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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  October 27, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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prices and keep it on brent. wti will keep going until economics don't make sense. those that are drilling already will pump. david: bob, thanks very much. >> "willis report is coming up next. thanks for being here. david: we'll see yoo tomorrow. gerri: welcome to the "willis report." we begin tonight with break news. the cdc just announcing additional ebola guidelines. the agency introducing four new categories of risk from high-risk, those with direct contact with patients in west africa, to those with no identifiable risk. with more, peter barnes at the white house. peteer? >> that's right, gerri. what the cdc is trying to do here is categorize levels of risk depending on possible exposure to ebola patients. and then appropriate responses. it is recommending appropriate responses to those less of risk. as you mentioned, the top risk here is the high-risk category,
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those people with direct contact and care of patients, particularly in best west africa, with direct exposure to bodily fluids. which would put them at risk for getting infected themselves, to some level risk. these include hospital workers in the u.s. people who might be in africa but didn't get close to any of these patients who have come back, a low risk, non-zero level and finally, no identifiable risk. the cdc is recommending for the high-risk is category, direct active monitoring and home isolation for those people and that would include, not going out in public in commmnity events. not traveling in airlines or public transportation f they want to travel they have to make other arrangements. cdc director tom frieden said they could go out for a jog but we don't want them in con a gant
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activities as he tribed -- described it. kongregant he said if the states want to be more stringent in the guidelines he conceded they have the ability to do that. stronger quarantines may -- health care workers fall into the high-risk category and hurt recruitment of health care workers to go to the ebola-ravaged countries in west africa. we don't want to turn these health care workers into pariahs. gerri. gerri: peter, thank you for that. well the cdc issuing guidelines as the u.s. army orders controlled monitoring for 2-star general and 11 others who spent 11 days in liberia helping with ebola crisis. the joint chiefs of staff recommending that the military impose a mandatory 21-day quarantine for all troops returning from ebola-stricken
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countries. cdc released the into new jersey nurse after she threatened to sue. they joined new york and illinois issuing mandatory quarantines.3 we have cdc new rules. congregant actions? this sound so complicated and difficult to understand. we seem to walk further and further away from 21-day quarantines. what is your reaction? >> problem here is the cdc they're chasing issue. got guidelines wrong for hospitals. you had two nurses infected in dallas. states, new york, new jersey, florida, acting on their own. cdc is not providing guidelines with health care workers with highest risk actively treating patients in africa. this is creating a trust gap between the federal government and states and public because they seem to be chasing the problem. gerri: chasing the problem and these new guidelines sound pretty complicated to me i have to say.
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you mentioned tates, new york and new jersey wanted to put in place 21-day quarantines for people come being into the area who might have been exposed in some way to ebola but now they're backing off of all that% is that a good idea? shouldn't we have in place some kind of protection forru.s. citizens? >> look, even among the aids groups, i had a group, people like samaritan purse, after their health workers come back, 21-day self-quarantine. don't take public transportation. observe a three-foot rule. don't hug people. you do have some risk, not zero risk but some very low risk. out of abundance of caution they're taking that approach. i think that is the right approach. i think quarantining these people, making them feel like approach. these are heroes here. the risk of transmission is low. better to get out ahead and say, -@for these workers here are clr guidelines you should observe when you come back. gerri: that's what states were
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trying to do. now they're backing off from that. now we're hearing from the cdc, recommending local health centers, monitor, maintain contact with people coming back from the affected area. is that enough? aren't we relying on people's keeping their word about what they're going to do? >> well, look, the states have all the power here. the cdc actually can not require the states to do anything. these are suggested guidelines. the states are going to be on the front lines no matter what happens. they have been acting out of abundance of caution. at end of the day, public need to know until you are actively ill, seriously i, your risk of transmission is very, very low, extra dreamily low. -- extremely low. gerri: interesting that the joint chiefs of staff are mulling 21-day quarantines for all soldiers when they come back. one part of the government saying one thing. another part of the government saying something totally different. what do you make of this? >> what i make i think they have got it backwards. health care workers highest risk, troops constructing health care facilities extremely low
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risk. on the other hand if you have thousands of troops and you will have thousands of troops over there, you roll the dice enough times you will get one transmission. out of abundance of caution they're doing. that monitor something much more appropriate for the troops than health care workers at the highest level. gerri: speaking of one of those workers in the front lines, kaci hickkx, kaci hickox, i will say that again, she is the nurse, see picture of her right there. david: who was told she would be in quarantine and new jersey changed its mind. letting her go, letting her free. there is nothing to stop her from traveling virtually anyway. she s from maine. maybe she goes back there, we juut don't know. is that a good idea. >> we're citizens of the united states, without good reason we'll not just quarantine somebody. there are great ways to look at problem. there are blood test for ebola. within three to five days directly exposed to ebola, there will be virus part sells in your -- particles in your body. here is electronic monitor.
