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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 6, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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it is time for "varney & company." >> there has been a monster attack. good morning, everyone. it started with jpmorgan. now, nine other unnamed firms have been hacked. we can say that the birthdays, social security numbers and e-mails are no longer private. the biggest impact so far it is on credit cards. there has been an explosion. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: it is monday morning.
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we scour around looking for something positive. pretty safe ground when the dow was up. not so much now. we are above 17,000. the price of gold is not moving much. we are right at $1200 an ounce. look at the price of oil. oil is down to $89 a barrel. these price declines are starting together some momentum. look hard.
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they say a to handle. i paid $2.98 on sunday in new jersey. pro-democracy demonstrations dying down just a little. officials from hong kong's government has met with the students. no big crack down from beijing as of right now. next case. ebola. the nbc cameraman affected with ebola. he is now in the united states. he will be treated in a special isolation unit at the nebraska medical center. thomas eric duncan is the first
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person to be dyed host with ebola in this country. he is now fighting for his life. i want to get back to that massive hack attack. nine other unnamed financial institutions in addition to jpmorgan have had their personal information stolen. the apple pasted on on the iphone six. >> i really do not think it will have much of an impact. this particular situation, they are going in and accessing peoples checking account and mortgages and things like that.
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stuart: i understand that. the big impact has been on credit cards so far. i am concentrating right now on the credit card side of this. half of the members of our production team say they have had their cards compromised. i was hacked. i have to wait for replacements. maybe the apple iphone six and the payment systems therein and facebook, maybe there is something within the messenger app. is this the way of the future so we can get around this problem?
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>> without a doubt. they are eliminating the credit card number from the process. there is no potential to intercept that number. i would like to sort of issue a word of caution. it is very easy for hackers to match usernames and passwords. now, they literally just have to start going down the list. stuart: do you have any information that this has happened? that would be on a grand scale.
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>> some of those usernames and passwords have been reused. stuart: nine other financial institutions were also hacked. it can in fact be used to drain money from our financial accounts. >> no passwords were taken. that actually makes a lot of sense to not touch those passwords.
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it is sort of, it is a longer way of doing things. it will be more affective for them. people need to make sure that their passwords on their checking accounts are changed. stuart: if somebody penetrates somebodies account. who is on the hook to replace that money? i think that there is something going on in the background. do you think something is going on in the background that will to follow up a huge problem in
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the future? >> when you look at it from the perspective of just single volume, eventually, it starts to add up. at some point, the banks will have to get fed up. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. i want to get back to that ebola story. it is very significant. you have to be very careful. you have to be careful that you do not do something that has nothing to do with protecting
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you. stuart: here is doctor bill miller. welcome to the program. do you believe that there should be a travel ban? into or certainly out of south africa? >> i do. it is always a numbers game. the people that are in this position are very good people. i do strongly believe that a travel restriction is in the best interest of the united states. i will call it the beagle
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pineapple standard. the institute strong resurgence for things that we feel in danger our country. i do not think we should have a lower standard. stuart: we do not have those travel restrictions in place. >> that is always a possibility. as i said, the people that are
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making these decisions are highly intelligent. what do we know? we know that the chance of getting ebola was low. we were faced with a tragedy. you need to look beyond our biases. stuart: on friday, i think it was, at newark airport, a plane arrived carrying a man from west africa.
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with or without a travel ban. therefore, impose a travel ban. >> i think it is a very difficult decision. we will always be leaky. there will always be circumstances. stuart: we have a commercial airline pilot that says we should not stop flights to or from west africa.
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of 5%. not bad. >> the stock is up about 5%. one will be personal computers. the other one will be more corporate. what is interesting about this concept, both of these splits were frowned upon earlier. according to some of the readings, the same thing with ebay. stuart: thank you very much indeed. new reports are out thing airstrikes on isis just are not working.
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terrorists are holding their ground. we have ralph peters on that next. >> if we knock down antennas, blow out windows, that is not the way to defeat terrorists that the head of americans. ♪ opportunities aren't always obvious.
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stuart: the american league championship series. i am going to give you some that ground. first, for the royals since 85. look at the big board. we are up, but not much. more importantly, we have a yield on the 10 year treasury. stick it into snap chat. yahoo! investment values snap
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chat. look at netflix, please. they have pitched netflix on running ads on netflix. i want to update you on the fight against isis. 180,000 refugees have crossed into turkey. u.s. led airstrikes have not had the desired effect. ralph peters joins us. you have taken a dim view of it in the past. things like we are losing.
