tv The Willis Report FOX Business October 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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question how much fracking will end as a result. how many wells will be capped. liz: and how many companies might go under because too much after land grab that went bad. david: that's it for us. meanwhile "the willis report" is coming next. >> hello, everybody i'm gerri willis. coming up today on the show, the ebola virus is proving to be even more deadly. we'll have the latest including calls for the cdc director to resign. fidelity handed down the next generation, so what does a new female ceo mean for your money. open enrollment kicks off tomorrow but what should you be looking for? and how high are costs going? we'll have the answers in the users guide. "the willis report" where consumers are our business starts right now. gerri: the world health
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organization says ebola cases will rise tenfold. the death rate has climbed 70%. that means your possibility of surviving is declining. while here at home the first-ever human trials in this country for an ebola vaccine have begun. for more we have a professor of infectious diseases at florida international university department of medicine. she recently spent a month fighting ebola in nigeria. also with us, ceo and president of the leapfrog group which specializes in hospital preparedness. welcome to you both. eileen, i want to start with you, today the cdc in a press conference just moments ago saying the highest risks contacts of thomas duncan have passed the highest risk period of quarantine. should we feel safer tonight. >> you should feel a little bit safer but remember the incubation period varies for every individual. until they're finished with their 21 days we're not totally in the clear for those individuals. >> and certainly your experience
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in coming back into this country through miami, it didn't actually provide a lost comfort for folks. what happened? >> well, when i came back through the airport, it was mid september. and at that time there was not yet an awareness that we needed to be paying attention to people coming back. i of course had just been doing point of entry screenings in africa. so i was keenly aware of the importance of exit and entrance screening. gerri: well, as we're all becoming increasingly aware. i want to turn to leah for a second. your group is involved in getting the information out to the people. how are the hospitals doing? what is their safety? what is their quality? you guys do an incredible job at this? tonight, other news from the cdc. they're setting up ebola response teams to help hospitals, is that enough? >> well, it is a start. we've been monitoring in section control and safety and hospitals for over a decade.
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and unfortunately we've been pretty dismayed at the lack of progress for a whole number, a whole host of infections and safety problems. you know about one in 20 people who enter the hospital get some form of infection. so ebola just ups the ante. so, we're very concerned right now. there is no room for error with ebola. gerri: no room for error. >> we're watching this closely, no room. gerri: you say one in 20 folks get some kind of infection in a hospital. >> right. gerri: if the hospitals can't take care of garden-variety infections how good will they be at taking care of ebola? >> the good newsom hospitals are better than others for preventing infection. cdc is identifying hospitals that might be the sites for specialized treatment of people identified with ebola. i think they better move in that direction because we do know some hospitals are much better at preventing infection than others. it is time we started making
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that information much more transparent. we don't have that information made public right now the way we should. that is what my group really focuses on, making that public. the public deserves to know. >> i couldn't agree with you more. i think you guys have done a great job. a lot of people trying to do the exact same thing, make the information readily available to the public. dr. aisle leap, one of the things that shocked me, it took 70 people, doctors and nurses to treat our first case of infection here had this country in dallas, texas. 70 people working full time. how is it possible if we have a lot of folks that come down with this we'll be able to take care of all of them? >> managing a ebola patient is very expensive proposition. they require 24/7 nursing care and a tremendous amount of attention and monitoring. now we have to work very steadily to try to keep from
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having anymore ebola patients if at all possible. so long as there is outbreak out in africa, there is the possibility that another individual may show up with the disease. >> quick question for you. new estimates on the cost of ebola. over the next 18 months, maybe as much as 32 billion worldwide. we have headlines today. mark zuckerberg giving 25 billion. can we afford this? i mean at the end of the day is money going to be prohibiting factor? you know how well the hospitals are doing and what kind of money they have in their fingerprints. >> only thing we can afford is preventing it. gerri: only thing we can afford is preventing it. well-put. >> we have to prevent it. gerri: great job to both of you. really appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me. >> you're welcome. gerri: as our hospitals figure out how to respond to ebola they have a terrible track record as we were just saying of dealing with a host of other infections, garden-variety infections. according to the cdc 75000
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people die a year from hospital infections. with us, betsy mccaughey, founder of the committee to reduce infection debts. she was former lieutenant governor of new york. you saw the cdc talk to this afternoon about safety. what does it tell to you? people will more likely die in a hospital of infection than likely to get shot by a gun this country. that is shocking. >> that's right, question l gerri. infections kill more people than call cases of bret canser and aids and car accidents. 75,000 people a year. hospitals not only lack the space and staff and money to handle ebola, they lack the culture, the discipline, the rigor, the exacting performance. >> betsy, let me interrupt you here for a second. we were promised, we were told western medicine would save us. >> oh, yeah. gerri: that we have the best medicine in the world. we have can't handle ebola?
