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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  September 28, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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>> staying. >> that's it. don't forget neil cavuto is up next. cracking and beating isis. who needs boots on the ground when you have this. i'm neil cavuto. follow the money. a new group called the counter extremism project is doing to stop the cash flow to isis. itis putting together a data base of extremists and where they get their financial support. they are trying to do it. an idea that more of us should be supporting. or panel is here. charles, what do you think of this? >> i love the idea. people need to think of it as a
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classy business start up. saudi arabia, kuwait and places like that. al qaeda, chipped in. the same sort of thing. series a. always, what we don't talk about. we have $2 billion around that. where do they bank this money? i don't think a lot of americans realized from 2009 until this year, large banks have been hit with billions of dollars in fines, funneling money from iran and sudan. multibillion dollar businesses with these guys, they are probably funneling the money through a western bank, which is scary. >> ben stein, this would not be the first time we saw them launder their money through institutions but it's easier said than done to get to the bottom of that, isn't it? >> well, sir, with great respect, they are largely self-supporting. they don't have much of a burn rate. they are taking in money from
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refineries, taking in money from kidnappings. apparently in one day got several hundred million dollars in bank robberies. i don't think this is going to be -- obviously try every single thing. the issue is not to cut off their charge card. the issue is to kill them. >> you raise a good point. the money taken is that even if you stop the flow of money, you have to track down the data base, no extra money. they are sitting on top of buildings. we are already told they literally cashed out a lot of positions with bags of american cash they are handing out. so, how do you stop that? >> i don't want to discourage trying to stop it and attacking isis on the financial front, so to speak, but it's difficult to do it, to ben's point, self-supporting economy. very much like, i'm sure you know nothing about this, the mob or the mafia.
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>> oooh. >> criminal -- >> an expert in the mob. >> i'm serious, extortion and tributes in the regions which isis operates. you have a gray market in oil and antic witties. it's a micro-economy, very hard to crack. >> if you crack down on the mob, once we discovered it was a money operation, we did a good job cracking down on it. rudy giuliani can talk about that as well. listen, i don't know if they invest their money. it's logical that they do. that's some of what al qaeda did. they probably have banks involved in this thing. the real question is, can we ever track who they are selling their oil to? it's harder. if we can find osama bin laden in the middle of, you know, pakistan, we should be able to have the financial -- the where with all between the cia and private groups.
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you would think the cia would have a beat on this already. >> we don't know that they don't. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> if they did, they wouldn't be laundering this through already. >> adam? >> that's where i was going to go with it. one of the questions we are not discussing is whether or not this is appropriate activity for a private group. i agree, try. but the united states is actually pretty good at economic warfare. in this case, it's not like the economic warfare against russia where we have to be concerned about the repercussions could be with the trading partners or our own companies. there are no trading partners to deal with here. i think we will wage economically. the question is, if it will be enough. it won't be enough. >> adam, why are we so late on the game in isis. we are talking about it now. i know we are. the question is, this gets back to the president and his priori
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priority. when you are running around calling isis the j.v. team, you are not thinking about where they are laundering money. >> the cia is not our proudest institution. it's pathetic, but they are not. i assume they are on it. >> the cia takes orders from the president. some of this is prioritized. >> charles, i want to ask you, is this going to be effective? you have a data base to terrorists. i assume a data base of bad guys. this is unique for isis or isil, whatever you want to call them. these groups this week alone morphed into four or five splitters. >> we have to kill them, we need boots on the ground. i want to get back to the notion, ben talked about the $490 million they took from the
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central bank. when the president, the first press release when we launched the war, he said we were attacking them responsibly. we are still dilly dallying around. >> i don't think we are dillydallying anymore. >> they are doing business with a variety of people who were not just islamic terrorists. >> sure. >> you have oil at $25 a barrel, people want to buy it. >> the issue with turkey that they were being absent, that was con spike would you say. a lot of people read into that. they must be providing a passage way for the oil or maybe the receiver of the oil. i don't know. by the end of the week, yeah. >> turkey -- >> another problem, sorry, has been wealthy benefactors of these emerging militant groups like in qatar. they won't crack down on them.
