tv Varney Company FOX Business October 23, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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stuart: this market just wants to go up and it is going straight up. weekly issue, incompetent government, and new prices make people nervous. what will he do or not do now. good morning. a convert to islam shoots up canada's parliament and president obama won't call it terror. he won't raise the tariff threat level either. no travel ban, more stonewalling on the irs and what is on the president's schedule? a fund-raiser. a mile down the road from right here wall street is looking way up, solid profits, low interest rates and a good chance of a republican senate but you always have to worry. what is the next crisis and how
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will the president respond? "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: this is a very big day on wall street, 257 points, straight up, plenty of earnings reports, more of the coming out "after the bell". we will see about that later. let's get this, 256 points hi, the dow is at 16,700. here are the names fuelling the dow rallied. caterpillar made a lot of money last quarter, caterpillar's up $5. 3 m's sales were up almost 4%. that is not huge but its business will keep growing through the next year. is up $8. transportation sector of very big winner. two railroad stocks hitting all-time highs, union pacific
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and csx. check more transportation stocks, alaska air, jetblue, writer all with big gains, 19 of the 20 stocks in the index are up. big rally. look at the price of oil, dropped to $80 a barrel yesterday backing up to $81.79 today. the real story for energy is the price of gasoline, $3.07 a gallon. that is your national average. 15 states in the $2 club. the price of regular is less than $3 a gallon and where is the cheapest gas in the country? you pay cash, $2.45 a gallon at the busy bee sting houston, texas. charlie gasparino is here. these markets just want to go up. >> we are not masochists at the fox business network. we like it when the markets go up. stuart: where are you going with it? >> trying to lay out the facts.
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i told you paralysis was the best medicine. don't do anything. let's figure out what is going on. it is still contradictory market. you have good earnings coming out, markets up on that but the price of oil is going down. that usually means the economy is weak. stuart: we are producing a ton of that that is driving the world price down. >> you don't know what is in the mind of traders. those are contradictory issues for the market to digest and q e is ending soon. i can't wait to see how the market reacts but richard fisher, one of the top people at the fed, we could raise rates based on the strength of the economy. stay in the market, that is what dick fisher is saying, that the fed won't move over, wall street's current position raising short-term rates next year, ending money printing, the wonderful word you hate so much
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that rolls off my tongue, q e, it is going to go. when that happens, dick fisher believes the economy will be strong enough to take the market higher. stuart: say that again. q e. buzz him. [buzzin [buzzing.] bernard: when the midterm elections have to have something to do with this. >> markets like the fact republicans will take the senate and stop president obama's more socialist, progressive economic -- stuart: we won't buzz you for using that word. we won't. >> markets are smart enough to know, that is only congress. the president can veto anything they do. obamacare is not going anywhere. taxes are not going down unless
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the president has got a needle in his arm. maybe he might decid taxes. i doubt it. that is about it. there is said dysfunctions that will go in washington. stuart: there is concerned that the next crisis there is concern what the president will do about it. there's a nervous market. >> the market from ebola, obviously the country -- we won't have an epidemic -- the obama administration was so feckless in describing it. stuart: the market went down on the canadian terror event. listen to this. and was an amazing scene inside the canadian parliament in the last hour. they gavel to order 24 hours after the terror attacks inside the building you are looking at. there is the sergeant at arms.
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the shot and killed the suspected terrorist and got as you can see a standing, emotional ovation. very emotional moment, it lasted over a minute. then it got back to business. as for the sector, he was a recent convert to islam, he converted from the name michael -- he took the name michael zehaf-bibeau. he killed a soldier standing guard at but war memorial, he was considered a high-risk traveler by the canadian government had had his passport seized. that is something we do not do in america with suspected terrorists. can's prime minister calls for shooting the second terrorist attack in three days. used the word terrorists. president obama won't use that word. colonel ralph peters is here. i got to ask this. it looks to me we have a group of people inside america, they are here already, they want to
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kill us. can we call them terrorists and go after them? >> you start by calling them terrorists, president obama is suffering a weird depression. the world has disappointed him. it is not the way he was assured it would be. islam was the religion of peace. he does have to finally say islamist terrorists, repeat three times, mr. president. by the way that canadians were not ready for this. is a shock to their system. on a much smaller scale destructionwise it is their 9/11, the loss of innocence but they handle that since the attack very well. their prime minister has spoken out, called it islamist terror. they made one dangerous mistake. they told all their military personnel not to wear their uniforms. i understand the practical use in but think about that. two global terrorist attacks this week were able to back down
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the entire canadian military and put them in civvies. you don't do that. you have a lot of business executives among your audience. they know one thing you don't do is show fear. when you deal with the islamist terrorists the ultimate negotiation you don't show fear and our president shows fear. stuart: i think the president had a weak response to what happened yesterday in canada. he did not raise the tariff threat level but he did say we shifted our posture. you are a military guy. what does that mean? shifting a posture. >> doesn't mean much of anything. islamic state are on the rampage in the middle east. we are holding the line at kobani, they are advancing on baghdad. in the last 24 hours the pentagon said those syrians we're going to trained to fight for us we will only trade them in defensive measures.
