tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 9, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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appreciate you watching us every night, 6:00 p.m. if you can't see the show, make sure you dvr it. you don't want to miss a moment of "making money." i'm going have a lot of stocks for you. big pop to the upside is coming. lou dobbs is going to carry you through the next hour. lou: good evening, everybody. the obama administration tonight is accused of obstructing an inspector general's investigation into the secret service prostitution scandal. the scandal that rocked the secret service two years ago. the "washington post" today reporting a white house aide was directly involved in the solicitation of prostitutes in a cartagena hotel days before a presidential summit in 2012. the inspector general investigator revealed he was instructed to withhold evidence. he told senate staffers, quote, we were directed at the time to delay the report of the
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investigation until after the 2012 election. superiors told me to withhold and alter certain information in the report of the investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration. the post also uncovered documents that show senior white house aides including former white house counsel catherine rumler were made aware of obama advanced team members involvement in the prostitution scandal at the time. those documents detailed a secret service report showing advanced team volunteer jonathan dock signed a prostitute into his room on the night in question. dock was not punished, he was hired full-time as a policy adviser and of all places, the state department's office on global women's issues. the white house responded with denials almost immediately.
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>> have been no specific credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the white house advanced team or the white house staff. lou: that was then and this is now. republicans blasting the administration. house judiciary committee demanding answers. >> you had three people in the inspector general's office there in the department of homeland security, who were put on administrative leave because they were asking questions and wondering why, why aren't we including this information about a white house staffer involved in this prostitution problem in cartagena? lou: we'll be taking all of this up with house judiciary committee member ron desantis in just moments. the centers for disease control and the department of health and human services doing little to inspire confidence in their ability to prevent an all-out ebola outbreak. here is sylvia burwell. >> the next step with regard to preparedness is having a system
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that can handle any case that we had. and we've had one case, and there may be other cases and we have to recognize that as a nation. lou: and a bloodbath on wall street today. more extreme volatility, the third consecutive triple digit move for the dow jones industrials, dropping nearly 350 points on the day. a paper loss of nearly half a trillion dollars. we begin with the secret service prostitution scandal and implications that the white house interfered in the investigation of that scandal and the role of the white house. the white house today stood by earlier review of the prostitution scandal, and its report. deputy press secretary eric schultz said today quote -- joining me now congressman ron desantis, member of the house judiciary committee and serves on the oversight and foreign
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affairs committees. allegations, congressman, that the white house was involved in the scandal, that it interfered with the ig investigation. your reaction? >> i think it's obviously serious. i mean this is an administration we know before the 2012 investigation or the election, they didn't want information about the benghazi attacks. and now we have this election coming up, and obama is pledging to do amnesty after the elections to pull the wool over the eyes of voters and of course they're not opening the obamacare exchanges until after the election. so this is a pattern of trying to put politics first, but with this ig thing, this is serious because this is interfering ove administration of justice. i think the white house's response, what they're going to do is deny, deny, deny and hope that the media moves on. they've had success with the stonewall strategy with the irs investigation and the other once. i know fox will cover it. but i hope "washington post" and the legacy media stay on
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this. lou: and this story broken by "washington post" to its great credit, in that report, david neiland acting as if it's a matter of course, routine, to be influenced by white house personnel to delay or to alter a report by the inspector general. that tone is chilling! >> no, absolutely. and we've seen this too with the benghazi talking points how that was manipulated by the white house, and this is a white house that's proven itself to put politics first, and they're going to do whatever they need to do. there was a quote in one of the articles, their goal is to protect crown, and that's basically what they've done. lou: seems an elegant expression for what is a corrupt, a corrupt conduct on the part of these officials if indeed that proves to be the case.
