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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 30, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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stock market will rise above that. >> great show guys, a lot of news, breaking news. on a run. thank you for checking us out every night at 6:00 p.m. best guy they continue to put all this stuff together is lou dobbs, and he's next.. lou: good evening, everybody. secret service director julia pierson on capitol hill today, congress brought her there to explain how an armed man could bypass the secret service and white house security system to get within feet of the residence. pierson testified after we learned that omar gonzalez not only entered the white house through the front door but ran further into the white house than the secret service previously admitted. omar gonzalez climbed the white house fence and avoided agents and secret service police as he dashed some 70 feet across the white house lawn, and as you
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see on this layout of the first floor. he bolted right through the unlocked front door and ran through the house making it as far as the east room, which as you can see from the white house floor plan, gonzalez ran right past a stairwell that would have led him to directly the upstairs residence. we know it was simply a stroke of luck that one secret service agent was in the right place to stop gonzalez. an off-duty secret service agent on his way home for the evening, bumped into gonzalez in the east room and tackled him ending the security threat. today, a rare display of bipartisan outrage at all of this, as director pierson tried to explain a pattern of secret service security failures to the entire house oversight committee. >> and i wish to god you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. and you had three shots at this
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guy! three chances. and he got to the green room in the white house. what happens when you have a sophisticated organization with nefarious intent, and resources going up against the secret service? what happens then? >> after the fence jumping incident, the secret service very quick to put out a statement that honored the officers and agents for their, quote, tremendous restraint. tremendous restraint is not what we're looking for. tremendous restraint is not the goal and the objective! it sends a mixed message. >> the committee blasted pierson for a "washington post" report that reveals how little the secret service actually knew about a 2011 shooting incident at the white house. evidence that was uncovered by a white house custodian, not
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the secret service. >> four days went by before they discovered that the white house had been shot seven timeings. i'm not asking but a "washington post" story, i'm asking but why a housekeeper who doesn't go to glen co, to doesn't spent 14 weeks in training, found glass and your agents did not? >> difficult to see at night. >> how about hear? can you hear at night? >> have you ever heard of these guys? [ laughter ]. >> this is -- it's not very costly, you can subscribe. lou: we'll be taking all of this up with former presidential candidate and former governor of arkansas mike huckabee in a moment. also, president obama trying to blame the intelligence community for underestimating the rise of the islamic state in iraq and syria. but today a "new york times" report put the blame squarely upon the president and a government accountability office report finds the
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president didn't attend most of his intelligence briefings. colonel ralph peters will give us his reaction to his developments and analysis of the obama practices and policies. also tonight, demonstrations continue in hong kong where tens of thousands of protesters line the streets calling for free democratic elections, and incredibly, president obama remains conspicuously silent on the demonstrators' cry for freedom and direct challenge to the chinese communist government. the "wall street journal"'s mary kissel, michael ossen among our guests to analyze the state of affairs in hong kong and beijing. house oversight committee chairman darrell issa and elijah cummings are calling for a special committee to examine transparency and culture issues within the secret service. house committee chairman
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michael mccaul proposing a topdown agency review. and breaking news, we have learned that the secret service allowed a centers for disease control private security guard armed with a pistol to ride on an elevator with the president while he was visiting the cdc just two weeks ago. it turns out that private security guard had three felony assault and battery convictions. joining us tonight former arkansas governor, host of huckabee on the fox news channel. mike huckabee. i don't even frankly know where to begin, governor. let's start with the idea that the cdc would permit such a person to be on their grounds as a security guard to begin with, and the secret service again permitting a man with his background with a pistol on an elevator with the president of the united states! >> it's beyond belief.
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i mean the fact that somebody who has felony convictions is even getting a gun is amazing to me, especially around anyone connected to this administration, who seems to have a problem with law-abiding citizens owning a firearm and not letting any of us get near the president. understandably so. this is a very different secret service than the secret service they was familiar with during the bush and clinton administrations during my tenure as governor when i regularly had contact with them and just apparently an organization that is utterly dysfunctional right now. lou: what is in, in your judgment, the answer here? seems as if the president is quite willing to leave director pierson in place. there seems to be no insistence upon accountability in this administration whatsoever even when it comes to the president's own family and his own life!