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it is absolutely lunatic. you don't see people defending their villages because you can't win playing defense. at this point despite the rhetoric from the white house, they denied have a policy to defeat the islamic state. stuart: why is the president -- he seems so reluctant to have some muscle and attack and go after it? he seems reluctant to do that. >> the honest answer is i thought the president needed seasoned veteran advises. now he needs a psychiatrist. stuart: that is a dramatic statement. >> i think he has serious problems. he can't face the reality of the world around us. he can't admit he is wrong about anything. he seems to be living in a delusional world. met a psychiatrist tell me i am wrong. not white house spokesman. stuart: when you raised an
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interesting issue. that is throwing the cat among the pigeons. >> he is the paralyzed president. stuart: paralyzed? that bad? >> can't make a decision on anything that really matters. he seems personally insulted and modified the democrats are abandoning him. his policies haven't worked out. islam has disappointed him lose the nobility of the underdogs around the world have disappointed him. our military turned out to be necessary after all. it is one thing after another. here is the man as i said before, he is hamlet, forever to be or not to be. cannot make a decision and when you cannot make a decision about life or death issues, you have got a mental problem. stuart: i think we will leave it at that, we appreciate your input and we will see you again very soon guarantee. colonel ralph peters. want to get back to the market's 250 points and that is the solid
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rally indeed. look at general motors, strong sales but auto recalls hurting the stock around $31 a share. what is the story? nicole: the stock is up 1.1% beating analysts' expectations. they had strength in north america which offset a weak areas of broad. with the man's we saw in north america you are seeing gm with an up arrow. stuart: i know yelp is down big but tell me why. >> sitting at $58.63, it is the outlook on the fourth quarter, revenue is a lighter than expectations. people are really looking at the outlook and with that i put up a long-term chart which is a $15 ipo, it is $58. it did cross the $100 mark. stuart: all you got to do is look to the future and the mildly disappointed and take you
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down 16%. nicole: they have growth and advertising without placing the sell-off. stuart: thank you very much. charlie gasparino, you look pensive. you will react to colonel beaters saying the president needs a psychiatrist, yelp down 16%. >> those are interesting. stuart: when colonel peter is shocked me. i was not ready for that. >> i am not going to say the president is crazy but maybe he is inexperienced, maybe he is not a very good president. when you don't listen to people like leon panetta. i know him little bit. some right-wing loony like us, leon is up left-wing weft of center. when he tells you you have to go after terrorism and you ignore it -- stuart: when you are going to
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stay there. take you for another block. we are one day closer to the midterm elections more likely, the gop will take control of the senate. the so-called war on women, might not be working as well. more in a moment but first look at this. pass 6 pound gold nugget found on public land, found on public land in california going up for auction. expected to bring them to $50,000. a finder wants to remain anonymous. he founded on public land. it goes under is the gavel in san francisco but who is going to get the minutes? [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected.
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act now, and get this document shredder free. that's a $29 value. ♪ or go to try lifelock risk-free for 60 days and get this document shredder free -- a $29 value -- when you use promo code go. call now. stuart: up 271 points. where is the price of gold, not doing much. is down $18 an ounce at 1227. apple launching its noble payment system, your iphone at the checkout. this is already a credit card killer. just a couple days, a couple reports of problems.
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some are being billed twice for charges he made using apple pay and a thousand transactions being affected. they are working to fix it. be of a will refund duplicates charges. no impact, the stock is up, apple is 10484. has to be close to an all-time high. apple keeps going up. the latest on ebola patient can vincent. she is ebola free. cleaning crews remove 50 barrels of hazardous waste from dallas apartment with the family says she has been approved for transfer out of isolation. this was not the black swan event it could have been. >> the obama administration got its act together. that is one of the things that scared the markets was the fact, contradictory statements about potential for contamination, our ability to handle what would happen here and it didn't meet with reality.
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at that point of the market was falling on every headline. now it looks like finally i still think there should be a travel ban but taking a lot of steps in between to secure the country. stuart: no new cases. >> give them credit for getting their act together even though it is late. that is why the markets react on terrorism news, they don't think these guys are competent in broad important things. stuart: democrats are using the war on women strategy. might not be working as well as they expected or plant. we use the texas governor's rays as an example. poster child for the left wendy davis losing by 2% among women, losing among women to her challenger greg adams. why are the democrats losing the war on women? >> the democrats's strategy rests on this sexist premise that women only care about contraception and abortion.
