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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 8, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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lois lerner confronted, at the center of the scandal, delay, obstruction, lois lerner has not been able to hide from the camera of jason meterra. >> you don't feel bad you were using the government as a weapon to crush political dissent? anything? >> could you call the police please? could you call the police? thank you. >> you are being targeted. doesn't feel good. doesn't feel good. you targeted conservatives. not even an apology. >> they are not leaving me alone. ♪ stuart: that was jason materra. he literally and bush irs official los lerner, pursued her
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to a neighbor's house, tried to get in, couldn't get in. mary kissel is here. that was an ambush, no question. was it budget? >> no. it is harassment and guys like this make lois lerner look sympathetic. it also feeds into this narrative on the left side of politics that conservatives are not interested in the truth, just interested in yelling and screaming and embarrassing democrats and others on the left. it is very damaging. if you want to get to the truth of what happened in the irs can do you need to work through the structure we have set up which is unique to kick these politicians out of office and select other people and get republican-led senate and the white house. stuart: you would say journalistically and in terms of the irs scandal he should not have done that. >> that is not journalism. it is harassment. i felt sorry for lois lerner there.
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stuart: harassment. i think lot of our viewers will be saying wait a minute, she harassed conservatives. >> i will give you an example. and demarco the red and freddie mac and fannie mae was confronted by hundreds of people calling for his resignation. folks on the right denounce that. you cannot be known as the harassment of conservatives and not do the same when someone on the left like lois lerner is treated like this. stuart: you denounced it. we got that. thanks very much. we will hear from jason materra, he is going to be here at the top of the next hour. my question is by seeing -- being so aggressive did he create sympathy for lois lerner? he is on the show an hour from now. check the big board, this is not a recovery from the big drop yesterday. we are down a bit more. now we are down another 43 points. you have isis, ebola, slowdown
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elsewhere in the world and a big slowdown going on in germany at the heart of europe and that is affecting our money over here, down 45 on the dow, the s&p is also on the downside, a loss of more in percentage terms. gold's to lebron $1,200 an ounce. no change whatsoever. the ten year treasury the yield to date, 233. who would have thought? that is way down. the price is up, hot money flowing into our treasury market. here is the real news of the day. oil. look at that. a lot more oil in storage than expected. inventories went up, technical expression. $87 per barrel, it is down $1.65, oil 87, oil stocks taking quite a hit. the biggest percentage losers on the s&p 500, here they are, they are down 4%, 5%, all four stocks
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on the screen. the other side of the coin is the gas price declined continue with a vintage, national gallon for regular, it missouri has the state lowest, state average 2 in dollars and $0.90, with that tumble in oil prices today you can expect the pump price to keep falling. tizzy ebola crisis. financial times of london putting the cost of ebola in west afric at at $32.6 billion. that is a lot of money for those impoverished countries. week in down the cleanup costs for that one dallas apartment used by one ebola patient. the cleanup cost, one apartment, $130,000. that is all on the ebola news today. clarification of the military, soldiers will not have direct contract with ebola patients but will handle blood supplies. in spain they are trying to find
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out how a nurse in a modern hospital got the virus from two patients. that nurse reported ebola symptoms many times before being quarantined. the world health organization says the spread of the virus in europe is, quote, and avoidable. come home, some u.s. airports aiken that additional screening on travelers arriving from west africa. there temperatures will be taken. they will have to fill out a questionnaire. no plans to cancel stop flights from the hot zone. stock moving hire promising results from a new study, the ebola drug being given to patients in dallas and nebraska, stock is up 20% this week. tech mirror, a canadian company, how about an experimental ebola drug lost its steam, we have a late plant industries, rally after news the buyers spread this strain and hazmat suits we
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had a couple weeks ago. stock has done very well and it is down $0.03 under 10 on lakeland. for isis, the battle continues, fox news greg parker watched a u.s. air strike on the town today. the fall of pam bondi is said to be imminent. it is humanitarian crisis, the kurds will be slaughtered if isis wins. qabbani is a little way from turkey but the turks of not moved. the white house is frustrated with lack of action, the president of the american islamic forum for democracy, turkey would not be unhappy to see the kurds lose big. turkey is not acting as our ally in this, all they? >> no they're not. this is what is fascinating, turkey's getting tools from three areas. the ruling party in turkey is
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the muslim brotherhood, the jihadists, islamists in turkey. outside the military in turkey you have the secular -- from the 20th century and the pkk the kurdistan workers party which is considered a terror group by the e.u. america and turkey that is running qabbani and turkey trying to tighten their border, 1 she thousand come from that area in the past few weeks alone, 400,000 people a getting fooled, trying to let america bond and the past week alone has been a whatcom gold program as they spread from the command and control center of isis. stuart: isis has territory, revenue, imposing taxes and getting oil revenue. they got an army, they are a
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state. they have been established essentially at this point, they are winning and america is losing. is that accurate? >> this is what happens when you don't have a strategy, you try to treat a cancer inside a patient that you have no control over and because we had a strategy against assad he is coming out on top in his alliance with iran and russia and wasn't a civil war, it was a regional conflict. we said we would treat this little cancer. it is turning into a whatcom gold program and because there is no greater strategy we are losing control of the entire crisis and it is only going to get worse until we really start to have a long-term strategy. stuart: when you say it is only going to get worse, spell it out. how does it get worse? do they take down another country? what in your view is it gets worse? >> after the arab awakening in 2011 we have seen a struggle