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>> let me make it clear from the beginning, july, august, september, the head of the cdc, thomas frieden lied to us. he said any hospital with an icu that can isolate a patient can handle ebola. well clearly that is not true. we saw it in dallas that is not true. gerri: let me ask you this. did he lie to us or did he not understand how potent ebola is? >> i think it is clear that how potent it is because 16 of the doctors from doctors without borders have contracted ebola. they're very skilled, very trained. nine of them have died. 233 doctors and nurses and all have died treating ebola in africa. some were undertrained or underequipped but many were the top epidemiologists in those nations. >> let me get back to the point you came on to make. you say common infections rage, rage through our hospitals. why? >> because doctors and nurses forget to clean their hand in between patients. overlook other protocols. the word that tom frieden keeps
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using, they overlook them. also the surfaces in the hospital are heavily contaminated. for example, studies show when cleaners clean a hospital room, when one patient is discharged before the next patient is put in there, they overlook half the surfaces. 50%. so that the germs are left behind lingering to infect the next patient. in fact, what room you're put in is the single biggest factor determining who gets a hospital infection. gerri: oh, my goodness. so the other thing we heard of course is that it is not just cleaning up afterwards. also cleaning up the caregiver afterwards and taking off the covers and -- >> removing this containment suit is so meticulous and so dangerous a nurse in spain is clinging to life. it is believed as she was removing her suit she inad have h vert antly -- inadvert aren'tly touched her gloved
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cheek. one of the hospital administrators said having protective gear is not enough to keep you safe. that is my worry. we're not keeping doctors and nurses -- gerri: one point you make, maybe respirators are needed for people treating ebola patients. why? >> that's right. especially going through certain procedures like putting a breathing tube down or dialysis, there is a lot of aerosol. that means that the patient is sneezing, coughing, emitting droplets of the virus that can land on your face and enter your eye, enter your mouth. many are not enough. gerri: we have a long way to go. betsy mccaughey, great job. story we wanted to tell. we appreciate your doing it. >> sorry we have to tell it. >> good point. coming up 8:00 p.m. eastern time, neil cavuto will sit down with a former hhs secretary, michael levitt, said mention
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have the right to be afraid, they should be afraid of ebola. tonight, 8:00 p.m. you won't want to miss that. we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. should the cdc director resign? log on to vote on the right-hand side of the screen. i will share results at the end of tonight's show. during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. go to the website, we want to know what you think about ebola. what should we be covering. do you have questions? we are happy to answer them. changes at one of the biggest financial services in the country. the founder's daughter takes the reins at the second largest mutual fund company. what does it mean for your portfolio. ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts?