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if you go to the washington post you see a scale where on one end it is contraception and climate change and jobs and the economy. women care about more than their gender. they care about women's issues. democrats don't get that. stuart: do republicans understand? the other side of the calling? they could exploit this weakness among the democrats and maybe go on the attack and go after women? >> that is where you hit the nail on the head. republicans do not understand this. for instance you take republicans not changing vote rhetoric, republicans like todd a command richard murdock in the last election the made sexist remarks about abortion. they don't change the terms of the debate to focus on jobs and that is the problem. republicans lost in the last six elections and that is the problem. >> harvard law, you are a young
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woman, what kind of reaction you get at harvard to being a young conservative? >> it is pretty surprising the number of libertarians at harvard. is not a bad reaction. people are open to hearing the republican message that people admit consistently they don't hear the republican message of this data hear from republicans because republicans, that mitt romney won by 7 points, rocked by 36 points, single women. republicans simply don't speak to people like me so my message people receptive to hearing, got to go to the campus and talk to them. stuart: you are familiar with this study that harvard law grad have the highest salaries of the mid point of their careers more than grants from any other law school. i am sure when you graduate in won't settle for much less than $500,000 a year.
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>> grow up, stewart. i am joking. really encouraged to -- this is a really encouraging setting given the fact that i will pay $170,000 and nothing extra. given the fact that for three years, not having any sort of thing other than my case book. >> i think you want my job. i think you want to sit in this seat out of graduation. >> i do. that is my goal. stuart: fine with me, that is four years away. question, which is healthier for you, mcdonald's or chipotle. you would think the latter, wouldn't you? that might not be the case. we will break it down after the break and if you hear that music you know it is one of weird al's most popular hits. he turns 55 today, weird al yankovic, happy birthday to a
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stuart: paid close attention. that rally at 246 points. look at chevron, they announced a major oil discovery in the gulf of mexico as they say will add significantly to their production over the next couple years. that is what we want. more domestic oil and chevron found that. is up 2.5%. bad news for uber, and they are gathering for a global day of protests. the drivers of protesting the company's fare cuts and fee hikes. demonstrators waved signs and chanted reid is the disease band uber is infected. no stranger to these protests but it is still there. when it comes to the fast food fight on health there's a meal from chabot we really that much better healthwise than the when
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you get at mcdonald's? lauren simonetti visited both chains, look what she has got. >> she is hungry. stuart: if we are talking strictly held, you have a chipotle meal. >> at chicken burrito with white rice, green chilies, guacamole and chips. we want the other one? big mac and fries. let's talk calories. which of these has the most calories? >> 1700 calories versus the big mac and fries, about 1,000 calories. stuart: 1700 calories. didn't think of that. >> the big mac has 530 calories. stuart: and you have $1,000 to go. 1700 versus 1,000. how about salt? i am sold by should eat less. >> you should eat less. mcdonald's has the most salt.
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the big nick had 960 milligrams. the bar rita, 690 milligrams of salt. stuart: almost 1,000 milligrams versus 600 or 700 milligrams. are you convinced that salt is bad for you? >> everything in moderation. what i am concerned about is we keep telling everybody, millennials like to go because the food is healthier. is this healthier? the ingredients are fresh. i golf all that but if you look at the calorie count, i don't want my daily intake of calories in just my lunch. stuart: i tell you why they like chipotle, because you ordered that meal on line. >> you have me on your show at 11:30 of the time and the paris shows up in at 11:00 and i go to those restaurants and get lunch. i placed the order online first
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because i can't do that at mcdonald's, they're testing in certain cities, not where we are. it was difficult. a lot is easier and avoided a line. i went out in the rain. stuart: now eat this. time is money. 30 seconds. an update on the irs targeting scandal turns out the obama administration was holding out critical information on lowe's lerner's e-mails. we will give you the story at 11:50. more stonewalling. development from our international intrigue story. the total oil chief who was killed when a snow plow rammed into his jet taking off from moscow. the driver of the snow plow is denying he was wrong. is that a twist in the intrigue? not sure. is sports game 2 of the world series, the royals beat the san francisco giants 7-2, the series tied at one. game 3 san francisco tomorrow
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night, first pitch a:07 eastern. very low ratings for game one. very low ratings. >> not a popular team. stuart: who could stay up all night to watch it on the east coast? >> not me. stuart: now this. canada learning what we have known here in the u.s. for years. a lone wolf terror attack is a real threat. the unfortunate reality in today's world. we discuss that after the break. first a look at kevin baker's -- kevin vickers, the hero of yesterday's attack on a distorting in ottawa. watch this. [applause]
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ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way.