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take it home. test your temperature three, four types a day. that transmission is electronically sent to health care expert. if you don't take it we'll come down on you a little harder some there are degrees of monitoring here. again the blood test can be very certain, almost certain test within three to five days of potential exposures. and that is first line of defense. gerri: speaking of the blood test, we have a five-year-old tested today. this results sometime we'll certainly report it when we do. being tested for ebola, the story goes on and on. 446 health care workers have been infected with ebola who were in the area, west africa. five f them are americans who returned to the u.s. you talk about, you know, making sure that people have their civil rights. i think higher priority has to be keeping americans safe, don't you agree? >> but at end of the day, what we do know, medicine is frontier, "doctors without borderses"hundred physicians
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observing dealing with ebola patients. only three have been infected so far. until you are literally, pardon the expression, spewing vomit or diarrhea you are not at high-risk for transmission. as long as we're actively monitoring peoppe. that is exactly what the states are doing. gerri: i couldn't agree with you, paul. we told the storyylast week of the doctor who came to new york and did not self-monitor effectively, went all over the city. i was told, you know it is human nature just to do that. so, selffmonitoring may not be enough. paul, thank you for coming on sharing your opinion. we appreciate night my pleasure. >> now we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. should there be a mandatory quarantine for returning health care workers? log on to vote on right-hand side of the screen. i will share results at the end of tonight's show. >> invasion of ebola in the u.s. has americans wondering, how would you pay for that? is your insurance going to cover
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happens? with more on this, andrew stitch a health care pricing network for nerd wallet. richard kaczynski, for insurer epic underwriting some of these policies. start with the idea how expensive thii is. andrew, to you, we know that in the case of some of these folks who have been treated as many as 76 health care workers are working on them. how much does it cost to take care of an ebola patient? >> great question, gerri, and you know just like any other procedure in the health care system it will vary widely from hospital to hospital. what we're seeing is an effect and reflection of the current health care system where hospital charges vary widely from one facility to another depending on labor inputs and how many people are involved in the cost of care. as well as -- gerri: it could be millions, right? it could be millions of dollars? we understand that dallas was, you know -- >> yeah. gerri: floating over a million dollars for the care of duncan
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there, who actually died of the disease. give me some real numbers. >> yeah. i'm not surprised to see estimates ranging from 5,000 to $25,000 per day. it is really going to vary on a couple of different factors. gerri: okay. let's give richard a chance to get in hereetoo because you're actually underwriting some of this insurance. i understand you're underwriting insurance for hospitals. tell as you little bit about that and what kind of interest you're getting at this point. >> sure, gerri. thank you for having me on the show. so we have partnered with lloyd's of london recently and we are bringing to the market something called essential professionals insurance coverage. what epic provide is really indemnity policy that provide a benefit for these specific occupational hazards that health care workers -- gerri: richard, help e understand in english what that means? what are you covering? what are you underwriting?