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between neil therapist military dictatorships and the islamists. this will create more friends in this battle between radical islam and radical military dictatorships. lost in the middle are moderates and we will see more violence, american threat to our security both domestically and abroad and regional interests and especially its real. as factions divide along sectarian lines without a third half way, strategy for liberty is only going to continue to implode the region. stuart: in that environment you could make a strong case american boots should not be on the grounds and we should not shed our blood in a chaotic situation. would you make that argument? >> i would. i don't think we need boots on ground. syria had an indigenous revolution against the military dictatorship helped early on before jihadists and had been growing, we had not been thinking about that but the lack
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of strategy, and now we think about it. that are no allies on the ground, we lost control but we could do it without boots on the ground, may be limited coalition work with jordan and other countries that are not our enemies at this point but we have to have a strategy that nobody's talking about. stuart: thanks for being on the show. i hope everyone saw bill o'reilly's interview with leon panetta, heidi critical of president obama's management and his policy. roll tape. >> the united states is caught by surprise by everything. isis, clapper didn't tell me. you saw that on 16 minutes. did you see that? is embarrassing. isn't that embarrassing? >> when things like that happening is more than an intelligence failure. is a policy failure as well.
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stuart: that is how you do a tv news interview. you sweep away the other guy's talking points and you press the question and you press it hard. what bill o'reilly ended up with was the top guy saying the president ignored everybody else, ignore the experts and blew the policy. >> leon panetta at the county's getting because it undermines president obama's claim the we had to get out of iraq. wasn't our decision. the president even said that. it was the iraqi government's position that we had to leave. the reality is we have leverage the president didn't want to use. we have seen it before. we had leverage in ukraine we could have used. we could have on the those rebels and decided not to do that. we had never in syria and the six months window to arm those rebels and we didn't do that so this was damaging. stuart: it adds to the general anxiety level. isis looks like they are winning. they got this turf that the
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president has retreated on almost all fronts of foreign policy. the world is slowing down. you have ebola and there's a lot of nervousness especially in october. >> there is nervousness because what we are learning about the president's is this president makes decisions based on politics, not national security. stuart: breaking news, we have apple weighing in on the bankruptcy of gt advance. the wall street journal says apple is calling the fighting, quote, a surprising decision. apple says it is now focusing on saving jobs at the sapphire glassmaker's plant in arizona where they are making last for the apple watch. gt advance is back up today using $1.64. the other day they declared the bankruptcy and are down $0.80. you doubled your money. sports icon, a genuine icon
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getting into virtual reality. why is a 169-year-old curmudgeon getting involved in virtual reality? he is going to be here. we will ask him. the name excalibur causing a social media firestorm. it is the dog of the spanish nurse who has ebola. authorities want to euthanize him because he has been exposed. the dog has no symptoms. worldwide outrage. what do you think? we will put it on discussion in a moment.
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stuart: we are down 29 points, down 29, 30 points, 33 points, below 16,700. j.c. penney is trading again. it had been halted earlier. nicole: we have volatility, circuit breakers on the floor of the exchange, stocks down 7%, right behind me a huge crowd was halted and shortly thereafter six minutes later reopened. it is under pressure. some of the news breaking dungee c. penney today includes succession planning remains a top priority giving an outlook
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for same-store sales that is slightly less than what was expected and gross margins likely to be in line. it is a loser over 52 weeks, working on a turnaround but some analysts are not believing in it but it is up 20% in the last 52 weeks. you have breaking news coming in here and i will talk about it to you. stuart: we put it on the manner at the bottom of the screen. ebola patient thomas duncan has died. the death took place at 10 minutes to 8 local time, central time this morning. we will get more details when and if they become available but that is the news. that gentleman had ebola, he died. let me move on. i got two stories which the judge is going to address later on this hour. this video making the rounds today shows a routine traffic stop ending up with a cop
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smashing the window and tasering the passenger. this is an argument for cameras on all cops. look what happened right there. wait for it. there you go. the judge will be discussing that one and a second item. the controversial debate over the right to die. a terminally ill 29-year-old moves to work again because it is a right to die stay. she picks the day she is going to end her life, here's a question for the judge. does the government have a right to deny her final which? our next guest is a basketball hall of famer who coached his team to national championships and olympic gold medal. 69 years old. not only is he coaching he is getting involved in virtual reality. the syracuse university men's basketball coach known as a a curmudgeon, 69 years old, icon of sports. even i, a foreigner, knows
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exactly who you are. what are you doing getting involved in virtual reality? >> as a fan. i get involved with a company a few years ago which is cancer research company and they are doing great things. they got me involved with mixed galaxy which is a company i think is going to bring something to the market that everyone is going to want. you will coach -- be down on the sidelines or actually looked through a player's eyes during the game. stuart: i want to try to nail this down. i am the same vintage as you aren't trying to get to grips with this. you strap on this virtual reality goggles for want of a better word, strapped iman and they feed into you video that comes from inside the locker room on the court, that kind of thing?
