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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  October 13, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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yes we'll be hearing from the criser ceo. also coming up today on "money" with melissa francis, and i'm cheryl casone in for melissa, ebola is spreading in dallas, texas. a nurse who treated thomas duncan is sick with the virus. now the cdc says, it is time to quote, rethink ebola. embracing for doomsday scenario. what the president fierce is biggest threat for national security. charlie gasparino broke the news over the weekend and he is here. they are at it again, microsoft's desperate attempts to elbow their way into your sunday night tv watching. we have that story. google, the doctor is in, okay, google style anyway. plans to get medical questioned answered without a visit to the doctor's office. even when they say it is not it is always about money.
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cheryl: the vix, widely recognized as wall street fear gauge, touching the highest mark we've seen since september of 2012. here to help sort it out, we have charlie gasparino here on set. "barron's" jack hough and dan shaffer of schaefer asset management. you were talking about this and i have a feeling you're not surprised. >> we're at early stages of volatility. hedge fund and federal reserve trying to hold up the market for this wealth effect. i heard talk about qe4 which i don't think they will be able to do. global inflationary depression is spreading that can't be stopped, not just united states, your row, eurozone, japan's experiment never worked. people stopped spending money.
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stopping of spending money globally has tanked and they can't stop that. cheryl: charlie, you can't take the weekend off. >> from the wall street firms, i want to throw that in there. if you own bank stocks -- cheryl: get to your story because it actually doesn't involve the banking sector but pretty big over the weekend. you broke big news in cyberterrorism. that involves the white house. give us the specifics of the stover. >> back up a little bit to set the stage. president obama gave a series of fund raisers over the last week. couple in new york city, one in greenwich, with high powered people, a lot of wall street guys who have connections to the democratic party. i spoke to some of them. interesting some of thinks remarks particularly at a tuesday meeting, at a townhouse in chelsea where president was speaking. >> in new york. >> rosie o'donnell was at this one and mark wahlberg and financial types. he said cyberterrorism represents a huge threat.
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starting to put it in context. he said cyber-terrorists, three cyber-terrorists in a room with server can do much more than what bonnie & clyde could do in 1000 years. the ability to do to steal a lot of money in the banking system with the cyber criminals he said are immense. what people told me that hurt him in the meetings. they are worried, the obama administration is worried about some attack on government databases. some major doomsday attack. cheryl: not ebola, not isis. they're worried about cybersecurity. >> yes. i would say of all things, put it in context. he mentioned at the same meeting that he thinks the u.s. has capability to contain ebola now that it is on our shores. he was much more confident to the people who were there than he was on cybersecurity obviously. his comments, his confidence, we should point out occurred before the latest case. the woman as you know, now
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infected, additional woman in dallas, first u.s. case someone caught here. that is what he said. listen, cybersecurity is a huge issue. we do know it. if you came that close to getting social security numbers at jpmorgan, that is the biggest bank in the world, every corporation deals with it. cheryl: every day. >> imagine if you broke in. he was talking about hundreds of millions of dollars could theoretically vanish from the bank if you actually get in those walls. i don't dismiss, i think he is too late on this to be honest with you. cheryl: i bet you do. try to take sunday off once in a while. stop emailing me. stay on cybersecurity, same situation happening with a company called snapchat. if you don't know about it, look this service is very popular among teenagers. basically there are messages that they have, pictures of videos. sometimes they're racy and vanish after a few seconds. now there is a potential breach of the company and massive, hackers, speaking of hackers targeted workaround site to save the fleeting pictures.
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now to get the 100,000 photos endangered of being exposed online. i'm sure there are celebrities in there. jack, in a way we almost expected this to happen. if jpmorgan is under attack, snapchat could be under attack. >> i wouldn't put them in the same bucket. pictures an internet compared to people's financial deals. if you're engaging in that behavior, this is pretty new product or service. like i said, maybe use polaroid camera. >> that is not what teenagers are doing. >> take naked pictures use a polaroid. >> this is issue. teenagers are so influenced by the media. they think everything is safe all the time. they are young. they haven't had experiences. from what i understand it was not an attack on that website but where they were saving the snapchat pictures. cheryl: that's what i just said. we don't have this confirmed yet. it is just, look, careful whether your financial data or whether pictures frankly you shouldn't be sending anyway.
