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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 2, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at >> tonight on cavuto the us ebola patient is here there everywhere. was there any idea of what was going on with thomas duncan anywhere? then what is the real skinny on all these new celebrity things? how about those celebrities suing google for allowing the world to take a peek. you knew this was coming. these secret service do you see ease. those damn republicans. plus mcdonald's jumping into the fray with its own black burger. why? why? welcome everybody i'm neil cavuto and did we see one victim in the us we meant 18 potential
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victims. scratch that more like 100 victims. hard to say because this number hardly stops growing, doesn't it? let me tell you if this ebola virus isn't mewtating, a few stories are. texas officials are saying that at least 100 people were in contact with that patient at least at some point and that may end up being a conservative figure given his travel from liberia then to brussels, then finally to dallas. he leaves he shows up with symptoms on the 24th. he goes to a dallas hospital only to be released then returns two does later in an ambulance with much worse symptoms. two days after that, he's put in isolation. hospitals now convinced he's exhibiting classic symptoms of
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ebola. who knows how many people he came in contact during this whole saga. our purpose is not to alarm you in the way that the government is not or will not. our other purpose is to separate the facts from all the hirvetion. so fact one, ebola is here. fact two, the person who has ebola came in contact with a lot of people before he even knew he had it. fact three, the hospital let him go even though he mentioned he had traveled from liberia when he was complaining about these symptoms here. fact four, united airlines is scrambling to contact hundreds of passengers who might have come in contact with him. fact five, officials are insisting there remains no contagion an, but dallas people aren't taking any chances and are removing their children from
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schools. more in that in a moment as well. so to review, all is not well on this ebola story. growing concern that this is the latest case of government officials really not catching on to the severity of things. think secret service or isis mess. they have a way of festering even as washington keeps dismissing, but ebola is different, isn't it? this is different. a victim who might have come in contact with dozens even hundreds of others is different. just that remember the same government that told us to stay calm here assured us the chances of ebola coming here was infinitesimal. here's the latest. they're not. what else don't we now know or aren't even hearing of now because no one is really saying anything now? to the guy who has all these
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questions, who chairs the cdc committee. congressman, i'm worried. should i be. >> i don't think you should be worried. i think you should be concerned. i think by talking about it say good thing. we need to know what we're up against. the one thing i would add to your fact list is is that people can become infected and it might take as long as 20 days. now, in some cases it's five to eight days. but during that period of time, you are not contagious, so if mr. duncan came into contact with people prior to the 24th when he showed the symptoms, they should be okay and then even after that, only if they were in contact with his bodily fluids, sweat or if he threw up on them or if they exchanged saliva or something like that. in other words, ebola is a little bit more predictable
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thansaurus. because when we had the soarious scare it was an airborne illness. but 3 billion people fly a year. we all need to be concerned. why that hospital dropped the ball when he said he was from liberia. >> neil: that was the first thing that would have alarmed me. (?) but he did say liberia right away. do we know how he got it? i know he was around a woman who later died of this year, but do we know anything of how he could have contracted. >> as i understand it, he was helping transport her and apparently somewhere in the exchange, maybe he was closer to her than he let us believe, efsdz forthcoming with all the information and i understand he's going to be charged with something now. >> neil: the reason i raise
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that, is someone could have had the same type of contact with duncan on any one of those planes or at one of these airports in the interim or even at the hospital. i agree with you not to extrapolate too much from this, but i just get nervous every time cdc officials and the like tell me or others to stay calm and don't need to worry. then we have a situation like this that prompts us to do that. >> one thing we're doing is to stay close to the cdc. we've agreed with their budget request of $30 million to attack this. and another $58 million to advance medical research. and embarred ais going to get 58 millions to work on vaksz. that's the scary part. there is not a vaccine right now. >> neil: thank you very much. a lot of fliers.
