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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX Business  October 5, 2014 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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>> i'm doing it. >> see you guys tomorrow. health scare hitting our school. an ebola patient in texas has parents yanking their kids from classrooms in dallas. that mystery virus spreading across more than 40 states and found in at least four people who died, including a 10-year-old girl. if it takes more funding to fight the diseases, our gang says they got the place to find it. hi, everyone. i'm brenda. this is bulls and bears. here they are. our bulls and bears this week. gary smith, tracy burns, jonas, john along with jessica. tracy, one gop lawmaker
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promising to take obamacare funds to fight ebola. do you agree with that? >> i completely agree with it. believe it or not, a slush fund, not social security, a slush fund allows them to dish out $2% billion a year to whatever they think is healthy. so, right now, they are using it for pick el in north carolina, zumba classes. why not redirect it to something affecting our country right now? >> jonas, do you think we need more money at all? could we get into it? >> leave the pickle budget. i'm all for taking money in a budget for something not as important. but, there is -- we have a center for these issues and they have a budget, over $5 billion a let them take it out of that budget. it's not like we need a new
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fund. it hasn't happened yet where there's hundreds of thousands of people. let them use their budget to do what they are supposed to do. that's the point of government. >> that's the scary thing, it hasn't happened yet. why not reach in and prevent it from happening? >> i'm with tracy. it's a prevention fund. about 400 million of it is used to go out and advertise obamacare. millions are used to relocate fast food. the fast food joints, 200 yards to make sure they don't. it's worth millions, right? >> it will cost $1 billion to fight ebola. we have that money in the ásuár fund that is being used for political means. use that money by all means. >> jessica, should we go into that fund to help prevent ebola and other viruses from spreading
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further? >> no. the fund should not be used for cdc or nih. that funding should be coming from the budget, not just the sequester, but the last several budgets. they have been receiving many cuts into their budget. when we have crises like this, it's apparent for everyone that we need a strong cdc. we need a strong institute of health. they are the first line of defense. >> you are saying more money but where do we get it? why not go into obamacare? >> there are so many different -- because obamacare is preventive health care, not a slush fund. ráis to have programs around the country as your health insurance companies tell you to get preventive, go in, lose weight, be as healthy outside of going to the hospital as you can. that's what it's for, programs like that. let the program stay there and
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fund our scientists and great minds so we have a strong cdc and strong nih to protect american citizens. we have more money than what is in the budget. take it from the tax breaks. get a real budget going. congress working. >> all right. gary, you are last. >> allocate money. >> a couple points. first, i just finished a set of pickle ball, so i'm feeling better about my health. >> i don't even know what that is. >> is it an inning? who knows. i agree with tracy. every government agency in the united states has a slush fund. it's called government ineptitude. as an example of the obamacare website, the website alone cost $840 million to date. don't you think we could have gone to five kids at cal tech and said here's $1 million,
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design a website. i bet they would have come up with it in a week and we would have $839 million left to spend on fighting ebola. look, the money that is in obamacare, if you went to every person, every department running this and say look, can you cut back 5%? they could find the money there. just due to inefficiency. just the website for an example. obama is asking for $88 million. it's nothing. we don't find it in obamacare, we could find it in ten other departments. the money is there. people need to work smarter in government. >> oh, boy. >> let's be clear. 12.5 billion was vaguely set aside and became the prevention and public health funds over the next decade. then you have $2 billion handouts. there's no guideline on what to
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spend them on. why risk spending on something stupid? we know that will happen. that right now needs our attention and needs the funds. to john's point, the cdc is not going to have enough at the end of the day. >> john? >> every division has something going on that is less important than fighting ebola. make the case taking it out of student loans. having extra money isn't going to solve the problem. it could be $100 billion slush fund. there's no treatment for this because there's no profit to be made treating it. the people that have it have no money. you have to solve that problem with the government problem or giving more money to a division is not going to make a solution to a problem. it's not going to do anything. whether it's stolen from a slush fund or not is not going to >> john? >> we are talking where to locate the money. we are not talking about whether the gove)nment is efficient. $400 million is used on a
