tv Cavuto FOX Business October 21, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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neil: tonight on cavuto, martin luther king injury with some advice to republicans when it comes to winning black voters. don't pay us lip service. tonight the battle for the african-american vote is on. then fbi, you hear about this the fbi's new push that could make your cell phone an open book. you heard about those nazi war criminals getting millions in cash. i want you to meet the congresswoman who is planning to take a stop to that. then think quick, which one of these is the clown? not the anchor, the other two. what if i told you both of them are.
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only the guy right now on the right you see there. he's not clowning around. plus, gas prices are way down. so why is the price of your next airline ticket still shooting up? cavuto starts reporting now. welcome everybody. great show tonight. i say that every night. the message to republicans seems to be rally your base. maybe now is the time you try rallying the other guy's base because for all republicans, they're still pretty much stuck in park when would go black voters. no group seems loyal to democrats as african-americans. republicans might be looking at their midterm chances of taking the senate, building a majority in the house and say, well, who really cares. we'll win anyway. but no less than rand paul is worried, kentucky senator and
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presumed presidential candidate said the grand old party has to make more than grand old gestures to the african-american community. he's convinced that he could get 30 percent of the black vote. keep in my mind that romney got about 5 percent of that vote. senator paul said the key will be offering an inspiring case for unferted capitalism versus constantly frittering government. not by pandering to african-americans, but simply talking to african-americans. he points to a war on poverty that has fell. and trillions of dollars spent that has been wasted. he is right on many aspects, but if he's pitching numbers this republican outreach will fail as so many others have failed as well and maybe longer term. some of the chances of advantageous on the white house. dr. al vitae king said the republicans to have offer more than token efforts because many african-americans are
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getting frustrated by the democratic party taking them for granted. ten truths for you and your family and our nation. what i love about having dr. king on she ticks off everyone. dr. king good to have you. >> i'm doing great, neil. and i respect -- i'm really glad to say hello. it's just greatly appreciated. neil: i'll get that cash envelope after the show. i'm thinking what you're saying and the message you're relaying, what do you think your uncle, your dad would be saying? there's always been a collective view, democrats hear us republicans don't. >> i believe that my dad were here and my uncle dr. martin luther king junior were here he would say let's be serious. it's a time to educate
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the population. educate the african-american community. not tell the voters to stay home. that's kind of voter suppression, but to educate and -- there's a commonality of error not to help the african-american community, but not just the african-american community, but the little soccer mom at home. the single mother. we're already worried about isis and ferguson. we come back now with ebola. (?) it's too much stress for a family. the middle class family is struggling o to pay school loans and the mortgage and you come back with ebola. when is the comedy of error going to end. neil: senators say we can certainly do better with the african-american voter. what is it they're not saying or doing? >> during the last seven years the african-american unemployment rate is 35 percent.
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that's a shame and a disgrace. neil: why do they vote for democrats. >> people don't understand that voting for the color of someone's skin does not repair the problem. we've got to plan and restore the dream it's a new initiative and effort where we're going to go across america and educate the communities as to how -- neil: what will you tell them? >> we can pull us off by our bootstraps. al sharpton another comedy of of errors, anointed by president obama. god anointed jesus of nazareth, not al sharpton so i'm very disturbed for instance, when he went to ferguson and things escalated. we're taking a message of peace and solutions. and he's not offering that. (?) neil: he's more incites trouble. you mentioned is a
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sharpton has close ties to the white house, the president was on his radio show commenting about how the democrats left them and how they will come back to the fold after the election. obama: a lot of the states that are condessed this time are states that i didn't win. so some of the candidates there, (?) you know, it is difficult for them to have me in the state -- the bottom line though these are all folks who vote with me. they have supported my agenda in congress. neil: he kind of threw them under the bus. they're saying something different now, but as they get reelected they'll go back to marching to my tune. >> this is exactly what the president said. only african-americans will understand this message about cousin pooky that's the one who is not as sharp and as informed. we want every
