses these camps, safety, welfare, and provide a clean cab. it includes smells' satisfactory. i tell you how. he looked at cleanliness. you go and pass the smell test. if someone is going to claim -- if someone -- that's
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right. [inaudible conversations] >> too much perfume. >> over time people have policies. gerri: they have a body odor. pass failed. really? i just -- you know, i don't smell anything at all ever. nobody would ever get excited. other folks smell everything >> it is going to be unlawful, are chary, caprice is based upon some standard. but if you have some measure , you can measure. they can measure smell. it's the thingamajig. they have our right to give the driving public who are going to be in these calves a proper cab. gerri: one argument works. some people say when you go
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to the city, the convention bureau is like this is what they will think of the city. they will turn around and hightailing it back home. >> absolutely not. you don't judge a city by the way the capsules. i want something that will be saved a massive car. they're is a little over their is a little of order. adjust all see how you regulate this. >> in the city of new york if there is no smell and the cap i think something is weird. >> the question is whether it is of lawful or not. constitutional, something else?think that they have enormous power. they have enormous power to regulate. >> george washington. come on. the other thing. this is going to come out, we are going to pay more in our camp siege. you have to hire these smell testers and have to pay them .
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>> plenty of people are working the job right now look at the cab for all sorts of things including mechanical. that is important. it is important to have a camera doesn't smell. you have no right. >> a little air freshener. >> you would not want to get in that camp. >> orlando's up. >> you guys are so forgiving. he should not have it. as i have some advice. keep your campaign. put it in the back of the truck and use it if he needed. >> coming into our house. that is will happen. >> did not care about your house. they care about caps. gerri: scary stuff. scary stuff. >> under the constitution paris somehow it's a protected right. i am the one that will defend it. no, absolutely inappropriate that they can do that. gerri: all right. thank you for coming on.
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you guys are terrific. thank you so much. we want to hear from you. a totally different topic. discover they sin be joining visa, mastercard, an american express as part of the newly announced apple play. would you rather pay for something with cash, credit cards to war smart phone? here is what some of your tweeting me. my iphone six is on the way. i will try it. we will still have cash as a backup. as james bond would say, i prefer cash. here are some of your e-mails. jim from taxes rights, it just goes to show people the president has no business sense at all. after all, he was a community organizer before he was elected to the senate and does not have a clue our company makes money or how to get people back to work. gene from new york agreed to by this president has not a clue how this company works. caught totally string of the economy.
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the average on an armored protection have to be done slowly so that we do not destroy the economy for some imaginary clean air while developing clean energy. we love hearing from you please send me any now. still to come tonight, a major space event this weekend could wreak havoc on your power or cell phone service. the latest on a solar storm, and here is your consumer age with the numbers every consumer needs to know. we will be right back. gerri: in whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts
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gerri: this of these can be particularly hard hit. the seven friends will likely face a warm and wet fall. the heat and moisture may encourage small and will ragweed. the northeast and midwest can breathe easier. that is because an early freeze could lead to shorter season -- sneezing seasons. it is good news bad news situation. the north and west will have an easier allergy season. the parlor of cortex may be making a return. and speaking right about now. a storm hitting the earth from deep space in the middle of a massive solar storm after a huge magnetic explosions on the son. the solar flares are already having an impact on global communications. for more on this bobrun liz joins us. weather prediction center in boulder, colorado. welcome to the show. great to have you here. talking about this story of the long. how significant is this latest solar storm?
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if you had to judge how strong is, how does this stack up to other storms? >> it's a good question. has been quiet. solar cycles, not much. this is an active solar cycle. about 130 times. so all in all, big picture, not extreme by any means. certainly it gets our attention. gerri: specifically when you look at these pictures, it is pretty darn scary looking and let's keep in mind here, if the earth was hit by a solar flare it would be consumed by flames. what are the impacts down here on earth? >> as we have seen, the impacts, the vendor originated a couple of days ago. the communication. affecting commercial airlines. now we're in the face, driving the overall, could cause problems and things and disruptions. gerri: so this particular
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solar flare, i understand it is pointed right at us. is that true? >> that's right. quite often. headed directly tariffs or not. gerri: was the last time we had something of this magnitude? >> it's not unprecedented by any means. certainly does not happen every day. i. gerri: i understand that the gerri: i understand that the overall borealis is being hi, are we still on for tomorrow?
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5:58 pm
♪ ♪ gerri: earlier this hour we it would you how discover may be the latest credit card company to join the ranks of apple pay, but does mobile payments, does it even interest you? would you rather pay with cash, credit card or your smartphone? we asked the question on 62% said cash, 35% said credit cards, 3% said smartphones. hog on -- log on for our online question every day. and one hedge fund says it has the answer of olive garden's money woes. the hedge fund starboard value says olive garden's servers bring too many breadsticks to
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the table at a time, that leads to waste. they also want the food preparers to cut back on the amount of salad dressing it uses. i say hands off my breadsticks and hands off my salad dressing. olive garden is in need of help with sales falling nearly 1.5% last quarter alone, but giving fewer breadsticks just ain't going to cut it. next week, our user's guide on how to buy a home. how far should a vacation home be away from your original home? can you afford it? that's it for tonight's willis report. thanks for joining us. don't forget to dvr the show if you can't catch us live. have a great weekend. "making money" with charles payne is coming up right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
6:00 pm
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ charles: tonight on "making money," the singles economy. over half of americans are flying solo or shacking up. hey, this is more than a moral issue. belief in marriage, family and children, one of the greatest anchors to our economy. and i gave you a grand slam at ulta is loan, but i learned about -- salon, but i learned about the company from a trip to the mall with my wife. tonight we'll discuss how to unlock your knowledge. in the price of freedom versus government shutdown, strong arm tactics means government has access to everything about us. yahoo! fought back, time for the rest of america to stake a stand -- take a stand too. plus i've got a


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