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>> don't we have to ask about snapchat? what is the valuation? something like 10 billion? >> this does not bode well for the dollar figure. >> this is like a huge story if you're investor in this company. cheryl: i don't use snapchat. i do drive once in a while anyway, badly. it has been a slow-going day right now for fiat chrysler. new york stock exchange, excuse me, shares opened about nine bucks this morning. they have seen little movement since. that can't be sitting well with ceo sergio marchionne. he was openhoping the move would raise he have the auto make's profile. he thought it would open with a bigger pop. >> i don't know. the problem all these auto companies there is a general taint to them. this is not a market that you will get excited about, fiat chrysler. >> there is a lot of concerns about global growth right now but i will say cars to me look better than a lot of different spaces. in europe they're bouncing off the bottom right now. if you look at september you saw
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increase in registrations there. you had increase in car sales here on record prices for month of september. i do see room for growth in cars that i don't see with others -- >> should have put dot-com at the end. >> car companies are slowing down. some numbers coming out are not exciting not just in the united states but globally like china. as far as the stock is concerned, i don't own it, full disclosure, i think they should be happy where it came out today, considering market conditions. there is oversupply of stock that hasn't come out yet, priced this, put it out because they have more stock behind it. that may be holding the stock down. if it holds where it april mode, or got listed at that price that will be good for future of more stock. cheryl: you say technical trading. >> just on the open and that was it. cheryl: a little bit. let the viewers know, we'll have more coming up in just a little bit. jeff flock will speak with fiat chrysler ceo, sergio marchionne coming up in a few moments.
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look at gopro. this is wall street's favorite camera. the stock is getting hammered today. there is report out that blamed hit for michael schumacher's traumatic injury. this is the formula one driver. he was wearing the gopro on the ski helmet when he suffered a head injury that left him in medically induced coma. horrible story. but is this go pro's fault. >> this is ludicrous to me. the reasons for stock to fall this, way overpriced. this is 40 bucks, 30 bucks, something like that. but to take a skier, someone at high-risk, french alps location, it was camera's fault but make maybe you took a wrong term. cheryl: don't be texting and driving either, guys. >> suppose you can't use, i will never use gopro just so you know, suppose you can't do camera while skiing? what how does that impact sales?
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>> its mount. weakens the helmet. law of averages hit sim heavily at right point. >> if you can't use gopro in extreme sports, why do you want to use gopro? >> it is true the mount would probably weaken the helmet. that is self-evident to everyone. if you put a unicorn on your helmet -- >> that is not the question. if you can't use it in extreme sports, that is how they're marketing how does it affect the bottom line. >> that is good point. >> now we have medical issue involved. cheryl: we'll see. obviously there could be other factors involved in that accident. certainly that is a stock we'll watch for you throughout the hour. also bring you this story, a little bit of a different take. this is something happening out in chicago thanks to some very controversial traffic tickets. the city, get this, installed yellow lights, shorter than standard three seconds. cut down amount of time to see the yellow light to get through it. led to 77,000 tickets.
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$8 million they pulled n. 8 million bucks. p rahm emanuel. >> rahm figured this out. that is all the wall street training. >> desremember race, they need common any so badly they're looking every angle. >> how much will they have in additional legal costs for people who will bring suits because of those tickets. might lose more than they made. cheryl: just below the 3-second window. $8 million? a lot of money. >> building mistrust among drivers. cheryl: like they care what drivers think. >> i don't think you could sue them on this government of any city has the sort of constitutional right, i believe, in the city charter to set the traffic lights at whatever speed they want. so they, he just figured out a way to make himself, how much was it, eight billion? cheryl: eight million. >> was it eight million? cheryl: eight million. >> i will tell you eight million. i thought you said billion for a second. if it is eight million, it ain't worth it. he will piss people off.
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>> gopro camera driving just so -- cheryl: good one. >> not worth the money on this one. just alienated millions of voters. cheryl: we'll take a quick break. when we come back we'll cover this for you. forced indoors. americans given mandatory quarantine after tv doctor nancy snyderman went out in public for a food run, despite the fact she was not supposed to do that. she have exposed people. thank you, nbc. walgreen let the cat out of the bag. how they revealed more than the tech giant wanted anybody to know. more "money" and more secrets coming up. ♪ she's still the one for you.
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or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. cheryl: fear is growing over the threat of ebola here at home. a texas health care worker who treated the patient hospitalized in dallas has tested positive for the virus. fox news's alicia acuna is live at that texas hospital with more. alicia, what do we know about that nurse today? >> hi, cheryl. we did get an update from the cdc director dr. tom frieden. he said she is being closely monitored. her family wants privacy. she is being held in isolation.