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african-american to be informed, educated, sustained and helped. and we do have solution to restore the dream smaller government. we support government. we believe the government has a role, but we want people to invest in dignity. invest in opportunities. to be educated. to be helped. to serve the community and be served, and that is not the message that the government handouts are giving our people. neil: maybe given your -- you've heard all the attacks. how do you deal with that? and for those african-americans who want to reach out and go beyond that stigma and be in lockstep with democrats whether their programs work or not. >> i believe that -- my uncle actually my granddaddy was a republican. martin luther king junior was more of a
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independent. and i voted for republicans. supported republicans. neil: what is family dinners like. are you their little communist or what? >> we put aside our differences. and we talk about turkey. neil: and then you get to the stuffing. what worries a lot of folks is that republicans talk a good game of trying to reach out to african-americans, but invariable they give up after a while. they're in lockstep in good times and in bad times with democrats. how do they crack it. what do they have to say? >> there's some very good sincere candidates that are in office. neil: who do you like? >> i don't want to say who i like. several of them. about ten that i like. dr. carson, of course. oh, yeah, i like him. neil: hillary clinton, is sure
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interesting. >> she needs to stay home and pray real hard. neil: bottom line, i always think and asked you this time, if your dad were alive and your uncle were alive and they were hearing what you were saying, we love you to death obviously, would they be disappointed or yeah, she gets it. >> they were preachers and not politicians. i'm becoming a preacher more so than a politician. neil: your uncle was savvy when it came to politics. >> he said i want to talk to everyone in office. i want to pray for those in authority. i want to us have a peaceful life. that was his position. so i believe he would ask us to get more prayer going on. i really do. neil: good for you. i'd still like to bring a video camera to your family gathering. dr. alveda king does the nation proud. as classy as they get.
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i can't believe you're watching this without me. we agreed we'd catch up on everything tonight. if i did this to you, you'd murder me in my sleep. you know what? just watch it by yourself. (sighs) i can't not know when i know that you know. the latest episodes of the top 100 shows are preloaded and ready to watch with xfinity on demand. neil: all right. shake up or get broken up. president bill budly telling bankers that their bad behavior could drive the government to break up their bank. the guy who has been writing about this for years saying this is a quandary we will have to address. we got jonathan. tracy. all right. charlie to you first. all right. we've got to cut them down to size or we'll be facing some more trouble. >> i think these are too big to regulate.
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there is a free market way to address this other than government -- by saying you got to do this. you got to break up or else. all these banks have deposit insurance. we're talking about jpmorgan. wells fargo. if you want an integrated bank where you have -- where your insured deposits we're not going to insure your deposits. we won't lay the taxpayer on the line for you taking risks and that's one way of doing it. neil: never going to happen. >> it won't happen until we have the next crisis. >> why does tv to happen. the banks have done everything they're asked to do. >> they're too big. >> but they need to be. >> the fed just came out with a report, right, that said -- no, the gao said that the feds could not find the london trading laws of
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jpmorgan. that's a billion loss that went under the nose of regularities. these things are too big to regulate. >> what they're talking about strong arm law enforcement. this comes from a meeting with the large bank executive. he's the guy in the back of the room holding the bag. the fed is saying you're too big physical therapy." if you don't use measures, to get to you. we'll use congress to -- they're talking about breaking up these breaks. it's another example of strong-arming. just like when the treasury department talked about tax inversions. >> they didn't take any action. >> american taxpayers are on the hook if things go wrong again. >> well, charlie, why don't we follow your lead off and interject a little of the free market system. to your point, you cannot open a bank without offering insurance right now. the banks are victims in
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the whole economic collapse. the real problems, the fedy and frannie. those have only got an bigger. >> as much as i love jamie diamond of jp morgan chase he loves the fact that the fed insures his deposits. that lowers his cost of capital, allows him to borrow more cheaply in the market. neil: he doesn't love the fines. >> he doesn't. he still makes 20 billion a year. these banks make a lot of money. they're really big. we as the american taxpayer are on the hook if they go under. >> so get rid of the hook, charlie. you're talking about more regulation. get rid of the hook. >> what is the hook? >> you say we're on the hook. free americans. >> that is my point. do not allow -- >> you're advocating for more regulation. >> you're misrepresenting what i'm saying. >> make it clear. >> open your earpiece.
