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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 24, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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the independents@fox busine for matt welch and kmele foster, i'm kennedy, good night. >> good night.. >> that evening, everyone. breaking news from newark international airport in new jersey. and the state department of health and the unidentified health care worker was not showing any symptoms of ebola, butquarantined nonetheless with the governors of new york and new jersey. and today they announced that the states have the right to protect their residents from the deadly disease and will no longer wait for president obama and the centers for disease control to devilish a travel ban or a mandatory quarantine.
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>> we believe it is in the state of new york and state of new jersey, to control access to their borders. we want to establish this process to determine an individual's risk level by considering the geographic origin and exposure to the virus. they could require a mandatory 21 day quarantine. lou: governors policy comes after an american doctor tells to positive for ebola. doctor craig spencer, treating patients for the last month or so, he did not quarantine himself when he returned last week. he went bowling, he took a cab, he dined out with his fiancée into friends. after developing a fever, he alerted authorities and he was taken to the hospital and is
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there in isolation tonight. as are his fiancée into friends. these developments taking place just after president obama suggested this crisis was behind us. >> a number of things make us cautiously optimistic here in the united states and it just gives people a sense of how difficult it is to get this disease. lou: now the president refusing to institute a travel ban on travelers from west africa for health care professionals returning from the ebola afflicted region. today president obama was seemingly more interest did in a photo op with nina pham, who was officially declared ebola free and released from a maryland hospital today. remember he said back in july that he was no longer interested in photo ops.
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so the search for accountability taken up by lawmakers on capitol hill today, the house oversight committee holding a hearing on the administration of the ebola response and not a single top-level administration official was in attendance. and the hearing was heated at times over the newly appointed ebola czar. operative ebola ron klain not ae witness table. >> god for bid that we pick someone with a background in medicine instead of a lawyer. and in the interest of full disclosure i am one. >> the next time there's an opening in the supreme court i wanted to see whether or not the president considers a doctor or dentist for that job. lou: joining us now is andy harris, house appropriations committee member and he served as an officer in the u.s. naval reserve as well. conversely, good to have you
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with us. i want to get your reaction, if we may, to comments from governor chris christie on the mandatory quarantines put in place today. >> new jersey and new york will determine the standards of quarantine. the cdc guidance is continually changing and we need to set a standard for our two states. lou: do you have confidence in the federal government to handle ebola? what do you think of the governor's decision? >> americans don't have confidence in the american government to handle ebola. it's good that someone took leadership and to the common sense thing. if we are not going to have an outright travel ban, we have to have mandatory supervised quarantines. not haphazard quarantines on the honor system. that's not the way to deal with this serious disease. lou: yet that has been the course of the administration. are you hopeful? are you realistically hopeful that this administration will institute a mandatory quarantine
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or travel ban? >> i am hopeful. i think it should really push them over the edge into agreeing with governor chris christie that it's just common sense. putting a travel ban for any foreigners coming here, and if america has been exposed in any way, could have been exposed to ebola, they should be here for mandatory supervised 21 it contains. lou: now at the same time, congress taking up the issue of the restrictions that will be placed on our troops going overseas. great concern about the fact that our troops are properly equipped and trained. that training period as we understand it for our troops will be four hours before going into western africa. and does that make sense to you? >> dead. sending an over three troops, very deadly disease endemic.
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but it just doesn't make sense. the purpose of this is not to do this kind of health care assistance. i just disagree with the president on this. i really feel that these troops, got the bed, will come down with ebola. lou: that is a concern, i believe, with millions of millions of americans, today a concern about the amount of time that our troops would be in quarantine before returning to this country. if you would listen to this major general as he asked about it. >> the 10 days is to attempt to limit their possibility for exposure while they are in liberia. once they have flown back to united states they will be given a 21 day monitoring time where they will be required, to the unit twice a day for medical checks. lou: question is why would our
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troops have only a 10 date 19 before returning to this country. >> look, none of it makes sense. that's the real problem and it's common sense. the army shouldn't be over there doing this. it is humanitarian health care workers, they want to go over and volunteer, that's one thing, but without adequate protection, the stockpiling of drugs, that's what the commander general said, they are not stockpiling this for soldiers that are over there, it's just not the right thing to do. lou: the department of health and human services spending $9.5 billion on pandemic protective equipment. another 6% on antiviral drugs and then it turns out that some of that beyond the expiration date -- what is going on here? >> the last thing that we needed -- we are at he had multiple agencies trying to deal with this in a discordant in that fashion and the last thing that
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we needed was to add another level of bureaucracy. it's only going to get worse before it gets better. lou: and the bull is our that has yet to speak up on the crisis that confronts us. congressman andy harris, we thank you for being with us. >> thank you. lou: more on the ebola crisis later in the broadcast. we will be talking more about it and a little bit. stay with us. attorney general eric holder says that he is exasperated over the grand jury leaks from ferguson, missouri. we will take that up and a great deal moooooo
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[ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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lou: eric holder upset about
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those leaks and a justice department saying that the attorney general is exasperated and as a result of the leaks we recently learned that karen wilson told investigators he was in fear of his life as he struggled over his gun. revealing that he was inside the police car. he was shot in the hand at close range and the autopsy confirming that he had marijuana in his system. joining us now is the attorney for the michael brown family. it's good to have you with us. it's great to have you here. "the washington post" reporting that seven or eight african-american witnesses have provided testimony consistent with the police officer's
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account and none have spoken publicly out of fear for their safety. and what about that he is not likely to prosecute or indicted darren wilson during investigation? is completely hearsay? >> well, michael brown's family has always been suspicious of this whole process. and they have asked to have a transparent where everyone can see all the witnesses and the evidence so that it can hopefully be building trust back in the local community. having faith in this.