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>> there is no war against isis. you appear as though the administration is doing something. that is where it ends. we have seen virtually in the suburbs of baghdad, they are taking more in the last few weeks. in syria, as you just noted.
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okay. it is critical on the turkish border. the president will not do that. you have the power to kill them. why doesn't the president do that? >> he is a very sincere pessimist. he does not want a body count. even of terrorist. also, it allows, it allows the islamic state to determine. america cannot stop us.
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america cannot stop us. they are playing a double game in what they are doing. he is leading islamic states slaughter the fighters. >> that is not going well. i want to change subjects for a second. here is your warning about chinese hackers last night. >> two kinds of big companies in the united states. those that have been hacked by the chinese and those that have not been known to be passed by the chinese. they are just prolific.
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stuart: this is another kind of war. we just put a ton of money into ali baba. it is kind of a cynical view of it. >> to be fair, this is not just obama being utterly unwilling to do anything that matters. this chinese hacking story goes back a long way. also, stuart, as you know, a powerful lobby. they are heavily dependent on
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it. you have american corporate heads rushing from washington. they can do whatever they want. we are afraid to do anything. stuart: stay there for a second. we will hold you past the commercial break. vice president joe biden. up next, another apology from mr. biden. he was telling the truth. we will find out what was going on in a moment. ♪ yo, bro, you on woo-woo? are you kidding me?
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stuart: here is a shock. look at that. the iphone is no longer going to use that iphone glass. you would expect that. some people are recommending that.
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joe biden does it again. vice president made a major club during a speech at harvard. listen to this. >> our biggest problem is our allies. i have a great relationship. the saudis, that amber rowdies, etc. what were they doing? stuart: he spoke the truth and then had to apologize for speaking the truth in public. have you ever said on this before? >> he absolutely was telling the truth. on friday, he talked about the turk's playing their double
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game. you have to play hardball. he wants isis out. not exactly. the other gulf states, and most of all, you have rich individuals. some are true believers. they helped unleash isis. there is no question about that. biden told the truth.
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the smartest people out there, it will be the spokesperson. they are invisible. it is such a mess. you could surely make the case. >> i certainly think we cannot sell this. we cannot stop introducing warfare. screw the bad dad government. look, either you get unlimited use into a carapace which is critical, and to support islamic extremists. we have the cards.
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he is a frightened, frightened, for i did little man. stuart: thank you very much. we appreciate it. thomas duncan. his conditioning on worsening. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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stuart: i am struggling to call this a rally. some of those black swan fears are retreating a little. the market likes that. however, look at this stock. down. today. please remember, this is a company that makes an experimental drug. other ebola related stocks. i want to stay on ebola.
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, eric duncan is in critical condition. all rise, please. judge andrew napolitano is here. dallas is considering charging this guy with aggravated assault. >> hitting somebody with a baseball bat. just one step below, side. in order to do that, they would have to knowingly and intentionally infect others with evil love. he would bring the charge without that evidence. >> it might be an old fence if it was a federal document. the assault, and assault is the
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salt is a physical imposition of something on somebody else. they would have to show that there is some big dumb with physical harm. they do not have that yet. >> they cannot do that by charging a crime for which there is no evidence. without a victim, there can be no assault. >> okay. the confinement of his family.
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>> the consumption. these people were confined without a hearing. that is profoundly unconstitutional. these folks are required. stuart: all medical quarantines. >> having contact with somebody. >> if this person was simply a relative, but there has been no contact, the government's confinement is unlawful.
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it is a huge legal problem. >> that would cause tremendous problems at the airport. >> the constitutional problems would be profound. the constitution does not permit the mass incarceration of people because abe eurocrats things that they have been exposed. it is more likely than not that these people on the streets will in fact others. short of that demonstration, it
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just cannot be done. >> they have done it. these people are confined. >> they will hire a lawyer after the fact. they should hire the lawyer now. >> it is a lawsuit to lift the injunction. countries should also be scared to death of being locked up in their own homes.
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prove it to a judge. >> even in england, that is what we have judges for. >> we are talking about 21 people in dallas texas. >> why can't the government followed the constitution? >> it is so cumbersome. so many people potentially involved here. stuart: let take it one step at a time. that is the document that we wrote. stuart: what was that?