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potentially hundreds of passengers who might have bumped into this ebola victim. for united airlines, it is a huge undertaking and for the passengers it is now informing. marketing expert says airlines aren't doing a good job. they've got this overwhelming job to deal with and track down everyone this guy might have come in contact with. easier said that done. right? >> absolutely. first of all, they have to understand that the secret service had nothing to do with this guy getting into washington. this happened without anybody noticing, but the big problem that fear spreads faster than disease. the airlines have to get in front of us or people are just going to refuse to get on planes. >> neil: are we at that point yet? >> no because it's just starting to fester. (?) look what happened in 9/11, the
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incidents that tariffed people was not repeated and the infrastructure was not damaged and people still refused to fly. conventions and vacations canceled. the same thing could happen here. the hospital released this guy. how was an airliner supposed to know. >> neil: when officials tell us to be calm, but when you keep going back. here's another disturbing developments. whether it's the disturbing elements of the secret service. then calling isis the jv teams. i'm not blaming authorities, but you've got a pattern here. across government agencies of telling us one and thing then having to revise it. what's to blame americans of thinking that whatever we're being told is wrong.
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>> if you remember the movie animal house. there was a riot and the guy at the end said remain calm. all is well. we know all things are not well. things like airlines are they not to call themselves carriers. are they not to call airports terminals. they chip away. >> neil: should we have tougher rules? there are a lot of people that is, don't allow flights from n from liberia. would that calm people down or are we past that point? >> i think we're kidding ourselves. one person can come from one place in the world to another place in the world. you don't see symptoms for 21 days. the bigger issue is if you start putting those symptoms in place. the there's the privacy issues. second of all people are going to wait in longer lines? you have a real balancing act.
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basically, the airlines, boy they're in trouble if they do and they're in trouble if they don't. we're going to blame them if they don't do something. they're going to lose the dollars. >> neil: in the interim that is certainly likely the case. bruce, thank you very much. we should stress as bruce is pointing out. duncan didn't exhibit any signs when he left liberia or even when he got to dallas. so this so-called 21 incubation period it took days for him to realize that something is going on. serious enough for him two days later to go to the hospital and get checked out and then be told to leave. wow. back to dallas, our country's ebola center for the moment. send them to class or keep them home? dallas radio host and a very good one for the purposes of
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this interview, dallas area mom. katrina, what are you you doing? >> well, you know, neil with all due respect to your previous guest and to all the elected officials saying the same thing trying to drill this into the minds of everybody in dallas. don't worry. yes, the hospital dropped the ball. yes, the guy got on the plane probably knowing he was exposed, but don't worry? i'm sorry that's just not enough. we have illegals coming across the border and bringing other things on a daily basis. we're not confident here that everything is under control. >> neil: what are you doing with your kids? are you saying, the risk of them telling you of your kids are having a problem. you don't believe that. as a result are you taking them out? >> no, i don't think we're believing anything they're saying at this point. luckily for me my kid is at
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garland district. the dallas parents are taking their kids out of school which they should be. >> neil: is this confirming feelings that are rampant already. >> we're talking about ebola here. we don't know what strain of ebola virus is here. they're telling us it's not transmitted through the air. but here's the bigger problem, it's nice for people outside to say calm down. don't worry. what we're experiencing is the first scene in an outbreak movie more importantly the entire containment protocol is based on the information a dying, desperate man gave him. we don't know whether he was experiencing symptoms or not. we're talking about joint pains, things that could be arthritis symptoms. we don't know if he had symptoms
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when he got on that plane. >> neil: we know he wasn't exhibiting those symptoms certainly when he left liberia or when he arrived in brussels. and if he were, he would have immediately gone to the hospital if he was concerned. there's a lot of loose details. the fact he did check himself into a hospital a few days later, then the hospital releasing him when he said he was in liberia. they didn't keep him. >> it's over the weekend when it's home coming seasons. there are sport related events all weekend. he possibly could have been next to these people. they're not even quarantined. what are we going to do in two to three weeks if other people are infected. >> neil: we'll see. as a mom, i'm sure you're worried as well. if the government really
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dismissed completely on ebola, who is to say they didn't miss it on isis not what they're doing to take out these terrorists, but what they're doing over here for fear of even calling it horrific workplace beheading, the act of a terrorist.
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>> neil: we're now at the beheading of a woman of oklahoma. it's still being labeled as an act of workplace violence. but knowing what we know about the assailant why are we afraid of stating the obedience?