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lou: that is outside of a grand jury procedure and you have made a point that i think is compelling. that is that in most grand jury investigations as well, the prosecutor is recommending a course of action. that is to bring an indictment or they wouldn't reconvene the matter. in this case you're upset that the prosecutor did not recommend one way or the other what to do in the case as they presented the evidence. is that correct? >> yes, it goes outside of the traditional way that you prosecute. when they come, they are trying to elicit and suggest, to the grand jury, this is what we think happened and we are recommending this here. but they are not doing that here. the family wonders what have they said in the grand jury proceedings. because if you're displaying everything out, jurors are not
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lawyers. they don't know what to do about all this since being put out of their. until what we would rather it is that it can be not just for michael brown but everybody. we want the police officer to have his day in court as well. lou: he's having his day in court the grand jury, as you well know, examining this evidence with an eye towards prosecuting. you know, you're in a funny position here because one instance are talking about the prosecutor's partiality, the impartiality because he's not recommending prosecution so you're arguing against that, that is also, if i may say, you know, a difficult perspective. >> what i think is the better courses that you need to bring a special prosecutor in situations like this. you have a local prosecutors and has a symbiotic relationship with the local police department
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and they worked all the time hand in hand-in-hand, even this time the police officer has many cases where he is the star witness for this and now he is having to sit in judgment whether to indict him or not. so if so, he has to throw away the cases where he is the star witness. if he doesn't, you know, he's going to say did you do that just because of these other cases. it's an inherent conflict. lou: yes, an inherent conflict but at this point consistent, it would seem to me, with the evidence that has been weak in the testimony that has been the from the grand jury. if that holds to be the testimony of the evidence presented. amongst those leaks that we have reported to the audience, which
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one is more disturbing to you and is there any one of the findings that you take issue with? >> when people weak stuff, they leak it for a reason. i'm sure people one of two weeks up to help them, they would leak that is well enough the problem. that is why it should all be transparent. we want chimerical american criminal justice system to be marveling at and nobody is proud of how this is going. >> i can assume a position here. it became a symbol of the shooting, the police shooting of michael brown. and so even though there was no evidence to that gesture that i would raise my hands or that he did before the police. there has been a great campaign. lou: i'm sorry? >> there were witnesses. >> i understand. but those were witnesses whose
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views were reported and not the witnesses that we are talking about before the grand jury necessarily. seven african-american witnesses that confirmed precisely in so we know that it is a week. no question about that. i'm just telling you what it suggests, nor nor do i condone social activists and attorneys general insidiously in my judgment, sewing even greater distrust in the legal system than would otherwise exist in the community. i am sure that that must've set u.s. well. >> with the leaks how do you trust the leak? bec got this inside, but i can't back it up.
