tv The Willis Report FOX Business September 16, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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p.m. eastern, but the news conference is set to begin at 2:30 p.m. you have to hear that. >> for now "the willis report" is next. gerri, more on the president's plan to fight ebola. what it means for people in this country. gerri: that's right, liz and dave. thanks for thamp the president talking ebola today. we look at the risks of the virus take hold right here in the u.s. of a. what should the government play a role in what you are putting away? if dreams of a second home involve being close to fine dining and shopping, we'll have advice in our user's guide. which slow cooker is best? we'll have the answers. "the willis report," where consumers are our business, starts right now. we begin with your retirement and whether the government has a role to play in it? van guard group founder john
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bogle testifying before the senate finance committee calling for regulation of the entire industry. here with us is fox business's peter barnes. >> investing in retirement is too hard and too expensive for the average people, he wants the government to regulate it more. the vanguard founder proposed a federal overseer, a federal retirement board to regulate company and individual 401(k) and ira plans. bogle wants to push more people into low fee mutual funds, the index funds he helped create and champion over pricier actively managed funds. he argues that in the wrong run, index funds are simpler, work better and create more savings for the average investor. proposal did not come up today specifically, but the idea of
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government mandates favoring index funds for investors did. >> i, for one would be the champion for mandating index funds. just look at it this way, senator, all of the investors in america, all of the retirement plan investors own the total stock market together, they are a giant index fund. you can go to an index fund and own that total share of the stock market for two to five basis points. >> and a basis point is 1/100 of 1%, that a pretty low fee, gerri. gerri: peter, there is debate how generous retirement plans should be? did bogle weigh in on that? >> he joined a parade of critics, including president obama who want to limit retirement plans for wealthy individuals. the gao reported that about 7,000 people had iras worth more than $5 million in 2011,
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the last year, complete tax data is available. about 300 others had more than 25 million in an ira. the president criticized the ability of wealthier people to sock away this money in tax deferred iras, proposed capping balances at $3 million. bogle did not specifically endorse that idea but supports limiting retirement breaks for wealthier people. gerri. gerri: peter, thank you for that. should the government get more involved in your retirement? joining me financial adviser philip siegel. and town hall senior political editor guy bensen, welcome to you both. >> hi, gerri. gerri: interesting comments about 401(k)s. philip, start with you, you're talking to people all the time about retirement savings. my question for you should we cap the amount of money as was discussed on capitol hill that
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can be set aside in retirement accounts. >> public policy question. obviously, you're going to raise more tax revenue if you tax people of a higher income. i think the thing to remember though is when you're talking about whether the government should be involved in retirement policy it's already involved. the fact that you have tax preferences. the fact that you subsidize certain kinds of investment and tax certain kinds of investment, you tax savings, you subsidize other kinds of things. gerri: but the government is already involved. >> completely involved. gerri: turning to you now, here's what we were discussing, the $5 million that 7,000 folks have set aside in iras, 25 million by 300 people. that's peanuts and isn't the real problem, guy, think about the problem we're facing in this country is that too many people have high balances in retirement accounts or we don't have enough money set aside
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period, the median 401(k) balance right now $17,600. what do you say to more government involvement? >> a couple things, on the first point we were discussing about whether or not there should be caps and where the caps should be, talking about tax treatment, i don't think we should take anything off the table because i am just desperately hoping that at some point elected representatives will do tax reform, and i understand in order to lower rates and i'm in favor of, you need to have things on the table they can play around with to bring revenues in. gerri: wait, wait, wait, wait! i need to hear what you think should happen with the retirement accounts now? set aside tax reform for just a second. what do you think capping about the amount of money people can get aside in retirement account? shouldn't it be up to the individual american how much they set a? shouldn't i direct my own
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retirement account? >> on a broad principle i definitely agree with that. on the second question on the government's potential stepped-up role in trying to manage people's retirement funds and get people to save, which is obviously a problem, by the way, the government ought to focus on getting its own house in order. you're right, they're heavily involved in the retirement industry if you will. medicare, social security, these are giant unfunded, unpaid for bonuses. gerri: i don't know how we can trust them with 401(k)s. philip, to you, john bogle, very well respected in the industry. he is essentially the guy who started the fund investing. >> index fund investing he started. gerri: that is correct, sir, index funds. he is looking for a federal overseer and trying to steer people to low cost funds which is exactly what vanguard