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homeland security council member wants to know as well. the retired commander joins us now. does this look, commander to you as an act of terror. >> if the motivation is to inspire fear in a population and in that fear gain some kind of control, then absolutely. and we see this time and time again these tactics used overseas it's not a new tactic, but bringing it here is extremely dangerous and something we need to be vigilant about. >> neil: now, being vigilant or foolish? calling it a workplace violence, doesn't that give people a false sense of security. >> you have to strike that violence. >> neil: what would you do. >> i think you have a strong away game. you need to be perceived as strong with a clear message to the enemy, in this case islamic terrorists. you need to have a very clear
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strong message on the away game, that makes it easier at home and certainly precludes some of this from developing. there's no doubt that our enemy wants to attack us on the homeland. and creating the fear that they saw in israeli and certainly creating the fear that we saw in washington, d.c., even with a domestic sniper case. that kind of fear can cause paralysis. we need to make sure we're projecting -- we'd rather fight the away game than the home game. >> neil: isn't it a different kind of a game. al-qaeda was the big worry under president bush while they certainly had elements here, nothing to the degree that isis has elements here. a lot of recruits here so the idea of lone wolves doing lots of stuff here is substantial.
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>> domestic retaliation is something we looked at during the bush administration. we were very concerned both in normal american towns, but also within the prison population and elsewhere. (?) it's something that you're going to have a tremendous amount of effort that your law enforcement, your domestic law enforcement has to place against this, but in the end, it has to be coordinated strategy, coordinated homeland security strategy athat's matching your national security strategy overseas. >> neil: do you think this security and how we're dealing abroad matches what we're trying to address the home game. >> i think it's dysfunctional. there are certain places with iraq that probably created a vacuum and a problem. measure that with policy speeches about how we're going toee face the enemy and approach terrorism. i think that has an affect.
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certainly our enemy listens to what our leaders say. they watch worldwide news like fox news. they understand what we're saying. if we match our actions and words, and we're consistent (?) we have a far better chance of having success out there, but we'll also have a far better chance of preventing this kind of domestic violence that we're seeing. >> neil: scary stuff. now, right about now i've given you all the scary news. good to know the president chose to do to tell you, guess what economically you're actually better off. do you buy that?
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>> obama: in this case are you better off when you were in six, the answer is the country is definitely off than we were when i came into office. >> neil: technically he's right. a new poll says 68 percent don't feel better than when he first took office. to our fox all stars. tracy, the numbers are right. markets doubled. unemployment is down. so the numbers kind of indicate
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he's technically right so why aren't people buying this. >> the middle class haven't felt this. his policies have hurt the middle class. the rich have gotten richer and the lower income people have received more hand out checks than under any other president. they're not in the stock market. they haven't seen their wages go up. so sitting around the kitchen table, there's almost nothing to smile about. >> 3 million americans are out of work right now. it's going to show that unemployment is at 6 percent. more and more americans are leaving the workplace. quitting, not looking for work. we're making plenty of waitress jobs, but nothing to put kids through college. >> neil: are people feeling are? are they all waitress jobs are they all bar jobs?
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>> some construction, some manufacturing they seem to be mostly in hospitallalty. we've seen the averages before in prior recessions. it's good, but not great. and you know what else is key here. the president, you know, basically it's really easy to flip the switch auto spending. the federal debt is up 68 percent since the president took office. that's a whopping amount of money that was funneled through the us economy. it's coming back. he's talking about redistribution of his policies that basically take that money back and recycle it out. >> confer number one in one thing during this man's presidency. a corporate tax. while he's been in office, we are now officially the number one highest corporate tax rate in the world. >> with people going to vote how they feel in november.
