tv After the Bell FOX Business October 7, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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products into the retail stores. stock was up 5% today and hit a record high. liz: very, very nice. there is always a little bright spot here, a point of light as george herbert walker bush used to say. as the bells ring on wall street, let's look to see how stocks are finishing up. dow jones industrials very tough day, down 275 points. we'll know in a moment if that is is the low of the session but darn near close. that is a loss of nearly 1 and 2/3%. russell 2000, 1076. near full of-on correction territory. "after the bell" starts right now. david: we got a break down today's market action. charlie smith, is with us from fort pitt capital group. he says it is time to reposition your portfolio. would i say so. he will tell us what he is
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buying on the dip. david steinberg of dls capital. telling investors now is the time to be patient. he is here with his stock-picking strategy. larry shover, joining us from the pits of the cme. mr. optimism, larry shover. you need a lot of optimism today, larry. a lot of red flags in the market. let's start with one. which is, which are these falling commodity prices. look what happened to oil. coming in about $88 and change right now. how do you deal with all these red flags? >> yeah. i mean of course, commodity prices, high yield credit going down. a lot of red flags. commodity space in general, we have to remember, a lot of that is structural. not necessarily cyclical. we have u.s. dollars stretched that is being underappreciated by the market. we also have huge structural changes going on in china. that is a directly impacts industrial metals, refined metals and also oil. we can't underestimate the supply overhang that we have
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currently right now in the united states with the oil space. so lower commodity prices, sound like a bad thing but believe it or not, i would like gasoline to be a dollar cheap ear gallon. david: hold on a second, larry, not if because of lack of demand. if the demand is the reason why it is coming down because of what's happening in europe and china, then we've got problems. >> sure. sure, i do belief demand is part of it. the supply other hang is overaarping. pony express pipeline finished a month in advance. pouring huge amounts of oil into cushing, oklahoma. liz: david, equities swoons at the moment. holland and company was leaving, he said with all 64 industrial names in the s&p down that is quote, a start of a decent correction. >> my position is kind of been
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simple. the markets are have been, 17 or 18 pe. more than a full value. there is not a lot of resilient value as a by. in case there is throwdown in the economy globally. terrorist attack, what have you. basically you see the dollar rally. you're seeing softness in the commodities as was just mentioned which is a slow down. i think you have to be patient here. market has a cold, bad cold, maybe the flu. you have to get to the point where we have got pneumonia. i would watch to see when oil stops falling and copper and industrial commodities stop falling. keep eye on xme, which is the etf for all the cyclicals to see if we get some kind of a bottoming. you said patience to, because hard for stock market to rally if you're looking at a global slowdown going on being demonstrated by industrial commodities. david: david, looking at
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commodities for barometer how the market is to be doing. what kind of barometers are you using to judge what happens in the market? >> first of all we don't think a 17 multiple, given expensive that 2% inflation. 17, 18, multiple is perfectly reasonable given 2% inflation number. we don't think we have all that far to fall in terms of prices. david: are you buying today then? >> we, yeah, we're actually out there buying smaller cap names that have been down eight to 10% over the past six months. well, we like headwaters, manufacturer of architect call stone. it is a building company. we're going to be pitching away here at boeing i think because we get further scare on the ebola, we'll get another chance to buy boeing like we did with the bird flu scare a few years ago. liz: you're doing what mike, in the last hour, mike holland is doing, waiting for these kind of drops.