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so the leaks are just inherently bad as well and we need transparency. that's what we really need to have. everybody needs to have confidence in the system. lou: hopefully -- and i know you have to be more frustrated on the brown family, the brown family has to be more frustrated than i am about the length of time that it has taken for this grand jury to complete its investigation, a separate civil rights investigation by the attorney general. this community and the family should have had this result just as quickly as possible. >> that is why a lot of people in this civil rights community and corporate america are pushing for a police officer to have on the cameras. so we don't have to go through all of this in the future. we can see what really happened
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from the video camera. lou: ironically the only camera working within that convenience store in which michael brown was reaching for some cigars and manhandling the employee of the establishment. which won't be considered apparently. >> come back and see us. >> thank you, sir. >> the white house tonight rebuffed by the first choice to replace eric holder as attorney general. refusing the presidents request to consider replacing the controversial eric holder. a difficult process but she certainly didn't want to go through. unnamed sources say that he was once the responsible for devising president obama to stay quiet on the ebola terrorist
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attacks, the big aussie terrorist attacks in his run-up to the election in 2012. judicial watch, new evidence says that it claims valerie jarrett helped orchestrate the cover-up of the fast and furious run on a scandal and a detailed list of white house documents showing him reaching out to the attorney general, eric holder, the day after a damning report, showing that he was sent frequent memos 10 months before he claimed that he had learned about the candle over the last few weeks. correspondent asked the attorney general today why he didn't hold anyone accountable for "fast and furious." >> if you want to look at this objectively, that is my legacy when it comes to the "fast and furious." the policies in place so that it can happen again and hold people accountable. >> no one was fired.
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>> these are people whose positions were moved and responsibilities were changed. so people were held accountable. >> people were moved and job descriptions changed. e-mails also showing them discussing personnel issues in recent investigations and exactly what they talk about is not known. documents are being withheld from congress and the public. up next, new york city police officer is attacked by a hatchet. just one day after a recent muslim convert shot up the canadian capital and killed a canadian soldier. >> i think at this point that this was an act of terrorism and it appears the that that was the suspect.
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lou: 20 now is robert scales, a former commandant of the u.s. army war college. general, it's good to have you with us.
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>> hello. he once let me quote, if i may, from the man who attacked those police officers in new york yesterday, when he had written on his facebook page and what she calls forth guerrilla warfare. he said if we can put this up for the audience to read along with me, please. america's military, he says it is strong abroad. this they have never faced an internal mass revolt. they are weaker at home and we are scattered and decentralized, they are centralized and strong, which can be exploited as a weakness. what are your thoughts? that sounded like, to me, a reasonable analysis of the situation of bringing terrorism to bear against the superpower. >> i don't think there's any question about it. nightmare scenario, survived is
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perhaps the government can flip and then is assaulted by these so-called terrorists to me, it's just despicable. but we had to elevate our aim. the fact that all of these assaults against policemen and soldiers have occurred isn't coincidental because a lone wolf terrorist needs the moral authority to kill. and isis encouraging people to do that. to give them the moral authority to kill. the greatest impetus for these american officials. >> so do you think that he is right or wrong when he talks about the power is a disadvantage it is a lover for the terroristic attack for individuals and small groups?
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>> not yet because the incidents are scandal. >> i don't mean necessarily yet, but i'm talking about it as a matter of -- of doctrine. >> oh, absolutely. a great many empires and societies have been brought down by internal revolt as opposed to external threats. no question about it. this is certainly no exception. if this wave of islamic terrorism that seems to be sweeping around the world, it with the ultimate cost to what we're seeing and it is not workplace violence, it's a global movement that is sweeping the world. the. >> the enemy, as we have said on this broadcast before, over a decade, a decade and a half now, it is radical islam. radical islamists and this government in the previous administration refuses to even describe the enemy as radical
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islamists. >> that is true of. >> we are bound in this orthodoxy and we are adding to the advantages of our enemy particularly domestically, are we not? >> absolutely right. it is to call these things social movements, the idea that somehow the united states is partially responsible for this or the west is by encroaching in the middle east and somehow the thought is that we can ignore it and not call it what it is, eventually these flames are going to burn themselves out and will go back to one or more lives. that is ridiculous because stephanie and jason hethrington being successful, they're winning in the middle east. and they are eroding the power of the united states to confront them. lou: general robert scales, always good to see you. we are coming right back, stay
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with us. >> the deadly ebola virus has now arrived in this country's most popular city. we are joined by the former surgeon general to talk about ebololololol
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time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. lou: violence on the west coast and two are dead including the shooter in marysville, washington. this individual walked into the high school cafeteria, fired six rounds into the back of the witnesses who claim to be his friend. in sacramento, fox confirming moments ago that authorities have just arrested a man responsible precursor assays to individuals and shooting three sheriff's deputies along with one of his carjacking victims today, two of the sheriffs deputies sadly have just died of
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their injuries. and if you want to new jersey officials instituting mandatory quarantine for workers and others returning from west africa after a doctor tested positive for ebola at a new york hospital. joining us tonight is a former u.s. surgeon general under president george w. bush. doctor, if you will, can you listen to the president of the largest nurses union in america talking about our preparedness to handle ebola. >> 85% of the nurses say that they are not adequately trained and the level of operation for ebola is not right. 68% say that they, their hospital has not communicated any policy coordination of a potential ebola patient. lou: is it that bad in your judgment? >> hello, thank you for having me on the show. it is a problem.