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i'm serious because i made this .1000 times. the fdic inshes deposits that puts the american taxpayer on the hook. stop insuring deposits of integrated banks. (?) >> when is the fed crossing the line into the culture of the bank as opposed to the actual capital assets. they should have say over capital assets. what they're saying is the culture -- i think the fed is overstepping -- >> it's a pure threat. they're threatening action. they're not actually using the laws and applying them. i think charlie is being reasonable on this. we just spent a trillion dollars on bailing these jerks out. we shouldn't have bailed them out. let me just make this point. you spent trillions of dollars bailing these guys out. it hurt the american economy. the reason we bailed them out is because we had to. they're so big that the economy would have --
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>> every enterprise that was bailed out, neil was highly regulated. more regulation begets more regulation. we should follow charlie's advice, start freeing up the system. they don't solve the issues. neil: any idea what you guys have. >> break them up. >> break them up make them smaller and then regulate them. >> you're saying bring back less people. >> the regularities are saying they're too big to regulate. neil: all right. they're saying they got your back. they've got your back so why did the government just back them into a corner?
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neil: will google and apple locking out law enforcement from phones? they're trying to. and now, locking horns with the government because they are trying to. fbi director asking congress to force smart phone makers to allow police to get info out of cell phones all in the interest of public safety. but former nsa officials say this could be going too far. why? >> well, neil it's a real problem when you start getting the government involved in people's personal devices.
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that's what we're dealing with here. a personal device such as an iphone or an android device, a tablet of one type or another, those are inherently personal possessions. the only time the government should be going after these devices is if there's a for cause reason to do so. that's when they should be getting warrants and that's when it should be unlocked. neil: what bothers me is that they're pregiving themselves -- that is the government, the green light to go in ahead of time. the field is cleared if and when they could force the issue. >> well, it's almost like the doctrine of preemanation and that works in military operations and it can work in law enforcement, but you have to really, really careful with it. it's like a massive sting operation. you don't want a massive sting operation. you want to target the people that are really committing the crimes. if you go after everybody's device, then
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you just have this sea of data that you have to sift through when something bad happens. i think it's incumbent on all the people in law enforcement to focus on those doing bad things and not those of us who are innocent. neil: but we don't know at this point. i kind of agree with you on privacy issues, but at the same time with isis and everything, people might be more willing to let the government go after the big guys. you say, be careful what you wish for. >> absolutely. everybody has this feeling when there's danger that okay, i have nothing to hide. i'm happy to reveal everything. in this particular case, you always have to be careful how much information you give the government because it can be misused. you can have an insider threat within the government that does stuff with your data and even if it's against the law, you still to have clean up the mess. it could be a potential real problem. in this case i think we need to update our laws when it comes to how we
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submit warrants. how we process warrants. how we serve warrants. having said that, we need to be very careful that we keep our protections against unreasonable searches and seizures in place because it's now a digital search and seizure if we're not careful with it. neil: it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. meanwhile, on sort of of the same issue. is see something say something really doing nothing. the fbi is asking people to speak up on any possible threat around them. sounds good, but a whole lot easier said than done. terrorist expert says much more needs to be done to stop threats on the homeland. and i guess see something, say something doesn't do it. >> it sounds good, but i don't know what it's ever produced. i don't think the government has ever actually produced the statistics about anything that's been found as a result of
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that. the only reason that axiom has been used is the government is afraid to use the word, if you see someone, say someone. if you use those words then the possibility is you might accuse someone, a person of being a terrorist. god forbid that of happens. neil: i always wonder because i'm just around the block. everything you see warrants saying something because i don't know. i mean, i don't know where to draw the line here. what is a good rule that people should exercise whether they're doing it overtly or not. what do you look for? what do you do? >> there is standards they always use in terrorism plaza. you see someone at an airport in 90 degrees and they're sweating heavily or, you know, they're -- there's no baggage and they're going on a long trip or something. things that stand out obviously like that, the
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very conspicuous, but, again, it's very hard to judge those types of things that sort of stand out. again, if you see a package in the middle of the street that no one has picked up or in the middle of an airport, then, of course, you want to report that to the nearest security officer. but, again, most people are afraid to say something. and if they do, it's good they do. neil: well, they're afraid of being labeled racist. look what happened in minnesota and other states -- the argument was wait a minute these guys just don't look right. if they said that, they're deemed instantly racist. >> it's not just that. probably a dozen examples where airline passengers have pointed out people that say that they think look suspicious. they pointed them out to the airline employees or to the pilots. the pilots in turn have talked dot airport security, to the police, the police have gotten involved and then the
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passenger who has been designated as suspicious have sued the airports, have sued the pilots, have sued the airlines and won. neil: incredible. >> so people get intimidated. the reality is, that puts an intimidation factor and nothing works. i'm glad to see the fbi director says, if you see someone, say someone. in the end it's undermined by the fact that the attorney general issues guidelines that says you can't use religious criteria. you can't use the word jihad. neil: steve, thank you very much. all right. better late than never, the administration announcing ebola restrictions. it's not quite what you think or what a lot of folks are still demanding. hi, are we still on for tomorrow?