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and and a legal quarantines of a lot of people? >> it is different. if mr. duncan were to walk the streets and it was known he has ebola, he could be marked up without a hearing. >> they would have to demonstrate that it is more likely to demonstrate those people are carrying that you pull virus. stuart: we will talk with an airline pilot in our next hour. he says we should not stop flights. why that enteral virus may be more dangerous. that will be starting up at 12:15 p.m. on this program. republicans do have a plan to take control of the senate.
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take control of the senate. ♪ hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment,
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csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. >> the dow jones industrial average is up. down close to 20 points.
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the nasdaq is down a half of 1%. the dow did hit multi- year highs. we are still holding on to some games. buffalo wild wings, abercrombie and fitch. concerned about chicken wing. abercrombie down 3%. radioshack, the shares are sliding on a free financing plan. you can see it is down almost 10% today. ♪
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stuart: i want to get back to this shock of a story. these are the people that make a sapphire glass. jo ling kent is here. that is a shock. >> there were reports before. the reason this company is going bankrupt is because they have built a factory in arizona.
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stuart: gt cannot produce the glass for the iphone six on time even though they built a factory in arizona to build the glass. >> you have to remember. the apple watch, two out of those three models to use the higher class. stuart: they are bankrupt for now. this is an opportunity for another country to come in here. >> what a story. really fascinating for the american economy. they are trying to get out of
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manufacturing and go for attack. stuart: we are less than a month from the midterms. come on in. rory scott. we always like to bring the bookies in. i will start with the odds on a gop senate takeover. what are they? >> things are looking pretty ugly. absolutely no chance of winning the house of representatives. for the senate, a little bit more interesting there. stuart: i have to make this very clear for everybody. your guys are saying that the chances of the republicans taking the senate are very strong.
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>> that is right. the democrats are two-one. that is based on a couple of things. the democrats position has been massively did thierry aerated. u.s. businesses are pouring money into the republican campaign. stuart: i really want to get through this. are you looking at hillary clinton as the likely democrat
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nominee? >> that is correct. that is another done deal and our eyes. no one is on the track. stuart: i want to move on to the republican field. rand paul and chris christie are tied. >> yes. this is an interesting one here. rand paul is about eight-one a few months ago. chris christie, you would have thought he would have been a little bit more effective after the bridge gate scandal. rand paul, a strange character. interesting character, perhaps. a fan of the tea party movement. he seems to be distancing himself from those guys.
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he has been distancing himself from his father's policies as well. good stuff. thank you very much indeed. they are forced to pay workers. ♪ ♪
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mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ [ beeping ] so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right
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stuart: this is quite a turnaround, at one point the dow industrials were up over 80 points, now we are down 44. his swing of 130 points, putting the dow below the 17,000 mark. another market that prices are moving, the price of crude oil, a $9.43 this monday morning. the significance of that is it has been quite a downhill move for oil prices in the past few weeks and also been a downside move for the price of gasoline. the national average for a gallon of gas is now $3.28.
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down a full $0.04 just over the weekend. we have a speeding up of the downside move. aaa says look around and you'll get $2 per gallon handle. the second hour of "varney & company." the town hall meeting in a factory the midwest, workers ask why his health insurance rates have gone up with obamacare. his response new at noon, what the president had to say in answer to that question. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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sometimes they just drop in. always obvious. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week.
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stuart: you would think at a town hall style meeting, president obama would give a straight answer to a question about obamacare. we prepared for obamacare for three years, in place for one year, but he walked away from the question for the price you and i have to pay be at why have
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my health care premiums gone up? answer from the president, you have to ask your ceo about that. your ceo chris martin who calls the top boss strictly on something like this directly? and why are rising premiums the president's fault and why did the president deflect? why did he run away from his own signature legislation? the president didn't answer the question because he doesn't want to reveal an uncomfortable truth. the formal cataract is a failure, did not cut the underlining cost. president obama is indeed running away from his signature legislation. >> we are seeing on most decrease health care costs every year, so the thing that is going to go down and what can we do to control that trend. >> i think that is really interesting.
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you're going to have to talk to henry be at stuart: that would be the ceo of the company where the president was talking, henry. that was president obama's response to the question of the health law. you have a question about obamacare, take it up with your boss read why is the president saying something like that, walking away, walked away from his signature legislation? >> he can't afford the truth because employer-provided health plans have gone way up in cost. the average family plan provided by an employer cost $18,000 in 2010 before the affordable care act, now costs $23,000 they predict premiums will go up another 8% this year. there are many underlining reasons why premiums are higher.