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>> so we provide the ability for a nurse or health care law,,3 health care worker or a law enforcement professional to buy very inexpensive coverage in the event that they get infected through bodily, something like ebola or hiv or hepatitis-b or c. for nominal amount of $269 per year they get $200,000 of coverage if the worst case happens and they get infected with bowl ol' or some other type of blood pathogen. gerri: you sell to individuals or sell to police departments or health care systems? who is the end market? >> we've been providing this coverage for over a year now, primarily through unions to large health care hospitals and other institutions. we just announced ability to provide an individual, the ability to buy an individual policy on our website. gerri: okay. >> also we are also providing it through hospitals as well on group plans. gerri: all right. let's get andrew back here.
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>> more people, less expensive it will be. gerri: the other big headline which i think is so interesting, a lot of companies are excluding ebola coverage and what they say, andrew, that the impact on premiums would be astronomical. it would be too expensive to offer it. often not kind of coverage richard is talking about. sometimes coverage for event organizers, businesses who have people who work for them traveling to the region. what do you make of this? is this, is this something you've seen before? >> you know most health insurance carriers are probably still going to be covering ebola, unless the case, for example, a health care worker went overseas and came back. that may falllanother type of insurance such as workers comp. what it will cost an individual at end of the day will depend on exact type of plan they have, where they ended up receiving care and how intensive that care was at the hospital. gerri: richard, do toy, are you surprised by this?
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with subpoenas saying we'll not underwrite this. >> i'm not surprised at all. i think this will take the same course that hiv exclusions have in the past. to andrew's point some numbers i heard $600,000 plus for nina pham's cost of care. gerri: wow. >> what epic provide some sort of a financial safety net that can help defray some of these astronomical costs. no one is going to pay for the average health care worker to be flown to cdc facility to get health care. gerri: how can you afford the coverage? if you say a lot of companies don't want to foot the bill, how can you do when others can't? >> this is lloyd's of londdn..3 lloyd's of london has 500 year history of underwriting specialty risks. lloyd's is insurer of specialty risks throughout the entire world and has that history. so we understand the risks. we have understand how to price
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it correctly and we understand how the claims are going to be paid out. gerri: andrew, richard, thank you so much for being on the show tonight. great job. >> thank you, gerri. >> we have more to come this hour including your voice. your voice is important to us. that's why during the show we want you to facebook me or tweet me @gerriwillisfbn or send me an email, just go to at the bottom of the hour i will read your tweets and emails. we debate next whether the quarantines are the way to go. a vaccine for ebola seems still too far off. we'll have latest where companies are in the process of developing them after this. ♪ ameriprise askedeople a simple question: in retirent, will you havenougmoy to live lifen your?
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gerri: the deadly ebola virus infected 10,000 people around the world and killed nearly 5,000. the race to find vaccine is on. development face as slew of challenges. we have the president and ceo of geovacs which is currently developing two ebola vaccines. welcome to the show. great to have you here, robert.3 i want to talk about the vaccine. obviously that is what everybody wants to see, would be so great to eradicate ebola.
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first case back in the 1970s. more than 40 years ago. this has been around for a long time. why don't we already have effective vaccine? >> first, gerri a pleasure to be here. thank you. 40 years is a long time. i think there are some vaccines that are actually mothballed and put on a shelf. some of those vaccines are now being dusted off. some of them started their clinical trials. there is nothing to say that those particular vaccines are going to be the ones that will answer the problem. all they can state to us is the fact that we're using current generation ebola in the vaccine that we intend to put out. gerri: that is a very good point this thing changes overover time. it is not always the exact same virus, that's for sure. tell me what you're doing now, from what i understand, ebola is not that big after mystery how it operates. how hard is it to develop a vacs teen to stop isn't. >> we've been working on hiv vaccine for the last 12 years.