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represents. do you have a problem with that or have the oversight czar sitting next to the president at the white house? >> i don't have a problem telling people if they're going to get a tax benefit setting aside for retirement, we don't want to give them a tax benefit for overly speculative investment, because in the end, if someone retires destitute, we have to bail them out. if someone retires destitute and needs extra government assistance xerox to pay as taxpayers. so i think --. gerri: but for individuals we only go as far as social security. it's not what we did for the banks in 2007 and 2008. our obligation is limited. let me turn to guy for just a second here because this is highly controversial, this whole idea how the government should be involved to what degree it should be involved. here's what i worry about and
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people do, too. $23 trillion in retirement savings in this country. wouldn't be that a simple way to wipe out the federal deficit to. say we'll tax this, we'll get back on track, that's my worry, they're going come after my retirement dollars. what do you say? >> i'm hoping -- i think you're right, we've seen in more extreme cases in europe, cypress comes to mind where they were tapping into people's savings. we're a long way from that in this country. i definitely agree with your previous point, the government has to get their own programs or own social safety net programs for retired people in order before they can claim any sort of moral authority to dictate to us what we ought to be doing, and on the vanguard point, i'm a customer of vanguard. gerri: who isn't? >> i think this guy is very, very smart. i do have a little pause when you have someone going on capitol hill, saying we need to
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change public policy to direct millions of new customers into something they benefit from, and they will profit from. gerri: good point. >> there's a question when it comes to conflict of interest there. i'm not accusing him of that. but something to be wary of. gerri: last word to you, philip? >> i took bogle's suggestions, never mind the self-interest point of view, if you look at the 529 funds, you have a broad chiefs of staff sensibly managed low cost funds, not as low cost index funds, but all you're trying to do here in my view is get people to not put all of their retirement money on the alibaba ipo or dot com. if you give a large choice of investments. in index, nonindex but managed correctly or sensibly, that to me is a sensible middle ground where you're not -- gerri: it's a big debate, how
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much do you want uncle sam in investments and your life. and it's a good debate, and appreciate your coming oboth of you, philip and guy, thank you so much for being on tonight. interesting conversation, thank you. and still a lot more to come this hour including your voice, your voice is important us to, that's why during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me, send me an e-mail at on the website there. and at the bottom of the hour i'll read your tweets and imails. the president says the u.s. is going on the offensive on ebola, which could soon make its way to our shores. we'll have the latest coming up. don't go away. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make
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an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses
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. gerri: before issuing the recalls in february, as we've been telling you about. from cars to ebola. also tonight, new details on the deadly outbreak of ebola. as the virus continues to spread, the president ramping up renewed efforts to fight the virus in west africa, are the efforts enough to stop the spread from coming here. covering all the angles with a senior fellow at manhattan institute, and the vice president and chairman of the newark beth israel medical center. welcome to you both. i have to tell you two, the president very strong in his comments today, he's going to send 3,000 service men and women over to west africa to deal with this, he wants to spend a lot of money fighting it, he sounded very strong this afternoon. listen to this. >> in west africa, ebola is now
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an epidemic of the likes we have not seen before, it's spiraling out of control, it is getting worse, it's spreading faster and exponentially. gerri: so dr. bob, you are running an institution that will deal with an outbreak were there one, how serious is this? >> we consider this very serious. most of the hospitals in our country are not prepared for something like this. this could be the new plague. we're proximal to the newark international airport. liberty international airport and very concerned about that because we have planes coming in from africa all the time. i don't think this is a problem just for africa. the mega cities of europe are going to be affected shortly, we've seen that within africa, people traveling from west africa to east africa and spreading the disease, there's a lot of worry among medical professionals about an epidemic getting larger and larger. gerri: and talking about exponential rise in the ebola virus, and it's shocking how
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the numbers go up and up. what do you make of the cdc's remarks? what they're saying to institution all over the country today? they sound, and i'll just read from some of their material. and from what i understand there is a 21-day incubation period. so you may not show signs at the airport, it could be sometime before you are contagious and presenting signs. what do you think of the government's response here? >> it's been measured, it's not time to panic yet. we have immigration center when it comes to air travel that is generally pretty good at monitoring these kinds of situations and being careful about them. been by larger than fo. has havto rbe whthe
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her elaoutbkid you ge so sick,ou't ts. el. yes, theresncubation , if you'r icular comty you're out. this ou has t ptiald tointo ties. we a not at theoint e we showoat outbreakhing theted gerri: dr. bob, you call it th new plague possibly, you are concerned about it. we were noting there are 200,000 africans on u.s. visas. should there be stronger protections in place for americans? >> i don't know that there are, i would hope that the immigration and naturalization agents that we see at the airports that we meet when we come from another country. a lot of africans, tourists go to europe and then leave from con ishaei pbably inadte.