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a plant required to provide many things they didn't have to provide in the past whether you want them or not, but in addition health care spending is up, here is the real glitch, the president stalled his plan with the scaremongering claim health care spending he says is a spiraling, skyrocketing out of control and when he said that in 2009, 2010, in fact health care spinning was increasing at the slowest rate in 50 years, it was an astounding live. increasing 3.9% in 2009, 3.5% in 2010, now the president's own actuaries say it is going to increase more than 6% per year from now into the foreseeable future. a 50% increase in the pace. stuart: there is nothing that can be done for over two years even if the republican sweep the
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senate you cannot repeal obamacare in full or even in part, can you? >> no. we can slow it down somewhat with the power of the purse exercised by congress but other than that we have to elect a new president in 2016 and replace this with the health plan that enough politicians don't have to lie about it. stuart: he is not going to answer directly the question on the health care law, but he has no problem blasting fox news all over again. roll tape. >> fewer around about obamacare. because while it may seem like a threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news, turns out it is working pretty well in the real world. stuart: okay. it is working pretty well in the real world and fox news is the
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fly in the ointment. >> he is playing fox either because the polls show americans know the truth, and majority of americans don't like this health law, they are paying more, less access to their doctors, in many cases less access to the medications they need especially if they are seriously ill and many are concerned of losing their on their job coverage entirely. stuart: i am sorry our time was so short. thank you very much, appreciate it checked the share price of walmart. they're getting into the health care business. more on what exactly are they doing? speak of this starts on friday, 2700 of the walmarts in the u.s. are going to have a live person, a representative from direct manning accounted i
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can field questions about shoppers at walmart, signing up for medicare and/or the health exchanges for they have about 1000 plus plans and carriers they will help you maneuver between to see if a certain plan works for you. stuart: it seems to me walmart is acting as a navigator. >> as it is confusing, the biggest complaint people get, they have offered insurance are several years now, almost a decade. the issue is it is usually through just one health care provider. now they will help you navigate through it. the big deal for walmart, to help you by your health insurance plan and some q-tips or beer or whatever you need, granola bar. you can get car insurance, your checking account and not health insurance as well. stuart: to they get a piece of i sign up for a plan from their
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person? >> another drug health repetitive gets a commission. i'm not sure of walmart also gets it. by the way, you can do this on the phone or online but they will the counter staffed which i think a lot of people prefer because this stuff is confusing. stuart: look at the big board, we are up 80, now we are down 21 just shy of 17,000. the s&p 500 down .2%, not much movement in stocks. the price of gold at $1200 per ounce. the price of oil is now at $ per barrel in the price of gas dropping $3.28 the national average for regular bid to aaa cystic is a couple of dozen states in winter with a two dollars handle.
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$2.42, that is the yield is down, that means the price is up. hewlett-packard will split into two publicly traded companies, investors like that, 5% higher. the stock is way down, they used to provide sapphire glass for the iphone. not the iphone 6. they are bankrupt all the sudden. they are not flying particularly high today. they are down, regarded tommy why? nicole: this is a high flyer moving about 15% lower. you have downgrade, that is because of a competitor that has come out with an ebola drug. reducing this one and why are they doing that?
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the stock has run up 230%. 230% since july, anybody would love that, right? the competitor received approval today for an and ebola drug as well. the stock has run up. take a little breather, they put a $30 price target still upside from where we are now. stuart: exactly. charlie gasparino, "the new york times" says nine other banks in addition to jpmorgan have been hacks. we don't know who they are. i have to ask you, are these other banks and financial institutions if they have been hacked, are they not obligated to tell me they have been hacked? >> yes, we're getting into the realm of what is the definition of is. what is definition of hacked.
