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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 7, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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remember catch us at 6:00 p.m. dvr if you can't make the show. big, big stuff coming tomorrow. in the meantime, lou dobbs is going to carry you through the next hour. keep it right here. lou: good evening everybody. this was a very bad day for president obama and perhaps as bad for the nation. we begin tonight in arkansas where president bill clinton reveals some truths about the sluggish state of this economy while campaigning for democrats. the 42nd president making remarks that directly contradict president obama's assertion, that our middle class is indisputably as he put it better off than he took office. here he is fighting the facts about the obama economy. >> i don't expect anybody to vote on it. anybody to be happy on
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it. the average families making less adjusted for inflation than the day i left office. lou: also tonight former defense secretary leon panetta now claims he was at odds with the white house and the state department about the cause of the benghazi attacks just over two years ago. attacks that he says he were terrorist attacks and claimed the lives of four americans including ambassador chris stevens. here is panetta describing his argument with then cia director. along with the administration and secretary hillary clinton pushing the false narrative of a protest of a anti-islamic cartoon that spiraled out of control. >> i just from the very beginning sensed that this was an attack. this was a terrorist attack on our compound. and i remember saying to him. look, just based on the weapons i see, based on the nature of the
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attack, i think this was a terrorist attack. and he said, look, the information we're getting from intelligence and our intelligent sources is that it really was a demonstration. and i said, you know, david. i don't see it that way. i think we're dealing with what in effect were a group of terrorists who took advantage of the situation in order to go after our people. lou: and the market today apparently aweakening to the realities of an obama economy. a world increasingly in crisis as well with ebola, the islamic state, russia and now global market volatility. on wall street today the dow jones industrial average fell nearly 300 points a paper loss of nearly $350 billion for investors. turning now to the islamic state the president of turkey tonight is warning that the syrian town of kobani just miles across the bored in syria is
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about to fall to islamic state control unless troops are deployed to implement president obama's campaign. turkey has masked -- but has yet to aid the some 200,000 kurds fighting for their lives in kobani. fox news greg pal can a is on the border in turkey and has our report. >> the deadly fight is on for the syrian town of kobani including stepped up us involvement. it might be too late. for the first time we had a chance to see with our own eyes and the less than of cameraman, the black flags of isis flying over a hill and and a building on the eastern side of the town. they were a sign that isis has arrived. we've also heard a lot of smalls arms fire that is a sign of deadly street to street fighting between isis and the brave kurdish
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defenders of the town on this side of the border turkish tanks remain poised. for the first time in the six days we've been here, we have witnessed daytime activity. we have heard us coalition jets overhead and we have witnessed airstrikes. now confirming five different airstrikes around the kobani region. the hitch is the fight is largely inside the city and it's very difficult to hit isis inside the city without civilian cachets. the fight is on this side of the border. angry kurds upset with the forces not doing enough. security responding with tear gas and water canons. they won't be happy with the words of their turkish president that kobani would fall. the kurdish flag is still flying in the center of that city. near the border, greg, fox news.
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lou: vice president joe biden not helping the administration. today completing his middle east apology tour. the vice president talked with saudi arabiaian officials after he called turkey's people saturday at issue these remarks from last week. >> our allies in the region were our largest problem in syria. the turks friends friends. and i have a great relationship. the saudis, its, what were they doing? they were so determined to take down assad and essentially have a proxy sunni shia war. what did they do? they poured hundreds of millions and dollars and ten thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against assad. >> the white house says the vice president
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clarified his remarks, but the administration doesn't outright deny that the substance of what biden said was true. it's been well-reported that saudi arabia, the united emirates all at one time supported rebel groups in the hopes of destablessing the assad regime which was the purpose of the obama administration as well. those funds may have been intended however for moderate fighters. but the vice president never said our allies intentionally facilitated the growth of the islamic state. the man in charge of the outbreak of ebola updating the country today. general david rodriguez said his troops will not directly interact with infected patients, but their jobs will be no less dangerous. fox news jennifer griffin has our report.