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companies you love go through slightly bad time that is not permanent. >> we've been waiting for three years. liz: that's a great point. three years, suddenly things are cheaper and people are running for the exits. doesn't make a lot of sense but, larry, traders don't run for the exits. traders are playing the middleman on the floor. they have to figure out to be the go between buyers and sellers. where did you see buying at least in the pits. >> we saw fires about 12 noon eastern time. held up the market a little bit. however, after that, no conviction. there was this directionless. and there is really nothing going on. even though a lost yelling and screaming. we broke you there 200-day moving average. at this point it is finding a home for tomorrow. nobody wants to go in with a position where the fed minutes coming out tomorrow, given random amount of diversion going on. liz: sort of rear view mirror. that is the thing, david. fed minutes are looking backward. i don't know what kind of light can be shed on that. imf global downgrade, did that
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do it for traders today, david? >> i think that this is just been building. summer chopped along. now you're starting to see as i said, commodities fall, imf lowering growth rates. this is all kind of culminating. a pullback in the market probably has been due for a while. it has been nearly a straight shot up for the past three years. as your other guests said, i'm not saying market a overvalued, i'm saying it is full. use all the mathematics with this inflation that inflation, that's accurate. interest rates are low. there are very few alternatives. however if earnings begin to fall, people want to get out of some of these profits we'll have to wait in my opinion where the water level settles out. and, then you're going to have, guys, like myself, as your other guests stepping in to begin to buy. this is kind after natural thing. i hope it doesn't preclude, run into something that is bigger. you know, maybe, down the road
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next three, four, five weeks. seasonally, this is tough time of the year sometimes. david: charlie, let me ask you one stock in particular, general motors down 6%. was over 6% various times. ended up closer to 5% down than 6%. is it down enough for you to be interested going in and buying gm? >> not nearly. you know, the new movie, ""total recall"" is upon us. david: that is a sick joke but go ahead. >> the management of that company is still looking to find its feet in my opinion. you know the fact that the auto market has been supported by subprime credit, so much in the past six months to a year, really gives me paws. i really stay away from gm. david: let me ask both of you, very quickly, answers. ebola, we'll be asking our audience about this. did that have any effect on the market or is that just noise, background noise? first to you, david in. >> you start seeing breakouts of
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five or 10 or 20 people given the press exposure and everything, i think people are going to get scared. david: charlie. >> that is the human nature. david: charlie? >> well, we saw the airlines and cruise lines affected but i think we'll see a replay of what we saw three years ago with the bird flu. i really don't think it will be a big deal. obviously in africa it is a real mess but in the developed world, we have the systems in place to be able to deal with it. liz: larry shover, we're talking about, everything that we have to deal with including data that come out. as we mentioned the fed minutes tomorrow. is there a certain piece of economic data that viewers right now, should focus on? i don't care if it is three weeks from now, whether durable goods or simply earnings coming out? >> yeah, i think it is all about earnings. even though we have some dollar strength, the hurdle rate is so low. i think that is keeping market from falling further. earnings season is coming up as we know today, it starts. and i do believe that is the one thing we need to focus on.
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that is the one thing that will change directions for the market and stop these fake rallies and downdrafts we're having to get on to business as usual. david: charlie smith, david steinberg, good stuff. we really appreciate it. larry shover, come back to you in a few minutes when the s&p futures close. >> thank you. liz: what do you think driving this selloff? could it be ebola fears for example, hitting market psychology, imf, who knows what? send us a message. we want to know your thought. it matters. facebook us or tweet us @fbnatb. david: speaking of ebola, 40 tons of supplies including 2.3 million gloves, 65,000 masks are being shipped to africa to deal with ebola but there are concerns about a shortage. we'll be talking to one of the top suppliers of equipment to africa, kimberly clark folks are coming here. do we have what it takes to meet the growing demand? liz: samsung slammed as its third quarter profit plunges and
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they have warned with, weak phone calls and stiff competition from chinese rivals. is this the beginning of the end for samsung's phone business? or just smartphone pioneer innovative way back health? don't count them out. david: market selloff could send many investors searching for yield. we have a the best strategy and surprisingly it is not, not about buying the highest yield. we'll tell you what it is in a moment. ♪ your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology.
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david: here is something you may not have thought of, cruise stocks are sliding into the red, about ebola concerns. liz: let's head back to nicole petallides. she is looking at names here. >> this is something maybe people hadn't thought of, right? we talked about a discussion with airlines out of west africa. now, the cruise stocks got hit. royal caribbean down 6%. carnival down five 1/2%. norwegian and carnival, all to the downside. but the news is that carnival canceled stops in west africa. this is all about concerns due to ebola. now some of these cruise lines don't really have a lot of business in that area but just as precaution, actually making that decision. that being said, some analysts think that the selloff was a little too dramatic but we did have a big selloff across the board. probably just with the momentum of it all. you did see the names getting hit pretty hard today.