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the cdc says she had been exposed to thomas eric duncan, the man from liberia who died last week of ebola. while the nurse wore the required protective gear dr. frieden said it was a preach in protocol that caused transmission. he addressed that today. >> we need to consider the possibility that there could be additional cases, particularly among the health care workers who cared for the indexed patient. >> now, dr. frieden also said that in know way did he mean to blame the nurse. he said he feels absolutely awful that she was infected because she was trying to care for this patient which is part of her job. doctors say it is removal of the protective gear when workers can be most vulnerable. health care workers family, this health care worker's family requested privacy of the hospital right know, cheryl, won't even release her name at this time. >> how are they controlling the
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spread of the virus, alicia? >> well, dr. frieden says you know the protocol for approaching this is something that is constantly changing and that's something they're realizing need to happen and what they're doing, is they're asking hospital all over the country to quote, think ebola. when someone walks in with a fever, especially if they have traveled through or from western africa and they have questionable symptoms, they need to start asking questions and start thinking in terms of ebola. as for cases here, there are teams on the ground interviewing anyone who had possible contact with both the nurse and duncan known as the index patient so they can develop what they're calling map of potential exposures. cheryl: alicia acuna, live in dallas, texas. thank you very much for that live report. we appreciate your time. and you know the president, want to let you all know, to be briefed in few moments on washington on administration response to the ebola case in dallas. just a short while ago the cdc
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director warning we must be prepared for additional cases particularly among health care workers. at the same hospital where alicia gave her life report. however, new survey, 57% of nurses feel they are not sufficiently trained on the virus. this beg as serious question. how confident are we in the ability to treat sick patients? dr. david samadi, chairman of neurology at lennox hill hospital and frequent guest on fox news. you've been on the all the news this weekend covering the second case. should we be concerned health care workers are not prepared to deal with the disease? >> sure fay speaks for itself. 75% of nurses and doctors are not completely trained. we're talking about small hospitals across the u.s. who may not have all the equipment we have at major institutions. let me also commend these nurses and doctors working hard. she was doing her job. she should be commended what she does all the time taking care of
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sick people. what i said you're dealing with a virus 70 to 90% lethal. no vaccine takes care of this virus. there is no antiviral, there is no zmapp, we ran out of it in one day. until we figure out how the virus spreads. is it spreading through the body fluid as we spoke about? yes. vomit, diarrhea, urine, all that stuff is there but can you get it from touching your face which is the case that happened in spain? you have to tell me how the nbc cameraman got ebola. was it from casual touch or how that happened. more questions are not answered. until then we should be cautious about having people come into the country. cheryl: fox had a great interview with dr. anthony fauci. i want to listen to what he said about how he thinks this was actually spread. listen to the sound bite. >> what apparently happened in this unfortunate incident of the nurse getting infected there was an innocent and inadvertent
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breach in protocol. what we need to do better now is to get better training and awareness of how to precisely implement those procalls. the protocals are there and when implemented they work. cheryl: do you agree with that? mistakes happen? that is kind of gist what he said? >> on a personal level as a colleague i have a lot of respect for dr. fauci and he is certainly trying very hard to implement the protocals but you can not have a whoops moment. you can not tell me that 99% of the time we were able to protect our nurses and that 1%, by the way, you got the virus in about three weeks you will be bleeding from every orifice from your body. this is not to create panic. this is to educate the public what we're dealing with here. this is deadly virus that has potential to become a real epidemic. until we set ourself and prepare hospitals for this virus i said it yesterday, i say it again. mr. president, bring up those walls. you have to protect americans.