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>> lou, we received a briefing from the general in charge who is overseeing thousands of us troops to help combat the ebola virus. 350 troops have already arrived. the pentagon has set up three mobile labs of highly trained us military disease specialists. there is a standing request for four more labs. we asked him if any us troops would have contact with patients infected with ebola. >> no for the majority of the force. mobile labs are testing places and some of those will have ebola virus. those are trained with the highest level of something with nuclear biological chemical so they're all trained at a very ohio level. >> the pentagon had to issue a correction, those us specialists
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will only have contact with blood samples, not patients. separately they said us troops will be working closely with liberian troops as they construct emergency treatment. general rodriguez safety protocols to protect those troops would be followed. >> the health and safety of this team is our priority. let me assure you by providing predeplace of employment training, and carrying out carefully planned measures based on risk and exposure, i am confident that we can ensure our service members safety and the safety of their families and the american people. >> he emphasized that the few dozen us military personnel who will be in contact with ebola tissue samples are used to working in biochemical and nuclear environments. the cost of the operation, lou, $750 million for the first six months. they estimated the military effort would
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last at least a year. lou: thank you. jennifer griffin. on wall street today, the dow plunged. the nasdaq fell 70 points. volume on the big board. 3.6 billion shares. walmart announcing its cutting health care benefits for 30,000 of its part-time employees citing rising health care costs. general motors announcing its 75th recall of the year. seventy-fifth. gm has recalled more than 30 million vehicles for context gm has sold just over 2 million vehicles this year. reminder to listen to my financial report three times a day cost to cost on the salem radio network. we are coming right back. please stay with us. >> mr. obama is now the toxic president. still teflon but toxic. democrats running fall from his policies. the former speaker of the house on the midterm
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elections and the likely result next.
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lou: there are nationwide four senate debates at this hour in key raceons across the country. you're looking at three of them now in north carolina, georgia, and west virginia, and now here to assess how this midterm campaign is going, which is, by the way, the election just 27 days away the former speaker of the house joins us dennis hastert. great to have you with us. let's get to these senate raises. how do you feel about the senate? will you get control of the senate in your judgment? dennis: i think it's really tight. but i'm an optimist.
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i think we can take the senate. you talk about the raceons in north carolina, arkansas, i think there are raceons that we have to look at that are taken for granted. i think there's a tough raceon in kentucky. and the polls show that grimes is ahead of o'connell. and there's a raceon in kansas too where pat roberts is fighting for his political life. what happens, when you have a tough primary, like both mcconnell and roberts are at. you have people that are disenchanted. if they don't vote, they're going to get a democrat they'll never be able to to get out of there and take away from having a republican majority in the senate. lou: i understand though some help has arrived in kansas from the republican party and also
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some money to boost pat roberts chances. what do you think? do you think his seat is definitely in jeopardy? dennis: you know, i think it can be. you have to get -- you know, about 7 percent of that vote that's undecided. and you have to get those people off their butt says and into the polling places and vote for pat roberts. pat has done a good job for kansas. people coming off of primary, that's the problem with these tough primaries. they are somewhat disenchanted. they sit back and aren't participating. i think there are some other tough raceons. i wouldn't take georgia for granted. i think we're in a good place. it's an old political name, and you don't know how things may come down there. and these are some tough raceons. north carolina certainly is a raceon that we can pick up.
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lou: tillis has not been ahead in that raceon through the campaign. dennis: i know. you have to look at that. that's one raceon where we can come from behind basically a republican state. you know, we'll see. lou: let me turn to two presidents that are certainly helping the republican party. let's start with president bill clinton. reminding everybody that, after taking account of inflation, that the middle class in this country is no better off than when he left office. that's pretty staggering to provide that kind of ammunition to the republican party, don't you think. dennis: i think so and bill has some appeal in some rural south areas. but he's not helping president obama at all. and the reminder that bill clinton gives to the american people is, look, everybody knows,
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either they have a 24 or 27-year-old son or daughter that graduated from college can't get a job. they're living back home. everybody has that type of experience. the middle class and the economy has not come back yet even though we hear these statistics. people don't really believe it's happened. lou: you know, what i hear a lot of, that's the incumbent president who is saying indisputably every comic indicator is positive since he came to office. i mean, i can't even imagine what his advisors were thinking. then he says, all of his policies are on the ballot in every raceon in the country. that's unimaginable. dennis: one of the things about an elective official is trust. that trust is eroded. no matter what he does and what he says, he's not going to get people back.