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>> thanks, nicole. liz: s&p futures are closing in one minute. we want to go back to larry shover in the pitts of cme. what do we see for tomorrow? >> i think traders right now are trying not to contemplate noise, headline noise with true inflection points. with that we have to remember that this recovery is not jobless, it is not houseless, it is not creditless. we are growing. the fact is, also, u.s. dollar strength does not have to be a bearish thing for the market. actually could be quite bullish. also traders recognize, you can not ball up commodities together and assume, because copper is dropping, oil is dropping that things are bad. they could be dropping for all together difficult reasons. and lastly we have to remember, third quarter earnings will exceed expectations. traders right now are getting on board and gearing up for that. liz: good stuff, larry, thank you very much. larry shover. david? david: back to ebola. protective gear you see medical
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workers dealing with ebola patients, they are in short supply according to some aid agencies. the entire outfit, surgical gowns, gloves, boots, masks, they're called personal protective equipment in the industry or ppes. since much of the equipment has to be destroyed after exposure, they can only be used once for the most part, clinics in africa go through hundreds of ppes every day. do we have enough ppes to go around? kimberly clark makes pppes. long taylor of the health care and infection unit joins me now. thanks for coming on, lon. is there a shortage. >> david, thanks for having me on. there is not a shortage of ppe. i think what you're seeing when there's a complaints about shortages is really a lack of great distribution network outside of some of the developed countries. what i'll tell you, is that with
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a little planning and working very closely with the actual manufacturers instead of second and third and sometimes even fourth parties to acquire product, we can provide, the industry can provide as well as kimberly clark, can provide enough ppe to meet the needs of health care workers, both here and eventually in, other countries much. david: lon, hold on a second because i'm getting some mixed signals here. you say there is shortage of this stuff. ppes is shorthand for all the protective equipment. listen to what unicef said last week, from report on ebola supplies. due to the global surge and demand for ppe supplies, demand has outpaced current production levels and therefore a shortage does exist. now is unicef wrong? >> okay, so when, see ppes a general term. what we're referring to when we say ppe and what industry
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generally refers to are facial protection, face mask, gloves, gowns, footwear, headgear, type act accessories. we saw the folks that were cleaning apartment in dallas with headwear, those are in constrained demand. i can't underscore, not just the portion that will really be helpful to getting that under control, making sure you're working directly with suppliers because if something has to bounce to three different distributors, it is inefficient supply chain. david: lon, i'm getting kind of confused in all this talk. either there is a shortage or not. you're saying there is a shortage in some equipment. specifically what equipment do we have shortage in. >> we've seen shortages with those full victim's suits, extra high levels of fluid protection. david: okay. >> that are full coverage from
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head to toe. david: okay. >> where there is not a shortage -- david: hold on a second where there is a shortage because i don't care where there is not a shortage. i care about where there is a shortage. are you ramping up production in those areas where there is a shortage? >> absolutely. we've learned, at kimberly clark health care, soon to be halyard health care we learned well from pandemics like sars, avian flu, h1n1. we rammed up production to meet needs of those particular health care workers and patients. david: finally, this is perhaps the most important concern people have, this health care worker in spain who contracted ebola from a patient in spain, the first contraction outside of africa. >> yes. david: was this health care worker wearing one of these suits and how did he get it despite that? >> okay. you know we're not aware of the particular situation with that health care worker and where how they got it but what i will tell
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you, effective use of ppe, fluid resistant gowns, masks, gloves, full victim's suits when necessary will prevent you from getting ebola virus. david: is that a guaranty from kimberly clark? >> that is the best that we know about this disease at this particular moment. we've done a fair amount of collaboration with not only places like the cdc but we monitor the who very carefully as well. david: lon taylor, we know you're working overtime. we appreciate you coming in to talk to us. >> yes, we are. david: kimberly clark infection prevention unit. they deserve kudos from all of us. thank you, lon. >> thank you, david, for having me. liz: yum earnings, interestingly a miss. the stock is moving higher. let's get to cheryl for details. >> interesting to watch, liz as we're watching what happened with yum brands. the big question mark what is going to the earnings report, what happened in china, the meat supplier scare, that has been a problem. initially when the headlines came out on china, the company
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basically said look, expectation of 13% to the downside for china, came in 9%. so that is not a good thing but the company really strongly pointing out that india is still strong, especially for the kfc division. they're also saying that they do believe they will still open 700 new stores for kfc in china. third quarter revenue coming in slightly lower, below expectations, 3.35 was the actual. earnings per share, it missed by a penny. but again, oh, they, forecast for 2014, they lowered that a little bit. but at this point after this initial slump in shares of yum, liz, the stock beginning to go higher. so people are banking, it looks like on the future, for yum brands, so they can turn around that china story, liz. liz: we'll sink our teeth into that share. david: oh. liz: apple on a tear with the new iphones, right? surging stock price. while samsung is sort of cyclical, isn't it? one is higher, one is lower.