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partisan agenda every year in commercials. this is not a prevention of anything else except a prevention that politicians don't have to go to work in the real world because they are using the money to get re-elected. we have to fight things like ebola. there's not a private marketplace for this. this is where the sjátk could be found and used. it's 100% partisan that the money stays discretionary where it is. >> let's let jessica get in there. >> there are so many issues that can be addressed that are looked over in terms of what needs to happen in tax and budget reform. of inefficiencies and agencies, not just going after the money. i know that's an easy fix. bizarre fish and start somewhere. we know this is a priority. we want to prut(u citizens and school children. >> now is not the time for tax
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reform. you are talking tax reform. we have been preaching that here fo) years. now is not the time for that. that is not going to happen between now and the end of the this might break out and become serious and you have instant cash. why not use it? >> it's not instantaneous cash. >> it is. sago after tax reform. it's the old political shell @% game they are playing. that's what's wrong with politics. >> it's magically going to cure moving $1 billion to the cdc is going to solve the ebola problem. it's not. >> gary? >> i take issue with one thing jonas said. he said there's no profit to be made. that is not correct. there are companies working on they are working on a cure for it. you can take the money and go as
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a venture capitalist. why not fund some of the private companies working on a cure? if you want a cure, go there. it's not coming from the gover'ment. >> that's the last word. thanks. ebola and isis, the one thing they have in common. the white house down playing both. that's why neil's gang says it's time to hit the panic button. that's at the bottom of the hour. here first, the secret service security screw ups are because of spending cuts? the costly excuse that could make you cough up more money. sk
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8:13 am you know what? you can blame all those secret service blunders on government spending cuts. that's according to one democratic lawmaker. now some want more money for the agency. john, is money really the problem here? >> i love these partisan goofs saying it has to do with a sequester. i guess in 2011, when shots were fired at the white house and it took four days to figure that out, that was before the
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sequester also. in 2014 when agents got drunk in amsterdam, that was because of spending. when they got the hookers in columbia, that had to do with the sequester. i don't think it did. when you didn't lock the white house door, that had to do with the sequester? they are blaming it on political reasons for the sequester. >> is it because of the sequester or do they need more money? >> no, i think there was an oversight hearing on this. by partisanship condemnation. i think people were like, wel&, if you don't have the updated alarm system you need, that's not a good thing. in general, that's why we saw the head of the secret service step down and has been replaced with hopefully someone who can come in and clean house. there's optimism about that. i don't see it as a partisan issue. it's a situation where we were
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talking an agency that's run amok. maybe they had hits from the sequester, but they decided to have fewer agents on their own in terms of their own budget cuts. hopefully they can pull it together. there are really amazing men and woman who work in the secreá service and do a very good job. >> that is true. gary, what do you think? first of all, secret service is 3% of the department of homeland security. the money is there. the coast guard has five times the budget of the secret service. sounds like homeland security is moving money around. second of all, congress, last year, gave the secrete service sjut money than they requested. if they are not requesting it, it's the head of the secret service's problem. the other thing, john makes a good point, is it impossible to build a fence around the white house that no one can scale?
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what if it was a 30-foot fence. can anyone scale -- it doesn't áá$sr)q -- it sounds like there are solutions out there that anyone could do regardless if they had a dollar or a billion dollars. >> locking the doors doesn't take all that much. a lack of resources? really? >> it's possible this department has been criticized for decadqáy it could be beyond the scope of this administration. the doubt this is a well-run agency and budget cuts meant short falls. if they are protecting you, you trips. a lot of trips the president does are bs, let's be honest. now lower demand for the money. cut expenditures of travel. you know how much it costs to go somewhere and shake hands? it's a problem.