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i think hhv is considerably more difficult than ebola vaccine. sweat constructs. we'll use the same basic methodology we're using for hiv cac seen which has shown pretty good success. we'll apply that technology to ebola. gerri: how close are you? >> we're about 15 to 18 months, depending upon the financing that we're able to get for the company. we might be able to speed up that calendar. gerri: what is the problem? seems to me this should be something people are throwing money at? >> i think it takes time for things like the funding to actually ramp up. to be hooest with you, just last couple of weeks we've seen a number of grand proposals come from both the department of defense, and the nih. so there is a step up on interest in funding for ebola. gerri: my understanding is that the end market is really governments. so you've got to get the government to believe your
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solution. how many other challenges are there out in the field who also want the government dollars? >> well you know, the biggest challenge for somebody like ourselves that is a biotech is a of course fund something number one issue. after that, can you make the vaccine? is it going to be effective? will it be long-lasting or one dose or multiple doses. our vaccine from our experience in the hiv realm, we belief we can do this with one dose. we know our platformmworks nicely for hiv. applying to ebola we know it should be successful. gerri: with ebola how do you test? not like you can give people a little ebola to see how the vaccine works? >> no of course not. the animal models are well-defined. they will be done in rodents. geovacs is building relationship with people at cdc for instance, to be able to use their facility to test whether or not our
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vaccine would be effective. gerri: robert, i feel badly taking up your time. go ahead, find the solution. >> no, no. gerri: thank you so much for coming on the show tonight. >> you're welcome. my pleasure. >> coming up later in the show, gas prices continue to plummet as ddivers rejoice. we'll have the latest numbers. and neet, will all the good news come to an end if the fed begins taking away the punchbowl this week. we'll have previewwfrom one leading voice in the bond world. stay with us. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchry financial, bringing new meaning to t word rtnershi banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financl.
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enagage with us. wi centurylink visionary cloud a brinfrastructure, and custom communications solutitions, your biness is more reliablesecureand agile. metimes theyusdrop in. alys obvious. cmgroup can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach glal markets and drive foard with der possibilities. cme group: ou to reach hothe world advances.
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gerri: earnings alert. twitter coming out with results an hour from now. revenue higher than expectations at 361 million.
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that compares to 351 millionn the number of users also jumped 23%. investors seeing something in the report they didn't like since the stock is down roughly 10% in after-hours trading. meanwhile all eyes on the federal reserve as it kicks off two-day policy mmeting tomorrow. investors and bond fund holders3 are looking for any clues if they raise rates and what it will mean for bottom lines. we have a vice president and portfolio manager of loomis. its bond fund is rated four stars by "morningstar." you're the perfect person to have on the show today. of the dan, thankssfor coming on. a top performing bond fund manager. i want to talk about the fed to see what you think they will do. will they extend or end what is called quantitative easing by the pros? what i call goosing the economy, what will happen? >> we, i wish i knew for sure.
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my before the guess is that qe3 is coming to a formal end. now the aftermath of qe three goes on for a long, long time. i doubt if the fed will say anything at this meeting that would cause, best guesses to change at all. i think it is steady as she goes and rely on data in the future. they are more sensitive to the international scene and to disrupted parts of word and to the level our market and interest rates has on other markets around the world. gerri: so we had some bad news out of europe obviously. the economy not doing so great there. china slowing down as well. talk to me a little bit what you see impacts of not goosing the
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economy not quite to the extent they have been in. what happens to stocks, what happens to bonds, what happens to the economy? >> again, imponderable. our economy in the u.s. and north america, our economy is quite good right now. we're growing at rate several times past the population. not so much you would ccll it a boom. gerri: no. >> more of a controlled expansion. and, europe is in the tank. asia, china, i'm not so sure how much that is slowing down. so the impact on the markets, it is a gentle impact. the one thing you need to watch is in the bond market. it probably is going to be bit longer than i or many others thought until the fed really lets short rates come up. it may be a much longer time.
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or, if the international scene quiets down, it will be fairly soon. i think it is going to be a longer time. gerri: "the wall street journal" in an article today saying it will be maybe not even next year until rates rise. do you think that is a possibility? >> it is certainly possible. a year ago i didn't think it would be this long. but it is international, if i can emphasize one thing. it is the detemporary race -- deterioration internationally that aught everybody's fed. and that causes them to go slower when it comes to letting rates in the us go up. gerri: danny, you've managed money in the bond arena for a long time. our viewers have been huge fans of bonds. what's your advice to them tonight? >> well, i'd be cautious.