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>> it's a delicate position for the president. he doesn't want to say my gosh, my family and i are scared witless because we don't know if anybody is protecting us. publicly i think he's got to make that persona out there. however, first of all when that incident happened and the jumper got inside, not one but several people should have been fired on the spot. and it should have been very clear, oos not just unacceptable, it's abominable to put the president and his family at risk is unconscionable with all the money we pay for what's supposed to be the most secure place on earth. lou, i've been in and out of white house over the course of many times of governor career and stayed there a few times. it used to be pretty darn tough for me to get in even when i was driven by state troopers, and thoroughly checked out. i cannot imagine that somebody could jump the fence, get into the door and run around to the
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green room like that. just indication of a very poorly run organization, and i think that members of congress kind of refreshing to see a bipartisan effort to go after somebody, but she's got to step down. somebody's got to take control, even if it's for symbolic purposes, but , get control of the agency. lou: when yous symbolic purposes, i think we've had about enough symbolism, we need governance and people whoon they're doing, and it is pretty clear that the management of the secret service hasn't got a clue what it's doing. wouldn't you say? >> it's definitely out of control. no doubt about it, lou. lou: another area that seems to out of control is national security. this president blaming the national director of intelligence, the number one person in the intelligence community, the head of it, for the inability to recognize and react to the islamic state. then we find out from the
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general accountability office that, in fact, the president has only attended about 42% of his private daily intelligence briefings, the "new york times" puts the blame squarely on an administration and a president who did not heed the warnings of the intelligence. what is going on in this op-ed? >> lou, there's a simple solution to this, if they want the president to read the intelligence briefings every day, if they will insert them into golf digest, i'm sure he will encounter them. clearly, there's a problem with his inattention to such things, but it was outrageous and i'll tell you something, the morale inside the intelligence community has plummeted to nothing because it's one thing for the president to get caught with his pants down around his ankles about isis, but to throw everyone in the intelligence community under the humvee and act like, gee, i don't know why these guys failed me, when the
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fact is they didn't fail him. he failed them. one more step. even if they had failed him, which they did not, a good leader never goes out there and publicly humiliates the people under them. he privately makes whatever changes he's got to make. in this case, it's a simple matter of him not wanting to accept the reality that all this big talk he had during the election about how al qaeda is dead and gm is alive, al qaeda is alive and gm is barely alive. lou: tune in saturday and sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. eastern. the united states and great britain launching 24 more airstrikes against the islamic state of iraq and syria making this the biggest day yet. the cost of this campaign at nearly a billion dollars
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already. what have we gotten for the money? according to the pentagon, the airstrikes resulted in the destruction of 275 islamic state vehicles, 29 weapons systems and 59 facilities. the pentagon does not report how many terrorists have been killed. took about a year but the united states and afghanistan signed a security agreement to keep our troops in afghanistan. the deal allows nearly 10,000 american troops and 2,000 nato troops to remain in the country after the international combat mission ends at the end of this year. for political reasons, afghanistan's new national security adviser signed that agreement as the new afghan president looked on on. and tonight breaking news, the centers for disease control reporting the first case of ebola in the united states. we'll be taking you live to the centers for disease control in atlanta where our senior national correspondent john roberts will have the latest details and developments for us.
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stay with us. we're coming right back. turns out president obama doesn't like the daily intelligence briefings. colonel ralph peters calls mr. obama the absentee president. he's here next. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today.
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. lou: the centers for disease control confirming tonight the united states has its first case of the deadly ebola virus. fox news senior national correspondent john roberts live in atlanta with our report, john? >> lou, good evening to you, very big news, this is something that public health officials have expected would happen and have feared would happen. and it has finally come to pass. a liberian national visiting family in dallas, texas traveling over to the united states on the 19th of september, on 294th of
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september becoming gravely ill with ebola. not admitted to the hospital until the 28th of september. there was a pretty good opportunity in there for him to come in contact with other people while he was highly contagious with this virus. now, the good news in all of this, lou, during the time he traveled over, it was over in the course of days which suggests multiple airlines, multiple airports he would have passed through. he was not symptomatic and dr. tom frieden, head of centers for disease control says even though a person infected is not showing symptoms, it's highly unlikely they could pass that contamination to someone else. dr. frieden sent a team of experts to the dallas hospital, dallas heart presbyterian hospital in the heart of dallas. he believes teams will quickly put a lid on the infection to prevent widespread throughout the community, but he said that
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this may not be the only patient that they see. let's listen. >> the bottom line here is that i have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country. it is possible someone who had contact with this individual, a family member or other individual, could develop ebola in the coming weeks. but there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. >> reporter: dr. frieden pointed to a couple of people in the past with a hemorrhagic fever, ebola is a hemorrhagic fever, it was a handful of cases. in terms of the people who might have come in contact with or might have flown with, the centers for disease scroll not remming that people who were on the airplanes with him be
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monitored but are very closely check people he had contact with while he was here in the united states, particularly after he became symptomatic with ebola. in terms of the hospital workers who probably came in contact with him as he came into the emergency room for the first and second time when he was admitted to the hospital. they're assessing the individuals one at a time so see what the risk profile might be. there a lot of concern for the health care workers, look at what has happened to medical workers in west africa, lou. lou: i'm surprised we're not talking about, do we have the name of this patient, a description, a picture of this patient, so people who did travel with him, were on the aircraft, and might have come into contact with him would be able to recognize him know and they should step forward? >> well, we don't at this point, lou. and it's unclear whether we ever will.