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>> we spend a lot of money on intelligence in this country. the president was late on the game in calling them the jv team. we know they are not the jv team anymore. let's call people out. if turkey is financing or rich people in qatar are financing, shoot them. go in there and blow their brains out. >> if we have it started, to your point, start killing, we want to get a sense of where this network is operating from, right? could be from oil or others who are more than a passive financial interest, right? >> the cia and nsa can probably listen to every conversation they have and can cut off the money from qatar and wealthy people from saudi arabia. they have huge amounts of money lying around.
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they have some few thousand fighters. it's not like they are buying aircraft carriers or b-1s. they don't have that much in the way of expenses. they can make it up as they go along by robbing and stealing. i applaud any effort to stop them. itis going to take a bullet to the brain. >> why not assassinate any businessman that deals with them. that's exactly what assad would do or people would do when they are at war. you have to kill the enemy. we are going to worry about this? they are out to kill us. people are financing them. >> don't think they would kill business partners of terrorists. >> you don't? what are you, nuts? >> they are not at a social club. >> come on. >> humphrey bogart. >> social club.
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>> i don't know. guys, we shall see if the data base is on. we'll see if it solves anything. meanwhile, a new game of texas hold 'em. not for high stakes texas players. illegal and more.
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i'm kelly wright. now back to cavuto on business. room and board for illegals crossing the border. the government set to open the
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fourth residential facility in texas. this one is huge. 2400 beds, all for illegals crossing the border. the understanding was they wouldn't be here long. we are making this a tad more permanent. what do you make of it? >> i wish they would take the money, a lot more money and seal the damn border. what is taking so long? we know we have a crisis. we are bankrupt in this country, but we have a great deal of resources. why can't we close that border? yes, it's a long border. there's a lot of bashed wire in the world and guns. why can't we close the border. >> i take it you are not a fan of this particular facility. >> adam? >> ben, you make it sound like the government is not trying. i think that's not true. of course we are trying. >> on the border? >> yeah. i think we are trying. i'm sure we will try the facts
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and the money we are spending, the personnel we are throwing at it. the question is, what do we do about the problem that exists? we can stick our hand in the sand and say there's not a humanitarian problem. that's not what we are doing. >> i'll pick up with you dave. we are putting more effort and time into building facilities, humanitarian or otherwise for illegals who got here than addressing the border issue that makes it easy for them to get here. >> there is a push to deal with immigrants that are here. remember president obama before they punted the immigration move by the white house until after the election was going to ease the deportations, which they had already ramped up and deporting the people. moving people to the front of the line. they were doing that a couple months ago. over the last four years, the budget of the border patrol has gone up. it seems like right now, at
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least on the left, there's a push to try to keep people here, versus get them out of here. >> the more i hear, we have a subway threat in this country, we don't, i see rick perry waiting to be compensated for the 3,000 troops he put on the border. that might be political show. the fact of the matter is, official washington reaction is you are on your own with that, gov. right now, this is not a super high priority. >> it's not a super high priority. here is the thing. as you were coming into the segment, if i was from el salve dor, marriott is opening more places for me to come to. i joined the air force because three hops and a cot. that sounds good to me. if i'm from a different country making $4 a year, i'm coming up. you are inviting me. the more you build, the more green lights, come on up, the water is fine.
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>> i think this is more like motel 6 than marriott. free orange juice and bagels in the morning. democratic party looks as the immigration issue and problem we have as, you know, permanent status in the president, the permanent majority. they look at turning the people into voters. i don't believe that president obama is good at immigration. here is the whole thing. if you really want -- if you could put a man on the moon, find osama bin laden in the middle of nowhere, you can seal the border. there is no doubt, in my mind, that you can't. yet, he won't do it. he doesn't do it because of one thing and one thing only. he's looking for extra votes. >> we know, after the election, he's going to do something about this. talk is that he's going to give millions to illegals. it's practically written and the speech is practically done.
