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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 18, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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good evening, everybody. confidence in the federal government's ability to prevent an outbreak of ebola here in the united states is all but collapsing. that after revelations that op only has a second american who has contracted ebola but she also flew on a commercial flight with a slight temperature. the nurse identified as 29-year-old amber vinson. she was very involved in the care of patient zero thomas eric duncan, drawing his blood, inserting catheters and dealing with his bodily fluid. she is not the only hospital worker for two days without
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wearing hazardous material suits until tests confirmed that he indeed had ebola. the white house only now conceding shortcomings in its handling of the crisis. with president obama holding an emergency meeting with his cabinet and canceling a fund-raiser. but he placed the blame on dallas hospital officials. >> the the key thing to understand about this disease is the these protocols work. we know that because they have been used for decades now in ebola cases around the world. if they're done properly, they work. but we have to make sure that understandably certain local hospitals that may not have that experience are walking -- walked through that process as carefully as possible. >> the white house today claiming it still has confidence in embattled cdc director dr.
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tom freeden despite obvious mistakes made and misstatements. >> the answer to your first yes or no is yes. throughout this process and, dating back to march, this has been guided by medical experts who have experience in dealing with ebola outbreak. >> our first guest tonight says health care workers and nurses must work to promote safety. joining us is secretary of the american academy of nursing, executive vice president and chief operating officer of percent children's mercy hospitals and clinics. as we look at what is happening here, there seems to be a lot of blame, well, attempting -- attempted to be placed on local officials, local hospitals, caregivers. your reaction? >> well, lou, i think this is a comp indicated issue and we are
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in some ways learning as we go. and i think the most important thing, though, is that people are being transparent and honest about what they know, when they know it. and that people are providing the resources particularly to the front line caregivers, which happens to be the nurses are spending the most time with patients. >> the second nurse to contract ebola, traveling on a plane, in clear violation, we are told, of the protocols that are in place. your reaction to that and how large a risk do you assess that to be? >> well, one, we don't know what the protocol was for the individuals who had contact with the patient. >> right. >> -- that died. so we don't know that. so we're making a guess at best. i would say that part of the issue is not having structures in place that address public health. many of our public health
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departments are not in position to help do the tracing and the quarantine if that's necessary. >> and frankly, there doesn't seem to be that staffing anywhere in any quarter of government, local, state, federal at any agency. and i want to, if i may, dr. cox, compliment you for saying straight out we're learning as we go here. and it would have been extraordinary helpful i think to all americans to be treated as adults and to have the heads of the cdc, the national institutes of health, the president speak straightforwardly from the outset. but, again, i want to compliment you for that. and i want to turn to the cdc and its role now sending in teams to each hospital. is this, in your judgment, the preferred option amongst whatever number may be before us? >> i think there are several thousand hospitals in the united states. and they're at different levels of capacity and readiness and
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take care of different populations. but all hospitals need to be comfortable that they can take care of the patient that presents to their hospital that may have an infectious disease that's going on. and if they don't, by having the teams come in, in some ways that's reassuring. but we want to make sure that doesn't take the place of the constant readiness, the state of readiness that we all need to have in place. >> it strikes me and is awfully peck that now 13 years since september 11th, the amount of coordination that has been sought and put in place amongst the first responders to terrorist acts all across the country. that includes nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. why with the presentation of ebola we should not siebert communication. it suggests to me that that
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level of communication we all, most at least as citizens, would be there 13 years on simply doesn't exist. am i incorrect in that statement? >> i think, lou, this is a wakeup call. >> well, the easiest way to say this is it's one hell of a wakeup call. and there's just no ignoring the reality that you folks, primary caregivers, the medical community, are local. you can think global. but if you're not acting local, people die. and that's what we're seeing here. is a contest it seems between those who want to expand the role of the federal government as if they're the ones that will be running the hospital, will be bringing in the doctors and the nurses and providing the care. that's got to be startling i think to millions of americans. your thoughts? >> health professionals are very
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willing to take care of patients. and they expect to do that. and i think at the local level what they need to have is the trust in their leadership to provide them the education, training, and support. one of the things that we have heard in the last few days is that the health care workers in dallas didn't necessarily have the education and support they needed on the ground. and so i think the cdc is trying to fill that gap. but ultimately the several thousand hospitals you can't have an agency take care of all of that. that has to be the responsibility with support at the local level. but we count on the cdc for accurate, up-to-date information. >> dr. karen cox, we thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. up next here, texas gubernatorial candidate wendy davis blasted by republicans and democrats alike for this tasteless unprincipalededed attack.