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when i think back to when i was a surgeon general, we spent billions of dollars to train our nurses and doctors, and then that responsibility was transferred into the communities and different organizations. and apparently there have been lapses and not enough training or education. i'm a registered nurse and i know well that when the nurses speak up we should listen to them because they are the barometer of the health system. lou: it raises the question that you are implementing -- we are now 13 years past september 11. we still don't have communication and infrastructure but we were assured would be therefore nuclear biological and chemical warfare should such an event occur in this country. that is as dreadful as the immediate crisis of ebola. is it not be mixed you are
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hitting on a good point. when we design these systems, the term we use is all hazards, the nation need to be prepared to respond to and mitigate and recover from any challenges all, including a bioevent, whether it was a mutated germ or a terrorist event. we put into place the procedures and protocols to do that safely. now we are finding out that that ability has been lost as evidenced by what happened in texas and what the nursing association is telling us. lou: getting a reaction as we go to the judgment of governor andrew cuomo and governor chris christie to institute state quarantines, mandatory quarantines on those returning to this country were traveling to this country from western africa. >> he is a doctor and even heat in follow this for the
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quarantine. let's be honest. do we have to do more. it's too serious a situation to leverage the honor system of compliance. lou: andrew cuomo giving us his end the rationale of chris christie. you agree? >> what i know needs to happen. we went through this over a decade ago with different terms at that time. looking at the risk benefit analysis for creating a blockade, not allowing people to come in. there is no perfect answer because there are some problems that arise. but what i've advocated as a people need to sit down again with each and every one of these incidences and look to see the risk benefit analysis and make an informed decision not by politics or public persuasion but by science and will be can do to protect the american public. and so i'm sure we must consider
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that. lou: for you supported them in their mandatory quarantine? >> what i do support -- lou: if you don't want to answer the question, just say so. >> i do want to answer the question. but what i want to say is that before i make that decision, i want to sit down and look at the risk benefit. it's worthy of considering at this point is what i'm saying. lou: terrific and we appreciate your being here and your answer. thank you so much. it's time now for a look at him our online poll results but we ask that we believe whether or not the refusal to secure borders and suspend travel from west africa and lack of a response to the growing alliance among iran and russia and china, are those to you troubling signs of what is perhaps a think each resident? 97% said yes. be sure to vote on our poll tonight. the question, do you believe
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governors of new york and new jersey were right to establish a quarantine on travelers from west africa to protect their states? cast your vote at coming up next, the third triple digit rally of the week. quelling fears of a sharp market reactions to the ebola fear. reactions to the ebola fear. wall street many americans who have prescriptions fail to stay on them. that's why we created programs which encourage people
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to take their medications regularly. so join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. bottoms up, america. see you tomorrow. same time. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything.
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an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state.
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see how startup-ny can help your business grow at lou: on wall street, another triple digit rally today. joining me now the head of north american economic from citigroup, it's great to have you here. it's starting to look like it was going to be a 10 or 15 or -- maybe we don't want to think. >> the economy is so fraught
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with uncertainty right now, especially a few months ago we talked about tightening defense policy and now just like that maybe they should be delaying. lou: janet yellen describing this saving the day. >> it was amazing when she told us that. lou: she seemed to be in the physics rather than economic. >> that is really what is important hurdling after realized that it has to be based on what the economy is doing and that is the central message. >> with that message that we have now all heard in the processing, what is the implication? we have a 4 trillion-dollar
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balance sheet, driving money not only into these markets global markets. where are we headed here? >> that is why think that it's completely off the table. we cannot have a policy driving money just for return regardless of race. where we are heading -- >> me where we have been doing this for the last six years? [laughter] yes. >> and one of the things that we have to worry about is how the weakest economy from here to more balanced growth position. >> is really, how much tapering is there going to be in terms of holding back on the amount of stimulus in a and sunni really for the exchange rate has put more typing than the fed would put in? and that is more time than it would have done in much sooner. lou: that tightening could be far more severe if that market
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was reacting and that includes a strengthening of the dohat incla strengthening of the dollar. >> when markets are overshooting, it's like, my goodness, i have to get rid of these equities. you have to get much more violent fluctuations. >> as you look out, where should investors be bitter so self-confident and assure that they are in this market, we know the numbers is where it was six years ago. jobs, growth, prosperity? >> what i'm worried about is the economy is greater than it was before. and that's only going to boost the economy.