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>> i have babies already. >> because you don't drink coffee. >> hard hitting, "the independents" tonight, on fbn. neil: love her. all right, it is not a ban but it will work like one. homeland security saying people flying in from liberia, and sierra leon, and guinea will be required to fly into one of these 5 airports specificly prepared. argument, not a ban but it is some fine-tuneing is it enough? >> no, we're not getting to the root of the problem. containing everyone, solving this where it should be not here in united states, you are still bringing these people here to the united states and you know, we keep messing up on how to protect ourselves and everyone from it who is to say they are not doing it at these spots, i am sorry, keep them in the
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country. >> for all talk about ebola, epidemic and outbreak, we have gone 5 almost 6 days with no new reported cases. less than 5 people that have contracted the disease here. i think this is really a political move. a lot of outcrys for dc to do something. you know all money that we invested in homeland security, and tsa, we are talking about 180 people a day that come from area, screen them, why disrupt the entire airline system. neil: what do you think? >> this is unbelievable to me, does anyone even trust this government any more to protect us from ebola. with these rules, would they have prevented thomas duncan from entering the united states? he did not have a pfeifer. -- he did not have a fever?
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they would not have -- we're allowing folks to take the flight and come here. neil: you would shut down. >> just temporarily, this is all about politics election day is two weeks from today, no one wants to upset the democrat base. neil: like lik you can argue tha tried this, they are ebola-free. >> we have proof that this wor works. >> what about jonathan's point you can go too far? >> that is bananas! >> reason we have not seen an outbreak here, and we will not see one like western africa, this is a country that is first world, we have science here. >> how did it get here, it should not have gotten here. >> we need to apply ronald reagan's 9 most dangerous words, i'm from the government, and
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imhere to help, they will not protect us. it is 9, i counted it. neil: we'll get wise after the fact. something will happen, something mutates with this, and it will be that. >> right, and all could have been stopped if we just shut the doors for a little bit. neil: but jonathan was far more interested in making money. >> neil, you must have seen that trailer for dustin hoffman movie, outbreak. it has not happened in the u.s. neil: he was very compelling, did you see it? >> homeland security talks about we have everything under control, do not trust the government to protect us from this disease. neil: you don't fear your react could be an overreaction, and create more panic. >> doctors without boarders have said this could be an --
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>> in africa. letting them fly here, what -- you have no interest. >> what is wrong with you! >> you are not going to west africa any time soon, why do you care? >> no, i am not traveling to any muslim majority countries either, it is not in my best interest, 128 people die of day from car accidents here, so far out of 3 help million we have less than 5 with ebola. >> car accidents don't spread like communeicible diseases. neil: have you seen his car. >> government has outdone itself this time, billions of bucks paid out to -- nazis? give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is,
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received the same thing. new york city congresswoman caroline maloney looking to put at end to this. >> i authored a bill, called nazi war crimes disclosure act that opened largest amount of files on the nazis sinces nurenberg trial, books have been written, it took me 4 years to do, opened files on imperial japan, a reporter from ap that followed that, called me, and said, i know did you this work on the nazis. did you know that there are some alleged that are getting benefits, i have written a freedom of information request can you help me, i said yes, i sent letters to the social security department, they got back to me, but information is not complete, they are going to get me a further report on how this happened. how much money went where. neil: you know how it do happen?