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jpmorgan would say it is attack last month they announced and earlier i guess last week they said 78 million people were affected. that is what they would deem as a true hack. they got in, stuff was stolen, names and addresses, things like that. the other things might have been some piercing on the wall, they didn't reach that level, so the definition as they had not been hacks. a month ago when we first reported it we talked about other banks like citigroup being involved. they were splitting hairs a little bit. all of these banks get attacked. some get through, some don't. jpmorgan thing got through a serious level where they had to report it. stuart: impressive suite credit card business. half the people in that room had their credit cards of some sort
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or another compromise. you ask most people, it has happened to them. i say this is a direct result of the hacking of the minor-league personal information. not getting into my bank account, investment account, just hitting me in the credit card section. >> i don't know if the authorities know enough about this. it was a fascinating interview this weekend on six minutes talking about how much goes on, cyber attacks go on from china and other places. they really don't, they know we are being attacked from all ends of the world that they don't know how much information is getting out. i will say this, when banks have a material breach, material now, they have to report it.
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citigroup said it wasn't material. jpmorgan believed they were material. stuart: i think this is a potential black swan event. because i don't know what they're going to do with all this stuff. i have a suspicion something big is coming. >> if they really get into the jpmorgan accounts, that stock is going down tremendously. stuart: if they lose bank account money, they are on the hook. stuart: los angeles has approved a minimum wage increase for workers in th a large hotels ine city. this is what people will get in large hotels, $15.37 per hour. almost the highest in the nation, however unions get a waiver. that means in a union represents workers at large hotel, they don't have to receive $15.37 per hour. here is catherine from the
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american hotel and lodging association. thank you for coming by. my first question obviously is why have the unions got this waiver? >> that is a very good question, one that we ask every day. here's what is clearly behind this. the unions struggling to increase their numbers now feel they have to change the game rules and they have to change the rules because they need to grow their membership. what you see in los angeles is yet another ploy by big labor to tilt the scales to their advantage so they can try to unionize more hotels. stuart: the union workers don't have to receive 1537, they got a waiver from that. how is that in the interest of the union? >> that is an excellent question. i think the real story here is we see big labor taking the
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union dues given to them by their hard-working union members using those dues to drive up wages for the nonunion hotel across the street. the real question is why. clearly it is another attempt by labor to try to give them a leg up in a union organizing process and that is the real story in this debate. stuart: i still don't get it, if i work for hotel a, fully unionized, i don't get $15.37 per hour. if i work for hotel be not unionized, i will get $15.37 per hour. why is that an incentive for hotel be to get out and get incentivize? >> labor clearly believes it will give them more leverage to unionize more hotels, at the end of the day, right, it is the workers who are hurt, hotel jobs that are hurt. the real story is even the mayor's economists and the
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economy if the city council say this is going to hurt jobs for l.a. hotels, it will hurt those trying to get on the bottom of the ladder and work their way out. stuart: it will win a lot of votes, that is what counts. thank you very much for joining us, we find this a fascinating story. coming up after the break, one y one pilot says don't ban flights from africa. he will explain his point next. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics.
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liz: some good news, national average for regular $3.28. down $0.04 per gallon over the weekend. larry joins us from chicago. you're going to pile in with the good news, is it going to keep on going down? >> aaa announcing a $2 handle on gas and may see that this month or in november, but i would be a buyer. i do think the gas and oil will keep dropping that if it drops a little bit more you will see bit of a recovery.
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stuart: as a commodity trader. it ever came down that much. okay. i pay $2.98 yesterday an in the great state of new jersey. i think you live in illinois, don't you? >> downtown chicago a few pennies higher than $3.80, but it is coming down. not love those paying over $4. stuart: but your bentley takes superpremium. $4 in chicago, right? >> i'm kind to get my hands on an electric and say, but they are not available yet. stuart: it will continue to drop into the winter, that is what you're going to tell us? >> the production is at a 28 year high. stuart: production of gasoline a 28 year high? okay, we love that. thank you very much indeed.
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one possible way to stop the spread of ebola in america is to stop the flights from other countries. early in the program, dr. bill miller said this. >> i strongly believe a travel ban is the best interest of the united states and should be instituted. stuart: commercial airline pilot patrick smith. sir, you do not want to see any travel restrictions, in other words we should not say yo uribn west africa recently, you cannot come to america. you have an airline that flies flights from was africa to america, stop those flights. you don't want that to happen, make your case. >> that is a gross overreaction. i don't want to downplay this too much, it is very serious, but americans don't need to be any more squeamish about global travel than we already are.