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turning to -- to the jonathan dock, the white house volunteer for the advance team. he is a policy adviser now, the office global women's issues, the son of a prominent democratic donor and former lobbyist. i mean, has his name come up in any of the investigations? i know that the house oversight committee, the judiciary committee all have looked into the so-called hooker scandal at the secret service. is that name really coming up for the first time to you guys? >> well, chairman issa before i was in congress 2012 wrote to the white house specifically asking about a white house advance team member. now this individual was not named in the letter, but all the facts about the hotel records were discussed in that letter, the white house got it. they dismissed it. nothing to see here, move along. i think it's troubling when you have the secret service guys who admittedly did wrong. they were taken to the cleaners
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immediately as they should have been but you got this one privileged white house advance team member, the son of obama donor, part of ruling elite and basically shuffled off and allowed to get a promotion so there is clearly no accountability if you're in the club. lou: and that club of course, the white house club. this, if it is proved to be utterly factual is truly troubling because of the interference of the white house and the ig investigation again, the cover-up, the stonewall as you referred to that's routine for this administration wherever confronted with illegality, ethics issues or outright scandal simply is their first response. >> that's the thing in this. this would have been a serious finish they would have admitted it, they would have taken a hit in public opinion for a little bit but could have made amends, held him responsible and moved on. instead it's not in the dna to take responsibility, so their
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instinct was to stonewall and obstruct, they've made it more serious than it probably would have been at least in terms of the white house official. lou: serious as you put it, it certainly is. congressman, we thanks for being with us as always. congressman ron desantis. turning to much needed good news about the possibility of preventing an ebola outbreak. a dallas county sheriffs deputy who went into the apartment where ebola patient zero thomas eric duncan, had been living today, tested negative for the deadly virus. the situation is bleak in west africa and worsening. the head of the united nations is a 20 fold increase in international aid is desperately needed to fight the outbreak in west africa and the head of the centers of disease control says the widening epidemic is reminiscent in his view of aids. >> i will say that in the 30 years i've been working in public health, the only thing like this has been aids.
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and we have to work now so this is not the world's next aids. lou: six military aircraft carrying 100 more marines arrived in liberia to help build medical centers there. the total number of our troops in the country, 300. eventually 4,000 troops could be deployed. we're coming right back. stay with us. another old-fashioned sell-off on wall street or is it something more? we'll have some of the answers here next. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health.
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and causes and the prospects for us all, moody's capital markets chief economist john lonski and fox business contributor anthony scaramucci. good to have you both here. welcome to the network, by the way. >> thrilled to be here. lou: delighted to have. >> you appreciate it. lou: super to have you with us tonight. john, turn to you first. this is all about the fundamentals and the market the last few days, triple digit moves. >> i don't think so. i mean the volatility itself is a giveaway, perhaps there is profit taking going on on. that being said, i wouldn't be surprised if investors have concluded that the upside is quite limited and that they're going to be proceeding cautiously going forward. lou: looks like a good time for caution. so bearish, john? >> no, i'm not bearish, i think we're going to finish up 5% for the year overall. up now at about 3%. might be bobbing up and down for a while. i wouldn't say my view is
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bearish. the economy is going to continue to grow. more importantly profits continue to expand, and as long as interest rates remain at ultralow levels, there's no reason to expect a protracted long live decline by equities. lou: you are always the source of great surprise and often delightful surprises and tonight among those moments. >> i'm more bullish. lou: really? >> yeah, i think we have to accept there's a new paradigm, that started on march 10, 2009ment the federal reserve intervenes in a massive way. limiting the price discovery of the markets and had inflation rate of six years, they're not going to let go now the and watch a precipitous stock market decline. lou: you think there is reaction to the september minutes of the fed. >> i think what you're seeing right now is a seasonal adjustment going on in the market that is not necessarily related to disrupting the
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long-term bull market trend. lou: so we were up about -- >> rates are at zero, they're going to stay zero for a long period of time. lou: zero minus. >> they should be minus. she can't bring them below zero. >> the darned effective rates. the reality here is as you look around the globe, other markets that are getting hammered as well, we seem to be leading the way into a trough, it may be we've stepped into a bucket and going to higher ground as you gentlemen indicate, but this is a global phenomenon right now. we are watching economies slow around the world. you are talk about growth, john. i'm looking for it. not finding it. >> come on. we came off of a strong second quarter up 4.6%. lou: are you using the commerce department numbers? are you really? >> we're looking at growth, a sales growth that is perceptible. take a look at germany. the message from europe is by
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itself monetary stimulus, ecb stimulus is not going to save europe. sooner or later, the europeans have to wake up to the fact they need structural reforms, they need to liberalize the labor market, the product market and so on. these changes will be disinflationary and i wouldn't be surprised. and in response we find that u.s. inflation remains very low, closer to 1% than 2% and turn the treasury yield heads down to 2%. lou: today we didn't see any indication of safe haven buying. the 10-year, we're looking at no move at all. >> that's why the sell-off was so severe. >> you have a long bill bull market trend and you're going to have adjustments and hiccups like this. is this a game over scenario. are we going to see a steep correction or pause in the markets? skybridge taking the position it's a pause in the markets. the growth isn't there, it's not going to be there under the
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current structural environment without corporate tax reform and improvement in the wages and the economy. growth is not going to be where you like it to be lou, or the two of us. lou: the growth i'm interested in, growth in jobs, growth in portfolio appreciation. i don't see -- >> you'll get the latter as a result of monetary policy, and whether we like it or not, the federal reserve has the pedal to the metal and interest rates are the gravity of financial assets. lou: i thought they just backed off on quantitative easing buying up a of the bonds. >> tapering does not mean tightening. when you're at zero, it means zero. you don't have a lot of places to go. if we're right about the scenario on the fixed income side. 2% august for a robust 2015 for stocks. >> how will we know if you guys are right? what's the first warning sign? another triple digit sell-off or what are we to expect in the short-term? >> january effect. lou: jan effect. >> have to move lower.