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and as a physician who works in major institutions here in new york city, we have to take care of our patients to protect them. cheryl: he is getting briefed. maybe he won't go to play golf afterwards today. >> i hope he is listening to our message. cheryl: thank you very much, dr. samadi. good to have you on the show. chrysler is set to make its big debut on the trading floor today as they kind of did. we'll hear from the ceo about the company's big day. kim jong-un still missing in action but "snl" has theories where he might be. we have more "money" coming up. >> i told you, i broke my ankle while dunking over michael jordan. this is what happened! the movie "space jam" is about me! reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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cheryl: all right. i mentioned this earlier. fiat chrysler shares of the automaker trading on the new york stock exchange. our very own jeff flock just cut caught up with ceo sergio marchionne in "first on fox business" interview. take a listen. >> [inaudible] >> great opportunity for us to be in a direct market because, one of the things hopefully will become clear is the fact that is very much a of an american -- more than half of autos coming in through -- i think it is important, that we're in the right capital market for all we do. i think in the future it's a great future for us. >> good time to launch? >> actually not. but it has nothing to do with us. i think as you well know over the last couple of weeks we've seen some nervousness in the markets. i think some of my colleagues out of detroit did not necessarily deliver the best of
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news. we'll try to go counter measure and, we'll see what we do at end of this month when we release our earnings. but the house is in good shape. we're working well. we're in the right place. i think it is, couldn't be a better day. these cars -- >> nice car. >> there are a couple more coming. >> this one at 200 miles an hour, did you. >> the one i drove 200 miles-an-hour was lower and more expensive. >> thank you very much on the day. >> thank you. >> sergio marchionne. cheryl: we got the comments from sergio marchionne. jeff flock will have more later on fox business. "first on fox business" interview with sergio marchionne, ceo of chrysler, i don't know if you caught that, a couple of sink singers syncsessers and. from united states to every corner of the globe money is flying around the world today, starting in north korea, a state
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envoy claims kim jong-un is well, alive and well and still in charge. an official report from north korea claims the young ruler is healthy and but cites, quote, personal discomfort. let your imagination run with that one or not. that is disturbing. move to spain, we spotted entrepreneurial funny business happening there. a barcelona comedy club using facial recognition to charge people by each time that they laugh. each chuckle costs about 38 cents with a maximum total charge of $30 if you're watching the show. i wonder if they have the two-drink minimum that is popular here? landing in france, throwing down your credit card isn't going to cut it. a paris restaurant requiring patrons to pay for meals by washing dishes. this is no joke. one slice of chocolate cake means scrubbing down four place settings. i have somebody pick up the tab next time i have dinner. who cares?
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turn back to the markets here in the u.s. stocks are struggling to make some green today. let's go to nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. nicole. >> back and forth action. the dow is to the downside. we'll watch positive and negative for the year, 2014. nasdaq squeezing out a gain. bring one name to your attention, so the tickca. think about ray bans. luxiotica the stock is down 8%. the new ceo on board for six weeks, he said, you know what? i quit. resigned so quickly. the prior ceo had a very similar issue. they were both beating with the founder. cheryl: nicole petallides on floor of new york stock exchange. thank you very much. we're following what is happening in the middle east. we're finding out isis is closing in right now on baghdad. the terrorist group within miles of the city's airport. what happens if the capital of iraq falls to isis?
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plus the doctor will see you right now. literally right now on google. much. the internet giant is getting into the health care business. "piles of money" coming up. stay with us. ♪
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make it matter. cheryl: fighting continues near the border city of kobani, forces may be at a standoff against isis after ramped-up airstrikes and a counterto feintsive on the ground. fox news' greg talcott is at the border for us. >> reporter: cheryl, the battle for kobani is shaping up to be a crucial test of the u.s.-led war on isis, and now it is increasingly looking like a test that the united states does not want to fail. take a look at what we saw on the border today. the grinding siege of kobani goes on all day long. we've been seeing and hearing
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small arms and machine gunfire coming from all across this town. the isis terrorists duking it out with the kurdish defenders. but all day long, too, we've been hearing overhead u.s. jets and seeing airstrikes. the kurds tell us they are now having an effect. they have turned what looked like an isis rout into, at the very least, a deadly standoff. kurdish fighters, however, remain outmanned and outgunned by isis. we are told that terrorists have gotten more reinforcements, more ammunition in the last 24 hours. we are also told they are using truck and increasingly car bombs against their foe. in the curd defenders' favor -- kurd defenders' favor, a lot of local knowledge, guts and those airstrikes. confirming today that seven strikes were launched against isis in and around kobani. now, according to washington officials over the weekend, turkey had agreed to let u.s. use its nearby bases for those