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west africa is a huge part of a huge continent, would i not go to west africa? as a matter of fact i'm going to west africa tomorrow. stuart: newark airport over the weekend a flight arrived from europe, it carried a man who had been in west africa, it was africa man himself, he was vomiting on the plane. the passengers were very nervous, they were held in some sort of confinement for four hours at the airport, they miss their connections and found the guide not have ebola. but look, think of the destruction for just one case, just one guy who vomits on a plane. >> who did not have ebola. stuart: they are all in isolation for four hours. with have never times of a comes over him get sick on the plane? >> i see your point, but as it
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is right now there is very limited air service into the areas where ebola is good most of curtailed flights in and out of liberia, sierra leone, guinea, there really is no air service scheduled major airline traffic into those countries as it stands. for the very small number of people potentially exposed, to get on an airplane to gets the united states and transmit the disease, we're just not at a point yet where that is really anything to get too worked up on. maybe at some point this will become more serious but not now. a disease that is not easily transmittable. you cannot walk past so many and it. stuart: i am with you, but every time somebody comes over here from west africa who has ebola-like symptoms, all caps of people have to going to quarantine.
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the strain on the medical system from one or two cases is enormous. we could stop that problem. >> maybe that in and of itself is an overreaction. stuart: so what do we do? >> i have been through a lot of airports overseas lately doing temperature checks on people, checking people for fever. questionnaires people are filling out, airlines themselves are obliged were obligated to report ahead of time to authorities in the passengers coming into the united states who appear six. there are measures in place, ultimately only so much we can do and the onus is on the people who are in these countries in these very specific areas, eight workers, doctors, people in direct physical contact with ebola becomes good not getting
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on airplanes when they might have been infected. stuart: if we put pets in quarantine and don't allow pineapple to come from hawaii to new jersey i think we should do something about the people who get on planes may have been exposed, that is my position. patrick smith, thank you for joining us, you made your case, all good. california puts a ban on plastic bags coming up after the break the man who wants to overturn that fan will make his case in a moment. the dow down 27. not much. yo, bro, you on woo-woo? are you kidding me? everybody's on woo-woo! [elevator bell rings]
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stuart: california's governor jerry brown signed the statewide ban on single use plastic bags, so let's bring in the opposition to that, shall we? with the american progressive bag alliance. interesting name for an organization. your post the ban, you want to keep plastic bags, make your case, you have 30 seconds. >> we are very disappointed in california, banning a product that is highly reused and
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recycled about 85% of bags reused or recycled. very minimal part of the issue. i am a mental protection agency. this was never about the environment, this was special great interest and bad government really poor public policymaking. stuart: environment list don't like plastic bags because they are nasty form of litter. you do see them blowing in the wind all over the place. if you fly from san diego to palm springs over the mountains and the wind farms, they are clogged with plastic bags. i can see the case, antilitter case, can you accept that? >> no amount of litter is ever acceptable cubs, bottles, cigarette butts or plastic bags, every single scientifically base is a fraction of 1%. stuart: i read my notes, are you
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saying the ban on plastic bags with cost 30,000 jobs, really? >> 30 pounds american jobs in manufacturing and recycling of plastic bags and manufacture multiple of the 60,000 jobs supporting american plastic bag manufacturing and recycling business. stuart: 30,000 jobs stretching out to 60,000. are they going to give you $2 million to switch from plastic bags as they exist today to reusable plastic bags? $2 million, aren't they? >> that $2 million is a loan and would not pay for one half of one extrusion or one half of one job at the expense of 2000 california jobs. what is more important is the fact california grocers association lobbied so hard for this, millions of dollars because it will be a transfer of wealth $400 million annually from california grocers to the
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pockets of the california grocers and union bosses, that is really what this is, this is politics, nothing to do with the environment. stuart: so i have to buy reusable plastic bags or buy a paper bag $0.10 apiece from the supermarket, is that correct? >> that is correct. because it is a gift to legislation grocers is not subject to sales tax so they are not even going to have to put any sales tax on. there is not 1 penny of that hundreds of millions of dollars every year that goes any public purpose. no recycling education, nothing. stuart: if you get enough signatures you can get opposed the ban on the bags and you can get it on the ballot in 2016 see what is to lay the whole thing, can you get the signatures? >> absolutely be at the inundated with phone calls californians so appreciative we are bringing this to the
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referendum. we have a signature group s&s this gets titled with the attorney general, we are very confident. california is vehemently opposed to this when they learn this is the transfer of an enormous amount of wealth from the consumer to the california grocers. stuart: not to mention the convenience. california reminds me of europe. mark daniels, thank you very much for joining us, keep us up to date, a signatures you have got. everybody worried about ebola but something else that should be also may be a greater source of concern. dr. manny explains in just a moment. it's monday.