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housing isn't doing too well. in united states. that help is not going to come in the form of a 2.75% treasury yield, it's going to take the form of a 2%, 10-year treasury yield. lou: i started to see the bears come out. i don't do that with anthony. . >> the federal reserve is controlling 70% of the mortgage market. the mortgages are originated, stepping into the housing market to buy them. the rates are low, you keep the rates low, enough corporate profitability to sustain another leg in the market. lou: we can only see the fed drive business investment, job creation and overcome a few other minor issues like regulation taxation. anthony great to have you here. come back soon. would you as well, mr. lonski. >> i sure well. lou: join me and my financial reports three times a day
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coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. time for a look at online poll results. a beauty. we asked whether there is any issue that would cause to you vote for the democratic candidate in next month's midterm elections? 95% of you said no. be sure to join us in tonight's poll and vote on the question, do you consider this to be the most corrupt administration since richard nixon or symply the most corrupt, period. cast your vote at turkey declares they won't save the lives of more than 200,000 kurds who face massacre at the hands of the islamic state. >> we have seen u.s. coalition airstrikes there in the past. we are hearing jets overhead into the far right, turkish tanks, poised, ready, doing nothing. lou: ambassador john bolton joins us next. you start tomorro? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid.
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obama and eric holder, well, how they're not involved this time and why? u.s. and nato officials in turkey today pressing leaders to join the fight against the islamic state, but turkey's foreign minister saying it is not, quote, realistic to expect turkey to conduct a ground operation in syria. u.s. airstrikes doing too little to stop the islamic state in kobani, the terrorist group now controlling more than a third of the syrian border town, and joining us former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, fox news contributor john bolton. ambassador, good to have you with us. this is, i guess, reasonable to have expected on the part of the administration that turkey would not intervene in the fight, but why then are they in the coalition if they will permit 200,000 people to be simply executed, massacred? >> well, it shows both how complicated the situation is in
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the region and how ineffective is the obama administration's leadership. you know, honestly here, turkey doesn't come to this problem with clean hands. they allowed a lot of the jihadis to go through turkey into syria to participate in the opposition because turkey would love to see the assad regime overthrown, and let's face it, turkey has a real kurdish problem of its own. if there became an independent kurdish state in northern iraq and syria. lou: but these are all -- >> the pressure to lead as well. turkey is hardly the hero. lou: we give into explaining the complications of a complex region of the world why, in the hell do we get involved in the messes and why do we do so in such unproductive and often terribly destructive ways? >> well, you've asked two
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legitimate questions. the first one is easier to answer, and that is that we have a national interest in destroying isis. i don't think there's any question about it. i think if isis consolidates control over the territory it now holds, it will be a magnate like afghanistan was under the taliban for 9/11 and other terrorists. the second question has a direct answer as well. that is in the past since isis broke out and the iraqi army broke before mosul, the united states policy has been utterly ineffective and factions and ethnic groups and confessional groups that should be on our side to defeat isis have not been working with us. the president is not engaged. and this is not something that we can handle from the state department. lou: and we can lament the president's lack of engagement, his lack of foreign policy
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acuity, but the reality is, he is the president. and the conservatives have lined up, republicans have lined up and declaring as you just did, that the islamic state is a national security threat. meanwhile, expecting different outcomes given the same commander in chief is the one who withdrew from iraq, who left the taliban in charge in afghanistan. it is time for a different approach, it seemed to me, from those in different quarters philosophically, idealogcally coming up with a new approach to dealing with this, and considering perhaps that the islamic state is not the threat that approaches the level of iran. >> well, i agree with that. i think we should not take our eye off the iran nuclear weapons program. that is the number one threat. it's why i don't agree with those who advocated now taking on, overthrowing the assad regime. i think assad is a strategic
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side show, but let me say a word in my own defense about -- >> i'm not -- >> it's a problem, i think, lou, because i agree with you. i don't have any confidence this president could implement even a sensible national security policy. the trouble is he's implementing policies that by his own metrics will fail. beyond that, i think the lack of american leadership is damaging the country. we've got to have a national debate to get more people engaged in it. otherwise the next two years are pretty grim in my view. lou: ambassador john bolton. here i remind you sir, you require no defense. you are here because of your immense respect for your views, thank you, sir? >> thank you, lou. lou: 25,000 of our troops are stationed in okinawa. the supertyphoon is forecast to strike the island saturday.