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then they switch positions. samsung facing tighter margins and plunging profits. will it soon be game over at least for samsung phones? will it be that smartest guy in the room in the past it has been and bounce back? zipcar tried to break the mold in the car rental business. now it is facing a threat to its own business. as the sharing economy expand really quickly. we're talking to the ceo of a startup that is trying to change the face of the whole rental car and -- david: as the market selloff continues you may think about jumping into high yield investments. a lot of talk about this. coming up next we'll tell you the exact right place to search for yield. might not be where you think it is. ♪ there was no question she was the one.
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david: with the market selloff continuing on wall street, a lot of investors may think about jumping into high yielding stocks for income. liz: meaning stocks with great dividends. traditional wisdom says always go for the highest yield, but our next guest says that is not always the best strategy. sometimes it is about growth of the dividend, not the size of the dividend. joining us, jeremy schwartz, director of research at wisdom tree inment management. what is difference with a dividend of 7% or smaller dividend with big growth? >> if you look where interest rates are today, the fed is at zero. long-term rates are historical lows so they search for yields. 4% yielders or 5% yielders. they're bidding up those in price. the yields you normally get are more come pested today. when i look valuations high yield stocks, utilities,
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telecom, usually high bond yield sectors, their valuations are higher than normal. if you look for growth part of the market, you look for companies with cash flow to sustain rising dividends in the future. they have lower dividend today but have potential to raise the dividend over time. david: like example, always easy to point to an example, a lot of tech stocks didn't used to give dividends. their dividend might be a lot lower, like apple for example. it looks like a low dividend giver but it is potential for grow something greater. have i got it right? >> absolutely. if you look in 2000, hardly any tech companies paid dividend. a few years ago, tech made 5% of all dividend paid. fastest growth in all dividends, technology has been seven, eight years. david: don't look what they're offering now, look at what the growth potential could be in the future? >> absolutely. liz: we're showing stock charts but we should also mention what the dividends are. with apple the dividend is 1.9%. microsoft, 2.7%. microsoft has had a very nice
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return on both stock and the dividend side. >> microsoft, that is higher than market. s&p is right around 1.9 to 2%. apple is yielding market. these companies have more potential to grow over time than the broad typical stock. so if you get current yield basically like the market with more growth potential, makes for a powerful long term combination. david: we keep hearing, about coming, rising rate environment. today, 10-year was down below 2.4%. we're at 2.3 level. when do we ever see this raising rate environment? i haven't seen it yet. look at this. down seven basis points today in the 10-year? >> market volatility, the yields do go down. the bond are the safe haven. eventually the fed will normalize policy. david: eventually. i've been hearing word eventually for the past four years now. liz: what would that do to yields when they tighten rates? >> usually think, higher yielding during the taper
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tantrum last may. david: taper tantrum. >> telecom utilities were worst-performing sectors. sectors that did well was consumer discretionary, industrials, tech. that is where we positioned. we talk about our strategy, dividend growth. we have etf, dgrw, really more in the industrials, consumer discretionary, technology companies. away from the telecom utilities. liz: utilities were the best performers today. >> that's right. in search for utilities -- yield, utilities and telecom do well but rates will rise eventually. david: utilities are a false god if you will? when you see 6 or 7% yield, you say great i'm going there but that would be a big mistake you're saying right now? >> yield you're getting, utilities in telecom today a lot lower than you usually get. 250 to 300 basis points above the market. stays much lower. liz: jeremy, why aren't you telling us to go into real estate investment trusts where yields are high as 7% or some of the big pharma names that have