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bombing runs. turkish officials denied it as we watched rows and rows of turkish tanks alongside us sitting about a mile away from the action doing nothing. finally, cheryl, we're getting a grim report out tonight from refugees who are coming out of kobani. it is unupon confirmed but it i, sadly, believable, that is of isis decapitating locals, actually beheading corpses and leaving them on the street, mutilating bodies, kidnapping girls. whatever is the true story inside that town, there's little time to waste. back to you. cheryl: all right. greg talcott live for us on the border of turkey and syria. thank you very much. very disturbing what's happening there. meanwhile at the turkey border, officials say no deal has been made with the u.s. to allow the coalition to use turkey's air base to fight isis. this as the terrorists march close to another key city,
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baghdad. new reports of extremists are within miles of the city's vital airport. mike baker is a former cia operative and cofounder of intelligence security firm diligence, pete hegseth is the ceo of concerned veterans for america, a fox news contributor. mike, i want to start with you. you know, the question here now is are these airstrikes really effective of in battling isis? you just saw that report that isis is well, frankly, assaulting individualers once -- villagers once again. do we need to step up something here? >> well, yes, we do. i mean, if we don't want to have a situation as greg, i think rightly put it in his report, a deadly standoff. at best what we'll end up with, basically, is a stalemate. if we don't, again, do what we've been talking about for some time now which is get boots on the ground, somebody's boots on the ground. clearly, turkey hasn't blinked yet. despite i think the current
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administration's belief that turkey would at se point jump in the fray because they've got a lot of stake here, but it's not in erdogan, in turkey's prime minister's, you know, agenda. it's not in his best interests to step in at point. be we don't get somebody -- if we don't get somebody on the ground in a plant way, the idea we're going to win with airstrikes and minimal assistance from the u.s., it's a knew vive thought. cheryl: pete, billions of dollars spent in the war many iraq, afghanistan, now we may lose baghdad. your reaction. >> well, it is a reminder of how vicious this enemy is, how much they've adapted on the battlefield regardless of strikes as limited as they've been. they've turned this army into a guerrilla force, and they're attempting to lay siege on western baghdad where the international airport is. they're fighting a vicious fight in syria on the turkish border in kobani, but they're also fighting for large portions of anbar province, and we're hearing reports now of isis
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fighters gathering on and around baghdad for a potential ongoing siege. this is serious stuff. that airport is probably the most critical infrastructure in that country right now as far as resupplying and support, and these airstrikes just haven't gotten it done. as we saw from the news from turkey, they haven't yet decided whether or not isis or assad are worse or, frankly, the kurds across the border who they've been fighting for decades. it underscores how complicated forging this alliance really is going to be. cheryl: pete brings up a crucial point here in the fact that over the weekend you heard the turks, basically, they had not decided whether or not airstrikes -- excuse me, a no-fly zone should be honored or not. the u.s. is not willing to agree to a no-fly zone, but the turks are asking for one. why in god's name would they do that, mike? that makes no sense to any of us. you assume that turkey wants peace. that doesn't sound like a nation that wants peace to me. >> turkey wants assad gone. erdogan is, the head of turkey
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is tightly aligned with the muslim brotherhood, and and he makes no, you know, mistake about declaring what he wants to see. he wants assad gone. and that's what they've been seeking concessions from the u.s., from the current administration here, the white house in order to step in in a more meaningful way, they've been seeking concessions. and the reason being is all they want is they want a sad gone. -- assad gone. this hostility that's been going on for generations between the turks and the kurds, they don't want to help the kurds, do anything that's going to help us if it means assad stays in power. cheryl: my friend is my enemy, and nobody knows who's friends and enemies over there. gentlemen, thank you very much. >> thank you. cheryl: another retailer falling victim to a cyber hack. bet kmart wishes it could put this one on layaway. we'll have that story for you. plus, even "the walking dead" can't keep microsoft there promoting its ipad -- sorry,
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surface tablets, excuse me. it's all about "money," more on that coming up. ♪ ♪ many americans who have prescriptions fail to stay on them. that's why we created programs which encourage people to take their medications regularly. so join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today.
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bottoms up, america. see you tomorrow. same time. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. ♪ ♪ cheryl: i'm cheryl casone with your fox business brief. kmart is the late rest victim of a cyber breach with hackers stealing thousands of payment details. the retailer says cash registers around 1200 stores were infected
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with a bug that scooped up credit card and debit card numbers. csx shares surging today on news of a merger proposal from fail rail operator canadian facility. the $62 billion would make them one of the biggest rail companies in the world. csx has so far rejected the offer. and david beckham will become the face of a new campaign to fight ebola. the soccer superstar will be featured in a video that will be shown throughout west africa to raise awareness of the killer virus. it's still unknown as to whether he's actually going to visit the region. interesting. that's the latest from the fox business network, giving you the power to prosper. be right back.
