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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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go to our webpage for our after hours show. it is fox"the independents." you can find everything that you need there and we look forward to seeing you in a little bit. at the end of our show, on kennedy and thank you for being here. lou: good evening, joint chief chairman general manufactur man, and chug hagel testified on the president's islamic state strategy, and secretary and general were in accord, they were uncomfortable at times in supports the president's no boots on the ground assurance to the american people, general dempsey said, if anti-islamic stay coalition proves ineffective he would quote, of course, recommend u.s. drowned troops to the -- ground troops to the president. president obama has said he will not sense u.s. combat troops back into iraq.
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general dempsey also made it clear, that the president overruled his recommendation to arm and train syrian rebtells two years ago. a decision that president's critics say allowed islamic state to gain strength in the region. >> was president right in 2012 when he overruled most of his national security team, and refused to train and equip moderate opposition in syria at that time? >> senator, i was not there at the time. so, i am limited. >> i will ask general dempsey. was president right in 2012 when he overruled his secretary of defense, secretary of state, and director of cia refuseing to train and equip moderate opposition forces in syria according to your prim testimony we're doing today. >> you know i wreck mened we train -- recommended that we
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trained them, for policy reasons the decision was taken another decision. lou: secretary hagel struggled to answer why the president changed his opinion in arms the forces. >> risk of inper tretteing what the president meant, when he said that, i recognize that always risky as i said. but, let me address your question, this way. what changed now is the urgency of what has occurred in the middle east. lou: general dempsey told committee that fight to defeat and destroy the islamic state will take years even calling fight, a generational problem. >> this will require a sustained effort over an etined period of
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time -- ex teupbgded period of extended period of time, this is a jenering aal problem. -- jener rationajeneringgeorge . >> fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report. >> despite president obama vowing he would not sense u.s. ground troops to iraq or syria, general dempsey left the door ajar, testifying if president's strategy to destroy isis does not go as planned or coalition does not come together, things can change. >> this coalition is the appropriate way forward, i believe that will prove tro. but if it fails to be true, if there are threats to united states, i would go back to president and make a recommendation that may include use of u.s. military ground forces. >> reporter: senate panel top democrat, count playd it noted
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military leaders ol way always y if circumstances change, but he citeed a specific circumstance. pressed by republican, democracy suggested that president could agree. >> has president ruled it out. >> at-this-point, he stated policy we will not have u.s. ground forces and direct combat. >> including operator embeded on the ground. >> correct. >> he has told me to come back to him on a case by case basis. >> reporter: he did not mention that in his primetime address, republicans continue to charge it was a mistake to rely on just airstrikes.
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>> reporter: president focusing on just beyond hil military. today iraqi a lakers re-- lawmakers rejected nominee, a speech bump as for syria hagel faced tough questions from mccain, about what u.s. military will do, if syrian president al-assad starts attacking moderate syrian rebels while they serve as our ground forces against isis. >> they will defend themselves. >> will we help them againstal aadd'al-asad'sair? >> we will. >> will we rere repel? >> any attack on those we've trained who are supporting us we will help them.
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>> sparking concerns about? of president's fellow democrats fighting assad's civil war. >> makes no sense to me, i can't sell it. >> republican lindsay graham fireed back that stakes are too high to do nothing. they athey will vote in next cof of days. lou: thank you. president obama made it clear he is putting boots on the ground in africa to fight the elola outbreak, calling it a national second prsecurity priority. to set up ebola treatment centers. world he'll organization now say -- health organization said it is over 2500 dead.
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>> our report. >> reporter: at centers for disease control, president obama met with emory university doctors who treated 2 americans who contracted the ebola virus in west africa, and later announced that u.s. will lead an effort to eradicate what it believed to be largest outbreak of the disease. >> world is looking to us. >> mr. obama met with dr. kent brantley and his wife, he has been pronounceed cure of the ebola virus. they will sense $3,000 servicemen and women to west africa that give training and longchistal support -- logistical support, majority will be based in liberia. where it is worst. they will also be around in senegal. world health organization leader said that crises is escalating.