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there is a law called hipaa which strictly protects the identity of anyone coming into a medical facility for medical treatment. you have to look at what is the balance going to be. what's in the best interest of the public health versus the legal interests of this particular patient. certainly if the patient signs off on it, then everything is open to exposure. at the moment keeping a close lid to this person's identity, and we don't know whether it will be made public, but i would think if public health officials continuing is prudent to do so, they will implore this person to do that. lou: it strikes me as passing strange to put it in texas terms, john, that cdc saying that they're so confident that they will stop this, would not put out immediately an alert of anything because good lord, even though he doesn't show symptoms, he obviously has it,
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and we know that people can be contagious even though they are not presenting symptoms. just it's peculiar, i understand the hipaa law, i understand that concern. but the broad public safety would seemingly override that. >> reporter: yeah, and there is some discussion too, lou, as to how contagious somebody not showing symptoms is. dr. frieden said repeatedly, if you're asymptomatic, you are not contagious. dr. rick sacra who was just released in the nebraska medical from was working as an obstetrician and got ebola from someone. he probably had contact with blood because he was delivering babies doing cesarean section, a little greater risk of exposure. they were asymptomatic as patients. lou: perhaps we should introduce dr. sacra to dr. frieden.
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john roberts, always productive to hear your reporting. thank you for your excellent job as always. thank you so much. >> reporter: thanks, lou, appreciate it. lou: president obama has attended only 42% of daily intelligence briefings. joining us fox news strategic analyst colonel ralph peters. what do you make of a president who only, and i have to say this, i don't know what percentage of daily briefings previous presidents we tried to find that number week couldn't, but 42% seems awfully low for a country in global terror, does it to you? >> it is. on any given day the most important briefing any president will get is the president daily brief, the pdb from the intelligence community. that alerts him to what's going on in the world. the presidents were hungry for intelligence. even bill clinton.
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and the curious thing about obama who clearly is an intelligent man lacks curiosity overall. he doesn't do his homework. he pleas hooky from school. he likes the perks of being president but not the work. lou: he also blamed the intelligence community that they've now, i think, rather convinceingly demonstrated they did not fail at for the better part of two years, they've been guiding the intelligence that warned of precisely the rise of the islamic state and the president seems to have ignored it? >> lou, i come out of that world and can tell you that for over two years, there have been people very concerned about this in our intelligence community. people have been shooting the red star cluster, trying to get his attention. a genuine american hero. there aren't just villains in washington, there are good guys, too. lieutenant general mike flynn pushed out as head of the
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intelligence agency a month or so ago, he has been trying for months and months and years to warn this is a serious threat and made the mistake of testifying honestly on capitol hill last winter, and it just angered the white house because president obama -- on some level he's so child-like, he believes if he ignores the bogeyman, the bogeyman will go away. i believe president obama thinks he can coast through inauguration day 2017 as bill clinton did with al qaeda. lou: face a conflict with the islamic state, and a president who seems to blame the director of national intelligence. it's a difficult moment i'm sure for the president. but in is not the best of reflexes. >> he needs to man up, roll up his sleeves and go to work. lou: i'm sure that is advice and counsel he'll be eager to follow, colonel.