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and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everyth so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. gerri: a big shake-up rocking the nation's biggest mutual fund. abigail johnson taking over the reigns. here is with the latest, lauren young, money editor at reuters. full disclosure, we have known each other forever. working together at "smart money" magazine. this was long expected but
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ultimately will it mean for running of the company. >> people have been expecting this for a long time. abby has been groomed for the position for forever as you say. it is not going to be a huge change because she is the third johnson to run the company now. so they're basically passing the baton. that said, she is very reserved. she is very smart. she is very strategic and i don't expect things to change dramatically. gerri: interesting to me, second biggest mutual fund company in the country, right. >> used to be the biggest. gerri: used to be the biggest, that the reins can pass inside a family. they're overseeing trillions of investor dollars. this isn't a case where people talk about who should be the running company. this is dad passes the reins to daughter. i think it is amazing in this day and age this amount of money can be handled that way. what do you make of it? >> the johnsons are very private. they're not flashchy. and -- flashy. it is all about fidelity all the
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time this is what they live and breathe. it is not surprising that it is so closely held. that said, i mean, abby has worked at the firm in many different roles. so she has got a lot of experience. she has insight that somebody from the outside would not have. gerri: how did she do as a fund manageer? >> not well. she was not a stellar fund manager. she has done a lot better running other parts of the fidelity empire. there are tent can cycles in the benefits administration business -- tentacles. you're getting steady revenue helping manage payroll. gerri: fund flows are down in actively managed fund. i think of fidelity as huge name. seems to me they're having issues here. >> fund flows are down for sure, because, passively managed funds, index funds at vanguard is biggest fund are in vogue. etfs are in vogue. gerri: they been slow. >> vanguard, blackrock, light
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years ahead of them. so that has been a problem. fidelity has a giant brokerage business. they have 10,000 advisors many independent on their platform. that is an amazing business to be. gerri: it is growing. >> they're very good in that business. gerri: that is interesting. they have a legendary name at this institution at fidelity. how is he doing? isn't he getting to a point where he might want to pass the baton too? >> he is 54. he manages con interest fund with 100 billion in assets. he is an amazing fund manager. he had his ups, he had his downs. i don't think he is going anywhere. fidelity moved away from the star system. dennis is the best known manager but there is young talent out there to be watched. >> talk for a second what is going on in the fund industry generally. i think it is fascinating that reins at fido is changing hands. pimco with bill gross going. is there something in the water with fund companies or what is going on? >> we're seeing older people shifting chairs for sure.
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gerri, you and i been in business for a while. we put the fun in mutual fund. it used to be hot and cool. people were into fund managers like bill miller. >> they were stars. >> those stars have gone away. if you listen to what jack bogle, the founder of vanguard said, don't try to beat market. think a lot of people, particularly after the financieral crash, have gotten that religion. they want to match the market. >> lauren young, thanks for coming on. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: later in the show, it is day two of our user's guide to choosing the best health insurance. it is open enrollment time. first a tv legend that is changing the way women view getting older. the author of i'm too young for this. suzanne sommers is joining me next. stay with us.
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>> i if you want to actually enjoy the process of aging but not only feel great but look great too. you will want to hear this. with how you can slow down the clock, we're going to stop the clock, tv icon and author suzanne sommers. author the book, i'm too young for this. natural hormone solution. great to have you here as always. we talked talked about this boo. this is the paper back version if you're going to buy it. why dud write this book in the first place? >> probably most comprehensive book on hormones i've written so far. i have written about nine. it really had impact the way women are aging. when i first started doing this, found about 30 doctors in whole country who got it. now we're up to a couple hundred thousand doctors who are doing this i realized i had to expand the demographics because younger and younger women are
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experiencing hormonal decline. gerri: why. >> younger and younger women are getting cancer. because we're under the greatest environmental assault in history of mankind and experiencing more stress than ever before. our food has been damaged. so you have damaged food with a lost chemicals. you're using chemicals to clean your house. using chemicals to you know, for hair care and skin care and makeup and lead in the makeup, et cetera. then the stress, the combination is blunting harm knowns earlier earlier -- hormones in women earlier. if you start noticing a lot of 30, 35ish women are starting to get cancer, oaf varian, breast cancer. >> very scary. i talk to people all the time. you hear stories about young people getting canser. it is concerning. what is the most important thing? is it the food that i'm eating? is it exercise? what do people need to be doing and especially women? >> if i knew then what i know now i would start getting a
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baseline blood test, to see where my hormone levels are now. so that year to year, you can do a comparison to see where your deficiencies are. once you start seeing deficiencies, why wait until in full-blown symptoms. i call it the seven dwarfs the men news. itchy, bitchchy, sleepy, bloated, all dried up. if you any of those live in your house, read the book. gerri: tell us about hormones. >> biologically identical to the human hormone, an exact replica what you make, what i make none of. for me, i completely replace everything. every day of the year i rub on mys throw again cream. two weeks of every month, i rub on progesterone cream. every day i rub on testosterone cream and dhea. that is really all it is. then changing your life-style, eliminating as many toxins as possible. eating organic food.