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so, what to do? >> the problem is, once the illegal immigrants are in the country, we lose track of them. there was a recent report, 15 days after they entered -- that's not -- that's the argument for it, right, that you would be able to keep track of the families. when you release the immigrants, the illegals into society and say come back in 15 days and report to the immigration officer, 70%, about 3/4 of them you never see them again. >> is that where -- adam, you have a big heart. no one doubts that. unfortunately, we have to pay for it. do you worry about that? that all of a sudden, with the best of intentions, people are running circles around you and laughing at you? >> of course. i think we can make a clear political statement. the republican party stood in the way of president obama george w. bush and president obama's efforts to have immigration reform. this is a terrible political
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problem. >> part of reform they want to see, like reinforcing the borders. the one part that is rejected. you are quite right. but, you always leave out that little detail. >> we need a political solution. we have had two presidents now who tried. maybe we need a third. >> why not seal the border first. >> i do. i do. >> why doesn't president obama seal the border? there's one reason. he sees these as potential votes. >> come on! >> he was caught -- >> he rolled out the red carpet for them, give me a break. >>er exaggerating to suit your story line. i don't buy it. >> he's not talking amnesty, you are saying? >> it's going to happen, you know. >> they are talking amnesty. president bush and president obama have talked it. >> obviously millions are going to be granted permanent status.
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that's the bottom line. >> neither of the parties want to ramp up deportation because it looks bad. >> thank you very much. banking at walmart. an idea that has critics fuming. that is why americans think the retailer is on to something. next, the government workers with student debt get a pass. "hello. you can go ahead and put your bag right here." "have a nice flight." ♪ music plays ♪ music plays
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call it a lesson in passing the buck. a democratic senator has a new plan to wipe out student loan debt. all good, but only for government workers. nothing for anyone who works in the private sector. charles payne. >> first of all, it's not going to -- they can't be fired. they get long vacations. they make more money than the private sector counterparts. oh, and get to watch all the porn they want and now this? give me a break! it's beyond the pale. guess who pays for it? everyone watching this show hoop n who's not in the government. >> a proposal that might not go forward i. hate this. i hate it, because it is unfair to people who choose to work for private businesses, where people should be going to work anyways. starting a business, not working for uncle sam. senator blumenthal wants it to start after two years because god forbid anybody have the same job ten years. it is wholly unfair and
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ridiculous. >> wait a minute. you don't like this idea? >> i hate it. ah! it encourages people to work for the federal government. >> gotcha. wasn't quite clear where you were coming from. >> i personally like the porn incentive. >> you got porn credit. >> i went to the university of missouri and didn't have a big loan. so -- well, you know, listen, obviously one of the perks for working in of the government was the fast you had job security. now it seems like it's not just jobs, it's gold-plated pensions and really a perverse thing. i would say this -- if they got rid of everything else, maybe not the porn, but everything else and had this -- >> making a generality they're all watching porn. very few -- let's make a general statement. >> how do you know it's not a lot of them? >> generally don't indict an entire workforce. unlike you. >> the rest is true. gopt a good gig. >> i don't know about that. and what do you make of all this, ben stein?
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>> i remember as a young person right out of school i did get the benefit of this because the deal was i had a very small loan, very, very small, but 10% was knocked off every year for every year i spent teaching. theory being teachers were so poorly paid that we needed that benefit. not true anymore. government workers are well paid and don't need. >> adam, isn't going anywhere, but try it, only fair to do it for both, private/public. >> fair only to do it for both. i hate the way we're denigrate-odenigrat grading government workers. >> you say it's bad to look at porn? >> no. that is not what he said. >> denigrate these people who chose not to work in the private sector. >> people who didn't go to college, the cab driver, whatever, their taxes will go to pay for this i. want to thank you in the meantime, thank you degan, charley, a little
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reserved next we'll maybe more to the point. meantime, this is coming up. we now have a price tag on happiness. turns out happiness increases right along with income, but only up to 7
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stocks to keep you happy. >> a stock double in two years. sol ap city, big winner in the future. >> adam? >> vtv, vanguard etf,
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inexpensive to own, which i do. >> ben? >> your partner, lucky guy. >> a draw, a magnate, as are yo. guys, thank you. continuing on the place for business. fox. nowhere else. our national security front and center as the u.s. targets isis in syria and new terror threats at home, but while focusing on national security cent certainly is vital have we dropped the ball ob job security? a new survey, only one in four workers feel more secure about their jobs and one in four americans in their prime working years are not even working. some here say government policies are to blame. are they right? hi, everybody. i'm david asman welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go "in focus" with steve forbes, rich, mike, rick and john. rich, a


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