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i wonder what this means. >> neil: it's not good for democrats. >> it's not. especially with the president coming out, we've helped create jobs. no you haven't. >> neil: if you think about it, if it holds true to what polls are indicating, despite technically better than economic numbers, i agree with all the nuisances you raised. this president could get bludged. >> he leaves out almost any measure. (?) the one that is not improving is middle class income. the president consistently doesn't acknowledge the trillions of dollars in health. >> neil: where would we be without all that. >> we would be in a deep recession still. >> neil: so should he take the numbers he's referring to. >> the fed should take the credit for the stock market market. the more they pulled back. i think it's all -- >> if the republicans don't come
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out with a plan, something other than they suck, they're not going to win. they're not going to win. >> they haven't come up with anything new, have they? >> neil: yeah. i don't know if that's quite the campaign strategist. celebrities are blaming the tech giant for their nude photo leak. the attorney says they might have a case. have a case. one democrat wild idea sequestration.
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>> neil: all right. it was those darn republicans after all. a white house breach because of budget cuts. that's how one democratic
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delaware gate puts it. >> from my calculation you're down so many agents in the agency in the last year or two since the see quester is that the case. >> the secret service has had a reduction in its staffing as a result of sequestration as a result of other restraints. >> neil: i knew it. so former house majority tom, i guess it's the republicans who did it. you're the guys always storming in the white house uninvited. which, by the way, would you get the same reaction. what do you make of that? >> sometimes you just have to laugh, neil. budget cuts stopped them from releasing one guy that could have taken that guy down. it just boggles the mind.
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no matter what it takes, you got to have more money. it's all a function of money. >> neil: some of these are précis quest radiation. the column thing, was preall of that. having said that, what do you think -- >> i guarantee you, neil, the secret service is bloated just like the entire bureaucracy in washington, d.c. and they probably need to be cut down some more. that man jumped the fence on his own and there were plenty of people to take him down, they were just so incompetent they didn't do it. that's the bottom line. >> neil: i think we need more either not actively working secret service agents because one was off duty when he tackled this guy. maybe more off duty guys to handle this. what do you make of what's going on, it's an institution that's been ripe with a lot of problems and a lot of people are saying it's just part and parcel of a
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bigger story about ineffective government a nonresponsive government. what's going on? >> as i said earlier neil it's a function of governments getting too big. the bureaucracy is too bloated in all agencies ever since obama took over as president, i don't know what the exact number is, but i know the spending has increased by 70 percent. i mean, the deficit has increased by 70 percent. this thing is out of control. and you've got a house that's trying to rein in that spending, but it's out of control. >> neil: we're reining in as to cut the spending. we're actually slowing the growth in spending and that counts as cuts. >> slowing the growth, but the only time we actually did have a cut was my last year as majority leader. i have to take credit forgets. >> neil: i remember well, but
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it's been a long time since then. back with our panel. tracy, what do you think of what he's saying? >> i think that somebody screwed up and we're going to point figures every which way. you can change the head. you can change the people. the secret service dropped the ball. >> neil: when joe clancy comes to take pearson's place. >> it gets everybody back on their toes. no more hookers. change of management is all good. >> neil: chang of management after the hooker thing, so what's that going to do? >> likely nothing. we need change of management in several agencies. we need a lot of change in washington. i think we're talking about it now. is it going to be any different. >> neil: we need more people. how about better people? >> recruiting from comcast, which is not synonymous with customer service.
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listen, i think he's absolutely right. more money would not have built a paper wall, what, to stop this intruder. they need guys on the sticker on the watch who cared. and, by the way, neil the secret service got more in the form of budget money than the administration has asked for. so for them to be crying, you know, about lack of money is total boeingious. >> two words: get them. get them. get the dog. >> so maybe that's a first start. that the gentleman is respected. >> that would hurt somebody's feelings. >> neil: yeah. that's where we've gotten. don't want to hurt somebody's feelings. guys, thank you very much. all right. you're hacked, celebrities hacked. who do you think google is paying more attention to today?