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i can't afford. you know, whoever thought it was a good idea to spray poison on food? i'm so surprised that the demand isn't, demand hasn't caught up with restaurants. what do you have organic? oh, nothing. even high-end. gerri: you see it everywhere. if you talk to economists, if you talk to people who worry about everybody getting enough food to eat, they will tell you, if you use those toxins, those pesticides, there is lot more food for a lot more people. >> at what cost? see, look at gmos. look at pesticide laden food. look at the impact on health. if you look at biggest picture, that's what you do in terms of your understanding of the economy, yeah, so there -- gerri: more people -- >> superior quality food here but sales are up and they can eat it. but down the road, here are people with cancer, autoimmune diseases. so, this is a big, expense down here whereas over here it's a
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minimal expense to start turning the ocean liner around. i'm just, what i want women to know, and men, is that there is a new way to age. you don't have to go the way of those before us. if you look at those who end up in nursing homes, is there any one person in a nursing home whoever thought they would end up there? what did they do? what did they do? they didn't do anything wrong? just out of ignorance and lack of education, they didn't understand the impact of these things that we're talking about. they didn't understand replacing what we're losing in the aging process. and they have extended life which is great. you and i will be around, i will be around -- gerri: a long time. >> 90, 100, 110. gerri: i want to feel good and look good. i think that is exactly what you're trying to do. >> sleep without drugs. have a sex drive. how nice. my kids are grown and they have their own, i kind of laugh now. my son is putting his daughter through college and i'm
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thinking, yeah, that is called adulthood, big college tuition, ha, ha. we're just enjoying our life. i celebrate my age. i tell me age so that women can see that what we thought was going to be so awful can be so great. every day is a good one for me. i wake up happy. i don't take a single drug. maybe that is -- gerri: so you look fantastic. i'm here to say it. will you tell us how old you are? >> yes. on thursday i will be 68. >> if you were sitting here with me, i know you're thinking camera is lying, not 68, my friend. >> you know what it does? hormones, keep your insides young. so if your insides, organs and glands are young and operating at peak, then your hair stays young and luster russ. your nails are good. you wrinkle less. things get perky. you don't gain weight, when your hormones are balanced if eating
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right. it is, i never thought i would love this age. gerri: you do. >> and i do. my husband, who is 10 years older than i am has been hormones for a couple of decades. instead of it, at this age, losing interest in one another and drifting apart in various interests, we kind of are just locked arm in arm. gerri: i love that story. suzanne we'll have to leave it there. great to have you back on the show. >> did i make you want it? gerri: you're the best advertisement for your book. thanks for coming on. >> i always enjoy you. gerri: coming up next, user's guide to choosing best health insurance. we're looking at open enrollment. what choices are you facing. how much will your costs rise? answers coming up after the break.
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we're teaming up with top experts to help you navigate the process. tonight we're breaking down everything you need to know about workplace sponsored insurance. about half of americans get that. joining us now nancy. nancy, great to have you here. so it's the eve of signing up. signing your family up for these plans. what can people comp? are they going to have more choice, fewer? >> about halfople who get workplace plans have a choice of more than one plan. so if you have one plan, you're kind of stuck, but otherwise you have some decisions to make. >> what are we going to see on the cost side? i've seen estimates that doubles this year will be up 7 percent. what about premiums? >> we don't know until next year how much the premiums have gone up. last year was a good year. the average premium only went up 3 percent.