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>> absolutely. you can be in a player's eyes, you can be on the court or you can be as a lot of people want to do with the coach, looking through the coach's eyes and try to figure out what he is thinking which sometimes we are not thinking the right way but we don't want that to get out. i think it is something for fans. i am a fan and i love to watch sports and people love sports will get closer and have an opportunity to see something they have never seen before. this is going to be a great company. i am proud to be associated with it. it will be fun and maybe i won't be a curmudgeon anymore. stuart: some things never exchange but i am fascinated someone of your age, i am a couple years younger than you but we are close. i am fascinated that you would adopt so wholeheartedly something which i associate with the 20 somethings. >> i have twins that are 14 and 16 at home.
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i see this type of thing every day. they are constantly giving me the oh dad, you don't understand this, this is everyday stuff for me and i think it is going to be great and i think you will like this. i will come back on your show after you've gone through a year and sees this device and what makes the galaxy is doing. i think you will like it and thank me for recommending it to you. stuart: it is called next galaxy and it has got a website attached, the company has a web site, you go to the web site and pipe in the video for the web site into your goggles as get a view like we are looking at right now. i am trying to get this straight. have i got it right? >> you got it right and i am proud of you. it is not that easy. this new technology for old guys like us is not that easy. stuart: is there and on and off but not this thing? a power button?
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that is what i am looking for. >> it is not like your remote. it is more complex. you need 20-year-olds in the studio. stuart: you are an icon. appreciate it. big money classic cars. do you realize 30 cars per hour at big prices are cropping the auction block? the biggest sellers and biggest names we will bring to you after it this. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things.
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stuart: repeating the breaking news report, dallas ebola patient dallas duncan has died, he was pronounced 10 minutes to a local time. experimental drug and duncan was taking it. $35.98.
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$29 a share. one of the country's biggest auto auctions called the hershey kars what happens tomorrow in pennsylvania. adam shapiro will be there and he is here with me right now. what struck me is they are going to sell 30 cars per hour at auction at very high prices? >> r. m. auctions which is conducting the auction friday, the largest auction house of collector automobiles in the world, they broke records, $442 million in sales, they are already on track to do that. stuart: it really is growing. >> when you look at collector cards $1.2 billion last year they already surpassed the one$.2 billion in sales this year. if you are looking to make some money and you need $50,000 you can get in and it might go up in value. stuart: there are two labels to this. you could be an investor buying something for 50 grand and hoping to make some money out of
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it or you can just be jay leno who loves cars period. >> the 130 causing his stable but he has a car that is very interesting, he has a stanley steamer that is coming up for auction and it has one of the best conditions of the stanley steamers ever built from 1900-1920s. steam powered cars. what makes this car unique is it has original components. i can go anywhere from the low bid, $200,000, the sky is the limit. stuart: until 30 seconds ago i thought stanley steamer was the name of the company. >> brothers who founded stanley steam automobiles never liked that they were called stanley steamers that that is what everyone calls them. stuart: you will be there. >> live tomorrow, fox business will be there all day broadcasting from the car swap and at 8:00 p.m. r m auctions is
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allowing us to carry the auction live so you can see the cars that will cross and there is a beautiful 1930 cadillac convertible the 16, they didn't take two and did it could over $700,000 or $800,000. stuart: let's leave it at that. we will be watching. do you remember a couple weeks ago we showed you a cou from the whalen jennings auction including willie nelson's braids? somebody bought them. $37,000. they were expected to fetch $50,000 to $60,000. didn't quite get there but would you pay $30,000? somebody did. 37 grand for that. three topics for judge andrew napolitano. the supreme court will hear the case of amazon workers who want to be paid for waiting in a security line after the shift ends. when does the working day end?
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the right to die. a terminally ill woman moved to oregon because it is the right to die state. the question for the judge, do you have the right to take your own life? what is the government going to do with that? this video is tearing the the internet. if cops-is the car window during a routine traffic stop, makes the case carries on cops, does it not? >> i am not operating the vehicle. >> are you going to open the door? >> what you say no one is going to hurt you? [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected.
