tv Forbes on FOX FOX Business October 26, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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economic parade. leave it to terri's passing to rain on economic reporting itself. we'll miss you, friend. terri. ebola in manhattan. the most densely populated metropolis in america. infected new yorkers, a physician who treated patients in west africa, and he just flew back through jfk airport clearing our supposedly newly enhanced ebola screening process. so does this prove that screening doesn't work, and the only thing that will work is a travel ban from the ebola outbreak region? hi, everybody. i'm david assen, and welcome to "forbes on fox." in focus to find out. our panel. a lot of other countries are imposing a travel ban, and to some effect.
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>> yeah. we definitely want to help people affected by ebola. absolutely. that's what a lot people want. it's a travel ban and pulling visas including 15 countries including africa. bahamas, the caribbean. south america countries are doing it. it's pulling visas as well. that's what they're doing. no direct flights to the u.s. in these affected area, but the stopping of the visas and the travel bans, we're seeing that taking hold. >> and you can see the stamp on the passport to know where people are coming from. john tamny, the fact is, countries in africa, like south africa, like nigeria, they say these travel bans have been effective in their combating of the transition of the disease. so why shouldn't we use it? >> it will not work. if we ban flights from those parts of the world all they have to do, fly from countries we have not ban flights from. >> i just mentioned.
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you see the stamps in the passports. unless people can fake that? >> fair enough, but i say even then, where's the money to fly into the u.s.? i just think ultimately if they want to get here they're going to get here. in theory ban flights from around the world, from all countries, but it would be a hideous economic cost. we've got to relax. not every single problem that we perceive as big requires a federal response, and i think with time we're going to realize that this one doesn't either. >> but this is sort of really basic government stuff. is it not, sabrina? to protect the citizens? imposed quarantines on vands areas in the united states before. we're doing it now. shouldn't we do it from the countri countries? >> oh, absolutely. i adegree with elizabeth here. the fact we have an administration more concerned with political correctness than properly protecting the american people. lots of countries have issued quarantines and restricted travel in africa. lots of airlines have already stepped up.
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right? we have british airways and senegal and korean airways all limited travel. there's two things we can do. restrict travel and then have a more aggressive screening process and we have to take it more seriously. it has a 70% kill rate, and that is with healthy people. so this is a serious disease we need to get more prepared for. >> rick, the senegalese and other africans say this has been very effective. you were kind of leaning towards a travel ban before. have you changed? >> i've actually changed a bit and the interesting. i got a comment on john tamnys remark, interesting. they very much of maed what most physicians in the country are saying. that's worth noting. >> not most. it's actually not most, but go ahead. >> okay. so -- here's where i'm kind of getting to, and it's interesting. we're finding out through john tamny, this is not a political question. people forget alan gracin one of the most progressive members of the congress was the first to call for a travel ban. i actually maam much more
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favorable of the idea of letting people come but putting them in a quarantine immediately if they came from one of those countries. i think that's more effective. would have been more effective in the case of this doctor. >> by the way, we're going to talk about that on another show in this freedom -- cost of freedom block, but, rich, specifically with regard to the government imposing a travel ban from west african countries affected by ebola. for or against it? >> i'm against it. i think the greatest threat to global health is poverty because the global economy is slowing down. 7 billion people, when the economy goes from 5% to 2% or 3% growth that materially affects hundreds of millions of people in a negative way. what we're doing when we send out the signal, i think it's an overresponse it try to ban travel, it's that we're going to -- we're sending panic out into the world where we don't need panic right now. it's the last thing we need right now. >> but the point is, i agree
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with the lofty intentions, but the fact is that takes time to deal with economic things. this is something that is affecting us right now. this has to be dealt with immediately. does it not? >> yeah. talk to the first responders, doctors on the front lines, and the nurses on the front line, they are saying the united states, we are not prepared. the nurses union is saying that. do a travel ban or pull visas until we are prepared, to sabrina's point. the red cross is saying you can stop it in west africa in a four to six-month time with also, experts are saying, with the travel ban and pulling visas. >> and sabrina, the fact is a lot of private sector individuals, whether in the unions with the airlines or airlines themselves may trump government action here. correct? >> well, that's absolutely the case and look, this word "preparedness" is the big one. i'm against the culture of alarmism. i don't want hysteria or overreaction.
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when i read the university of columbia is saying we can keep it under control as long as we take the timeliness to make sure we are prepared. that tells me we need to buy time, be more careful, more vigilant about who we're ledding into the country now. >> john tamny, rightly suspicious of government ish tos able to handle these situations. aren't you equally suspicious of claims by cdc and others in government that they could control this thing without a travel ban? >> of course i'm skeptical but i think that speaks to a broader point. government responses to anything are incompetence and slow motion. why, if this is such a big scare works we rely on these individuals to create some sort of national response? i think this is a situation where republicans and conservatives should say we do not elect presidents and do not expect the federal government also to fight infectious diseases. this is something we will handle locally. it's not a national response. >> yes, it is. >> it's by desks going to be -- >> i don't know about that, john. >> hold on's one at a time.