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it did say its it's business would keep growing through the year. that is good news. all time highs right now. airlines doing well right now. it is cheap energy. nineteen out of 20 stocks are up. $1.30 higher. as oil and gas drop, it puts more money in your pocket. consumer stocks doing well because of that. the treasuries under-secretary for david cone. rich edson joins us now from
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d.c. >> treasury is threatened to sanction any. officials say they will restrict the flow of financing. the treasury says they continue to disrupt isis ability. showing how much it hit the terror groups financing. attacking the groups financing will be an effort. stuart: weighed down by drilling for more oil. i think that would hurt them bad. that is just my opinion. i want to get back to that shooting in ottawa, canada. the canadian prime minister called it terrorism.
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they say he acted as a loan wolf. >> why won't president obama use the word terror. >> part of his ideological belief that we are not threatened. these are minor problems that can be handled through law enforcement channels. stuart: i just want you to look for a second to colonel ralph peters. some pretty strong words about president obama. roll tape. now i think that he needs a psychiatrist. i think that he has serious problems where he cannot face the reality of the world around
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us. >> i think it goes too far. i do not think that he takes advice from his cabinet. listen, we really need to address this threat. i do not think it is psychological. there is two years left in this administration. they will take the chance to moderate and get serious about the world. >> exactly. i just do not understand why the president has such a weak response to what happened in canada yesterday. what did we get? we got a change in our posture.
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it seemed like a hands off approach. >> this truly is not a lone wolf. you have the underwear bomber early in tenure. you have printer toner cartridge this on to blow up. now you have ottawa. this is a pattern. you have george w. bush. he was ridiculed by that. that actually worked a lot better than what we have under obama. stuart: he was gained politically if he changed
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course. he would win. he would gain politically, at least, if he did that. >> i think it was kind of like bill clinton when he faced impeachment. really taking pain. that 30, 35% that will be just as long as they remain doctors and liberal. bill clinton, at the end of the day, was a former alternative general. obama, not so much. no ability to make that moderating turn that we have seen in other presidents. jimmy carter issued findings to fight the soviets. this president just does not seem to be able to learn. stuart: okay. thank you for joining us, sir. after the break, billionaire
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nick hanover, he will be here. >> i am a very well-paid. >> not like me. [laughter] stuart: half my income in federal estate and income taxes. >> stuart, you are not rich. you are not rich. i am rich. ♪ partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. engage with us. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess.
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nicole: i am nicole local patnoh your fox business brief. about 30 points off the highs of the day. the nasdaq composite up 1.6%. plenty of winners on wall street. all with out aeros. 3 m and caterpillar reported this morning. caterpillar adding 32 positive dow points. airline earnings have been coming in. they did report strong numbers. we saw a particularly strong quarter. ♪ n the go. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 open a schwab account, and you could earn
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traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. stuart: look at solar stocks. when you start looking at the percentage gains, you know it is pretty good. walmart announcing it is going to be installing solar panels on the roof of its stores. warning against the rise of inequality. he suggests raising taxes on all
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income. he wants to raise the minimum wage, as well. nick, welcome to the program. if somebody makes more than $2 million a year with a capital gains on the books, you want to raise the tax rate on that person. >> that is correct. it is all about you and me. >> absolutely nothing. i am 66 years old. i am paying 53% on every dollar that i earned. $0.53. the government is taking more than half of my income. you are saying that it will raise interest tax rates on
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you have money you can invest in middle-class. give it to the government and the government will give it. >> absolutely. it is a bank account of rich people. stuart, i am not some martyr. i have done the math. we cannot hold a fast growing prosperous economy if wealthy people do not pay their share. people like me are not visibly doing that.
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stuart: the government does not use money respect to flee or efficiently. point number two, it is a moral. >> it is not a moral. it is not immoral. >> people that have benefited. why should i pay half the rates that you do? >> we are trying to build a fast growing economy. it is a consequence of including more and more people in it. we have the lowest tax rates in the history of the country right now. the economy is in the toilet.
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it is not true. stuart: 43%. back in a moment. >> for people that make big money, it is 20% or 15. the value that you get from that is a faster growing economy. i can move to somalia and pay zero in tax. we want to have an economy that grows fast. if they have money, people like me have no opportunity.
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stuart: better to give -- >> it absolutely does. if ipay more and they pay less, it relieves the tax burden from them. stuart: taxes have gone up within the last five years. we have 2% growth. >> people like me are getting all the value out of it. stuart: keep your hands out of my way. [laughter] >> i am coming for you. stuart: it was a pleasure. the obama administration withheld critical information to lowe's learners missing e-mails.
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first of all, who is this person? >> she is the top lawyer in the treasury department. the e-mails were two years worth of missing e-mails. months before congress heard about the missing e-mails in june. congress wants to know what was going on here. in terms of covering up the lost e-mails. stuart: she will not testify now.