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nazis who were setting up shop here then getting benefits. >> they came illegally to the country, we passed a law that said they would be deported without emergency benefits, there was a loophole that said if they left of their own accord or denaturalizeed and left they could still get benefits, thebility intend t -- intrend to inch produce would close to loophole. if they were -- some act so moraly wrong. that there has to be some accountability for it. neil: that has been going on for years. >> for a long time, i need to get this information from justice and social security. but even in this lame duck session, republicans and democrats withk agree -- can agree to cut off your taxpayer money to support the nazis.
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neil: how many are you talking about in. >> we don't know, i did see a report in late 90s or late -- that said there were 18 they knew of getting benefits, but social security department is assured me they will get back to me with the information, they got some information to me. they will get back to me, justice is compileing information, as soon as i get it, i will let you know, i know you care about taxpayer dollars. >> you know, you made me think, a lot of them snuck through. i am thinking we have a pore us bordeousborder right now , how t know this is going on with other groups. >> well, we need to start with the nazis. neil: amen but the other numbers are huge. >> the other terrorists, and others are -- we need to look at that too. we should not be spending taxpayer dollars overseas to known terrorists or certainly
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not nazi war criminals. neil: by the way, how is the administration creatinging on this? >> they are supportive. neil: and does justice deputy feel like you ember aged them? >> -- justice department feel that you embarrassed them? >> they are cooperating. neil: we're a couple of weeks away from elections, how do you think it will go? >> we're working hard, anything can happen. a day is like a month in politics. >> what did you think of president telling al sharpton, calm down about these democrats that don't want me with them, we're all on the same page. they support my mission, my goals. my programs. >> i think that there is a great deal of support for the president, he was elected twice
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by the american people. and he has -- >> you wouldn't know it judging from -- not a lot of people calling him up. >> i might call him this afternoon. neil: he is popular here. you don't read anything into that? or if democrats all of a sudden you have a tough fight. >> absolutely. it is a tough fight every day. it would be a pfeife 5 -- toughr fight. >> thank you. >> good to see you, i will protect your taxpayers. neil: that is good thank you. >> all right with ebola some saying that flying is not worth the risk, find out how airlines are not making flying not worth the price. and when i find it- i go for it. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading.
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neil: in biz blitz, the big mac down smackdown. anyway, mcdonald's. profit down 30% this quarter from a year ago. mcwas facing a mack dark from russia over 200 restaurants under investigation for saner to esanitaryissues, is there a con, mark, you say this is putin with payback. >> payback for economic sanctions, mcdonald's better start drinking their own cafe and mccafe, and wake up and smell it. neil: did you get that from mcdonald's. >> i don't drink coffee. >> jonathan did you not have coffee in his cup. >> 8% of mcdonald's revenues come from russia, they have 440 stores this is you know old soviet style putin, you know knocking them down to size because of the economic sanctions.
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neil: didn't china raise the same thing with them. >> also a communist regime. >> right. neil: condescending on your part. i add mich that. meyeadmire that.>> next case. you talk about 37,000 people that could lose a job because putin is pissed. yeah. >> that is the human risk you go to noncapitalism countries, those that don't respect property rights, you run the risk of losing all or some of your investment. neil: they didn't shut all of the restaurants, just the 200. >> it could be because, one thing that president obama has gotten right, russia's economy is crushing under the force of these sanctions, the stock market is killed, currency at a multiyear low. >> it so too bad they take it out on actual productive parts of the russian economy.
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that most russian citizens enjoy. >> that is the thing, the people love the big mac, why? i'm not sure, but the russians love it. neil: you never had a big mac. >> no, never, i will say their fries are good. >> you are like putin with long hair. neil: if you think that lower gas prices mean cheaper flights, you might top think bane, report on airline faishs has this. airfares are rising, a rising a lot. what is going on? >> there is like 3 planes in te air, there is less demand. basic economics, and there time of year they raise prices in time for holidays. neil: always a lag. >> and there is less flights, they have no choice. neil: what do you think? >> there are a lot of metrics that go into pricing, they will offer sales and discounts to compensate, but the stock market liked it. they increased fares and stock prices went up for all airlines,
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airlines,. good news on the street, and consumer need to you know buy wisely. neil: ebola thing hurt them for a while. >> neil, neil. >> if you could more easily fit into a seat would you have lesselessen -- toward the airline. >> i am playing the moderator here go ahead. >> it seems like prices are going up, but look. neil: you love the airlines, however the airlines, you love the airlines. >> they need to be freed. if you want to improve your airline experience, build more airports, get rid of the faa, and make it like it was when the write brothers flew. >> no one is canceling their trip to see grandma.