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and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. stuart: we have been down 30 points about a half-hour. down 34. here is the price of oil, down below $90 per barrel. that is helping us move down gas prices. tesla supposed to announce a new model, automatic driving features thursday up $6 higher. look at gt advanced bankrupt. this company made the sapphire glass for the iphone they do not make the glass for the new
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iphone 6. down 87%. too gross. the condition has worsened, he is now in critical condition. his family quarantined and the nbc cameraman infected with ebola arrived earlier today. i want to focus on this enterovirus. therefore-year-old in new jersey. cdc confirms 538 people in 43 states have this virus. fox's medical a team is here. this is described as a mystery virus, what is the mystery? >> enterovirus has been around for long time but has not been prevalent for several years now. this started in the middle of the country, it spread to other states and back in early september or so we warned bring what was going to get it and indeed it came here.
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at the tax children the most part and children specifically that have underlining pulmonary conditions. this little boy that died was a healthy little boy, but he was also part of a triplet's pregnancy, c can argue maybe his underlining conditions were not up to par. very sad because he became sick very quickly and within just a few days he passed away. it is very highly predictable. it is through touching, coughing. children in schools, that is why the high peaks of numbers and base we what schools have to be very careful about is if a child has it, they have to clean the school thoroughly because you don't want to re-contaminate other kids. stuart: schools all over the country are being steam cleaned?
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>> they have to. but comes up children and medical diseases the only way to identify the virus, alert the parents to talk to the pediatricians, if you have a child in a school where there was an enterovirus and your kid has bad asthma, you want to be on top of things. stuart: do you think our immune systems are less effect of these days because we all have this stuff? the germs in our system? >> i would agree with you, i think there is something to be said about children today if they have the strong immunity like we had in the old days because there is more handwashing, the kids don't play in the dirt that much anymore, those are clinical topics we bring throughout the year indeed our children need to have a more natural boosting of their immune system to fight off disease isil stuart: is there a vaccine for
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enterovirus? >> no vaccine right now. if he has underlining pulmonary condition, the doctors know what to do, try to support and make sure the child doesn't have any respiratory issue, they are oxygenating well and hopefully it will get over it. stuart: you think it will just die out? >> perhaps in november, but by december or january this epidemic we are seeing is going to subside, hopefully. stuart: should be more concerned about enterovirus then ebola? >> in the u.s., yes. stuart: are you in favor of a travel ban? >> that is the first thing i said back in the day, absolutely. stuart: i think public opinion is turning toward that. >> i don't think they are doing a good enough job at the entry level in west africa. screening the patients properly or at least keeping and
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accountability of where they are going and who they are. stuart: we're getting overloaded here. thank you very much, indeed. steve moore makes the case why the environmentalist movement should love fracking. after this. >> you want to replace oil from a dictatorship? >> what i would like to do is replace fossil fuels with renewable energy which would give us actual renewable energy independence. stuart: how long will we have to wait for this?
