tv The Willis Report FOX Business October 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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to hysteria but they should be calm according to dr. mccormick. no signs this thing could spread. liz: important to note that the u.s. markets held up very well. we're awaiting news how the test results came in. meantime we hand it to -- gerri: we begin tonight with breaking news. there is a possible new case of ebola in new york city. a 33-year-old doctors without borders physician was transferred to bellevue hospital with ebola-like symptoms, i mean symptoms. he is not diagnosed. police have blocked off a street in harlem after he was taken to the hospital. the doctor was treating ebola patients in guinea. that is in west africa and returned to new york only 10 days ago. with more on this, dr. mark jarrett, the chief quality officer at north shore long island jewish hospital. that is one of the hospitals that has been prepped and ready to take ebola patients if they are arrive, if and when. doctor, thanks for being with us by telephone. my question is for you tonight,
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how serious is this situation and is bellevue prepared for this? >> well, first of all, you know, it is not a confirmed case, but if it is confirmed obviously there is always the concern, since he has been back in new york 10 days although very unlikely to be infectious, there will be concern and i'm sure the public, the department of health will be doing the circle of contacts around him to make sure that they're all people who will be monitoring that irtemperatures just on the slight chance, if he is confirmed. gerri: right. and as a matter of fact, we've already seen headlines tonight that kind of checking of the circle around him has already begun. now, you say he is probably not infectious. how do you know that? >> well he apparently has been check his temperature up until now. as soon as he developed symptoms and a fever, according at least to the news reports he immediately called doctors without borders who notified the health authorities or who are bringing him over to bellevue. he knew what to watch for.
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as soon as he had symptoms, before you have symptoms you are extremely unlikely infebruary schuss enough to transmit it to somebody else. gerri: we're looking at pictures receipt now of the doctor's apartment building here in new york city. it is upper manhattan. it is on 14th street i believe. this is really harlem -- is 47th street. that building, traffic is stopped on that street. dr. mark, as you look at this, you know, we should tell people we don't know the answer to the question. we don't know if this doctor actually has gotten ebola. we have no idea. tests will have to be done. my question to you, how soon will we know? how long will it take to confirm whether or not he has this disease? >> test turn around time is usually between six and 12 hours. usually it is six hours. again they may want to repeat again just to be safe just because of the fact it is early in the disease, the test can
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sometimes be very early on negative, very rarely but can be. they may decide to repeat it. it may be 12 hours before they make the final determination. gerri: so actually hours and we should tell viewers new york city mayor de blasio is holding a press conference possibly within our hour. we will take that if he does hold a press conference. dr. mark, as you watch this unfold, what is your advice to new yorkers? you're in a hospital prepping for this very kind of thing. what should we make of it tonight? >> i would tell everybody that the hospitals in new york city, including bellevue which has been preparing for this for months are very well-prepared to take care of these patients. new york city department of health will be very good at finding out who his contacts were. if there is any risk to them, to monitor them and make sure they're safe. gerri: so, the word from dr. mark jarrett there, take a breath. we are prepared and we don't know the answer to the question tonight but, what we do know is this. a 33-year-old doctor who worked
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with doctors without borders in west africa in new york city, showing some signs, showing some signals, possibly, possibly he may have contracted ebola and we will continue to monitor that story for you. dr. jarrett, thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you. gerri: well we have got lots and lots of news today. also weighing on peoples minds, yesterday's deadly shooting in ottawa, the capital of canada. according to reports the shooter recently converted to islam and his passport application was recently delayed by canadian officials. americans now considering the ramifications for this country. what if, what if a lone wolf scenario unfolded in the u.s.? here to weigh in, retired lieutenant colonel ralph peters, fox news strategic analyst, and steve moore, the chief economist for the heritage foundation. welcome to you both. great to have you both of you here on this very busy news day. we have lots of headlines but people across the country really now asking, what about the threat of a lone wolf here?