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the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. cheryl: we're getting some breaking news in to fox business, we have just learned the name of the second person diagnosed with ebola this texas. according to dow jones, nina fam is the young nurse who helped care for thomas eric duncan. fam is just 26 years old, she attended tcu, she graduated in 2010 with a degree this nursing -- in nursing. she has been in isolation at texas health presbyterian hospital dallas since friday night when she developed a light fever, and she drove herself to the hospital. again, we are just getting name of the first person -- the second person diagnosed in this country with ebola. well, switching gears right
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now, the apple is literally out of the bag. according to a leaked memo from mac rumors, apple pay will launch saturday. here now are terkel brand's bruce terkel, and jack also back with us. you know what, bruce? this could be considered a big problem for apple, because this -- i mean, the element of surprise is what apple is best known for. looks like walgreens might have made a big mistake here. >> i don't think it's going to be a problem, in fact, i think they'll turn it into a positive. be you look at the big picture, what they're doing here is creating a new ecosystem. it's not just a little device, it's not just one store, but they're going to roll it out slowly, and little by little they're going to create the entire universe where we make our purchases. the crazy questioning of course, is will they accept this at the microsoft store? cheryl: hillary, apple has not confirmed this, but this memo
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was leaked, and it looks like it's the real deal here. does this hurtle apple in your -- hurt apple in your opinion at all? >> it may to some extent from a public relations standpoint, but the bigger picture, this is huge. apple pay is going the really, really -- to really, really give a problem to ebay which is spinning off paypal because this is just incremental revenue for apple. that's all it is. this is the sid is l on the steak -- sizzle on the steak for these paying companies. >> the bar is set really low here. we're competing against magnetic strips on the back of credit cards. it's a low bar, and apple has made partners of all the people who are already big players, mastercard and visa, so they're not stepping on anyone's toes. i think it'll be a big success. cheryl: let's move over to microsoft because the status tablet -- surface tablet has been taking a big bite out of "the walking dead," commercials
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running throughout the hit show, but that's not all. the previews for next week's episode were also brought to you by the surface. bruce, they're spending a lot of money to get this arrangement with the "the walking dead." is it worth kind of dollar amount to buy this package of commercials for one of the biggest shows on tv when you're, frankly, the owner of the surface? >> well, they're getting the word out, you're right about that. and finally microsoft has an awesome product with the pro iii which, by the way, is only going to get better and better when windows 10 comes out and all the other advantages. however, what i can't understand is why they're trying to take a page out of apple's book and be cool, hanging out with zombies, when they need to establish their own very clear brand value. it's such a great product, such a game changer. cheryl: really quick, jack, in a way it kind of seems like they're targeting the right audience because they're going for kind of those kids that like zombie thing. not that i watch the show.
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>> this guy right here is cool, and i saw the commercial. [laughter] i guess the commercials struck me as quirky and everything. i didn't see a whole lot about the features of the device and how it compares to the others. it was more just about trying to be a funny, fluffy thing. >> right. cheryl: well, hillary, i want to get your take on this next thing. i like me some football. but the surface also has been seen, been getting a lot of play on sunday night football. this is expensive, by the way. after a series of unfortunate e scents that led -- events, microsoft had to go in and coach the anchors to call them by their true name, the surface. that's not a good sign. >> oh, it certainly isn't, and it tells us, cheryl, that i pads, that's the standard -- ipads, that's the standard, right? that's the gold standard. but it's a great way to try to get some headway into this sector. and as we saw in the last earnings report from apple, you know, the ipad isn't their leading product by far.