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gerri: what about other costs? copays? what are we seeing the out-of-pocket costs. >> out of pocket costs have been creeping up little by little. i'm assuming that trend will continue. gerri: right. and a lot of companies out there, they're giving you these special plans to make you stop smoking, they're going to charge you more in some cases if you're doing the wrong thing. what is the general trend in that? >> those are wellness plans. there's a lot of companies trying it. it's not a widespread yet. there's a lot of recyst answer from employees. if you are offered it though take it. it's good for you. gerri: exactly right. the big questions workers should be asking themselves, how do you make the decision about how to make the best decision for you and your family. >> don't just look at premiums, your share of the premium. look at how much the plan is going to cost to you. what's the deductible.
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do you have to pay to go to the doctor? does the plan give you anything before you meet the deductible? what's the most out of pocket limit which is the most you can pay in a year if you have a really bad year. gerri: those are good ideas. smart response. let's talk about high deductible plans. these are plans that a lot of employers have been pushing on workers. it has a high deductible. and the thought that younger people in particular are going to take these up because they can pay less out of pocket. >> if they're coupled with a health savings account they can be a great deal especially for younger workers who don't have a lot of health care costs. many employers put money into the health savings account and then you can use that money to pay stuff the insurance plan doesn't pay. even stuff like glasses, dental care that might not be well covered in your plan. if you take advantage of that, you get money to pay your bills, you get
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tax advantages, and if you leave your job, you take it with you. gerri: 23 percent of companies offer that high deductible plan. it's super popular right now. thanks for coming in. now, if you're not on obamacare doesn't mean the law isn't impacting your company plan and your bottom line. joining me doug president of the american action forum. it's always good to see you. and i know you -- you are trained on this topic like nobody's business. tell me fully if you would, what is the major impact of obamacare on private sector, company sponsored health plans. >> there's a requirement that employers offer a plan. the other 10 percent will have to pake up the cost of offering health insurance that's going to auto come out of somewhere. second thing that the laws does is it puts benefit mandates in. insurance have to be good enough. you're going to see
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higher costs because the plans having to expand their benefits. that's going to show up with the individuals paying higher premiums and the employers again having less money to put out in wages. we'll see those impacts across-the-board. it begins january 1st. it begins a year after that for those who are 50 to 100 employees. i expect in that second group we'll see bigger impacts. gerri: and those will be higher the costs workers? >> sure. workers are going to get a double whammy. because the money has to come from somewhere, less in the way of wages. that's bad news. gerri: you look back over the last ten years it's been super ugly. rising doubles. we're talking of doubling essentially workers costs here. can this go on forever. it seems to me at some point we've really stuck a knife in the heart of the employer backed plans. and to our determent in our view. tell me your analysis?
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>> the fundamental problem is the national health care program is going up. insurance is just a way to shift it around. (?) if i have a big health care bill, i can use my insurance to shift it to someone else. the employers are trying to shift the cost to their workers. and the insurance companies are trying to push it back to the hospitals. we need a policy that brings down costs and enhances quality. until we see that, we'll see some combination of very meerkd wage growth and we're going to see pressure to shift costs on onto workers. you look at the high deductible plans you were talking about only 3 percent of workers had that that's up to 19 percent in 2014. it's just a push to shift the cost over to workers. gerri: another group of workers having a hard time is part-time workers. walmart told 30,000 of its part-time workers we're not going to cover you. they're not the first to do that.