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the budgetcut, if you have management. this is a multidecade problem but i think it wasn't dealt with. >> john, you were talking about some screw ups the last few years, do you agree with jonas that it's been decades? >> absolutely not. let a guy on the elevator with a president that should have never, ever let in the vicinity of the president that close. you didn't lock the white house door for god's sake. that has nothing to do with the budget. they have run amok and done their own thing so long. it's about doing the job right. >> tracy? >> shouldn't there be a if you climb the fence, we shoot rule? oh, by the way, we let the dogs out, too. i don't get how that went down. that should just be common sense. it is bipartisan being secret service. you protect the oval office, it
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doesn't matter who is in it. many of them take their job seriously. i don't know how it broke down. that should be line one of the handbook. >> there we go. thanks. cashing in in over an hour. what do you have coming up? >> a hospital in texas letting the guy with ebola going home after he had symptoms and told them he flew in from africa. first the economy, now isis crisis. that and more. see you at 11:30. >> thanks. we'll be watching. up here first. the president says you are not feeling better because you are not making more money. but, will his fix to make these protesters happy make it worse?
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the unemployment rate below 6%, the lowest level in six years. pay is still down. that's why the president says most of you still aren't feeling better off. now, he wants to do this. >> if we raise the minimum wage, we won't just put -- [ applause ] >> we won't just put more money in workers pockets, they will spend that mo'ey at local businesses who will hire more people. >> gary, you agree with those economics? >> it's just a -- he would get
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an "f" in economics 101. look, let's ad"ress a couple things. the common argument to raise lower wage is going to help break the poverty level. one in $9s goes to the middle class families. if i have a teenage daughter, she gets minimum wage. our family income will increase. it doesn't help those who need it most.% second of all, what is most harmful is he thinks money magically appears from heaven. all it is is -- yes, he's right. the workers that see an increase in minimum wage will spend more. then someone has to spend less. maybe it's the franchise owner at mcdonalds. he sees less profit. less money to hire more people to spend on a boat. nothing gets created here. >> jessica, does it? does it help or hurt jobs? help or hurt people's income?
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>> you know, i think having a living wage always helps people. i think the iááuq that needs to be focused on that isn't talked pabout is the middle class. they are the ones, in the jobs report are not getting an increase in earning. >> how does minimum wage help that. john, does it help it? >> it's not going to help the middle class. this president has been good for the rich. the upper 10% has seen the only income gpr'. the 1% has become very wealthy under this president. the middle class disappeared. >> the median income is down under this prqár"ent, as you can see there. jonas, what do you think about this? >> the psychological benefits, there could be some. at best, you are going to benefit the people at minimum wage at the expense of consumers. you are shifting money around, it has some benefits and some negative. doesn't make overall benefits. >> i have to get tracy in here.
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>> it's going to hurt the small business owners, put some of them out of business z. itis not going to help the economy or middle class at all. >> thanks to jqáár(p for joining us. coming up, keep your cell phone turned off and get a portion of your food bill knocked off. a restaurant discount you can count on. plus, the new jersey housewife going to jail for a money no no. why you should care. ♪ mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪
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gary? >> for the past few months, oil stocks have been on sale. i love them. i like exxon. i think it's up 20% by the end of the year. >> bull or bear? >> john, your prediction. >> we can't win the ryder cup, but you can win at golf. up 30% in the year. >> jonas, you like it? >> no. >> your prediction? >> jersey not so proud. the housewives of new jersey and the husband are going to prison. hard time for mortgage violations and other crooked stuff. good for banks and people ripping off the banks. up 15% in one year. >> gary, what do you think? bank.say just buy your favorite >> okay. tracy? >> more jersey. there's a restaurant in new jersey giving you 5% off your bill if you put your cell phone i love it. hands.n't have to wash your
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>> how do you eat without this. it's like a fork or knife. it's what my kids tell me. okay. cavuto on business right now. it will never happen to us until it does happen to us. guess what? ebola is happening to us. it's here. when it comes to pressing the folks who said it never would get here, it's enough to make you sick. welcome. i'll neil cavuto. talking about another crisis the government could be screwing up. the cdc missing things on ebola or playing down ebola. it's most common symptom is acting like nothing is wrong. like insisting isis as the


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