tv The Willis Report FOX Business October 8, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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we should mention, that gains today, almost exactly mirror yesterday'ses loss. past two days we had flat market. that is the thing we'll be watching. tomorrow will make the difference. liz: "the willis report" is next though today. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. coming up today on the show, a small business owner taking the vice president to task over the minimum wage. saying he can't afford to raise wages in this economy. we will have that exchange. should amazon workers have to clock out before standing in line for theft screening at the end of their shift? it is a debate making its way to the supreme court and "the willis report." today's announcement was good news for your 401(k). we'll tell how to prepare for when the federal reserve does start to raise rates. "the willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now. >> first person diagnosed with ebola has died in the u.s.
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thomas duncan died this morning, 7:15 a.m. at the texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas where he was in critical condition for days. despite the president's claim it was unlikely to happen here. we're learning they're treating another patient for possible ebola. this parity was in contact with family members of thomas duncan. officials a few moments ago in a lively press conference that the new patient shows some sign of possible ebola infection but does not show all the symptoms. we'll keep you updated throughout the hour. if we get any news we'll tell you what it was. homeland security department stepped up screening at nation's five biggest airports. we've joined by dr. kevin campbell, assistant professor of medicine at university of north carolina and travel expert mark murphy. dr. kevin, i will start with you. the news about this patient dying from ebola in dallas, are we prepared?
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>> i think we're absolutely unprepared. the fact this patient came to a hospital with a travel history from africa and fever and was sent home and subsequently returned sick, shows we're completely unprepared. we have all this exposure now with these other people who may be carrying disease. we have another patient with possible of ebola. we may see a cluster of cases. i'm very concerned. gerri: cluster of cases. mark to you. the president told us this couldn't happen here. we've been told u.s. hospitals are high quality, you can treat effectively here without even a special remedy. routine treatment would keep you safe. what is your reaction today. >> the challenge you have when people come over here and have contact with somebody potentially infected. incubation period is 21 days. how do you know where these people have been?
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who they have been in contact with. not just people coming from liberia or sierra leone. but people they in contact with and get on a plane later and fly here we have to be concerned about. you see role wrought in dallas. the question is how do we contain it. gerri: we have a long way to go. get back to the doctor here, dr. kevin. is our government being too passive here? i listened to a lot of press conference. it wasn't reassuring. i know tones were reassuring. what we're doing, holding hand and crossing our fingers and hoping and praying. that is what it sound like to me? >> i think you're exactly right, gerri. time and time again our administration tends to drag its feet getting things done and now we have a problem here in the u.s. the latest plans for screening will be completely ineffective. no one will compel you to tell the truth on questionnaire to get into the country.
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this gentleman who got here to dallas lied on his questionnaire. gerri: that's right. we talked a lot about that onth show. five airports where there are additional screening, those five airports receive 97% of west african travelers. you see all those. one in new jersey, jfk, washington dulles, atlanta hartsfield airport, chicago o'hare international. you see the list there. mark, can customs agents dot screening necessary here? >> answer is no. that is the problem with this. this strategy is one designed to intercept people coming into the country from those affected areas but what about those people exposed to those people from those areas carrying a french passport, u.k. passport. there is no solution to that. is this feel good panacea? is this front line type of thing? what will happen on second or third line? that is what we all should think about and be concerned about.
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gerri: here is what the cdc put out this afternoon. here is what the exit screening will consist of. essentially take temperatures of folks from those countries look like maybe have a fever. methodology is something they don't even have to touch the person. will have them answer questions where they have been, what they have done. they will do a visual assessment. dr. kevin, are customs agents the right people to do this bork? >> they're not equipped and not trained to do this i worry we put them at risk. the other thing we have to remember, fever screening was done in australia for sars. they screened 1,000 people, identified 700 with fever and none had sars. it is high false-positive rate when you do this i think it will be completely ineffective. gerri: you talked a lot about this impact on the travel industry. sars was huge impact on
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industry, some 40 billion i learned today. what can airlines do to get the planes clean? my understanding that the planes are not just clean? >> the airlines should adopt strategy of cruise lines. gerri: cruise lines? cruise lines where people get stick? >> you think i'm crazy. norovirus is here you thing about. 20 million people get on land. only 1300 at sea. that is a fact. when it comes to ebola. it is horrifying virus. think about limitations to it. it is not everywhere. not as rampant as something like norovirus. gerri: before you go, let me get to dr. kevin. should we adopt procedures on cruise lines where people get sick? are you kidding me? is that a good idea. >> the idea of sanitizing vessels such as airplanes is important. what we have to remember, if someone has ebola and has blanket and pillow, only way of dispose of that and not contaminate others incinerate it
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in medical insit rate tore. that will be a big challenge. gerri: that is what they're doing with a lot of materials out of the apartment where thomas duncan lived. we're seeing a lot of that. i hope both of you will come back and talk about this. dr. campbell and mark, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. switching gears here. a big switching gears. raising minimum wage is one of top issues for democrats in today's election. they think they have a big winner. vice president joe biden is crisscrossing the country this week leading a white house effort to hike the minimum wage from $7.25 to 10.10. on monday he came face-to-face with a small business owner nevada. >> this is not so easy because, we're not talking $10.10. after you pay taxes and fica and everything, i mean we're talking about like $15.