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i will go to you first, colonel peters? how is this threat? we have seen some lone wolf scenarios before. how are people going to react if we peace a similar situation here? >> i think they will be angry. you will hear all sorts of political charges but the key thing, gerri is, we will face lone wolf attacks. we have faced lone wolf attacks. the two brothers in boston were essentially lone wolves. gerri: tsarnaevs. it goes on and on. there was a february 2010 attack, a november 2009 attack. you see it over and over again. you actually say the lone wolf scenario is more likely than a coordinated attack. why? >> well, it is just easier to do and harder to detect. now we, that does not mean that the islamist tariffs will not stop trying to launch a grand coordinated attack. they certainly want to do that, but in the meantime they're
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delighted to have these smaller attacks that gain headlines. and there are a couple of things are disproportionate here. when you get a lone wolf terrorist such as the gunman in ottawa yesterday, well, the body count is not very high but look what he achieved, gerri? he shut down a nation's capital. but beyond that he won a huge propaganda victory for jihad. everybody, we were all prisoners, all of us in the media were prisoners of that story. gerri: that is absolutely true. >> it gave jihad a huge boost. and by the way, the one thing that worries me is when i hear westerners talk about, well we've got to get better about messing to stop these people. we don't have a clue, we have nothing to offer people like thats that appeal of empowerment of murder killing people. gerri: we'll get to those issues in just a second, i want to turn to steve moore for a second, because one of the issues for us i believe in my heart, this
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gained of an attack isn't just a attack on their country or their people but also the economy and mark competentes. the dominoes continue to fall. what would be the impact of a real lone wolf attack on the capital, for example? >> well, first of all you're exactly right, gerri, that terrorist attacks are not just terrorist attacks on people's lives but they are also. they are terrorist attacks on our economy. that is what happened with 9/11. it paralyzed our economy. i live in washington, d.c. i remember, gerri, eight to 10 years ago we had the snipers remember that story? gerri: yes. >> those were not terrorists but a couple of crazy people. i was in washington, d.c. and it really shut down commerce for a number of days until they finally tracked down who these snipers were. god forbid we don't see more of this but i think the impact on the economy could be quite negative. gerri: colonel peters i want to
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get to some headlines that happened today. there was a press conference with ottawa officials and they were able to share pictures. we have new pictures, that i think we were just showing of this fellow who shot within, very close range a soldier right there in ottawa, killed him and he was later killed. canadian police are saying as the said in the intro that he was asking to leave the country. he wanted to go to the middle east. desperate to do it. they delayed that passport. they would not let him do it and if you read the media in canada, they are saying and what they have been saying a couple days now, that police there, the royal mounted police there, knew of at least 90, as maybe as many as 100 people who had this kind of profile, recently converted to islam, possibly, terrorists and, there was nothing they could do. they arrested him once but, what should be the answer? what should we be doing with
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people who are in this category? >> it is tough because we're prisoners of our social freedoms and they're valuable and we have to protect them but i think another big enemy is political correctness and the idea that you know, you can't, ever go into a mosque and -- circumstances things like, that it hinders us. gerri, most muslims in canada and united states are hard-working law-abiding people who want good lives for their families but you have to be able to deal with the extremists and you have to face the president will not face the obvious fact the problem is islamist terrorism. we haven't had a lot of presbyterian suicide bombers. >> the president called it senseless violence was his phrase. steve to you, last word, we're fortunately super tight on time. because of all the news i apologize for interrupting you colonel peters. >> no, got it. david: >> i think this is a scary situation because what i worry
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about is copycat crimes. you know that we know this is the kind of things that happens when you have this kind of incident, you asked me about the economic impact of this. yeah, if we start seeing random killings, god forbid, i think it could have not just human toll but it would freak people out much in the way that ebola virus crisis has, yeah. gerri: right. so a lot of news. the two of you, thank you so much for being with us. colonel peters, thank you so much. steve, appreciate it so much. >> yep. gerri: well, it was a big day for the markets. stocks surged on strong earnings reports. the dow closed up over 200 points, nasdaq up0 but a disappointing earnings report from amazon may weigh on the markets. for more, scott martin, chief market strategist. before i get to earnings, scott, what is the biggest, having biggest impact on stocks? is it ebola? is it what is going on in canada? or simply put earnings and