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ere were res within authitie then tempur ofvels to ure erybyas feb g on anaiine. transportation with flight attendants and pilots on airplanes where people have syndrome. gerri: we're seeing lots of precautions going on out there. we talked about the possibility of ebola mutating, so that it's passed through the air, and not a lonoment ofnow, which takes g to this area, how are we going to keep them safe? >> they're going to take the appropriate precautions, they're going to know that the ebola virus is only transmitted through fluids, not through the air. that should protect them if they take the appropriate precautions. as far as the mutations, it is
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theoretically possible, we have not seen evidence of it to date. i'm glad the president took reaction to it. gerri: this is the right steps. >> let's root for those servicemen and women. gerri: we always do. thank you for coming on tonight. great stuff. appreciate your time. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: later, our user's guide to buying a second home continues with a look at buying a smaller place. maybe a place in a booming college town? how do you do that? a look at the most popular health supplements in the market and if they are right for you? stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications,
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. gerrealth supplements a waste of mon? we'r putting some of the post popular pills to the test to see if they improve your health. dr. kevin campbell joins me now. welcome back dr. kevin. always good to have you here. there's nothing that you put in your mouth that is less regulated than supplements. the government doesn't care what's in them and it's a huge market. so is the responsibility on my shoulders to find out if they work and good for me? >> it's a shared responsibility between you and your doctor. i think that you need to have conversations with your primary care physician to determine do you need these things and are they something that may harm you based on other medical conditions. gerri: that's great advice and, of course, a $32 billion industry and 87% of us take these drugs. they are readr s gen s good for your
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heart and digestion and makes your hair look pretty. what do you say? >> vitamin b, almost no one is deficient in vitamin b unless you are a complete vegan or have pernicious anemia. you, you shouldn't take vitamin b supplements unless your doctor measures your blood levels and says you are vitamin b deficient. gerri: you are buy, sell or field? definitely sell that one. gerri: wow! surprised. so benefits of vitamin c, everyone says it protects your immune system, you won't get sick. cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, what do you say? >> vitamin c is an interesting situation, back in the day when people were across europe to the u.s. and there was no fresh fruit you had skifry. there is nothing to say it protects you from cold. it has been shown in older
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people and smokers to decrease the frequency of the cold, but i would say. gerri: buy, sell or hold. >> hold that one. because in smokers it can protect you a little bit because you've damaged your lungs. >> rock 'n' roll through these. glucosamine and chondroitin. it is supposed to make cartilage better? >> it is included in the cartilage that is the push between the bones there, and it has shown no difference in orthopedic pain, no difference in joint deterioration. that one is probably a sell. gerri: whoa! okay, we don't like that. forget that. vitamin d. now i know everybody takes vitamin d, teeth, bone, immune health, lowers the risk of heart attacks. what does it not do? do you like it? >> i like vitamin d. there's a lot of evidence out there certainly in women to protect you from osteoporosis, but there's a lot of good data
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supporting reduction in cardiovascular disease. i would say buy that one. gerri: yeah! okay. there we go. >> not so grumpy, right? gerri: it's a positive. fish oil, everybody takes fish oil, that stinky smelly fish oil is supposed to lower risk for stroke and heart disease. you know about this category, right? >> i think it is very good with manipulating cholesterol, increasing the good cholesterol, decreasing the bad in combination with other therapy. buy that one. gerri: co q 10. >> there is data that says it can decrease risk of heart disease and seems to be important in managing muscle pain associated with statin therapy for cholesterol. so i like that one, and i would buy that one. gerri: and garlic. what is the deal with garlic? everyone thinks that's the magic thing to eat? >> it is good in an italian
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restaurant but for a supplement, i don't think so. it gives people bad breath, it can cause stomach upset and has no effect on cardiovascular mortality. gerri: dr. kevin campbell. awesome information. we have to get that up on the website so people can see it. good stuff, right? in other news republican senator planning to reduce legislation closing a welfare loophole which allows recipients to use their aid to buy marijuana. jeff sessions says the money is administered by vast, sprawling bureaucracy with little oversight and no moral vision. it has no authority to stop use of benefit cards at pot shops. this legislation stems from a report recipients in colorado were found to be withdrawing cash at atm machines at these stores. what do you think? here's our question tonight,