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a lot of those people who are supporters are sitting back at home and not being participant in his raceon. especially he's sending his wife out in places like madison, wisconsin, where there's a lot of university students. he can't go there. he's trying to get the first lady out there. but she's sending them to in chicago in the university of illinois in chicago. you can maybe send her to those places, but the president can't go to those places. that's the bottom line. lou: jeb bush doing some spanish commercials, some ads paid for by the chamber of commerce. you mentioned the middle class a while ago. dennis, you are one of the republicans that will talk about the middle class, working men in the country. why can't you get your party to focus on the people that matter most and that is the middle class, working men and women, neurs, small-business people.
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dennis: they -- those type of people are where i came from, and, you know, 75 percent of the jobs in my district were small business jobs. they weren't the big guys. and those are the people that make the paychecks day to day. and that's what we have to -- the -- look at, we need to expand, we got to create jobs in the middle class. that's the real power in this country. if we're going to win as republicans, we have to pick up independents and democrats who make up that middle class. lou: i hope some of your brethren and sisters in the republican party hear you loud and clear. time to look at our online poll results. we ask whether you believe the united states should do intensive screening for all flights flying from the west african nations. the response was 98 percent saying yes.
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and on now, we're going to learn what the administration thinks about that idea. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. the president's lack of leadership, of these two issues, are you more concerned about the lack of leadership when it comes to the issue of ebola or the islamic state? cast your vote on lou we want to hear from you. the obama administration trying to hold officials, they said, accountable for the va scandal. the va said it fired four senior executives av investigations through falsified records and long wait times for veterans seeking medical care. unfortunately, the move isn't what you would call as impressive by this administration, at least as he made it sound. one of the fired officials stepping down last month and another not even involved. now, they just changed leadership at the va. right? same old.
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same old. up next. a major middle east alley and the war against the islamic state calls for troops on the ground. guess whose troops? they gave it away, didn't they? we're coming right back
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lou: could it be? turning now to the turkish president who warns that the syrian border town of kobani is about to fall to the islamic state. he's calling for ground troops to fight the islamic state, but he's not committing to using turkey's forces, he wants our forces there. joining us former pentagon official, fox news analyst kt
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mcfarland. kt. it's rich to watch this. suggesting our troops to fight him. >> because he's not going to send his. lou: is there someone in washington that understands we're getting played with here. >> well, we definitely are getting played. is there anybody in washington that understands? i don't think so. i mean, the incompetence with which the administration has dealt with in the middle east is colossal. however that doesn't excuse the previous administration and the mistakes they made. bush shouldn't have gone into iraq and obama shouldn't have gone out. so we are where we are. lou: we are where we are, but that leaves us with free will and vocational, we could get the hell out and we could remind our leaders as we often do in this broadcast, that they moved the islamic state up to america's enemy number one on the basis of
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the beheadings of two american citizens. i mean, they didn't exactly send a destroyer into the medtarian to seek out the guilty parties. instead they've launched a new campaign. they're still looking for the -- the military is looking to name the operation. god bless them. they got to name an operation. an operation they got to get the hell out right now. >> the bottom line, obama says we're going to have the kobani campaign, and we'll have allies. that's all good. we need booghts boots on the ground. we're going to have these moderate army -- lou: you mean, be the only one paying attention to this president. >> you mean, his own people aren't paying attention and it's not going to work. lou: and the venues are going off on another track altogether. they want to roll up division after division against the islamic state which the president says it's not