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>> the way this is heading is the courts. the mandate the irs to not only find the missing e-mails. also, what is the irs doing to get those e-mails? >> good story. stuart: isis threatens terror groups. ebola, a rise in america. the list goes on. all the president does is play politics. jean simmons. the grantee created. that would be himself. also talking about the president refusal to use the word terror. the second hour is two minutes away. ♪
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stuart: a crisis erupts. the president responds. fire people who failed. no. listen to and take advice from professionals? no. generals wanted to lead troops in iraq. the president said no. that would not look good politically to his base. attack isis? no. ebola arrived here. a travel ban? no. appointed a ebola czar instat. this is pure politics. he does not leave. america is much worse off because of it. this hour, we will lay it out straight. ♪
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stuart: we are all fired up today about politics. let's get all fired up about wall street. a couple of big names that are fueling this rally. caterpillar is up $4. the transportation sector dirt, very nice winning ways. those two stocks are now at all-time highs. airlines also doing very nicely. it is up nicely. 4.5%. what is the yield on the 10 year treasury? 2.28% now. that is a big rise in yield. scott is with us. let's talk stocks for a second. this market just wants to go up.
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do you agree with that? we had done decent news. i still think it will be a very bumpy ride. stuart: what is the problem? >> with the imf downgrading global growth, we have been putting everything and the kitchen sink and our problems. number two, stuart, let's just say that the u.s. is the best house on the block or the cleanest shirt in the hamper. you have one of two choices. which one of those do you want to do? that is the problem.
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we had decent enough numbers in the uk and europe. it will still be a house of cards. be careful. it will still be very, very volatile. stuart: we appreciate it. thank you very much, scott. you have to see this. this was inside the american parliament building. about one day after the terror attack inside that building. the man who shot and killed the suspected terror. he has his back to us. he received a standing ovation. an extremely emotional moment. that is the man of the hour. now we are learning a lot more about the suspect. canadian citizen. he was considered a high risk
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traveler by the canadian government. canada's prime minister picked up the pieces after the attack. president obama is going to another fundraiser today. >> about 25 donors will be in attendance. the president will raise about 800,000 trucks. stuart: i am sure that he has other stuff on his plate. >> he did get his regular television briefing this morning.
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he got an update on that briefing. >> there is a fundraiser later tonight. another fundraiser for the president. i see you raising your eyebrows there. >> it is amazing. actually, i think the whole state of virginia is flipping to the republican party. their president goes down to squeeze more campaign dollars out of what is left for the democrats. you heard me at the top of the
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hour. stuart: the president is the most political president we have had in the modern age. the problem is, that no longer works. i think it is being overwhelmed by reality. it is 247. the nature of the web is to be skeptical, even cynical. when you have these events, long like ebola or the veterans affairs of hospitals or isis, the press jumps on those stories, reports them heavily and contradicts, runs against the happy thoughts that the white house is putting out.
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they are always behind the kurds now. i think it is showing up in this election. the associated press just put out a poll. 9% of likely voters. >> the problem for the president is you cannot spin poor performance. time after time after time, the administration, the bureaucracy, the government itself. >> exactly. he waits for these events to build. see if the opinion polling is going against them. then he acts. it is built to a significant crisis. crisis management is very difficult.
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the time to do all of these things is before it becomes a crisis. actually able to jump the fence and get into the white house. we just had this happened in the last 24 hours. >> i had not listed the secret service with all the serious problems. do you expect the president to change course? is it even possible? he is all government, all the time. you try to spin poor performance of an automatically poor performing government. >> i think that that is all he knows. barack obama is a man of the democratic left. he is a man of the left. everything is politics and
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politics is about gaining power in telling other people what to do. it is not so much about governing. it is just forcing one side or the other. stuart: you do not think he will change direction. you do not think he will move to the center? >> i do not, stuart. historically, that is what presidents have done. i simply do not see this president that is so self-confident conceding anything to the other side. the problem with this senate is they will gain at least six seats. maybe upwards of nine or 10. he will have his hands full getting anything done. >> he has to deal. he has to compromise.
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he has got to compromise. >> when has he ever compromise on anything? >> he was given the opportunity. he simply will not do business with the other side. it will simply be gridlock. >> i was hoping that the economy could get a job from energy or lower taxes. thank you very much, sir. to nicole, you have some winners. nicole: it is easy to find the winners today. let's take a look here. they each reported their quarterly numbers. three of them up 6%.