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speed wise argue doing here? >> what? >> i was talking to your wife. >> i would not blame you. stuart: dramatic stuff. he wanted a confrontation. he got it.
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updating some of the big stories of the day. the theory and border town is close to being overrun by isis. to ebola. much more about the financial impact. the u.s. military already has 750 million. moments ago, we learned that thomas duncan has died. take a look at the stock. yesterday, we spoke to the company that is infected. the cleaning bill could be as high as $130,000. down more than 20% this year.
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the gm ceo mary beare at 12:35 p.m. today. judge napolitano is here. >> remained seated. stuart: the supreme court will hear arguments from amazon workers. >> the issue is when did congress though claire that workday ended. congress reported to declare for all in boys.
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these are not amazon employees. these are employees of an outside entity. there are thousands of them. >> i do not need all of this detail. in numerous expenses, you have to wear protective gear. stuart: judged of polyp on zero says -- >> they would have no say. that is why i gave you that link the explanation. this video really has gone viral. a cop smashes a window.
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a child in the back seat. it left had nothing to do with the vehicle. the cop should be arrested by the fbi. making the case that we are reduced to a police state. >> getting there. stuart: i think we are a long way.
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we did not see that. >> if all that was going on was words, violence is not justified feared. >> very important subject. a terminally ill woman moves to oregon because oregon has a right to die state. she has picked the day in which she wants to die. does the government have the right push america. >> the states have the right to permit you to induce your own death. you choose the time, place and manner of your death. the other take a position that you cannot make this decision.
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>> the time to die is the decision for the almighty and not the individual. i also believe that it is not any of the governments business. stuart: can you imagine me on my deathbed. the relatives pressuring somebody to pull the plugs on dad. if they are on life support.
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>> you know what i mean. take that extra injection of morphine. >> that is why the other 48 have rejected. it is popular. >> all right, judge. you did it again. after the break. a smart credit card that stores all of your information. this is very interesting. we will bring it to you next. ♪
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♪ >> the dow jones industrial average is higher by about 12-point after selling off yesterday. the s&p and nasdaq to the downside. one 10th of 1%. we are hovering right here that unchanged line.
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this is all about "imus in the morning." the patient that was in the dallas hospital. thomas duncan has died after about a week of being there. costco hitting a new high on better sales. e premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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stuart: the biggest market, the biggest moving market is probably oil today. oil stocks, obviously, they are taking a hit. halliburton, down three, four, 5%. it is called plastic. they want to change the way you pay. you could put onto it all the information from your other credit cards.
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all the information could be put on that one card. one place, one card. joining us from palo alto. >> yes. stuart: did i explain it correctly? one piece of plastic. you swipe your plastic thing and everything works fine. >> we store all of your cards on one card. you select the card you want. stuart: this seems like it is convenient as opposed to any added safety.
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>> the things on the actual credit card. stuart: you have a chip on your plastic card. >> yes. there is also a chip on the card. can you give me any indication of the popularity with this? >> we launched yesterday. it has been phenomenal about the response, the last 24 hours. >> you are looking to go public
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at some point. >> we are trying to get the product to the market right now. stuart: you were not born in america, were you? >> no. pretend. stuart: you are worth a lot of money. >> we just want to build a cool product. we are so proud of what we are doing so far. stuart: i am an englishman. i have lived here for 40 years. you are not here to salvage humanity. you are doing this so they make $100 million.
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>> i am an entrepreneur, you know. we only create this cool product. we are excited about it. stuart: i would say you are north of london. >> i was born north of england. stuart: where? [laughter] >> i was warned in liverpool. i would be a liverpool fan. stuart: all right. i am from derby. derby county. i have been here for 40 years. good stuff. you will make 100 million at
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least. thank you very much, mark. after the break, the dog of the spanish nurse that has evil love. no signs of the virus whatsoever. we will deal with it next. ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. yoare you kidding me?oo? everybody's on woo-woo! [elevator bell rings] woo-woo? lock and load, people! we're going all in on woo-woo! mark! comp us up a profile page! susie! write us some posts! i want sponsored woos. i want targeted woos.
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stuart: spanish officials want to euthanize the dog of the ebola patient. he has never been in contact. elizabeth macdonald is here. responding to the panic. you kill it. you burn it. >> using a study done. they are left to scavenge for
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food. they do not eat the dog food like they do in europe. stuart: they want to euthanize that dog. >> yes. dogs in europe do not eat dead animals. he is saying they have not identified this as the means of anything. this is not the black death where they killed dogs and cats. dogs can get this. stuart: you are very much on the side of the protesters with this one. >> yes, i am.
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stuart: the husband of the nurse who is infected, why don't you quarantine the dog. >> they are seeking to euthanize the animal and burn its remains. >> that is the outrage on social media. we showed you the video at the top of the hour. we have a man on top of it. a terror leads off our two which is coming right up. ♪ go ahead and put your bag right here. have a nice flight!