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right now, it is very hard for small business to make it. and everybody knows. >> for more on this, we have guy benson, senior political editor for town hal. roy cohen a small business advisor. got to start with you on this one. a lot of small business operators out there, raise the minimum wage? are you kidding me? we'll kill our business. why is this such a big thing for small business operators? >> when you squeeze the business it will have some meltdown. lead to increased prices for customers which will probably reduce sales. there is also a potential for what he refer to as credential creep. you make it difficult for low-skilled employees to get employment. you're shooting yourself in your foot. credential creep i refer to that ultimately fewer people will be hired. increased costs get passed down to consumers and employees.
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gerri: if you want to shrink the labor market further, a good way to do it is raise the minimum wage. guy, to you, with why are democrats so impassioned about this? >> because it polls very well. if you don't know anything about economics and said, would you like your neighbor over there are or fellow citizen to take home higher pay, you would say yeah, of course, that sound great. the problem is, what we heard from your other guest who is on the front lines, there are ripple effects when the federal government comes in and creates new rules and what they are effectively doing by raising the federal minimum wage if they do it, they are raising cost of creating a entry level job. that has impacts not just for the business but for potential employees, the people who need those entry level jobs as well. let me show you what the wage hike would be if earning minimum wage, you would get 40% minimum wage hike, 40%.
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who get as 40% wage increase? roy, to your point, this is very small group of people who earn minimum wage. these are not people holding down families, paying for a mortgage. these are teenagers by and large. this is 3 million people and 2.5% of the workforce. this is shawl group of people. why are we so agitate bid this particular group, roy? >> this is a voting issue and a very popular one. if you get people to vote they will raise minimal wages. we essentially incenting people not to be ambitious. gerri: incenting people not to be ambitious. i see bad things if we do this. one of the issues the small business operator brought ups if you raise the wage, in california the minimum wage is higher, 10 colorado, i will pay $15 an hour for my employees.
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look attacks paid by small business for their workers. fica, disability, unemployment taxes, workers comp. guy, to you, what happens to maul business? we talk about what happens to small business workers but small businesses employ half the folks in this country. >> right. gerri: what happens to the companies themselves? >> well, roy hit it on the head. you have higher costs passed down to consumers, or, you have fewer new entry hires being made. or the people already making minimum wage, maybe they freeze hiring at that point. those people don't have the opportunity to climb the ladder, because perhaps they're not going to give any pay increases or give people raises who are already in those jobs. so, and i think the point you made, gerri, is so important. we're talking about a fraction, a tiny fraction of the workforce that is making minimum wage. the majority of whom are under the age of 25. a lot of people do not understand that point or know that statistic when they are asked, for example, about this
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question in a poll. >> 55% of them are under 25. 33% are teenagers! >> right. gerri: this is training wage. this is how you learn to hold down a job, how to get there on time, what to wear, what to act like. this isn't something that will feed a family. give you the last word here, roy. >> business ownership is sacred in the united states. we, when we make barriers to entry so challenging people are discouraged from opening businesses we end up shooting ourselves in our feet and create fewer opportunities for folks and don't allow ourselves to fulfill the american dream. gerri: guy, roy, thanks for coming on the show. great job both of. >> you thanks, gerri. gerri: we want to know what you think, here is our question tonight. who should set wages business or government? log on to vote on the right-hand side of the screen. i will share results at end of tonight's show. we have more coming up. we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. send me an e-mail. go to the website
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gerri: amazon workers delivering a court case that could ripple through the entire retail industry. the supreme court hearing arguments today whether warehouse workers for internet giant should be paid for the time they spend waiting waiting in line to be checked for stolen goods. the justices are suggested they are divided on case. here to weigh in a business attorney and frequent guest on our program of the seth, very good to see you. so what do these workers want? >> the workers want to have all of their pay under a law called the fair labor standards act apply through not only the completion of their main duties but through all of the wrap-up duties as well. in this particular case there are individuals that have to wait in a security check line. and as justice ginsberg noted in the hearing, although the company indicated it might be a
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five-minute wait, she observed it might be as much as a 25 or 30-minute wait. they want to get additional pay. the reason this is critical issue it boils down to multibillion-dollar damages area. if this is successful case for the plaintiffs, at end of the day it will affect tens of millions of hourly workers as well as all of their employers across the united states. gerri: this has legs. this could ripple through the entire industry, this company integrity solutions staffing, they're the defendant in this case. they say basically look, this is work place annoyance. for example, if i had a longer than usual commute to the office should i call up the second floor here at fox i need a little more dough because i had a hard time getting to work? do you buy that argument? >> not really. if you really go into the cases you come up with two conclusions. courts have been erratic an inconsistent. they have been sending conflicting messages. the law is pretty clear,