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>> neil: when celebs sue and their lawyers see dollar signs about 100 million worth of dollar signs. that is how much they're threatening to sue google over their client's embarrassment. time for google to lawyer up. attorney ryan says go after the hackers not the googlers. why not google? >> well, google is not responsible for the hacking to begin with. try going after the hackers. try going after the source of the problem. then you have apple. it was apple's icloud. what is google's responsibility. no. you're totally going after the wrong person. >> they're an aider and anna bettor. these photos were hacked illegally. what are you going to get with
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these hackers. google gave these criminals a forum to post these illegal photographs. >> neil: how did they do that. >> allowing them to be on google. google doesn't know what when they're initially posted and perhaps when they're posted, but once they're put on notice, the lawyers for these celebrities gave them the requisite notice to remove the photos. there's a statute that requires google to remove those photos. twitter did it. twitter had the same photos up there. was given the same notice and acted immediately to get those photos down and actually denied access to these offenders. >> neil: that's google being an aider and abettor. this is not a crime as far as google is concerned. the hacker absolutely and i think to joe's point. don't go after the hackers because there's no money there. it's not about money. it's liability.
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so liability starts with the hackers. >> neil: 100 million is a lot about money. >> that's obviously an incentive to move up and down. >> neil: are the photos -- are the photos down? they never go away. right? >> google has to do their due diligence. >> neil: but once they're off that site they're on a host of other site. >> but these guys aren't saying google is responsible -- every other site, twitter reacted and removed those photos. every other site took responsibility. google didn't do anything about it. they're afraid it's going to impinge on their advertising money. they have to take those photos down. >> neil: an attorney bringing the lawsuit comparing google to the nfl. does it compare to the nfl's handling of ray rice.
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randy what do you make of that? >> that's the height of insensitivity. these celebrities either took a selfie of themselves or took the photos. they in a way asked for this. i don't think mrs. rice asked to be knocked out to compare the height of domestic violence to a celebrity who chose -- who knew you can't put this stuff in icloud account. you're inviting the world to see this. it's not the same as getting knocked out by your if i'm not mistaken. >> that's not what anybody is saying. if you want to take that argument, yes, you'll win, but that's not the argument. >> this is a it we're done. >> that's your argument. that's not noble else's violence. what they're claiming is basically turning a blind eye. the nfl turned a blind eye to the nfl rice thing. the problem here google actually knew that this information -- these photos were illegally
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objected that they were criminally obtained and they're aiding and abetting. >> neil: with everything google is doing, do you think they had any remote idea. >> whether they did or didn't is irrelevant. the fact they know now and it's illegally obtained. >> neil: you keep saying they're doing nothing. how do you know they're just in the great ether world of internet. >> i read the letter from marty singer and those photos are still up there. >> neil: but google is the search engine. they're not the place that of mind them. google may not have it, but google can show you who does. >> google will turn around and say, listen, just because someone says its so doesn't make it so. there are copyright issues. who are the owners of the copyright. have these photos been
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registered. there is due diligence that needs to be done. >> every other search engine responded and removed these photos. these photos weren't given -- >> neil: would you advice any of your clients to upload any photos -- >> of course, not. that cloud thing is a scary thing. >> that's the point and they did it. >> but someone criminally obtained those photos just because they trusted the cloud -- >> neil: you guys are good. each time you talk, i buy what you said. >> intellectually i destroyed his -- >> you talk about living in a cloud, he lives in a cloud. >> neil: forget about whether you will use google, get on the ebola issue. why you won't use an airplane or at least for a long, long time
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>> neil: all right. in tonight's blitz, travel stocks are in trouble. traders keep selling. at least when it comes to airline stocks. back with our all stars. tracy. stables a little bit today? >> i think the hotel are going to feel it too. (?) traders are going to take advantage of that panic. take advantage of the dips. because it will come back. eventually we will move on from all this. >> neil: that assumes the ebola thing doesn't get worse. >> if we don't all die, yes. i wanted to keep it positive today. look, there's been -- any little reason to sell off is being used. i think that's a bigger story. the fact that it's, you know, the sunset an hour early in the