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>> 5,000 now, infected twice number when we met a couple of weeks ago over 2500 dead, nearly twice number of when we met a couple of weeks ago. >> reporter: with west african hospitals overwhelmed u.s. aims to build 17 healthcare facilities with 100 beds each, and train as many as 500 health care workers a week. how to handle exposed patients, officials. to act quickly before the virus becomes more easily trans -- transmitted. >> house speaker john boehner feels that president's attention on overdue. >> imsurprised we that administration has not acted more quickly. >> they have spent $175 million on the crisis, sending largest cdc deployment in history west africa, asking congress do reprogram 500 million in
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pentagon funds. one republican suggests tapping an obamacare fund. >> in the affordable care act. several people have written about it, there is money in the prevention fund this is where that money should be used. >> reporter: u.s. called for u.n. security council meetingo the outbreak thursday. only 6 time the council -- second time council focus was on a health crisis, lou. lou: thank you. threats to america from ebola and islamic state, put america's broken southern boarder under scrutiny, homeland security secretary jay johnson admitted there is a forder problem. -- border problem, departure from former homeland security secretary janet napolitano, who told congress, a number of times that our nation's borders are more secure than ever. secretary hagel taking boarder
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security a step further. >> are you concerned about our southern border. we received diagra testimony frm homeland security people, that our border is pou poreous and te people who are now degree to travel to the united states and also other radical elements might cross our southern border in attack the united states? >> i am always concerned about -- >> serious concern? >> i we think have do always look at these things. >> serious concerns? do you think have we to improve our border security in the south? >>y can improve the border security. lou: there ar have been respectf terrorist activity -- report of terrorist activity on southern border but no intelligence suggestions a specifiific ballot bific plot byislamic state to ke
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border. >> and now a ceasefire useems to be working, holding after ukraine ratifyed a deal for closer ties to european union. the same deal that ignited last year's crisis that brought about a new government in ukraine fighting in the east, and russia's annexing a of crimeia. the parliament also passed bills giving more autonomy to pest earn regions and -- eastern regions, and nasa aufr astronaue no longe longer with have do ren the russian space program to reach the international space station. boeing and spacex will have a contract. first flights to begin in 2017,
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we're coming right back. >> russia, china, iran, theic islamic state, white house says no boots on the ground, and pentagon says maybe. former u.s. ambassador it skwraoupbgs, john bolle con, here next. [ breathing deeply ] [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles?
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lou: our first guest said destroying the islamic state requires our troops be on the ground, and time is right now. not years from now. joined by former u.s. ambassador to united nations. john bolton. good to have you with us. let's start with general dempsey making it clear, if they went wrong way, he would not hesitate
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boots on ground. >> i think it was a demonstration of courage on his part, because president has already ruled that option out. so at least we have somebody saying publicly what i think is obvious to anyone who is looking at environment there today, real question is, are we more likely to prevail if we wait, and find that the iraqi arm is inadequate to the task, we already know that. will it cost more american lives and more at risk, and isis be able to hold to territory if we wait until they consolidate their control, or strike right now when they are most vulnerible. charles: yet they have so far, been hardly vul fo vulnerible te iraqi forces. and 160 something airstrikes by u.s. military. i know it early days ubut they still seem to be a formidable
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force. >> beating the iraqi army was not such a job, the principal tactic was throw away the weaponsic take off their uniforms and run. the air force, and the aviator call when they were doing, tank planking, after diskre discreets one at a time, that is not a strategic use of american air power. i'm note saying we should -- not saying we should do this alone we should do this with as many allies. lou: why? if is is our join, why in the -- why should we have to wait to form a coalition? not strike, and destroy the enemy, who will destroy us. >> i'm not saying we should wait, i would love to have allies come in with us. lou: but we don't have them.
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this obama administration won't told us who they would be. >> fair enough. if obama administration i did displayed resolve, the allies would come, one reason we don't have commitment is because they don't trust the obama administration, to follow through on what it says its objective is. lou: i don't begin to get is why all of folks including yourself, who are said this president is a fool with foreign policy, are so eager to go to war with him as commander in chief. what in the world does make anyone think that outcome will be different than say outcome in any other aspect of his foreign policy? skwhr- the issu >> the issue is what u.s. should do, if we had a real president -- lou: if i may quote donald rumsfeld, sometimes you have to go to war with the commander in
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chief you got. >> i said that. lou: i thought it was the donald rumsfeld. >> he was talking about the army. lou: i know he was talking about early, i was building on that, john. >> i did earlier. lou: did you really. i'm sorry, i neglected to give you full credit. >> what should american policy be, whether we have a competent president or not, i think that safety of america, and the safety of our forces, is enhanced if you strike now. and every day that goes by, gives isis a chance to build up defenses to attract more jihadis. lou: lets me ask this nothing would -- well, there are lot of things that would be more important, i don't know -- it is important, i will acknowledge we have retribution for the