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the -- you don't desert the bond market by any means, but you do have desert the bond market. specifically with regard to maturity. bring in maturities of it, but not so far as you have a real ir haircut on income. so that brings you into the intermediate space. number one. number two, realize that when rates do start up, the credit dynamics certainly do change. as long as rates are thhs low, it is very helpful to the marginal credit but when rates start up it becomes a very different scene and you don't want to learn after the fact.n't so you have to get a bit more cautious on the credit side. gerri: meaning, some those high-yield bond funds, maybe not? >> i don't worry too much about the fund unless they're extreme on the credits. if they're pushing for, you you know, just maximum
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current yield, then i would -- i would worry. but the reality is, i don't think too many of the high yield funds do that. so it's a matter of degree. it's more on the individual side that i would worry with people using just, you know, buying a couple different credits on their own and pushing for maximum yield. there, i would be really concerned. gerri: there you have it. word from one of the top-ranked bond managers country. dan, thanks for being on tonight. appreciate it. >> you're very welcome, thank you. >> many up we're looking -- coming up we're looking for you and your money in this volatile trading time. speaking of volatility, oil falling below the benchmark of 80 bucks a barrel. what that means for you after the break. ♪
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gerri: fox business alert toyota continues the strain as the most reliable automaker. the company's toyota and lexus have topped the annual rankings. audi was the highest scoring non-japanese brand at number five while buick was the only domestic brand to make the op ten. and mercedes benz fell in the rankings as consumer reports say they put glitz and glamour in front of reliabilitt. good news for you at the gas pump, the national average price for regular leaded gasoline falling to a four-year low of just over $3 a gallon. joining me now is fox business contribute phil flynn, phil, always good to see you. >> thank you. i'm ready to celebrate.
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come on. if we break $3 a gallon, you and i are going out and partying. it's been four years. gerri: we're crying a river here at the network because it's bad for the industry, but for consumers it's a holiday. >> they're going to feel richer, they'll feel happier. people get rankier when gas prices go up. gerri: it's not juss being cranky. >> it is. they do and they feel down.r when prices go they have more money in their pockets. already we've seen in some of the data like the consumer confidence data, they're feeling better about the economy. it's amazing what lower gasoline prices can do for you. i'll tell you -- gerri: well, i was just going to ask you it's not just this day thing, goldman sachs looking forward several years, we'll continue to have low gas prices. how do they figure that?
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>> us oil production is continuing to boom. advertised on the air many times we're in a new era of gasoline prices. we have to thank the oil companies. we used to blame the oil companies when prices went up, they're messing with us, but it's really been their innovation that's created this oil boom in the united states that will lead to an era of low gasoline prices. we're putting the pressure not only on opec, but, you know, all those countries that don't like us in the middle east, we're saying we're going to be oil independent. that's great for the u.s. gerri: and it's great policy to have that independence. you just saw the expectation from goldman, prices are going to decline another 17 percent. that's the oil forecast. i want you to respond to a number from the heritage foundation. they say these oil gas prices are equivalent of a 200 billion-dollar% cost savings to american consumers and
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businesses. this is important. how much does that mean to the average american, do you think? >> i think it adds one and a quarter percent to the gdp. it means more jobs. it's a big boom. you know, i hate to think where the economy would be if it weren't for the boom in the us oil production. this is one of the best things the us economy has had going for it in the last couple of years years. the oil industry because of the oil prices and the jobs they created really carried the economy on their back. approximate they're one of the bright spots if you have to have to look at a industry that's not only giving an economy a boost, but i think long-term this is going to be a long-term situation that will be around giving the economy a strength for years to come. gerri: it's an important thing. now, if we can just convince airlines to cut their prices. >> right. well, you know, the poor airlines, they finally got it into their heads after not hedging for
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years that maybe we got to hedge these prices because they keep going up on us. a lot of them locked in hedges at which higher prices. the good news, once those hedges start to come off, those prices will go down. jet fuel demand has been going through the roof. we've been seeing strong demand for jet fuel. there's better competition in the air, i think, there's more business travel going on. that's a good sign for the economy. gerri: goldman sachs says 75 bucks a barrel. we're feeling richer as a result. thanks for coming on the show tonight. and if you want to head to the states with the cheapest gas. seventeen states have an average gas price below [no audio] and mississippi is at 280 a gallon. @ighest remains the
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highest of the pumper with an average above four bucks a gallon. of course, now we want to hear from you. the un secretary general says the stigma facing health care orkers who have been treated with ebola victims should end. this is another state. maryland announces another mandatory quarantine. do you agree with that? here's what you are tweeting me. seth writes why is this a question, of course, there should be. take no chances. steve said,,of course. they did the same years ago when they did so to immigrantss ted said, why is it so bad for three weeks of your life. it's reasonable. yes, it's not a denial of rights it's preservation of life and keeping the general population safe. melanie, i agree with you. and whennwe come back, some pretty big stumbling blocks for apple pay. we'll tell you how you @an ride the
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rollercoaster that has been the stock market lately. here's our consumer gauge. we'll be right back.