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much better yields than apple at 1.9%? >> those are outlyers. broad real estate is 3 1/2 to 4%. not a real high number. liz: you would pick cisco with 3% dividend over 3 1/2% dividend at a reit? >> i think so. you have more potential rising dividend from cisco which is more protection in the rising rate environment. david: here is the question. would you pick apple with lower dividend at this point than cisco because apple just started and perhaps it has more room to grow. >> they're doing a lot of buybacks at apple. that is one of the things that can lead to higher per share dividend growth in the future. they're reducing shares outstanding. even dollar volume paying out will be higher per share growth in the future. apple. we own both of those in our dividend growth strategy. i think they're both reasonable ways to grow dividends. liz: we'll put the whole list up on david: jeremy schwartz, wisdom tree. what a wonderful group of products. you were there at the beginning of wisdom tree? >> i was working with professor
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siegel with wharton. we came down to validate research and working on product development for 10 years. david: imagine being on ground floor of wisdom tree. area mixer thank you very much. >> how about apple rival samsung facing a tidal wave of competition in the global phone market not just from apple but asia and their profits are plummeting. could samsung's mobile business got same way as former giants motorola and nokia? david: twitter launching a major legal challenge to the u.s. government surveillance orders. this is free speech battle that could have huge implications for the whole tech industry. details straight ahead. $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge
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and more on the way. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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david: hand-free, or voice command features in cars are supposed to stop people from texting or making calls while driving but a new study raising concerns about the safety and effectiveness of this technology. researchers examined the level of distraction drivers face when the use hands-free or voice command features behind the wheel. they ranked the stress levels created by using systems on scale of one to five, where five is the most distracting. which systems are the most risky for drivers? the mercedes command system came in at 3.1. general motors, my link system, rated the worst of the in dash systems at 3.7. the study also says apple's siri, found that siri generate
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ad frustration and distraction level of four. this was the highest level of mental distraction detected in all the devices tested so be careful, folks. liz: distraction sometimes comes from phones, doesn't it? speak of phones, samsung the word's largest phone-maker by shipment, is warning, again, that its third quarter operating profit tumbled about 60% from last year. 6, zero, percent. that would mark the fourth consecutive decline in operating profits of the what does the future of samsung look like, especially superimposed with apple rollout of iphone 6? can samsung make a come back in with the rivals? we have mark spoonour. and lawrence lundy. frost and sullivan consultant. i get to mark first. what happened? samsung got beaten at its own game with the big screen and galaxy phone? >> i think part of it all
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pent-up demand from bigger screen for apple. a lot of people are waiting for what samsung has been giving its crowd so long. a lot of it is changing ecosystems. people like itunes and everything that goes along with it, icloud. they have been waiting for the bigger screen. apple will ride the tidal wave of pent-up demand into next year. people buy smartphones when the contract comes up. it is not a holiday gift item. up to samsung to respond and they start to do that with the galaxy note 4. liz: larry, what do you think about this? is samsung out of the game because apple rolled out a copycat phone? >> no, i don't think so. and, i do think they have been squeezed. i think profitability issue here, as you said, they're very much still the top shipment-maker but issue here with apple, quite rightly, they're facing, top end but the at low end they are really struggling from local manufacturers in china and india from micro max and others who are eatings up samsung share at
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the bottom end, so they're being squeezed. this is unsurprising these profit warnings. liz: i'm almost hearing you say, larry, we're wrong to even just only have the two logos up, samsung an apple. we should have htcs, even lenovos, if they decide to roll something out, right? >> well i think that's right. i think what we're seeing more broadly is the expansion of the chinese manufacturers, with the scale and the size that they have, lenovo, huawei are two good examples. but this is really just what happens. 1578 sung never had a sustainable -- samsung never had a sustainable market position. they never owned premium end because they never owned software. apple have hardware and software services combination to provide better value. samsung relied on google operating system and they lack differentiation. we've seen it played out in the pc market before.