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economic growth, the old-fashioned stuff? >> finally the old-fashioned stuff, gerri. i have to tell you it is earnings. earnings so far we've seen in first couple weeks of the quarter have been very good both on top line, which is cac register side on the store. those have been good. the earnings themselves how well the company is turning profits. if you look at those two things hand in hand, they are beating a lot of street expectations and promoting investors to go out to buy stocks. gerri: yesterday we had a selloff on concerns about what was going on in ottawa, the capital of canada. there were concerns about that. in the middle of that massive move on the dow, we came down about 50, 70 points on these ebola concerns. seems to me that the market has a great deal to digest, am i right? >> super skiddish for sure. i mean we've had really big moves quarter to date and i expect those to continue. my advice to you, if those moves are bothering you, if intraday
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swings of couple hundred points are bothering you, there are places to go like bonds for example. if equity portfolio keeps you up at night, don't forget about the bond side because those effectively act as a shock absorber. gerri: two companies out with earnings. amazon posting a wider loss than expected. they came in 95 cents a share loss. they were expected to have a 73 cents a share loss. this company is expected to spend a lot of money to grow. they make a lot of money. they spend a lot of money. stock trading lower after-hours. what do you make of earnings? >> they are frightening. so frightening i wish they waited until october 31st to release them, gerri. we're talking about a company that makes $20 billion in revenue and they can not turn a profit. you mentioned it they spend a lot of money. assets like twitch they bought and "washington post" jeff bezos so coveted. they're factoring short-term loss in hope for long-term gain and at the moment the street is not totally digging it.
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>> no and they are trading lower. microsoft had 54-cent a share quarter, but their sales 25% higher. and that quarterly earnings release, profits falling on a charge for layoffs. that is much better report. what is driving microsoft sales right now? >> amazingly? it is hardware. it is hardware. xbox, nokia acquisition s microsoft surface and tablet. they had good comps because that is why revenue numbers look good. mr. softy is back and playing hard ball. the stock is up a few% after hours. gerri: thanks, scott i appreciate that. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: i want to remind people we may get a press conference with mayor de blasio on potential case of ebola, i emphasize that, right here in new york city. you're seeing the room they're setting up. right there, the headlines again, in case you missed it, a
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young doctor who works with doctors without borders, 33 years old and apparently attending physician at columbia, is being tested right now. he displayed some evidence of having ebola, higher temperature, nausea. we're still waiting. he it could be hours before we have an answer to the question. we'll continue could cover it. your voice is important to us. during the show, facebook me, tweet me, @gerriwillisfbn and send me an email at we'll reed the tweets and emails coming up. next we're only a week away from midterm elections. our next guest says people are voting this year to save the american dream. stay tuned. fox news host bret baier will join me. you will want to see that. ♪
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fooks news "special report." bret, great to have you here. why so much money? >> the balance of washington in power hangs in the balance. republicans need six pickups in the u.s. senate and so much money for control. the numbers are staggering. outside groups are pouring money in the last week 1/2 here. a lot of it going to ground game. but as we've seen, ads in all the really big senate races have been bombarding the airwaves. gerri: amazing. i know you have been talking to a lot of voters, interviewing people. i'm curious, what do you think is motivating voters this year? i understand a huge proportion of people plan to go to the poles? >> midterms technically traditionally don't have a big turnout, we're seeing turnout will be higher for this election than previous election.
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we see economy and how people feel about the personal economic situation is still driving the day. we see that in most elections. about all other stuff going on and ebola and isis, foreign policy threats across the board, there is, you know, some sense that maybe that would factor in more. but poll after poll, the still the economic situation is driving all of these, all of these decisions. gerri: some issues. we had the shooting in ottawa, canada's capital yesterday. a lot of people talking about national security as well now. i want to get to your special that comes friday at 10:00 p.m. this busying deal. one of my favorite topics, of the american dream. me about the special and what you found out. >> we did the special last weekend and dead energy issues and american payday. how the paycheck, people trying to get buy, how that will affect their vote. this week we look at the
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american dream. people who feel threatened one way or another. we go to colorado and talk to some folks out there and tell their personal stories. how their situation is going to affect their vote. fair and balanced they're making decision in the senate race between cory gardiner, the republican and mark udall, the democratic incumbent. interesting to see with different people how they approach things and what really matters to them. >> i have to tell you, wee been celebrating what is going on in the stock markets before a lot of americans. that really hasn't reached them. they're not celebrating that. they may not be playing. once more the low, low interest rates are not a help either. you expect to see this play out at the polls? >> yeah, definitely. i mean, listen. we talked to small business owners who are really concerned. health care cost, they have seen go up. that affects their bottom line. we talked to other business owners concerned about immigration.