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american citizens who have been beheaded. but if we put that in don text against -- context of number of american lives lost in iran, a third of our casualties causeed by iran, why is there this interest of going to war over the dramatic grous gruesome murf two of our citizens but not a sense of retribution against iran for what they did to our armed forces, our troops our soldiers our marines, what is going to? >> well, i think that failure to deal with iran's involvement in iraq, assault directly or indirectly with iranian provided weapons could failure to retaliate has helped contribute to environment we see now, people don't think that america is capable of defending itself,
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my view, this is not retribution for the two americans beheaded this is preventing future terrorist as thats on united states -- attacks on the united states. lou: thenly thly let me ask yous president spending a lot of energy, his secretary of state is crying to create a coalition, and to create a coalition, and it is important, they say, a coalition made up of arab state, because they are so threatened, i can remember in 1990 and 91 when president george hw bush puting iing together a coalitio. they understood communicateed their need to us, and their requests for help. why is this such a threat is the united states again putting itself in a position of looking as though it is imposing its will in the middle east, rather
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than responding to a dire udire national security threat on parts of 22 arab nations? >> i think it is in large part due to difference in leadership in united states, arab government -- lou: we cannot continue to abandon reason, and logic because there is a president in the white house whose leadership we doubt, we don't trust, and whose policies make no sense to us, there is a passion it seems to go to war with him as commander in chief, when for all world we have not done well, as you know in middle east, we have not done well in iraq. it took 8 years, tens of billions ovalers ts of dollars n those divisions that abandoned their training. >> the issue is what should
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united states do, policy to eliminate isil and minimize the threat to ourselves and friends and allies, only thing those of us not in government can do is prpropose policy we think best,i long for the day when barack obama is no longer president, but if we do nothing, we'll have a new terrorist state in the middle east, that will are be fab more -- far more powerful. and our threats to us, and our friends will be graveer. lou: even at expense of alignig ourselves with forces that will comfortably support assad in syria as leader, and support the policies, and ambitions of iran as a hedgenomic force in middle east? including dominion over iraq. >> as i said, we should do absolute nothing either to aid
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assad with greater capabilities or baghdad government, those are aspects of the pe's plan that arpresident's planthat are flaw. but you cannot ignore the threat to is i isis poses. lou: i can ignore that threat, i can. but if i am president of the united states, i can asset our special forces, destroy that enemy, and bring those responsible for those deaths to account. this e endless talking and demad for war against -- we don't know how big isis is. >> but then you can't argue for the special forces, have to make a judgment whether it constitutes a threat to united states, if you a. lou: i do not have to make that judgment, i made it.
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>> what is your judgment. lou: national security app apparatus said it is not. >> i think they are wrong on that. lou: i have to trachsomebody's to take somebody's word, a government you don't trust, a leader you don't like or expect much of but you are read doe go to war. >> because i think they have demonstrated what they are capabilities are, their inpenen intentions are, if they are in territory a are pumping oil, and earning million in revenue they will be a threat, they are now, they can get into this country, with valid american passports. lou: but, would you like to secure the southern border. >> i would like to do that. >> always good to talk with you.
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>> thank you, lou. lou: vote on our poll tonight, question is, would you, congress to give president obama more authority on any issue? including for example war? cast your vote my commentary on why the president may be keeping the islamic state terrorist more informed than some of us in the american public. like you and me, next. patented sonic technology
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lou: coming at year end moments, house armed services foreign affairs committee member and what his caucus is willing to give the president to fight the islamic state. and she went from her parents' house to the florida state house. the 23-year-old florida congresswoman. first, a few thoughts on a white house that seems to be constantly lurching between campaign mode and minor interruptions. today chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, four-star general martin dempsey and secretary of defense on capitol hill to answer questions.
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gently to lining with the boss is you of the war against the islamic state that we seem to have drifted into. our forces have carried out one average 62 air strikes across iraq so far, the latest near baghdad which we destroyed, we are told, six islamic state vehicles and an islamic state fighting position, whatever that means to all according to the pentagon. how many aircraft are conducting these strikes, the ordinance being used and how many pilots are involved? what about the number and type of missions? what is the success rate? what are we degrading, as the president put it? president obama also said we destroyed the islamic state. how many islamic state tariffs have we killed? secretary carry leaving americans with many unanswered questions about the international coalition to fight the islamic state and what is the extended
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support from the coalition? how many arab countries are in it? why won't anyone tell us what countries are with us and which are not? why? the secretary and general stirred up questions today in answering some of the members of the armed services committee earlier in the senate. what will american troops actually do in iraq and syria? provides support to iraqi forces to conduct air strikes, train rebels and protect diplomatic personnel, but no one asks why we have largely failed to accomplish these objectives when we were spending tens of billions of dollars over eight years in iraq. also made clear that our troops will be joining the fight on the ground or at least will make that recommendation. the white house pushed back claiming the secretary and the general are referring to a hypothetical scenario. and what threat does the islamic state opposed to the united states?