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caterpillar, right now up 4.8%. 200 names on the dow words noting. home depot and travelers hitting new highs. 35% of the s&p has reported. thus far 69 and a half percent exceeded the prophet numbers. so far, so good for this earnings season. stuart: we like what we see. walmart humanized by the left. here is one thing those liberals do not want you to know. one of the leaders in solar power. bar rescue. john tapper is his name. what he would do to turn around mcdonald's and if it is even possible. john stossel is here.
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years.
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about. school prayer. be very little for what we do. i know rogers will be giving you a big wage. commodities, futures, they do not really understand it. something that looked like a bible. you can use this thing and go from chapter to chapter. it is a very simple, easy to understand chapter specific idea of how you can access. there is no secret to riches.
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this is the demonization of the wrong time. >> moments ago, by about 10-15 minutes ago, we had a gentleman sitting on the show. this man wants to raise taxes on wealthy people. >> tax rich people more and you will get a revenue. you will have money you can invest in the middle-class. that is a source of growth and prosperity and our country. >> he is a well meaning gentleman. steal from the rich, give to the poor. stuart: there are rich people that want to do just that. >> we do it willingly. america is the most charitable
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company on the face of the planet. private institutions all do internships. he has misplaced and misinformed. by the way, i invite nick to take all his billions and give it in any way she wants to. do not punish people who work hard and achieve great things. do not punish the people who are the back bone of this country. the rich make everything else possible. 50% of the population, i am told, does not pay any taxes at all. you will punish the people that make everything possible. the people that own money and wall street. stuart: if you take rich people, government takes it. that will stimulate. >> government is a fair
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assessment. a well-meaning body man by politicians. if you really look at it, very few people who know how to create jobs. stuart: you have 10 seconds. >> get the book. jean simmons, everyone. thank you very much, indeed. >> it was a pleasure to see me again. stuart: walmart is a huge supporter. that is next. ♪
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caterpillar, 3 m, that to them already. airlines doing well. i just saw facebook crossed above $80 a share. look at this one. that is tractor supply. they say they are going to make more money. up 14%. facebook crossed 80. eighty-26 to be precise. walmart is going green. installing solar panels on the roofs of their stores. this is a big deal. >> they are going gung ho. watch this. they are the biggest corporate supporter of solar power in this country right now. it is twice what they were doing.
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multiples. right now, a rooftop of a walmart store with solar panels on it, stuart. >> they are always criticized. low wages, etc. they say that the walton family undermines solar power. >> the criticism is groups that go negative against solar power. the walton family supported those groups. we want the market to decide what works and what does not. the 105 megawatts that walmart is getting from its solar powered is enough to power las vegas for a good amount of time. stuart: you told me a stick statistic.
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a huge problem with solar. you make these huge investments. you turn your roofs into solar powers. that is what you do. >> it is a problem because it is a fraction. the walton family is trying to cut costs and any way that it can. they feel they can cut their energy needs by cutting solar power. that is a good point. i will look into walmart's finances. stuart: john stauffer. he goes after restaurants and rescues them to. what he will do to turn around make donald, if that is possible. >> one, two, three. [bleep] so,as my personal financial psychic,
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balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. holly. 260 points up. $105 a share, moments ago. payments with the mobile payment system, customers were double
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charged, stopping apple, but that facebook, that is an all-time high the cost $80 a share. mcdonald's has an image problem. consumers want fresh, healthy, they don't want frozen as in mcdonald's. is it too big, to 6? done tapper, welcome back. if you were charged or given the task, go fix mcdonald's, what would be the first thing you would do? >> first uss the groundwork. in the marketplace, 7 to 10 sandwich companies that are targeting mcdonald's market share. the holes and which segment is hot, subway, of port bellies, subs, a myriad of other regional sandwiches that are fresh baked
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bread, fresh meats, fresh lettuce, tomato, etc.. the core business of mcdonald's, they have two problems, change product offerings to be more representative of fresh foods like chipotle does, quality foods, not just frozen grilled items. they have got to -- stuart: your first point. quit with a frozen items, they got to go fresh. you can't do that with a chain that has 14,000 restaurants in america, you couldn't do it. >> by mes just introduced a line of sliced gourmet meat sandwiches. it is a battleship, no question and takes more time to turn a battleship but can still turn it and they introduce pancakes years ago people when oh my god, mcdonald's in the pancake business but they sell millions of pancakes. there have been steps like this
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in the past the change their core product offerings. they are missing the market and have to change their direction if they're going to continue to miss the market. keep them lows they want to going to these competitive operations. stuart: the first question was what should they do you said go fresh, started the trend, go fresh. you were about to make a point number 2. >> create not turn their back on existing products. create a new, fresh market type of menus that has true delhi cut sandwiches, fresh ingredients, fresh baked breads and if they create a mcdonald's cafe type of environment that had that product line in addition to core products they could erode back upon the jimmy johnson and the whole sandwich segment that is robbing their marketplace. they need to compete. stuart: when you are in las vegas and there's a slight
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delay. sometimes i interrupt you but you bought into this. you bought the idea that fresh fresh fresh has got to be it, that is the whole ball of wax.y. >> i am in to what the market is saying and the market speaks with their wallets. look at subway, subway says fresh fresh fresh. you know how process the meats are at subways? they're sliced in a box of thousand miles away from the guy who makes the sandwich but the bread is fresh, the solid ingredients, vinegar makes it seem fresh. the marketplace reacts to the concept of fresh. even when you look get the sand which itself and the meat themselves aren't fresh. fresh is a powerful motivator and you can't ignore that. companies that aren't freshmen making money saying they are. stuart: what would you charge mcdonald's to be a consultant on turning the battleship around?