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target, home depot, walgreens all did the same thing. and doug, this is interesting because walmart prizes itself on offering coverage to people like this. >> this is a straightforward incentive in the law. in f you're working 30 hours you're full-time and your employer has to provide you affordable insurance. many of their employers are putting their people at 29 and below. we saw the big employers do it this year because their mandate starts sooner. imagine the smaller franchises and the mom and pop shops that's the next year phenomena. there's no way around this. it's a big financial incentive for the firms. it's a big problem for the workers who get fewer hours and have to go off and shop somewhere else. it's just beginning to show up in the labor market. gerri: doug, thank you. and remember all this
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week as part of our users guide we're helping you choose the best health insurance if you have any questions about your coverage please email the show by going to and this friday we're going to have a panel of experts to help answer those questions including doug. and coming up tomorrow a look at medicare with the costs up how do you mcthe right plan. we'll tell you what you need to know. and now we want to hear from you with still no answers on how a texas nurse contracted ebola many are calling for the cdc director to resign. do you agree? here's what some of you are posting me on facebook tonight. tom says just another government guy not telling the truth. and george writes, yes, he should resign. he should have had the trauma center set up. and signs of all communicable illness. i don't think he knows exactly what he's dealing with. despite his title he doesn't impress me. he needs to replaced
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anyone following a political line does not need to be in this position. very, very critical of the cdc director. and here are some of your emails on host of stories recently. greg from california answers this question: cash or credit? he says my personal experience shows we spend less using cash for those of us trying to control our spending and budget it's better to use cash. if you don't see it, you don't feel it. even the studies prove it had it. he says isn't letting the government decide on how to invest and save my money sort of like letting made off handle my money. and ricky says, if someone on welfare wants weed they need to be using real cash, not working taxpayer dollars. amen. and amen ricky. we love hearing from you. send me an email go to gerri will one supermarket changing the way it labels meat much to everyone's
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gerri: a fox business alert for you now macy's is throwing down the gauntlet when it comes to black friday. it will open 6:00 p.m. thanksgiving day. that's two hours earlier than last year. and with the holidays fast approaching a new bank rate survey may have some unwelcome news for retrailers. two-thirds of americans are limiting how much they're spending each month. joining me is greg mcbride.
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it might be bad for retailers, but for those was us trying to stay in our budget maybe it makes a lot of sense. when you dig into these numbers what are the reasons people are holding back? >> the two big ones are stagnant household income and the need to save more. of course, the missing ingredient from the economic recovery is that we haven't seen income increase. people haven't been able to move the needle on savings. gerri: digging into those numbers, we haven't seen median incomes rise for nine years. it's $51,000. folks are upset, angry and they're trying to find a way to spend more with less. we know some prices in the economy at least are going up. it's a vice grip out there. even so the credit card companies are making more money. how? >> dlingz have come down. as the economy recovers, as unemployment comes
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down more people are paying their bills on time. the other component is that people are reluctant to pile on new debt. i'm not convince that would last forever. people are reluctant to pile on new debt, debt they don't know if they can pay back. gerri: that's fascinating. you know economist greg has told me for years one thing you can count on american consumers is that they will spend money. and they will always spend money. that has changed. what's behind it? what decides the experience maybe of the last five or six years? does it go beyond that? >> well, i think really for a a lot of people the memories of the financial crisis are still very fresh. they don't have the same access to credit now that they did prior to the financial crisis, but also they don't have the same appetite to consume that he did prior to the financial crisis because people
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know savings is their weak spot. they don't have enough emergency savings to absorb on unplanned expenses. they rein in their -- and then also that household income that i mentioned earlier when it's not going up when it's barely keeping pace with inflation. it doesn't give people a whole lot of buying power. people just don't have extra money laying around that they can use to bring up spending in a meaningful way. gerri: thanks for your time today. time now for a look at stories you're clicking on on fox stocks falling again today as the market can't seem to shake off the slump. the largest bank jpmorgan return to profit. wells fargo was in line with wall street's expectation. and citigroup reported a great year. this time involving more than 180,000 suvs.
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2014 dodge durango and jeep cherokees are being recalled due to a wiring issue. recalls. and mcdonald's wants to show you its food isn't as bad as some people think. the chain is answering some unappetizing questions. those are the hot stories on fox still to come my "2 cents more." and one of the biggest supermarket operators in america is changing the way it labels meat. we'll have details on that. i'm only in my 60's.