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>> he sued and government millions. since then he spent his career working against other victims. >> her opponent republican attorney general greg abbott with his thoughts here next. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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texas democrat wendy davis under fire from the left and right for her controversial new ad taking aim at her republican opponent for governor. >> a tree fell on greg abbott. he sued and got millions. since then, he spent his career working against other victims. abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb. he ruled against a rape victim
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who sued a corporation for failing to do a background check on a sexual predator. he cited with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients. greg abbott. he's not for you. >> davis today is defending the. she called abbott a hypocrite and did not apologize at all. the attorney general of the state of texas greg abbott joins us. mr. attorney general, good to have you with us. i can tell you what most people i'm sure feel when they watch that and watched the original cut. what is your reaction? >> well, lou, my reaction is she can attack a guy in a wheelchair if she wants to but i don't think it will sell real well. my focus will be on casting a positive vision as the next governor of texas about what i will achieve by creating jobs, by securing the border. so she can attack me while i
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attack the challenges that our fellow texans face. >> well, you know, that's about the reaction i thought you would have, getting to know you some over the years. the voter i.d. ruling, i always want to get this right. going up against a u.s. justice department representing the great state of texas, what's your record now? >> well, lou, we have a winning record. there's still some in the pipeline. but we have won more than we have lost. >> well, i think everybody needed to hear that. i was going to say -- i wanted to make sure i had the right number. but that's the conclusion. and that's a rare thing against this administration, particularly after they go after you and after the state of texas. the voter i.d. ruling, how could that affect these elections coming up? >> well, a lot. let me first cast this issue, and that is we had eric holder come to the state of texas to
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challenge our voter i.d. law in the courtroom of a justice who was appointed by barack obama. so we had a challenging beginning to this. the ruling was issued. but we have appealed to the fifth circuit asking for immediate relief for the very same reason the u.s. supreme court would put a stay for that wisconsin voter i.d. law. we think the the supreme court or the court of appeals will put a stay for this particular ruling and allow the voter i.d. law to take effect for this election. >> now, the fact -- so where will we be come election day with this ruling? >> right. in texas, early voting begins a week from today. >> right. >> and we are asking for clarity on this today or tomorrow. and if we don't hear from the fifth circuit, we will go to the supreme court tomorrow asking for clarity. so we will be in one of two plates, lou.
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either we will have our voter i.d. law like we have had for the last few elections or there will not be a rule for photo i.d. when they vote. >> either way you can handle the consequences, is that the fact? >> texas will be prepared either way. more importantly, when the sunsets on this legal issue, i think the supreme court can and should once again uphold the validity of voter i.d. lou, let me point this out. that is in south texas the fbi has been involved in making arrests. and now people who pled guilty for using cocaine to buy votes. voter fraud exists in the state of texas and must be stopped. voter i.d. is one way to crack down on it. >> and ebola in the state of texas is the epicenter of ebola in this country right now. your thoughts on the way in which there seems to be a
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contest between washington, d.c. and the state of texas over who will decide how to respond to ebola. >> well, it does require both a national and a state and local level response. this is an all hands on deck response. the first thing that we must do, though, is to ensure that we prevent ebola from coming into the united states. the second thing, once it does come in, we need to be able to address the it very aggressively, curtail its expansion, and then help try to cure the people who have ebola. >> attorney general greg abbott, always good to see you. thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you, lou. up next, new report that weapons of mass destruction were indeed found in iraq. the white house claims they found out from where else, the media. >> u.s. personnel and weapons of mass destruction programs, to get a better understanding of
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exactly how we're responding. >> the white house all about understanding. we'll take it up. and the odd name given to the u.s. military campaign in iraq and syria against the islamic state here next. stay with us. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health.