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go to rich for a second. even universities, rich, like harvard university, all of these liberal institutions, are now calling for travel bans from their own students and their own faculty going to these places? >> well, you raised a lot of good points here, but i think if -- you know, the airlines do not want to fly there op their own. that's a better way of going about it than the government which is prone to these overresponses and incompetence. >> certainly this government is prone to incompetence. wouldn't argue that, but over response with regard to ebola, i don't think overresponding, i think they've been under responding. >> from the health sector, doctors and nurses on camera all week on fox and experts in government. what they're talking about now is they don't like the way the system is set up to stop the ebola outbreak. they're saying it's flawed. it's based on a voluntary reporting system. that's how we had the doctor, god bless him for being with doctors without borders, he came
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in voluntarily and reported voluntarily he had a fever. how do you know he's not infectious ten minutes before the fever is there? >> exactly. >> a lot of saying, god bless him for doing the work he did, shouldn't he have imposed -- if a responsible doctor doesn't quarantine himself after coming from an ebola area, like this doctor apparently did not, does that mean it's time for the government to step in? >> you've heard me say already i think it's a good idea we have the quarantine i'll say this about the preparedness issue. we've come a long way since what happened in dallas and have to acknowledge it. look at the way bellevue hospital behaved in new york this past week when they came up with that one case of the doctor. beautiful job -- >> look what's going on -- >> hold on a second. something else, sabrina that has to be said here. we don't know exactly how many patients there are. emory university down in atlanta had a patient that was admitted. we still are not sure if that patient had ebola. he released a statement, the patient, after released saying,
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i want the public to know that loe althougloe e! is a serioubo doesn't know the extent of this? >> a lot of misinformation spread around, and a similar case right here in washington, d.c. and i think one of the kearns people say, oh, you know, people get the flu. more people will die from the flu. the reality is the people who die from the flu are usually vulnerable from some other illness. elderly or very young. ebola is attacking people who are otherwise health pip that's what's frightening about this. and i think we absolutely need to be much more aggressive in how we're tackling it. >> last word from sabrina. coming up, the gloves are off. candidates in a key senate race accusing each other now of profiteering personally from serving in public office. now the "forbes" gang is about to deliver a k.o. punch preventing all lawmakers from making money off of government programs
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noon eastern. see you then. but now, back to "forbes on fox." as the election closes in, accusations of profiteering from public service are flooding in. north carolina's democratic senator and gop rival accusing each other of profiting off of government services that they voted on. sabrina, you have a way to stop all lawmakers from making money off of their votes. tell us how. >> yeah. we have to outlaw political profiteering and the best way to do that, shrink the size of government. look, this kay hagan example is eerily reminiscent with maxine waters, her hur, director of one united bank in new york was having talks with the treasury department and next thing we know, t.a.r.p. gave them $12 million. this is all suspicious. at the very least, a conflict of interests. yes, shrink government and a lot of this will go away. >> mike, even the speaker, the former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, was involved in
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some of this. >> right. her husband reportedly. >> allegedly, we should say. >> made a lot of money out of land related to a railroad that nancy pelosi was pushing in california. but sabrina hit the nail on the head, david. the only way we're going to get rid of this type of thing is to reduce the amount of money and the amount of influence that washington has. if you go back to, say, 1960, to today, the size of government spending in all levels, adjusted for population, adjusted for inflation, has almost tripled. that's why these guys go there. they feed off of the public trough because that's where the money is. >> some things people in congress can do that we would be arrested for doing. for example, nancy pelosi, back to nancy pelosi. she and her husband were involved in a visa ipo thing, most normal people can't get involved to with begin with while working on legislation that affected the credit card business. their ipo stock zoomed up over
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200%. again, sort of doing inside information stuff that we couldn't do. >> yeah. right. i guess this is what senator elizabeth warren meant when she said this gig is rigged. nancy pelosi, she and her husband got the ipo early and then lobbyists were coming into nancy pelosi's office saying, allegedly saying, basically curtail this new legislation that would curb credit card swipe fees. we see this alleged behavior happening time and again, and it ain't good. >> we should mention rook, she was cleared. went through the congressional cleaning process, so to speak. they said she didn't do anything wrong, of course they did, because they didn't want to point fingers at themselves. >> an absolute convince dense that all that you've caught involved democrats. >> hold on. that's not true, rick. come on. we began the seg mchbt saying that kay hagan and her -- exchanging charges.