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talk to a solution with ranchers and ranchers struggling to make their ranch work. across the board, if you look at any state, colorado is a purple state. it is right down the middle. gerri: right down the middle. interesting to see what happens coming days and election. bret, thanks so much. great to see you. >> thank you, gerri. have a good one. gerri: in addition to the special tomorrow night, fox business covers midterms from start to finish on election night. later on in the show. more regarding deadly takata airbags. nearly eight million cars have these. target trying to get you to do holiday shopping on the website after last year's big data breach. is offer of free shipping enough? stay with us. ♪
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♪ ♪ gerri: holiday shoppers, listen up. that free online shipping is going to cost you more. in fact, customers will now have to spend $82 on average to qualify for what they call free shipping. that's a an increase of $6 from last year. so why is the cost of free getting more expensive, and what can you do about it? we're asking consumer analyst andrea warlock. $82 versus $76, are they just trying to claw back some of the money that we're taking out of their pockets? >> exactly. shipping costs are rising for
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retailers, and so they're boosting the amount, the minimum order required to qualify for free shipping. they're typically charging a little bit more than the average order size that they see across their online orders, and they know that customers see a better value in getting a product than paying for shipping so they can increase those order values and recoup some of those costs. gerri: i just want to show folks what some of these are going to be. walgreens will have a $25 free shipping minimum, amazon, $35, best buy, 35, home depot, 45, coles, 75, jcpenney, 99, j.crew 150, ann taylor, 175, and ralph lauren is knocking on the door of $200. >> right. gerri: is this going to work? are people going to buy this? >> you know, free shipping is, obviously, not free the if you have to spend more to qualify for free shipping. however, customers -- like i mentioned just before -- they see a better value in getting more goods than paying for the
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shipping. and it depends on the retailer. the retailer's base their minimum order requirements on what their average orders are online. and so gap to get away with $50 where ralph lauren with more expensive goods can get away with a higher threshold. gerri: we just mentioned amazon and, of course, they have a big program to try to get people to buy online and free delivery, but you've got to pay for it again. they were out tonight with earnings that were a big disappointment. they lost 95 cents a share, expectations were that they would lose 73 cents a share. they typically are out there spending money trying to grow, and they constantly frustrate wall street because their performance is lackluster when profits. but is this a company that relies as much as, say, a conventional retail store on christmas sales? >> yeah, i think generally across the board both brick and
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mortars and online retailers do rely 20-40% of their profits on holiday shopping and holiday season. so amazon is really going to focus on trying to increase those earnings this upcoming season. gerri: i've got to tell you, you've got a list -- and this is the important list of retailers -- who are not charging for free shipping. who are they? >> right. we have zappos, they're kind of the pioneers of free shipping on line. then there's nordstroms, nieman marcus,, nine west, l.l.bean, dell and even this year for free shipping day which is on december 18th, they're taking a twist, and they're requiring that online retailers offer no minimum order for free shipping day offers with guaranteed delivery by christmas, so that's a huge perk for online shoppers towards the end of holiday shopping season. gerri: i just want to point out target here, this is a company that's had a lot of egg on its
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face with consumers because they lost control of personal data last year during the holiday season. they're saying that they're going to offer free shipping, is that the magic sauce to get people back? >> target understands that online shopping is going to be at an all-time high this holiday season. the national retail federation found that survey respondents said 56% of those, of people are going to shop online this season, so that's a huge market. target needs to do something to get those people to shop. they see that this free holiday shipping is going to, hopefully, result in more online transactions because, as we know, people abandon those carts if they see they have to pay a shipping charge. gerri: andrea, thank you for that. >> yeah, thank you. gerri: now, if you're trying to decide where to buy your online gifts this season, listen up. several retailers are now undercutting amazon with drastically cheaper prices., we mentioned them before, offering products 5% cheaper than amazon on average.