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obama's war against the the islamic state finally has a name. the pentagon is calling it operation inherent resolve. stirring, isn't it? they have flown 1700 strikes over the past two months. so we thought we would compare this to operations in iraq back in 2003. in one day of operations, 1,700 sorties were flown. our next guest says president obama's mission is a failure as things stand now. joining us is security analyst k.t. macfarland. inherent resolve? 1,700 sorties in a day in 2003. over 100 usually during the strikes against afghanistan in
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2002. and we're talking pitiful. >> inherent resolve. there's no resolve in any of this. president obama met yesterday with the defense chiefs of the 21 nations, the united states plus 20, that are involved in this coalition. he came out and he said there's great agreement. everyone agrees we will defeat and destroy isis. that's a lie. everybody agreed on one thing. and the president's military, former military leaders of the united states, former civilian leadership in the cabinet and current military leadership have all said unless somebody puts in ground forces this doesn't get one. you never defeat and you never destroy isis. so i think it's a failure on the face of it. so the whole idea of resolve makes it feel like we're going to be there a long time. >> the experience over the last decade or so suggests we will indeed be and to no effect -- >> that's right. i think the president is going to have a choice. three options.
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one, say that we bond everything. it's been a great success. and we come home. secondly, he might decide to put in a lot of ground forces, combat forces, boots on the ground. i'm not talking just 1,000 but tens of thousands. more likely he will partner with iran and iran will put the ground forces in and we go along with their nuclear program. >> on its face, netanyahu the prime minister. it is utter madness. this administration has been extraordinary destructive of u.s. policy, not simply failing to support those interests. but this is a reached bar too far, is it not? >> there's no way to succeed. we have already had iraq wars we have lost. and now we are slipping into another one because we don't know what else to do. the one thing i saw in vietnam war and throughout my career, you do not commit american
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forces to combat unless you have every intention of winning and know how you are going to win. you don't put ground forces because you have no else what to do. they have no idea how to defeat isis. >> it is all but imaginable in the lesson we learned in which we applied in removing saddam hussein's forces from kuwait in 1991. it has simply withered in our pentagon, the white house, civilian leadership to the point they think there are no conscious consequences to idiotic judgment. >> consequences as we are seeing american forces come canning home with injuries. and baghdad and iraq, which we spent 10 years, a trillion dollars and thousands of american lives lost and treasures spent, we are now seeing isis in the suburbs of baghdad. >> the "new york times" report
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on the fact that american troops are told to remain silent about finding mustard gas and the injuries that 17 of them at least received. that on one level vindicates, does it not, the fact that there were chemical weapons in iraq in 2003, the fact that they had been manufactured earlier. some are suggesting that the democratic talking points makes them irrelevant. i don't understand that reasoning. sort it out for us. >> i can't figure it out either. i'm scratching my head. they said there were chemical weapons there and the bush administration covered up the fact that there were chemical weapons there because they were the wrong kind of chemical weapons. but the bush administration was desperate to find chemical weapons. so the thought that somehow there would be conspiracy, cover up and gag order, i just don't get it. >> it's really i think fascinating that the coverup was indeed for national security judgments that the bush
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administration did not exploit that situation. >> if the bush administration had realized chemical weapons there, they would have trumpeted that and said, see, we were right. that didn't happen. frankly, i'm much more concerned with what we are doing with your forces now, sending them to africa into ebola territory. >> without proper training. >> without proper training, hazmat suits. they're fighters. they are not construction workers that we have sent them into. >> not we. >> not we. the united states and the nation. >> k.t. mcfarland, thanks so much. >> we wanted to take quick moment to offer the pentagon a few alternatives to the oddly named operation inherent resolve. so we're offering these up. we would like your consideration. how about operation in coherency
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response, operation foregone conclusion apropos given the president's, well, his general reflects to foreign policy challenges. from the most violent clashes between police and pro democracy protesters since the demonstrations started more than two weeks ago, 45 people arrested. pepper spray used by police to scatter hundreds of demonstrators who barricaded a road. we are coming right back. stay with us. a white house in turmoil. it is failing islamic state strategy and that low risk ebola is in the united states after all. and the stock market selling off. and, oh, yes, midterm elections straight ahead. billionaire investor wilbur ross on what lies ahead for america. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well:
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well, it was a volatile wild session on wall street today. the dow down after tumbling 450 points during the trading session. here now with his outlook for these markets, legendary investor billionaire businessman wilbur ross of w.l. ross and company, one of the world's leading private equity firms. and runs a lot of other businesses as well. good to have you with us. >> good to be on. >> today was volatile. i heard lots of explanation in the business as to what happened. i didn't hear one word a lot.a deflation. it's interesting to me that people seem to be avoiding the term. what drove, in your judgment, what happened today on wall street? >> well, i think it was the cumulative recognition of a lot of facts that v around for quite
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a few months. as i think you're well aware, we have been very skeptical about the economic forecast and very skeptical of the market being as high as it was. we have sold this year several times as much as we bought. so that's the main editorial comment. but as to the immediate things that occurred, the market finally decided, gee, there is a lot of bad stuff going on and we'll take it in the chin all at once. >> were you shocked leading up to today that the market was as high as it was given the islamic state conflict, the process with iran, which looks like it may lead to them possessing a nuclear weapon unless others change the course of history. ebola, deflation, slowdown in the global economy and particularly in europe. >> correct. on the other hand, if you look
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at the way the charts read, if this were an ekg you would say this patient is going to die, going to have a heart attack because of the volatility. it's been a long time since we have had the levels of volatility we have had here. and to think what that's doing is articulating total fright on the part of speculators. >> do you think they are in panic mode? >> i do. many of them went into this heavily long instead of being particularly well hedged. particularly if you happened to be long oil service stocks or exploration and production. >> and oil, we're looking here at the prospect of oil breaking through $80. >> right. >> what are the implications in your mind? >> well, i think there's some good ones and some bad ones. the ones that are good are largely on the geo-political
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squad. it's very bad thing for mr. putin in russia. it's a very bad thing for venezuela. so a couple of our enemies are getting hurt by this. that's a very good thing. good for consumers. if the oil stays at this price, probably poke $50 a month in the average family's pocket. so when you consider how many families are living paycheck to paycheck, an extra $50 after tax means something. >> absolutely. >> it also will be very helpful for japan, china and india because they are very dependent on oil imports. this will help them with their balance and payments. >> and if we combine something below 2% on the 10-year yield, and we combine something under $80.
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>> there is a negative implication of the low price of crude and that is canadian oil tends to be fairly high cost. so you get much below 80 and you're going to be. but in the back and field in the u.s., there are also a lot of production. a lot of the permian can be profitable even below $60. so i think what will really happen november 27th opec has the next meeting. and i think there's a good chance to do something to stem the tide. >> much has been made of the break through, the 200 moving average on the part of the s&p. two years above it, what have we got below it? >> well, i'm inclined to think we're getting near the end of this downswing in the market. i think the fact that people
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didn't totally commit harry caray when it was down $400 and instead started to step in tells you we're getting closer to the end of this down ticking. >> what does it tell you they didn't succeed in reversing the market? >> well, there's still a lot of fear. there's still a lot of fear coming up. probably also there was some margin calls coming out. you know, the destruction that has been here, i'm pretty sure there must have been some margin call. >> and the next week or so? >> well, i'm not good a week or so. i'm happier talking a year or so. >> we talked about the long range. let's talk about the short range. >> the short range i think a very easy thing to buy would be the fixed. >> bonds of the major exploration and production companies. a lot of those will be very close to 10%. >> wilbur ross, as always,
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counsel for the investor. appreciate it. thank you so much, wilbur ross. we know the white house has been stonewalling more than two years on the benghazi scandal. but what are the republicans doing and why aren't they working harder for the truth? that's next. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do.