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its winds already are a steady 150 miles an hour. that's the equivalent to a category 4 hurricane. we will keep you posted on this broadcast. we're coming right back. president obama's approval ratings at or near record lows. why republicans are watching their poll numbers improve with three weeks until election day? we go inside those numbers and out on the campaign trail next. . what's this? clicks are off the charts. yeah. yoshi, we're back. yes, sir! ♪ more shipping! more shipping! ♪ [ beeping ] ♪
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(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. >> twenty-five days until election day, the latest polls show republicans leading in nine of the 11 most hotly contested senate races. arkansas tom up seven. alaska's up four. georgia's david did your do you up three. iowa's up two.
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kansas' pat roberts up five. mitch mcconnell up by 4 percent. bill cassidy up 6 percent. south dakota mike rounds despite controversy and a three way contest, up 3 percent. and there's more evidence that republicans are about to strengthen their majority in the house. house democrats are reportedly pulling ad money from congressional races where they deem it not to be hopeless, but little hope. democrats have distanced themselves from nancy pelosi as well as the president. joining us now democratic strategist marian march. political editor steven. good to have you with us. mary ann the democrats polling early that money from 11 congressional districts, a sign of bad times?
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>> well, i don't think it's probably the democrats are going to lose seats in the house. that's been true for months and months and months. that's been true for a long time. they want to minimize their losses. >> since no one should be surprised, why did they split the money to begin with? >> there were some competitive races where someone republicans looked vulnerable. it was a matter of margins. the democrats were never going to win the house back. this was about minimizing losses? lou: and the losses look like they're going to be reasonable deep. when we're looking at nine out of 11 races according to the latest fox polls, democrats have to be kind of wondering what they can do because the president has actually saddled them with his policies on the ballot, perhaps ahead of their names. >> yeah, two things, first of all, in the house, today we just found that democrats are pulling money out of a
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district in northern virginia just south of me here in washington. this is a district that's gone for president obama. it's considered a swing district. the democrats really hoped to get there. they planned on advertising as much as $3 million from the national party they pulled that money in order to defend incumbents that really tells you the shape of the house field. in the senate the democrats best chance for hanging onto the senate are people without a d next to their name. the best chance is that independents can take the races in south dakota and kansas, thereby limiting, you know, the advances that republicans are going to make. that tells you just how rough the field is for democrats they're depending on independents to bring them there. lou: mary ann your thought on this. orman the guy against pat roberts. rounds is running against a former republican who has gone leftling, lare press
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there. this is a strange election year, isn't it? >> well, every election is strange. right? but on election night, we're not going to know who controls the senate because alaska is going to get counted in the middle of the night. and i think louisiana and georgia go to a runoff. no one is going to get 50 percent on any side. it will be december before we know who controls the senate. and i like democrats chances in a lot of those races and a lot of races as well. any of the polls you showed where a democrat is even or behind by three to five they can make it up on the ground on election day. democrats have invested millions of dollars in grassroots organizations to do that. i would hearken back to 2012 with president obama where i said on fox if he's even or close in florida, north carolina or virginia he wins because of that grassroots operation. and that's exactly what happened. lou: we're going to test you one more time. karl rove had this to
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say about the midterm elections. and if we can, let's roll that. >> these three races, arkansas, alaska, and colorado if they're added do the other three open democratic seats where everyone shows republicans ahead would give us the six necessary to win the senate. lou: is six too many, steven, to expect? or could it possibly be much larger more profound? >> six or seven is probably -- that's what most of the polling seems to suggest if the election were to happen today. mary ann just mentioned ground game. that is absolutely a worry for republicans. they've been beaten on that ground game several elections in a row. they take virginia where ken was down dramatically heading into last year's governor's election and getting nipped in about 1 percent there. there's a lot that could happen in those final
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days. we could be facing one of those election breaks. if it does break, it's most likely to break against obama. the democrats ground game is the only backstop they have at this point. lou: mary ann you don't seem to be worried about the democratic ground game. are rolling out finally a ground game shouldn't you worry? >> they don't have one, i'm not worried. and, i mean, that sincerely. i mean, that's just a fact. republicans don't have the kind of ground game. they haven't invested in it the way the democrats have. they're really relying on two things. a tide which i don't see coming or anger and there is anger out there, but in a midterm election a low turn out election ground game is everything and and the democrats have a big advantage there especially in alaska. lou: we'll be watching every one of them. thanks for being with us. thank you both. now, to something both democrats and republicans love: classic cars.