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should welfare recipients be allowed to buy weed? log onto i'll share the results at the end of tonight's show. coming up, we're headed to the good housekeeping kitchen to show the best slow cookers on the market. and next our users guide with advice on getting a pied-a-terre. empty nesters won't want to miss. this look at those pictures. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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emi ins atsin aerre at on tari ooat this. unlile. m a t dio and siere. >>his waur ipiraon every wand-ck t owns the hse ykt the bm of o >> seesn,xact. gei: iou'rin t 1%f the%, tis manttanansi i yr pri ran. t fothetfs i is al esteorn. buinhisase,hexx isor exa, exa, era lur and glour. weave4-cat gol pnt on ranolum. ifouoop toheeili that4-catol pnt. gerrhis milon dl
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housis n fm te gund up. the te w oginay owny janese rtaurt mnate th 192hous was torn dow d thi 15-,4ar townh fiv thros. >> wou s th w lyl i i won o twi oftaingce fore s to eoy tmsel inework en tt to ehe h eubur. gerr itlso has a pool room and then of course there is a real swimming pool and a hot tub. the mansion even includes a gym in the garage. while finding a parking space in new york is golden, th hou has gol 24-carat gold. gerri: that is unbelievable. >> the fireplace is all in
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24-carat gold. this is beautiful storage units we're taken out. this tv you can watch while playing billiards. gerri: that is practical. what luxury home is complete without a home theater. this is impressive. saturday night watching a movie with the family. >> so we have a 10-seat movie theater, with egyptian inspiration. if you look at ceilings. they're all tiled. you have a formation of the sun. gerri: oh, this is pretty comfy. >> like it? gerri: totally. this is okay where i would be hanging out. >> they go all the way back. >> i like this. okay that was obviously a lot of fun. joining us tonight to talk about buying a second home, professor eric klein berg, sociologist at yn -- nyu and we have the editor-in-chief of global media. great to have you both here. eric, i will start with you, looks to me boomers with this big stock market rally we have
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finally figured out i have the dough to spend on something else and what they're choosing something you might expect. not traditional retirement home. >> be clear. is not ave population doing this b ver flue peoe are a bstaial ough t p ey he de insad o re to each,e' playouoherba uo c erwas ofme ory eryo mov w tirido b are sces aeoe ce ro tl amenies. ey wt toen an urban environment. gerri: amanda, do you see the same thing? i know you talk to a lost planners and architects. -- lot of planners. our magazine writes a lot about these kind of things? people, your magazine writes a t iraste these options? ul speaking. i definitely agree people are gravitating toward the city as
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opposed to living in middle of know where. gerri: i am advocate living in middle of know where. truth be known, small town, big town, rural. eric, to you, one of the interesting things about this you know there are cycle in vacation homes and they can be severe. what we see in ski towns, what we see out in the country, in the mountains, even at beach, those prices go up, up, and they plunge depending what is going on in the broader market. if you buy in city you may insulate yourself from that? >> i think cities people buying into for second homes tend to be high-class, high-end cities. san franciscos and seattles and new yorks and miamis out there. there have been fluctuations in those markets. demand will probably come back in those places. people don't have quite the number of ups and downs they might have in rural or country environment. gerri: what are they demanding in the places, pied a terres, what are the amenities? >> people need to think about things being close to a
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hospital. they also want to be close to cultural amenities and theater. >> they want to walk, right. >> walkability is huge. i think young people and older people are attracted to cities in which walking is easy. you don't necessarily have to have a car to get around. gerri: absolutely right. when you look at college towns that's one of the big attractions as well, eric. i have done a lot of reading on this it is interesting, sometimes people pick big towns for their universities and sometimes they pick small ones. the big attraction you can go to lectures for free. you get in on the sports. all kind of easy things for you to be involved in. then lower tax rates because you're typically in a town that is supported by college students. >> so look, as professor i love to hear that but it's true. you have got the hospitals in many great college towns. you have all the cultural amenities, museums, theater, music. sociology lecture here and there to add spice to the mix. gerri: absolutely right. >> they tend to be vibrant places. this is important for boomers who are often times retiring
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getting out of work and not driving around as much. they don't need all the family amenities that the suburbs offer. they want to be in happening place and college towns can provide that. gerri: maybe we don't need self-driving cars? maybe we need to live in a place with public transportation. thank you for you both coming on the show. appreciate your help. interesting story. a lot of people out there thinking what to do next and considering alternatives. coming up tomorrow, our users guide to buying a second home continues as more americans than ever choose to live by the water. but that could cost you, especially after a storm. we'll tell you what you need to do. we want to hear from you. some republican lawmakers are making it illegal to use to make welfare money to pay for marijuana, pot. even in states where it is allowed. should welfare recipients be able to buy weed? here is what harvey says. they should only be able to buy food, stock stop the atm.