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first federal prosecutors today announcing more than a dozen new charges against terror suspect act head khattala. he is accused of leading attacks on our consulate in benghazi, killing four americans. this new indictment includes charges for which prosecutors could seek the death penalty. it took the house of representatives three years to create a house select committee and another two years to investigate benghazi. after one hearing our next guest says "there is reason to fear
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that many republicans are no more anxious than the administration to probe ben agazzi. the massacre was the direct result of a policy in libya that had very strong republican support." we're joined tonight by andrew mccarthy, national review columnist, chairman of the benghazi accountability coalition and his newest book is entitled "faithless execution". good to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. the mission and the charge that republicans are no more interested than democrats in finding out the truth. this administration was successfully flown for two years. >> well, again bazzy can't be understood without going back to the libya war, which was policy spared by both the obama administration and senior republicans in congress which saw us basic live change signs in the jihad. we went from supporting the
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gadhafi regime, which was being held out as a key counterterrorism ally because he was giving us information about the jihadist in eastern libya. we switched sides. we toppled qaa gaffy. that had the effect of empowering the jihadists in eastern libya. >> when president obama said gadhafi must go, i think they were whip-sawed at the suddenness of the change of direction. yet it's all sort of seeped away. >> right. >> if you will from the public narrative and discussion. republicans now with a select committee, one hearing. why only one hearing? >> well, we would certainly like to see a lot more energy out of them. i don't want to condemn the committee because it's still early in their process. they have a lot of classified information to get through. but my goodness, the first hearing -- we had a committee for months.
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we have had one hearing, very short duration. basically a hearing that was asked for by the democrats about something that i think is irrelevant to most people's consideration. >> accountability. >> right. who cares about the recommendations of a flawed process? what people want to get to the bottom of is accountability for what happened in terms of the actions, omissions and decisions before and after. >> to me, anything -- accountability in washington, d.c. by either party is a bit of a reach. and in this case a reach too far. you've also written recently about the khorasan group, it drew americans instant air strikes because of an imminent threat. now no one can define what the khorasan group is. there seems to be no members at large that anyone can identify. what in the world is a khorasan group and is it a fiction of
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this administration? >> well, the khorasan group was never a stand-alone terrorist group. it is in turn al qaeda. it is known as an advisory board around the really al qaeda, al zawahiri. they are his advisers, some who he sent to syria to fight under the auspices of the syrian al qaeda franchise. you can call it khorasan, nusro, boko haram. it's al qaeda. and the administration doesn't want to mention al qaeda because the president in the 2012 run-up to the election said three dozen times that he had already defeated al qaeda. >> they're on the run. >> the path to defeat. >> and now where does the path lead and the fight against al qaeda and radical islamists
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terrorists, which they all are? >> well, i think we have serious problems with it. aside from isis, al qaeda also is more powerful today than it was prior to 9/11. so it's a huge problem. >> andrew, mccarthy, always. >> thank you, lou. >> good to have you here. up next, president obama holding some of the most controversial decisions of his presidency until after this year's midterm election. what a clever strategy. will it help? we'll find out next. you're driving along,
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voters. president obama will now wait until after the midterm elections to nominate eric holder's successor as his attorney general. the white house says that action was taken at the request of senate democrats. i have a private guest that it was at the request of those democrats who are about to have their ears boxed at the polls come november. the president, no stranger to the device of deferring action to avoid political accountability, the obama administration has chosen not to reveal obama care premiums will rise on until november 15th. meaning many americans will have to wait until 11 days after the elections to find out how much more they will be paying for obama care next year. my guess is if they're delaying it until then it will be a verye on obama care.
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employers know they've got something coming. they won't feel the effects of the president's signature law until the the first of january because of an already established delay in the employer mandate. it expires december 31st. welcome to obama care. and the obama administration also punting a decision on the keystone pipeline indefinitely back in april, waiting on a legal battle in nebraska to resolve itself. nebraska supreme court hearing arguments on the case that could effect the pipeline's path. and of course president obama delaying his most controversial executive actions on immigration and amnesty until after the midterm elections, vowing to go as far as he can under the law, though, before the end of the year. that's right. the strategy is to announce what they're going to do with the presumption apparently that people are so dumb that they will discount his actions because he's doing it after the
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election. it's a marvelous strategy. can't wait to see how it works. democrats are desperate. they look at their plunging poll numbers. it could swamp them. and just imagine how much bigger their losses would be if they weren't trying to hide their wrong-headed policies, actions and inactions from the voters for as long as possible. now our quotation of the evening this quote from general douglas mcarthur who said, "i am concerned for the security of our great nation. not so much because of any threat from without but because of the insidious forces working from within." up next, quarterback jameis winston has already guaranteed he won't repeat as heisman winner. now there's a real chance he won't be on the field at all. that's next. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..."