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colonel ralph peters, thank you so much. time for online poll results, we asked -- be sure to vote in tonight's poll, do you believe the president's failure to attend more than half his daily intelligence briefings makes him responsible for the lackluster response to the rise of the islamic state? cast your vote at up next, commentary on an administration that doesn't like to fire people. no matter how profound the transgression. we're coming right back. stay with us. ♪ mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪
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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. . lou: tonight, hong kong protesters with police abuse, attorney general eric holder looks to combat terrorism investigations further. we'll be talking in just a moment. first a few comments on secret service director julia pierson's mea culpa over white house intrusions. let's begin with the apology today. >> it's clear that our security plan was not properly executed.
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this is unacceptable, and i take full responsibility, and i will make sure it does not happen again. i intend to lead the secret service through these challenges and restore our agency's reputation to the level of excellence that the american public expects. lou: her apology is just a case of a brilliant management plan that lowly secret service agents simply couldn't execute is apparently enough for the white house. >> the president does continue to have confidence in the men and women of the secret service. lou: my question, then, is, what does it take in the obama administration to get fired? is anyone ever held accountable? pierson was appointed director in march of last year to restore the secret service's reputation. ask one question, how's she doing? part of the secret service's leadership since 2008. she served for predecessor mark
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sullivan who did such a stellar job, he was in charge during the colombian prostitution scandal and two agents were pulled from the president's detail. one for leaving a bullet in a woman's hotel room and another for sending sexually suggestive e-mails to a subordinate. pierson was director in march of this year when the secret service sent three agents home from the netherlands after a night of heavy drinking. how do we know it was heavy drinking? one of the agents slept it off in a hotel hallway! i just love the idea of the united states secret service being represented so brilliantly. and this latest security breakdown is really a much bigger deal, and to allow the residence of office of the president of the united states to be this vulnerable should result in a complete and utter management house cleaning. and homeland security as well as the secret service. at least six secret service safeguards were breached
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allowing the intruder to get to the white house east room among the things we've learned about this president, is he first denies problems and challenges and then stonewalls question of competency or integrity and acts only when corralled and i mean absolutely corralled by circumstance. in this instance at least, president obama denial, stonewalling and refusal to hold those who failed in duty puts him and his family at unacceptable risk. the president's duty is clear and he must act in his personal interests and that of the nation. the quotation of the evening if i may from the 40th president of the united states, ronald reagan who said --
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or on occasion heard, we're coming right back. hong kong students demonstrating for rights of assembly and expression, and, oh, yes, demanding that beijing honor the 1997 handover agreement, assuring free elections. asia experts michael oslen and mary kissel join us next. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*?
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. lou: joining us now, "wall street journal" editorial board member, former asia opinion editor, mary kissel. and michael oslen, director of japan studies, good to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: let me begin if i may, mary, we are watching the streets of hong kong. today is the day, the deadline
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that the demonstrators have sent for, i mean, it's striking for the government of china to comply with their demands. >> you have to understand, hong kong is the freest place in china today. they enjoy freedom of association, freedom of religion. freedom of assembly. and they were promised that they would have full democracy by 2017. beijing said -- lou: as a part of the handover in 1997. >> and beijing said in august, we're not going to give you that. back in 03 they tried to pass a big anti-subversion law, hong kongers came into the streets to pass the national law. lou: look at that. did you think you would ever see this? >> yes, i did, yes, i did. there are two forces here. have you hong kong people accustomed to freedoms, and you have the one party state in china that's never going grant it to them. unfortunately it's come to this. i'm afraid the same scenes in
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1989 could eventually come to hong kong. lou: tiananmen square? >> i think so. lou: michael, your thoughts? >> i agree with mary, there are splits in hong kong, and so far the students have not had the support of the business community. when you go to the business community and talk to the westerners or the chinese there, they're very invested in this system, and they don't want any disruptionsment. where beijing would consider it crossing the line is a strike with the business community joined in. right now i assume they want to keep the students isolated and split them off and eventually have these peter out. lou: a bit as we witnessed occur in 1989, but the interesting question to me here is as we look at prospect of the communist government, it's relevant that this is a communist government, an authoritarian government. we're not hearing the western
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democracy stand up for these demonstrators and protesters, are we? >> that's been a theme of the obama administration. i was in hong kong when the president came to asia in 2009. when he went to china, he talked about climate change, he didn't talk about human rights. you saw the same weak response out of the state department this week. it's notable when the u.s. does speak about hong kong, they speak about the freedoms of the hong kong people. president obama should be talking about the freedoms of the chinese people, including those on the mainland. lou: you agree with that, michael? >> absolutely. i think what this is showing us is all of us who kept arguing by liberalizing china's entry into the world trade organization or globalizing it that that would translate into political evolution, not only is it going to happen in hong kong, it's not going to happen in tibet, it's not just about what's happening in central,