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commuting related time is not compensable. that is excluded from the act this is critical case before the court this morning. i think you have a sharply divided court. you have for example, justice ginsberg making comments in favor of employees. chief justice roberts was really kind of going in the other direction, observing that waiting in these kind of lines is not really a central part of the job. at the end of the day it will be hard for the court to conclude this is required portion of the work day for which if people refuse to do it, they're really subject to termination from their job. gerri: is that how that case will be decided? >> i believe that it will. i think at the end of the day it will be a sharply divided court and close call. i think it will be a feature where you're going to have a significant ripple effect in favor of the plaintiff. supreme court ruled on similar issue in the past where they said putting on and off protective gear and certain wrap-up duties should be included under the act for compensation. i think that reasonably applies here. this will have multiplier effect
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in this case. you have class-action suits waiting, additional against amazon, cvs and apple and also under this act you can get triple damages. gerri: wow. >> this is really big deal. people are keeping a close eye. >> 76 million hours. we don't take into account fact people are getting paid by the hour. there have been longstanding problem between amazon and these workers. we heard lots of complaints. it i will be interesting to see how it turns out. seth, thank you. >> you bet. >> later in the show we go to california where our very own jo ling kent spent the morning with gm ceo mary barra. interesting conversation. and next, they're not raising rates, not yet but what should you be doing now to prepare for the fed's big move? advice when we come back. ♪
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gerri: well news today that the fed is not, not in a rush to raise interest rates. the market loved it. the market was soaring. it is the best day this year. interest rates also a big concern for consumers. our next guest says, consumers should be preparing right now for higher rates because they will come some day. how do you do that in we're asking personal finance expert vera gibbons. start with that market move, up 274 points on the dow. that's a big move, a positive move. how are they interpreting what the fed was saying? >> so the fed speaks, the market listens. what the interpretation was the fed isn't going to do anything anytime soon. it provided the market with confirmation that the fed will not do anything anytime soon. no sense of urgency. this is just the fed minutes.
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the fed meeting is a couple weeks away. at the end of the month they're planning to end quantitative easing. eventually -- yes. gerri: rates will rise. how fast, how soon could there be a rate shock for consumers. what do you say? >> no one knows for sure when the rates are going to start rising. some say middle of 2015. that is the general take. depends ultimately how things look on economy and jobs front, growth. there is a lot of factors that go into it. they're not expected to shoot up like a rocket. they're supposed to be gradual. gerri: promises promise. not just the fed that sets rate, it is just the market. talk about consumers, who gets hit hardest? >> variable loans, variable credit card because most of us have, the credit card act did away with fixed-rate cards. if you have a variable rate card could be walloped with a percentage rate increase. if there are a series of increases along the way that could be serious. $25,000 awe auto loan, 1% rise,
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greg mcbride said that will be $125. not that much at all. people get walloped most, people kay very low rate credit cards, adjustable rate mortgages. gerri: exactly what that would look like. credit card debt, at 12.99% the rate. amount would be $4400 at 13.99% rate, it would be over 5,000. >> that is hypothetical from low that is $600 more. take you three months longer. point you want to find ways to chip away at credit card debt. finance some variable debt into fixed-rate product when there is a shift in the variable market, other rates. it reduces affordability by 11%. zillow is out with the great research showing how much a 1% rise would affect your purchasing power in number of metro markets. something that looks affordable now might be totally unaffordable if rates rise by one. gerri: half a year, year. >> could be whole different
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scenario. gerri: talk about what happens to savers. savers are the big winners. >> there is the positive. savers are ones been ones suffering throughout all of this. rates will rise. again they're not going up like a rocket. good time for savers to think about, putting money away on lane or at their credit unions which tend to offer best rates. you will get a little something. right now people are getting nothing because of inflation, taxes, so on. something is better than nothing. gerri: i think retirees in particular would love to have a return on their money from -- >> we've been like this for six years plus so. >> vera, thank you so much. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: great stuff. time for a lock e look at stories you're clicking on tonight on we mentioned stocks soaring today after the fed released minutes of its last policy meeting, last month's policy meeting. helping oil prices fall into the lowest level in more than a year. at&t will pay more than $100 million to settle government charges of cramming.