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reigning heisman trophy winner jameis winston. the hearing will be held by one of three former florida supreme court justices will decide whether winston violated the school conduct code. but does he open himself up for legal prosecution here? criminal defense attorney fillmore. let's go straight to that. your thoughts on this hearing? why is it taking place so late? and shouldn't somebody be prosecuted in an expeditious way to get this resolved? >> there's no statute of limitations when a school can conduct an independent administrative hearing on this stuff. but why it has taken two years
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for the school to do that i don't know. >> think about this. it's just a big old giant trophy. national championship. i'm just guessing. >> maybe that has something to do with it. i'm thinking that may have played a role. i'm just casting as persians. >> it could come back to bite him in a criminal conduct, absolutely. >> what is going on in college and the nfl? i got a kick out of roger goodell, the nfl commissioner, to talk about core values with charlie strong, as if he had the only idea to what amounted to values on a football team. nice p.r. >> right. >> but it does go to the problem, what in the world is going on in football? >> cha-ching. it's all about money. it is money. this is a kid who is incredibly talented. this is some of the issues that come up across the nation. when you have a problem with any
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of these players, there's a delay because there's money involved. there's so much money that comes to this. >> in georgia, they are nailing this kid, an incredible tailback from the university of georgia. they pulled him off the team, suspended him immediately because there were allegations he was getting paid for signing his name. i mean, come on. >> because there's money involved. >> ncaa makes a lot of money here. somebody needs to grow up, don't you think? >> but it's not going to happen until they say we're not going to attend your games if there's isn't professionalism amongst the ranks. >> i don't see that happening any time soon. >> a high school in new jersey, seven football players charged in a sexual hazing case. i mean, why in the world would someone not stop that? and i'm talking about team members. i just can't imagine somebody
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not getting their teeth knocked out. >> i defend a lot of schools. it really is about the controls in place. so much of this hazing is taking place in areas where the coaches aren't aware of them. it is extreme behavior. the reason they came to light is one of the victims spilled the beans and said this is happening to me. it's not on school grounds. some of this hazing you have to locate where it is taking place. a lot of kids saying we had no idea this was taking place. if we did, we would have done something. >> i thought ignorance wasn't supposed to be. >> schools will be liable to this child and others. this isn't putting itching powder in some kid's underwear. i don't think they were getting sexual violation but they were violating an area of several kids's bodies they should not
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ever -- not kids being kids. >> i don't understand why football players would not stand up, teammates, and just put somebody on their butt. i mean this, just -- >> you would think so. >> if kids do get drafted, then we wonder why we have the problem. >> then you have -- i don't know. what is the remedy for these parents and these kids? >> expel the kids. criminally prosecute them. >> try them as adults? >> i doubt it. they should. but i doubt it. again, this isn't kids being kids. this is kids being animals. and i wish we could criminalize the parents nonconduct when they raise children who do this and there's nothing we can do. >> from the gutter, the sewer. >> right. >> to actually an extraordinary development today.
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the fifth circuit court of appeals up holding the texas voter i.d. law today. that means that the election on november 4th will be with voter identification. >> as it should be. >> greg abbott running for governor. this guy has won the majority of his cases against the justice department. he has just slapped eric holder and the obama justice department the around and prevailed here. >> thank goodness, though, lou. do you know how easy it is to get an identification. you can go to your library or dmv and get a nondriver's license. seven forms of i.d. you just need one. >> and how do you say it is impacting minorities in they can't go to the dmv or libraries and get an identification? >> they have greater minority turnout for the election. there is not one instance. >> exactly.
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>> it's about i think bringing in some people who don't have documents to perhaps vote. i'm just guessing. again, this is just a guess. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> good night from new york. [ dynamic music plays ]


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