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liz: mark, is this overstatement this is the end of samsung's phone business, which is 60% of all of samsung's business? a huge korean company with gigantic market cap. or as we, mark twain would say, the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated? >> i would say more the latter. i actually disagree with the statement on differentiation because samsung does that with its display quality. this is the note 4. a quad hd display. liz: a little higher. >> they're working on bendable displays for note edge and gr device that ties in with this that turns it into a virtual reality helmet. differentiation is not issue for them but i agree they have challenges on the high-end of the market. one of the big questions is around focus. they have so many different variations on a theme when it comes to their devices, just in the wearables market alone. they had four or five different smart watches and fitness bands already. i think not so much about throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. it is about figuring out what
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you do best. being able to execute on that. liz: larry, lawrence, rather, the stock is down about 18% over the past year. contrast that with apple which has done very well over the year. how much of that, has to reverse? what do you think is happening inside of the walls at samsung right now, beside people being, you know, beaten with a whip or something? i don't know, they're pretty serious there. >> well, yeah, i think we shouldn't overestimate here because, while they are struggling and my personal view they lack the differentiation, and they still have extremely large-scale, very, very few companies can actually match. this is in tercompanies can act. this is in terms distribution globally. they're not going to be superseded anytime soon, and what mark quite rightly said is, that the ability to be able to branch out into vr or whether it is the wristwatch, to be able to iterate very quickly they can
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come to product with new products and and find products quite fitly. the smart phone may beze squeezed and other less profit from there and they will find other devices an able to make that up. liz: mark, i let you finish this here. yes or no, does samsung get forced into a position to pull ebay, spin off a phone business and chunk of their business? >> you could make the argument that samsung would be more nimble as a stand-alone company with the mobile business. liz: okay. >> i think short to midterm they will stay together because there is a advantages of the fact that they're developing all these components that go inside of the devices. >> they still make great t very muchs too, let's not forget that. mark, lawrence. lawrence thanks for staying up late in london to talk about samsung. david, you have one. david: i do have a samsung. we better not go there. i'm not all that happy about it. growing trends. we've been talking about them all day. here is one. renting out your car when not being used. what is involved in what happens if the guy that rents your car smashes it up?
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who pays insurance? we'll talk to the ceo of a startup renting out tens of thousands of private cars and wants to expand that into millions. also twitter, breaking ranks with other tech companies in the fight oversee credit u.s. government surveillance. it is launching a legal battle over first amendment rights that could go all the way to the supremes. details on that coming up straight ahead. 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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sits idle 22 hours every day. that is nearly 92% of the time but one company wants to change that with an app that lets owners rent out their cars to local residents who need a ride. liz: when they're not using it during the 22 hours a day. the company called, get around. we've been following them for two years now. in fact, we profiled get around back in 2012 during our three days of the valley coverage. we thought, let's check back in. we have getaround's ceo. well, what happened in the past two years? you guys were tiny back then. how have you grown? >> well, we've grown quite a bit, probably most notably we launched what we call instant rentals which actually allows to you quickly download our app and be on your way in five minutes, putting driver's license, credit card, instantly rhett a car nearby, walk up to it, unlock the doors, drive away. david: sam, the biggest question renting out your own car, renting out your own house.
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you just don't treat a rental the way you treat something that you own. that is human behavior. what happens if a renter damages your car? who is responsible? who is responsible for the insurance, et cetera? >> right. i mean that's a great question and i think it is a paramount issue in all sharing economy type businesses. with getaround since day one we included complete and primary auto insurance with every trip. unlike traditional car insurance, if you rent a car with getaround, you have million dollars insurance coverage which is significantly more than any other car. we provide replacement cars as well as 24/7 roadside assistance to all renters. liz: let's get to the details how it works. search on the app for a car near you, then what do you do? some guy has a car in a garage a toyota camry. how do you get the key?
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how do you get in there? >> right. so, we try to make it really easy and streamline everything through technology. so once you download our app, you can put in credit card and driver license and create an account. from there you can search for a car, book it, actually locate i had on the phone, unlock the doors, drive away. you just have to use the phone to do everything. you don't actually need to meet the car owner. you can communicate with the car owner through the app but you don't have to meet them of everything is really streamlined, very much a mobile-first type experience. >> by the way, we're not talking about beat up old toyotas that people have sitting around. you have some tesla owners that rent out their cars? liz: what? >> that's right. today we're operating in five cities. we have tens of thousands of cars listed on the platform and you can rent anything from regular old toyota pious to an electric car like tesla model s. david: i would not be renting it out to anybody. probably wouldn't let my wife or