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at wal-mart the prices are 10% less. and while macy's is still a bit pricier on average, it's moving much more in line with amazon's prices than last year when they were 17% more expensive. look, ultimately, consumers will have to shop around for the best deal fending on what they're buying -- depending on what they're buying. now we want to know what you think, do you choose a retailer based on free shipping? log on to, i'll show you the results at the end of tonight's show. and coming up next, capitol hill trying to put pressure on nhtsa to do more when it comes to those deadly takata air bags. we've been talking a lot about that this week. we're going to have the very latest new headlines on that, and we'll answer the question how do you do that, advice on keeping your property insurance from skyrocketing after a simple claim. stay with us. ♪ ♪ hi, are we still on for tomorrow?
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♪ ♪ gerri: and tonight backlash mounting over the millions of cars potentially in danger of having exploding airbags. airbags made by a company called takata. federal officials urging nearly eight million drivers to take their cars in for repairs immediately, but these same officials getting slammed today for not doing more. are officials taking a tough enough stand? we're joined by the executive editorial director at kelly blue book. great to have you here, jack. takata itself, this is a company that's made all these airbags, their name in the headlines, in the spotlight. they had their own studies back in 2002, 12 years ago, showing that there were problems with these airbags. why didn't regulators pay
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attention? >> well, i think they have been paying attention over time but maybe not enough attention. and i think what we're seeing now is more of an an abundance of caution on these things. i think nhtsa found its hand slapped over the recent gm recalls, you were talking about it earlier in the show, moments ago. and that has prompted a much firmer look at these kind of situations, and i think we're going to see even more of this -- gerri: so, nhtsa -- >> the consumer. gerri: nhtsa has gotten reports of four deaths from these takata airbags, and these are grisly reports, i have to tell you. new york times ran a story over the weekend about a woman who was speared as if she had been struck by a knife by the shrapnel in these airbags. they've gotten 160 claims of injury, and yet where is the action? what is nhtsa doing, if anything? that's the national highway
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traffic safe i administration, by the way -- safety administration, by the way. go ahead, jack. >> well, what happens in these instances a lot of times is there will be a recall, and these airbags have been recalled numerous times over the course of this last 12 years or so. this is actually a renewal of recalls that were largely out there already. and this is nhtsa putting additional emphasis because what's happening is there's a lot of publicity early on in these thing. the initial day of a recall you get big reports, big news, you know, effects the stock price, a lot of things happen. but what also happens then is consumers who go to their dealerships find that the parts aren't ready, they can't get their car fixed, a lot of people forget about it, put it off, and they put it off and they put it off. i think what nhtsa's running into is after months and is months and months, the completion rate on these things is often, you know, not even 50% or 50% where we want everybody to fix their cars. gerri: it's easy to see why. there have been something like
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30 million recalls by gm, 50 million by all automakers this year. that's just a massive amount of information for consumers to have to claw through. and let's face it, if you're the second owner of a car, you may not even be getting that letter that you have a problem. so it's up to you really at the end of the day to try to figure out if there's a problem. want to get your reaction to the manhattan u.s. attorney who is, basically, crook looking into whether criminal charges are in order here. how do you respond to that? >> well, i'd like to see the investigation run its course and see what they actually discover. i mean, if people are hiding, literally hiding these incidents from nhtsa, from proper governmental scrutiny, then maybe criminal charges are in order. i think it's way too preliminary to decide that, you know, there's something criminal here. gerri: i just want to tell folks out there that if you want to know whether your car's being recalled for its airbags, the government's web site,
5:38 pm, is up and working. yesterday it was sort of a mess, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. we've got lots of vehicles, toyota, 877,000, nissan, almost 700,000, bmw, 628,000. you've got to do the work, you've got to find out if your vehicle is being recalled. jack, thanks for coming on the show. >> my pleasure. great to talk to you. appreciate i. gerri: well. from the driveway to the back door, if you're a homeowner, you're going to want to do some serious thinking before filing any insurance claim because, at the end of the day, it could cost you a whole lot more down the road. here to explain is insurance senior analyst laura adams. laura, welcome. i think most homeowners know if you make a claim on your insurance, their going to raise your -- they're going to raise your premiums at some point. but you've got some interesting detail about how it doesn't really matter what you're making the claim for, you're going to pay at any rate. tell us what you found in your survey. >> yes.