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most of us do. fox business correspondent adam in herbie pennsylvania at the largest auto meet going for one of the richest auctions as well. adam you look like you're having fun (?) >> it doesn't get any better than this. not only are we at the home of chocolate, but the sweet treat here are the cars that are at auction selling right now. in fact, just about 30 minutes ago, one car it was a 1958 bristol sold for $310,000. i believe we had video of that call as the hammer came down. this is just a remarkable car. it's part of a collection that belongs to a family out of new hampshire. he has a car a through z. one for each letter of alphabet. we're watching these cars go across the stage. we're reporting starting at 8:00 p.m. tonight. we'll have live
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coverage. the auctions will be here to talk about the cars coming up. there are some gorgeous cadillacs. this is going to be an incredible night. someone who can help you figure out how much your dad's old cat is worth. and all you got to do is put in the year of the car you like and they will tell you what it could sai sell for. lou: keep your eye open for a late-model '40s pickup truck with a ford logo on it. stay tuned for fox business' exclusive coverage of your dream car or in my case pickup tonight eight p.m. eastern immediately following "lou dobbs tonight." up next hookers secret service and the white house. remember the october surprise? democrat candidates are praying for. i made a prediction. we're going to check out
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lou: coming up here just a moment more violent protests after another police shooting in missouri. this time the president and attorney general are conspicuously silent. we'll explore why. and now our quotation of the evening with ebola, with the islamic state, with all that is going on, markets melting down, we could relate to this as i'm sure you can. former secretary of state henry kissinger said there cannot a crisis next week. my schedule is already full. i think we all empa thighs with that view. a few comments about a white house that is in constant encystent defense of its continuous displays of its utter lack of integrity and competence.
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the voting public can barely keep up with the twists and turns of scandal after scandal of this administration which is now part of the tremendous burden the democrats carry into these midterm elections. elections that republicans appear to win by historically by large numbers. most democrats find themselves hoping and praying and even some expecting an october surprise to save them. (?) listen to this fellow who said this on this broadcast. there he is. just last wednesday. >> the democrats definitely desperately need one. but don't bet a lot on a major news event rocking the midterms. if i were a betting man, i would go with an october field with more obama blaming of others and, of course, more deflection and distraction. lou: and today, a clear pattern
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on deflection and denial. what is the white house implicated now? well, the washington post said the secret service hooker scandal of 2012 was ordered covered up by administration officials to avoid any impact on the presidential election. president obama is surely outraged that once again his white house is being besmirched by scandal. so he is doing exactly what you would imagine someone with his outrage might do with such a predictable reflex as what he did after the benghazi terrorist attack and subsequent on stonewalling. he's attending yet another fundraiser. tonight with show biz glitter ratty. if only our president attended his intelligence his briefings with the same federal reserve or that he brings to
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fundraisers. he's clearly caught in a snare of his own -- his inattention or simple wrongheadedness. no wonder his gallup disapproval has risen to 55 percent, just one point now below his all-time high. the democratic party seems certain to lose control of the senate and not one democrat locked in a close raceon has so far been willing to be seen with mr. obama on the campaign trail. that's expected to change next week when he goes to connecticut to campaign for the democrat who is called the worst governor in the country. malloy. we'll see how that works out for connecticut. good luck everybody. up next a police shooting in missouri. more violent protests. where are the president and attorney general? perhaps this time waiting for the facts. we'll find out next.