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islamic. notes it's not a state. they fly a black flag just like al-qaeda flies a black flag. if thrpz not so serious, it would be laughable. we have crossed into the absurd. this country isn't awakening to it. there isn't a single official with the guts to say, this is stupid, obama. this is stupid to all the flag officers in the pentagon. it's got to stop now. we have got to right this ship and we've got to do it now. >> couldn't agree more. this is not a war we can win. the american people understand -- we don't really care. we can now get our oil from home. we don't need middle east oil. let them kill each other. lou: do you realize we've had four star generals, the head of the cia, and i'm talking about
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david, created the doctrine for us military, the long war, we now have people talking amiablably in order to defeat the islamic state. what kind of mindless nonsense are they spewing and they believe it that a superpower cannot contend with a -- (?) with an ideology that is so primitive, and to go to war as if they're laying out company by company regimental forces en masse that we can attack. it's just beyond stupid. >> and they don't know what else to do. we don't know what else to do -- how about -- lou: get the hell out. >> do a couple of things. accelerate american independence. get serious about homeland security, if they're coming over here, seal the border. are they coming here
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legally returning jihadists amp up our security and frankly terrorist profiling. don't think you have to fight over there. let them fight themselves. when you said the turkish president said we want american forces to come and defend us. sweetie, where are your forces? lou: and iran. we're playing the useful tool whether it be in syria whether it be in iraq. we are -- you know, a third grader understands better the geopolitics of what is going on then these so-called national leaders of this administration. and, by the way, the republicans are seemingly just about as imaginative as democrats are on the issue. >> you look back in the middle east. what do we care about the middle east for? two things, oil and terrorists. we want the oil. we don't want their
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terrorists. are there other ways to achieve -- and the state of israel. give israel what it needs to defend itself. give the kurds what they need to defend themselves. lou: we gave them the iron dome for crying out loud. >> we haven't given anything to the kurds. give e. lou: there is no one that has the attention span in this foreign policy to come up with the strategy for the kurds for god's sake. they can't even figure what to do with our established allies. whether it be saudi arabia, whether it be egypt. yes, they're an alley, mr. president, and the state of israel. it's beyond belief the nonsense we put up with. where is the national media on this? blabbering without purpose and knowledge and simply embracing the nonsense coming out of the white house. >> like trained seals at the zoo that's the
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national media. lou: i think we've cheered everybody up tonight a second american is now known to be fighting against the kurdish forces against the islamic state. listen to brian will son explaining why he volunteered to go to syria to fight the islamic state. >> my name here is -- i'm from ohio in the united states of america. most people in america are against -- the islamic state. and there are a few americans that want them to come here and help the ypg in any way we can. everything has been fine there. very nice. very accommodating. hospitable. very good people. lou: 28-year-old army veteran jordan mattson also in syria to fight the islamic state. he's now recovering from a wound in a hospital.
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mattson tells usa today he went to battle because he couldn't sit and watch christians being slaughtered anymore. we're coming right back. stay with us. >> ebola fears throughout the country. experts now warning about the unavoidable spread of the virus in europe. what happened to that vaccine for ebola? one of the the top scientists dr. anthony fowchy of the national institute of health next
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lou: our public health officials are now working with the obama administration to create new screening rules. those rules we understand will be released in coming days while the obama administration itself is working very hard to reassure americans about the spread of the deadly virus. dr. anthony fouci is the director of the national institute of allergic and diseases. the man leading the effort. dr. fouci great to have
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you with us. we've seen a change in attitude it seems on the part of the administration now talking about screening and moving up what will be a -- one assumes and we would like to hear from you, rules that will further assure the american public that they are the number one priority of our public health officials. anthony: right. well, what is going on right now without any changes is called exit screening. if someone goes to the airport in liberia and wants to get on the plane, you're screened for temperature. and you have a questionnaire to answer if you're feeling well or sick and if you've had any known contact of anyone suspected to have ebola. that's really it. it's under consideration and it's actually being discussed is adding something -- another layer on the incoming end of the arrival portion of the trip.