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it's about china clamping down on any demands for separatist, that is going to make for a worrisome china over the next decade. lou: interestingly, i don't see or detect that impulse towards separatism as you put it, i see insistence upon honoring an agreement, one nation, two systems, certainly giving hong kong due by contract, that is the right to free elections and that means fully free, including the ability to determine who the candidates will be in that election, a right that the chinese government has tried to take away from hong kong residents. >> that's right. i think this particular debate, the protesters are concerned about autonomy and that promise. what beijing is worried about is the demonstration effect in other parts of china. if we learn one thing about ping, he's not a reformer, we've seen a crackdown of human rights advocates and the press
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in other areas in china. you're seeing his tactics in the mainland in hong kong. lou: you both talked about president obama and michael, i'm going to give you the last word here. i'm disappointed not to hear from europe, as i am, obviously, from our president. i'm also disappointed that western businesses who could make a very big difference as you both know in the tenor of whatever proceeds from here, and those businesses are just as silent as the president who, it's embarrassingly quiet in washington. >> lou, i think you're absolutely right. it is something that you pick up when you're there and you hear it. you understand how invested they are. in the system, what worries me is they don't see what the ultimate end of this is what we're seeing now, beijing, reneging on promising, showing no liberalization and no way you can combine political authoritarianism with free
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market economic system for the long-term. short-term, maybe, but this is the future we're seeing and it's not going to go away. lou: following it throughout. mary, michael, thank you for being here, appreciate it very much. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. lou: the attorney for andrew tahmooressi confirmed his emotional and mental health consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder. the attorney now hopes the diagnosis will help the mexican government rationalize his release. tahmooressi jailed on gun charges for 184 days without a single mention by again a conspicuously silent president obama. we are coming right back. stay with us. he's going but not gone. attorney general eric holder making a big change before he does leave. fox news political analyst juan williams on the attorney general's profiling plans. you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds?
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. lou: attorney general eric holder to announce a federal ban on profiling, including national security matters. joining me co-host of the five, juan williams. juan, great to have you here. an interesting piece on the he and your views about being better off and the impact on the elections. do you see the democrats holding the senate? >> no, you know, lou, i know you're a betting man, and if i had to bet right now, i'd say republicans have the advantage, and according to the recent models and that got them by strategists, republicans are feeling more confident right now. not by a lot. let me not subject you to misinterpretation, this is n wa like it will be close, but right now the indicators are among likely voters that republicans have a slight edge. when you expand it to registered voters, it's a toss-up which is why i say it
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looks like you may end up with 51, maybe 52 republicans. lou: that would serve for most folks as a victory, might not be a way, but it will be a nice tip and nod, tip of the hat and nod to a change of direction in washington. you know, the question is are we better off, which the president asked of himself on "60 minutes" since he wasn't getting other interesting questions from steve kroft, apparently. the answer isn't quite suitable for him, though, is it? it goes to the point that people still only a third feel they're better off now in most poles, since he took office. i mean, this president basically acknowledged his leadership his not been strong and persistent and powerful enough and positive enough to turn what is, i think, a malaise in this land around.
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>> well, there's no question that people are glum in terms of views of the economy. right now, those polls are about 55% disapprove of his handling of the economy. 45% approve. when you look at numbers, help me because you're the business expert. lou: yes, i am. >> polls are favorable to the president. if you look at the jobs number. we haven't had unemployment this low in 7 years. housing numbers up 17%. the economic recovery is slow but it's lasting a very long time, and according to all the indicators, it's gaining steam. lou: a couple things on the numbers that you mentioned. great deal of the investment in housing came from individual investors, institutional investors, we're not seeing a middle class watching the values of the home that would return to significant levels of net worth and appreciation of net worth. in terms of unemployment. 20 million americans unemployed, underemployed or
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give up hopes of being employed. chronic and long-term unemployed. reality is the economy is not creating jobs at the rate it needs to, 141,000 in the previous month. we're going to know friday a little more about the health of the economy. >> yeah. lou: people are expecting significant things. see what happens. so that's i think why in large measure you're seeing hesitancy to embrace what would be called the obama recovery. >> you know, on the other hand, though, what strikes me is when you ask people -- lou: on the other hand, it's a very economist thing for you to do? >> i'm in the political game, lou, i don't have pretense of being educated. this is all about emotions and feelings, which is why this is so interesting to me, because if you ask people about consumer confidence, the consumer confidence is right now pretty high, and they're an important part of our economy. lou: yeah, interesting the ways
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confidence is expressed, and one of the ways is in capital expenditures in the business community, in the business investment. that creates jobs, jobs then create prosperity. right now the middle class is getting the hell beat out of it, by a huge set of factors, but among them the lack of leadership both in washington, d.c. and the business community. juan, great to see you. thanks so much, enjoy the diversion, the digression into business and economics. >> i think it's a last hope for the democrats, buddy. [ laughter ] >> one i think some might only hope. [ laughter ] >> up next, a beheading in oklahoma treated much differently than a beheading in the middle east. monica lindstrom joins us to talk about this peculiar contrast in interpretation. here next.