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traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪
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stuart: we will not let the irs scandal the forgot. it was used to intimidate
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mr. obama's political opponents. the irs has stonewalled. irs has disappeared. lois lerner will not answer questions. take another look at this. >> do you have any idea what this is? two years worth. [inaudible] >> trying to crack down on political dissent.
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>> can you call the police, please. thank you. ♪ stuart: you just saw the house of one of ms. lerner's neighbors where she had fled to escape. do you think you could be accused of harassment? you crossed the line?
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>> trying to organize in this democracy. i think it is standard fare of the media. unfortunately, we do not have that today. it was lois lerner who fled to someone else's private property. >> trying to get away from you. >> for four questions that should be asked over and over. they should have been hounded by the media. it is a disgrace that the media has allowed her to get away with this. >> what you did was harsh. you were hard on her. you may have encouraged sympathy for ms. lerner.
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>> it is a job of the media to ask these questions. >> cold on one second. a few years ago, the left invaded the turks of a public official. they demanded, what are you doing making all of this money? right on that persons private property. they had a child inside did the child was scared to death. art you doing exactly the same thing? >> it was not lerner's property. no, i cannot let you in the house. i just had surgery. imagine an elderly person that just had surgery.
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i think it gives us insight into lois lerner's character her, or lack there of. stuart: did you stake out ms. lerner's house. >> here is the thing. it was not hard to get lois lerner. any journalist wanted to ask her the questions that they should be asking. it involves a clear case of public corruption. >> i do not personally think we will get any answers to all of the questions that you wanted to ask. i am not even sure you'll get it before the election of 2016.
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>> probably not. we are trying to get these people on record in trying to hold them accountable. she is sitting fat right now on a government pension. if you put the irs into context, it was indicted and convicted because he could not recall a conversation. here we have lois lerner and missing conversations. she has shown antipathy. this is america. she tried to crush that descent. she should be hounded every single day.
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that stock of that company hit an all-time high earlier today. the stock really came down sharply. >> let's take a look right now. down. more than 8.5%. earlier today, it was up. a new high of $35.39 a share. you can see how volatile these stocks are. they are up 62%. lakeland. up over 100% in the last three months. stocks are very interesting. they are not for it the faint of
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heart. stuart: think you very much, indeed. >> doctor mani. here we have an experimental drug. mr. duncan has died. can we infer from that? they have limited efficiency use. >> absolutely. absolutely not. the treatment started a be a couple days of go. this was a gentleman that was incredibly sick. it is typically what happens with a bowl of. this medication, by the way, it
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was great. a great drug for those kind of diseases. too little too late. this has nothing to do with medication working, not working. >> i am confident with the fact that it is not. it was in a hospital that had challenges. >> it may have been more effect this. >> that is what is happening with some. the question all becomes on the cdc or the fda approving on
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these drugs that are not being studied on animals. these are protocols that have ethical dilemmas. the fda has to get involved. it sort of moves all of it. i think that this is a drug that will be studied very carefully. they have a very positive result. stuart: thank you, sir. check the big door. 831-point gain. as for the s&p 500, ever so slightly higher. here is the real reaction. oil is up $1.10. watch gas prices go down more,
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too. a 10 year treasury yield is fascinating. a 2.3% near historic lows. let's get to the gas decline. dropping about 1% rate now. missouri, that has a statewide average. get out there and drive. it is cheap. for overbilling customers for text messages and data, this is the largest settlement in s cc history. now, look at this. apple sending out invitations. october 16 is the date. a new ipad, perhaps. they sent out an invitation. that is a big deal.
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the sale on money. bringing in tray can nip of. i thought we were worried about european growth rate and germany running into recession. what happened to that scare. you should get ready and get prepared for germany to continue to surprise you. we have seen what japan and the tepid growth that they have had for the last 20 years. for me, as far as the market action, doesn't it kind of feel like this market change changed after ford released its earnings last week.
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to me, that was a big deal. domestic revenues, asian. etc. etc. that one crummy earnings report. stuart: all right. we hear you frequently. we like what you have to say. here is the lineup for the rest of the hour. our spokesperson for a gun company. not the normal route. she is here right next to me at 12:50 p.m. on this program. up next, dr. keith ablow. the right to die and a whole lot more. all of those pictures coming up next. ♪
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>> we are back. lois lerner try to get rid of her and failed miserably. liberals who make millions stealing your tax dollars. jason, you are still here. elon musk.
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he wants us to be part of his business investment, whether he likes it or not. his other investments in companies like tesla and solar city are largely dependent on government subsidies to stay afloat. >> you would go as far to say as tesla stays afloat because of government tax. >> sure. you have fossil fuel producing people. they buy it from companies like tesla. you get fossil fuel producers that actually make money by producing a vehicle people want. they are forced by bureaucrats to buy tax credits.