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nicole: i am nicole petallides with your fox business briefs. after up 90 points, the dollars to the downside down 50 points at this moment at 16,959. a loss of .5 points. take a look at some of the grocery chains. getting positive comments over the weekend, the stock is up half a percent had been up earlier even more so, talking with the potential growth for the company overall, that has
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here to tell us why, chief economist stephen moore. he wrote a very interesting column, telling them to get out, you have to frack. make your case. >> this is an amazing story that just hasn't gotten out there, stuart. do you know what country of all industrialized nations has reduce the carbon emissions the most over the last six years which mark most americans do not know that, never been told that by the media and you are exactly right, united states reduced our percentages more than just about any other country. here is the reason why. we haven't burned natural gas for electricity. a lot of it comes from fracking. natural gas is a wonder fuel. cheap, abundant, made in america and green, it emits very few carbons into the atmosphere. those who really wants to reduce
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carbon emissions and other pollutions should be cheerleading for fracking because it provides us with a very cheap, abundant and clean fuel. stuart: do you agree with me if republicans get control of the senate the first thing they should do is try to go toward an energy led boom for the u.s. economy? drill for oil and gas on federal land, build the pipeline, frack in new york, in california, produce our own energy and create a boom, is that one for the republicans? >> it should be. the irony is if you take out the energy revolution you just described over the last five or six years, the massive increase in oil and gas production in the united states because of fracking and horizontal drilling, if you take that out of the equation there is almost no recovery in the u.s. economy. that is how big this is an we are only at the very tip of this. it was started drilling on federal land, which is down over
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the last four or five years even as private development is going up, if we were to build pipelines, and the other thing he didn't mention, we have to reverse these carbon emission standards the epa is enforcing because those are struggling the one industry that is growing in the united states. stuart: and my right in saying the united states has enormous supply of natural gas locked underneath our turf, but we are the world's largest reserve of that kind of natural gas, is that accurate which mark >> i'm going to go a step further. at only more reserved, we are now the number one producer of natural gas surpassing russia, which is a good thing for world stability and world peace if we can pull back on what putin is doing in russia producing more natural gas here. let's export it to the europeans
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so they are not the knife blade of russia, which is using natural gas as a political weapon here. it is a win-win story. i am all for who want to use renewable energy if it can compete. the price of natural gas has fallen because they have gotten so much of it. stuart: do you think president obama will do this? >> in a speech he gave around the economy that you covered on this show, stuart, what did the president talk about? not our energy resources or oil and gas shale, he talked about green energy. i think he is captive to that industry, i don't think he gets what is going on here. it has become a conventional wisdom within five years the united states could be energy
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independent, but i will say if we get this right and do the things you're talking about with our resources not only can h thy be energy independent, we can be energy dominant, the dominant country in the world producing energy putting us in a hugely strategic spot. stuart: thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for covering this story. stuart: check the big board, down 64 points right now gripping of the lower the last few minutes. the fbi says every major u.s. company has likely been hacked by china. does keith fitzgerald think china is a safe place for you to put your money? ♪
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stuart: please take a look at alibaba. you need to share your personal information with that company if you want to buy something.
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but listen to 60 minutes last night. >> there are two different kinds of big companies, those who have been hacked by the chinese and those who don't know they have been hacked by the chinese. >> the chinese are that good? >> not that good, they are kicking in the front door, knocking over the base walking out with your television set, they are just prolific, their strategy seems to be we will be everywhere all the time and there is no way they can stop us. stuart: that is pretty clea clear-cut. let's bring in fitzgerald. why would someone willingly hand over personal information to china's alibaba, and over money to alibaba because that is would you do if you invest in the stock when that company is basically working hand in glove with the chinese government, which is hacking us. >> it is kind of loaded. people use facebook everyday,
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twitter every day, it is sensationalist news in a lot of different ways but you are talking but a copy that sells stuff. this world's biggest internet company, bigger than amazon and ebay combined. this is about the consumer. stuart: see what look at alibaba as a standalone company. that is your perspective, standalone company, forget about any connection to the chinese government. >> look at it this way, and the chief investment strategist, several hundred thousand readers who depend on me worldwide. i cannot be political or moral, those decisions have to falls the individual investors. lot of people don't like big tobacco. if you had not invested on generally first 2000, he would have foregone 1857.8% in total
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returns over the last 14 years, so if you are moral, that is great, but at some point you have to look at what potentially you are leaving on the table and that is what it comes down to for me. what kind of potential versus your individual moral issue. stuart: you have a moral position in your private life which you may or may not want to take but another position as a financial advisor which is to play dead straight, can you make money on this thing. so $88 per share it now, we did buy it at $88 per share? >> yes, i have recommended that very clearly did. 37 times earning right now, that they're $325 per stock per share. this company doors the potential amazon offers today. stuart: they have the potential to go to $300 per share? >> yes, i did say that. that is where it ought to be trading.
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stuart: he doesn't take much to decide where to put your money. okay. an honest man. thank you for joining us. your take on this program is next.
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>> there is no war against isis. no serious effort to degrade. there is an effort to get his party through the november elections. stuart: that was colonel ralph peters earlier in the program. here is a person asking him a question. it is all he has to say about it.
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if we stop flights from infested countries, we cannot get adequate need to those that truly need. how about they will not, here with the disease. here is deirdre bolton. deirdre: carlisle and blackstone considering big changes. it is a slam dunk for the nba. hewlett-packard splitting up a few key divisions. we will tell you what it signals for other big technology companies. part one, personal computer and printer business. part two, hardware and service operations. fox business jo ling kent has been doing additional reporting all morning long.


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