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ftc says at&t billed millions of consumers for charges from third party companies for services customers never even asked for. $80 million of settlement will do back to customers. jcpenney shares falling 10% today. the department store warned sales last month were weaker-than-expected and cut its out look for the current quarter. blaming too much clearance merchandise. apple sent out invitation to an october 16th event but not saying what it plans to announce. those in business expect apple to show off its new ipad models. perhaps even another update to its operating system. the company may also use the event to launch apple pay. those are some of the hot stories right now on coming up, one women's inspirational story about becoming a ceo. speaking of ceos, our very own jo ling kent sitting down with gm's mary barra, asking her about the rocky road filled with
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30 million recalled cars. what she had to say coming up after the break. ♪ new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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gerri: general motors ceo mary barra saying the gm has the recall fiasco consuming the company for the past year you should under control. she said consumers should be fully confident. that's news among the many headlines coming up today with barra's interview. great interview. whawhat were the highlights. >> thank you, gerri. it was a long wide-ranging interview. but the focus was about the 76 recalls so far this year more than 30 million cars have been recalled by general motors. i asked her when she exches these recalls to stop. this is what she said. >> again, it's doing the right thing for customers. i've been very clear about this since day one. we are always going to
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do the right thing. and i think how you should look at that and measure that as they get smaller and that we're quicker to market. look at the other great safety awards of cadillac, she have late, that should really set the tone. >> as you can see there, ceo of gm mary barra did not exactly give an answer to when she expects the recalls to stop. i also asked her about the 24 deaths linked with those faulty ignition switches. i asked her about the families who were convince that had their loved ones have died, but they have falled outside the definition given by kent's definition of how what qualifies for a settlement. i asked what she feels about that? >> well, first of all,, you know, any time there's a life life lost, it's tragic. that's why we brought
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ken in to administer this independently. if you look his definition is broad. and i feel very good about the way he's looking at this and that we're going to do the right thing. >> here at the powerful conference mary was named one of the most powerful businesswomen in the world, number two in fact. when i asked her what was it was like to get that honor amid all the controversy and tragedy coming out of gm i asked her if it was a double-edged sword. she said she's just trying to do the right thing. she's hoping to move forward despite the constant recalls we've seen seen this week. back to you. gerri: thank you for that. and with us now former knit gla official. he's now the director at highway traffic associates. this interview was fascinating and i want to play you a little sound from barra. she's talking about the recalls. are they a big issue, a
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small issue? >> if you also look, a lot of the actions we've been taking recently are very small, very targeted. if we understand there's an issue, for instance, at a tier two supplier, we're going to take action, but much smaller than setting a new bar. gerri: allen, is this a small issue? >> i don't think so. some of the recalls involve many vehicles. some of them involve a smaller number. there's an unreasonable risk of accidents injuries and deaths. i don't think it's a small problem. i don't think she can push it all off on the suppliers. general motors sets the specifying, and then general motors accepts or rejects the parts that the supplier provides. so i don't think gm can wash its hands of this by saying, with well, it was supplier's fault. gerri: gm designed the switch. they were responsible for its design. right? >> you're right.