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you will not rent him a liberal. >> he wants government. regulation that helps his bottom line. he wants the laws written in his favor to have taxpayers exposed. even in solar city, they admit in their filings that they are largely dependent on tax credits from uncle sam. listen, it used to be that it was the ideas that cap somebody. >> your campaign donations, your
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political context should not be why somebody remains afloat. >> i do not have time for other examples. you would not leave it alone. stuart: liberals that make elegant swiping your tax knowledge. we have a lot to cover with dr. keith ablow today. evil lot anxiety. the kids flying off the shelves. especially to people in chicago. what is with this cable let anxiety? >> do these of urgency kids do any good? the anxiety is understandable. we do not know everything that there is to know about this virus. people do get very worried.
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somebody should be laying out the plan. if this happens, then this will be diploid. should this happen, this will happen. stuart: i understand. okay. there is a nurse in spain. she did test positive for evil love. he was exposed to the virus. you euthanize it. major social media outrage. what to make of this story, doctor? >> people love their dogs. me too. we may learn something about it. if anything, you would want to
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look at what an exposed animal produces. this knee-jerk reaction, they may not be vulnerable to it at all. it is just nonsense. >> i think you are right about this one. there is a 29-year-old woman who has terminal brain cancer. she is choosing to die with dignity. she has moved to oregon which is a right to die dates. should people be allowed to kill themselves. >> people are allowed to kill themselves. this happens all around the
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world. there is no way to prevent this thing. where i get involved in saying it is a terrible idea, no doctor should be involved in ending a person's life. do you feel like you still want to go? i do not like entering that slippery slope at all. stuart: i think it is a uniquely personal decision. i do not like to see a government getting involved. i do take your point. someone close to death can easily be pressured by relatives. go ahead.
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make it easy for us. >> we are fighters for life. don't you also want to have a special concern. no, we don't. people can do that if they choose to. every moment, with enough pain control, it may occur to you to say one thing to one person that changes that person's perspective moving forward. extraordinary stuff. >> thank you, doctor. google can now read your bills and tell you how much you owe.
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i will say it again. your privacy no longer exists. ♪ ♪ mr. daniels. mr. daniels. look at this. what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪ [ beeping ] ♪
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[ beeping ] my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have
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kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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>> look at gm's stock for a second, they have had 76 recalls covering 30 million vehicles. jo ling kent spoke with mary barra. 10 minutes away to mary barra on the program. showing you what kind of relevant ads you should be watching. notice going to scour e-mails for bills to tell you when to pay. lauren simonetti joining me. lauren: hello. stuart: i don't see this as an invasion of privacy, it is a good service. lauren: you can give google permission to scan your google account and what they will do now is looking for anybody who could be sending you a bill.
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you say show me my bills and google will populate the bills do, how much is due and when they are due for past and future bills. this convenient, right? why would you want some way to look through your gmail? a scan every e-mail going in. stuart: i occasionally travel to new zealand. they say go to new zealand for cheap. >> i don't know if it is yahoo, aol, what is it. when you are giving them permission to do something, you're giving them all the information about you. you have to turn on your location services in many instances so they know where you are, where he have been, your google search history, sometimes
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google is connected to other apps, server time you give permission, they are compiling more and more. i wouldn't do it. stuart: you are signing it away. that is not a good idea. >> in my view, no. but other people want the convenience. they want to know when their flight is expected to come in. local sports scores. you know how i remember when my bills are due? i take out a pen and write it on the calendar made of paper. pen and paper, remember that? stuart: the electricity gets turned off, that is how you know. thank you, lauren. the sharing economy coming under attack this time in d.c. taxi drivers protecting uber.
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rich edson, any idea what they want other than total and complete destruction and annihilation of uber? >> and fewer regulations. the government subjects them to too many rules. fees that rideshare drivers enjoy paying. lifting legal status and subjects the drivers to new regulations, but cabdrivers say the new rules are easier then on cabdrivers. perhaps the solution the d.c. taxicab commission is considering creating an app called one city, one taxi busily taking uber and making it for cabdrivers. stuart: they're trying to kill the regulations. now that is very interesting. uber is indirectly in favor of the unions and the taxi drivers.
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that is different, right? >> what you base we have is you have us subjecting us to this long list of expenses and regulations and rules and they can take their car and start picking people up and take drivers away from them. stuart: good story. thank you. confronting lois lerner has she walked her dog. how he defended himself on the show defending himself. we will show it to you next. you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds?
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no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, haven't i asked you to please use the -- we don't have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research,
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and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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nicole: stuart: is that time, with my to go to california with jo ling kent. >> we had the fortune most powerful women conference here with a general motors ceo mary barra be at thank you for joining us today. you have been honored as one of the most powerful women in the world by "fortune" magazine but given the current circumstances, is a double-edged sword? how do you feel? >> so many wonderful women have been honored by fortune but i'm focused on general motors and the business.