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plus, denny hastert has been involved in some of this, public land, et cetera. plenty of cases on both the left and right. shouldn't we try to stop it, rick. that's the question? >> we absolutely should. setting aside the fact sabrina pretty much called for a constitution amendment to shrink of members of congress we have, talking members of congress, not all of government. of course we should. i think anybody in congress should remand themselves from a vote and a committee anytime that there's some possibility of having a conflict like that. >> john tamny, they're not going to do it by themselves. we know that. we saw nn nancy pelosi, a cover i'll call it with her and her husband. don't we have to amend the regs? >> i wish every american would take the time to visit washington, d.c. over the past 12 years, d.c. has been booming. >> a great point. >> really, you cannot -- you
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can't, you know, outlaw things like this. we're talking about human nature here. and so to sabrina's point, really the only way to do this, shrink the size of government substantially. that why they're here. this is where the money is. it's republicans and democrats. generals, you name it, getting very rich. >> hold on. sabrina was saying while government's too big, there are things we can do about this. right? quickly. >> i don't think we can get rid of all bad actors. corruption comes from the process of picking winners and losers. when government is giving to everyone, everyone's trying to gain the system. ask congressman recuse themselves from bills and things they may have a conflict in interest in. it's not that complicated. people have to do that in the private sector every day. >> and john is right. see how the capitol has grown. it's really obscene. what would make this moose try to get in a house? of course, to watch neil's special election coverage, of
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course, here on the fox news channel. separately on our spister network, fox business network. where else can you see the brightest mind and business? all coming to join neil, not just about who controls congress. it's about who controls your tax dollars? all kicking off with dash to the clash, right here next saturday, 10:00 a.m. to noon eastern and switch to fox business network on november 4th, and election eve. neil will are live starting at 8:00 a.m. i'll be with him covering the drama. a lot of fun. the results, instant market reaction from around the globe. don't miss it. coming up here, from terrorist chatter to homegrown terror, "cashin' in" asking in private social pedia companies should do more to stop it. or is that the government's job. first a huge obamacare surprise spike about to kick in. the answer is, yes. but it won't happen until after the election. interesting timing. interesting timing. is it not?
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what are you doing? i can't believe you're watching this without me. we agreed we'd catch up on everything tonight. if i did this to you, you'd murder me in my sleep. you know what? just watch it by yourself. (sighs) i can't not know when i know that you know. the latest episodes of the top 100 shows are preloaded and ready to watch with xfinity on demand. forget an october surprise before the election. americans are about to get an obamacare surprise right after it. a new study showing the average price for the cheapest obamacare plan will jump 14% next year with some policies spiking as high as 64%. you've had experience with this. share it with us. >> unfortunately i have and got my letter here. so my plan on the exchange was supposed to jack up by 18.4%.
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i have dropped out of the plan. i am going get a different plan, because this is ridiculous. it's horrible for contractors for small business owners, when i moved to the exchange, president obama lied to me. he said you can keep your doctor. i did not get to keep my doctor, period. >> rick, calling this a surprise. a lot of the information because of eck tos like carrie, coming out before the election. >> it was interesting. read it with great interest. look what the kaiser family foundation, generally regarded as a fair and balanced group, they came out with a very different result using the same cities. suggested it could actually go down a teeny bit. here's what i discovered, and i'll live it to you to decide for yourself. it's in the methodology. if you think that your salary's going to go up next year, based on inflation, then what the article says could be true. if you think it's -- let me finish. if you think it's going to stay eastern, you're not going to see this. >> mike, the fact is carrie begs to differ. she's got experience.
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a lot of people with street cred on this issue. are there not? >> david, the numbers came in for the first half of 2014. what we're seeing from obamacare is ultimate it's about shared misery for all, except perhaps the very pelthealthy. 71% of enrollees have been put on medicaid. that's supposed to be for the poor. >> right. sabrina, another example. quickly. >> i do. i have my letter here, because it doesn't say like carrie's, exactly how much it's going up but i like my insurance. very clear saying the affordable care act requires they cover all courts of things i don't have covered. i expect i'll get the letter carrie did saying my premiums go up. i have a health savings account. happy with it. family of five, affordable. i'm sure it won't be. >> i have to -- >> the fact is, deductibles are going up, too. the bronze plan is going up $5,081, deductible. a huge increase. >> none of this should surprise
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anyone. we predicted this on the show for months and months. when you increase demand without providing any incentive for the supply of new innovative health care that could drive down costs, as it drives down the costs of innovation drives down the costs of practically every other field, then it's inevitable that prices will go up. >> supply and demand. can't avoid it. don't fool mother nature. coming up, more investors bailing out of this rocky market, but are
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we are back where the stock informers are actually buy you knop. emac, aerospace and defense? >> blue chip names, honeywell and boeing. buy it on a dip as the global recovery continues. >> wait until it goes down. john tamny, buying? >> skeptical of the apartment tight for defense spending is down. >> you like coach. why? >> growing economy will push people back into more luxury items.
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>> i'm sure emac loves the coach bags? >> i do. consumer spending continues to get pinched. buy on the dip. that's it for "forbes on fox." have a wonderful weekend. here. the number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." we are everywhere. chilling words from isis as the terrorist group reins in north america. how can we fight back before this happens again? plus, what do the most business friendly states have in common? they all have republican governors. take a guess who owns most of the leaf states? all voters need to hear this before they vote. and "cashin' in" for not working? raking in hundreds of millions in paid leave
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