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and furthermore i don't like the way mary barra would say, they were independently manager this program. feinberg was given a mandate to only deal with the -- some of the later models feinberg wasn't given jurisdictions. if you have a 2008 vehicle made by general motors that was recalled for defective ignition switches. so ken can't deal with that issue. mary barra of some given ken authority to deal with all the vehicles that were recalled for ignition switches only the earlier model ones. gerri: is the gm ceo trying to sweep this under the rug and trying to move on. >> i wouldn't be quite that harsh on her. she may be trying to install a culture change. i'm not so naive that's
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her only motivation. there's an ongoing investigation by the department of justice which could result in astronomical fines and could result in criminal prosecutions. it could result in jail time for gm president former employees who might have been involved in violating the law. so i think she has multiple -- various kinds of motivations for her actions, but i'll give her credit. there are 30 million vehicles that's been recalled this year. that's a lot more vehicles this year than gm has actually made. some of those recalls were for older vehicles, but some of them are for vehicles that are in the showroom. some of them being recalled have been made on her watch as ceo. gerri: that's a good point. another interesting point of the conversation was about knits a,the regulator. she says they're a good partner, but we should lead on safety. your reaction?
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(?) >> as to general motors vehicles, gm should lead on safety. they have the prime responsibility. they designed the product. they test the prieps before it goes into production. they deal with warranty claims and reports in the field about vehicles already in service. that's their responsibility. i'm not belittling nitza's mandate, but they're a small agency. and gm has the primary responsibility there. gm is the regulate team. this is the regulator. i think it's a funny way to say a partnership. gm has the superior sources as to gm products and they should be taking the lead on safety with respect to their own vehicles geavment allen, thank you. >> my pleasure, gerri. gerri: and i programming note for you. one of the country's biggest auto auctions is
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taking place tomorrow in pennsylvania. they expect about 30 cars to be sold in one hour. our adam, he's going to be there all day long tomorrow. you won't want to miss that. and when we come back, a look at polaroids own version of the gopro camera. the story of a young woman who went from living on food stamps to being the ceo of a food company. here's your consumer gauge. a great day for your 401(k) and stock investments. take a look at that. we'll be right back.
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started her own successful business. she's here with her story. tell us about this farm box direct. >> it a subscription based delivery service for produce. we allow you to kus mize each box for your delivery. gerri: why did you start this company. >> i did it to solve a problem. my daughter wasn't interested in eating meat ever. i had a hard time as a working new york mother to find good organic produce. and finding my way through who will foods knowing everything in their isn't organic. gerri: occupier food stamps at one point and from what i understand, you didn't want to stay there. >> i did not. toipghtd off of them, of course. obviously while i was pregnant, the story was my husband abandoned me while i was pregnant with my daughter. gerri: that's so awful. >> that's what i wanted
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to know at that time. gerri: you moved on jrkts. >> i moved back home with my mother. had my daughter. connections led me to new york, and i went to work as a brand manager for a fashion designer and that's how i came up with the idea. i was a business working mom, and i wanted to find the best produce for my child. gerri: you decided, boy, i could do it it better than anybody else can do it. you didn't have any background in this. >> i'm the farmer's daughter. so i did have some knowledge about different types of farming practices. and, like i said, i wanted her to have great organic produce. the problem was going into whole foods people don't realize not everything you buy there is organic. i wanted to solve the problem. gerri: so originally you were delivering these groceries yourself. it sounds like this thing grew and you had to figure out a way to keep up with it. yohow did you do that?
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>> i part nerd with fedex. i tested it here in new york. and i moved now to 14 different coasts -- i partner with fedex. gerri: you got 2,000 customers. what kind of advice do you have for people out there who might want to start their own business. >> networking is everything. i've learned that. people who are now involved in my company i never thought meeting them at first they would be a part of my company. definitely, you should aim for the moon. if you land somewhere, it will be somewhere on earth. don't get caught up in the little boring things in the company. gerri: you said you got to provide something people really want. what are your next steps for this company. >> we're heading into a fund. i'm taking it nationwide. we're going to be nationwide with it. and i think that, you
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know, evilon musk he wants to put people on mars, if he does it, i'll figure out how to put a farm box on mars as well. gerri: that's awesome. thanks for coming on the show. great story. when you go public, you got to come back. >> farm box direct. i will. gerri: and now we want to hear from you. vice president joe biden talking with small business owners. making a pitch to raise president minimum wage. one of the business owners warned him deadline hurt the bottom line. who should set waging wages? businesses. pay will be what the market in any area can bear. leave it to the business. they know their bottom line. the reality for some business owners they want big profit margins with small costs. we'll continue to argue about wage hikes dismantling their businesses. government needs to stay
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out of private things. they made a huge mess of our country and have no intention of fixing it. here's some of your emails, greg from florida writes this my money says in god we trust. my cell phone says made in china. who would you trust. do not trust anything a computer does these days. this is just aanother way for the government to keep track of everything in your life. and here's gary in illinois, the government must keep their hands off mutual funds. most people don't have enough saved for retirement the way it is. send me an email go to still to come my "2 cents more." the eighties are back. next polaroids newest product that's making headlines in the twifers 21st century.