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>> last week you announce really good news looking ahead, and just this week, late last week not one, not to, but several recalls. how should investors and consumers be taking this news because it seems it is coming from all ends. >> we are seeing the new standard for safety in the industry. we will do the right thing for our customers. if you also look, a lot of the actions we are taking are very small, very targeted. there is an issue at a tier two supplier affecting customers, we're going to take action but much smaller setting a new bar. >> you feel investors should not be worried going ahead? >> look at how small the recalls are, coupled with what we're doing from the way we are engineering our vehicles and improvements we are making to a systems approach and look at the vehicles we have today. is the best vehicles we have had
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in my career at general motors being externally recognized as well. >> some of the vehicles have been recalled and they are relatively new might be trucks. when you have issued a recall like that, what does it feel like for you? it has been under your leadership. >> again, when you look at something and say i've just become aware of an issue, less than 50 in customer hands but i will go get them. it literally was less than a five pitch change that had to be made to do the right thing. i'm going to work hard to create the systems as we go forward that we won't have this guy will always take the action through e right thing for the customers. >> we're looking at more than 23 deaths given to the faulty ignition switch, can you say your door will always be open to the family members who may have been lost? >> it is important we have ken
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feinberg who has tremendous experience to evaluate each situation, and we want to do the right thing. those who may have and impacted by this, we want to reach every single one of them and we're working hard get every single vehicle that has been recalled fixed. we remain committed to that. >> what about those who are convinced their family member was lost because of something that falls outside of the legal definition. what do you say to them on a personal level. it is very difficult, right? >> anytime there is a life loss it is tragic regardless of the circumstance, that is why we brought ken feinberg in to administer this independently. if you look, his definition is broad and i feel very good about the way he is looking at this and that we will do the right thing. >> it is clear that is not exactly working how it is supposed to be working according to some of these hearings.
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do you believe american automakers can police themselves enough including gm to do a good job to keep americans safe? >> that is my goal. at general motors we have set our target to be the safest in the industry, and we are taking steps. the way we are changing and improving the way we do engineering for may systems perspective, diving deep to actually have supplying partners. we will continue to do that. very important role to play in the industry but general motors has aggressive goals we are working on. >> are you hoping they will do more? >> they are our regulator and i respect their role. if you look at the change in the industry, and i'll spend they have made with cap elect branch of how we will be industry-leading from an autonomist sector, those are all areas that are going to benefit from the work to directionally
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set the right standards in the industry. recognize they are our regulators. >> you are investing $14 billion in china but a lot of companies being investigated there right now. are you confident, and why are you going there with such a strong position given the current landscape? >> we have been there a long time. we have a strong partnership with our partners, and we have very strong products with the cap elect branch launching. the strength of buick has been there for several years and an opportunity to grow with chevrolet. >> wendy at the spate of the recalls to stop? do you have a sense yet? >> it is doing the right things for customers. i have been very clear about this since day one, we are always going to do the right thing and how you should look at that and measure that as they get smaller and quicker to
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market, but also look at the other great savior words we are waiting across the entire portfolio. i think that really should set the tone. >> mary barra, gm ceo, thank you for your time he had look forward to having you back on soon. take you so much, see you soon. stuart: out in the gun in the gala now this, we have shown you the video. going apple. lois lerner, why she walks her dogs. we have shown our viewers that video, he literally pursues her to a neighbors house asking her questions. it is a pursuit, and ambush and a pursuit. >> this feels like vigilante journalism to me. listen, i get it, lois lerner invokes the fifth amendment. she could avoid situations like this by finally testifying if there was a white house
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connection that relates to political scrutiny of conservative nonprofit applicants. the problem here is when he starts to see don't like being targeted, do you, it was harassment and she felt she had to go to the garage at one point. stuart: listen to what jason had to say earlier today. >> any journalist in d.c. who want to ask the questions they should be asking because it involves a clear case of public corruption could easily have gotten to lois lerner, she should have been asked these questions over and over again since she took the fifth amendment over two locations. >> i hear what he is saying, this is the rule of feel over the rule of law. it is the elderly neighbor, get off my private top of the reaction. he was right, this is private property. if the elderly woman who had
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gone through surgery answer the door not let her in if she had suffered a fatality, maybe heart attack, this woul be entirely different story. we do not like they showed up at the bank of america executive saying we don't like bank bailouts, that was wrong then and occupy wall street showing up, we didn't like it then, does not feel right now. stuart: thank you very much. the new go pro action camera getting a screen that shows you what is shooting. and demonstrate after this. [ hoof beats ]
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because health is everything. nicole: i'm nicole petallides with your fox business briefs. not too far off the highs of the day, we have had some volatility and wall street fb to understand the two points points selloff. the dow is off at 15,750. s&p 500 and nasdaq squeezing out gains. transportation stocks remain week. for the most part airlines are particularly week. delta airlines down 2.8%. native content of spent about 4% on the same day the ebola patient sadly died. jcpenney cutting their sales growth forecast below whatever be expected, down 9%. and take a look at apple announcing another event, so stay tuned. october 16 if you are an apple
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fan, go ahead and put it on your calendar. giving you the power to prosper. . your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us. ghave a nice flight!r bag right here. traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta
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than any other airline. stuart: i guess you could say we are halfway the trading day. first up, concerns of growth in europe. it is hitting us over here. are you buying that? >> writes now the united states is the greatest dirty shirt in the laundry once again. it'll cause contagion, and we're going to stop it right here.