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>> they are still buying tickets, price of gas has not impacted them. they hiked their price. neil: they hedge this stuff too. >> airlines would be wise. >> that gas price, and airlines use different, they don't just fill up at the station. >> but their highest cost. neil: can you imagine if they did. >> you know nobody is buying -- airline should engage with customers, reassure them that sales and discounts. >> then they should drop. >> cookies are 6 bucks. >> stop charging. >> customers, they hate the experience, they don't hate the cost from, manhattan to newark is like 90 dollars, it is 200 from manhattan to chicago. >> that is a lot more miles. >> 449 one way, okay. >> why would you fly. >> you fly from manhattan to newark or a taxi? >> i am saying a taxy is more expenseive than airline, airline
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flights are still cheap. >> i think just thinking that through. >> helicopter. >> >> manhattan to newark. >> a cookie is 6 bucks it has to stop. >> outrageous. neil: they can do it. >> only, it is a timing is off because of the price of gas, they should engage their customers, social media and such for a brand purpose, but, price is fine, service is lousy. >> oh. >> do you fly a lot. >> enough to be bothered by them,. neil: really. >> if you have wi-fi i am happy. otherwise, take the train. neil: manhattan to newark, who needs, that woe. when we come back. you know some think this image of me on "dancing with the "dancing with the stars" was photo shopped. some might be surprised. that is just me.
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neil: what the heck is the deal with giving the green light to dozens of suspected transcend patience ebola patients because her 21 day incubation period was up? aren't these the same guys that said that ebola would never ever reach here and then redesign hazmat suits because they expose too much thing here? and all i know is that everything that they say, they have had to take back. if this ebola thing doesn't kill us, our government might. and conservatives are denying science to advocate a travel ban for ebola. but science doesn't answer the question because the situation is constantly evolving. studies are decades away. i have no idea what you said, but you sound very smart. and the ebola virus is a threat. but the biggest threat to average americans is the agenda. and so how does that protect ourselves in the meantime?
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james has some thoughts. watching her hands after using the restroom is a great idea. even employees need to wash your hands before returning to work. have you noticed the handles opening into the restroom? what good does it do only to grab onto the germ laden handle of the door? it doesn't make sense? and he continues that it should be on the outside to enter the restroom. some places have paper towels so you can use them to grab onto the germ laden handles. and not everyone washes their hands. in some situations, they have handles on the outside to enter the restroom and then push the
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door open with your elbow to leave after washing your hands. and so i'm going to follow up here. if the doors door is handles are on the outside, how do you leave the restroom to the in ride assuming you have to pull the door and then you are in a quandary. i guess if you have to push a you could always just use your shoulders. the what of their our germs on your shoulder? and so my shoulder is pretty big. but you can work on that. mike in atlanta says i wish that you got ebola. i wish the you got cnn. and all i know is that yours is the last voice i hear before going to sleep and don't let it be about ebola. and don't think that i was trying out last week for "dancing with the stars" and barber writes that i would watch
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every second and vote for you. and another individual says whoever photoshop that got the head and the body side ratio wrong. and whoever did this got their job priorities wrong. dancing? dancing all the way. it's an all-you-can-eat essay. and molly says that looking good, but i think you need a gold chain. and i think the you need some discretion. and this is why we love you. because even when our country is swirling around, you never lose this. your sense of humor. and control your guest, two people talking at the same time is so irritating. and please ask your guests not to talk at once. they sound like magpies and i get a headache. they are trying to share this
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information. and so right there. i want to thank you just the same. keep watching and keep writing me. you could be a start tomorrow. ♪ ♪ kennedy: thousands of americans have been whisked away from their jobs due to quarantines, and these are not nurses that have been sneezed on by people from africa, but federal workers are at 57,000 who are sick or on maternity leave. and then the workplace disputes or just dumb luck? sitting at home waiting to see if you come down with a fever or the squirts, that is misery. and what about the box thinking that you were looking at porn? and racking up tensions, you probably want to the virus. but sadly you
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