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what makes it prudent, proximal? the white house and intelligence officials said the terrorists pose an immediate threat to the homeland. secretary hegel previously claimed they are an imminent threat. is this really the way that we want to enter a work? is it the way that we should enter the war? we are coming right back. it. ♪ lou: congress set to vote on funding, army combat training syrian rebels. is the islamic state the number one enemy of america? on the services and foreign on the services and foreign affairs committee member, you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ]
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lou: joining us now, congressman mel brooks, a member of the house armed services and house foreign affairs committee. good to have you with us. your thoughts about going to war on the basis of the testimony that we all heard today? >> well, i am troubled by
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what i am hearing. i do not see a clear message or a president that is dedicated to the task. from one eye and asserting, some what of a half-hearted response. if we lacked nothing else from vietnam that should be that you did not engage in a war effort unless you're dedicated to do what is necessary to win. when you have the secretary of defense or one of our commanding generals say that they that if necessary we should use ground forces and the president says in those circumstances we will use ground forces, but if that is the president's attitude we should not engage. lou: and then general dempsey said that in discussions with him he said bring it to me on a case by case basis. whether or not he would entertain a recommendation for those troops. i am wondering if you would explain something.
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the general said it seeks -- that being the islamic state strategy -- it seeks to build a coalition, anchorage and inclusive government in iraq to address the grievances that have caused this in the first place. do you know what he was talking about about grievances and cost this? >> no, sir. i do not. i hope that we will be eliminated. we had secretary of defense appearing before the house armed services as well as secretary of state's. so hopefully we will be eliminated with respect to those kinds of remarks. lou: and let me turn to the idea that general dempsey today said that this could be a generational problem, the fight against the islamic state, that it will require years. you suggested if we learned nothing from vietnam it should be that if it is worth fighting it is worth winning. it also should be a pretty good lesson whether in iraq
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or afghanistan, particularly afghanistan, we went into the story, now going to inherit what we leave behind including equipment as well as a government and the nation. why in the world should we ever, ever fight a war that is a long war ever again? we have seen the futility and, frankly, the pain of even thinking about doing so. >> if i were to distinguish a place like vietnam, that did not pose an immediate threat to the united states of america. you have the domino theory and the effect it might have on southeast asia generally. to my recollection of the north vietnamese never actually threatened to attack the united states of america on american soil. in this instance we do have the islamic state that has openly said that they are going to carry the battle to american soil and the white house. so there is a little bit of the difference. we have to examine the capability and given their
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ability to recruit american citizens to go fight in the middle east, you have to infer that they also can recruit american citizens in the united states of america. the circumstances are different. you get back to the basic premise. if you are not willing to do what is necessary to win a military conflict you do not engage. we need our commander in chief to say publicly that he will do whatever it takes. if he is not willing to do that, that we did not need to be risking american lives and spending american treasury on what may be all for naught. lou: and would it be kind of important for the people who we want to be part of that coalition who in our judgment are the most threatened, that is the arab state, would it be important that they be the ones saying to us, we need your help faugh rather than the united states campaigning solicitously for participation in a coalition
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, the size, nature and, and responsibilities and name of each member we do not know. >> no question. it would be nice if the united nations played the role. the united nations was created to make would be nice if the middle east nations that are most directly affected, europe, nato, mostly affected by the threat of the islamic state would take the lead or at least on forward instead of having to follow our lead, but what you are seeing is -- and i will emphasize something that ambassador bolton stated. the united states of america has a credibility problem with the rest of the world. you saw the red line in syria, iran, the bold statements made with respect to crimea and ukraine and following upon that a repudiation of the kinds of warnings that were given by our white house and our president. the rest of the world sees that and wonders whether we are dedicated to the cause. and if we are not, well,
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that creates hesitancy among allies that cannot be corrected until such time as credibility is restored. lou: i am one of those great believers in american exceptional as an, and i believe that with that exception was in comes a responsibility to use that and never suspend logic and critical judgment of our own policies. congressman, great to have you with us. >> my pleasure. lou: now politics and economics are poverty. the united states poverty rate has fallen to 14 and had% more than 45 million americans still living in poverty, one-third of the population receives a something from at least one welfare program last year. average cost $9,000 per recipient. we're coming right back. president obama commits our troops to fight the deadly ebola virus in africa. thousands of people are dying here in america of other deadly pathogens.