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stock market is trading lower. >> neil: we do have a little black swan developing -- hong kong, isis. >> helping the airlines giving them a list. oil plunged. but i think -- on a wing and a prayer. he hasn't on the last part because you know as more people understand what is going on with the ebola crisis and what the airlines are required to do, it is scrary. they don't to have screen for ebola. they can't exclude a passenger because that person has ebola. they can stop if it's a direct threat, but how do you know. >> neil: i don't understand when an airliner says that. if someone acts like an ass on the plane, they can heave that guy. >> they can. but they're now -- people are going to get scared of that. >> the guy when he checked off the box, when he checked off the
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box, were you exposed to anybody with ebola, he said no. >> neil: he did say no? >> that's my point. >> neil: but he wasn't exhibiting any signs. >> they were relying on a self-reporting symptom. >> neil: what would you do? >> i would not travel on an airline today. >> do you think they can change this? it's like we have to take little bottles of liquid. there has to be some sort of test for this. >> neil: you better not get on a plane either coughing or sweating. usually when i'm running to the gate, i'm doing both. >> the good thing is you can breathe just fine. it's not airborne. >> epidemic of asia and the market was affected at the time and everything settled down. >> neil: did you ever have to deal with stuff like this or screen or look at passengers. >> not -- a passenger pass away because they were running and
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sweating. >> neil: did you kill the passenger? is that something -- >> had a heart attack the poor man. it's just a plane you don't to have catch it. it could be deadly. things happen in the air. some of them are not reported. >> neil: did he die on the plane. >> on the jetway. people do come on the plane coughing and hacking. if it comes to their rights as passengers their rights as americans i can't make you stay home. >> i think people are worried about flying until it's contained. >> neil: they keep telling us to be calm. a less divisive issue the black burgers they are back. mcdonald's japan is now unveiling its own dark burger to rival burger king. i'm told it's very, very popular.
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cheryl, what do you think. >> i guess it looks good, the burger king version. >> neil: are they dying the bread? >> yes. we put it in pasta touchdowns belong in bread. >> neil: what do you mean we? it works for us. so you don't like when it's put on a bun? >> to me wide receiver this is burnt toast. why would anybody -- >> they're doing it for hollow wean mcdonald's i thought was doing it for halloween. are they going to have a green burger? >> neil: make it permanent and call it a day. this other stuff is silly. do you know that the ribs aren't real. >> no, i didn't. you know what scares me is the bacon ator. >> neil: nonof us are scared of
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the black burger. >> we're not going to touch it. >> if they think this is going to increase sales, they need new marketing people. >> i bet it looks great in real life. >> neil: it doesn't look great over there. forget about the government cracking down on the washington redskins. suing any announcer or guest for saying it. i guess while i still being can. redskins. redskins. redskins. she's still the one for you.
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>> really, fcc, you have nothing better to do, this makes me want to say redskins even more. >> they spend way too much time in the sun, that will make for a lot more redskin. i see where you are going. gun isun gosunburned. pedro, just too pc, how about eliminateing cracker out of cracker barrel restaurants. a good points. networks should keep using name redskins just bleep it out, i can hear it now, the washington [ bleep ] out lasted the atlanta falcons, the [ bleep ] scored in final minute [ bleep ] fans -- >> there was nothing offensive about the team name at the time it of the created, there still isn't, people today are too stupid to learn. >> not long ago i saw a redskins
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game on the sideline 4 former marines, in the league red jacket skpw-s capjacksand caps,g tall on sideline to show solidarity, saying that name redskin shows courage, pride and integrity, america writes, i'm tolding you -- telling you make the mascot a potato, they will not be able to say a word about the name redskin, oh, i see, a potato. >> what about the saints? is their name too relimb out for religious for 8 yets. >> you keep the name, redskins. the owners is happy, fans are heap, anyone not offended by the name is happy, you change the logo to a redskin peanut who could get their buns in a frazzle over a peanut, problem
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solved you're welcome. >> thank you. and i guess, you are welcome. keep the ideas coming. what a country. see you tomorrow. john: is crime rising? >> yeah. >> i believe so. john: it must be true, i hear it on news. >> crime on the rise. >> growing so rapidly. john: violent films for the reason. >> how hard can it be. john: or guns. >> should government have stricter laws to ban guns. >> i feel like we should. >> time for our leaders to act. john: they did, watch out. >> he picked up that pop-tart, and made a gun noise. john: ridiculous, but didn't government have to do something? i'm told it is a mean, mean world is it? that is our show, tonight


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