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the market is heading for a spoon. because of global growth issues, i think europe right now is the linchpin in that. you have to watch the euro it is thyoung to go down. it continues to go down, triggering a lot because it has been a huge trade where people have fought euros, bends have bought $500 billion worth of the government bonds over there. this could unwind very quickly and the market is going to swoon. stuart: look at what happened to gt advanced. what the devil is going on? >> it was out of nowhere. 10q for the second quarter showed they were having problems, they had in mesa, arizona, factory which really apple had financing terms of a loan and the quality was subpar and it had been rejected. this is in retrospect, of course
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good but making very positive pronouncements of the future possible earnings being 600-$800 ending 2014 between 400-$500 million in cash. stuart: right now i might see little bit of relief. i think the stock is overvalued here. stuart: $89 per share. thank you very much indeed. look at what we have here. go pro. it is on sale today. he has brought it with him, he will show us. what have you got? >> five her dollars, the really cool thing is that shoots in 4k.
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this little $500 camera shoots in 4k. do you want to grab it? it is supposed to be we're having some network connectivity issues in the studio but essentially can pitch it to an iphone and you will see what is going on. of course it freezes the second you picked up. we have a still shot of it up on here. essentially wi-fi built in. stuart: i was told this thing had a screen on the back c can see what you are shooting. >> there is an advertisement that puts it right there. it is separate from the standard package. stuart: a big item for christmas, would you buy it? >> i am not skydiving, i am not going down mountains, those of the people who should be buying missing. has a nice range of products essential to have he won
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dollars. stuart: is this a good product? >> technically it is good you can drop that off a mountain that it will be fine. that is pretty good. stuart: on sale today? >> this week. now this, former ms. kansas. guess what, she is a spokesperson now for a gun company. you can't say that is a traditional next step for a beauty queen, can you? here on sat next to me in just a moment. ♪"in the hall of the mountain king"♪ ♪ [beeping on the computer] peter come take a look at this. [beeping sounds are more rapid]
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[beeping sounds are even faster] mr. daniels? mr. daniels? look at this. what's this? the numbers they keep getting bigger and bigger. the clicks are off the charts. yeah the clicks are off the charts. yoshi, i'ts walt. we're back. yes sir! hi. [spoken in japanese] let's go! let's go! let's go! [spoken in japanese & english] i need more trucking. more shipping! more shipping! i need more trees! more trees? i'll get you more trees. hey! take a look at wood pulp. whoa. everything you got on wood pulp. right now! ♪ yeah! he really loves that thing.
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stuart: she is a former ms. kansas. you might know her from her stance on tattoos, now she is partnering with italian gun maker having her support on guns. >> thank you for having me. stuart: we are not used to this. a beauty queen supporting guns? in the q&a of a beauty pageant i am used to somebody saying what is your favorite?
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>> i was not a typical contestant. i lost because of my stance on gun control in the second amendment, but that is another story. kansas loves guns. of course i shoot, yes. i am a hunter, so waterfowl, sporting clay, trap, game. the 12 gauge, yes, that is the intensity i am shooting. stuart: limitless, that is your show. >> which will air in july. stuart: all about firing off and shooting guns, right? >> basically, yes. stuart: as they understand it, you have a tattoo, right? >> i have to go tattoos.
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i understand you are not a fan. why do you want to mark yourself for the rest of your life, why? >> have the serenity prayer, it is my mission statement for life. save my life now is 10 years old, it is a prayer i started saying. and that is what i stick to. i want to know it is on me for the rest of my life so i stay true to who i am. you're not leaving any of this. stuart: i am. i think i just got beat. if there is the serenity prayer, there is no way i can argue against it. >> you cannot argue against god. >> no, cannot, and i am not evn going to try. you got real talent. >> have five brothers bid i'm always on the offense.
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stuart: more "varney" in just a moment. when folks think about what they get from alaska,
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they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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stuart: flat out of time. deirdre: thank you. the latest read on the economy. suing the government. now, the ceo of a major gaining pharmacy. we are less than 15 edits away from the latest fed report. rich edson is with me now from d.c. rich, first of all, what are you listening for? speed back the federal reserve will raise interest


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