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my child drive that car but, it is amazing that people would rent it out? >> well you could make quite a bit of money. we've seen people renting out tesla model ss, earning 20, 30, $40,000 a year. liz: there you go, the learn -- sharing economy. sam, thanks for joining us. >> great to be here. liz: the company is called getaround. twitter, with remember when that was a big idea, right? twitter announcing today it will take on the u.s. government, taking the government to court to reveal the full scope of surveillance of its users. we're going to tell you what twitter is looking to achieve next. david: one very special boy's hoop dreams came through last night when he was given a one-day contract basketball team. get all the details on this kid's big night when we go "off the desk." >> hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. coming up on my show at the top of the hour. we'll have more on a big selloff in the market today and the dirtiest place in your office
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revealed. those are just some of the big stories coming up on "the willis report" in just a few minutes. ♪ hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for
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government violate its first amendment rights. david: our own ashley webster joining us now. ashley, what is twitter looking to disclose? >> well, that is the question, david. boils down to how much information tech companies can divulge about the scope of u.s. government surveillance requests, that they actually received. earlier this year, facebook, microsoft, apple, yahoo! had a settlement with the obama administration over how much can be made public. twitter wants to take this further as you say filing a lawsuit claiming the justice department's restriction violation of first amendment rights. ben lee, twitter vice president releasing a statement saying in part, in a post-edward snowden world which technology companies are striving to reassure customers about their commitment to privacy, twitter is pressing for the ability to be more candid in its twice a year transparency reports than the government has been willing to permit. now, as it stand, tech firms can
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report the numbers of requests that they receive from the government in just broad ranges, such as, from zero to 999. not great. twitter wants to disclose the exact number of national security orders received, and in a particular category, even if it is zero. in short it wants to fully report the data in a way that shows the limited scope of u.s. government surveillance of actual twitter accounts. that is the reason. twitter says it has sent the government a draft copy of its latest transparency report, but it was rejected by justice department lawyers for containing what they say is classified information. but after months of negotiations that have gone nowhere, twitters says it has no other option but to file suit. justice department officials not immediately commenting on that lawsuit. guys, back to you. liz: ashley webster, thank you. david: ikea, you remember ikea? used to buy it when you were starting out. by the tile you figure out how to assemble all the pieces this happen to me, now time to move again of the furniture store has
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an answer for all those complaints. details when we go "off the desk." liz: too late for me. the utah jazz signing a new free agent for last night's game. david: holy cow. that is triple. liz: how the nba team gave one young fan a night to remember. ♪ yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪ [ beeping ] ♪
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david: time to go "off the desk." we have a great one. the jazz sign ad five-year-old free agent guard to one-day contract to play in special scrimmage game. jp gibson, diagnosed with lukemia, signed the contract and joined the team on the court an, passed ball, dribbled into the lane where as you saw utah jazz
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center rudy gilbert helped him makefakemake the first sam dunk on the court. >> wonderful for the jazz. also off the deck, anybody that bought furniture in ikea, knows the price is great, look is great and putting the furniture together can be a headache. david: unbelievable. >> they are trying to make it less stressful with brand new furniture line. pieces can be assembled in five minutes. ikea rolled out new item, wooden shelf and no screws needed. snap the wooden pieces in place, using your hands. less than five minutes or less, but does it stay together? david: i believe it when i see it. we ask you on facebook and twitter, what is driving the selloff. better on facebook, told us, get this, hong kong. liz: wayne on facebook told us it is not a good idea to let fear be your destiny. hold on. >> kelly, told us insider
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trading was the cause of the market selloff. okay. liz: todd on twitter told us, bubba effect. many troubles in this economy, biggest being did not experience trickle down effects. bears are strong hands now. david: we're watching several things. number two thing to watch tomorrow will be earnings from alcoa. remember they used to sort of start the whole ball rolling? set to report after the bell. the company expected to report earnings per share of 23 cents, revenue of 5.85 billion. the stock is up 50% year-to-date. liz: number one thing to watch tomorrow, federal reserve fomc minutes from the most recent meeting in september. the minutes are set to be released wednesday, 2:00 p.m. eastern. investors will examine every single word, vowel, syllable, looking for clues when the fed might raise interest rates. for now is mid 2015. david: of course on a day when the market is down 270 points as it was today, on the dow, we're going to be watching right from the beginning exactly what is
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happening to this market. you have to stick to it, right here. maria, will take the ball and run with it at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. half hour before the opening bell. liz: meantime, it is gerri and "the willis report." david: see you tomorrow. >> hello, everybody i'm gerri willis. another hit to your 401(k) with a selloff on wall street. the dow plunging more than 270 points. i'll tell you why you lost money today. also coming up on the show, a family's heartbreaking story forces a town to take action with the first death from the enterovirus means for schools across the country. also a new study shows just how dangerous, dangerous, hands-free systems are in your car. we'll have more on this growing problem. hold the phone. actually, don't hold the phone. we're testing for germs around the office. you won't belief where they are. "the willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now.
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