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they shouldn't get cash. >> rick agrees. the money should be used for food and necessities and weed is not one of them. >> into we're waiting for the latest adventures of freddie thing from caster. frog kaster. we'll have food with the help of good housekeeping magazine with your consumer gauge. we'll be right back. ♪ helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision,
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i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now?use $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ gerri: there never seems to be you in of time in the day, does there? by the time we get home from work the last thing you want to do is stare at fridge to figure out what to cook for dinner a slow cooker seems to be more sense than ever. we went to good housekeeping research institute to find out what is best. in this world of smartphones and instant messages, seems like slow cookers are a remnant of but our friend at the good
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housekeeping research institute says not only are slow cookers hot again, they're calling them croc stars. >> at this time of year it is so great to put the ingredients in the pot, go off to work and come home and have something hardy, warm and delicious, ready and waiting for you when you come home from work. we have the great recipe. i will put to you work here. gerri: okay, good. >> we'll whip up the sauce with the boneless pork shoulder cooking in the slow cooker. you have got some onions. garlic. gerri: beautiful. golly. >> we have chipolte. >> let me smell. >> real jalpenos. so they're really full of flavor. gerri: they really smell great. >> this take as little turn that you would not expect. we have some ketchup. gerri: ketchup. that is not very gourmet, my friend. >> but it brings great flavor and tons of complexity and
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acidity and sweetness. here is a little trick and shortcut. we have unsweetened cocoa powder which you might not expect either. we have creamy peanut butter. gerri: love peanut butter. >> that provide nuttiness and richness and sweetness and a little bit of salt. we are have a little bit of broth to get things going. >> perfect. here we go. what i love there is no work here. this is not what i call work. >> we put it on curly egg noodles because a lot of really good juice comes out of here. gerri: i think slow cooker, savory and you have a new idea. >> the reason slow cookers are good because people use them for desserts. we have a i canned about apple recipe using slow cooker instead of oven and is quick and fun and makes your house smell amazing. what we'll do cut off the better quarter inch so they sit nice and flat in our cooker. i will take an apple core an core out the middle.
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gerri: cool. >> this is great tool and really cuts down on prep time. so you will dot filling. goes into a bowl. we have half a cup of finely chopped pecans, delicious. if you want to use a different nut you can do that as well. this a third of a cup of dried cranberries. you can use dried cherries. apricots are good as well. quarter pound of packed ground sugar. whatever you feel like home. a teaspoon of all spice. it has flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and clove at the same time. pepper is unexpected twist. gerri: i'm surprised. >> and a little salt. when they come out -- gerri: oh. >> look at that. >> look at that. >> really soft and juicy with acronalchy filling and -- >> i thought that was ice cream over there. >> it is ice cream! can i geoff you a spoon? do you want to try? gerri: yes. thank you so much. >> here you go. one thing you can do, that is
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nice scoop of ice cream if you want to do vanilla yogurt you basically have a brunch dish perfect for fall and treat in the morning. >> i would think we would stick with the ice cream. >> you can use the ice cream too. yogurt would make it healthier. not that much fat but technically a healthy dessert. gerri: totally yummy. the institute tested four slow cookers around came up with the four favorites. the the best budget buy at $35. three quart hamilton beach is bet for small families that. only costs 20 bucks. they like the $140 york pot model food for entertaining. >> croc pot came out with series called newfangled. this is great for entertaining. you have different size ditches or -- dishes or dips or smaller size sauces, these things interconnect the electricity so you can plug one into the next
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and plug one into the wall. gerri: for the best overall, they quicked the questions sin quisenart. that model costs $130. for the full recipes of dishes we showed you. log on to i know you want to see the recipes. click on stocks turning higher with energy companies leading the way. the dow managed to hit a new all-time high as fed policymakers start ad two-day meeting where many expect the central bank to announce steps to raise rates. >> into we're days away from what could be the biggest ipo in history, alibaba. the chinese e-commerce company plans to raise $25 billion selling shares of 66 to 68 bucks a piece. alibaba is expected to start trading friday under the ticker symbol baba. ups planning to hire up to 95,000 seasonal workers to help with holiday deliveries of the
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company says positions will include package sorters, loaders and drivers. shipments left many without of packages and hurt the shipper's bottom line. flight attendants are offering incentive to leave united. it is offering a lump sum payment of $100,000 to 23,000 united flight attendants. united said it will help matching personnel to the flight schedule and produce a labor contract with the croon. those are the hot stories on my two cents more and janice dean, telling us about the new book, freddie thing from kaster. he is back. stay with us.