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so instead of having exit screening you're having entry screening. and that would likely consist of any number of things possibly retaking the temperature again. to make sure it was taken correctly or making sure someone in that very long flight over didn't already develop a fever to indicate they might have ebola as well as to re-ask certain questions. that's one of the things on the table another layer of screening and people coming into the country. lou: and that seems prudent. i've heard several public health officials, and i'm not going to name names here it's, i mean, material talk about there's no such thing as a zero risk approach to screening (?) but it's inarguable that it's better than not screening. correct? anthony: correct. there is no such thing as zero risk. someone can be infected with ebola not have a fever and not even know
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they are exposed or maybe even cover up they were exposed and get their temperature taken when they get on. and even if you have the extra added layer at the incoming part. if you look at mr. duncan he didn't develop a fever until four days after he arrived in the united states. so that's something that would have escaped the fever. so that's what we mean by not 100 percent. nothing could be 100 percent. lou: the thing i don't understand, doctor, why anyone who even go through the trouble of saying it's not a perfect system. there's nothing in life that it is. i'd rather hear the officials talking about the ways in which they are protecting the american public as best they can. screening. intense screening, that's definitely a step in the right direction. anthony: and that's exactly correct. i agree with you. that's what's being done now. everything is on the
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table and a consideration of that extra added layer is something that is actively being discussed. lou: and the idea that a vaccine can be developed in time a vaccine in this instance you were alluding the effort to bring one of those to reality, how close is it? how is the vaccine that you're working on in your team, how does it appear right now? anthony: i'll give you the exact data it will be obvious. we're in a phase trial. make sure it's safe. we're doing it right here in maryland. we started it in september the 2nd. twenty people will know what we need to know by the end of november, beginning of december. if it looks good, safe, it looks like it induces the response you want, we're going to start a very much expanded clinical trial in west africa, likely in liberia sometime in the first quarter of 2015.
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if it works well, we should know sometime several months into 2015. it could be mid- or towards the end of 2015. whether it works or not. if it works, then it could be widely deployed. meanwhile, people in the trial, if it does work, they'll at least have the benefit of getting the vaccine in the trial. lou: dr. anthony fouci we know you're busy. thanks so much. up next the president likes to say his economic record, well, is all, but indisputable. and my commentary we'll take up that dispewtatious statement. we're coming right back.
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lou: president obama has gone
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toxic and he's unwanted. hardly a single democrat wants to be seen with him on the campaign trail, but the president keeps trying to insert himself into their campaigns. last week the president inexplicably trotted out his record on the economy apparently in the delusion that it would somehow be a positive. obama: so it is indisputable that our economy is stronger today than when i took office. by every economic measure, we are better off than we were when i took office. lou: how could the president be so diluted as to think declaring his delusions to being indisputable would render them truthful. they are not. not indisputable and not true. the national debt has ballooned under president obama from $10.6 trillion to now almost $18 trillion. our middle class is getting killed under
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this president. median household income in 2009 nearly $57,000. it's now 54,000. the number of americans on food stamps when he took office in 2009, 32 million. it's now more than 46 million. and it's been more than 46 million for nearly three years now. the labor force participation rate back then was 65.8 percent. now, it's down to 62.7 percent. how important is that fancy sounding labor force participation rate? well, it's the reason our unemployment rate is now at 5.9 percent because job creation has driven it to level not a bit. the unemployment rate would be about 10 percent if the labor force participation rate were the same as when the president took office. our middle class is simply getting shafted under this administration. just ask.
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former president bill clinton. >> the president is unpopular in arkansas. and yeah, the economy is coming back, but nobody believes it yet because you don't feel it. but remember when i said four years ago, or two years ago in charlotte, financial crisises take an average of ten years to get over. lou: well be the best strategy of the president would be to stay out of the campaign. he's now pinning his policies to the tails of every democrat candidate as well. they can't separate their -- on foreign policy, job, health care taxes, government regulation, entitlement spending, education, defense, national security, honesty and transparency, you name it. and i'm not sure how he could have possibly done more damage to his party's chances in this upcoming election. here next oscar winning
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jennifer lawrence stands up for all the hollywood starlets whose private images were stolen by hackers. that we take up with the attorneys who know. next.