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what would be your feet? >> you always stick me with one. it would be a lot of money. >> even for you it would be an i-man date. stuart: we love you on this show. thanks for coming on again. we appreciate it. libertarian john stossel. i am going to say flat out if the republicans don't take the senate is stossel's fault. they split the vote. i will let it out with him next.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides, about the industrial average up 250 points off of the earlier highs of the day but still winning day, wall street 1.5%, the s&p up 1.3%, lots of great earnings to speak of. the dow winners looking at 3 am and caterpillar which is adding and helping really to the dow jones industrial average both of which have their earnings, technology among other leaders, up 6.3%. apple new high, you can put facebook in that category. apple up 1.8%. and increasing the number of retail stores, 40 from 15 within two years and revenue up 51%. 1.7% to the upside, 3781.
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a great day for the bulls. more "varney and company" coming up. foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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it is a game of probability and the probabilities are the market will go lower than higher. stuart: that was october 16th and you are still here. i think this market and the moment looks like it wants to go up so are you still telling your wealthy clients get out of stocks? >> absolutely. not so much get out of them just, we're staying where we are. there is very little category that it goes significantly higher because the global uncertainty and slow down we are seeing everywhere, we are seeing good numbers today. caterpillar and 3 and represented big part of this. one point on the dow move, dow's stock goes up one point, seven points on the dow industrial average. i am staying with what i said, standing with and and and won't change my opinion. stuart: when you are not buying any more no matter of price. you of done all the studying you got to do. >> it is a game of probabilities and the probabilities are we will see slow down around world and stock prices retreat and that is where we are.
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stuart: if republicans win the senate in 11 days time you will save the same thing? >> i will be doing the happy dance that won't impact the markets at all. stuart: we had a big fight earlier. you may have seen it. we had a billionaire on the show the told me i wasn't paying enough in tax. here is what he told me last hour. >> if you tax rich people you'll get more revenue and if you have more revenue you have money you can invest in the middle class. that is the source of growth and prosperity in our country. stuart: given to the government and the government will use it better than rich people? >> absolutely. stuart: shall i repeat that in case you didn't catch it? tax rich people some more, give it to the government and that is how you get -- grow the middle class. >> here is a moron, no other way of putting it. economically that makes no sense
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whatsoever. more money in people's pockets give greater prosperity. why tax the rich? why not cut taxes across the board, get more money and everyone's and including middle-income people and let the will economy grow together. he has it 100% wrong. stuart: why do i come across so many wealthy people, billionaires' all over the place, why is it they all think i will pay more in taxes, the government needs money, why do they think like that? >> i see it all the time. some of my clients are like that, they think about social programs, wells disparity, they play all this up but if you play soccer and keep asking how does that work? you can support the moronic statements like this man throughout today.
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stuart: he is here, john stossel, when i ask the question why did billionaires' keep -- he had a very good one word answer and the answer was built. i think he is right. guilt. you make a ton of money you feel guilty and wants to give it away. ridiculous. >> they don't understand how the world works. the world doesn't work that way and did has been proven over and over again but they keep saying it. >> i haven't been introduced yet. stuart: save it. ed butowksi, thanks very much. you were right on the billionaires'. we will see you again soon. uber drivers holding big protests in seven cities. not happy about the low prices. the company has been cutting fares to keep up with the competition and the drivers i getting paid less, they don't like it so now uber and with their own drivers. john stossel is still here and i have a bone to pick with you. you are a libertarian.