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s gerri: remember the freddie the frog-caster? he is back. the star amphibian in part two of a children's book series by our very own janice dean. this time prepping kids for upcoming weather this winter. with me the author of the freddie the the frog-caster. the janice dean the weather machine. >> i love the backdrop. that is fantastic. with the gerri willis backdrop. that is awesome i love it. gerri: read it. read it. >> look at that. i mead to put that on my facebook page. >> i think you should. i think you should. >> we were talking about little terps to sell freddie, read it, read it. it is gerri's. gerri: i'm a natural marketer. >> you really are. gerri: you are a natural writer though. why this one? tell us about this book? >> first one you know. freddie the frog-caster was introduction to freddie and his
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lilly pad the fact he loves to forecast weather. you get to meet sally croaker and polly wogins and the teacher, mrs., ann phibian. gerri: nice. >> this one did so well thanks to you and fox news channel and fox business network. the big blizzard. he wants to make sure the whole lilly pad knows what to do, a lot of snow and wind is coming their way. >> just taps right into your natural expertise. >> write what you know. right? gerri: yes. you have a compelling character. >> yes. gerri: to help you tell the story. >> exactly. gerri: how did you come up with this? >> it took me a while. to be honest with you. i had idea for a weather book. i have a grandkid, on niece, nephew, can you recommend good kid weather books. i did research. there wasn't a whole lot out there. i thought i could try this. it might take me a while. after i got children i really got it and reading book after
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book and this works. this didn't work. i had an idea how to do it. so i came up with the character, a frog, which a frog is cute. and -- gerri: frogs are definitely cute. >> right. you know what i else read which is interesting, frogs apparently, i don't knowthis is true, frog lovers can let me know, i read somewhere if a storm is coming frogs croak lo u louder. >> they know. they know. >> they are do. gerri: i have to get you to got another one after this. >> i know. this is just between you and i. gerri: so don't tell anybody. >> don't tell anybody. gerri: no one will know. >> okay. so the third one coming out in july will be freddie and the huge hurricane. gerri: the huge hurricane. >> the huge hurricane. gerri: feeling sorry for the frog in that. that is an ugly storm you. >> know what? he can prepare. his motto is prepare. freddie is weather ready. gerri: wow. you rock. janice dean, thank you so much. as you go, you must sign this
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book for our line producer. she has a little boy, luke. >> luke, luke. >> this is yours, luke. >> thanks for having me. gerri: thank you. >> love the backdrop. facebook me. look at that! gerri: got that covered. >> freddie never looked so good. gerri: very cute and very green. >> like money. gerri: we have something in common. we'll be right back with my two cents more and answer to the question of the day. should welfare recipients be able to buy weed? we'll answer, coming up. we'll answer, coming up. ♪ guys! you're not gonna believe this!
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watch this. sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. good news -- fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate. and it's affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news -- it's friday!
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introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. introducing the all-new c-class. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so you're always connected, wherever you are. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. gerri: well if you have an utuna, count then you have the complete new album from u2, or will within a month whether you want it or not, apple' help you
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delete it go to -- click on removal bum, you don't have to listen to it, you should be warned if you delete album, you will to pay to get it back. >> dow hitting an all-time high today, it has been going gangbusters for 5 years now. the record high markets mean record eye 401(k)s, my retirement savings are getting better and better all of the prime. the government does not need to get involved in my retirement. washington, i think you have done enough. that is my two cents more. that is it for willis report, dvr the show if you can't catch us live.
6:00 pm
charles payne is next. have a great night. charles: on "making money." big government looks for next big prize, your retirement funds are in their cross hairs of part of big government appetite, lou dobbs is here to weigh in. and 40 these new millionaires last year, through starting a business, investing in the stock market and real estate. time for americans to follow that script. hits keep coming for nfl. buzz wise are may -- budweiser may be looking to culttio
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