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lou: actress jennifer lawrence breaking her silence about her nude photo hacking scandal saying just because i'm a public figure just because i'm an actress does not mean that i asked for this. it is not a scandal. it is a sex crime. it is a sexual violation. it's disgusting. the law needs to be changed. joining us now to talk about the legal recourse for all the entertainers, actors,
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actresses who are victims of the hacking. two of the best in the business, both fox news contributors. good to have you with us. and mercedes, your thought about jennifer lawrence. >> she's going to compare herself to rape victims? she's not a rape victim. she took a nude. put it in a public place. there are a lot of security breaches. everyone knows of them. there are a lot of companies that are subjected to these breaches. do yourself a favor and have some accountability. there are federal crimes and we know of one. we talked about 11 that had hacked into scarlet joe hansen accounts. he got ten years. lou: ten years in prison? >> it was multiple offenses. lou: there are people in prison (?) who committed armed robbery and don't get ten years.
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>> because armed robbery gets prosecuted in the state court. these get prosecuted in federal court. lou: never mind. >> every time they go in your computer you're subjected to five years possible imprisonment. lou: how about jennifer lawrence and the other starlets. >> what she's saying doesn't help the cause. lou: doesn't help her cause. with mercedes going after her. >> the law is more broadly construed. if anyone comes into your computer for anything of your schedule when you have to till the fields or your naked photos, it's a crime. anybody who goes into your computer and they're not allowed to, they're going to jail. here is where the law needs to catch up with reality. what about the people that were paying to make our computers safe? what about the clouds where we're paying them for storage to keep our stuff safe? >> wait a minute. what about accountability here
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though, arthur? i'm not talking about people that create the cloud, manage the cloud. they happen to be clients. there is disclaimer there. there has to be some accountability. lou: and with all these folks taking nude pictures of themselves or having them taken or whatever, i mean, what planet do they live on? >> when you look like me, you're never taking nude pictures of yourself. that is not going to happen. lou: i love this feigned modest. >> i love the suit jacket. it covers more of the bell approximatey. lou: let's turn to the ebola questions which are compounding themselves. at first the administration was talking about they can't tell us anything about the patient zero because of the hip alaws. and then the next thing his family is quarantined against their will about every right you can imagine is suspended about the
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public interest here. why do we have to watch the government play these kind of games. we know it's in the public interest. what the in world are we doing with hippa laws? >> the hippa laws were created for us. lou: i believe in that. i subscribe to that and support it except when the national safety is at stake. >> what's going to cypress your federal rights under hippa it's going to be -- the way ebola is being contracted. we now have a nurse in spain who was the first person in the states when -- or another country that's not in africa, but someone who was taking care of a patient. lou: these new screening procedures some of what would be invasive arguably necessary, but you can't stop a us citizen from coming into this country. there's no legal basis
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for it. >> there is some executive order that the if he does can take control. it's not a law, but it's the president's executive order to preserve the welfare for society. so so on hypothetical speaking if someone is causing their brains out, they monitor their body temperature, yes, they can. very much they can 200 odd years ago when people came into ellis island. >> they can. lou: and they're saying secondly they're going to do screening in this country because it will be the most reliable, but it won't keep anybody from -- >> especially when you have someone like duncan who lied on his application. he actually lied. lou: the honor system for your border ports -- >> mercedes, we're talking to the wrong guy about borders.
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if there's any host on the whole fox universe, it's lou dobbs. lou: well, arthur, mercedes, we thank you for being with us. >> thank you. it's an honor to sit next to this woman. she's brilliant. lou: don't you want to return -- >> you know, i'm blushing for the record. lou: appreciate it. you too. time for a a few of your comments. it seems like all the lies telling us the country is in better shape than when obama took office. that would certainly be one of them. janet posted on my facebook page because of the severity of the ebola outbreak all regular flights from west africa should be halted. and paul emailed me to say, i vote independent and try to pick whom i think is best. this election i'm voting republicans down the line. i've had my fill of the far left. well, a copy of my book border war to the authorize of tonight's
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comments. we love hearing from you. follow us on twitter at lou dobbs news. go to our facebook pages. links to everything at lou that's a lot. good night from new york. thanks for being with us (d,fjdlj.ecl) [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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