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we have a bigger health care we have a bigger health care epidemic right here at whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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♪ lou: our next guest, former lieutenant governor of the state of new york, currently senior fellow at the london center for policy research, syndicated columnist. good to see you. according to the world health organization and number of ebola cases of those every week. >> that's right. i am glad the president is responding. many of his critics have said he should have responded sooner. one issue, the enormous amount of money he said today he would be committing in the first six months, 760 million. as you just mentioned, there are about two dozen 500 deaths so far from ebola. compare that to the 23,000
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americans who die in hospitals each year from super bugs. lou: let me interrupt. 2461 deaths so far in the cable loud break. almost 5,000 total cases. >> right. lou: you are saying no comparison. >> ten times that number. lou: u.s. hospitals. >> right here in the u.s. a hip replacement or heart attack and you can pick up one of these deadly bugs. the death toll is ten times as great and it is killing our parents, siblings, friends. and the president has allocated only $30 million in his budget to solve that problem. lou: three-quarters of a billion. how much? >> and a puny 30 million to solve the problem. that is one issue.
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the second issue is, the united states should consider restrictions on travel between the united states this small part of west africa because inevitably someone i know when we will get on a plane with ebola and come to the united states. our hospitals are not ready. lou: when you say our hospitals are not ready -- >> they are not ready. hospitals that cannot stop the spread, these infections that are naturally household names in the medical community because of many patients get them, if they cannot stop those from spreading how are they going to stop people like? lou: i think that is a fair question. what is the response of the medical establishment? >> the medical establishment knows they are not ready. a place like emory university does have the
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special equipment to care for those two ebola victims who came back from west africa. lou: a small number -- >> a handful across the u.s., but most did not. another question we should be raising is, the military in africa, is it appropriate to ask our armed services to expose themselves to this kind of danger? it is not what they were trained for. the president has said it will be providing security for health care workers, some of whom tragically will come down with a bullet. we should know what kind of safeguards will be provided. lou: i think that you raise, indeed, a terrific point and hopefully someone in washington will exercise their god-given intellect. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. lou: up next, our next guest proves that millennial star
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politically active. the youngest woman ever elected to the florida state house, jennifer sullivan house, jennifer sullivan joining us here next. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything.
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♪ lou: i have been looking toward to talking to this young woman for some time now since she was elected to the florida state legislature at the age of 23. her name is jennifer sullivan, working to reverse the stereotypes that women and young people are notonservau certainly are. congratulations. i should say representative elect. great to have you with us. how does it feel? >> it is fantastic. i am so excited because we
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had an incredible team behind us. so much bigger than me. a message of being a fresh voice of government, fiscal responsibility, and someone who will be a champion of freedom. the fact that we are able to win based on that message is so inspiring to individuals who have lost hope. lou: that is a tall order for one so young going to the jobs overly. principled conservative, the legislature that you will be working with, i am sure those qualities are not alien to you. in a number one priority and legislatively? >> my number one priority is going to have to be education. importance to the voters in my district. i went door to door for almost a year talking to voters. education is there number
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one priority a firm believer in school choice. we have to put students first and empower parents to be involved in the process and make sure it is not bureaucracy-centered. lou: and the reality is in education, all of the institutions, public education in this country, great equalizer in our society. i am delighted to hear you put that forward as your priority. and your ability to work with people, you will be learning a lot. >> certainly. lou: is it true you were living in your parents' home when he won the election? >> it is. i still do. i am so grateful for my parents who have instilled in the love of god, country, the work ethic that i have. i could not have been a part of this campaign without them behind me. they were knocking on doors,
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driving me places. i love that i still live at home with them because it is the only time i really get to see them in the morning and evening. still grateful for them and their support. lou: the reason i ask that question is, i am of the father of four kids, two daughters and two sons. each one of them at some point was back in the house for a while. my wife and i treasured those moments. we did not in any way i object to them. there will be sad to see you move to the state house i think. >> well, i moved out before and came back because it was most fiscally responsible at the time. i will not be living in tallahassee full time. want to spend as much time as i can in my district because i am a firm believer in creating communities. government does not create wealth, community does. i want to foster community.
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i will be in tallahassee for committee hearings but other than that will be in my district. lou: again congratulations. >> thank you. lou: do good and have fun. >> looking forward to it. lou: thank you. time for a few of your comments. end this war against the islamic state and radical islam complete victory should be your goal, nothing less. peter in new york, world trade center building one survivor and am scared to death of his president's policies on the border and in the middle east. a free copy of my book goes to the authors of tonight's comments. we love hearing from you. e-mail me. on twitter. go to facebook. links to everything. that is it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. stay tuned. tomorrow lieutenant colonel
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bob mcginnis leading research for an eagle of vaccine. please join us. thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york. ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts?
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