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so there might be some opportunity here. and if anyone's going to get -- cheryl: jack, wait, really quick, making a -- >> i was going to say to your point about ipad being the standard, i have a kindle for my 4-year-old daughter, and she keeps saying i want to use the ipad. she said, can we just call it an ipad? >> see? cheryl: a lot of issues. coach the announcers, that blows me away. guys, thank you very much. appreciate it. we are now heading into the last hour of trading. let's check in with liz claman to see what she's got coming up. liz: we see the markets broking lower, they have just identified the nurse at texas health presbyterian who has contracted the ebola virus. was she or wasn't she wearing the appropriate gear? we're talking about those hazmat suits, or was it just a glove and a mask and a coat? listen, we the harvard school health of public policy head, he has what he thinks is the best idea of how anyone
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showing signs of ebola in america should be treated. it involves training the smallest number of people to just four spots around the nation. what does he say about this latest news that it was not necessarily the most experienced nurse? she was just 26 years old, is just 26 years old and dealing with this. plus, there is a brand new thing called a robotic bartender. we have shown this to you because it's on a royal caribbean ship. but look how it is dealing with glass and glasses. it's very interesting here. we have got the guy who's in charge of the mit lab that created this thing. could this eventually be an idea that could help with things like test tubes that have ebola type of virus testing in them? we have got them, plus, we're watching the markets up, down, all around. cheryl: okay, great. getting a drink at the bar even easier. just what we all need. [laughter] liz, thank you very much. we'll see you in 12 minutes. well, falling oil prices
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causing some major in-fighting. saudi arabia's oil chief at odds with members of opec. we're going to talk about that. and rumor has it that adele is about to come into some serious cash. what a new deal could mean for the talented singer. you can never have too much "money." ♪ ♪
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endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. cheryl: whether it is on wall street orn street, here is who's making money today. anyone with a piece of jcpenney. shares are climbing after they appointed an executive from home depot as new ceo. marvin ellison will come on board in november and officially take over next summer. investors cheering the news, the
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stock's up about 1%, 12 cents. former ceo ron johnson thought he could turn things around, he still, by the way, has 800 million shares meaning he made about $800,000 from that news alone. but about to make way more money, this lady, adele can. she is in talks with sony for a deal worth nearly $130 million. it'd be one of the biggest contracts in music history, and she'd even be given her own record label. she still owes another record to her current label, but sony is either willing to buy her out of that deal too. she's amazing. all right. well, we are watching right now another big selloff in the energy pits. oil prices crashing below $85 a barrel. those cheaper prices causing a rift within opec as the saudis urge oil cartel members to get used to lower prices. venezuela not taking that lightly, phil flynn is in the trading pits of the cme with us,
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little argument going on between the members. >> reporter: yes. all is not well in the little friendly cartel, especially when oil prices are falling. cheryl, i'm telling you what, this little production war that we could see building is probably the most significant we've seen since the early part of 1999-2000. why is it? falling oil prices, rising u.s. policy production. -- oil production. and what's happening within cartel is they're starting to realize that if they cut back production, they're going to lose market share. so this is what this is all about. now, the strong hands in opec like saudi arabia, like iran, like iraq, the biggest producers, they have already cut prices. they're matching everybody dollar for dollar because they want to hang onto that market share. the smaller producers in the cartel and the ones that are more marginal when it comes to their budget and oil prices like venezuela, saudi arabia's telling 'em, tough luck, guys, you're on your own. this is very significant, and it's the type of war breaking
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out in opec that's always going to be good for the u.s. economy because it means lower oil prices. cheryl: take it. phil flynn live at the cme, thank you very much. google sees you searching for symptoms online, now they're giving you free video chats with actual doctors, but there's a catch. at the end of the today, it's all about health and "money." ♪ ♪ so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. ghave a nice flight!r bag right here.
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so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. melissa: spending more than just a bit of spare change, google is getting on the health bandwagon with a new feature that allows you to chat with doctors for free. anyone googling symptoms will be presented with a pop up box that will
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offer you a text chat we medical professional. all right. doctor, what are you making of this? >> there are things about this that i really like a lot. partly, if you have a scratch, if you have very basic things, this is going to work really well. it will take a huge load off our emergency rooms. if you have something serious going on, there's nothing to replace a physical exam and seeing your doctor in person. do i like it? i think telementoringing is a great thing. it's good for the doctors. you sit in the hospital and see your patients. radiology, those things -- melissa: a heart attack, might not be a good thing for me. they're going to charge obviously. >> eventually it will turn to billing and that sort of thing. i sense a lot of reason for prankry. you tell the doctor you
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have symptoms, and you show a picture of ground beef or something. melissa: guys, thank you very much. appreciate it. that is it for now. i hope you are making money today. count down starts right now. liz: cheryl, i have to tell you it's been a whip day for saws. dow jones has crossed lines 56 times. rising concern about the ebola outbreak not sparking a major sell off as many have feared. we now the identity of the latest person to contract the ebola virus. she's just a 26 nurse who caught the disease from that patient thomas duncan who died last week. raising all sorts of questions about safety prawksz when treating patients. president obama being briefed on ebola should americans feel confident that our health care system can stop an yute break? it's all keeping the markets on edge in the midst of a three week


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