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we know that inflation will go down from these two events. >> the question is on to contravene anything you have said on the issue but time is wasting? >> thank you. lou: be sure to listen to my financial or three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network trade coming up next, stay with us and it is a go ahead and put your bag right here. have a nice flight! traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline.
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you. lou: congressman steve israel was asked if the president's agenda is on the ballot on these
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midterm elections. clearly everyone else says no. israel's dead, i say what i tell my candidates. it depends on the district. that is a great and honest answer. joining us now is dubbed schon, and adriana cohen. so steve isreal, i should say. to admit that they may lose seats in the house. he doubled down on honesty. what the thing? >> that's right. i think obama is liable. americans have failed policies whether it's foreign policy or your health care plan and you like it you can keep it, millions of americans lost their health care plan, the poll numbers reflect that in america is disenchanted.
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>> i see it slightly differently. and the american people look at the headings in the middle east which is tragic and horrific. and it's clearly not being handled are treated with a concerted and medically driven set of policies. >> the president is giving a negative rating from the american people. it doesn't matter if the issue is one argument is that the point i was going to make is that this is less a partisan issue in the american people saying that we've had enough. lou: you're saying that this demonstration hasn't governed efficiently or intelligently? >> those are your words, but i'm not going to this once myself too far from the. [laughter] >> okay, well least we are being
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honest. okay, the idea that this country is going to the polls with a republican advantage in the national liberal media and the emblem for that is abc, cbs, abc evening newscasts. not even dealing with in the sixth of the range that they didn't in 2006, reported on what looks like might be this or republican. >> clearly there's media bias. i remember the two to six midterms, the major networks covered at the democrats were going to win the midterms come and they were critical of president bush and the iraq war. they were berliners in their coverage on bad news and now we see the opposite happening. the republicans will take the senate. despite the fact that everybody knows that they are not recording it and that's clearly an indication that america is being subjected to severe media
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bias. lou: will take a look at the type race. you would think looking at the president's ratings for congress and the mess that we are and that there would be runaways here for the vulnerable senate situations to there's a point you have made for many years i think is worth underscoring, the will be vote against the democratic party. it is not a vote for the republicans because in most polls the republicans have lower ratings than the democrats. the american people are angry at both parties and they only have two choices in most jurisdictions and they will express their outrage with a set of conditions that are unacceptable. >> i was actually going to point to this because the race is not going favorably for the republicans. starting in georgia where michelle nunn leads purdue, we can take a look at the numbers. i mean, we do produce i-4
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percentage point. i mean, that is still part of it >> would probably have a run off of a libertarian you will get seven or eight or 9%. >> in colorado please polls show him that also to be a tight race. we are talking about just outside the margin of error, what do you think they are? >> it is surprising in certain districts and overall america especially republicans are really upset with president obama's failed leadership. we have seen his mishandling of isis end of the crisis. we have over 92 million americans out of work in this country and millions of americans lost their health care plans despite being promised that if you like your health care plan or your doctor you can keep it. i must. my rates skyrocketed and i think that we will publicans motivate
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to go to the polls skew one's motivation here. hillary clinton injecting 2016 into the midst of the midterms. she just said this and we would like to show you in massachusetts, campaigning for someone who is by the way behind double digits right now, her republican opponenhere is the ff state. listen to this. [applause] >> you know, it is businesses that create jobs. you know, that old theory, trickle-down economics. and that is been tried and has failed and it has failed rather spectacularly. [laughter] lou: explain that. you worked for president clinton. >> it is able to explain it more difficult to justify.
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to explain, she's in elizabeth warren country, the only person that can be totally clinton. she's a populist. lou: let's talk about justifying it. >> i don't know if you have a different view but the last time i checked, american jobs are created by corporations based on national investments. >> i disagree. >> i'm fine with investments. lou: let me refocus this between you two. this is about the secretary, the former as they thing you didn't build that. corporations and businesses don't create jobs. have you ever heard anything on the campaign trail even as remotely as absurd? >> is completely absurd and it's not true. the country killed by hard-working entrepreneurs. >> we know that. but we won't understand why should we listen to what she said? >> at elizabeth warren.
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[laughter] lou: okay, she may well be him it's great to see you. that's it for us tonight. stay tuned for neil neil cavuto because he's coming up next. ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter.
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neil: tonight on cavuto it's time to end this ebola crisis. and we could have the guy who could end it now. russell, stepped in to fix the chaos in katrina and calls for him to end the chaos we call ebola. in just a minute. the raging cajun is here. plus, all this might have you down, but some say that america's best days could actually be around the corner. lots of homeowners are under water seriously so. and washington's new plan could leave you more than drowning. is wall street's jewel now a dud. a shakedown after a big


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