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the recent insurance sur found some really interesting information. we're seeing rates increase on average across the united states 9%, but this really varies fedding on where you live. we see states like wyoming where the rates are increasing over 30% for just one claim. gerri: all right. so what we're talking about on average is a 9% increase in monthly premiums for any kind of filing, and yet you've got even more detail on this. you can break it down in terms of the type of claim, the ones that really hurt. explain. >> right. so liability claims are costing the most. you know, on average they're costing about 14%. and this is because we typically have a lot of liability coverage below that we're seeing fire claims -- gerri: let me stop you there because i just want to explain liability. so let's say somebody gets hurt on your property, and they want money from you, you would file a liability claim, and that's a what that means. >> that's right. gerri: and fire claims -- >> you're involved in a lawsuit -- gerri: right, thank you.
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so fire, you say, is the next biggest, right? >> fire is a very expensive claim. so we're seeing that really costing consumers. and then below that we're seeing things like theft, vandalism, those are all really expensive claims to be making. gerri: and there's also water and hail, people making claims for lots of different kinds of things. what is your advice to consumers out there? because, i mean, you're buying the insurance for a reason, because you want to use it, right? >> that's right. in a perfect world, every claim, you know, would be something we'd recommend that you file, but actually consumers need to really be careful. you've heard the saying don't sweat the small stuff? my advice is don't claim the small stuff. really be careful about what you're claiming. for consumers to save money, we want to think about raising your deductible. having a larger deductible means you're going to pay larger out of pocket, but that'll help you from filing small claims that could cost you in the long run.
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gerri: don't use your homeowners' insurance as a maintenance tool. i think some people do that, they just don't want to have to pay for upkeep. you say don't do that. and you also say shop around, so get other quotes from other companies. >> absolutely. if consumers are not looking at the market on at least an annual may sis to find out what's gown on with rates -- going on with rates, they're really moving money on the table. rates are change all the time. so savvy consumers are going to be shopping on a regular basis. use a site like, get free quotes, look at everything that's available to you, and then you can make a wise decision based on what you're finding, see if you're overpaying or underpaying, if there are better options out will for you. gerri: and some of those insurance agents actually represent many companies and give you lots of quotes too. laura, thank you for coming on tonight. >> thanks for having me. gerri: when we come back, which fast food joint is better for you, mcdonald's or chipotle? we'll investigate. and a warning for small businesses, how phone scammers are raking in billions of
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dollars off the backs of owners. one victim shares his story. and here's your consumer gauge with the numbers that mean the most to you. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label
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everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. ♪ ♪ gerri: so an update to that possible ebola case in new york city we told you about at the beginning of the show. new york city officials just gave an update on the case saying the patient is 33-year-old dr. craig spencer. he's currently undergoing tests. the result, we're told, will be available later tonight. these pictures are right outside the doctor's apartment tonight, the northern part of the city, harlem. a city official there handing out fliers to residents on ebola and answering any questions or concerns they may have. again, that is the scene right outside of craig spencer, the doctor's, apartment. he, of course, was treating patients in west africa, came
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home, didnd is now in a hospital being tested for e ebola. officials tonight are saying that the doctor had contact with very few people, and here's the new york mayor just a few moments ago. >> it's been widely reported we have a patient now at bellevue who is being assessed for the possibility of ebola. tests are underway. at some point this evening, it may be very late this evening, we'll with able -- we'll be able to provide the public with information on results. gerri: that was the mayor of new york from queens. the patient is at bellevue is, a little concerning there. undergoing tests and results expected later tonight. he's also report inside good health and is giving officials a full account of his tracks over past few days, so that is good news. and now, switching gears. could your phone line be a multithousand dollar liability just waiting to happen? internet-based phone lines are being hacked worldwide to the