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lou: protests erupting in the city of st. louis after an offduty police officer killed a black teenager who fired three shots at the police officer according to the police. his death sparked angry clashes on the eve of more demonstrations that are scheduled to take place in nearby ferguson. the place where michael brown was shot and killed two months ago. now, a missouri state senator is calling on the justice department to investigate this latest shooting. of course, the justice department is already investigating the other shooting. attorney general he went back holder said, the issues raised by the shooting of michael brown predate this
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incident. this is something that has a history to it and the history simmers beneath the surface in more communities than just ferguson. here to answer where the attorney general is now in the wake of these new shooting. christine adams. he survived under both bush and obama. also the author of crimes against the republican how the democrats voter fraud is fundamentally transforming america can be downloaded for free. christian, good to have you with us. let's start with the shooting, which on the surface, three shots were fired. we now are going to have another two-month plus investigation to find out exactly what happened. why is it taking so long to come to terms with the fact that there are facts in dispute and the communities, no matter their grievance, no matter their temper, no
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matter the influence of outside leaders simply to have wait for the facts. >> the facts are pesty things in these police incidents. the facts don't always seem to matter. we saw that with the michael brown shooting and the involvement of the attorney general. we're actually seeing signs of it in this latest incident where many of the witnesses said the boy just had a switch. it wasn't really a 9-millimeter pistol that he was shooting. it was a switch. so we have the strange disconnect between different version of events. that's why we have a legal system, a grand jury and eric holder needs to stay away. lou: he's managing to do that this time. with tempers flaring and with demonstrations in the streets again this time in st. louis and certainly people are behaving as if they're entitled and empowered to do so, destroying property, attacking police officers, and
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individuals. where is the leadership? where is the state's governor? where is the mayor? where is the attorney general? >> well, where the attorney general is generally on the side of the people causing the trouble. the attorney general went there and clearly took sides. clearly invoked racial issues. he deserves a -- lou: i'm talking about now, christian. where is he now? >> he's obviously a wall probably because this guy didn't have a sandwich. he had a pistol. so he's not going to get involved. he unleashed this fury around the country by blaming the system. blaming the police. encouraging lawlessness. that's what this guy does whether it's ferguson or in many other places around the country, lou. lou: let me ask you this: the facts, as you know, them, are there sufficient witnesses to this police shooting and the allegation shots fired by this
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18 year old man. and, by the way, i notice that media reports are now referring to him as an 18-year-old man not an 18-year-old teenager which is an interesting migration of language, i think a healthy one. but what -- is there enough evidence here to be helpful to the public and our right to know what's happened with confidence? >> well, my understanding of the evidence is that this teenager fired shots at the police. here's what most people know: when you pull a gun and shoot at the police, there is a strong likelihood that you're going to end up dead. and that's probably why eric holder is not involved this time because common sense would dictate that he needs to stay very far away from this case. lou: and the other case, the michael brown shooting. an unarmed teenager, an 18-year-old man, shot by a police officer, allegations are that
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darren wilson the police officer was -- had been assaulted by brown, a huge man. and we still don't know two months later what the outcome is of the grand jury investigation. i've never seen such slow procedures. and i'm curious to get your idea as to what in the world is going on in ferguson, missouri. >> well, we do know there's been some leaking going on. that a grand juror apparently leaked and said they don't think there's enough evidence to indict anybody. that, of course, might explain the silence. the silence might be because of terror. if there's not an indictment there might be widespread violence. we've had threats by other individuals that if there's not a charge there will be may help me. one way to possibly explain the slow walk is pure utter fear that if they don't indict
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there's going to be more violence. lou: with that, we have to say, christian for being with us. and hopefully we will learn something soon. and, by the way, in this case, fear is creating another problem. and that is simply putting the facts before the public. i've got a lot more confidence in the public than that. i think most americans do. thanks for being with us. christian adams. his new book is crimes against the public. online free at pg time for your comments. go back six years and then look at today. you can safely say that president obama has destabilized the entire middle east. carla post odd my facebook palin the president ignored both isil and ebola for as long as and is apparently avoiding his best to fail at both. john said, good for you, you have been the lone voice of sanity by trying to remind you remind us the real enemy
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