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we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. gerri: the usda has a big beef with meat labels at giant that
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supermarket chain is using new packaging on its steaks and some consumers think they're too vague. the giant labels read usda graded. to find out why this isn't kosher we're joined by consumer expert clark howard. clark, always so good to have you on. >> thanks great to be here. gerri: tell me about these labels. why is it so important? why is the usda so upset. >> what giant is really doing is really impossible for a consumer to be able to comparison shop. the supermarket business is so competitive right now. figure in there and they have steaks in there and i don't know the grade or quality, which i have no way of knowing under this weirdo labeling system, i can't compare if it's better. or if it's a a better deal way competitor and giant i'll tell you in their service territory,
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they face such severe competition. this is all about being able to avoid the price comparison. gerri: they're big, big that's for sure. and putting usda graded is like, oh, yeah, we passed by the inspector at some point. it doesn't mean anything. and here's what the usda folks said, it's truthful because it's graded, but it's misleading because it doesn't tell you anything. >> there's no question in the consumer marketplace people are going to push back. giant will go back to traditional labeling because it's what people expect. and for them to be able to vibrantly compete they'll have to do it the right way. this is definitely not the right way. in so many other industries right now, you go to buy a mattress. the same mattress at five different stores has five different model numbers. the mattress manufactures and
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retailers are saying the price comparison shopping is killing us so they're giving every retailer their own unique names for the mattresses and model numbers. now, it's happening intronics for the same reason so that if you try and price match, onee electronic store will have a different number than the next one to try and take some power away from you and me. with our ability to price compare right on our cell phones. gerri: are you telling me that giant is trying to dupe us? trying to make sure we don't really understand what's going on? is that the issue here? >> yes, and i think this was a terrible idea. they say it was their marketing people. but what a bad lame idea. instead of competing wrks competition with the service you provide, the price, the selection, instead they're pulling these
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labeling games. this is a really bad business idea. gerri: i want to show folks. so these are the rules from the government approximately regulating these labels. look how much stuff there is here. it's hideously complicated too begin with. do you think they just got mixed up? >> no. no. gerri: i was trying to offer an out for them. who knows maybe they just got it wrong. >> no, it was a business strategy. i would think almost certainly, but they're going to do it right. you know, food is something we need to be able to trust and there's already issues in the supermarket with all the weird labeling, the things that claim to be natural or claim to be organic, the various degrees of organic. so people are already on the lookout for deception in the supermarket aisles and this was really not a smart move. gerri: well, i think they're taking it all back is what i hear. they'll change those
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gerri: well, what do you think tonight should the head of the cdc resign. 86 percent say yes. 14 percent say no. never to mince words, chris christie has some interesting things to say when asked if he would want a seat in the u.s. senate. the republican said he'd rather drown himself in the river than serve in senator from new jersey. he would be bored to death in the charm. he finished by saying he will never run for office in new jersey again. wow. okay. and finally as we've been talking about all week, it's that time of year again. companies are opening enrollment and health insurance plans.
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if you haven't gotten the peek be advised you may get sticker shock when you do. companies forecast higher health care costs if you work for a small company, watch out because your prices may rise even more than 7 percent average. in fact doubles have jumped from 184 bucks to more than $1,200 today. as you compare those plans don't assume your plan from last year is the same thing this time around. plans are converging and looking more and more like each other. you'll want to think about what services you've used in the past and you're likely to use again. if you're not a big user of health care, you might want to think about a high deductible plan. if you choose this route, consider to set aside money in a savings account to cover the cost. that's my "2 cents more." we'll look at medicare we'll tell you what you need to know including the big changes this year. be sure to watch. that's it for tonight's
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will us i sawillis report. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. charles: i'm charles payne and you're watching making money. some very big news today. the cdc boss lays out a new battle plan to combat ebola. the united states begins testing ebola vaccines. ashley webster has been following these developments. >> charles, the government saying this afternoon it will send a rapid response team to any hospital in the country that diagnoses another ebola patient. the cdc says it's still not clear how a dallas nurse became infected when treating thomas duncan, but suggested an ebola response team may have been able to prevent it a total of 76 hospital workers in dallas who may have had contact with duncan and his blood are still being monitored. we learned that the wallet
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