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gerri: buying high and selling low, small investors repeatedly get burned by mistiming the stock market particularly investors who aren't well off. a recent survey shows over 5 million households in the bottom 90 percent bailed out of the stock market just as it started to rebound. only the ultra wealthy kept buying stocks during the decline which ended up making the rich richer and the poor poorer. one of our viewers came on the show and described the devastating losses he and his wife faced in the downturn. listen to this. >> i lost 35 percent out of my 401(k), and my
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wife lost probably 25 percent out of her 403b account. and we're worried about that -- over the next 12 years before we retire, it could be multiple corrections. gerri: i know a lot of you out there had the same problems. could there be another correction? we don't know. howl small investors probably the same. joining me now to have a conversation about it we have ed, the founder of ira rainer and ralph president and owner he's also a financial advisor. start with the financial journalist. i've seen this over and over and over again where people get so frightened, so scared about a declining market that they just want out at any cost. but the cost is too high isn't it? >> yeah, and it's a really good time to think about your overall
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investment. in my book which is primarily for student loan brothers. i dedicate half the book to budgeting. when it comes to the stock market, you shouldn't be in it if you need the money in the immediate future. gerri: i think that's what happened to a lot of people out there. during the turn down during 2008, people lost 30, 40 percent of their savings. and they said, i just can't afford that. what should you do when the market starts to tank? >> the worst thing to panic. if those people stayed like you said earlier, they would have gotten it all back and then some, myself included. but if you're saving for retirement, you have to have a longer term time horizon, and you have to know your risk tolerance. gerri: you can't be retiring next year. i want folks to see these numbers. if you start the clock
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ticking at the worst part of the correction that would be march 2009 to today, the dow is up 156 percent. the s&p is up 189 percent. what do we learn from those numbers, al? >> what we've learned, nobody has a crystal ball. timing the market is probably one of the worst things you can do at any time. we try to educate our clients and make sure they have pure exit strategies. that they understand the closer they are to retirement, they understand what the goals of the portfolio are so they can stay consistent. gerri: what do you mean by a clear exit strategy? what is as that that? >> what i mean is to have an absolute number. we're big on teaching our clients to make sure there's a number that we want to get out, at 10 percent stop loss. at a 20 percent stop loss. depending where we are in the horizon toward retirement..3 gerri: i think it's so
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interesting that people think you can time this. i've never been a fan of that. i can't tell what time to go for lunch much less when stocks will sell off. we have news research that shows the wealthier families don't try to time it. they only try to buy when stocks fall and that really helps their portfolios. rain a,to you, why is there such a disconnect for people from different socioeconomic backgrounds? >> i think a lot of it comes down to, if you have more money, you're less scared of changes. yes, for snib no matter what income level you are, you should stay in theestock market with the money you actually have set aside to be in the stock market. but -- and then you can make different changes. gerri: okay. so, ed, stay the course obviously, a lot of people have exited the stock market for good. they left they never came back. what would be your message to them?