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you support these third party candidates that split the vote on the right and lose decent conservative as the election. don't you? john: which ones? i lived in new york. stuart: when you are wearing a socialist tied. that is worse. john: because it is red? pure accusation. stuart: my accusation is you libertarians are preventing conservatives from taking power because you split the conservative vote and always act on principle, never practicality. john: it conservatives want to police the bedroom and spend as much as george bush did why should libertarian's vote for people who are not going to give us what we want? it is true harry reid is released evil. he can't his cronies stay in power that is bad for america but it is only three states with libertarians polling 5% or 7% would matter in a close senate
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races, virginia, georgia, north carolina. i have not been impressed by the bridge carrying candidates but i don't live there so i don't vote for the. stuart: you would if you revers. john: it would give me pause. stuart: you like paying 50% of your income in taxes? john: no but spending is just as bad. stuart: you want a tax cut. the people -- we have -- if they cut taxes but spend more in raise the debt, that is future taxes. makes a huge difference to you and me. if you cut taxes i get more money. i can spend my money as i see fit. i don't care about spending. i care about taxes. john: government spending means your kids can't buy anything in the future and you can't buy anything in the future. it is all bad. your focus on taxes -- it should
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be taxes and spending. stuart: i am misguided? john: rarely. stuart: on this occasion? john: the focus on taxes. government spending is just as evil. government has no money of its own so when it spends like george bush did that money will come from the people stuart: but is also is much's fault. john: obama made it worse. stuart: who is on your show tonight? john: the overclass, the ruling class and what libertarians can do. and coulter wants to drown libertarians. stuart: define the ruling class, who are they? john: this is the year of the angry voter. they will throw the bums out. incumbents get elected 90% year after year including this year, never drops below 85%. permanent washington ruling class. stuart: you would still vote for a third-party candidate and denied a republican senate. john: a lot of those would not
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have voted. john: i reject the premise this will be libertarians are spoilers. they might be. stuart: three states. three key states. i think we played this out enough. i have to watch your show tonight. what is the name of that? john: varney. i mean stossel. stuart: what is the network? john: fox business network. stuart: if you don't know where it is in your area? john: i have seen that. john: nobody and explained that to me. to can remember that? where is varney, where is stossel? where do i watch? stuart: stossel on fox business.
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up next, real-estate, malibu versus boise. how far do you think $2 million would go in either place? two examples coming up next. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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lou: serious questions facing the nation. why are people lying about their shortage of workers while wages remain flat or lower? will the president grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants? will there be an ebola outbreak? we tackle those questions and much more tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern, 4:00 pacific, please join us. stuart: if you miss have $2 million to spend on house would you live in malibu or boise? most people would say malibu, but cheryl casone found two things that might change your mind. so you have a house for 2 million in boise and in malibu. emmy the malibu 2 million. >> you get two bedroom, two bad karma, and the ocean, 1600 square feet in change, you are half acre lot built in 1964,
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about $1,100 and change but look at the pictures. you are on the ocean but look at the pictures. stuart: that is a scraper. >> you are going to demolish the home. >> what we say in new jersey. >> you would have to get rid of this, you'd have to demolish and the buyer will eventually. i also say will be subject to california taxes, property taxes are much higher in california as an idaho. >> $2 million malibu. boise, please. >> 1.9 million in unchanged, you get 3 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 6700 square feet, 6700 square feet, look at the pictures of this property in a gated community, this is billed as an l.a. style mediterranean home in boise, idaho. you are in the mountains with the golf course, in the kitchen,
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$288 per square foot. and tools on not. phil: it is just because i go from boise. it is location i go from boise quite frankly. and would be more comfortable there than malibu. >> you have those winding roads. phil: stuart: i don't want to live among billionaires' 22 pay more in taxes so i will go to boise, idaho, period. would you? >> i will go with you. stuart: stay right there because i have some comments for you after the break. more "varney and company" after the highlights.
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an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at stuart: we love you on this show. we appreciate it. good luck. that was john tapper, good
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friend of the show. here the other two big sound bites from today. this one from colonel ralph peters on president obama's job performance particularly fighting terrorism. >> the canadians were not ready for this. is a shock to their system. on a much smaller scale destructionwise it is their 9/11, the loss of innocence will stuart: this one got me fired a big time. a billionaire told me i should pay more in taxes. >> if you tax rich people you'll get more revenue and if you have more revenue you have money you can invest in the middle class. that is the source of growth and prosperity in our country. stuart: give it to the government and the government will use it better than rich people. >> absolutely. adam: absolutely right? cheryl: then we just got the report that tells us from senator coburn of all the waste going gone. did you see that?
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watching grass grow? that is how they will take your money and spend it. absolutely wrong. stuart: the house in boise, three bedrooms, seven bathrooms. cheryl: it is almost three houses, this is where we are going. stuart: it is yours. dierdre: france's economy is in recession. wilbur ross will tell us how that creates opportunity. big hedge funds and traditional money managers investing directly in start-ups, what that means to smaller investors and a crowd at a university in beijing cheers for facebook founder and ceo mark zuckerberg. i love this city, my genies is a mess but a study using chinese every day. that is what mark zuckerberg said on stage in mandarin. the founder and ceo gets an error for ever. jo lin kent is behind me,
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