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. lou: joining us now, monica lindstrom, practicing attorney who got a start as a criminal prosecutor. great to see you. lis wiehl author of the book, a deadly business. monica, let's begin with you, the oklahoma beed hadding. is it really important whether or not we consider that an act of terrorism or a workplace, a workplace crime? what is the impact and how important is it? >> i think it really depends what the goals are. if the goal is to put this killer behind bars to protect the public, then let's do it the easiest way we know how, and if the oklahoma state statutes can do that, given the death penalty or keep him in
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prison forever, that goal success met. i think if we turn around and focus on calling it a terrorism act, i think that's very scary to the american public. that doesn't give them a sense of security. lou: really? >> typically when we think of terrorism, we think of it as happening far away. in our own backyard, that's scary. >> terrorism is scary and we have domestic terrorism statutes, and within any definition, whether you talk about the patriot act or the oklahoma statute, talk about someone killing other people to terrorize other civilians, i think it meets the case here. and the in fact it's not now being prosecuted as a domestic terrorism case is troubling to me especially in the context of the fort hood massacre. remember that 39 people were killed at fort hood. that was not prosecuted as a terrorism act. lou: but it clearly was? >> clearly was. this guy has on his facebook, i hate to use facebook, osama bin laden, and beheading, and during the beheading he carried
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through he's carrying out islamic phrases and yelling things and trying to convert people at work which is why he got into trouble in the first place at work. >> why do we need to call it terrorism? lou: why do we need to call it workplace violence? that is absurdity. the man has been radicalized by two imams, one has connections to the 20th hijacker on september 11th. this is extraordinary stuff. you said it's scary. that's an interesting thing for us to consider. when in the hell did we decide that the american people are so immature and irresponsible they can't be frightened and overcome that fear? never. i don't understand why that is even a pretext. >> well, because we need to be concerned about how we feel as americans. that's one thing that the prosecutors need to be concerned about as well. they need to make sure that americans feel safe in their
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homes. when you're looking at prosecuting a case, you need to think about should we go down this road or this road. lou: if we want to be safe in our homes, secure the borders. >> right? amen. understood. lou: if we're going to do this, look at racial profiling. here's an outgoing attorney general, lis, who decides he's going to end racial profiling. >> now? lou: when the national security threat is -- >> not even talking about racial profiling. you can't go into a mosque, do the investigations, you can't do many of the things that are legal to do. lou: because he heard a rumor that radical islamist terrorists are islamic. >> news flash. >> we'll have a new attorney general so that will change things. it looks like he's trying to dismantle things that are already in place. lou: let me ask you this, monica, the wahabi sect of
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islam is considered amongst the most radical and fundamentalist, i don't know that most people realize in this country, up to 80% of the mosque. if we've got this, put that up, up to 80% of them are owned, operated and led by wahhabis. if they cannot be investigated, surveilled because they are racially profiled, ethnically profiled. what in the hell are we thinking about as a people? >> to say we're going to end racial profiling isn't really reality. law enforcement uses that as a tool. it's not necessarily a bad thing, if history shows us anything it's that it can be very good at times. so to have a broad stroke and say we're getting rid of it all, it doesn't makeens and it's not reality. lou: lis, you get the last 15 seconds. >> i agree, it does not make
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sense to be cutting back on the resources. >> this is what i love. when lawyers create harmony. >> kumbaya. thank you. lou: that's it for us tonight, stay tuned for cavuto next. good night from new york. could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today.
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