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>> maybe now would be a good time to come back and buy back bargains. keep buying in and keep buying in. the market goes up and down. and up and down. but upward generally. gerri: over long periods of time. if you're retiring tomorrow or next year or next month, if you have a long time horizon, it makes a lot of sense. before you guys go, i want to get a response to the fed meeting this week. lots of concerns that all of that money flowing from the federal reserve bank is going to end. al, what are you telling your clients about that? >> we're telling our clients tt not expect any real big surprises. they're not in the mood to start things too much. i think quantitative easing will come to a end. interest rates will -@probably stay the same for the foreseeable future. gerri: ed. >> i'm telling them to
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ignore that. if anything, most retirees want interest rates to go up. >> stick to thinking about your basic budget and things that are important to you, and if you negotiate your car insurance, you negotiate your home insurance, you look at your student loans -- gerri: lots of work ahead of us. great job, all. and a programming note to you tonight on making money, charles payne is3 giving an investing 101 lesson on iivestment terms. it's advice you won't want to miss. my "2 cents more""and next apple pay is only a week old, and retailers are dropping out already. you'll want to hear why. it's an interesting explanation. we'll have the latest coming up. i'm only in my 60's.
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gerri: big retailers like right aid and cvs have declared war on apple pay. they've just shut down access to apple's new wallet and they want you to use their system instead. but is the consumer the ultimate loser. the ceo of we' luis, welcome back to the show. (?) this is a complete list. cvs, target, lowe's, best buy, they're all part of a merchant exchange conabsorb up until. why don't they want to use this apple system? (?) first of all, great to be back. two things transaction fees and ata. let's start with the first one. the whole reason they created this was to get
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away from credit card fees. they deal with -- any sort of percentage point they can get back is huge for them. gerri: let's slow it down. explain what that charge is, who gets it who pays it. >> so any time you make a payment, let's say you buy 100-dollar item at cvs or your total item was $100, they end up paying two to 3 percent to visa, mastercard, american express. they pay it out of their share of the profits. it hits them immediately. >> this is more about them trying to control their costs. there's an additional reason they're doing this, whaa is it? >> that's the data. consumers are finally getting open to sharing their data with companies. one in three consumers actually is willing to
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share what they purchased online. they want the retailers to reach out to them when they have some sort of rewards and deals. the most valuable data is the data at the apple gets to keep that data with the currency which is the app the retailers are able to keep. they get to keep the data across these transactions. it's huge for them to have access to this. gerri: there's two very big economic reasons why these retailers want to hang onto this. i'm a consumer like everyone else watching the show, so which is safer in terms of where my data and information is going how i might lose control of my information to the bad guys. >> let's remember and let's remind all consumers they have the power here. the consumers will decide. apple wins pretty much a landslide on which one is safer. one, the technology that apple based the apple pay system is nsi
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technology which is perhaps the most secure payment transaction technology out there. currency, the retailers app is actually qr based the second which is telling of the way they set up their apps, they want to get away from -@these credit cards. with apple pay you're putting in your credit card information. we all know or should all know hopefully as consumers that credit card protective measures are superior to bank account protective measures. this way, you're dealing one to one apple. you're dealing with your credit card that is dealing with apple. your bank information is actually stored somewhere in the cloud. gerri: apple safer. these other retailers their system not so much. lewis, thanks for coming on tonight.w we'll be right back.
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gerri: and finally some food that 5-year-old boy who entered the country this weekend and was staying at bellevue where he was in isolation has tested
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negative for ebola. again, the young boy, he will stay at the hospital and be tested for other diseases. that's it for tonight's willis report. making money with charles payne is up next. with details on this story. have a good night. charles: i'm charles payne and you're watching making money now a 5-year-old boy who had been in africa quarantined awaiting results for an ebola test. a confusing back and forth whether the pentagon is organized quarantine. peter by reasons is live in d.c. with the latest. >> well, charles, the new york city department of health has just announced that this 5-year-old boy who was admitted to bellevue hospitaa last night for possible ebola has tested negative for the disease. this is a 5-year-old boy who arrived from guinea recently and he was admitted to bellevue last night, put under observation. he had b


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