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gerri: when you think about polaroid, if you think about it at all you probably think about this. do you remember these things instant cameras like the ones from 90866 well now the company has a new product it's called the polaroid cube. it's a tiny portable camera with a built in magnet. to find out we turn to dan. dan, thanks you for coming on. is this a gopro killer.
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that cool camera that people wear on their heads. >> you can do that, but it's not a gopro killer. it's made for using around the yard. you can take it on bikes. it's not meant to be on a wing suit all day long or something like that. gerri: how does it work. >> it works very well. i filmed my entire review on it. it's got a magnet on here. gerri: you can stick on metal and it won't move. >> we had it on the side of a sign. it's pretty fun. gerri: we're looking at your review. how much does it cost. >> it's $99. and it requires a micro sd card, but beyond that it's completely self-contained. gerri: i'm looking at this thing and i'm wondering how durable this is. >> i rolled this around concrete for about an hour, and it didn't even scuff, it can survive a
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lot of stuff. it's not going to fall off a mountain and be okay, but if you're bike riding and it falls in the street like it did for me, it willine. gerri: this would be the perfect stocking stuffer. >> my mom wants one. gerri: maybe that makes it entirely uncool. i don't know. the magnets are to keep it in place. how else would you use it? it's so little i think i'll lose it. >> it has different stands. it has a little monkey guy there. it kind of sits on his head and you can record whatever you want. you can put it on a bike mount, surfboard mount. i just held it like this all the time, and it came out fine. gerri: the picture doesn't vibrate. >> it doesn't have the less than to prevent shake like that. when you take it for $99, it really captures a great image. gerri: how easy is it to use
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compared to the gopro. the gopro has gotten so much publicity now here comes polaroid trying to compete. >> it's incredibly to use. you just press the button and it comes on and it will give you a couple of beeps. it's got a green light on right now. it starts shooting video. it will take a photo. hold it on again and it will turn off. gerri: all right. i think it's very interesting. is the gopro much more expensive. >> the gopro can run anywhere between 160 to 499 so it's a lot pricier than this. this is more for i guess urban explorers. backyard barbecues. gerri: it's for the christmas stocking. >> it really is. gerri: we'll be right back with my "2 cents more" and the answer to my question who or what should set wages. stay with us.
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gerri: updating our top story tonight ebola a dallas hospital confirming that they are treating a patient who may -- may have ebola. this new patient was in contact with members of thomas duncan's family. duncan was the first ebola patient in the u.s. he died this morning. officials said the new patient shows some signs of possible ebola function, but does not show all the symptoms as outlined by the cdc. family members speaking to the local station in
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dallas moments ago the man woke up today with flu like symptoms, but no fever. charles will have more on this story coming up in a minute including ebola's impact in the economy plus he looks at the volatility of ebola stocks. so stay tuned for that. vice president joe biden promoting minimum wage increase. he says it will boost houses. a small business owner confronted biden and said these regulations would crush his business. who should set wages, the business or government? we asked the question. 95 percent of you said businesses should set wages. only 5 percent said the government. be sure to log on to and early risers in parts of the country were treated to a stunning lunar ellipse.
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they saw the moon turn orange. reddish color comes from sunlight scattering off the earth's surface. finally tonight everything you heard about ebola as it turns out is not true. the president told us that it wouldn't happen here. that it wouldn't come to our shores. but it has we were told the our superior health care system could save people from dying from the virus. it hasn't. government solution is to have kus on me agents to screen travelers for symptoms for ebola. that's not enough. it can take 21 days for someone infected with the virus to show signs they have the disease. government needs to stop telling all its time telling us not to worry and more of the time to get the drugs developed and produced in quantity. that's my "2 cents more." that's it for willis report. thanks for joining us. don't forget to dvr the
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show if you can't catch it live. we'll be back tomorrow. charles: i'm charles payne and you're watching making money. some big news today. the first ebola patient dies. thomas eric duncan. and the white house gets more specific on -- all the latest. rich. >> evening, charles. doctors were experimental treatment. he traveled last month after arriving here. texas health presbyterian hospital says he died this morning. the officials at that same hospital said they've admitted a patient who shows the same symptoms. local officials say he had contact with family members of the man who died this morning and had also been inside his
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