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tune of more than $4.5 billion. my next is a man -- guest is a man whose business, he's a small business owner, was the target of one of these scams, racking up $166,000, and his phone company expects him to foot the bill. with me now, bob forman, founder of forman seally architecture. thanks for coming on the show, it is great to have you here. tell us how scammers ripped off. >> well, over the, over a weekend in a 40-hour period over 21,000 calls were made through one of our lines in our office. and when we came in monday morning, we learned about it from tw telecom, they informed us that we were the victims of fraud. we didn't find out until a few more days that the bill was $166,000 though. gerri: i can't, i can't imagine getting that news. that must be more than discan concerting. and, of course -- disconcerting. and, of course, your phone service was actually over the
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internet. i wasn't an old fashioned landline, you were using cell phones. >> that's right. voice overinternet -- voiceover internet protocol, voip. gerri: right. i'm very familiar with that. i assume you called your provider and said this is not our bill, and we don't want to pay it. what happened? what were the series of dominoes that fell? >> well, at first we thought it was just all a big mistake, it just didn't look right at all. and we weren't angry or upset until weeks later when we learned that they had actually paid their carrier and fails to inform their carrier -- failed to inform their carrier that this was fraud, and they didn't tell the fbi or the fcc. gerri: they wanted you to pay. >> and they wanted us to pay. gerri: and your answer to that is? >> we're not paying. gerri: i assume you're suing them. >> our attorney in the washington, d.c. office has done
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a wonderful job, he's filed a complaint with the fcc, and we're -- gerri: are you getting any help from federal regulators? look, this kind of scam and what these guys are doing is, basically, selling the phone service that you pay for to other people you don't even know. this is a scam that costs about $4.73 billion on an annual basis. >> well, the fcc hasn't been much help so far, but the complaint has been filed, and we're waiting to see what the results are of that. the big concern to me is that our telephone company really participated in the crime by, and aided and abetted the crime by paying off the crooks. and then now they expect us to pay them. gerri: well, they paid the bill to the provider, and now they want you to pay them, which is not going over well. it's a horrible scam. lots of people getting caught up in it. bob, thanks for coming on the show tonight and telling us
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about it. stay in touch, let me know how it turns out. >> thank you very much. gerri: and still to come, my two cents more. and next, chipotle touts fresh ingredients and a healthier fast food experience, but is it really true? is it better for you than an old-fashioned trip to mickey d's? answer's coming up after the break. ♪ ♪
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i want to walk through -- let's just start with the basic calories. so you think that burrito from chi t poet lay, really, there's no calories in there? >> 3,125. -- 1,125. gerri: that's what i would have pretty much for the day, right? >> uh-huh. and then you add in other food like chips, and you'll really get up there. gerri: mcdonald's big mac, how many calories there? >> 530. gerri: that blows my mind. let's talk about the chips and the fries. how much am i adding on with each of those? >> adding almost 600, 570 for the chips, but if you add in fries, it's 510. so the chipotle meal comes to 60% more calories than the mcdonald's meal. gerri: that's unbelievable. 60% more calories. >> right. gerri: you told me during the break you can do it on the cheap and on the sly. at chipotle, what would you
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order? >> my favorite thing is the burrito bowl. you get chicken, brown rice, beans and veggies, and that comes out to be about 500 calories. the sodium is still high at 1,000 milligrams, but again, that's just for convenience, and i like the fact that they're focusing on sustainable, whole foods. gerri: all right. well, sustainable or not, you're going to blow your entire diet in one sitting. let's talk about sodium content in the burrito and the big mac. how much. you've brought up sodium before. >> 2,500 in the burrito and about 500 in the big mac. gerri: you've got 960? >> oh, 960, that's right. it's half. gerri: you're really not doing yourself any service by getting the the burrito, that's obvious. why are people so convinced this is the healthier choice? >> i think, again, it's the sustainability, it's, you know, oh, this is less processed, so people are thinking real food is less calories.
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islam as its fig leaf. we need to stand up for ourselves and what we believe. the old saying here is true; if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. and that's it for tonight's show. charles payne is coming up next. have a great evening. charles: i'm charles payne, and you're watching "making money." breaking news out just a short while ago, a doctor is being tested for possible ebola case right here in new york city. rich edson standing by with the details. rich? >> reporter: evening, charles. a health care worker who has returned from west africa is displaying symptoms consistent with what could be ebola among other illnesses. today's stock gains retreated on the news. 33-year-old doctors without borders physician craig spencer is in the isolation ward at bellevue hospital. officials expect the ebola test results tonight. the city says local officials are trying to find all those he had contact with since returning to the united states. he lives in new york's neighborhood of west harlem. health department officials are handing out fliers
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